- Des rires "Pourquoi rire? À quoi bon rire?"
Souvent on l'entend aux colloques et conférences sur l'humour - la question sur les lèvres de tout le monde: Dans ce monde post-9/11 ravagé par le terrorisme et le capitalisme, vers où, vers qui, vers quoi on se tourne pour trouver cet art antique de rigoler?
Si l'ère Anthropocène a vraiment existé, qui étaient ses humoristes? L'ère Plaestiotique avait ses comédiens, la période jurassique était l'âge d'or des blagues de bites et de nénettes, et les Criatiques sont connus pour leur féminisme et leurs bétises. On sera connu pour quoi nous, autre que la destruction de Gaïa? David Foster Wallace a versé un verre de vin sur un critique littéraire à Turin pendant la fameuse tournée italienne qui a mené à son suicide éventuel. Est-ce que c'était un appel au secours ou une bonne blague sur la grande pompe trop chère et l'antiquité de la critique littéraire en général? Si on tape dans google "Pourquoi rire?" on se retrouve sur des sites de porno avec des clowns qui baisent des paquets de combattants UFC. Pourquoi tu nous a laissé tomber google? Des "apps de rire" échouent à gauche pis à droite ou se font écraser par des apps sérieux comme "Guerre Mobile" ou "Guerre Totale". C'est maintenant qu'on doit injecter aux apps les esprits joyeux et allègres de nos comédiens sketch.
Pourquoi pas donner un milliard de dollars à une start-up de sketch avec un mandat économique de faire moins d'argent et plus de rires? On a besoin de martyrs de blagues!
Doggybag 2016 - Photo: Josianne Alain
Festival Producer Mark Louch blowing the sacred comedy conch- Photo: Danny Belair
Fini avec la guerre, le patriotisme, et la religion.
Baignons le monde dans la lueur de la comédie live
, et ne nous laissons pas être emportés par les ténèbres qu'on retrouve dans chaque coin du web sur chaque serveur Internet. Si tout le monde arrêtait ce qu'il ou elle était en train de faire en ce moment et choisissait de rire en oubliant toute autre chose, d'ici 2 ans on aura totalement renversé le changement climatique. Que les rires tourbillonnent et se répandent comme les herbes sauvages d'Alberta. Que le rire nous congèle comme la toundra. On doit casser les barrages d'eau et les rebâtir pour contenir les rires. Faisons des réserves de rires à la place d'or. Après tout l'or c'est juste une stupide roche qui brille n'est-ce pas?
Arrête de te demander "Pourquoi faire de blagues?" et laisse-toi devenir une blague,
laisse la blague habiter ton corps. Que le rire soit ta colonne vertébrale et pas seulement la façade derrière laquelle tu gères ta dépression. C'est le temps de créer des blagues dans nos utérus, et d'en faire un nouveau mythe de la création de cette nouvelle ère anthropologique. On va récrire l'histoire avec des gros sourires sur nos faces et avec la pelure de banane sur l'horizon du monde occidental, en se rappelant que Hitler était une imitation de second ordre de Chaplin. On recommence à zéro avec l'hilarité comme principe fondamentale, et on reconstruit la société occidentale avec Joketown comme capital et la joie comme tendon de notre nouveau système. Notre pipeline sera un million de blagues qui coulent dans notre aqueduc de rêves et nos téléphones intelligents seront de véritables tue-l'amours dans cette Belle Époque 2 de Speakeasies dans le métro. Avec amour et un sourire enfantin, Alain Mercieca Directeur artistique, Montréal Sketchfest
- On laughter We hear it often at symposiums on humour - conferences dedicated to the question:
"Why bother telling jokes?"
In a post-9/11 world still ravaged by terrorism and capitalism, where do we turn to for the ancient art of giggling?
