16 minute read
Senior Elizabeth Puthumana continues her studies in the UMKC six-year medical program
Funniest thing that happened to you? When I almost died due to a blueberry allergy and the ambulance came.
Finals week horror story? Failing Mid’s
PreCalc first semester final.
Moment you want to relive? My senior speech during the musical given by junior
Peyton Wade.
What teacher would you take to college?
Finals week horror story? I had a stub for an eraser on two finals sophomore year, one of them was math. So I had to pick and choose which problems I felt like needed more erasing.
Senior Quote? I am running away from my responsibilities, and it feels good.
Funniest pink slip? All of my pink slips made sense. I was out of uniform in plain sight.
Funniest pink slip? Mr. McGory gave me a pink slip for having coffee after I spilled it ALL over his floor.
What teacher do you see yourself as in 20
years? HOPEFULLY I’ll be Mrs. Murphy.
Favorite place? This sounds weird, but the bathrooms downstairs by the cafeteria OR the music room. Moment you want to relive? Senior Night for the musical.
Advice to your freshman self?
Continue to stay weird.
Senior Quote? The boiling water that hardens the egg, softens the noodle. Moment you want to relive? AP Chemistry with Timson junior year because the class was very chill, and titrations are probably the best thing I’ve ever done while at Sion. Advice to your freshman self? In the middle of your junior year, you are going to want to chop off all of your hair...Don’t do it.
Funniest pink slip? Getting a pink skip at 3:09 for sweatpants under my skirt.
Moment you want to relive? Winning dance team state for the 10th consecutive year.
Funniest thing that happened to you?
Mid adopting my creepy baby doll.
Finals week horror story? I made a gingerbread house freshman year instead of studying for my history final.
The Doctor Got In
Senior Elizabeth Puthumana embarks on her journey of earning a medical degree with her admission to UMKC School of Medicine’s selective sixyear medical program.
Sitting at dinner at Waldo Pizza with a friend as she basked in the joy of spring break, senior Elizabeth Puthumana glanced at her phone. Lighting up her screen, an e-mail from the University of Missouri-Kansas City appeared with a subject line reading “CONGRATULATIONS.”
“I wasn’t really expecting to get the decision that early,” Puthumana said. “I immediately called my parents—my mom was so happy. Right after that, I called my sister.”
Following in the footsteps of her sister, alumna Rose Puthumana ‘15, Puthumana was awarded admittance into UMKC School of Medicine’s bachelor and medical degree program March 13. The UMKC medical program offers students the opportunity to simultaneously earn their undergraduate and medical degree within the course of six years. As a highly selective and coveted program, the School of Medicine only admits approximately 110 to 115 students into the program out of 1300 applicants, according to UMKC office of admissions.
“I was just really happy that the people at the medical school saw in her what we see in her every day,” anatomy and physiology teacher Marilyn Stewart said. “Elizabeth is focused, personable, compassionate and confident.”
Attending the UMKC medical program had always been the ultimate goal, according to Puthumana. From taking numerous Advanced Placement classes, being a member of the National Honor Society and actively shadowing medical physicians, she has worked vigorously in achieving this honor. Puthumana’s passion for science has been a lifelong journey. With many family members who are doctors, she naturally gravitated towards the medical field. With her goal of one day earning her own white coat, Puthumana credits her family as her main inspiration.
“My family has been a huge support and encouragement during this process,” Puthumana said. “My sister has been my mentor and guided me through every possible thing. I would have been so lost if she hadn’t helped me through all of it.”
Along with the continuous encouragement from family, Puthumana looks to her teachers, Stewart and medical Spanish teacher Alicia Gomez, as supporters during this journey. Both Stewart and Gomez have had experience in medical professions. Stewart worked as a physical therapist and Gomez worked as a doctor in Mexico. From Candy Crush matches with Gomez to long discussions on the complexity of the human body with Stewart, Puthumana turned to them as guides throughout this endeavor. Looking forward as she embarks on this new path, Puthumana said she is nothing other than optimistic.
“Elizabeth should continue to be the person she is because she is great,” Gomez said. “I just want to give her all the best wishes because she deserves to be in that school. She earned it.” ROO UP! Senior Elizabeth Puthumana will be a UMKC “roo” this upcoming August with her acceptance into UMKC’s six-year medical program. (Photo by Maleah Downton)
The More the Mary-er
Left to right: Mary Anne Duff, MK Shevlin, Suki Arnold, Gretta Allen, Mimi Wright, Molly Conway, Maggie Carr and Tess Prusa. (Photo by Ava Stoltz) The senior class has eight girls who are all united by the first name Mary, yet none of them chose to go by the shared name.
Seniors Gretta Allen, Suki Arnold, Maggie Carr, Molly Conway, Mary Anne Duff, Tess Prusa, MK Shevlin and Mimi Wright all share a common thread to link the eight of them together. They all share the first name Mary. Yet none of them go by that given name.
“It’s kind of a funny thing because when you go to a Catholic school, it’s a joke that you are going to have like 17 Marys,” Prusa said. “It’s such a common name, but there’s so many different iterations.”
