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Country Information To find out more about the different fields, please email the respective persons at these email addresses: Cambodia lichun.woo@methodist.org.sg East Asia hazel.mui@methodist.org.sg Laos
Nepal noel.tam@methodist.org.sg Thailand jeremy.choo@methodist.org.sg Timor-Leste
hazel.mui@methodist.org.sg koheng.quek@methodist.org.sg
Opportunities to Serve IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS is serving, we continue to be needful for the following: • Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers. • Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months to help our missionaries. Please raise your own financial support. • Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries. What to do if you sense the LORD is calling you into His mission field: 1. Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.
For more information about these opportunities, kindly email mms@methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.
2. If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away.
3. If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.