1 Company. 23 nationalities. Plenty delicious recipes.

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CentoCuisine Bridging vital soul food and culinary expertise

1 company. 23 nationalities. Plenty delicious recipes.

Rare tasty variants decoded


CARAMEL FLAN Judith Knolle

Ingredients: Caramel: 2 tbsp of sugar 2 tbsp of water Mixture: 2 tbsp of sugar for each egg 6 eggs 750 ml milk 1 tbsp vanilla extract boiling water for baking in Procedure: Place sugar and water (to help it melt) in a saucepan and brown until you get a medium dark paste. This paste is the caramel; the darker it gets, the more bitter the taste. Once it is ready (and before it burns!) transfer it very quickly to the bottom of a pie plate. While the caramel is cooling, mix the other ingredients in a separate bowl: Beat the eggs for 3 minutes, add milk and vanilla extract. Mix thoroughly for 3 more minutes, and then pour the mixture into the pie plate and cover the pie plate. Fill a second, larger pan halfway with boiling water (the pie pan with the mixture must fit inside this larger pan). Place the pie plate in the middle of the large pan.

Be careful not to let any water splash into the pie pan. Cook for 50-55 minutes, until the center is soft and firm. This cooking technique is called “Bain-marie�, and allows the flan to cook gently and reach a gradually fixed temperature. Remove the pie plate from the larger pan and let it cool. Do not remove the cover yet. After it has cooled, run a knife around the edge to separate and flip onto a serving dish.

TABBOULEH Samer Aldaoud

Ingredients: 4 bunches of Italian parsley chopped finely, drained 1 bunch of fresh green mint chopped finely, drained 1 Persian cucumber chopped finely (if using regular cucumbers, use only up to 4 inches of it) 5 medium sized tomatoes chopped, drained 1 small white onion chopped finely 1/4 cup of fine bulgur (fine cracked wheat) 1/3 to 1/2 cup of quality olive oil

1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/2 to 2/3 tsp of salt 1/3 tsp of Lebanese 7-Spices* * Lebanese 7-Spices contain equal proportions of the following ground spices: allspice, black pepper, cinnamon, ground gloves, ground nutmeg, fenu greek, powdered ginger.

Procedure: Tabbouleh is a healthy, rich and super-green salad with pure Lebanese origins known for its spicy-tangy kick. In traditional Lebanese cuisine, Tabbouleh is usually served along with other appetizers. Important: if you are allergic to gluten or simply want a gluten-free Tabbouleh, simply remove the bulgur (cracked wheat). Rinse all vegetables and let dry, especially the parsley and mint. Cut stems off parsley, chop finely, spread on paper towels, rest for a few minutes in order to get rid of remaining moisture. Parsley needs to be fully dry before adding to the mixing bowl. Cut stems off mint and chop leaves finely. Lay them on a paper towel and let dry. Chop tomatoes into small cubes of less than 1/2 inch, then place in strainer to drain all juice. Finely chop onions and mix with 7-spices. Finely chop the cucumber. Once mixed, Tabbouleh gets soggy rather quickly, so it’s best if you mix it immediately before serving.

Moreover, make sure when you add the chopped veggies to the mixing bowl, that they are dry of moisture and juice, otherwise your salad will be soggy. Ideally you want the juice in the salad to be mostly from the lemon juice and olive oil. Use only freshly-squeezed lemon juice. If you do want to prepare the ingredients in advance, do the chopping, then dry with strainer/paper towels, then place ingredients side by side in a bowl or deep tray, and place in the fridge. Once ready to serve, add the lemon juice on top of the dry bulgur, add the olive oil and salt all over the ingredients and then mix lightly with a fork and avoid over-mixing so it doesn’t turn soggy. Having the Tabbouleh served on a lettuce or cabbage leaf is a cool tradition.


Ingredients: Dough: 200g flour 75g sugar 100g margarine (vegan, and cold) 3 tsp soybean flour (needed to “glue” the dough, as there are no eggs being added) cold water dried lentils or beans for blind-baking

Topping: 4 apples 3 tbsp agave syrup juice of one lemon cinnamon

Procedure: Mix flour, soybean flour, and sugar, add the margarine in bits. Mix thoroughly and knead with your fingers until the dough is smooth and even. Add cold water if you feel it should be smoother. Place dough in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 170° C. Grease a spring-form pan or place baking paper onto the bottom. Knead the dough again briefly, then roll it out and cut out a circle to fit into your spring-form pan. Form a rim with the rest of the dough and press it into the spring-form pan. Prick the dough with a fork repeatedly. Place a piece of baking paper onto the dough and fill the space with dried lentils or beans. Bake the dough for 10 minutes.

Peel the apples and grate two and a half of them. Add agave syrup, ¾ of the lemon juice, and cinnamon to the grated apples and mix. Cut the other apples into slices. After the blind-baking, remove the baking paper with the beans or lentils and pour the grated apple-mixture onto the dough. Even out with a spoon, then place the sliced apples on top and sprinkle with the rest of the lemon juice. Bake for another 15-20 minutes, then let cool before you lift the cake from the form. Enjoy.


