Bridal posing por Lindsay Adler

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bridal couple


CONTENTS STANDING POSES 1 . . . . Look Over the Shoulder 01 2 . . . Look Over the Shoulder 02 3 . . . Look Over the Shoulder 03 4 . . . Foreheads Together Glance 5 . . . Foreheads Together, Look Down 6 . . . Groom Kisses Bride’s Cheek 7 . . . Foreheads Together, Focus on Ring 8 . . . Couple Standing, Faces Together 9 . . . Couple Standing, Groom Looks at Bride 10 . . Couple Standing and Embrace 11 . . . Couple Standing and Embrace (Crop) 12 . . Peeking Over the Shoulder 13 . . Couple Standing, Bride Faces Camera, Groom Whispers 14 . . Couple Standing, Groom Looks at Camera, Bride Nuzzles 15 . . Couple Standing, Look Away, Bride Hand Up 16 . . Couple Standing Fashion 01 17 . . Couple Standing Fashion 02


18 . . Couple Standing Fashion 03 19 . . Couple Standing Fashion 04

23 . . Couple Standing, Kiss with Hand Up

20 . . Couple Standing Fashion 05 Laughing

24 . . Dip and Look

21 . . Couple Standing Fashion 06

25 . . Dip and Kiss

22 . . Couple Standing Fashion 07 Kissing

26 . . Dip and Near Kiss 27 . . Dip and Neck Kiss 28 . . Groom Behind Bride Embrace 29 . . Couple Kiss 30 . . Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek 31 . . Leaning, Look at Each Other 32 . . Leaning, with a Whisper 33 . . Leaning, Heads Together at Camera 34 . . Leaning, Couple Kissing 35 . . Leaning, Groom Nuzzles Bride’s Cheek 36 . . Leaning Cuddle 01 37 . . Leaning Cuddle 02


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

CONTENTS SITTING POSES 38 . . Bride and Groom Sitting on Ground 01 39 . . Bride and Groom Sitting on Ground 02 40 . . Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Groom Smiles 41 . . Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up 01 42 . . Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up 02 43 . . Bride Nuzzles Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up 44 . . Cheeks Together, Bride’s Hand at Neck

LAYING POSES 45 . . Bride Reclining Beside Groom 46 . . Bride Looking Up at Groom 47 . . Bride Reclines, Groom Sits and Looks at Her 48 . . Groom Sits, Bride on Ground 49 . . Bride Reclines on Groom’s Leg, Looking Up 50 . . Bride and Groom on Backs


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Look Over the Shoulder - 1 Bride and Groom facing each other. Bride’s head tilted slightly back, face turned toward camera. Groom’s head looking over Bride and Bride’s far shoulder, not facing camera. If necessary, prompt the groom to whisper in the

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/80 sec 85 mm 640 eye level

bride’s ear with the side of his mouth against her ear.

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Look Over the Shoulder - 2


Bride and groom facing each other. Bride’s arms wrapped around Groom, resting behind his neck with open, relaxed hands (be sure no fists or tension in hands). The hand of her front arm resting on the wrist of her back arm at the nape of

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/400 sec 85 mm 640 eye level

his neck. View of the Groom is his profile, as he is about to kiss her near the her jawline. Bride is looking toward camera, head tilted slightly back, eyes on camera.

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality. Here a little bit of sunlight spills on the subject and creates more contrast.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Look Over the Shoulder - 3


Bride and Groom facing each other, her face tilted toward camera with her eyes closed. His forehead and nose touching the side of her face. Her arms are wrapped around him, resting with open hands high on his back.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level, over the shoulder

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Foreheads Together Glance


Bride and Groom facing each other. Groom’s forehead resting on bride’s forehead so you can see Groom’s profile. Bride’s chin tilted down slightly, 3/4 view of Bride’s face, her eyes on camera. Have the groom look at her cheek (not her eyes or he will look strained).