If the Anthropocene era is real, who are its humorists? The Plaestiotic era had its comedians, the Jurassic era was a gold mine for dick jokes, and the Criatics were known for their feminism and silliness. What will our era be known for other than the destruction of Gaia? David Foster Wallace once poured a glass of wine onto a literary critic in Turin during his infamous Italian book tour that eventually led to his suicide. Was this a cry for help or a good joke at the expensive pomp and antiquity of literary criticism? If you google "Why laugh?" today you are met with porno sites with clowns being banged by UFC fighter-bodies. Why has google let us down? Failed "laughing apps" have been crushed by more serious apps such as "Mobile Warfare" and "Total War". This is the time for apps to get injected with the blithe sensibilities of our sketch comedians. Why not give a billion dollars to a sketch comedy start-up with an economic mandate of making less money, more laughs? We need martyrs for jokes! Not war, patriotism and religion.
Let us bathe the world in the light of live comedy, and not be overtaken by the darkness we can search for at any time on any old stupid internet server. If everyone stopped doing what they are doing and chose to laugh right now and forgot everything else, within 2 years climate change would be reversed. Let the laughter swirl and grow like the wild grass of Alberta. Let laughter freeze us like the tundra. Dams for water must be burst, and rebuilt to hold laughter. Laughter reserves instead of gold reserves, after all, isn’t gold just a stupid shiny rock
Hoser duo Betty n’ Dion open the 2017 fest. Photo: Danny Belair
In 2016 Justin Trudeau gave $36 M to Sketch Comedy. All the money was spent on wigs and props from Dollarama Photo: Saima Ahmed
Stop asking yourself "Why tell jokes?" and let the jokes become you. Make laugher your spine, not just the facade with which you deal with your depression, or a competitive urge to prove you can bark. It is time for jokes to be born in the womb, to be the creation myth of our new anthropological era.
Let us re-write history with smiles on our faces, as we notice the banana peel on the Western Front
, all the while remembering that Hitler was just a hack imitation of Chaplin. Let us start from the base and fundamental principle of hilarity, and rebuild Western Society where Joketown is the capital and joy is the only sinew of our system. Our pipeline will be a million jokes flowing down an aqueduct of dreams and our smart phones will be the ultimate cock blocker in our quest to make subways speakeasies for the dormant vaudeville of La Belle Epoque 2. Love and a Childish Grin, Alain Mercieca Artistic Director, MontrĂŠal Sketchfest
AFriday Shoddy Magician (toronto) May 5th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine The tricks? Terrible. The Magician? Pompous. The result? Ridiculous. Join Steve Boleantu and his half-witted Assistant, Kevin Dowse, for a grand spectacle! Death-defying stunts; telekinesis; and maybe even a touch of romance? You WILL be mystified.
Ape Island (toronto)
Friday May 12th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Guy, Katie, Léa and Adam are Ape Island! Our show puts a twist on the everyday slog that is life! What can you expect? Our own brand of escapist nostalgia and silliness! Lotsa neat Pop Culture references that will make you say “Wow! What a reference!” Maybe some dancey bits, some crazy arm bits, some fun voices?! Only one way to find out! Come see us!
Backstreet’s Back (Montréal)
Friday May 5th, 10PM @ Mainline Theatre Backstreet’s Back was formed in the sweaty summer of 2016, when Montreal needed their gender bending, sexy moves the most. Originally assembled for the infamous Drag Races at the Montreal FRINGE Festival, the drag king group was met by screaming, panty throwing fans they came together to perform at the Frankie Awards. Since than they have been lucky enough to perform House of Laureen, and have been awaiting their next opportunity to make audiences drool with their delicious harmonies and seizure with their dance stylings.
