12 minute read
Senior Caroline Garrison stays in touch with her sister across the ocean using Snapchat
Caroline Garrison
snaps her sister Olivia
during Prom at the Overland Park Sheraton April 6. (Photo by Ava Rawson) Hey, Snap Sister
Sisters Olivia Garrison and senior Caroline Garrison’s lengthy Snapchat streak helps keep a strong relationship.
Eight hundred sixty-five days and counting. Ten Snapchats a day. Everyone has a streak, but out of the almost 200 million snapchat users, these two sisters stay connected through time and space with selfies. Even though senior Caroline Garrison is still in Missouri and her older sister is in France, the streak continues. Their streak will continue to build with the ultimate goal of achieving the longest Snapchat streak ever.
“It helps us keep in touch with each other and it’s kind of fun working towards that goal of the longest Snapchat streak ever. It’s a fun title,” Garrison said. “Who knows if we’ll ever reach that far, but it’s just fun to talk to my sister every day.”
Alumna Olivia Garrison ‘16 is currently studying abroad in France for four months while attending the University of Missouri. Garrison visits the campus, but said that it’s much harder to keep consistent contact since Olivia is so far away and cannot visit for a few months. According to Olivia, Snapchat allows them to keep up with each other’s lives and keeps their relationship as strong as it was when she was living in Missouri.
“It’s been a really casual and fun way to stay in touch for sure,” Olivia said. “I can show her my day to day life and vice versa. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily helped us grow closer, but it’s a really easy way to stay in touch. Caroline’s already my best friend.”
The sisters do not send out a typical daily “streaks” picture. Instead, they Snapchat each other organically, according to Garrison. The daily Snapchats often ran from how their days are going to funny selfies, and neither of them have any streaks that come close to the streak between them. The sisters have always been close and have one of the closest relationships between sisters despite being three years apart, according to senior and friend Emma Cruciani.
“They have the exact same personality, it’s crazy,” Cruciani said. “They talk every day on Snapchat and really just have the best relationship.”
Garrison plans to attend MU next year alongside her sister, who she said played a big part in choosing MU. Olivia lived in a sorority house sophomore year but now lives off campus, but Garrison still gets to see a lot of the campus every time she goes up.
“I’ve been going to Mizzou basketball and football games since I was little, so having my sister and best friend there made me feel like that was where I belonged even though I hadn’t visited yet,” Garrison said.
1. Open your Snapchat camera. 2. Hover it over the image and hold!
1. Emma Jenkins 848 2. Savannah Friedebach 780
Funniest pink slip? Mrs. Hill gave me one for not knowing where my locker was... it was my first week. Advice to your freshman self? Never step foot into Blue Valley North... just don’t
Favorite place? Wherever I can find warmth.
Senior quote? Is anybody else freezing?

Finals horror story? Never had one. I just walk in, take the final, and walk out. Senior quote? “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” -Norman Vincent Peale Favorite place? The library.
Funniest thing that happened to
you? Lola Tebbe and I took a pie in the face after pie day at the side of the school.

Advice to your freshman self? You’re not as cool as you think you are, have an open mind and be nicer to everyone.
Funniest pink slip? “Passing notes with profanity” with Lola in Mrs. Flippo’s class sophomore year.
Senior quote? Always late but worth the wait #tardies
Finals week horror story? Always having to take them on my birthday.

Teacher you’d take to college? Mrs. WIlcox because she’s my mom. Funniest thing to happen to you? My folio quote in the yearbook from my freshman year has Sarah White’s photo instead of mine.
Teacher you’ll be in 20
years? Mr. Conaghan. I will be watching sports while simultaneously checking my stocks.

Funniest thing that happened to you at
Sion? Idk what was funnier, getting kicked out of class for having the hiccups or getting out literally in the first 30 seconds of assassins. Finals week horror story? My calculator dying five minutes into my Mid final.
Moment you want to relive?
Playing kickball with the cross country team and Mid wiping out.

Advice to your freshman self? Please, please, please, for the love of God, do not wear your all black shoes and socks together.
Funniest thing that happened to
you? Freshman year I learned how swimmers get those fast skins on. That’s true “team bonding.”
Senior Quote? “I wanted to give the folks a little sizzle... KACHOW!” - Lightning McQueen

