
Page 1

Topic 1

文化大不同 Taboos in accommodation

Topic 2

租屋建議 Advice on accommodation

Topic 3

難忘的住宿經驗 An unforgettable experience

Topic 4

選擇旅館的理由 Accommodation preference

Topic 1文化大不同

文化大不同 ◆在中國文化裡,人們總是覺得「四」這個字 的發音,和「死」相近,非常不吉利。所以 不管是在醫院或是旅館,都沒有四樓。還有 部分的人認為,在進旅館房間以前,最好先 敲敲門。 ◆想一想,在你的文化中,是不是也有像這樣 的「禁忌」呢? ◆請你寫一篇150-200字作文。

Topic 1: Taboos in accommodation

Taboos in accommodation In Chinese culture, the pronunciation of number four is similar to the one of death. People consider this number as unlucky one and therefore you cannot find the fourth floor in hotels or hospitals. In addition, many people think before you enter a hotel room, you had better knock the door first. Please write an essay to discuss any taboos related to accommodation in your culture.

Topic 2 租屋建議

租屋建議 ◆大衛打算到台灣來學中文,可是一直找不到住 的地方。請你給他一些建議,告訴他怎麼找房 子。找房子的時候,應該注意些什麼? ◆請寫一篇150-200字作文。

Topic 2: Advice on accommodations

Advice on accommodations David plan to study Chinese in Taiwan and he does not know how find a good place to stay. Please write an essay to advise him how to find an ideal accommodation.

Topic 3 難忘的住宿經驗

難忘的住宿經驗 ◆在你過去的旅行經驗中,哪一次的「住宿」 經驗讓你印象最深刻?為什麼? ◆請寫一篇150-200字的作文。

Topic 3: An unforgettable experience

An unforgettable experience In your past trips, have you ever stayed in a special accommodation that offered you an unforgettable experience? Please describe that place and explain why that provides you an unforgettable experience.

Topic 4 選擇旅館的理由

選擇旅館的理由 ◆旅行的時候,有人喜歡住很貴、服務很好 的飯店;不過,也有人選擇便宜的旅館, 什麼事情都要自己來。如果是你,在決定 住宿地點時,什麼原因是你覺得重要的呢? 是價格?地點?交通?還是其他? ◆請用150-200寫一寫你的看法。

Topic 4: accommodation preference

Accommodation preference Some people prefer to stay in a luxurious hotel and enjoy the facilities offered while others prefer to stay in a cheap hotel with few facilities. Please write an essay to describe your preference and explain why you would like that choice.

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