Big Britches (new york)
Friday May 12th, 8PM @ Montreal Improv Theatre
Big Britches brings big good times to the table. We take comedy very seriously. We don’t want to waste your time! You’ve got a big quarter coming up and faxes don’t send themselves. You’re a very big busy important person and the moments you spend watching comedy are big important busy britches. Big Britches is Jon Hudson, Kantad Svendsgaard, Emily Duncan & Calvin Cole.
big mall (montreal)
Saturday May 6th, 9PM @ Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
Vance Gillis and Sehar Manji are vets of the local improv and sketch scene. Together as Big Mall they have performed at The Sketch Republic multiple times and were featured during last year’s Sketchfest. Apart, they have made multiple appearances at shows including Joketown, Threepio, the Montreal Improv Festival, Toronto’s Big City Improv Festival and starred together in The Kicker at last year’s Fringe. Only one of them owns a cat.
blood & Thunder (montreal)
Friday May 5th, 8PM @ Mainline Theatre
Blood & Thunder is a Montreal-based sketch troupe and improv troupe comprising of Jaymie Metivier and Stefan Spec. Their brand of comedy is best described as loose, high energy, and littered with impressions of D-list celebrities.
box of bees (montreal)
Fri May 5th, 8PM @ Mainline Theatre (Mini-main) Just a couple of aspiring bee enthusiasts seeking truth, love and honey. Made of up comics, cartoonists, musicians and former soviet spies, our troupe is ready to pollinate your minds.
beans on toast (montréal)
Wednesday May 10th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Montreal Stand-up comics Shawn Stenhouse, Tommy Marshall, Scott Andrew Carter & Brad MacDonald. Three all time super best friends and one guy they felt bad for team up to bring the good time sketch laughs.
Carson Daly’s Last Request (new york) Friday May 5th, 8PM @ Mainline Theatre (Mini-Main)
It’s Carson Daly’s last night on earth. Join him on this epic vision dream quest as he visits Justin Bieber, Kesha, Ariana Grande, and more. This is a one woman sketch show with original music, written and performed by Eliza Kingsbury (Bridge & Tunnel, UCB). With Adam Maid and Shira Danan.
Clip Show (new york)
Friday May 5th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Clip Show has been performing in NYC since March 2016. Made up of stand-up comics and improvisers, they were recently selected to open for the NYC Sketch Fest. Their digital work has been featured in The Huffington Post, and they maintain a monthly Saturday night slot at The Creek and the Cave in Long Island City. Check ‘em out, won’t you? Clip Show is Ryan Stanisz, Joe Pardavila, Ganesh Nair, Kevin Froleiks, Pat Reilly, Logan Lampton, Heather Beeman & Travis Tack.
Chris Middleton (toronto)
SketchWorks! An Evening of Characters - Wednesday May 10th, 8PM @ ComedyWorks
Chris Middleton; He’s currently studying in the Second City Conservatory. He’s the founder of F*CKIN COMEDY and produces two monthly shows. He also has a podcast called “A F*CKIN PODCAST”. His mom wishes he was more like her favourite comedian, Justin Timberlake.
cousins (montreal)
Friday May 12th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Cousins is a sketch troupe made up of some people who are related and some people who are not. Voted Best New Troupe in Montreal Sketchfest 2016, you do not want to miss Alex Brown, Emery Fine, D.J. Mausner, and Kevin Shustack! When you’re here, you’re family.
Fière d'être dans le décor du Théâtre Ste-Catherine depuis 2014 www.kittelcafe.com
Dame Judy Dench (toronto) Saturday May 6th, 9PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Dame Judy Dench is a sophisticated comedy troupe that tackles social issues like gender politics, ghosts, and glassware. DJD creates comedy that leans heavily on the absurd and satire, but inevitably sneaks in social commentary. They’ve been busy in the last year, winning “Best of the Fringe” and “Patrons Pick” at the Toronto Fringe Festival 2016 and were nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award for Best Live Ensemble. They are thrilled to be returning to Montreal Sketch Fest with some new tricks and the same hot bods.
Definition Of Knowledge (toronto) Thursday May 4, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Definition Of Knowledge (Bryn Pottie & Hannan Younis) is a high energy satirical take on slam poetry. Using this form, we take aim at issues surrounding gender and race in a way that is both high minded and incredibly silly.
Dink Floyd (Montréal)
Friday May 5th, 8PM @ Mainline Theatre Dink Floyd is a sketch comedy group based in Montreal, Quebec. They comprise of David, Jiva and Lar and can be found performing at the Montreal Improv Theater as well as other venues across Montreal.
