le négatif 7

Page 1

88 pages of pure film!


cover by milosz wozaczynski


le negatif is free and self sponsored, without ads, banners and other nasty stuff, the only way to keep it up and running and to make this a better magazine, is to donate. any amount is welcome, and will help our cause.

eXpose your photos! www.lenegatif.com


Ivi Topp Artist/founder




Le nĂŠgatif is the only FREE film photography magazine in the world.

and will allways remain free. we dont place ads or banners in order to keep le negatif a clean and indipendent magazine.

we strongly belive that there is not one reason why art should not be free. if the final intent of art is to make money then we can call that buissnes. art is free from any purpose rather then showing the beauty and the decay of our society. trying to make art has allways been difficult, today even more. the artist should be free from the time consuming aspects of every day life in order to focus on his only duty. we are not just some people with utopian mindsets, we work in order to finance our art (le negatif) with the only purpose to expose the beautiful work of the photographers we publish each month and to inspire the people that read this magazine. we try our best to make this a better magazine each month. we hope you enjoy all the hard work that goes to each issue. please read the magazine till the last page

thank you for your support

How to get in touch with us:



http://twitter.com/lenegatif ivitopp@gmail.com

The contest The prizes First prize 4 packs of px600 silver shade film plus great exposure on le negatif mag, with 8 pages dedicated to the winners photography.

second and third prize 2 packs of px600 silver shade film

plus 4 pages dedicated to the second and third classified, with links back to their portfolio.

The theme: “my concerns“ Photograph something that concerns you, something that makes you sick, something that worries you, something that is stopping you from reaching happiness. photograph something that you think is stopping the whole world from progressing. Try to capture an unjust or unfair act, a tort. Something that is making you feel bad, What you think is wrong with the world today? You can be very concrete, or you can be very conceptual and surrealist. What you chose to photograph is up to you, think before shooting, all entries must be accompanied by a writing, that describes the idea, the concept and your concerns. it can be an essay, or in a form of a note.

All entries must be uploaded at www.lenegatif.com under the contest tab

The rules 1. All submissions must have been done using analogic cameras [slr’s, tlr’s, polaroid, holga’s, ect.] if you submit digital photography works, you will be disqualified. 2. You can develop your film in a lab, or at home. [Regarding digital processing, you are allowed only to scan, and adjust brightness/contrast, small crop if you want to remove sprocket holes for example, no heavy colour adjustments, crops, or montages.] 3. The work submitted must have been created specifically for this contest. 4. All submitted works need to have a note, small essay, describing the idea, situation, concept. 5. You can submit a maximum of 3 photos, only in .jpg files, all photos must be no larger than 3 mb each.

the contest starts 20-11-10 and ends 15-02-11

The contest Votation the winners will be judged on these 5 main fields: Pertinence to the theme, Composition, Lightning, Colour/or contrast for bw entries, power to transmit an idea through photography.

this contest is hosted by le negatif and is sponsored by: the impossible project

Daring the Impossible

Saving analog instant photography from extinction In a world where everything, even our daily lifes, are heading towards digital it may either seem a.) stupid and naive b.) crazy and freaky or c.) helplessly nostalgic to risk all you have for some traditional, analog tool. But it's neither because of a.), b.) or c.) that the people of Impossible started their initially seemingly Impossible project. In late 2008 Impossible saved the last, intact original Polaroid production plant in Enschede (NL) with one great ambition: to save analog instant photography by inventing a new formula and carrying production of instant film for old Polaroid cameras into the 21st century. Not only were the founders of Impossible personally deeply in love with the magical characteristics of Polaroid photography, but also were many of their artist and photographer friends who mourned the end of instant film when Polaroid stopped its production in 2008. Beyond there is the impressing number of 300 million Polaroid cameras that Polaroid sold in its best years. Millions of those cameras are still perfectly functioning and out there, but film for all those cameras became harder and harder to get.