Advice to your freshman self? Schedule at least one mental breakdown during the week, so you’ll be nice and refreshed for your next one.
What teacher would you take to college?
McGory. I have to compliment his Instagram captions for his “tie” account somehow.
Senior Quote? “Use code “DeLong” to get 15% off of your next bucket hat purchase.” Moment you want to relive? Medaling at
State in swim.
Funniest thing that happened to you? I unknowingly sent a photo of myself into the senior GroupMe, proceeded to freak out, shaking uncontrollably. Funniest pink slip? I’ve never recieved one, my socks have slipped under the radar.
What teacher do you see yourself
as in 20 years? Amy Drouin (even though she’s not a teacher). Advice to your freshman self? It’s okay, you can be yourself here. Funniest pink slip? I never got one, but freshman year Vanshay jokingly said that I, the quietest kid in Faith Foundations, had gotten a pink slip, and Ms. Haghirian almost passed out from shock. Senior Quote? “Change requires more than righteous anger.” - Barack Obama Favorite Place? The library!
Funniest thing that happened to you?
Reading Mrs. Dreas’ shirt and asking if it was French when it was obviously English. Moment you want to relive? Actually waking up instead of sleeping in so that I could’ve gone to the senior tailgate.
Senior Quote? It’s Sade not Sade.
Advice to your freshman self?
Seniors are actually not that scary, okay?
Advice to your freshman self? Don’t dismiss the importance of good grades freshman year. Funniest pink slip? Lamp gave me a pink slip through the window of a classroom.
Funniest thing that happened to you?
Getting into a political debate with the guy that took my blood.
Finals week horror story? Junior year I got the minimum on my Mid final to get a B in the class. I ended with a 79.5 percent.
HOTTEST CHECKOUT SPOTS TOP THREE LUNCH SPOTS FROM SENIOR SURVEY CHICK-FIL-A PANERA CHIPOTLE 1 2 3 (Photos by Emma Hutchin) SENIOR SERVICE IS SERIOUSLY LIFE CHANGING Senior projects are helping girls get in touch with new people and cultures. in a primary school, laid concrete, painted walls at the school, spent time with a local host family, learned about the culture and life there and even went on a two-day BY EMMA HUTCHIN safari,” Harris said. “Although where we stayed wasn’t the REPORTER most glamorous with mosquito nets, stray cats, and mud Senior service projects have been a cherished tradition and an academic requirement. And whether they take place in another country or at home in Kansas City, the work seniors put in benefits the community as a whole while also providing life-enriching lessons. The tradition has been around forever and it’s different than what other schools do, according to Theology teacher Polly Holmes. It’s important that girls weave their service into their schedules rather than get time off for projects. “We believe it should be a lifestyle,” Holmes said. “You should find time to do it in your life and think outside yourself.” everywhere, I thought it truly made me immerse myself in the culture and appreciate my experience.” Other girls choose to do their projects a little closer to home, such as senior Megan Broomfield. After hearing about Type 1 Diabetes from sophomore friend Kaitlyn Quinn, she decided she wanted to participate in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s “One Walk.” “My favorite part about working with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation was being able to support my friend in her journey with diabetes,” Broomfield said. “I got to learn more about her life and how strong of a person she is.”
Some seniors choose to do their projects outside of the country in order to get a feel of what life is like outside the United States. Girls are able to experience another culture HEART SO FULL Senior Drew Harris embraces local kids while in Africa over the summer. She taught and immerse themselves in it, according to senior Drew English in a primary school and stayed with Harris. Harris and fellow senior Mimi Wright joined 18 a host family. “My favorite part was being other students from around the world on a trip to Tanzania able to experience another culture and with Global Leadership Adventures. immerse myself in it,” Harris said.
“I spent two weeks in Tanzania where I taught English (Photo submitted by Drew Harris)

Funniest thing that happened to you? I’ve been out of uniform at least once a week and have never gotten a pink sleep. Moment you want to relive? Kairos What teacher would you take to college?
Mr. Bray, he knows everything.
Advice to your freshman self? Do not stress so much, just enjoy it
Funniest pink slip? I was scrambling to get my hoodie off before Lamp came around the corner and he popped out right as I was about I get it off and gave me a pink slip.
Finals week horror story? I lost track of time one night, didn’t start studying until 2 a.m. and went to bed at 6 a.m. I then woke up at 6:30, chugged a Red Bull, and completed my finals on a caffeine high.
Advice to your freshman self? Don’t quit things just because your friends don’t do it.
What teacher do you see yourself as
in 20 years? Mr. McGory for sure. I already have the urge to cut my hair.
Favorite place? The sick room.
Moment you want to relive? One time I was running down the hallway and I just totally ate it in front of a class full of freshmen.
Advice to your freshman self? Don’t take five APs as a senior. You will want to die. Funniest thing that happened to you? Junior year a few friends and I were celebrating one of our birthdays out in the parking lot after school, and we ended up staying out and chatting for a while and enjoying the weather. Mrs. Koehler drove up and told us to enjoy the weather at home.
Funniest thing that happened to you? My nose piercing got infected because I took it out everyday for Hilg’s class then put it back in.
Advice to your freshman self? Don’t over think what people think about you. Learn to not care and be proud of who you are.
What teacher do you see yourself as in
20 years? Hopefully Mrs. Durkin because she has everything figured out.
Finals week horror story? Taking the finals. What teacher would you take to college?
Senora Gomez.
Funniest thing that happened to you? I brought a box of cereal, a bag of milk, two bowls and a spoon to my first hour because
I didn’t have enough time to eat at home.
Funniest pink slip? None.
What teacher would you take to college?
Long so she can hype me up Senior Quote? “Whenever I’m in doubt, I think ‘Would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing.”- Dwight Schrute
What teacher do you see yourself
as in 20 years? Pil because sports and stuff.

Funniest thing that happened to you?
I dropped the ring at Jr. Ring. Funniest pink slip? I ate cheese in Mr. McGory’s room.
Moment you want to relive? I would relive 8th grade at Sion Lower because I made a lot of friends that are still close to me to this day. Being a transfer was made stress-free by all the welcoming kiddos in my 8th grade class.
Funniest pink slip? I have never had one. Funniest thing that happened to you? On the first day of freshman year I wore a gray shirt meant for the grade school and Lamp yelled at me. Senior Quote? I’m on my way but I just need to get oil and gas first.
What teacher would you take to college?
Mr. Conaghan.
Moment you want to relive? My shinning moment as George in the Stuco dance at Sion Olympics.
What teacher would you take to college?
Funniest pink slip? Hilg gave me a pink slip for not having a sweater and gave me the chance to go home and get it but I didn’t.