Dinkus (Toronto) Friday May 12th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Dinkus is insane. They have headlined Toronto Sketchfest and are made up of critically acclaimed Stand-ups, Sketch Performers, TV Writers, and Actors. Dinkus is Chris Locke, Aaron Eves, Michael Balazo & James Hartnett.
Elephant Empire (toronto)
Friday May 12th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Haha, Elephant Empire is excited to be back at Montreal Sketchfest, haha! Oh wow you’re already laughing? That’s great! Since you love them... do you mind if we ask what’s YOUR favourite thing about this ancient sketch troupe from Toronto? Is it their self-proclaimed funky-fresh style? Their self-proclaimed edgy attitude? Or their power to ruin a hilarious sketch by making it a bit too sad? Oh, you do mind. Sorry. Haha! A joke? Wow! You got us! You’re the real sketch troupe! You wrote this! See you there.
Employees of the Year (Montreal)
Thursday May 11, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Employees of the Year is made up of platonic, non-sexual husband and wife, Ross Wegscheider and Emelia Hellman. They are a self-described “shit storm” of mime and physical comedy, satire, and adorableness, who rock the stage at Theatre Sainte-Catherine, Montreal Improv, Psychic City, The Wiggle Room, and other venues around Montreal on the regular. Catch their web series of the same title about two grumpy baristas in Spring of 2017!
Erreur 404 (montréal)
Vendredi le 5 mai, 20h @ Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
Erreur 404 erreur 404 surpr3nant erreur 404 erreur 404 erreur 404 b0mbe erreur 404 erreur 404 Maxime V4ché erreur 404 erreur 404 Red4 Saoui erreur 404 ‘’Lundis d’Impro’’ erreur 404 erreur 404 théâtre Ste-Catherine erreur 404 erreur 404 hi1arant erreur 404 erreur 404 géni4l erreur 404 erreur 404 én3rgies erreur 404 scèn3 erreur 404 1umière erreur 404 erreur 404.
Évelyne Laniel (montréal)
Lundi le 8 mai, 20h @ Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
Diplômée de l’école de clown et comédie Francine Côté, Évelyne mélange clown, improvisation et humour à travers ses différentes créations. Il a été notamment possible de la voir au Toronto Festival of Clowns, le Festival de Jazz de Montréal, le Festival Revolution They Wrote et au Clowns Cabaret.
FIggy pudding (halifax)
Sunday May 7th, 7PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
As rosy-cheeked children, Halifax-based actors/writers/directors Tom Lute and Julia Hancock-Song once joined forces to save Christmas in a sleepy little town full of miracles. After years wasted trying to get that magic feeling back, they’ve finally found each other again! Known as “the two most obnoxious people in Halifax” to those who know them, these two chucklenuggets are ready to slam a sweet, sticky, flamin’ ball of laughs and “D’awwww!”s into your face, just like Gramma’s classic FIGGY PUDDING
Flo & Joan (toronto)
Friday May 12th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Flo & Joan are a British-born, Toronto-based musical comedy duo, and sisters Nicola and Rosie Dempsey. The piano/percussion pair were announced as one of the Top 10 shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2016 in the Amused Moose Comedy Awards and more recently won the NOW Audience Choice Award at Toronto Sketchfest 2017.
GET SOME (toronto)
Saturday May 13th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine GET SOME is a Canadian Comedy Award winning sketch group (Best Sketch Troupe, 2015). Often called “The Broken Social Scene’ of Canadian comedy, Get Some is a supergroup of the best sketch comedians Canada has to offer; including members of PicnicFace, Peter N’ Chris, Tony Ho, The Second City, The Sketchersons, and This Hour has 22 Minutes. The list of their names reads like a fantasy sketch troupe draft. Winners: Best of the Fest Montréal Sketchfest 2016.
