Harvest Force 2021 issue 3

Page 43

THE CHURCH in a HOUSE? Greet also the church in their house. (Romans 16:5) 又问在他们家中的教会安(罗16:5)


he apostle Paul, missionary to all the nations, does not here understand a “church” to be a building. The “church” may meet in a building – in this verse, the “church” met in the house of Prisca and Aquila. But the church is not a building. COVID-19 has stopped many from meeting together in a church building or sanctuary throughout the last 18 months. But the church of Jesus is not a physical building. As the song in our Methodist Hymnal puts it:

Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore. He usually includes a song in his sermons.

The church is not a building; the church is not a steeple; the church is not a resting place; the church is a people. We’re many kinds of people, with many kinds of faces, all colours and all ages, too from all times and places.

万族传福音的使徒保罗, 在《罗马书》中提到的“ 教会”,指的并不是一座建筑 物。“教会”可以聚集在一座建 筑中——就如这节经文中的教 会,就聚在百基拉和亚居拉的住 家。教会所指并非教堂建筑。 过去的十八个月冠疫肆虐,许多信徒

I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus, all around the world! Yes, we’re the church together! Jesus Himself promised that wherever two or three persons meet together in His honour, He will be in their midst (Matthew 18:20). So what does it mean to plant a church? I guess church planting means sowing and watering seeds that will grow into two, three, or more, people who meet – whether in a house, or online – in honour of Jesus who taught us all to Love God By Loving Our Neighbours. May the Methodist Missions Society keep on planting seeds that grow into churches, with or without buildings, but certainly without walls.

无法到教堂或圣所聚会。然而耶稣的教会并非实 体的楼房。卫理圣诗中的一首诗歌这么说: 教会不是建筑;教会不是尖塔; 教会不为休憩;神子民是教会 。 我们是地上万族,各人有独特面容, 多元肤色和年龄,来自万邦和万国。 教会是我!教会是你!教会是你和我! 凡跟随主耶稣,普天下圣徒! Yes, 教会是你和我! 主耶稣应许我们: “无论在哪里,有两三个人 奉我的名聚会,那里就有我在他们中间。” (马太福音18:20) 那,植立教会又意味什么呢? 我认为,植立教会意味着播种、浇灌后,两三 个或更多的信徒茁壮成长,他们无论是聚在室内 或线上,都尊崇神,遵行耶稣的教导,藉着爱邻舍 表达对神的爱。 愿卫理宣教会继续撒种浇灌,种子成长,建立 实体教会,以及更多相信並委身于基督信仰的群 体。之间没有藩篱。

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