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BIBLIOGRAPHY1 of some of the more important works used (i) General H. C. Lea, A History of the Inquisition in Spain, 4 vols., 1906–7. J. Lucio d’Azevedo, Historia dos Christãos Novos Portugueses, 1921. J. Mendes dos Remedios, Os Judeus em Portugal, 2 vols., 1895–1928. H. Graetz, History of the Jews. M. Kayserling,2 Geschichte der Juden in Portugal, 1867; Die Juden in Navarra, den Baskenländern und auf den Balearen, 1861. 1 Use has also been made throughout of various manuscripts and pamphlet sources, especially anti-Jewish tracts, records of Inquisitional trials at the State Archives in Lisbon, etc., and “Relations” of the autos-da-fè, as well as the invaluable Hebrew “Responsa” Literature. Recourse should be made to the standard works of reference, particularly The Jewish Encyclopedia, for further information about the various persons and places mentioned. Separate mention of various monographs will be made with reference to the chapters in which they are first of special utility, and will not be repeated in connection with other sections on which they may contain equally valuable information. 2 It is impossible to mention here individually all of Kayserling’s very numerous contributions to this subject, some in volume form and some scattered about in various periodicals. But it would be churlish not to pay a tribute to his valuable researches, but for which this work could never have been written. It is my duty to point out, in addition, that my debt to Lea’s classical writings is immeasurably greater than the small space which they occupy in this bibliography might lead the reader to suppose.