Great Toe (Montreal)
Wednesday May 10th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Much like a foot, Great Toe (Pat Gourdeau, Phil Gourdeau, Isobel Cully, Derek Colley & Caterina Incisa) is made up of 5 essential components. Their hobbies include writing sketches, dressing in black and taking dramatic pictures.
GROSS! (montreal) Friday May 5th, 10PM @ Mainline Theatre GROSS! are lovable weirdos known for their wild physicality and playful energy who like to explore the fantastical in the everyday. They formed in 2013 as an improv troupe and have performed at festivals in Toronto, Ottawa and Philadelphia. GROSS! made their sketch debut in 2016 and discovered their love for oversized props, enthusiastic choreographies and doing shows that they have to mop up after. GROSS! is Inga Knoth, Britt Dash, Ariel De Roo & Lar Vi.
Just Asking (montreal)
Wednesday May 10th, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Keith and Bianca, or Keianca, as no one calls them, have been sharing the stage for the past 7 years. Offstage, for equally as long, the duo have created some of the most obscure sketch concepts known to the city. The two are a sublime comedic duo, so close that they constantly finish each other’s wine. Now they are just asking to be taken seriously...in comedy...seriously.
Kill It Scott! (new york)
Saturday May 13th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Kill It Scott! is a Brooklyn based sketch group featuring work and performances by Fre$h Boy, Starshine, and Mr. Boogers (Rome Davis, Amanda Xeller, and Richard Templeton). They are applauded for their intense commitment, light-hearted and vicious interplay, and, well you guessed it, comedy!
Kirsten Rasmussen : Full Time Idiot (toronto) Thursday May 11th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Full Time Idiot is solo character sketch troupe starring the full time idiot Kirsten Rasmussen. Canadian Comedy Award Winner and alumni of the famous Second City Theatre Toronto, Kirsten is known for her big characters and physical comedy. She is one of the original founders/directors of Montreal Improv Theatre and writer of the award winning solo shows Blink BLink Blink and Tough! that appeared at Montreal Fringe Festival. Kirsten has travelled the world doing comedy and loves returning home to Montreal.
Tickets only $12 !!!!!! montrealsketchfest.com
thursday/jeudi théâtre sainte-catherine 8pm
opening night!! soirée d’ouverture!!
vendredi/friday théâtre sainte-catherine 20h : FRANCO SKETCH Hosts: alain mercieca & Mathieu beauséjour
- Marine et Marie (MTL) - Les Épatantes Aventures Radio-Romanesques (MTL) - Erreur 404 (MTL) - Clip Show (NYC) - The Executives (NYC)
saturday/samedi théâtre sainte-catherine 7pm Hosts: DJ Mausner & Alain Mercieca
mainline theatre 8PM Host: Al Lafrance
mainline theatre (min-main) 8PM HOST: Danny Belair
- Blood & Thunder (MTL) - Dink Floyd (MTL) - Stockton (NYC) - The Flat Earth (PHIL)
- Tall Sigh (TO) - Carson Daly’s Last Request (NYC) - Box of Bees (MTL) - Anesti Danelis (TO)
10PM HOSTS: Tracy + Alison [Friends]
10PM Host: Chris Sandiford
- Smart Alec Baldwins (MTL) - Deb Ring (OTT) - Twoson (TO) - Ugly x Crying (NYC)
9pm Host: Jacquie Pirico
- Dame Judy Dench (TO) - Big Mall (MTL) - Templeton Philharmonic (TO)
In this special edition local legends and out of town all-stars join together to make comedy magic in JOKETOWN: a comedy show where these comedians will create and present FOUR BRAND NEW COMEDIES in TWO DAYS to stake their claims for Mayor. Come exercise your democratic right to vote- the winner IS elected by audience applause
rapp battlez! (TO)
Hosts: freddie & MIguel rivas
Some of Canada’s most talented sketch comedians square off against each other for comedic, tetea-tete rap battle supremacay! Rapp Battlez! is a hilarious, off-the-wall mix of rapping, comedy and spectacle; think 8-mile meets WWE, only it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen.