For most of the girls, they didn’t choose the nickname they go by. Instead, it was given to them at birth by their parents, and they decided to keep it. Wright was given the nickname Mimi by her parents when she was born.
“I’ve always gone by Mimi since I was born. My parents have always wanted to call me that,” Wright said. “I only get called Mary Margaret when I’m in trouble, so Mimi’s basically been my name growing up.”
Prusa has gone by Tess since the day she was born, and she said she never plans on going back to Mary. Though Prusa’s legal name is Mary Theresa, she has considered changing it to Theresa Mary instead.
“Tess comes from Theresa, but mind you I’ve never been called Mary or Theresa in my life,” Prusa said. “I would never be called Mary. In fact, I’ve even thought about legally changing my name to Tess or even just Theresa Mary, but I’m not sure if I will go through with it.”
Duff was named Mary as a family tradition. Her family has been naming their kids Mary for the last four generations. Because of the high number of Marys in the family, Duff and the rest of the Marys use their middle names so they can be distinguished.
“If you go back in my family it’s like Mary Virginia, Mary Jo, my mom is Mary Lee and I’m Mary Anne,” Duff said. “So we use our middle names so that we can be identified or else it would just be a bunch of Marys.”
Conway was named after her maternal grandmother, Mary, and her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth, to get the name Mary Elizabeth. Because of the family connection, Conway doesn’t want to ever legally change her name to Molly, yet she doesn’t think she will ever go by Mary in her life.
“I think it’s cool to have my legal name, especially since it has a story behind it, and then have the nickname I can go by,” Conway said.
Carr’s name is a center of debate for her family. Her full name is Mary Margaret, yet her parents disagree on whether Margaret is part of her first name or her middle name. The argument over her name came up over Thanksgiving dinner when she was 13 or 14 years old, according to Carr.
“According to my mom and my birth certificate I don’t have a middle name, but according to my dad, passport and every other legal document I do,” Carr said. “So it really just depends on who you ask.”
Advice to your freshman self? Get lots of sleep this year while you still can. Finals week horror story? Stewart’s geometry final. I spent hours bawling over studying and last minute decided to go to the Chainsmoker’s concert the night before. I took a nap during the final and took the L.
Moment you want to relive?
Kairos bonding.
Funniest thing that happened to you?
At the beginning of sophomore year I sat in a class for a week that I wasn’t even in. I didn’t find out until that weekend.
What teacher would you take to
college? Mr. Conaghan Advice to your freshman self? If it won’t matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset. Senior quote? Sorry ‘bout it.
Planned major? Sociology
Funniest thing that happened to you?
Almost burning down Senora LaFaver’s room down freshman year. Finals week horror story? Every single Mid final I have ever had. Senior quote? I have a twin sister that goes to STA.
Favorite Place? Pil’s office.
What teacher do you see yourself as in 20 years?
Mrs. Murphy.
Moment you would want to relive at Sion?
Senior retreat because I found my friend group.
Favorite place? The outdoor lunchroom.
What teacher would you take to college?
Mrs. Blasdel to keep Mondays happy.
Senior Quote? People don’t think it be like it is, but it do. - Oscar Gamble
Planned Major? Elementary Education
Moment you want to relive? Mr. Shrock’s class freshman year.
Favorite book you read required by
school? The Great Gatsby
Finals week horror story? Barely studying for my Environmental Science final and basically failing it.
Senior Quote? Vivé Sion forever and always!!
Intended major? Psychology.
What teacher would you bring to
college? Durkin so she could help me with my papers.
Funniest thing that happened?
Scootering across the gym for Sion Olympics junior year. Senior Quote? Don’t count the days make the days count.
What teacher do you see yourself as
in 20 years? Look like Hilg, act like Ellwanger.
Funniest thing that happened to you
at Sion? My sister tried to give Lamp a pink slip in my name but Wilcox saved me.
Finals week horror story? Crying during World History first semester of sophomore year and Ingram not knowing what to do.
Finals week horror story? I was the first one to finish my AP Bio final so I thought I got a great grade. Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned.
What teacher would you take to college
if you could? It’s a tie between Mrs.
Engel and Mrs. Mulkey. They have kept me sane these past four years.
What teacher do you see yourself as
in 20 years? Hopefully I’ll be as cool as Mrs. Engel.
Favorite place at Sion? Long’s room
What teacher would you take to
college? I would bring Lamp, so he could help me with math and remind me to get off the grid.
Moment you would want to relive at
Sion? Any field hockey games, we never won but it was still fun.
Advice to freshman self? If you play soccer you will break many bones.
Funniest pink slip? Arguing with Lamp about my pink slip warning then acquiring two from him in one day. Served me right.
Lamp Dog bites back.
Moment you would want to relive at
Sion? Freshman year but from a bird’s eye view.