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/80 sec 85 mm 640 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Foreheads Together, Look Down Bride and groom facing each other. Groom’s forehead resting on Bride’s forehead, so you can see Groom’s profile. Groom’s front hand resting on Bride’s waist. Bride’s chin tilted down slightly, with 3/4 view of the Bride’s face, her eyes closed. Her front arm is hanging relaxed and straight at her side, holding her bouquet. Try this shot also with eyes open or varying head position slightly for a bit different look.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/160 sec 85 mm 640 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Groom Kisses Bride’s Cheek

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

Bride and groom facing each other. Bride’s face turned toward camera, her head tilted very slightly back. View of Groom’s profile as he kisses her temple, behind her far eye. If necessary, have the bride bend her knees so that the

85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/100 sec 85 mm 640 eye level

groom can easily reach her temple. Encourage the bride to smile or to have a pleased serious look. She might also close her eyes and give a thoughtful, dreamy smile.

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Foreheads Together, Focus on Ring


Bride and Groom facing each other, foreheads touching. Bride’s left hand open, relaxed, and resting on Groom’s shoulder. Shot taken over Groom’s shoulder, focusing on her ring. Be sure to have all eyes closed (in this shot open eyes looks awkward)

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/3.2 1/60 sec 85 mm 200 eye level, over the shoulder

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality. Use the focus points in your camera to place focus directly on the engagement ring (which is the center of interest in this photo).



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Faces Together Bride and groom facing each, their bodies pulled toward each other, both facing camera. Her left hand is resting open and relaxed on his shoulders. His hands resting on the small of her back. If the groom is too short, to have him appear taller than the bride, consider putting them on steps or on a hill.


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Groom Looks at Bride Bride and Groom facing each other, his forehead resting on hers, her face tilted toward camera. His hands rest on the small of her back. Her left hand is resting open and relaxed on his shoulder. Be sure you can see her engagement ring. Have him try a soft smile to show he is thinking about her.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/320 sec 85 mm 200 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing and Embrace Groom’s body turned toward camera, with a 3/4 view of his face, his eyes closed. Bride is resting her head on his far shoulder, her body pressed against his, her left hand reaching across his body, to rest open and relaxed just below his shoulder. His far arm is wrapped around her, his hand resting on the small of her back. His front hand is holding her at the elbow of her front arm. This pose works best when the bride is shorter than the groom. If this is not the case, stand the groom upwards on a hill, or have bride bend her knees.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/250 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing and Embrace (Crop)


Groom’s body and face turned toward camera. Bride’s head resting on his shoulder, face turned toward camera. Her left hand reaches across his body to rest open and relaxed just below his shoulder. This pose works best when the bride is shorter than the groom. If this is not the case, stand the groom upwards on a hill, or have bride bend her knees.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/125 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves directly behind the subjects. A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Peeking Over the Shoulder


Groom turned to the side to get a view of his profile/side of his body. Bride’s body facing the same direction of the Groom, her front pressed against his back. Her chin and left hand resting on his left shoulder. Her head and eyes turned toward camera. This is meant to make the man look protective, so have the bride almost peeking from behind him. Be sure to have ring in frame.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Bride Faces Camera, Groom Whispers Bride facing camera, head tilted slightly left, chin down a bit. Her left hand rests on her hip, her right arm is hanging at her side, slightly in front of her body, holding her bouquet. Groom’s body and face are turned toward the Bride, about to kiss her cheek. She is standing slightly in front of him. The hand of his front arm is holding her at her right elbow, his back arm is wrapped around her waist. This is a very “high fashion” bridal pose where the bride appears strong and elegant. With a slightly larger bride, turn her slightly away from camera.


