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Preface by the publisher

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Emma Simpson

Emma Simpson


the worldwide picture book illustration competition


In this catalogue we proudly present the winners of the 2021 edition of the international picture book illustration competition Picture this!, with entries from England, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands.

From the many entries, juries in these countries chose the three most talented new and unknown illustrators. The result is an impressive demonstration of the versatility and originality of the picture book.

Picture books have become a worldwide art form at which many try their hand, from newcomers to more established artists. And with good reason, as picture books are now a cherished part of many a child’s and parents’ world. Also in child day-care centres, reading picture books is becoming a regular activity, which often inspires all sorts of further activities.

In short: the picture book is here to stay!

Nevertheless, coming to notice and finding a publisher often remains a challenge for recently graduated illustrators. That is why publishers, academies and other cultural institutes banded together in 2014 to launch the Picture This! competition: as a platform for upcoming talented illustrators to demonstrate their ability.

To bring the winners’ work to attention, this catalogue is distributed online among picture book publishers, art institutes and academies, worldwide. Also, exhibitions of the work by the winning illustrators will travel along art institutes and libraries in the participating countries.

On behalf of the juries of the Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Competition, the International Institute for the Picture Book in Society and Walker Books/United Kingdom, Lemniscaat Publishers/The Netherlands, Protea Publishers/South Africa, Fischer Sauerländer and the Bilderbuchmuseum in Troisdorf/Germany, we wish you much enjoyment and the artists every success!

Jean Christophe Boele van Hensbroek

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