Jester in Chester

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Chester isnt by any means the largest city in the world. Yet somehow, the people of Chester still manage to get themselves lost quite easily... and not in the way they should be. Though a lot of cities are open to exploration and its part of the experience to wander around, sometimes you just want to know where certain things are. And the sign posts and maps in Chester aren't doing you any favours! The issue with Chester is that their signage uses street names, and their maps are unspecific and don't show people where the shops are. People visiting the city especially won't know of street names and where the shops are located. So let's fix that!

Jester in Chester is a bespoke app created for the soul purpose of helping lead the residents and tourists of Chester seamlessly around the city, Without any hassle or interuption. It has also been created to help more people interact in the city, whether that is with the city itself or simply with others using the app! Confused? Let us explain!

The App is our solution to Chester’s difficulty with navigation. Not only is is practical, giving that everyone has smart phones these days, but its fun! Fear not! We’ll show you where to go.

App Layout

Opening Screen This is the first thing the viewers will see as soon as they launch the app. Our distinct logo, and some unmistakeable landmarks, such as the Chester clock!

The Homescreen Directly after the opening screen, you’ll be brought here. Here you have the option to choose what you want to do. Exploring


Customisation One of the most important features in the app is being able to customise your avatar. There is a huge range of different features, accessories, and clothes the characters can have, so the ways in which you can personalise

How do you look? The above is a few examples of how your avatars can be customised. Though there is a specific design for how the avatars can look, the possibilities are endless when it comes to the customisation! Customising your avatar is the first step you take towards exploring Chester, because your avatar will be your guide.


Sometimes your avatar may stop on the way to your destination, and try to signal a different route to you. It is in your best interest to trust them on this, because it can lead to all sorts of surprises! Perhaps a well hidden shop you have never seen before, or a gift for you to use in the app!

Follow Your Guide Now you have created your avatar, you can move onto taking them out in the world with you! Choose where you would like to go on the map, and you can then use your camera to ‘see’ your Jester and follow them to the destination you would like to go to.

Map App Layout

Where are you going?

If you arent sure where you’re going, you can open up our custom designed map, and create a route. The independant shops are marked in a different colour so you can easily identify the difference, and easily navigate to them. Tapping them will bring up an image of the location, and tapping the image will create a route for your avatar to follow via the camera!

Opening Screen This is the first thing the viewers will see as soon as they launch the app. Our distinct logo, and some unmistakeable landmarks, such as the Chester clock!

The Homescreen Directly after the opening screen, you’ll be brought here. Here you have the option to choose what you want to do. Exploring

Friends Codes

Around Chester, everyone’s avatars are visible for others to see (Unless you choose to hide it in the settings). If you want to follow a certain route your friend has taken, you can simply tap them while in the ‘explore’ screen, using your camera, and they will reveal a code you can save for the future. You can then use that to see what route’s they have taken! You might even find some rewards on your way around the city.

The Fountain Roundabout The Fountain Roundabout near the centre of Chester is very well know, but often emits a negative vibe rather than a posive one. Our advertising idea was to completely transform the underground of the roundabout, and not only add colour and light to the underground, but to also advertise the app down there, and make Jester in Chester an experience people can take away with them! It would also make the dark underground a more welcoming area for students, residents, and tourists to walk through, as they’d be greeted by a series of light, beautiful illustrations and colours!

The Walls

The Chester Walls’ are what make Chester what it is! In order to advertise on the walls without using any destructive format, we decided to sample using a ‘hologram’. We have hidden projectors around the walls, and have animated the holograms that will be used on the walls. This was the walls are untouched, but we can also use them to advertise the app! And everyone love’s holograms, so anyone passing by will be sure to see the fun filled animations running along the walls!

Social Media

Social media is also a very important part of advertising. This is the banner we will be using across social media to advertise the app. It is a simple design, but gets what our app is about across clearly and quickly.

We hope people like our designs!

Welcome Pack

There is a lot of ways people can hear about our app. From banners to The Walls having hollograms, to the roundabout underground being decorated. However we wanted to create something for students, to give them something for when they start education, whether that would be as an adult, or as a child. First year students at school, high school, and university will be sent a welcome pack to not only advertise our app, and also welcome them!

Design Guidelines

This booklet has been created to help you design correctly for Jester in Chester. In this book you will learn how we like our branding, our logo, our typography, and our imagery, which should all be kept in line with how Jester is presented.

Primary Logo


Minimum size 1’’ High

Jester in Chester’s primary logo is meant to depict a Jester as well as a navigation symbol. The app itself’s main features will be the Jester, which will be presented in various advertising and many times in the app itself, however we needed a logo that would be distinct and put across the fact that it is not only a game of sorts, but a navigation app for helping you navigate around the city too. The logo can be as small as an inch, and is not to be stretched or squashed.



Secondary Logos

Secondary logos can be used as silhouettes for photo editing, be used on advertising alongside the original logo, and used in images, but is never to be

This is one of the primary avatars created. It appears to show examples of how the app works for the users, but she cannot be used as a logo alone. She can however, be used in photographs, app mockups, and on advertising.

This is the title logo. It can be used to show the name of the app, but is essentially more of a title than a logo. It is to be used alongside the primary logo, and can be used in advertising, on merchandise and in the app.

Colour Schemes

Jester Red

#ED1A38 C=0 M=100 Y=82 K=0

Sky Blue

#2DECEA R=45 G=236 B=234

SNOW #FFFFFF R=255 G=255 B=255

When creating illustrations, typography, logos, and advertising, the unless it is a photograph, it will follow this colour scheme. It may be varied, and the colours can be flexible in terms of creating a lighter blue thats faded, or a deeper red, but these are our brand’s colours and what will be used consistently through the brand.

Typography A lot of the typography used for headers is hand drawn in a calligraphy style with the three primary colours layered on top of each other in a stacked to the right style. This is to be used for titles, and large buttons in the app. It is not to be used for paragraphs as it is too complex to read when reduced in size and written in a large quantity.


When writing large amounts of text, we use the DIN Condensed for Headers, subheaders, and the paragraph body, as it is a simple but slick type that is easy to read in a small font and large quantity.

DIN Condensed

Using the app

Shadows can be used, but only if the type is over an image. This is to make the type more clear and 3D, and to help the viewer read it more clearly, rather than it being a design choice. Sometimes with busy backgrounds it can help seperate the image and the type.


When using photography, our style is to blur the image slightly and keep in focus the main point we are making. We can see the landmarks and everyone knows what they are, so let’s leave it to the imagination, and just keep the point we are making the main attraction in the image. The people using the app will be able to see these landmarks for themselves, so its good to add some mystery to our advertising!

This is an example of how the logo and the secondary logo fit together onto a photograph. The image can hold landmarks, but we do like the surrounding areas to be out of focus to emphasise what we are looking at in the image, so be sure to follow these rules.

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