Portfolio 2017 v2 issuu

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Portfolio 2017 Lenz Chiu


Po-Yu, Chiu / Lenz

(+886)0970996887 lenz.chiu@gmail.com

Hi, my name is Lenz. I am a product designer from Taiwan, I love music, reading, and have innate curiousity to try new technology. I’m familiar with UI flow and wireframe design in past career experience, also understand how to execute user research project. To me design is a method to make a things or services better. It consider every aspects, and try to make a balance status, so it takes a lot of communications and decisions, and it is what I still learning how to make it.

EXPERIENCE CAREER Product Designer Kingwaytek Technology Taipei, Taiwan 2014 June - 2017 January

EDUCATION Master of Arts

Industrial and Product Design National Chiao Tung University Hsichu, Taiwan 2008 - 2011

UI Designer Uxi Design Taipei, Taiwan

Bachelor of Arts

2012 September - 2014 May

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan

Industrial Designer Ideco Design Taipei, Taiwan 2011 October - 2012 January

Industrial and Product Design

2003 - 2007

NaviKing Navigation APP

Co Creator Flow, Wireframe 2014~2016






Smart Phone

Portble Navigaiton PND Device


On board Unit

The “Naviking” is a navigation application. It can guide route when user are driving. User can set the destination they want to go, and the screen will highlight the route on the map, it also shows the assistance information to help user driving. The “Naviking” can be used in smart phone, PND and OBU. Depends on different platform, each version of platforms have some UI customizes. For example, smart phone version have landscape and portrait view, because smart phone user is used to hold their phone vertically and portrait view is better to type when user is search destination, keyboard will take most space in landscape view.


Target Audience • Gender: Male • Age: 30~45yrs old • Main driver • commute or drive out by car

Surrounding • Can’t control precisely • Device location is important • Use voice control is better than touch • Sound feedback is more safely

Scenario • Free navi(Map guide) • Navigation(Route guide) • Find store nearby • Check traffic status • Speed Alert




On the way


• Setting Destination • check location • Weather report

• Route guiding • Assistance information • Speed Alert • Facility Information

• Parking Space • Gasoline station • Store nearby






Get new user and let user know us

Make user become member

Encourage user back to app

Promote to friends or other users

Get revenue

• SEO • advertise

• free trial • landing page

• map update

• rate encourage • invitation code

• paid version • corporate

AARRR model is a method to analysis product’s marketing plan, and it also represent a product’s life cycle, from make user know the product, encourage them back, and promote to more user, and get revenue. Therefore, i use this model to make sure our product is doing well in each stage, and found out where can improve, try to optimize.

05LANDING PAGE PROPOSAL EXIST PROBLEM • too many information • complicated architecture • not support RWD

OPTIMIZE • simplify information in home page - product introduce - map & app download - customer service


• Simplify architecture and call to action(Buy or Download free trial) • Emphasize what benefit we provide, not only product feature

07APP PROPOSAL EXIST PROBLEM • too many information in navigation screen • complicated architecture • map blocked by information

OPTIMIZE • simplify information in navigation screen - information grouping - screen redesign - information component scale and transparent level modify

08NAVIGATION REDESIGN Next Route Show next road’s name, direction and distance.

Route guiding line show how to drive on the map

CCTV (Closed-circuit television) Show monitor screen on next route, to inform user change route or not.

Road status show the road name and multi-lane guide which you are driving

Simulation view (Complicated intersection)

09NAVIGATION REDESIGN Grouping information Grouping information which are related, like road signs and simulation view. And highlighted important or specific information, like highway ramp.

10REVIEW Optimize Search It is hard to design search pattern on navigation app, we want try to gave the most precise result when user input keyword, but there is some problem have to solve, in fact, not every user will spell exactly name of POI or they will use the short name, so how to gave the answer user want is a topic to optimize. Information Arrange The information of guiding will help user driving, we have many information on the screen, but sometimes is too much, so try to give the information user need in the right time is a good point to optimize.

What I Learned Environment effect Navigation app is a unique type of app, most of app use in a stable or simple enviornment. But when user using navigation app, they have to focus on driving, navigation app is a assistant, so we gave them hint or alert by voice is a better way, and try to reduce action to control.