Denise Mahler

Ingredients: 1kg wheat flour 50g fresh yeast some warm water ½ l yoghurt, room temperature 50g melted butter 3 tbsp oil 4 medium-sized eggs 1kg sheep´s cheese

Procedure: With the flour, disolve yeast in some lukewarm water in a bowl. Add yoghurt, 2 eggs, some cooled butter and salt. Knead the dough until it detaches from the sides of the bowl. The dough should be soft. Cover bowl with a tea towel and place it in a warm environment. Crumble the cheese for the filling in another bowl, add the 2 eggs left, and mix everything well. Take a piece of the dough, roll out round and cover with some cheese filling. Close dough at the top end like a pouch, lay it down and flatten it a bit. Roll out the cheese bread a little more.

Dab a pan with oil and heat it to level 4. Place cheese bread into the hot pan. Flip sides when the first is fried. Afterwards, place an egg on top and coat with butter. Serve immediately (it tastes best hot). Tip: The cheese bread can also be baked in an oven. Instead of sheep´s cheese, try mozzarella and feta, 500g of each. But these also have to be grated, otherwise it would be too crumbly.


Ingredients: 1 cup chopped onions 4 garlic cloves, pressed or minced 1 carrot, chopped 2 red, yellow, or green bell peppers, chopped 300g dried black beans 500g smoked tofu 2-3 vegan sausages (smoked, or “Bratwurst�), chopped salt, black pepper, chili pepper to taste olive oil

Procedure: Soak the beans in cold water overnight, making sure they are completely covered. In a pressure cooker, combine beans (with the soaking water), smoked tofu, sausages, and salt. Cover in water (enough to cover everything, plus extra 5-10 cm, depending on the cooker) and let it cook for 40 min after the pressure starts. In another large pan, place the onions, garlic, carrot, bell peppers. Cook the vegetables, stirring often, for about 10 minutes (if needed, add a little water so the carrots can cook better).

Add the cooked black beans with the tofu and sausages, cover and simmer on low-medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes. Add salt, pepper to taste. This is a vegetarian and lighter version of the traditional feijoada. For real feijoada, substitute the tofu/vegan sausages with smoked bacon, cut into chunks, smoked pork ribs, cut into pieces and jerky meat (be aware that the jerky meat is usually very salty). Serve feijoada with white rice (basmati or jasmin) and farofa (toasted cassava flour mixture).

WELSH CAKES Karen Wessel

Ingredients: 225g plain flour 85g caster sugar ½ tsp mixed spice (or a knife tip of each cinnamon, clove, and ideally also of dried ground ginger, coriander seed and dill seed) ½ tsp baking powder pinch salt 100g butter (or 50g butter and 50g lard) 50g raisins 1 egg, beaten splash milk, if necessary



Welsh cakes are griddle cakes, somewhere between a scone and a pancake. While traditionally cooked on a flat griddle pan, they can easily be cooked in a normal pan (ideally with a heavy base). They taste best when cooked over an open camp fire, eaten while they are still nearly too hot to hold and slightly burned by the fire. A rare cold left-over welsh cake is an equally nice treat. And, while not traditional, for those who do not like raisins they can be left out or replaced by other dried fruit or chocolate.

Mix the flour, sugar, mixed spice, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Rub in the fat with your fingers until crumbly. Mix in the raisins and then work in egg until you have a soft dough. Add the splash of milk if the dough seems too dry. The consistency should be as for shortcrust pastry. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface, about 0,5 cm thick. Cut out rounds of approximately 6-8 cm (with a cutter or a glass). Keep rolling and cutting out until all dough is used up. Grease a flat griddle or heavy frying pan (if using with additional lard) and place over medium heat. Cook the welsh cakes in batches approximately 3 mins on each side. They should be golden brown, crisp and cooked through.

Traditionally they are eaten just dusted with icing sugar but are also good with butter and jam or honey.


Rachna Chaudhary

Ingredients: 4 cups fresh carrots, shredded 3 cups milk – (whole milk is richer, but you can use reduced fat too) 1 cup sugar 8 tsp Ghee (clarified butter) or unsalted butter (approximately 1/2 cup) 10 cashew nuts 5-6 almonds 1 green cardamom pods (or 1/8 tsp. cardamom powder)

Gajar ka halwa is one of the most famous and traditional desserts in India that is adored by everyone.


Roast the cashew nuts and set aside for the garnish. Boil milk on medium-high in a non-stick pan until it is reduced by about half. Stir often to ensure the milk does not burn on the bottom of the pan. Set aside. Melt butter in a frying pan on medium heat. Add shredded carrots and stir-fry for about seven to eight minutes. Carrots should be tender and slightly changed in color.

Add the milk and cook until the milk dries. This will take about eight to ten minutes. Next add the sugar and cardamom powder, and stir-fry for another three to four minutes until the halwa starts to leave the side of the frying pan. Garnish with cashew nuts and almonds.


Omid Paknia

Ingredients: 550g / 1.2 lbs cooked stew meat/beef with liquid (lamb, veal or poultry may be used) 6 Japanese eggplants, fried 6 small cloves garlic in their skin 1 ½ tbsp quality tomato paste 1 tbsp hot pepper paste ½ tbsp salt ground black pepper to taste ¼ tbsp turmeric smidgen (1/32 tbsp) ground saffron dissolved in 1 tbsp hot water

½ cup verjuice 1 cup hot water 2-3 tbsp caramelized onion (1 large onion, caramelized in 3-5 tbsp oil)

Procedure: Preheat oven to 175°C/350°F and place rack in the middle. Line a baking dish (33x23x5cm or 13’’x9’’x2’’) with eggplant all around edges. It may be simmered in a pot on very low heat. You may need to add a little more hot water to make sure it does not dry up. Place garlic in the middle, leaving them in their skins to give the dish only a subtle flavor/aroma. Pour cooked meat pieces with the liquid over garlic pieces.

