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‘This year has been our busiest!’

With a highly aff ordable Own Label service, and a 28-year heritage in producing ethical plant wax candles, Heaven Scent has found business booming over the past 12 months. We catch up with Sarah Pettitt to discover how a retailer can make Heaven Scent candles their own…

customers, large and small, the opportunity to create their own business brand and sell our products as their own. We have been off ering private label as a service for nearly 25 years with small minimum quantities. Simply put, a customer can have their details on all our products and then call them their own.

For a new client who was interested in Own Label, what would the process involve?

We have a large design and printing department and the moment a customer expresses an interest we work very closely with them. They need to think about their design and provide us with their logo; we can help with the primary design needs, but do suggest they seek a graphic designer themselves if they want their design to be a bit more complex. We provide dimensions of labels and suggest colours and design trends. Customers can use our own Heaven Scent labels but change the name to use our own Heaven Scent labels but change the name to their own. We keep our customers’ details their own. We keep our customers’ details Sarah, what is Heaven Scent best known for? Natural products! We were the fi rst to create a plant wax candle as an alternative to a paraffi n candle - this was unheard of at the time - as consumers and customers didn’t understand the damage that paraffi n can do if inhaled in a closed room. We were using words like ‘vegan’, ‘sustainable ingredients’ and ‘recycled packaging’ to describe our company in the 1990s. Natural products! We were the fi rst to create paraffi n candle - this was unheard of at the understand the damage that paraffi n can do if inhaled in a closed room. We were using words ‘recycled packaging’ to describe our company in ‘We are doing really well. Business has been steadily growing for years but this year has been our busiest’ so they can reorder again and again and, if the customer goes elsewhere, we will keep their details for up to two years. How much would it cost for small retailers to have their own personalised candles or home fragrance range? There is a minimum order quantity of £250 every time they order. Otherwise the design and application is in the price of the candle. So, the short answer is it doesn’t cost them anything! so they can reorder again and again and, if the customer goes elsewhere, we will keep their details for up to two years. How much would it cost for small retailers to have their own personalised candles or home fragrance range? There is a minimum order quantity of £250 every time they order. Otherwise the design and application is in the price of the candle. So, the short answer is it doesn’t cost them anything!

How has business been for you over the last 12 months?

We are doing really well. Business has been steadily growing for years but this year has been our busiest. I think it’s because we off er a private label service in very small quantities and we are still the largest candle manufacturer using natural plant waxes and other natural ingredients in our other products. I also think lockdown has made people think about starting their own businesses, which is lovely.

We have seen shoppers move away from the big corporate businesses, towards smaller independent businesses preferring to create and sell items that look more natural, off er an artisan feel and encourage localism. Our Own Label department off ers

How has business been for you over the last

Every ingredient sourced is transparent and we can produce this information very quickly if asked. We do an Essential Oil only range where the fragrances are derived from plants or we off er customers our fragrance oils, which are manmade using synthetic and essential oil ingredients combined. We source our fragrance oils from two major perfume houses in the UK that source their materials from all over the world. They both endorse ethical trading, which means their suppliers must adhere to good working and ethical standards. All our fragrances are governed by International Fragrance Association, which is the global representative body of the fragrance industry. It seeks to represent the collective interests of the industry and promote the safe use of fragrances. Our waxes come from Northern Europe and America, and are sustainably and ethically sourced. We have lots of details about our manufacturing partners and work closely with them to ensure the ethical trade of their ingredients.

heavenscent.co.uk What about the ingredients? What about the ingredients?

Our candle wax is made from soy, rapeseed Our candle wax is made from soy, rapeseed and coconut. We have always used plant waxes as they are clean burning, soot free, if burnt correctly and interestingly the chemistry of the natural plant wax is the same as our body chemistry, a simple fat molecule, so our body recognises it when it is inhaled and can process it unlike paraffi n/mineral wax (used by many candle companies) which is a complex hydrocarbon and quite diff erent to our bodies and harder for our bodies to process.

All of our products use vegetable based ingredients from our Candles to Reed Diff users, Body Creams, and Lip Balms. They are free from a series of listed harsh chemicals like EDTA, PEGS, SLS, SLES, Parabens, Sulphates, Silicons, Petrochemicals.

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