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Groom Looks at Camera, Bride Nuzzles Groom’s body and face turned toward camera. Bride’s head and body are turned in toward groom, her face resting on the side of his, her eyes closed. Try lining up her nose with the bottom of his jawline to create this effect. Have the bride look as if she is nuzzling her man.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/4.5 1/60 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Look Away, Bride Hand Up Groom’s body and face turned toward camera, his eyes looking off camera. Bride is turned to the side, her face resting in front of his shoulder, her face and body turned away from camera. Her left hand reaches up to caress his neck/jawline.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/4.5 1/80 sec 85 mm 200 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 1


Groom’s body and face turned toward camera, his eyes looking off camera. Bride’s body turned in to him, with 3/4 view of her back. She looks over her left shoulder with a 3/4 view of her face, her chin tilted down a bit, and her eyes on camera. The hand of her far arm rests on her hip, her front (left) hand reaches up to rest, open and relaxed, on his chest. To add more curves, have bride subtly arch her lower back.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/4.5 1/60 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 2


Groom’s body turned toward camera, his face turned toward bride with a view of his profile. His forehead rests on hers. His far arm reaches around her with his hand resting on her waist. Front arm is hanging at his side. Bride’s body turned in to him, with 3/4 view of her back. She looks over her left shoulder with a 3/4 view of her face, her eyes on camera. The hand of her far arm rests on her hip, her front (left) hand reaches up to rest, open and relaxed, on his chest.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 3 Bride and Groom are facing each other, with 3/4 views of his front and her back. View of his profile, his lips graze her forehead, her face is turned slightly toward camera with closed eyes. His far arm is wrapped around her, with his hand resting on the small of her back. The hand of his front arm rests on her waist. Her left arm is reaching up with her hand resting open and relaxed just below his shoulder.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/2 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 4 Bride and groom facing each other, profile views of them both. His lips resting on her forehead. Her left hand reaching up and resting, open and relaxed just below his shoulder. Be sure to have her eyes look more to her left, otherwise you will only see the whites of the eyes (unflattering).


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 5 (Laughing)


Bride and Groom’s bodies turned toward camera, his arm wrapped around her with his hand resting at her waist. His face turned toward her. Her left hand is resting on her hip, her right arm reaching up so her hand is touching the back of his head, almost as to pull him in to her. Her head is turned back, looking to him.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 6 Bride and Groom’s bodies turned toward camera, his arm wrapped around her with his hand resting at her waist. His face turned toward her. Her left hand is resting on her hip, her right arm reaching up so her hand is resting at his jawline, almost as to pull him in to her. Her head is turned back, looking to him, with a view of her profile. Be sure to have her eyes not look at the groom (or you will only see the whites of the eyes).

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing Fashion - 7 (Kissing) Bride and Groom are facing each other, kissing. The hand of his front arm rests on her waist. Her left arm is reaching up with her hand resting open and relaxed just below his shoulder. Her right hand rests on her hip


LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.8 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Standing, Kiss with Hand Up


Bride and Groom’s bodies turned toward camera their faces turned toward each other so they can kiss. Her right arm reaching up so her hand is resting at his hair, pulling him in to her.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.8 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The sun is coming through leaves behind the subject but the camera angle has been modified to put slightly darker leaves behind the subjects (and thus more subtle highlights). A silver reflector was used to bounce light back into their faces. A wide aperture was used to create a beautiful blur (bokeh) in the background and thus a dream-like quality.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Dip and Look


Bride and Groom are facing each other, his front arm at his side, his back arm reaching across her back supporting her. Groom is leaning in to the bride, who is leaning back (in a dipping pose), their faces very close to each other. Her left arm hangs straight at the shoulder, holding her bouquet. A low camera angle helps to make the couple look taller and more slender.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 Sitting on the ground, from low angle

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree. A small amount of light is used to backlight the subjects and give a highlight on the hair and neck. If there are any undesirable highlights on their bodies, use a scrim to soften these highlights. If additional light is required on the subjects, add a silver reflector to bounce in more light.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Dip and Kiss


Bride and Groom are facing each other, his front arm at his side, his back arm reaching across her back, supporting her. Groom is leaning in to kiss the Bride, who is leaning back (in a dipping pose). Her left arm hangs straight at the shoulder, holding her bouquet. A low camera angle helps to make the couple look taller and more slender.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 Sitting on the ground, from low angle