On-Board Unit

Co Creator Flow, Wireframe 2016


Car Info




Car Service

The “Autoking” is a OBU device, it is not only a device for vehicle but also a platform which provides various car service. The most different between the Autoking and other devices is the Autoking have can be networked itself. It has a SIM card chip inside, other devices usually linked by bluetooth or cable to share from cellphone or tablet. Can be networked itself is more convience, user can recieve many information from network in anytime, for example, instant traffic condition can help user avoid traffic jamed route, and it also can get the music from streaming app, user don’t have to put music in their SD memory card, just search the song or list online whenever they want.

02PROCESS Spec confirm


Solution Survey

Design brief


Wireframe, and GUI design

Check feedback



Modify UI spec to Engineer

Deliver to QC


Application • Car location • Unknown move alert • Destination push • Car service information

Voice Control • Set destination • Search and play music • Basic control

Car Service • Polish and wax store • Vehicle maintenance • Roadside assistance • information push

03HOME SCREEN HUD The middle Area will show navigation guide or music infomation.



Traffic and weather information.

network service and application purchase.

User Info


User data, car service information.

Navigation link.

Short Cut link User can edit their favorite app or function in this row.




Car Services

The “Autoking� not only want to develop a OBU product, but also build car related service platform. We provide network plan, car applicaion purchase and car services(still developing) three kinds of category, user can subscribe network plan, purchase or subscribe app or its service. For example, user can subscribe music or video streaming on our platform. The car services, we prepare to coroperate with car repare shop or car inusrance to help user get better service.





User say the action they want to do.

the system will catch the keyword of action to understand what action should do.

Execute the action.

Next Step Ask next step if it’s needed.

The “Autoking” can use voice to control many function, for example, user can search destination, the song, artist or playlist they want to play, or open function page of launcher. User don’t say correctly command, just say what they what to do. For example, user can say ”I want go to taipei 101” or “play the Blowin' In the Wind”, it will catch the keyword like “go” or ”play”, to figure out what action should do. And If there are more than one searching result, it will show the result included keyword and let user choose.


Location Show your car’s location and tracking information help user to find their car.

Destination Send User can search destination on smart phone, and send it to the car. No need to wait the car turn on and search on the OBU.

! Car Services Provide car service relative information. like cleaning, fix and mantain store.

Traffic Infomation User can search the highway traffic information.

REVIEW Optimize Voice control When user can control all the function of OBU device in the car by voice is the Best Scenario, but it is difficult to make system to understand user’s every words. The voice control in “Autoking” can set navogation destination, search and play/control specific music app. It has provide the most important behavior in driving, and if it can cover other control action in next phase will be great.

What I Learned Voice interaciton flow The voice control is an A.I. system to decide what user said and what these word meaning, so it takes time to understand the sentences, and it should give feedback to make user know what should they said. For example, the voice control system have said “processing” to let user know their voice is be heared because it have takes a little time to mapping what they said. And it should make confirm when the A.I. didn’t understand or there is many results fits the action.

Monny Finance App - iOS

“Monny� is a financial application which combine game and accounting, we try to encourage user note their spending and make it easy and fun, we believe it can help people who have budge problem and hard to enduring record their spending everyday.

Co Creator Flow, Wireframe, GUI, Website


Wiilly Wu

Jason Chang Kimie Ouyang Lenz Chiu




Feeds list

We are studied current design trends in financial apps. Flat Design is popular, and the design language of it is appropriate our taget audience. It works great for our application.


Top List

Feeds list




We’ve sketched application’s main screen in a prototype for better user experience. And we want to make accounting become easier and more fun, so we tried to give user a clear chart analysis and make this thing like a game.


iBMS intelligence Building Management System

“iBMS� is an energy management system solution of the buildings, it can detect and analysis the loading of various types energy, and adjust the energy plan. The system will optimize the building energy schedule base on different scenario, for example, the iBMS will turn off the lighting automaticaly when people left the room.

Co Creator Flow, Wireframe, GUI proposal



iBMS can show different statics of energy consumption when different user. For example, when energy specialist log in, the system will display the energy consumption, equipment error and energy arrange schedule. When manager log in, iBMS will show the energy cost and forecast.


We have sketched application’s main screen in a working prototype for great user experience. iBMS can detect the equipment consumption and abnormal situation of energy, and report it to building manger. the manager also can optimize the buildings energy consumption by different schedule.


Designer: Peepee Yang

Dechnology Future Traveling Concept

Dechnology is a project which combine design and technology. This project let designer involve, and try to make these technology become a product, and think about how to popular to customer or user.The ITRI divide the project into 4 fields, which is Learning, Traveling, Living and Healthcare.

Sole Creator Concept Design 2013


Literature Review


Insight: Personas and Patterns

Read literature of travelling.

