13 minute read
VISIONARIES ($10,000+) The Harold H. Bate Foundation Mr. Gene Clark Gene Haas Foundation Ms. Harriet Herring Mrs. Eleanor L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Page, Jr. Mr. Tommy Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tetterton The Turner Family Mrs. William W. Whittington Ms. Harvey S. Wooten Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc. (John O. McNairy Honorarium)
HERITAGE SOCIETY ($5,000 – $9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Blizzard Mr. and Mrs. Dexter E. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Greg E. Floyd Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. UNC Lenoir Health Care Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
TRUSTEES SOCIETY ($2500 – $4,999) Dr. and Mrs. Brantley Briley Mrs. Bobby R. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. Rusty Hunt Pepsi/ Minges Bottling Group PICA Foundation
PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY ($1,000 – $2,499) American Endowment Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berry Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie H. Blizzard Bojangles’/Tands, Inc. Mr. Frederick R. Bonar Byrd’s Restaurant Cannon Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Crawford, III Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Denny Garner Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Hill Mrs. Carol M. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jennings Jones - Onslow EMC Kinston Clinic North Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Manuel Montgomery North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc. Poole Family Foundation, Inc. Dr. Junius H. Rose, Jr. Schechter Foundation Shell Rapid Lube Southwest Christian Church Mr. Reid Taylor Town of Snow Hill Vidant Health West Pharmaceutical Services
SCHOLARS CLUB ($500 – $999) Ace Hardware of Snow Hill Mr. and Mrs. Marty Atwater Mr. Eddie M. Banks Ms. Laura Barnes and Mr. Lynn St. John BB&T Mr. and Mrs. Christian Berg Mr. Matthew Berg Dr. and Mrs. John Paul Black Mrs. Erwin P. Boyd Ms. Linda M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cannon Chef & the Farmer, Inc. Chris Humphrey Insurance Agency Mr. Gary L. Clements Coastal Connections Marketing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy F. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coward Mr. Sandy Dallas Mr. Carl D. Dangerfield Ms. Judy N. Deme Down East Wood Ducks Dupont Eastern Radiologist, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Loren Edwards Exchange Club of Kinston Farm Bureau Insurance First Citizens Bank Mr. and Mrs. John A. Grady Jr. Greene Ridge Racquet and Swim Club Dr. Deborah D. and Mr. David C. Grimes Mr. Oscar Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Haddock Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hargett Dr. and Mrs. Carl Haynes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hosea Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Jones KC Crop Insurance Services, Inc. Mrs. Jeanne M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James Ray Koonce Lenoir Committee of 100 Lenoir County Retired School Personnel Mrs. James B. MacNeill Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Meade, Jr. Mills International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph I. Mintz, Jr. Tim A. Nevinger and Kim G. Cavendish Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Nobles Mr. and Mrs. Jacques C. Passailaigue Mrs. Katherine Pearson Pierce Group Benefits, LLC Ms. Angela K. Pittman Mrs. Kathryn Pittman Mr. O. A. (Buddy) Ritch, Jr. Sanderson Farms, Inc. Ms. Lisa Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Terry Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Stroud Ms. Deborah Sutton Dr. Kim F. Turnage Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Turner, III Union Bank The Estate of Bobby and Marie Waller Dr. Alexis B. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Wetherington Mr. Stephen D. Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wilson