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree. A small amount of light is used to backlight the subjects and give a highlight on the hair and neck. If there are any undesirable highlights on their bodies, use a scrim to soften these highlights. If additional light is required on the subjects, add a silver reflector to bounce in more light.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Dip and Near Kiss Bride and Groom are facing each other, his front hand resting on her hip, his back arm reaching across her back, supporting her. Groom is leaning in very close, almost kissing the Bride, who is leaning back (in a dipping pose). Her far arm is reaching around his neck, her hand resting at the nape of his neck. Her front arms is hanging at her side under her shoulder.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree. A small amount of light is used to backlight the subjects and give a highlight on the hair and neck. If there are any undesirable highlights on their bodies, use a scrim to soften these highlights. If additional light is required on the subjects, add a silver reflector to bounce in more light.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Dip and Neck Kiss Bride and Groom are facing each other, his front hand resting on her hip, his back arm reaching across her back, supporting her. Groom is leaning in very close, almost kissing the Bride on her neck. She is leaning back (in a dipping pose) with her neck elongated. Her far arm is reaching around and resting on his shoulder out of view. Her front arms is hanging at her side under her shoulder.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/160 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree. A small amount of light is used to backlight the subjects and give a highlight on the hair and neck. If there are any undesirable highlights on their bodies, use a scrim to soften these highlights. If additional light is required on the subjects, add a silver reflector to bounce in more light.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Groom Behind Bride Embrace


Groom is standing behind the Bride, their bodies turned very slightly away from camera. Her face is turned toward camera with her eyes closed. His face is turned toward hers so he can kiss her cheek. His front arm hooks under hers, so his hand can rest on the front of her shoulder. Her front arm is positioned the same way on top of his, her hand resting on the top of his hand on her shoulder.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/250 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Couple Kiss Groom is standing behind the bride, their faces are turned toward each other to kiss.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1250 sec 85 mm 200

LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek


Groom is standing sideways, his face turned toward the camera, eyes on camera. Bride is turned toward him kissing his cheek.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1250 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait.


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning, Looking at Each Other Bride is leaning against a wall, touching the wall with her shoulders, her hips bushed out slightly toward the Groom. She is looking at the Groom her arm resting at her side, holding her bouquet. Groom is facing the Bride, his front hand resting on her hip, his far hand reaching over her head to rest on the wall.


LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait. A bit of sunlight is allowed to hit the subjects’ shoulders and hair in order to give a bit of definition from the background.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/800 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning, with a Whisper Bride is leaning against a wall, touching the wall with her shoulders, her hips bushed out slightly toward the Groom her arm resting at her side, holding her bouquet. The Bride’s neck is elongated and her eyes are closed. Groom is facing the Bride, his front hand resting on her hip, his far hand reaching over her head to rest on the wall, he is leaning in, his face just barely touching the far side of hers, as if he is leaning in to kiss her neck.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1000 sec 85 mm 200 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait. A bit of sunlight is allowed to hit the subjects’ shoulders and hair in order to give a bit of definition from the background.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning, Heads Together at Camera Bride is leaning against a wall, looking toward the camera, her front arm hanging at her side holding her bouquet. Groom is looking at the camera, the side of his face is touching hers, his body is pressed up against hers, his front hand resting on her waist.


LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait. A bit of sunlight is allowed to hit the subjects’ shoulders and hair in order to give a bit of definition from the background.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/800 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning, Couple Kissing Bride is leaning against a wall, she is leaning in toward the Groom for a kiss, her front arm hanging at her side holding her bouquet. Groom is leaning in to kiss the Bride, his front hand resting on her waist, his far hand resting against the wall behind her head.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/800 sec 85 mm 200 eye level


LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait. A bit of sunlight is allowed to hit the subjects’ shoulders and hair in order to give a bit of definition from the background.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning, Groom Nuzzles Bride’s Cheek Bride is leaning against a wall, her head tilted back and slightly toward the camera, her front hand resting on the Groom’s hip. Groom is leaning in, looking at the bride with his nose slightly touching her cheek. His front arm is resting on the small of her back.