Impossible didn't want to accept such an end for Polaroid photography. With a small team of former Polaroid employees they started inventing a new instant film at the factory in Enschede. Since early 2010 they are producing various film types for Polaroid 600, SX 70 and Image/Spectra camera models - completely independent from the new Polaroid management and the Lady Gaga fuss. With their films Impossible is dissolving the limits of traditional analog instant photography. Other than the highly standardized Polaroid film, Impossible films are an invitation to creativity and experiments, to passionate productions, unique artworks and splendid surprises. So Beppe Bolchi, an Italian artist and photographer, says: "Impossible films are the best test bench to demonstrate your own photographic ability." It's true. Impossible keeps variety, tangibility and creativity alive and thus changes the contemporary world of photography.




on this issue: Behind the camera lens

milosz wozaczynski


Project Review

the guillotine

by Steven Monteau

Rendez-vous lauren e. simonutti

Photography and people: by Maya Idol





Buen Aventura

Cesari Alice

Eric Y

Stephen Mcleod



Edward Olive


Jenny Kristina Nilsson http://www.jennykristina.com/

Guy Batey


Bego Antón


Krystian Kujda


Komolov Yuriy


Marcin Szwaczko


Anne-Marie Arpin http://www.annemariearpin.com/

Nicolas Loiseau

http://www.flickr.com/people/got_that_feeling/ www.stephenmcleod.co.uk

John Merkouris


Oleg Pavlov


Sébastien Pourcel


RaMell Ross www.ramellross.com



Nicolas Gerber


Julien Ratel


Nicolas Borenstein


Brandon Long



Olga Onischenko

Matt Rowe

Rosanna Graf


Jürgen Würschinger


http://olgaonischenko.tumblr.com/ http://www.flickr.com/people/fuchsgold/

Helen Korpak www.helenkorpak.com

Fabian Drahmoune


Benjamin Cerffond


Samuel Bradley


Michael Sherman


Marcin Szwaczko


Faith Alkan


Covery by: Milosz Wozaczynski -



If you find errors in your name or site please contact us and we will correct it as soon as possible



ello film lovers, Next issue of le negatif will be dedicated only to polaroid photography. submit your works now! soon we will start “le negatif camera around the world“ we will send out cameras around the world, for you to shoot with. each partecipant will have a maximum of 1 month to put a film inside, shoot, and send it to the next person on the list. all the

photos will be published on this magazine and our site. for more info please subscribe to our newsletter and recieve the lattest news. A We are also looking for stable contributors. if you shoot film photography on a regular basis, you can be featured in different issues of le negatif. You can also write for le negatif. contact us for more info

Ivi Topp

“” “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” Dorthea Lange “Photography, fortunately, to me has not only been a profession but also a contact between people – to understand human nature and record, if possible, the best in each individual”. Nickolas Muray

“Seeing, looking at what others cannot bear to see is what my life is all about”. Don McCullin

buen av


Eric Y

Edward Olive

Jenny Kristina Nilsson

Jenny Kristina Nilsson

Guy Batey

Bego Ant贸n


n kujda

Behind the camera lens: milosz


In the previous issues we have talked about historic photographers in the “behind the camera lens“ page. In this issue we start talking about contemprary analog photographers.

different from the usual typical style of this genre of photography. These photographs are part of his commercial work, even if they seem really far from commercial, and more near Artistic photography.

The Artist of this month is: Milosz Wozaczynski. He was born and works in poland, Milosz was interested in photography since his adolescence. He works mainly with in large format 8x10 and 5x7 inches cameras and mostly with black and white film. he says: I think that the perfectly clear photographs can be made, without any difficulties with a modern digital cameras. But this kind of photography looks dead and soulless for me. I think, that all the imperfections of classical photography makes it more decent. So I prefer this kind of esthetics of course.

Milosz says: I love to take pictures of people not as unplanned scenes or in real life situations, but in the strictly directed scenes. In my photographs I try to show some ideas.

Behind the camera lens of Milosz we see his wedding photographs wich are really

His photographs surprise because they trasmit feelings that we can not find in other photographs of this genre. Milosz makes photographs with simple scenes involving humans and various props. We invite you to take a look at his work My photographs are separate pictures, telling completely different stories.