What teacher would you take to
college if you could? Pil. Funniest thing that happened? I fell asleep while watching a movie in Murph’s room and everyone left me asleep on the floor and Murph had to wake me up. Finals Horror Story? Getting made fun of for making a finals binder as a senior
Favorite Place at Sion? The right side of the bleachers, 4 rows back, 2 seats from the center
Funniest pink slip? I definitely should’ve gotten a pink slip for this, but the time Wilcox and I had a fight in front of the whole class, then I left class and didn’t come back. She doesn’t remember it but it’s permanently ingrained in my memory.
What teacher do you see yourself
as in 20 years? Patterson. I really identify with the way I’ve only seen her leave her room ONCE ever.
Funniest moment? When a swarm of wasps came over the field during a lacrosse game and 30 girls were screaming and rolling all over the field.
Finals week horror story? I was admitted to the hospital the Monday before finals of Spring junior year and
I thought I was going to have to take them in June. Sion was nice though and just exempted them so I guess it’s a fairy tale.
Funniest moment? I broke a window in the lunchroom because I saw a fly and tripped over a chair. There was a cool breeze after that for about a week.
Senior Quote? There will never be another Anissa... like me. Period!
Finals week horror story? I didn’t bring my notes to study in between finals.
Favorite place at Sion? The counseling office.
Funniest thing that happened to you
at Sion? When the priest raised his hand to bless me at reconciliation. I thought he was giving me a high five. I had my hand up and everything until I realized he was not, in fact, giving me a high five. Advice to your freshman self? Don’t give into peer pressure. Especially when it comes to Chiefs games and assassins.
Behind the Brush
Take a look at some of seniors Ellie Gamble and Olivia Weise’s artwork and the passion they show toward their art.
Senior Ellie Gamble has been doing art ever since she was old enough to hold a pencil, but didn’t consider it something she wanted to do in her future until her sophomore year, according to Gamble. Gamble plans to double major in studio art and business. “Whatever career I end up being in I want it to be a creative outlet for me. I love art because it allows me to think freely and expand my knowledge in ways that traditional learning doesn’t teach you,” Gamble said.
Pictured is Gamble’s watercolor depiction of a frog that goes along with her AP Art concentration. “I really like the frog, I think it is my favorite piece I’ve made all year,” Gamble said. “I really like how that one turned out because it was my first time experimenting with the medium and it feels really good to finally get it completed because it is such a long process.”
To the left is Gamble’s screen print of a figure hiking through the woods. “I ended up using five different screens, but I do like the way that it turned out,” Gamble said. “My AP Portfolio concentration is about adventure and exploration through the lens of children’s illustration, so that’s what both of these pieces follow.” (Photos submitted by Ellie Gamble)
Senior Olivia Weise discovered her passion for art her sophomore year. Her favorite art class was AP Studio Art because it helped her explore different mediums that she hadn’t before, according to Weise. Weise got accepted into the University of Kansas’ design program and plans to get a degree in graphic design. “I enjoy art because it’s a way for me to express my feelings and thoughts without using words,” Weise said.
To the left is Weise’s illustration “Breathe In,” of a girl breathing in the flower represents anxiety. “This piece is about the struggles of anxiety and depression,” Weise said. “The girl’s head is tilted up to symbolize that if you can keep your head up during the tough times you will be able to survive anything. And the flower growing out of her mouth expresses the beauty that grows from struggle.”
Pictured is Weise’s piece “Intertwined.” “This piece is compromised of two girls who are connected through love and their love grows like the flowers growing around them,” Weise said. “This piece is special to me because it expresses my sexuality and how love is love, no matter who you love. We are all human and we all deserve love.”
What teacher do you see yourself as
in 20 years? Dennis Conaghan.
Funniest thing that happened to
you? When I accidentally stole hot lunch from the lunch ladies. Finals week horror story? I had a really bad cold and was holding back coughing during the entire Biology final freshman year.
Funniest pink slip? Senora LaFaver giving us a pink slip for trying on Homecoming dresses in the bathroom.
Moment you want to relive? Junior year prom.
Funniest thing that happened to
you? Getting chased by Mr. Hall in Sion
Olympics freshman year.
Senior quote? “I’ll drive.”
Advice to your freshman self?
Relax and don’t take physics. Finals week horror story? Failing both of my Mid finals and thinking
I failed the class.
Moment you want to relive?
Winning a Krammy.
Funniest thing that happened to you?
Seeing Kelsey’s face when we realized that Pino showed her entire class our Spanish film.
Advice to your freshman self? Don’t pull your socks all the way up.
What teacher do you see yourself as in
20 years? A mix between Mary Murphy and Miss Durkin. Finals week horror story? Having the
“where’s my supersuit” scene from "The
Incredibles" replaying over and over in my head during my geometry final.
Favorite Place? The right hand corner of the library or Conaghan's room.
Finals week horror story? The anatomy final was a horror story within itself. Advice to freshman self? Your grades do matter freshman year. They will drag your
GPA down as an upperclassmen.
Funniest pink slip? Pink slip? Never heard of her.
Moment you want to relive? I would relive freshmen year and be more outgoing.