In a small bowl, mix the next 8 ingredients well and pour over the eggplant and meat. Sprinkle caramelized onion over everything, cover tightly with foil, bake for 1 hour. Khoresh is almost always served with Persian rice.


Anne-Marie Neumann

Ingredients: ca. 1kg potatoes 1 fistful of soup greens (carrots, celery, leeks, parsley) an extra 1 or 2 carrots 1-2 l vegetable broth (instant or homemade, thickness is up to you) 1-2 (hot dog type) sausages per person, more if you want Seasonings: salt, pepper, paprika, (fresh) nutmeg Herbs: parsley and marjoram (sometimes called Syrian oregano)

Procedure: Cut the leeks into small rings and the rest of the veggies into larger bits (2-3 cm in size) and brown all of it briefly on high heat. Pour in broth until the veggies are totally covered and let cook on the stove. After it is done cooking, add the seasonings and herbs. Use a hand-held blender or a masher and blend everything, but not too fine to a pulp. Leave it a bit chunky (there should be pieces of veggies on the spoon). Add more broth if you like thinner soup.

Taste before serving. Heat the sausages in a separate pot, or in the soup pot. They can be served whole or you can slice them. You’re done! Vegetarians can omit the sausages, or replace them with a vegan/vegetarian substitute.

DAL MAKHANI Tina Langhammer and husband

Ingredients: (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml) ¾ cup whole urad dal (black lentils), 140g ¼ cup rajma (kidney beans), 40g 3 cups water for pressure cooking, 750 ml 1 medium onion finely chopped 1 green chili, chopped to taste 2 tsp ginger garlic paste 2 large tomatoes in blender ½ tsp cumin seeds 2 to 3 cloves, optional 2 to 3 green cardamoms

1 black cardamom 1 inch cinnamon 1 small to medium tej patta (bay leaf) ½ tsp red chili powder 2 to 3 pinches of nutmeg powder or grated nutmeg, optional 1 cup of water or add as required ¼ to ⅓ cup fat cream, ca. 25-30% fat ½ tbsp low fat cream for garnish ¼ tsp kasuri methi (dry fenugreek leaves), crushed 3 tbsp butter, salted or unsalted salt as required

Procedure: Soak both ¾ cup whole urad dal (black lentils) and ¼ cup rajma (kidney beans) covered in water for 8 to 9 hours or overnight. Drain well. Rinse a couple of times with fresh water. Drain again and put in a pressure cooker. Add 3 cups water and stir well. Pressure cook on a high flame, until both the urad dal and rajma have cooked thoroughly and softened. If they are not soft, add about ½ cup water and pressure cook again. In a blender or mixer jar, puree chopped tomatoes smooth. In a pan, heat 3 tbsp butter. Add all spices ( ½ tsp cumin seeds, 2 to 3 cloves, 2 to 3 green cardamoms, 1 black cardamom, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 small to medium tej patta (bay leaf )). Saute until the spices become aromatic, then add ½ cup finely chopped onions. Stir and saute onions on a medium flame until the color is light golden. It should take around 20 minutes. Add 2 tsp ginger garlic paste, stir again and saute until the raw aroma of ginger-garlic is gone (ca. 5 minutes). Add 1 chopped green chili and stir for a minute.

Then add the tomato puree and stir again. Stir very well and saute this mixture on low to medium flame. When you see fat being released on the sides, add the cooked urad dal and rajma beans along with the stock. You can add 1 cup water as required. Stir very well and simmer the dal makhani uncovered on a low flame, stiring often so that the lentils don’t stuck to the bottom of the pan. Once the dal makhani has begun to thicken, add salt as required. Continue to simmer and stir well, adding more water if the gravy looks thick or dry. The longer you simmer the dal makhani , the better it tastes. A half hour is fine, as long as you stir at intervals. Once the gravy has thickened enough, add ¼ to ⅓ cup cream. Dal makhani is not too thick or too thin; it has a medium consistency. After stiring in the cream, switch off the flame, then add ¼ tsp kasuri methi (dry fenugreek leaves), crushed. Stir again and it is ready to serve.

MUSTARD EGGS Kristin Brüderlein


4 eggs 1 tbsp flour ½ l milk 30g butter 5 tbsp medium-strength mustard salt and pepper



“Mustard Eggs” is a truly classical dish and indispensable in Hard-boil eggs. While they are boiling, create roux from the German cuisine. Preparing and eating these mustard butter and flour. Add milk from time to time and continue eggs will bring back childhood memories and transfer to stir well, so that nothing gets burned. yourself back into your Grandma´s kitchen. Remove pot from stovetop and mix in the mustard and They are best hard-boiled and in a thick viscid tasty gravy. add salt and pepper. Peel and halve eggs to serve in the sauce. Depending on personal taste, you can use more a Classical sides without doubts are salty boiled potatoes. medium-strength or very strong mustard or add a little bit of vinegar. The eggs can also stay whole. This dish is usually served with boiled potatoes and beetroot.