Talked to travel professional, traveller, and get what their opinions.

Conclude the most representative personas and patterns.

Concept Design Workshop Invite partcipants to brain storming the oppertunity from the personas and patterns.


Casting 3

Casting 5

Wedding tour Planner

Hotel Consultant 44 yrs Male

Tour Guide 36 yrs Male

40 yrs Male

Graduate from famous

Working 8 years on trav-

Telling Taiwan’s local

hotel management

ell industry, he is respon-

beauty by story and tour,

school, work from grass-

sible for incentive travel

roots level, have fluent

of government institu-


tions .

planned friend’s in Shihtiping, Taitung recently.

Casting 2

Casting 4

Mountaineering 41 yrs Male

Tour Sales 28 yrs Female

Nearly 30 years moun-

Working on travel

tain climbing experience.

agency, she is responsi-

Love the natural species

ble for southeast asia


tour sales.

INSIGHTS We are studied current trends of traveling, and have interviewed 12 participants who work on travel related industry, depend these data we concluded personas and patterns to help us discover new concept.

Personas Persona




Patterns Patterns 婚旅企劃



情感融入的 旅行體驗

登山老手,爬山年資近三十年,百岳 婚旅企劃,以說故事的方式推動台灣 飯店外場經理,畢業於國外知名飯店 僅差幾隻就完成了。愛上爬山的征服 深度之美,近日於台灣石梯坪籌畫了 管理學校,回台於星級飯店從業從基 感,也喜愛大自然物種的多樣性。朋友的婚旅,將台灣深度旅遊體現於 層做起。擁有流利外語能力,接待能 婚旅之中。 力、團隊管理能力。










Patterns 婚旅企劃


Patterns 飯店經理

Patterns 飯店經理

服務陸客就夠了? 科技、環保、在地文化

飯店經理A先生說:「未來台灣的旅 飯店從業人員宋先生說道:「台灣未 40歲的工程師Soya與太太,兩人皆喜 ௓੠ԋᄑ߰ԋᄦӇ૔ཇ೚௓ᚃߞੰ 旅行企劃家A希望籌畫有情感的旅行 館將會融入科技、環保、在地文化三 來二十年只要服務中國客就夠了!」 歡旅遊並蒐集紀念品,旅途中會蒐集 ࣛȂ൅Ⴥ௓ᚃ੠֖ᢰሼࢉН༡գ‫ـ‬ 體驗,因此讓旅行者親手製作小紀念 元素。」端看業者的發揮方式了。而且旅遊熱門景點的人力需求紛紛都 當地的戳章作為紀念。 ԺߞТஜҞକȄ 品。讓旅行者可以帶走記憶,也記住 變高了。 旅行中的情感交流。 07

Patterns 飯店經理

Patterns 跟團陸客

行動裝置應用在哪? 旅行時即時炫耀


於旅遊業工作八年,負責帶國內公家 Judy於中型旅行社任職業務,目前工 來自福建,因為電影對台灣產生想像 機關的獎勵旅遊,個性海派開朗,講 作邁入第五年,負責東南亞的沙巴和 及憧憬,利用長假與父母跟團來台, 話會夾雜台語跟英文。 關島業務。重視顧客意見,建立許多 為期五天。雖然去了許多必遊景點, 熟客。也常扮演姊妹淘的旅遊顧問。 還是希望可以更深入了解台灣一點。 05


Patterns 婚旅企劃


Patterns 跟團陸客


Patterns 跟團陸客



18 34

Patterns 帶團領隊和業務


飯店經理人A認為行動裝置在旅遊上 Soya喜歡旅行,也愛用手機拍照打卡, 自由行的陸客A,希望有機會能夠更 用什麼樣的方式遊歷一個島嶼呢?旅遊企劃者認為如果可以讓客戶帶回 去有故事的紀念品的話,將是最好不 應該還有很多可能性,例如飯店自動 與其說分享,不如說享受能夠即時炫 認識台灣深度的人文風貌,因此若能 大陸自由行旅客A因台灣電影《練習 過的事了,所以他喜歡安排客戶親手 入住系統。 耀旅遊照片的感覺!如何在最短時間 獲取相關的藝文表演活動資訊,將會 曲》而選擇了以自行車遊台。 製作紀念品。 內拍最多照片,似乎是旅遊使命了。 讓旅遊有更多可能。 06






WORKSHOP In the workshop, we invite participants from different area, we use character, patterns card to brainstorming pain points, services and oppertunity in different scenario.

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