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BIBLIOGRAPHY1 of some of the more important works used (i) General H. C. Lea, A History of the Inquisition in Spain, 4 vols., 1906–7. J. Lucio d’Azevedo, Historia dos Christãos Novos Portugueses, 1921. J. Mendes dos Remedios, Os Judeus em Portugal, 2 vols., 1895–1928. H. Graetz, History of the Jews. M. Kayserling,2 Geschichte der Juden in Portugal, 1867; Die
Juden in Navarra, den Baskenländern und auf den
Balearen, 1861.
1 Use has also been made throughout of various manuscripts and pamphlet sources, especially anti-Jewish tracts, records of Inquisitional trials at the State Archives in Lisbon, etc., and “Relations” of the autos-da-fè, as well as the invaluable Hebrew “Responsa” Literature. Recourse should be made to the standard works of reference, particularly The Jewish Encyclopedia, for further information about the various persons and places mentioned. Separate mention of various monographs will be made with reference to the chapters in which they are first of special utility, and will not be repeated in connection with other sections on which they may contain equally valuable information. 2 It is impossible to mention here individually all of Kayserling’s very numerous contributions to this subject, some in volume form and some scattered about in various periodicals. But it would be churlish not to pay a tribute to his valuable researches, but for which this work could never have been written. It is my duty to point out, in addition, that my debt to Lea’s classical writings is immeasurably greater than the small space which they occupy in this bibliography might lead the reader to suppose.
J. A. Llorente, Historia Critica de la Inquisición de España (frequently translated and re-issued). M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, 3 vols., 2nd ed., 1929. S. Asaf, The Marranos of Spain and Portugal in the Responsa Literature (Hebrew), in Zion, Part 5, 1932. H. J. Zimmels, Die Marranen in der rabbinischen Literatur,
Berlin, 1932.
(ii) Detailed Monographs
A. Emanuelson, The Remnant of the Jews, 1929: for the crypto-Jews of Persia, etc. U. Cassuto, Un’ ignoto capitolo di storia ebraica, in Herman Cohen Festschrift, Judaica, Berlin, 1912: for the
Neofiti of Apulia. See also L. V. Vitale, Un particolare ignorato di storia pugliese: neofiti e mercanti, Naples, 1926. I. Abrahams and D. Yellin, Maimonides, Philadelphia, 1903: for the Almohadan persecution. S. Katz, The Jews in the Visigothic and Frankish Kingdoms of Spain and Gaul, Cambridge, 1937.
J. Amador de los Rios, Historia de los Judios de España, vol. II, 1876. F. Baer, Die Juden im christlichen Spanien, vol. I pt. l, 1929; pt. 2, 1936. A. Farinelli, Marrano: storia di un vituperio (for the derivation of the word). N. Lopez Martinez. Los judaizantes y la Inquisición, 1954.
J. Amador de los Rios, Historia de los Judios de España, vol. Ill, 1876. M. Serrano y Sanz, Origenes de la dominación española en
America, vol. I, 1918. W. T. Walsh, Isabella of Spain, 1931.3
A. Herculano, Historia da origem e estabelecimento da
Inquisição em Portugal, English translation, 1926. A. Baião, A Inquisição em Portugal e no Brasil, 1921.
E. N. Adler, Auto de Fe and Jew, 1908. Idem, Documents sur les Marranes d’Espagne et de Portugal sous Philippe IV (in Revue des Études Juives, vol.
XLVIII, et seq.). (V. Vignau), Catalogo... de la Inquisición de Toledo, 1903. L. Wolf, Jews in the Canary Islands, 1926. J. de la Puerta Vizcaino, La sinagoga balear, 1857. A. Lionel Isaacs, The Jews of Majorca, 1936. B. Braunstein, The Chuetas of Majorca, 1936.
M. Kayserling, Ein Feiertag in Madrid, 1859. J. del Olmo, Relacion Historica de Auto General de Fee que se celebró en Madrid este Ano de 1689 con assistenci del Rey, 1680. (The most famous of the
3 This work is important, psychologically if not historically, as a twentieth-century restatement of the standards and prejudices of the fifteenth.
“relations” of the various great Autos which were periodically printed, and cited as characteristic. Kayserling’s little work mentioned above is based upon this). D. Fergusson and C. Adler, Trial of Gabriel de Granada by the Inquisition in Mexico, 1642–1645 (Publications of the Jewish Historical Society of America, vol. VII, 1899:
The only complete Inquisitional trial available in English). A. J. Moreira, Historia dos principaes actos e procedi-mentos da Inquisição em Portugal.