HONORS CLUB ($250 – $499) Alpha Kappa Alpha Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Jay Barker Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Barwick, Jr. Ms. Paula L. Battle Mr. Don Blake and Mrs. Lynn Johnson-Blake Mr. Jack Boone Ms. Darla Boseman Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. Campbell Capps Trailers.com Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy (Jay) Carraway Mr. Jordan L. Cremer Mrs. June Cummings D. & W. Plumbing, Inc. DEPS Safety & Security Services, Inc. Doctors James and Melissa Engleman Evans & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Corey Fader Fred Moody & Sons Mr. Richard Garafolo Mr. and Mrs. JD Gibbs Ms. Shelia A. Graham Ms. Morgan N. Graves Ms. Whitney Graves Greene County Farm Bureau Greene County Manager’s Office Greene County Schools Dr. Cecilia Bianchi-Hall and Mr. Timothy Hall Mr. and Mrs. Gregor J. Hannibal Happy Jack, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hardison Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hardison Mr. Jimmy R. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heath Heritage Genealogical Society Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Holland Hookerton Family Practice, PA Ms. Valerie J. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Kendall W. Huffman Dr. Terry Humphrey Mrs. Richy S. Huneycutt Mrs. Sherry K. Irsik Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph King Kinston Dental Associates La Grange Garden Club Dr. Timothy Maddox Ms. Jessica L. McMahon Mr. Jamal McMillion Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Miller Mr. Timothy Minch Ms. Sharon Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morris Mr. Robert Nobles Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Parson The Honorable Imelda Pate Mr. Jason Perry Piedmont Natural Gas Premium Painting Rand Wade Oil Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salter Scott Insurance and Financial, Inc. Servpro of Lenoir, Duplin & Jones Counties Ms. Lisa Shaw Mr. Sherwood D. Shivar
SMC Home Finance Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Smith Southern Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spears Spectrofuge Corporation of NC, Inc. State Farm Foundation Mr. Dusk Stroud Mrs. Carol S. Sykes Ms. Samara S. Taft The Jenkins-Tapp Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Tilghman Mrs. Christine C. Turner Dr. and Mrs. Lynwood C. Turner, III Viamark Advertising Mr. and Mrs. George E. Vick, Jr. Ms. Kathryn W. Waits Walker Insurance Group Walstonburg American Legion White & Allen, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. White, III Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Whitley Ms. Kamesha Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Scottie Wilson Ms. Renee Wyatt
LANCERS CLUB ($100 – $249) AAA Carolinas Albermarle Eye Center Mr. and Mrs. John P. Albert Ms. Jayne McKinney Athey A Total Pest Control Auto Store of Farmville Ayden Grifton High School Mr. Samuel Barber Mr. and Mrs. David W. Barnes Barnhill Contracting Company Barrow, Parris & Davenport, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Boldt Mr. William A. Bostic Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Braxton Mr. and Mrs. Danny Britt, Jr. Brown Associates, PLLC Mr. Kenneth E. Brown Dr. Maggie Brown and Mr. Chris Brown Dr. Faith F. Bynum Mr. and Mrs. Holt F. Callaway, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Canup Mr. and Mrs. Earl Capps, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon N. Carraway Ms. Crystal S. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Carter CDS - Networks and Services Central Heating and Air Conditioning Cherry Energy Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cherry, Jr. Chick-fil-A Ms. Ella Clarke Coastal Plains Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos B. Cotto Ms. Teresa M. Crumley Mrs. Jessica Cruz Cut-N-Up on Mane Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Dail Mr. Cecil Davis Dixon Foods Group, Inc. - Mcdonalds Mrs. Melissa P. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dolde Dr. Shirley L. Dove Down East Farms Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Downie Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Dunn Mr. Andrew E. Duppstadt East Coast Equipment Eastpoint Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc. Mrs. Tezra Egleton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellis Ms. Sandi Eubanks The Honorable and Mrs. John P. Exum, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Steven Felzer Flooring Gallery, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Futrell Ms. Bonnie P. Gainey Ms. Janeice Goude Grady Team Realty Mr. and Mrs. David Green Greene County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Gridley Mr. Heith Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heath Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hill, Jr. Hot Locks Salon and Company Mr. and Mrs. Johnny E. Hussey Jeff Hale, CPA, P.A. Mr. Brian Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jennings John F. Marston Insurance