Gonzalo Llerena


Ingredients Cheese Sauce:

2 medium eggplants Olive oil (as needed) 1 lb lean ground beef (or can use ground lamb) 2 medium onions, peeled and chopped 2 tbsp fresh minced garlic (or to taste, I use lots!) 1 can (8 ounce) tomato sauce 1 tsp dried oregano (or to taste) 1 tsp salt, divided (or to taste, I use seasoned salt) 1⁄2 tsp fresh ground black pepper (or to taste)

3 tbsp butter 1⁄2 tsp salt (I use seasoned salt) 1⁄2 tsp fresh ground black pepper (or to taste) 2 tbsp flour 1 cup half-and-half cream 1 egg 1⁄2 cup grated parmesan cheese (can use more)

Procedure: Grease a 9 x 9-inch baking pan. You could use a 13 x 9 pan, but a smaller pan will result in a thicker casserole. Peel the eggplants then slice 1/4-inch thick (a little bit thicker won’t hurt). Brush cookie sheet with olive oil. Coat each side of sliced eggplant with olive oil, season slices with salt and freshly ground pepper (I use seasoned salt for this and use as much pepper as desired). Place the eggplant slices on cookie sheet; broil under the broiler until brown; turn and broil the other side, brushing with oil if needed; repeat with all eggplant slices. In the bottom of the prepared baking dish arrange half of the eggplant slices. In a large skillet, combine beef and onions; cook stirring until the beef is no longer pink and the onions are soft; drain fat.

Add in the garlic, tomato sauce, oregano, 1/2 tsp salt and black pepper to taste; pour mixture over eggplant slices. Arrange the remaining eggplant slices over the beef mixture. Prepare the cheese sauce: Melt butter in a saucepan, whisk in flour, 1/2 tsp salt and pepper to taste; gradually stir in half and half (or milk), stir over medium heat until thick and bubbly. In a small bowl, beat egg; stir in some of the hot sauce, then add egg to sauce mixture, mix well; add in Parmesan cheese, and stir again. Pour the cheese sauce over mixture in baking dish. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 45 minutes. Cut into squares. Note: If doubling this recipe to serve 8, it is best to make two separate casseroles instead of one larger one.


Ingredients: Dough: 200g flour 75g sugar 100g margarine (vegan, and cold) 3 tsp soybean flour (needed to “glue� the dough, as there are no eggs being added) 6 tbsp cocoa cold water dried lentils or beans for blind-baking

Topping: 350g pecans 150g dark chocolate, vegan 2 tbsp flour 50g sugar 50g margarine (vegan) 100ml soy cream (or oat cream or rice cream, whichever you like better)

Procedure: Mix flour, soybean flour, cocoa, and sugar in a bowl, add the margarine in bits. Mix thoroughly and knead with your fingers until the dough is smooth and even. Add cold water if you feel it should be smoother. Place dough in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Chop 250g of the pecans. Melt the margarine and stir with the sugar, then add the molten chocolate and the chopped pecan, stir again. Then add the flour and the cream and stir one last time.

Pre-heat oven to 170°C. Grease a spring-form pan or place baking paper onto the bottom. Knead the dough again briefly, then roll it out and cut a circle to fit into your spring-form pan. Form a rim with the rest of the dough and press it into the spring-form pan. Prick the dough with a fork repeatedly. Place a piece of baking paper onto the dough and fill in the dried lentils or beans. Bake the dough for 10 minutes.

After the blind-baking remove the baking paper with the beans or lentils and fill the chocolate-pecan-mixture onto the dough. Flatten with a spoon. Put the rest of the pecans in a ring around the top. Bake for another 25-30 minutes, then let cool before you lift the cake from the form. Enjoy.

CHICKEN FATTEH Omar Abu Adas Blanco

Ingredients: 300g chicken breasts 2-3 large garlic cloves 2 tbsp of tahine 1kg regular strained yogurt 3 tbsp almonds (peeled), or alternatively pine nuts 4 tbsp lemon juice 1 medium onion (diced) 2 cups bread (small pieces)

Âź cup vegetable oil 2 cups white rice salt and pepper

Procedure: Wash the chicken breasts very well. Pour some oil and fry the chopped onions until brownish in color. Add the chicken and enough water to submerse the chicken. Cook on low heat until the chicken is fully cooked and keep the water on the side for later. Next, fry the bread pieces in oil, and the almonds until brown (needs to be done very quick, since they burn easily) For the sauce: Mix the yogurt and the tahine, garlic and the lemon juice together. Cook the rice as per package instructions.

Prepare the dish: At the bottom, put the bread and soak it with the water from the chicken. Add a layer of rice, a layer of chicken and the sauce. Next, add a second layer of rice and the chicken and sauce. Finally, add parsley and the almonds. Enjoy the meal!


Ingredients: 1lb mortadella or bologna sausage 1 can (15 oz) sweet peas 3 medium sized potatoes 4-5 medium sized carrots 5-6 eggs 1 bunch of green onions 1 bunch of fresh dill 5-6 medium sized cucumbers (pickled with salt, not vinegar, that is important) ground black pepper salt and mayonnaise to taste

Procedure: Boil carrots and potatoes in advance, make sure they have cooled to room temperature before you start making the salad. Prepare hard boiled eggs in advance; let them cool down to room temperature as well. Wash green onions and dill. Skin boiled potatoes and dice them into small cubes. Skin boiled carrots and dice them into cubes of the same size you diced potatoes into. Put diced carrots and potatoes into big bowl. Open can with peas and drain liquid, add to the bowl. Peel eggs and dice them into the same size pieces as carrots and potatoes and add everything to the bowl.