J. Lucio d’Azevedo, A Evolução do Sebastianismo: in Arquivo Historico Portugueses, X (1916). On Luis Dias and his companions. A. J. Teixeira, Antonio Homem e a Inquisição, 1895–1902. Ramos Coelho, Manuel Fernandes Villareal e o seu processo, 1894. A. Baiao, Episodios Dramaticos da Inquisição Portuguesa, 3 vols., 1919–1937.
C. Roth, The Religion of the Marranos, in Jewish Quarterly Review, new series, 1931. (The only study devoted to this subject containing full documentation. I am indebted to the Editor for his kind permission to reproduce here substantial portions of it).
G. Rosanes, History of the Jews in Turkey (Hebrew). M. A. Levy, Don Joseph Nasi, 1859. D. Kaufmann, Gesammelte Schriften, vol. II (1910) (for the
Marranos of Ancona, etc., cf. also Revue des Études
Juives, vols. XVI, XXXI, LXXXIX). C. Roth, Ibid.,
LXXXVIII, LXXXIX, XC (on the Marranos in Venice, Leghorn and Rouen). C. Roth, The House of Nasi: Dona Gracia, 1947; The Duke of Naxos, 1948. T. Malvezin, Histoire des Juifs à Bordeaux, 1875; also important subsidiary studies by Cirot, 1909–1920. M. Léon, Histoire des Juifs de Bayonne, 1893. M. Grünwald, Portugiesengräber auf deutcher Erde. U. Cassuto, Elementos para a historia dos judeus portugueses de Hamburgo (and other studies).
S. Ullman, Histoire des Juifs en Belgique. J. A. Goris, Études sur les marchands méridionales à Anvers, 1925. J. S. da Silva Rosa, Geschiednis der Portugeesche Joden te
Amsterdam, 1925. S. Seeligman, Bibliographie en Historie, 1927; and other writings by the same. I. Prins, De Vestiging der Marranen in Noord-Nederland in de XVIe eeuw, 1927. C. Gebhardt, Uriel Acosta, 1922. J. Zwarts, Hoofdstukken uit de geschiednis der Joden in
Nederland, 1929, and other studies.
J. Hillesum, Uri-ha-Levi 1904, from the Centraal Blad v.
Isr. in Nederland; and other studies. H.I. Bloom, Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries, 1937.
L. Wolf, Menasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell, 1901. M. Gaster, History of the Ancient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, 1901. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 18 vols., 1894 et seq. C. Roth, Menasseh ben Israel, Philadelphia, 1934. History of the Jews in England, Oxford, 1941. A. M. Hyamson, The Sephardim of England, London, 1952.
H. C. Lea, The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies, 1908. M. Kayserling, Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries, 1894 (from the German). J. T. Medina, Historia de la Inquisición de Lima; de Chile; de la Plata; de Cartagena de las Indias; en las Islas
Filipinas, 6 vols., 1887–1899. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, 48 vols., 1893, et seq. G. Garcia, La Inquisición de Mexico (Reprint of original
“Relations”), 1906. Leite, S., Os Judeus no Brasil, 1923. Los Judios en la Nueva España, Publicaciones del archivo general de la nacion, XX, 1932.
A. Toro, La familia Carvajal, 2 vols., 1944. B. Lewin, Martires e conquistadores judíos en la America hispana, c. 1950, and numerous other studies.
I. da Costa, Israel and the Gentiles (from the Dutch), 1850. [Now available in Noble Families among the Sephardic
Jews... with some account of the Cafadose Family, by
G. B. Brewster and C. Roth, London, 1936.] M. Lemos, Ribeiro Sanches, 1911, and other studies by the same author on other Marrano physicians, such as
Amato Lusitano, J. de Castro Sarmento, etc. A. da Silva Carvalho, Um celebre medico Portugues (João
Baptista Silva), 1928; Garcia d’Orta, 1934; and other studies on Marrano physicians by the same author.
M. Kayserling, Sephardim: Romanische Poesien der Juden in Spanien, 1859. Idem: Biblioteca Española-Portugueza-Judaica, 1890. M. B. Amzalak, As operações de bolsa segundo Iosseph de la Vega, 1926.4
J. Lucio d’Azevedo, Historia de Antonio Vieira, 2 vols., 1918–20. Jordão de Freitas, O Marques de Pombal e o Santo Oficio da Inquisição.
4 I cite this as an example of the very numerous contributions to the subject of the literature of the Marranos by this scholar.
S. Schwarz, Os Christãos-Novos em Portugal no século XX, 1925 (an English abstract in the Menorah Journal, XII (1926), pp. 138–149, 283–297). L. Wolf, Report on the Marranos or Crypto-Jews of Portugal, 1925. C. Roth, L’Apôtre des Marranes, Paris, 1929 (impressions of a personal visit). N. Slouschz, The Marranos in Portugal (Hebrew), 1932. [P. Goodman] Marranos in Portugal; survey by the Portuguese Marrano Committee, London, 1938.