SUNDAY/DIMANCHE théâtre sainte-catherine 4 - 6pm free! improv workshop!!
- The Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie (PHIL) - Sketchy as Fuck (TO) - Definition of Knowledge (NYC) - Martin Nolan (NYC) - Michael Becker and the Hard Times Dancers (MTL)
- GROSS! (MLT) - Barbara Bush (PHIL) - Bridge & Tunnel (NYC) - Backstreet’s Back (MTL)
10PM Host: Coco belliveau
7pm HOST: Jacob Greco
- The Storefront (CHI) - John and Ian Have Something to Tell You (PHIL) - Figgy Pudding (HAL)
Theatre Sainte-Catherine’s weekly improv show (Montreal’s longest running) Sketchfest edition featuring festival favorites!
Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
mainline theatre
montreal improv theatre
264 rue Sainte-Catherine est
3997 Boulevard Saint-Laurent
3697 boulevard saint-laurent
1238 Bishop St
20 HOST: REda Saoui
théâtre sainte-catherine
T!!!! I U T A R G PRO M ’ D R E I L ATE
vendredi/friday théâtre sainte-catherine
10pm HOST: Andrew Barr
- Marty Topps (TO) - Vest of Friends (TO) - Fusion (TO)
friday/vendredi théâtre sainte-catherine 10pm 8pm HOST: Marc Hallworth HOST: emma wilkie - Cousins (MTL) - Flo & Joan (TO) - Ape Island (TO)
- Elephant Empire (TO) - HOT RAW FIRE (MTL) - Dinkus (TO) - Soul Decision (TO)
montreal improv
+ MOre!!! 10pm
surprise HOST!
HOST: vance Gillis
- Tom & Erica (TO) - Proud of You (VAN) - Too Blondes (NYC)
- John Blair (TO) - Brunch (VAN) - Goddamn Bear (MTL)
montreal improv
8pm HOST: Kirsten Rasmussen
- The Junkyard Dukes (TO) - Big Britches (NYC) - Pickle Party (MTL)
théâtre sainte-catherine saturday/samedi 8pm HOSTS: Sandi Armstrong & Kirsten Rasmussen - GET SOME (TO) - Ladies & Gentlemen (MTL) - The Flirty Boys (TO) - Kill it Scott! (NYC)
- Chris Middleton (TO) - Moniquea Marion (TO) - Mothreal (MTL)
10pm Host: Steve Patrick Adams
Firing S
comedyworks 8PM sketchworks: An evening of characters HOST: ladies & gentlemen
- Boys Club! (TO) - Just Asking (MTL) - Beans on Toast (MTL)
- Kirsten Rasmussen : Full Time Idiot (TO) - Employees of the Year (MTL) - Lil’ RasGALS (TO)
avec Th e
théâtre sainte-catherine
Host: Melina Trimarchi
théâtre sainte-catherine
- Tallboyz II Men (TO) - Great Toe (MTL) - O.C. (TO)
HOST: Carlos Vezina - Sketch Machina (MTL)
art machine
wednesday/mercredi 8pm
Les lundis d’impro!
- Les Sketchtapes (MTL) - Doggybag (MTL) - Évelyne Laniel (MTL) - Les Lundis (MTL)
10pm HOST: Emily Bilton
- O DAT DUM (TO) - Palcoholics (TO) - Bad Medicine (DC)
10:30pm best of the fest showcase! HOSTS: mark louch & alain mercieca
+ awards ceremony + Free willy dance party
Ladies & Gentlemen (montreal) Saturday May 13th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Daniel Carin & Chris Sandiford. Montreal. Stand Up. Sketch. Improv. Writing. Acting. Best Friends. Awards Won. Hearts Broken. Large Coffee. Cheque Please. Ladies & Gentlemen are winners of the 2016 Just for Laughs award and the 2014 Best Local Troupe awards at Montreal Sketchfest.