Dice bologna, add to the bowl. Dice pickled cucumbers. It is important to use cucumbers pickled with salt, not with vinegar. Chop green onions and dill, add to the bowl. Mix everything, season with ground black pepper and add salt if you feel it is needed. Add mayonnaise and mix everything again. Put salad into the bowl you want to serve it in. Your russian salad is ready to be served!


Catarina Pereira


1 1/2 pounds salt cod 1/2 cup plus 1 tsp olive oil 2 cups thinly sliced yellow onions 1 tbsp chopped garlic salt freshly ground black pepper 2 pounds waxy potatoes, sliced 1/4 inch thick and cooked until tender 4 hard boiled eggs 8 black olives 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley leaves

Procedure: Soak the cod covered with cold water for 24 to 36 hours, changing the water occasionally, drain. Flake the cod into small pieces, removing any bones. Set aside. In a large saute pan, over medium heat, heat 1/4 cup of the oil. When the oil is hot, add the onions and the garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Saute until slightly golden, about 6 minutes. Preheat oven to 350째F. Grease a medium ovenproof casserole dish with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. Spread half of the potatoes over the bottom of the prepared dish.

Sprinkle half of the salt cod over the potatoes. Place half of the onion mixture over the salt cod. Top the onion mixture with more salt cod. Place another layer of potatoes over the top of the cod. Drizzle the entire pan with the remaining 1/4 cup of oil. Place in the oven and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden. Place on a serving platter. Garnish with the sliced eggs, olives, and parsley.


Vipin Singh


Ingredients for nihari masala:

500g leg of lamb (nalli) 2 tbsp clarified butter (Ghee) 2 1/2 tbsp nihari masala 1 cup deep fried onions salt to taste 2 tbsp whole wheat flour (Atta) ginger, cut into thin strips 1 inch piece

1 tsp tartari 50g whole red chili 6 tbsp white cumin 2 tbsp black cumin 2 tbsp fennel seeds 1 tbsp large cardamoms 1 tbsp star anise 2 pinches of nutmeg

Procedure: Heat ghee (clarified butter) in a deep pan, add mutton pieces and saute on high heat until well browned. Add nihari masala and continue to saute for two minutes. Add half the fried onions and mix. Add two cups of water and salt and bring to a boil. Cover and cook until the mutton is completely cooked. Mix whole wheat flour in half a cup of water well so that there are no lumps. Add the remaining fried onions to the mutton mixture. Add the wheat flour mixture and mix well. Cook until the gravy thickens. Add ginger strips and cook until the mutton begins to separate from the bones. Serve hot to enjoy flavours.

Some tips to my dear colleagues: Ingredients are readily available in stores. You can also make your own nihari masala, which is everyone’s most favorite dish, at home. After you have prepared it, save it in bottles and use when needed, whether with beef, mutton, or chicken. For nihari masala: Roast all ingredients in a flat pan, then grind them together in a grinder. Your nihari masala is ready to use.


Paola Longati

Ingredients: 1.2kg potatoes 400g onions 375g spice-cured sprat filets 600 ml heavy whipping cream salt, white pepper breadcrumbs butter

Procedure: Peel potatoes and cut into strips. Peel and cut the onions into thin slices, sauteing them gently in a little butter without browning. Grease an ovenproof baking dish and cover the bottom with a layer of potatoes, then add half the onions and half the sprat (‘anchovy’) filets. Add another layer of potatoes, then the rest of the onion and sprats. Finish with a layer of potatoes. Flatten the surface, apply a few turns of pepper fresh from the mill, and sprinkle on a little salt.

Pour the whipping cream over the top until there is enough of it to be almost visible through the potatoes. Place a few pats of butter on top and, if desired, sprinkle with some breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven (250°C/475°F) for about an hour.



Ingredients salsa:

400 g cheese, Halloumi (grilled cheese) 2 tbsp olive oil

3 tbsp olive oil 15 olives, black 1 little bunch parsley, plain 2 lemons, untreated zest 1 little red onion 2 tbsp white, balsamic vinegar



Whenever the sun is out long enough and the weather slowly allows wearing clothing without sleeves, the smell of a barbecue lingers in the air in my neighboorhood. Obviously, most people bring their steak for a get together. My all-time-favorite was and will always be halloumi. Halloumi is the rightful king of grilling cheese. The salty, semi-hard goat and sheep milk cheese hails from Cyprus and has a high melting point that makes it suitable to grill. Halloumi can be found in almost every supermarket at a reasonable price.

Pit the olives and chop just like parsley and onions. Peel of the lemon zest. Stir all together. Coat the dripped halloumi with oil and grill each side 3 to 4 minutes until it gets a golden brown color.

This recipe takes you no longer than 5 minutes, and is super tasteful and easy.

Serve with salsa.


Maria Piques

Ingredients: Yield 12 tartlets Pastry 2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp granulated sugar 10 tbsp chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/4 inch cubes 5 -7 tbsp ice water

Custard 1 tbsp cornstarch 1 1⁄2 cups heavy cream 1 cup granulated sugar 6 egg yolks

Procedure: A truly delicious custard tartlet. They might not look very pretty, but everyone who tastes them loves them. Yields 12 tartlets.