Jones County NC Retired School Personnel Mr. and Mrs. David V. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Joyner K & M Farms Inc. Ms. Dawn E. Kantz Mr. and Mrs. John Keffer Mrs. Mallory Kennedy Kinston - Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce Kinston Disc Golf Association Mrs. BJ Koonce Mrs. Sonia W. Koonce Mr. Timothy W. Lancaster, Jr. Ms. Sarah E. Lane Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lanier LCC Association of Educational Office Professional Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lemon Mr. James Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Leonard Mr. Jason Long Mr. Andrew Luppino Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mackey Mallard Oil Company Ms. Dominique Marshall Mrs. Mildred B. Matthis Mr. and Mrs. James Mauney Mr. Brian K. May Mr. Daniel E. McLawhorn Mrs. Charlene Meadows MedSource Pharmacy Dr. Maria Messner Dr. David E. Miller, Jr. Ms. Esther Miller Ms. Betty L. Mock Mr. Anthony C. Moore Mr. Gil Moore Mr. Warren C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. William A. Moore Ms. Hannah Moye Neuse News Neuse Sport Shop, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Niles North Lenoir Hawks Athletic Booster Club Ms. Betti Ann Perry Mrs. Lindsay Phillips Ms. Marilyn M. Phipps Ms. Allena Pierce Piggly Wiggly Central Business Office Pink Hill Funeral Home, Inc. Pink Hill Gifts Pitt & Greene Electric Membership Corporation Potter Photography & Design Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riley Ms. Robbie Rodgers Rotaract Club of Lenoir County Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Rouse Dr. Ivey and Dr. Judith Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robbie and Donna Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vance E. Smith Southland Flooring & Design LLC Mr. Donald R. Speight, Sr. Mr. Glenn A. Spence Stallings Plumbing, Heating & AC Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stansbury Committee to Elect Henry L. Stevens IV Ms. Sue P. Stok Re-Elect Dawn G. Stroud Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Luther Summerlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sutton Ms. Annette Swinson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sykes, Sr. Mr and Mrs. Adam Taggert Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor Mrs. Tara Taylor Mr. Anthony A. Philyaw and Mrs. Wendy Taylor-Philyaw Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Theodorakis Timberwolf Logging Mr. Jonathan Tyndall Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Uchello W.A. Moore & Company Wade Tire Service Mr. and Mrs. Bob D. Wagner West Johnston High School Ms. Carla Wetherington Mr. Tim Whealton Dr. Jarrett T. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. White Ms. Janequa White Mr. Robert E. Whitley Mrs. Sheila Wiggins Woodmen Life - Chapter 46 Yarbrough Financial Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Yourdon
FRIENDS CLUB ($50 – $99) ACIA Care Thrift Shop Estate of Crystal Andrews Mr. Paul Andrews Ms. Dixie L. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Ashford Mrs. Barbara M. Barr Bass Farms, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Bielby Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Biggins Mr. and Mrs. Greg Boan Ms. Jane Langley Brothers Ms. Carolyn Butler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cannon Mrs. Elaine Carmon Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cole Mr. Chris Combs Mr. Michael C. Copley Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Davis Mr. Donald T. Dreisbach Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox Mr. Elijah Gooding Mrs. Joyce P. Grant Ms. Delana Gray Gray’s Golf Cart Service Ms. Paulette H. Harrell Ms. Vertricia Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jake Heis Ms. Marsha E. Higgins Ms. Mary S. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ives Mr. and Mrs. Carlton M. Jenkins Jessica Creech Photography LLC Ms. Carla H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones, III Mr. Tyrone Jones Ms. Flor I. Juarez Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Darryl E. Kelson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kennedy Mr. Joseph N. Kimpson Kinston Dance Academy Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Landis, II Mr. and Mrs. Delwood Lanier Mr. Willie L. Laughinghouse Mr. and Mrs. Roman Marak Mr. Donell McMillan Ms. Jennifer L. Mock Mr. and Mrs. William B. Moss Ms. Misty S. Moye Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murray Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Murrell Mr. and Johnnie Naylor Neuse Veterinary Clinic Mr. Steven