Marine et Marie (montrÉal)
Vendredi le 5 mai, 20h @ Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
Marine et Marie, deux soeurs colorées et maladroites, se lancent dans une véritable révolution personnelle : emploi, chum, passion, faut que ça se passe! Marine brusque sa soeur avec ses mots crus et son caractère épineux, tandis que Marie tente de la motiver avec toute la candeur et la jovialité qui fait sa signature. Au coeur de ce spectacle humoristique à saveur théâtrale, elles seront guidées par le livre fétiche de Marie, Réussir sa vie en 10 étapes faciles. Sarah-Laurence Dallaire et Geneviève De L’Étoile, Dominique Massicotte à la mise en scène
Martin Nolan (brooklyn, new york)
Thursday May 4th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Martin Nolan is sorry. He’s sorry if you didn’t enjoy his shows in NYC with Math, Science, & the Humanities, or if you didn’t like his work on Starwipe (a site that failed), and he apologizes profusely if his anxious new solo show isn’t up your alley.
Marty Topps (Toronto)
Thursday May 11, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Marty Topps is a two-time Canadian Comedy Award nominated musical comedian from Toronto. Known for his synth heavy tunes, keytar solos and high energy live show Marty has been wowing audiences nationwide through his catchy anthems about his failed marriage, legal troubles, favourite t-shirts (TapouT) and love of Jeeps.
Michael Becker LIVE (montréal)
Thursday May 4th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Michael Becker is one of Europe’s hottest pop acts. With the help of his brother, Tomas, Becker has penned nine top 10 singles on Billboard’s Euro Pop Charts. Famously scared of flight, this will only be Becker’s third appearance in North America for which he intends to mount his first non-European career retrospective tour “The Means To Dance”. Michael Becker will be joined on stage by his DJ/brother Tomas Becker and the legendary Canadian dance troupe, The Hard-Times Dancers. The performance with feature guest appearances from Kelly Kay, JC Loco, Travis C and many, many, many more. Becker only writes songs about love and dance - if you’re in the mood for anything else, GET OUT.
Mothreal (montrÉal)
SketchWorks! An Evening of Characters Wednesday May 10th, 8PM @ Comedyworks Alon Azimov has been an active comedian in Montreal since 2011. He/they performed as a stand up comedian and character performer on “There’s Something Funny Going on at Blue Dog” Fringe edition. This year Alon performed at the Pride edition of “The Artisanal Komedy Hour”, “The Pretty Feminist Comedy Show” at LadyFest, and the Halloween and Christmas editions of “Night Fight” a special live talk show at The Comedyworks. He/they developed a solo sketch “Mothreal” at “The Good Times Writing Workshop” & Alon performed it at “Ladies & Gents” & at “Sketchworks” at The Comedyworks. Alon can be described as a quick witted performer, who speaks openly from his/their heart.
O.C. (toronto) Wednesday May 10th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine O.C. is a sketch duo made up of Olivia Brodie-Dinsdale and Charlotte Cattell. This pair joined forces after graduating the Second City Conservatory Program. They have been described as “upcoming” “hilarious” and “Academy Award winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis”. All of which are lies, but who cares.
Okie-Dokie (montreal) HOSTS
Wednesday May 10th 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Okie-Dokie is Jacob Greco & Lise Vigneault. Jacob can’t do math & Lise is fully addicted to those scented smelling stick things that smell like eucalyptus or whatever. They’re 2/5th’s of Montreal’s HOT RAW FIRE, so you know they bringin’ the heat.
Palcoholics (toronto) Friday May 12th, 10PM Montreal Improv Theatre @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Palcoholics are Matt Nadeau and Aaron Peever, a couple neat best friends who use sketches to piss each other off on stage and give audiences a good time. A bit of sketch, a bit of Improv, kinda drunk, all funny.
Pickle Party (Montreal) Friday May 12th, 8PM @ Montreal Improv Theatre Pickle Party is three Montreal based women who enjoy the goofier side of life. They came together through Montreal improv where two of the members are now on house team. With their clown inspired physicality and high energy, some would say there is never a “dill” moment. Pickle Party has been together for one year. They regularly perform in Sketch Republic and Sketchworks. Pickle Party is Martha Graham, Emily Bilton and Nicky Fournier.