LIGHTING/SET-UP A large scrim is placed overhead of the subjects to soften the direct sunlight. This makes the light even and diffused, and flattering for a couple’s portrait.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1000 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning Cuddle - 1


Groom is leaning against a short retaining wall with his elbows resting behind him on the wall, looking toward the camera. Bride’s body is turned in toward Groom, resting up against him, but her head turned toward camera. Her front arm is reaching up so her hand is resting open and relaxed on his chest.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

50 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1600 sec 50 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in direct sunlight but a large scrim is used to diffuse and soften the light on their faces.


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Leaning Cuddle - 2 Groom is leaning against a short retaining wall with his elbows resting behind him on the wall, looking toward the Bride, his lips grazing her forehead. Bride’s body is turned in toward Groom, resting up against him, but her head turned toward camera. Her front arm is reaching up so her hand is resting open and relaxed on his chest.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

50 mm 1.4 f/2.2 1/1600 sec 50 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in direct sunlight but a large scrim is used to diffuse and soften the light on their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride and Groom Sitting on Ground - 1


Groom sitting behind bride with his right knee up, face turned toward her. Bride laying on her side, but supporting her torso with her left arm, so her body above her hips is not touching the ground. Her face is turned toward the Groom for a profile view of her face. Her right arm is hanging in front of her body, holding her bouquet. The groom’s right arm reaches out to hold her at the elbow of her right arm. Be sure the bride does not put too much weight/pressure on her left arm or the muscle will bulge and look unflattering.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/5.6 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 eye level while laying on the ground

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are in direct sunlight but a larger diffuser (scrim) was used to diffuse the sunlight. This creates a glowing, soft effect. Try to look for a darker background to put behind the subjects to help give them definition from the background and to create less distracting background elements.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride and Groom Sitting on Ground - 2


Groom sitting behind bride, facing camera, with his right arm reaching in front of her, wrapping around her front at her waist. Bride sitting in front of the groom with her front leg out stretched and her back knee elevated. Her left arm is being used to hold her up, her right arm is resting across her body underneath the Groom’s arm. 3/4 view of her face, her eyes on camera. Be sure the bride does not put too much weight/pressure on her left arm or the muscle will bulge and look unflattering.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/5.6 1/200 sec 85 mm 200 eye level while laying on the ground

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are in direct sunlight but a larger diffuser (scrim) was used to diffuse the sunlight. This creates a glowing, soft effect. Try to look for a darker background to put behind the subjects to help give them definition from the background and to create less distracting background elements.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Groom Smiles


Groom facing camera. Bride’s far arm reaching around him and resting at his shoulder, her left hand reaching up and resting on that same shoulder. Her face is turned toward his, her nose resting on his check.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 Shooting down from approx 2 feet above subjects

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up - 1


Groom facing camera, profile view of the Bride kissing his cheek. Her left hand reaching up to cup the side of his face at his jawline.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 Shooting down from approx 2 feet above subjects

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Kisses Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up - 2


Groom facing camera, profile view of the Bride, her neck elongated, she’s kissing his cheek. Her right arm is wrapped around his shoulders, her left hand reaches up to rest on his neck.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/640 sec 85 mm 200 Shooting down from approx 1 foot above subjects

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Nuzzles Groom’s Cheek, Hand Up Groom facing camera, bride’s face turned in to him with a partial profile view of her face. Her forehead and nose touching the side of his face. Her right arm is wrapped around his shoulders, her left hand reaches up to rest just below his jawline.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 eye level

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Cheeks Together, Bride’s Hand at Neck


Bride and groom facing camera, their faces touching (try to line up the eyes evenly). Her left hand reaches up to rest, open and relaxed on his neck. Keep her hand soft and gentle. Also, try the shot where her eyes line up with his lips or bottom of his nose.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 Shooting down from approx 2 feet above subjects

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.


Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Reclining Beside Groom Bride and Groom are laying in the grass, their heads turned in toward each other, with a full view of her face, and only partial view of his as he is looking down at her. Her body resting against his. Her right hand is reaching up resting behind her head, her left arm is crossed in front of her body at her waist line. His left arm reaching across her, his hand open and resting on her forearm. Be sure the bride can support her head (or place something under it) so she is not straining.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


50 mm 1.4 f/5.6 1/200 sec 50 mm 200 standing above couple


LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are in direct sunlight but a larger diffuser (scrim) was used to diffuse the sunlight. This creates a glowing, soft effect.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Looking Up at Groom Bride and Groom are laying in the grass, their heads turned in toward each other, gazing at each other, with a 3/4 view of her face, and only partial view of his as he is looking down at her. His right hand is reaching around her neck to the back of her head as if he were pulling her in to him, her left hand resting on his hand with open, slightly fanned fingers.


LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are in direct sunlight but a larger diffuser (scrim) was used to diffuse the sunlight. This creates a glowing, soft effect.



Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/5.6 1/400 sec 85 mm 200 standing above couple

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Reclines, Groom Sits and Looks at Her


Groom sitting behind Bride, back knee up, front knee resting on the ground with his foot tucked under the elevated back knee. Right arm resting on back leg, hand hanging in front of the raised knee. Groom’s face turned down to look at the Bride who is laying on her back with her head resting on the Groom’s knee and facing the camera. Her left arm is resting across her body, holding her bouquet. Right arm bent at the elbow, her partially closed hand, reaching up past her shoulder, resting in front of the grooms knee.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/500 sec 85 mm 200 slightly high angle

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Groom Sits, Bride on Ground


Groom sitting behind the bride, head tilted slightly to the left, facing the camera with his legs tucked under him, and off to the side. His right arm reaching across his body to touch her arm, just below her shoulder. Bride is laying on her side, facing the camera, with her torso propped up by the elbow of her right arm resting in the grass. Her left arm is resting in front of her body, holding her bouquet. Be sure the bride looks comfortable and not tense. Ask her to adjust to what is comfortable if her shoulders look tense.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/800 sec 85 mm 200 eye level, while sitting on the ground

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride Reclines on Groom’s Leg, Looking Up Groom sitting with back knee elevated and front knee bent with leg tucked under him, looking down at the Bride, profile view of his face. His right arm is supporting her neck, his hand resting on her shoulder. Bride resting her head in his lap, she is gazing up at him. Her left hand is reaching up an resting on the far side of his face.

CAMERA INFO Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle


85 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/320 sec 85 mm 200 from above subject, approx 2 feet


LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are placed in the shade of a large tree and a silver reflector is used to the left of the frame to bounce a bit of fill-light back into their faces.

Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

Bride and Groom on Backs


Bride and groom laying in the grass, his head is turned toward her, her head is turned slightly toward him, but she is still looking at the camera. Her right arm rests at her side, holding her bouquet, and left arm reaches up, resting on his body, her hand caressing his face at his jawline. His left arm is reaching across his body, his hand cupping her elbow. Consider putting a chair or stand between the legs of the couple so you can get a top-down angle. Also stand on stairs or a bench near their heads of a different angle.

Lens Aperture Shutter Speed Focal Length ISO Camera Angle

50 mm 1.4 f/2.5 1/1000 sec 50 mm 200 Standing above subjects on a chair

LIGHTING/SET-UP The subjects are in direct sunlight but a larger diffuser (scrim) was used to diffuse the sunlight. This creates a glowing, soft effect.



Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide


Lindsay Adler is a professional portrait and fashion photographer based in New York City. Her editorial work has appeared innumerous fashion and photography publications internationally including Noise, Bullett Magazine, Essence, Zink Magazine, Rangefinder and dozens more. A clean, bold and graphic style has become the hallmark of her work, making her in-demand for clients across the world.

Š 2014 All images are the property of Lindsay Adler Photography Lindsay Adler / Bridal Couple Posing Guide

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