B. Oliver Mr. Kevin M. Parker Mr. Kevin F. Parsons Ms. Marsha Parsons Mr. Steve Parsons Play It Again Sports Ms. Tracey Anne Price Ms. Joyce Raglin Rapid Response Electric, Inc. Ms. Jacqueline Redding Mr. Wren H. Rouse Ms. Shirley C. Sessoms Shockers Fastpitch Organization Mr. and Mrs. Benny F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tony Smith State Farm Insurance Co. – Judy O. Jones State Farm Insurance Co. – Keith Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stockford Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Sugg, III Sumerll, Sugg, Carmichael, Hicks & Hart, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Woody Sutton, Jr. Ms. Carol J. Taylor Ms. Linda Thomas Mr. Glenn E. Thompson Mr. Justin Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Tingle Ms. Ashley Tyson Union Bank – La Grange Mr. William R. Wellons, Jr. Mrs. Casey A. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. White Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. White Mrs. Mary-Margaret Wiggins Wil Hardy Insurance Agency, Inc. Ms. Kristi M. Wiley Ms. Molly B. Williford Mrs. Darlene Worthington Mr. and Mrs. David Wrought Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett M. Wynne
LCC Contributor CLUB (up to – $49) Mr. and Mrs. Marco Almengor Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Armstead Mr. Carl Banks Mrs. Christine Bates Mr. Roland Best Mr. Reginald Bradshaw Brookstone Living Center Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brothers Ms. Alicia Brown Mrs. Marjorie Brown Ms. Stephanie Smith Brown Ms. Christina Burchette Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Clevon Canady Mr. Melvin D. Canady Ms. Patrice Canady Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Cantey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Capps Ms. Ashley Carroll Ms. Valerie Cavenaugh Ms. Pherbia M. Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Benny Coats Mr. and Mrs. Felix Coward Mr. Sterling Cullipher CyberGrants SPV, LLC Ms. Bethany Davis Mr. Richard A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus D. Davis Ms. Larisa Deaver Ms. Rhonda Deaver Mr. Henry Dove, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Drake Stuart and Linda Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Rossi Edwards Mr. Cleve Ellis Ms. Ann Frederick Mrs. Bonnie P. Futrelle Ms. Luz M. Giffin Mr. Steve Glinka Ms. Jennifer Grady Ms. Valerie P. Grady Ms. Barbara J. Guile Ms. Margaret M. Hardison Harper Family Farms, Inc. Mr. Charles Harris Ms. Joan H. Harris Mr. Doug Harrison Mr. Justin R. Harvell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hatcher, Jr. Ms. Carolyn N. Heath Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Herring Mr. Eric Hughes Mr. W. Abbott Hunsucker Jay’s Minimart Ms. Ruby Jenkins Mrs. Cynthia Jones Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Jones Ms. Luveria B. Kemp Kinston Chapter 53 OES Mr. Ciceron Larenas Ms. Hattie B. Lewis Ms. Tanya Locklair Mrs. Claudette B. Lofton Ms. Ada L. Maye Ms. Lenell Miller Mr. and Mrs. Derek Moore Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nance, III Mr. and Mrs. Dale Neathery Mr. Bennie B. Newton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Novicki Ms. Lori Palush Mrs. Ana M. Parker Ms. Delores W. Parker Ms. Esther C. Parker Ms. Elaine G. Patterson Mrs. Beth Ann Payne Mr. David Pearce Ms. Donna Phillips-Williams Ms. Jacqueline Pitt Mrs. Greta B. Quinn Realo Discount Drug Store of Trenton Mr. Trey Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rhoe Ms. Paula Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Ian B. Roberts Mrs. Terry Robinson Ms. Davon S. Saunders Mr. Ray Scott Mr. Frederick E. Seymour Mr. Therman A. Simmons Ms. Sandra Smith Ms. Rose Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swinson, III Mr. Robert Swinson, II Mr. Charlie Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Taylor Mrs. Doris Thompson Mr. Marvin L. Thompson Trenton Red & White Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Tyndall Ms. Maribel Vasquez Dr. Dustin Walston Mr. Billy Waters Mrs. Margaret Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Wicker Ms. Charlotte D. Wiggins Mr. Chris Wiggins Mr. Noah Wiggins Ms. Wandra P. Williams Mrs. Syrina Wimberly
The contributions listed are those recorded between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. If we have omitted a contribution or misspelled a name, we apologize and ask that you notify the Foundation Office at 252.233.6812. The LCC Foundation, Inc., is a non–profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3)organization.