Appendix II Participants at the Saltsjöbaden Meeting of the Bilderberg Group May 11–13, 1973 Chairman: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands France: René Granier de Lilliac, Compagnie Française des Pétroles Baron Edmond de Rothschild, banker Germany: Egon Bahr (Social Democrat), minister without portfolio Birgit Breuel (Christian Democrat), Hamburg City Council Helmut Schmidt (Social Democrat), finance minister Theo Sommer, publisher of Die Zeit Otto Wolff von Amerongen, German Chambers of Commerce Italy: Giovanni Agnelli, FIAT Il Marchese Cittadini Cesi Raffaele Girotti, chairman of ENI Arrigo Levi, La Stampa Netherlands: F.J. Philips, chairman of Philips NV Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Royal Dutch Shell Max Kohnstamm Sweden: Olof Palme, prime minister Marcus Wallenberg, chairman of SE-Banken Krister Wickman, governor of Riksbank Great Britain: Sir Eric Drake, chairman of British Petroleum Sir Denis Greenhill, director of British Petroleum Denis Healey, Member of Parliament Sir Eric Roll, vice-chairman of S.G. Warburg & Co. Sir Reginald Maulding, Member of Parliament
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