Bsa 500 – business systems i – complete class includes all dqs, individual and team assignments – uo

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BSA 500 – Business Systems I – Complete Class Includes All DQs, Individual and Team Assignments – UOP Purchase this tutorial here

BSA 500 Entire Class all Individual and Learning team Assignments

(Business Systems I)

Week 1

Discussion Questions:

Imagine you are starting a new business, expecting to have about $100,000 in personal or family capital and another $200,000 borrowed, say from a bank, Small Bus Admin (federal government) or an angel investor. How would you form this business venture (i.e. structure as per text Chapter 5)? Defend your choice!

Consider the business you chose for DQ1, and that you are almost ready to launch the business; including yourself (as a working owner) and three of your most important subordinates, describe each’s role in management (if any) and why you made that choice, considering the four basic functions of management discussed in Chapter 7 of the text.

Week 2

BSA 500 Week 2 Individual-Virtual Organizations Table – Part I

Table 1, Virtual Organizations, Course Notes Complete the following table using the Course Notes and Virtual Organizations : Riordan, Huffman, Kudler, McBride, Elias Group, and Smith Systems

BSA 500 Week 2 LT Project-Introduction to Riordan Manufacturing

Complete a 2- to 3-page draft, including an introduction to Riordan Manufacturing and a list of useful accounting software modules. This draft is part of the preparation for the Riordan Manufacturing Paper, due in Week Six.

BSA 500 Week 2 DQ 1

BSA 500 Week 2 DQ 2

Week 3

BSA 500 Week 3 Individual- Virtual Organizations Table – Part II

Resources: Table 1, Virtual Organizations, Course Notes

Add your workplace to the following table and complete each column.

Table 1

Business Name Business Type Key Economic

Influences Key Government

Influences Key Legal







Fine Foods

McBride Financial


The Elias


Smith Systems


BSA 500 Week 3 LT Project-Riordan Manufacturfacturing Accounting Modules

Complete a 2- to 3-page draft that identifies the systems in Riordan Manufacturing that should be connected to its accounting system. This draft is preparation for the Riordan Manufacturing Paper, due in Week Six.

BSA 500 Week 3 DQ 1

BSA 500 Week 3 DQ 1

Week 4

BSA 500 Week 4 Individual-BalanceSheet & Income Stmt Commentary

Select four publicly traded companies: one in the same industry asRiordan Manufacturing, one in the same industry as HuffmanTrucking, one in the same industry as Kudler Fine Foods, and one inthe same industry as McBride Financial Services.Obtain a current balance sheet and income statement for each selected organization. Write a short commentary on each organization’s balance sheet and income statement.

BSA 500 Week 4 LT Project PPT Draft-Riordan Manufacturing Account Software Modules

BSA 500 Week 4 DQ 1

BSA 500 Week 4 DQ 1

Week 5

BSA 500 Week 5 Individual-Financial Ratios

Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization

Calculate the financial ratios for Riordan Manufacturing, and compare them to the manufacturing industry. Include the



Current ratio


Debt ratio


Profit margin


Return on assets (ROA)

Find an average price/earnings (P/E) ratio for the manufacturing industry. Calculate the following financial ratios for Kudler Fine Foods, and compare them to the food retail industry:

·Current ratio

·Debt ratio

· Profit margin

· ROAs

· Find a P/E ratio for the food retail industry.

BSA 500 Week 5 DQ 1

BSA 500 Week 5DQ 1

Week 6

BSA 500 Week 6 LT Project LT Paper- Riordan and Presentation

BSA 500 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Riordan Manufacturing Paper and Presentation

Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization Finalize and submit a 10- to 15-page paper that summarizes Riordan Manufacturing’s financial state. Include what should be included in the accounting systems, and the systems that should be connected to the accounting system. Be sure your submission is in compliance with the UoP/APA formatting and citationing requirements as per the example document you reviewed in WK1

Also make a presentation of 5-7 slides on the same.

Discussion Questions are Included.

BSA 500 - UOP. Tags: BSA 500 A Graded, BSA 500 A++ Work, BSA 500 All Individual and Learning Team Assignments, BSA 500 All Weeks, BSA 500 Answered, BSA 500 Axia College, BSA 500 Checkpoint, BSA 500 Final Exam, BSA 500 Final Guide, BSA 500 Full Course, BSA 500 help, BSA 500 Homework, BSA 500 Individual Assignment, BSA 500 Learning team Assignment, BSA 500 online class, BSA 500 Phoenix, BSA 500 Product, BSA 500 Questions, BSA 500 Solution, BSA 500 Study Guide, BSA 500 Summary, BSA 500 University of Phoenix Learning Team Assignment, BSA 500 UOP, BSA 500 UOPhelp, BSA 500 week 1 Assignment, BSA 500 week 1 DQ, BSA 500 Week 1-5, BSA 500 week 2 Assignment, BSA 500 week 2 DQ, BSA 500 Week 3, BSA 500 week 3Assignment, BSA 500 week 3DQ, BSA 500 week 4 Assignment, BSA 500 week 4 DQ, BSA 500 week 5 Assignment, BSA 500 week 5DQ, BSA 500 week 6 DQ, BSA 500 Whole Class BSA 500 Entire Solution.

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