100k Factory Review and Bonus
Product Name : 100K Factory Makers : Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton
Product Price : $2497 Product Official
Website : www.100kfactory.com Cart Open: Tuesday February 28th 2017 Release Time: 12:00 EST
Cart Close: Thursday March 9th Bonuses: YES, Bonus from my site Refund : 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Recommended: Highly recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Level
Support: Effective Response
What is 100K Factory?
• The 100k Factory is a program that claims to help people generate an yearly income of $100,000 online. • The program covers numerous internet marketing disciplines which users get an opportunity to learn about and exploit. • Users can use the 100k Factory program to generate income from many avenues i.e. from AdSense. affiliate marketing, selling products through the program and email leads generated through traffic sources just to mention a few income generating avenues. – A FULL A-Z walk-through of the ENTIRE system.
– A LIVE example of a site that has done over $756K in the past 7 months. – The 7-Steps to quickly scale from $10/day to $100/day to $1000+/day for each Website you set up. – Details on the ‘Secret Weapon’ which will enable you get started without having to do any of the work. – A secret source of 1000 “pre-researched” profitable products that you can sell INSTANTLY.
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Who is behind 100k Factory? The 100k Factory program is by former fortune 500 CEO Steve Clayton & renowned internet marketer Aidan Booth. The two teamed up & used their years of experience in business & online marketing to create the 100k Factory program. Aidan Booth has over 10 years of internet marketing experience (Since 2005). He has made over 1,500 websites to date. Steve Clayton also has experience in internet marketing & plenty of experience in business. Steve has been a CEO of a fortune 500 company before. Aidan Booth met Steve Clayton when he was looking to lay out structured plans for his online business which had plenty of websites (a factory of websites). They created 100k Factory to share their vast knowledge on business & online marketing success with the world.
How 100k Factory Work? The 100k factory program is a comprehensive program containing live training workshops, training video modules, numerous PDF manuals as well as a detailed business planning kit that shows people how to generate $100k each year (ZERO to $30K/month) using four websites which get traffic from paid Facebook ads, viral content, in-house traffic software, Google as well as other search engines. The program teaches you how to get traffic in a very short time from viral sources eliminating concerns about competition.
‘Below is the example how much traffic you can get using 100K Factory Traffic Launchpad Software�
100K Factory Program users learn how to setup & monetize four websites using: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Ad Sense 3. Their own Products/Services 4. Email Leads etc. Program users get access to custom-made software for building websites & putting content on those web-sites at the push of a button. Once the web-site are up & running, users are taken through vigorous training that teaches them how to bring & maintain loads of traffic to their sites. For instance, you learn how to do effective market research. You also learn and get resources that help you to release high quality & highly optimized viral sites fast. The program also teaches you how to get large quantities of cheap or free targeted traffic fast which results in fast earnings. The viral approach of the program makes it possible to start making cash in just a few hours. Fast earnings are also guaranteed since the program focuses on numerous revenue sources from AdSense & affiliate links to product/service sales & email leads generating traffic among many other monetization avenues.
The 100k factory program is structured to reduce the time it takes to start generating online income thanks to its custom built tool suite. The program’s tool suite works in two main ways. One, the tool suit enables program users to build the type of site that is capable of earning thousands each month quickly & easily. The suite also offers program users high quality website content that is capable of converting fast. The program’s tool suite as well as the content repository are completely unique. They were built from scratch to be exclusively used by 100k Factory users. The two were built by true web development and content experts at a cost in excess of $70,000. There is therefore no doubt that the tool suite works. Below is The Great Bounce Rate Shown by Aldan booth
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The Traning The 100k Factory is simply training program with unique resources to help people earn a lot of cash online. The program comes with a lifetime access to the tool suite. Program members also get step-by-step training from the people behind the program i.e. Steve Clayton & Aidan Booth & unrestricted access to a specialized support system. The 100k program has an 8-week web training class that consists of live training workshops that walk program members through every single intricate detail of the program & the process. The program also comes with instructional videos, many PDF manuals as well as a comprehensive business planning kit that shows you exactly how to build a $100,000 each year business using four websites only. Please note that this is a conservative estimate. After going through the training. your potential to earn is limitless according to Steve & Aidan because you can setup more websites & replicate your success. 100k Factory training is delivered “over the shoulder” which simply means that program members are able to see how they can copy the method replicating the results.
All training is done by Steve Clayton & Aidan Booth. The founders also run the program’s specialized support system. This simply means that the owners/founders are 100% in control of the quality of the training. Program members are also assured of unmatched customer satisfaction.
The Software The 100k Factory program comes with special software known as the 100k Launchpad which is designed to help members make cash online fast & easy ( $10/day to $100/day to $1000+/day ). The Launchpad has several tools namely 1. The content repository: As the name suaaests, the content repository contains all the content resources you need to create great websites. For instance, the content repository has a monstrous content library that users can use to get high quality website content fast & easy 2. The conversion optimization engine: This tool incorporates exit intent popups, split test control, advanced optin form integration & much more all of which can be easily customized. 3. The website factory: This tool is a website builder with all the resources you need to make a fantastic web-site. The website factory leverages on custom built Word Press themes and enables you to add new site content easily. In a nutshell, the program’s software is packed with tools that make it extremely simple to build sites that are customized effectively for conversions. Great Time On Site Using 100k Launchpad
Conclusion: In summary, the 100k Factory program is a one of a kind program that teaches people how to make $100k on-line yearly. The program is made by true experts in the field of business & internet marketing. As a result, the program is arguably more credible than most similar programs out there.
Furthermore, the program is packed with useful resources and training & support is done by the owners of the program which is a testament of the program’s quality. Considering it cost over $70,000 to develop the program’s tool suite and content repository not to mention, the time & human resources used to make the program among many other factors i.e. many positive online 100k Factory reviews, the program is highly recommendable to anyone willing spend $2,497 to learn how to make $100k or more on-line every year. http://www.azbestreviews.com/100k-factory-review-80discount-huge-bonus/