Place the tin in the freezer for 5 minutes. Remove and trim any overhang with the back of a knife so that the pastry cups are flush with the top of the tins.

Make the pastry first: Pulse flour, salt, and sugar in a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Add butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse, uneven cornmeal, about 10 second pulses. Drizzle 5 tablespoons of the ice water over the mixture. Pulse several times to work the water into the flour. Add the remaining water, 1 tablespoon at a time, and continue pulsing until the mixture develops small curds.

Line dough cups with cupcake papers and fill with dried beans or pastry weights. Bake at 350°F (180°C) for 8 to 10 minutes to set. Make the custard next: Dissolve the cornstarch in 1/4 cup of the cream in a medium bowl. Add remaining cream and sugar, stir until the mixture is smooth and the sugar dissolves. Check for sugar granules with a spoon; none should remain. In a small bowl, blend the yolks with a fork until smooth. Add yolks to the cream mixture, stirring gently to combine. Ladle the egg mixture into the partially baked pastry cups, filling to 2/3 capacity.

Roll dough out, shape into a disc, cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. On a lightly floured surface, roll half the dough to 1/16-inch thickness. Cut out 6 (4 1/2-inch) circles. (If you don’t have a cookie cutter, a wide-mouth jar works well.) Ease the dough circles into a 12-cup (4-ounce capacity) nonstick muffin tin, pressing out any overlapping folds. Repeat with the remaining dough.

Bake in at 350°F (180°C) until the edges of the custard are puffed and middle is still jiggly, about 20 to 25 minutes. (The custard will continue to cook). Cool completely in the tin. The pastéis are best when eaten the same day.


Ingredients: 1 cup chickpeas, soaked overnight in water with ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda ¼ cup tahine 1-2 tbsp lemon juice 1 clove garlic, mashed water, to thin the hommos ½ tsp salt



Originated in Egypt and Levant, Hommos is now home on every continent and loved throughout various cultures. It can be seen as the oriental “allrounder” as it is always just perfect for breakfast, as a side to meat or just as a dip to freshly-baked bread.

Wash the soaked chickpeas and put in a pan. Cover with water and add 1 tsp salt. Cook the chickpeas (hommos) until very soft and easily peeled. Drain the water, keeping a little aside. Put the hommos in a hand grinder or a food processor and blend. Add the tahine, garlic, lemon juice and salt if needed and blend into a smooth puree. If necessary, stir in some of the water which was kept aside to get a thinner consistency.

The recipe is fairly easy, quickly to do and the result is just incredibly tasty and always makes your meal complete. From experience I can tell that eating hommos will make your guest humming.

Spread the hommos in a serving platter.


Ingredients: For the dough: 3 eggs 300g flour 50g durum wheat semolina salt 1 egg yoke 1 tbsp cream For the filling: 300g spinach 2 large Spanish onions (about 800g) 20g butter 2 tbsp sunflower oil

1 garlic clove 1 tbsp sugar salt and pepper 100g bread crumbs 150g cheese (“Bergkäse”) 2 eggs 50g cream 300g minced beef freshly ground nutmeg To serve: 2l strong vegetable stock 4 tsp chives

Procedure: For the dough: Mix eggs with 50 ml water, combined with sifter flour, durum wheat semolina, and a large pinch of salt blend to a smooth ball of dough. Knead thoroughly for 1 minute on a floured work surface and then wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge. For the filling: Wash the spinach, removing larger stems and veins. Shred into large pieces and dry well. Chop the onions well. Melt butter in a pan and add onions, cooking for 10 minutes on medium heat until golden brown. Add the garlic, sugar, salt, and pepper. Stir in the spinach and simmer until the spinach leaves are much smaller and excess moisture is gone. Add breadcrumbs and cook for 2 more minutes. Remove from stovetop and let cool. Grate the cheese and add it to the filling, along with the eggs, cream, and minced beef.

Mix thoroughly and then season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg. Using a quarter of the dough first, roll it out to a thickness of 1-2 mm. Take a quarter of the filling and spread it across the top third of the pasta dough. Mix the egg yoke and 1 tbsp of the cream, spread across the dough. Fold the dough over once, flatten slightly, and then fold over again. Using a wooden spoon, make an indentation roughly every 7 cm, then cut through the dough with a knife. The ends of each small piece should be squeezed tightly to make a closed “pocket” (that’s the “Tasche” part). Continue to do this until all dough and filling have been used. Place the small pockets in hot vegetable stock and let them simmer for about 10 minutes – do not boil them. Serve in the stock, after adding chives and perhaps some lightly fried onions.


Ingredients pizza crust:

Ingredients tomato sauce:

450g pizza flour (Tipo 00) 50g durum wheat semolina 250ml water 13g sea salt 5gr brewer’s yeast (or a piece of fresh yeast)

1 can tomato chunks 2 onions 2 tbsp tomato paste Herbs: bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, oregano sweet paprika powder 3 garlic cloves

Procedure: Dissolve the yeast in warm water. In a separate bowl, mix the pizza flour, durum wheat semolina, and salt. Add the yeast/water mixture to the flour and let sit for 10 minutes. Then use a mixer to blend at medium level for at least 15 minutes, until the dough is smooth and soft. Let the dough rise for at least 8 hours, although 24 hours is better, covered in the fridge. Using a well-floured surface, make fist-sized balls and cover them with a damp tea towel. Let them rise for another 30 minutes at room temperature.

