6 minute read
from Harvest Force 2022 issue 3
by MMS1
Rev Derrick Lau, Executive Director of MMS. He enjoys photography.
Christmas is typically a season of celebration where people from all over the world would immerse themselves in social gatherings over food and exchange of gifts and wishes. And for the people of faith, it is a time of renewal of commitment to the Holy Child of Bethlehem, the Saviour of the world. For the past three years, there were lockdowns and restricted gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, while I pen this message, I am feeling optimistic that we will have a refreshing Christmas where church bells and [audio] speakers in the malls will “blast” off the carols that we miss so much alongside the colourful Christmas trees and decorative lights. And I also pray and hope that this Christmas, the war in Ukraine would have ceased and peace be restored to the land and the people.
Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) As Christ has promised, let us embrace His peace, and demonstrate an unflinching commitment to share His love that may require us to brave through the storms that often cross our path from time to time.
Christmas 2022 brings renewal of hope for those surrounded by injury (bodily and mental), insults (from those whom the message of Christ might be perceived as illogical, and an outright contradiction to their understanding of salvation), and indifference (particularly for those who embrace a secular worldview and might at the same time be experiencing some sort of disillusion with organised religion).
As I had written last year that if the COVID-19 pandemic remained unabated, the season will see congregations gathering in smaller scale, there will be fewer street lightings, decorations, parties, etc. And it should not be incomprehensible that the mood will be quiet, sombre, and uneventful. Whatever the scale of the celebrations might be, every opportunity to share the message of Christ’s love should be treasured.
Christmas 2022 draws the people of faith to rekindle the message of love, joy, and peace to the world. The message remains unchanged while the environment might require new ways and forms of sharing the message. The fundamental focus shall be on the worship of Christ as SAVIOUR.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
At MMS, we continue to strive towards deeper engagement with missionaries and their sending churches and Conferences. We have resumed our visits to our mission fields where we re-connected with the National leaders and members and shared our prayers, resources, and encouragement.
We are deeply thankful to the Lord for the opportunities to witness lives transformed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ via church planting and community development. We are immensely grateful to you, readers for your prayers and generous contributions to the missions. We continue to covet your prayers as we seek to remain relevant to the mission heartbeat that brought us in partnership with you in reaching the vast unreached peoples in the region (approx. 2.4 billion who have not heard the Gospel).
This Christmas, I invite you to reflect on the acronym S.A.V.I.O.U.R., and pause for a prayer for our mission fields:
[S] AVIOUR is always ready to welcome all who would put their trust in Him. Let us reach out to those in our community and nations with the message of peace and reconciliation.
Timor-Leste: The tender for the St Paul Methodist School building project was awarded in August, and we look forward to its completion within a calendar year subject to weather conditions, availability of building materials as well as design adjustments in relation to the actual ground conditions. Pray for the preparations of the commencement of the school operations in Metinaro (over 500 students) and that the Lord will provide the balance of the funds needed for the project.
[A] NOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is essential to every mission endeavour. Let us be filled with the Spirit as we minister His grace.
Nepal: Praise God for the Annual Meeting that was held in early November. Though there was only one elder who was ordained, the team of elders, deacons, and leaders is highly motivated and eagerly preparing Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) to transit into a Mission Conference within the next few years.
[V] AST UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS are in our region. Let us pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise more workers for the mission.
Cambodia: Praise God for testimonies of lives transformed by God’s grace (cf. https://www.mms.org.sg/projectmetamorphosis.) Pray for wisdom as we continue to deepen our engagement with churches and individuals in supporting COSI, COSY, Hope House, Methodist and Joy Hostels, The Third Place, and Methodist School of Cambodia.
[I] NTENTIONAL CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP continues to be developed in the fields. While new converts are raised, let us pray that they will be nurtured into disciples of Christ.
East Asia: Pray for the contact persons who are actively engaged in discipleship, and counselling sessions. Pray for new initiatives in migrant mission.
[O] ASIS is necessary for those who are serving tirelessly in the vineyard of the Lord. Let us pray for adequate rest and delicate balance of ministry be developed for all our staff, missionaries, and stewards. Oasis was one of the sub-themes for the Missionary Retreat 2022 that was held in August.
Thailand: Praise God for Mettakij Church Association (MCA) and the strategy of nurturing young believers, training pastors and lay leaders, and developing Self Sustainability Protocol. Praise God that the Little Candles School building project in Phrao is progressing according to schedule, funds have been raised, and pray that the project be completed by mid-next year.
[U] NCEASING PRAYERS are offered as we seek God’s blessing for the mission.
Laos: Pray also for opportunities to bless the community and nation through education.
[R] ADIATE THE LOVE OF CHRIST in the nations that the Lord has opened doors for us to serve.
Vietnam: Praise God for the International Christian Fellowship (ICF). Pray for opportunities to touch lives both at ICF and the community projects that we are supporting.
May this Christmas draw us closer to Christ our Saviour as we continue to seek God’s heartbeat for the world and develop new creative avenues to reach the last, the least, and the lost for Christ!
Be connected with MMS (www.mms. org.sg/sign-up). On behalf of the MMS Executive Committee, staff, and their families, I wish you a Blessed Christmas where Christ connects you with someone who would be blessed with this wonderful message: “A SAVIOUR is born!”