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Metropolis comes from the the industrial movement of the 1920’s where skyscrapers where born. “Using a double line technique, I wanted to create my own Art Deco style font that represented this era. The result is a bold, bumptious typeface with a stolidly calm disposition.”

Designed by Josip Kelava from Melbourne, Australia.

Biography When I graduated from Swinburne Faculty of Design, I remember what my university teacher said to me and has inspired me ever since. She said, “The worst thing a designer can do is not get noticed.” And from those words, I realized that it wasn’t so much about making something look good, but creating an emotional response that meant more than just a pretty picture. With this motivation, I continued to push myself to make my work bold, confident and memorable


Awards Art Directors Club Young Gun X Award Create Award Best Typogaphy in Australia Canson & Arches National Photographic Competition First Prize for Best Colour ***

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique sapien vel leo sodales elementum. Phasellus nulla est, vestibulum fermentum diam eget, imperdiet egestas elit. Aenean tempor quam sit amet elit bibendum ornare. Proin a pharetra neque. Morbi vitae volutpat ante. Cras gravida accumsan tortor, at pulvinar erat gravida ac. Aliquam eget dapibus velit, et placerat massa. Mauris massa ante, molestie in cursus ut, ullamcorper eget ex. Quisque suscipit lacus tempor, faucibus felis et, aliquam urna. Morbi elementum mi risus, id luctus risus ultricies id. Proin lacus nibh, interdum id vestibulum porttitor, fringilla in sapien.

we have no family we are unique

Etiam vitae facilisis lectus. Vivamus a ligula gravida, pulvinar ex eleifend, aliquet mauris. Suspendisse viverra consectetur elit at hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse eget cursus erat. Nullam ultrices mollis eros nec dapibus. Sed quis nunc volutpat, luctus nisi at, bibendum nibh. Mauris efficitur imperdiet velit, ac elementum libero viverra at. Vivamus tempus posuere ante ac consectetur. Sed eleifend condimentum lorem, sed rhoncus sem porta at. Phasellus posuere imperdiet tortor, sit amet porttitor massa dignissim ut. Sed non nunc vitae erat posuere suscipit eleifend sed ligula. Curabitur dapibus, augue vitae volutpat tempus, mi sem facilisis magna, eget semper ipsum augue at eros. Integer imperdiet fermentum ex, sed interdum erat vehicula a. Nullam malesuada ac ex in efficitur. Sed lacus quam, tempor ac ex et, ornare porttitor odio. Quisque vitae est sem. Cras at purus malesuada eros auctor tempus. Etiam ultricies dui nisi, sed rutrum turpis tempus ut. Mauris eget dui dapibus, consectetur nulla quis, mollis felis. Maecenas arcu ipsum, aliquet nec pretium quis, mollis in elit. Fusce id augue eu augue consectetur bibendum. Nam viverra lorem vel erat accumsan, a auctor sapien tincidunt. In vel tortor sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lacinia, urna ut porta condimentum, urna lectus vulputate magna, sit amet luctus magna libero ac nisi. Quisque et ex metus. Proin fringilla, lectus vel interdum euismod, nibh massa malesuada augue, posuere maximus arcu nisi a quam. Aenean id nisi placerat, condimentum nisi in, posuere diam. Duis sit amet tortor ut urna vulputate semper a vitae felis.

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters (each having an uppercase and a lowercase form) – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet The exact shape of printed letters varies depending on the typeface. The shape of handwritten letters can differ significantly from the standard printed form (and between individuals), especially when written in cursive style. See the individual letter articles for information about letter shapes and origins (follow the links on any of the uppercase letters above).

Beyond the straightfoward page design, the typographer-designer can enhance a page with added decorative touches, which can make a page more interesting to reader without making it difficult to read. These should be use discreetly and be approriate to the content. It is important to resist the temptation to overdo them. Remember that, especially if you designing a book, it isn’t just one page needs to flow, but all the pages.

36/36 pt 10/14 pt

Typography is known as an invisible art, because if a typographer has done a good job and produced a page that flows and is ‘easy on the eys’, he has done his job and the reader doesn’t notice.A page that is badly designed will be difficult and irritating to read.Whether you are reading in the office for work, or at home for pleasure, and no matter how interesting the actual content, if the book is uncomfortable on the eye then the enjoyment of reading is spoiled.The ability to fine-tune type requires an understanding of typographic detail. Beyond the straightfoward page design, the typographer-designer can enhance a page with added decorative touches, which can make a page more interesting to reader without making it difficult to read.These should be use discreetly and be approriate to the content. It is important to resist the temptation to overdo them. Remember that, especially if you designing a book, it isn’t just one page needs to flow, but all.

24/24 pt 10/14 pt

Characteristics A huge variety of fonts can be used on a a computer. Understanding how they work can help you use them to best effect, and possibly prevent you from using too many in your documents.


Baseline Stem

Anatomy of a Character


Set Width

Capline Body size Baseline Stem



Look, I just need some more space


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