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Trend predictions at Exclusively at Exclusively

Exclusively has a reputation for predicting trends and the return of the live event this August will see more products than ever before vying for buyers’ attention. this August will see more products than ever before vying for buyers’ attention. Scarlet Opus reveal the three hot trends set to in uence kitchenware, homeware Scarlet Opus reveal the three hot trends set to in uence kitchenware, homeware and interiors this season and beyond.

The Exclusively Show is set to return to the Business Design Centre, Islington on August 24-25 with buyers from large and small retail stores set to be inspired by what is on o er. All manner of housewares, small domestic electricals and gifts will be on display from a wide variety of companies – large, small and new to the market – in a level playing eld where buyers see the leading brands, the major launches and many items that they will not have seen anywhere else. Among the exhibitors and brands on show, will be established names in the industry such as Rayware, Denby and DRH. Along with new exhibitors like Katie Alice, Pure Tableware and Lazarro. It is the perfect opportunity for buyers, journalists and in uencers to nd everything they need including ideas that are new and with a point of di erence to other items on the market.
Popular features such as the Trend Talks and Tours are returning once again and will provide trend predictions for interested buyers. Phil Pond from Scarlet Opus has given a sneak preview of three trends which will start to come through this autumn and winter, through Christmas and into 2022 and beyond.
The rst trend, Neo Luxe, is all sophistication and dark romance from earlier centuries combines rich luxurious colours with high drama and an almost punk quality in its provocative glamour. Set to be a big trend this Christmas across many sectors, Scarlet Opus predict the look will be around for the next three to ve years.

Popular features such as the Trend Talks and Tours are returning once again and will provide trend predictions for interested buyers. Phil Pond from Scarlet Opus has given a sneak preview of three trends which will start to come through this autumn and winter, through Christmas and into 2022 and beyond.
The rst trend, Neo Luxe, is all sophistication and dark romance from earlier centuries combines rich luxurious colours with high drama and an almost punk quality in its provocative glamour. Set to be a big trend this Christmas across many sectors, Scarlet Opus predict the look will be around for the next three to ve years.

More information about the Exclusively Show can be found via the website
More information about visiting Exclusively can be obtained from the BHETA Member Services Team on 0121 237 1130 or via the website www.exclusivelyshows.co.uk
The trend is about learning from the past and appreciating the sensuous style of earlier centuries - rich colours and dark luxuriance. It melds the historic with the contemporary and the central colours are blue, black and shades of green with textures such a velvet, walnut, gloss and gold and brass. Florals and foliage will be noteworthy patterns and styling going forward. Products which work with Neo
Luxe will not only be throughout the exhibition in general, but also in the Brand Showcase. Reset positions sustainability as the norm and not a passing trend. It is about the circular economy, limiting waste, with many natural elements such as herbs, fruits, vegetables and foliage regular motifs. Colours will be blues and greens with muted patterns. A mix and
match pallet that will look particularly past and appreciating the sensuous good on glass. Key words are nature, style of earlier centuries - rich colours recovery, local, waste, protect and and dark luxuriance. It melds the reuse. historic with the contemporary Reset is about the ‘preserve, and the central colours conserve, protect’ ethos and those are blue, black and environmental ideals. The concept shades of green with acknowledges the establishment of textures such a green cities, urban farms, rooftop and velvet, walnut, vertical gardens and other ways and gloss and gold means of following the mantra to and brass. Florals ‘do no harm’. As a result, this trend is and foliage will about designing out waste, repairing be noteworthy and reusing, and products that are not patterns and styling disposable. going forward. The third trend to be previewed Products which work with Neo is Togetherness, which is due to
Luxe will not only be throughout appear on shelves in the spring and the exhibition in general, but also summer of 2022. The trend is upbeat in the Brand Showcase. and positive, joyful, colourful and Reset positions vintage, it is all about sharing, caring, sustainability as the norm a multicultural vibes and outdoors and not a passing trend. theme. It is about the circular Togetherness re ects permanent economy, limiting changes in society and is about people waste, with many putting other people rst. Sharing and natural elements collaboration are key and the colours such as herbs, we will see are happy with a nod to fruits, vegetables previous generations. Peach, cardboard and foliage regular brown and bubble-gum pink will be motifs. Colours at the forefront of products that tick will be blues these boxes. and greens From a cookware and tabletop with muted point of view, food from Africa and patterns. A mix and the Caribbean will be on trend as well
good on glass. Key words are nature, recovery, local, waste, protect and reuse.
Reset is about the ‘preserve, conserve, protect’ ethos and those environmental ideals. The concept acknowledges the establishment of green cities, urban farms, rooftop and vertical gardens and other ways and means of following the mantra to ‘do no harm’. As a result, this trend is about designing out waste, repairing and reusing, and products that are not disposable.
The third trend to be previewed is Togetherness, which is due to appear on shelves in the spring and summer of 2022. The trend is upbeat and positive, joyful, colourful and vintage, it is all about sharing, caring, a multicultural vibes and outdoors theme.
Togetherness re ects permanent changes in society and is about people putting other people rst. Sharing and collaboration are key and the colours we will see are happy with a nod to previous generations. Peach, cardboard brown and bubble-gum pink will be at the forefront of products that tick these boxes.
From a cookware and tabletop point of view, food from Africa and the Caribbean will be on trend as well as more items for outdoor eating and cooking. Whether it is portable pieces for picnics or alfresco dining, cheeky cocktails, or just something that brings some joy and a smile, people want to have some fun with their loved ones and items within the Togetherness trend will help them do that.
Commenting on the build-up to Exclusively, marketing manager, Steve Richardson said, “With over 130 companies and 200 brand names exhibiting, as well as a wealth of other treats such as the Trend Tours and Talks with Scarlet Opus, I can see why both buyers and media are so eager to attend. It goes without saying that the Exclusively Show team and the Business Design Centre (BDC) regards the health and safety of clients, sta and partners of paramount importance and we have agreed measures to ensure the safety of all those on site, in line with the latest UK Government guidance.”
Will Jones, Chief Operating O cer at BHETA and Chair of Exclusively, added, “Exclusively 2021 is going to be a huge opportunity for exhibitors, buyers, journalists and in uencers to see the very best of the housewares, small domestic electricals and gift sectors, to see up and coming trends and to discover new products and ideas.”