Proud of You (vancouver) Thursday May 11th, 10PM @ Montreal Improv Theatre Realism isn’t necessarily Proud of You’s strong suit. When the Vancouver sketch group takes the stage, prepare yourself for a cartoon world, packed with silly characters, pratfalls, sassy one-liners, flailing limbs, smooth ragtime jazz and French Stewart impressions. Proud of You has performed in the Vancouver International Improv Festival and as part of the Just for Laughs Northwest Short Shorts Festival, but they’re most at home doing their monthly show at alt-comedy hot spot Little Mountain Gallery. Stacey McLachlan, Amar Singh, Brett Skillen, Denea Campbell, Richard Lott, Maarten Bayliss, Marta Wesselhoff.
sketch machina (montréal)
Mardi le 9 mai, 20h @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
Troupe crée des lundis de l’impro pour Sketchfest 2016, on joue tous les mardis à Art Machine au TSC. Carlos Vezina, Alain Thibodeau, Ahlam Ghl, Nastia Depauld, Elanor Roy, Jérôme Plumer et Alexandre Sicard.
Sketchy As Fuck (toronto)
Thursday May 4, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine SKETCHY AS FUCK is a three person troupe that specialize in long form sketches that are often absurd and metaphysical. Never afraid to break the 4th wall or , the troupe is comprised of actors from the award winning UNIT 102 ACTORS COMPANY in Toronto.
Smart Alec Baldwins (montreal)
Friday May 5, 10PM @ Mainline Theatre (Mini-Main) Smart Alec Baldwins ( Dorian Mitchell, Michelle Chow, Justin William Blair and Xavier Dummycode) began as but a glimmer in the eye of these four friends who met in improv class. SAB blends irreverent insights on society and a penchant for classic rock with the absurdity of everyday life. Their dizzying comedic ambitions will surely fate them as either the darlings or the enfants terribles of the sketch comedy scene. And they’re humble.
Soul Decision (toronto)
Friday May 12, 10PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Soul Decision is made up of Kevin Vidal (Workin’ Moms on CBC) and Christian Smith (Second City HouseCo). Together, they’re using a pop groups name to their advantage. We do a bunch of mini plays that encompass questions we all have about our mortality as well as cool fun bits about love maybe! Something for the whole family
Stockton (New York)
Friday May 5, 8PM @ Mainline Theatre Characters, premises, assists, point guarding – Stockton does is all while being hilarious, silly, sometimes sad and always really hard to google. A house sketch team from the Magnet Theater that writes and performs a new show every three weeks. Occasionally they take the best of the best from those shows and make a dream team of sketches, which they then tour around the country, bounce pass!
Tallboyz II Men (toronto) Wednesday May 10th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine Tallboyz II Men is a diverse group of comedians being diverse diversely. The members met each other performing in the
Toronto stand-up comedy scene and agreed to combine forces for the greater good. Tallboyz II Men are winners of the 2017 Toronto Sketchfest Producers’ Pick. Tim Blair, Vance Banzo, Franco Nguyen and Guled Abdi.
Tall Sigh (toronto) Friday May 5th, 8PM @ Mainline (Minimain) Tall Sigh is the comedy duo of very good Toronto women, Nicole Elsasser and Meredith Cheesbrough. For the past four years, Tall Sigh has been bringing their earnest absurdity to stages and videos. Come give them a little clap-clap!
The Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie (philadelphia)
Thursday May 4th, 8PM @ Theatre Sainte-Catherine
The Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie is a best friend sketch comedy duo from Philadelphia that consists of Matthew Schmid and Jacquie Baker. Matt & Jacquie’s dark, absurd, and surprisingly genuine sketches feature doomed idiots who are just doing the best they can. At Montreal Sketchfest they will be performing their latest show “Sob Stories,” which they also presented at Toronto Sketchfest, Philly Sketchfest, and SteelStacks.
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