Chop the onions and garlic well, braise lightly in oil. Add the tomato paste and brown a bit. Add the can of chunky tomato pieces, increase heat to brief boil. Reduce and add herbs, and paprika powder to taste. Allow the sauce to simmer for a half hour (or an hour), until it is thick and smooth, using a mixer to puree it if you like.


Stefanie Hoch

Ingredients: 2 onions oil 125 ml milk 1 bread roll/bun 600g minced veal 1 egg 1 tsp hot mustard 4 small bunches parsley sea salt 2 anchovies filets

1/2 organic lemon 1 bay leaf 50g butter 50g flour 1 tbsp flour for the fried capers 750 ml beef broth, cooled 125g cream 1 small jar of capers - 60g cayenne pepper

Procedure: Cut the bread roll into small cubes. Peel onions and chop fine, then braise them in a bit of hot oil. Add milk and cook to a boil. Remove from stovetop and add the bread cubes. Allow them to soak up the moisture, then use a fork to mash them into a paste. Allow to cool. In the meantime pluck the parsley leaves from the stems and cut half of them into very small pieces. The other half will be fried, so do not cut them. Chop up the anchovies filets into small pieces. Grate the lemon rind and squeeze out the juice. The capers should be drained in a small colander, and some of them set aside for frying. Heat oil in a small pot. Roll the capers in flour. Fry the parsley first, then the capers, and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. The minced meat, egg, mustard, chopped parsley and anchovies, and a bit of the grated lemon rind should be added to the bread crumb mixture, salt as needed.

Knead the entire mixture into a dough and form ca. 10 small balls. Melt butter in a pot, add the flour by whisking it in quickly and allow it to well up in the pot a bit. The cooled beef broth should be poured in by small amounts but constantly, stirring all the time. Allow to boil and then add the cream. Stirring occasionally, cook for 6-8 minutes. Add the drained capers, the rest of the lemon rinds and the juice, then season with salt and cayenne pepper. Fill a large pot with salted water and heat. Add the bay leaf and then put the 10 balls of breading into the hot water. It should be hot, simmering but not boiling. The balls are done when they rise up to the top. Remove them with a slotted spoon or ladle, serve with the sauce and the fried garnishing. Enjoy!

MANTECADOS Alba Flores-Bonet



¼ kg lard (pig fat) ½ kg flour 250g sugar 200g toasted almonds grated lemon skin 50 cc of anise

cookie shaped molds a mortar and a pestle or a grinder

Procedure: Mantecados appeared in Andalucia (South of Spain) by the XVI centrury. Nowadays this sweet is extended to whole Spain, being a great Christmas dessert. Take care! They are very tasty and caloric.

Preheat oven to 180ºC. Use a rolling pin to stretch the mass on a flat surface until it is about 8 mm thick and even. Then prepare the “mantecados” with the molds and place them in an oven plate with parchment paper.

Peel the toasted almonds and chop them with the grinder or with the mortar and pestle. Mix the chopped almonds with the sugar, lard, anise, and lemon skin in a bowl until you have a homogeneous mass. Gradually add the flour and mix well. Let rest at room temperature for 1 hour.

Bake them at 180ºC for ca. 12 minutes. Allow them to cool for ca. 20-30 minutes and then they are ready to eat. You can also store them in a sealed box or tin.


Ingredients: 1 tbsp unsalted butter 6 rashers higher-grade bacon, sliced into small strips 3 shallots, peeled and finely chopped 2 sticks celery, trimmed and finely chopped 1 sprig fresh rosemary leaves, chopped 1 large handful dried cranberries 800 ml dry cider ½ tsp ground nutmeg ½ tsp ground allspice sea salt

freshly ground black pepper 1 handful chopped walnuts 1 orange, zest of 300g higher-grade pork sausage meat 1 free-range egg 2 large handfuls breadcrumbs 1 higher-grade turkey , about 4kg 100g butter, softened 300 ml fresh organic chicken stock 1 tsp cornflour

Procedure: If you’re feeling a bit fruity this year, try this Christmas turkey with a lovely cranberry stuffing.

After 15 minutes, turn down the heat to 150°C/300°F/ gas 2. Baste, then roast for another 2 to 2¾ hours.

Make the stuffing first: in a saucepan melt unsalted butter, add bacon, shallots, celery, and rosemary. Cook covered gently for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are very soft, but not coloured. Add cranberries and half the cider and increase heat. When the liquid has reduced to a third of its volume, set it aside to cool. Mix in the nutmeg, allspice, some salt and pepper, the walnuts, orange zest, sausage meat and egg, then fold in the breadcrumbs.

Remove the foil 1 hour before the end of cooking time. To check if the bird is cooked, stick a fork into the thickest part of the thigh – the juices should run clear. Remove the turkey from the oven, lift out of the tin, cover with foil, then leave to rest for at least 1 hour, preferably 2 hours for bigger birds. Increase the oven temperature to 200°C/400°F/gas 6. Skim off the fat in the tin and use it to roast your potatoes.

