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Winter 2018


Issue 53

Current issues



Experiences of women at gigs


Day by day by day




Guest article Feminism & BDSM


A painful reminder


Absences and beginnings


“I wish we talked more about...”


Thoughts on grief


. Help with the


enemy within






Deeper meanings



Unsafe words


What do rapists look like?


Objection? sustained!


Just anxious


The apple doesn’t fall very far


feminist fatigue

. .


. .

Fun stuff? 40

How to have a unicorn birthday


Dancing with myself


woman to woman


Dinosaurs for democracy




On the bonfire


Dino’s for feminism



. .

. Not actually that complicated






RDPP’s 9 super sex tips


What do rapists look like?


Our bodies, our future


Journey’s end?


epilogues and new adventures


last words and credits


. .

. .


EXPERIENCES of women at gigs & clubs Co- blog with Amodelofcontrol.com Some time ago, Adam at

I leaped at the opportunity to help

amodelofcontrol.com got in

women’s voices be heard – as a former

touch with me as a few

singer in a metal band (yes, the “rockstar”

recent experiences and

is the one out of four that I managed to

conversations had made

achieve, albeit briefly) I’ve faced my (un)fair

him realise how little he’d

share of harassment both as a performer

known of the harassment

and a gig/club goer.

many of his fellow female

I have also experienced the

music fans experienced for

downright soul destroying experience of

the crime of Being Women In

trying to talk about it only to be shut down;

Public Spaces.

told I am over-reacting, exaggerating,

He asked if I would

complaining about nothing, not being

help gather stories from

flattered enough and all the other sorts of

my blog followers to help

things women get told when we talk about

him write a piece aimed at

the crap that happens to us, apparently

encouraging other men to

because some men can’t treat women as

understand the scale of the

humans deserving of either respect or

problem, and think about

bodily autonomy.

what men can do to help change the culture.

Unsafe Words Feeling safe is a privledge A few weeks ago, just before Christmas,

My body floods with adrenaline.

I was in a queue waiting to pay for some

Fear. Revulsion. I tense. There’s a

food I’d just ordered to eat on the train

stranger touching me, in public. I

home after my evening class.

freeze, a rabbit in front of a fox; a fox

I was listening to music playing as I

in front of a hunter. I hear a voice

often do. A man’s face appeared right next shouting. Some powerful and strong to my face, too sudden, too close. It made

Amazonian warrior steps in and she

me jump a little. I leaned back, pushing one is dealing with this man in a loud and earphone back as I realised he was talking

brave way. I am terrified and shaking

to me.

as all the memories of the other times

“Sorry darling can I just push in? My train is I’ve been touched without consent in five minutes”.

or approached by strangers, always

“So’s mine” I started to say.

men, wanting my time or my body and

The rest of the sentence would have been

reacting with fury and with all too

“and I have already ordered, so you’d need

coherent rage when denied one or

to check with the person behind me” but


went unsaid. As I started to speak, this man, this

“DON’T TOUCH WOMEN YOU DON’T KNOW” this Amazonian is

stranger who had already inserted himself roaring. “Don’t touch women you into my personal space and called me

don’t know. You don’t know what’s

“darling”, placed his hand on my hip. It was

happened to them in the past. Just

the hand I couldn’t see, placed around

don’t.” She roars.

the other side of my body, effectively

I shake. She sounds like me. Who is

holding me in a light embrace, trapping me this women using my voice to make between his arm and the counter. It was a

such a scene? Everyone is staring at

gentle touch, not particularly forceful, and


it seemed entirely thoughtless, careless, casual.

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