by Jola.Ll

milosz wozaczynski

milosz woz


milosz woz


milosz woz



v Yuriy

Marcin Szwaczko

Anne-Marie Arpin

Nicolas Loiseau

Matt Rowe

Rendez-vous lauren e. simonutti


an you present your work for le negatif properly fix, fix remove, and wash. While the print is still wet it is wiped of extra water and if readers? necessary particularly areas are hand colored. ll my images are 100% digital free, tradi- (Generally not but on occasion.) It can take tional film and darkroom gelatin silver me anywhere from an hour from shot to finprints.As to a description of myself ? In general ished print if all goes extremely well, or up to that is what the pictures are for, specifically I anywhere of 12 to 16 hours, sometimes over have learned along the way that although it is a day. I never stop working a neg until I have a a dangerous thing for a woman who has been viable print.As all my bleaching and toning is locked up for hearing voices to say, comes a applied with paint brushes, pours or spatters point where you have to stop trying to direct I can never create the same print twice. I can make variations on a theme but each print is and simply do as you are told. unique. hat cameras do you use, and which is n your works “Time� seems to have a your favorite? very strong pressence, what is your relause a Deardorff 4x5, a Burke & James Watson tion with the notion of time? 5x7, a Deardorff 8x10 and an 8x10 that I built he passage of time is of course of the myself in 2008 from a Bender kit. My favorite penultimate importance and a long excamera to use is the 4x5, my favorite format and posure, that captures not only the subject in print size is the 5x7. front of the lens but the movement of light hat techniques do you use for your pho- and shadow through the frame, allows one not to just capture a moment- but seconds, tographs? minutes and hours, and contain them. y exposures are quite long, seldom an we say that your work is totally pershorter than 2 minutes and as long as sonal and why? several hours stopped down to the smallest aperture available on the lens. I work a single imthink all work is totally personal; in my case age from beginning to end. I set up my shot, more so in that I live a relatively isolated life. with myself in the frame or not and expose one negative. I then go down to my darkroom, I live in a city but seldom leave my home and soup the film, check to see if I have what I want in 8 years have had no more than 7 visitors. then wash and dry.I do not use a clock, I either My entire world is comprised of 8 rooms, 7 count or time by music. I know the lengths of mirrors, 6 clocks, 2 minds and 199 panes of the various songs on rotation in my darkroom glass. and when I find the one with the right length I our images are mostly captured in Black kill the lights, press play, put the film in the deand White, is this a preference, or is it dicveloper and rock it gently. When the song ends the film gets moved into the stop. I would say tated by the technique you use? about 95% of my images are made on the first y images are all black and white. I do shot. I then print, quick wash, bleach and tone not shoot colour but I do apply it often putting colour where I wish colour to be, then


via selective use of toners and bleach - sepia, selenium and potassium ferricyanide.Black and white is my only preference- it strips things away to their core, to their basic elements.


ho are some of your favorite artists?

ans Bellmer, Remedios Varo, Goya, Kurt Vonnegut, Paul Auster, Vesalius, The output of the Bauhaus School, the Dada artists, Odd Nerdrum, Tom Waits.







hat would you like to experiment in the future? (as a photographer, as an

on-silver processes (particularly platinum palladium) and photogravure are both processes about which I would like to learn more.Photogravure and platinum printing both capture my attention, but I have been a silver printer for over 25 years (I started when not even a teenager) and believe I have finally reached a point where I have the capacity to be truly good so I suspect I will not stray.


hank you Lauren for this interview.




by Jola.Ll


lauren e. simonutti

lauren e. simonutti


J端rgen W端rschinger

fabian drahmoune

Benjamin Cerffond



Michael Sherman

Michael Sherman

Marcin Szwaczko

faith alkan




i Alice



Project Review

guillotine camera by steven monteau

This is a special series of project reviews. We will look in-depth on the process Steven uses to build his hand made cameras. From conception - to realization.

Welcome back Steven. Can you describe the building process for the Guillotine camera ? Thanks for inviting me again The building process was pretty similar to the the Battlefield one : - Collect cardboard / cut it / glue it / make mistake / unglue / recut /

reglue / .... and so on...

steven’s official site: http://www.mmmphoto.com/

I just had to find some cheap lenses in addition, so i tortured some disposable cameras. As usual i didn’t make any blueprint - only sketches - that’s why the malleable cardboard structure is so important to me !

Project Review

battlefield camera by steven monteau

What are some of the differences from the Battlefield camera? Everything! The Battlefield concept is to spread a single long exposure over three 35mm roll films, whereas the Guillotine concept is to mix three successive action shots on a single 120 roll film. But is the Guillotine an evolution from the Battlefield camera design ? Nope, it's a totally different design because of its rather different use :

To capture a fast action i needed a wide aperture with a lens instead of a pinhole, and because of that wide aperture i needed a fast shutter speed ;) Thus i made a huge guillotine-style shutter to trigger the 3 lenses successively Was it difficult to adjust ? Well i had to make some tests.... And fortunately i had some motivated skateboarders on hand to test all kind of apertures, film speeds, processes, etc....