Preheat the oven to 240°C/475°F/gas 9. Pat the turkey’s skin dry with kitchen paper, then stuff the neck end with half the stuffing. (You can cook the remaining stuffing separately or use it to make sausage rolls on Boxing Day.) Rub the bird with the softened butter and season well. Place in a roastingtin, cover with foil and pop in the preheated oven.

Add the rest of the cider to the meat juices in the tin, along with the meat off the turkey wings and enough stock to cover the bottom of the tin. Stir in the cornflour, dissolved in a little water, and simmer on the hob until thickened. Sieve into a jug and serve with your turkey, stuffing and some roast potatoes.


Markus Grobelin



800-1000g potatoes (more waxy than floury) 400g corned peef 1 jar pickles (e.g. Spreew채lder Gurken) 1 can beetroot (balls or slices) 3 medium-sized onions 2 or more pickled herring (rollmops) 2 or more eggs some milk some salt, pepper, nutmeg, butter

a big pot a fry pan a potato masher a sharp knife a can opener a wooden spoon

Procedure: Peel potatoes and boil for approximately 20 minutes in lightly salted water. Lightly glaze the diced onions in a pan of butter. Cut the corned beef into pieces and add to the onions on low heat. Do not fry it - just heat until the meat becomes smooth. Then add some pepper. Strain the potatoes, but keep a small amount of the water in the pot. Add some nutmeg and a shot of milk.

Add the warmed up beef and onions to the pot, followed by a half cup of pickle juice. Add 3-4 balls of beetroot and a half cup of that liquid. Mash everything and add salt, pepper and gherkin liquid (for sourness). Add more beetroot liquid until color suits you. Serve with rollmops, fried egg, pickles and beetroot.


Doreen Niemann



250g chocolate fondant 35g lard 25g crispies 50g chopped almonds 1 tbsp orange liquor 1 tsp vanilla flavor

rectangular mold



Turron is a typical Christmas sweet in Spain. If you visit the country during these dates, you will see that no Christmas meal is finished without this sweet. It is thought to be introduced by the Arabs through the Mediterranean coasts, together with other wonderful desserts.

Start melting the chocolate in a bowl with the microwave or in a water bath. Once it is completely liquid, cover the mold you want to use with it and pour the rest into a bowl. Mix the lard, crispies, chopped almonds, liquor, and vanilla flavor until you have a homogeneous mass. After the chocolate in the mold has dried, pour this mass into the mold.

There are different types of turron, some hard, some soft, some with almonds and honey and others with chocolate and rice crispies, but all really deliciousRCGhettoWest_88 .

Make sure that the mass is uniformly distributed. Let the mixture solidify for several hours (if you place it in the fridge the process will be faster). Once it is solid, remove from the mold and serve.



10 beef rolls 1 jar of pickles 24 slices of bacon 1 tube of medium-strength mustard 1 portion of mirepoix olive oil 4 onions 4 garlic cloves red wine (or glühwein/glogg) water/beef stock red cabbage potatoes

Procedure: “Mom´s home-made food is always the best!” This is true for one of the most beloved dishes of the Germans. This home-style meal is perfect for late autumns and early winters and will be highly appreciated by all family members and guests. Red cabbage is rich on Vitamin C, the pasta or optional potatoes are high on carbs and the “Rouladen” are nearly fat free.

Sear the rolls on all sides using olive oil in a frying pan. Roughly chop the mirepoix (celeries, leeks, carrots and onion), gently roast it in the beef roll´s drippings and put aside. Place rolls in saucepan, fill with water/beef stock and red wine until rolls are nearly covered. Braise rolls for 60-90 minutes with closed lid. Add liquid (water/wine) as needed.

This makes it perfectly healthy and incomparable delicious. Wash, dab, and season the meat with salt and pepper and cover with mustard (one side). Spread the bacon slices (1-2) on top of each roll, add slices of pickles (3-5), diced onion and garlic, roll it up and pin or tie down.

Remove rolls. Add vegetables to the stew and blend. Best served with red cabbage (self-made) and potatoes.

GUACAMOLE Edgar Israel Ramirez Tinoco

Ingredients: 3 ripe avocados (ripe as in really dark in color and slightly soft when squeezed) 1 small onion, finely diced (regular or red) 1 medium tomato, diced juice of 1 lime salt, garlic, and pepper (to taste) coriander leaf (to taste) fresh chili jalapeño or similar (paprika optional)

Procedure: Cut into and around the circumference of each avocado’s pit. Using both hands, twist the two halves in opposite directions and pull apart. Remove the pit with a knife or a spoon. Carve out the flesh of the avocado with a tablespoon. Place avocados into a medium bowl and mash and stir until moderately creamy. I use a fork or a pastry blender. Some people like the avocados more chunky than others. Either way it tastes great. Add diced onion and tomato. Add salt, garlic, pepper, chili, coriander, and lime juice.

Be sure to taste it and see if it’s seasoned enough to your liking. Tip: In a separate small bowl put in 2 tbsp of the dip. And add 1 tbsp of sour cream and adjust your seasonings again, taste it and decide if you prefer your guacamole with or without sour cream. Serve chilled with tortilla chips or add a little to your taco salad, tacos, or fajitas.

Publisher: Centogene AG Schillingallee 68 18057 Rostock Germany Email: crd@centogene.com Phone: +49 (0)381 203 652 - 222 Fax: +49 (0)381 203 652 - 119

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