Fred Ferrand : Invert wipeout ! --- Rollei CR200 Slide Film cross processed

Lo誰c Morice : Frontside Air --- Ilford FP4

Benjamin Garcia : Kickflip --- Kodak Portra160NC cross processed

All tricks by Laurent Lozes --- Ilford XP2 expired / Fuji Velvia100 cross processed

Project Review

battlefield camera by steven monteau

Can you tell us more about your experience with this camera (good points/bad points compared to the battlefield) ? First, let's talk about the shared bad points ! : - Since both cameras are all cardboard homemade stuff, i totally look like a hipster...

- But sometimes, since the cameras are freakin huge, people just think i'm a terrorist But the Guillotine itself has another bad point : - It's an even larger camera than the Battlefield one, and..... i can only take 4 different sequences on a full 120 roll film !

Female searching for h

Don’t worry though, the Guillotine has a good point compared to the Battlefield : - I use it handheld, so i don’t need to tell my subjects to hold still for 5 minutes... Quite convenient isn’t it At least that’s something ! Haha yep, and generally speaking this is a really cool camera : - The overlaping frames save a lot of post-production time for those who like sequences ! - The huge 6X18cm format gives a lot of details, and allows using high

her pants --- 25600iso

speed film without seeing too much grain... - And since the guillotine shutter doesn’t make any sound, i can shoot discreetly... I had a particular project in mind to make good use of these two last advantages : I always wanted to get into FEMALE-WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY So i simply hid myself in a girl’s apartment, loaded my camera with a very high speed film (Ilford Delta 3200 iso pushed to 25600 in Microphen), an waited !

Female reading before sleeping --- 25600iso

Female drying her hair --- 25600iso

Thank you Steven, see you next month with the "Jaw" camera! Thank YOU. Your magazine is amazing, keep up the good work

Female running for her life --- 25600iso

edward olive

Stephen Mcleod

John Merkouris

Anne-Marie Arpin

Oleg Pavlov

SĂŠbastien Pourcel

RaMell Ross


Photography and people.


and have fun,they go to a party and take photos to show to other people that they had fun....and this story goes on and on. Long time ago when photography was invented people kept saying: Camera can’t lie,Photography can’t lie. Now im more with this quote: “The camera cannot lie, This phrase made me think a lot about the power of but it can be an accessory to photography,and in what way are we using this power. untruth.” . ll my thoughts about photography came when during a trasmission in Tv a girl that never have seen her dad said to him: I knew you only from a photograph.

Why we are taking photos nowdays? We are doing it for ourselves? We take photos for different reasons,everyone have seen the eiffel tour but when we visit it we always take photos, so we can say: i was there and here is my photo. We can take photos of our children,of our weddings,our friends and family. Most of the people take photos and they don’t think anymore for themselves. They think about what people will think when they see their photos in a(n) (anti) social network. We dont take anymore photos of our children to show them what they dont remember from their early years,but to show to the others the most intimate moments. The teenagers aren’t living anymore for their moments,they dont go to a party

This process is no more private,like many other things. But you can see it more in the subject of photography. And i think all of this came with the digitalizaton. Everything that is digital is mass consumption... and its really fast. We are living in a society where people can’t wait,they want things and they want them now. This is the philosophy of digital cameras: You take million of photos,you delete the ones that you don’t like your hair and you put the others in your “Personal” account. I can talk long time for this subject but i want to stop here for now. And i close with my words: I can know the life you have invented from you photographs.

by Maya Idol

faith alkan

Nicolas Gerber

julien ratel

Nicolas Bo



on Long

Olga Oni



a graf



upload your photos directly at our site, this is the most quick and secure way to go on the selection list. use this simple form to upload up to 3 photos per month. max size: 4mb, dimensions: minimun 950px on the widest side of the image, 72dpi, only .jpg files accepted.

Thank you for reading this magazine. feel free to contact us if you have questions or suggestions. le negatif is ads free and self sponsored, the only way to keep it up and running and to make this a better magazine, is to donate. any amount is welcome, and will help our cause. keep shooting film!

le negatif team, Ivi Topp, Jola.Ll

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