7 minute read


Vincent Lim, MMS Missionary in Thailand. He is from Faith Methodist Church, serving in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand together with his wife, Phyllis, and their three children. He does not like to watch series because if he starts, he cannot stop.

Christmas has always been one of the most important events in Thai churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to share the good news of Christ to families, friends and neighbours who lives around the church neighbourhood. Therefore, a big celebration is almost a surety. However, due to the COVID-19 situation over the last two years, these celebrations in our Methodist churches were either cancelled, scaled down, or switched to online mode. Nevertheless, with the gradual removal of COVID-19 restrictions, our churches are hopeful to once again resume large scale celebrations in 2022.


Christmas has always been one of the most important events in Thai churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to share the good news of Christ.

In the North

Little Candles School led by Ps Daniel Loo did a Christmas drama of the nativity story in the school premises in 2020. The event was well attended by many people including leaders in the local community. Even though it was not possible in 2021, the school persevered with a recording of the Christmas Nativity drama which was then sent to the parents. This year, Ps Daniel hopes to once again hold a big onsite Christmas celebration in school. Pray for his team to have wisdom from God. And pray for positive receptivity from the community to participate in the event.

Vineyard Methodist School, chaplained by Ps Seeda, saw it impossible to organise a big Christmas event in 2021 due to the COVID-19 restriction. Instead, several home visitations were made to share the love of God through Christmas. However, a small party with food, testimony, thanksgiving, and the gospel message was done to share the love message of Christmas to the teachers in the school. This year, with the return to normalcy, a big scale school event will be held, incorporating the Christmas message. Parents and students will attend the event which includes testimony, performances, food, and a message on the meaning of Christmas. Pray for wisdom upon Ps Seeda and the team to share the message of Christmas in the most effective way despite the large crowd.

Shineforth Methodist Church, led by Ps Chinnakorn and Ps Seeda, still managed to organised a Christmas party in 2021 despite the COVID-19 situation. However, the scale of the party was reduced by only inviting close friends and families of church members to the party, and of course, communal food sharing arrangement was changed to bento sets instead! Nevertheless, the church was thankful that the seed of the Christmas gospel message was planted in those who came and the spirit of the Christmas celebration filled the air! In addition, we also held a combined baptism from four different Methodist churches on that day. This year, the church plans to resume pre- COVID-19 big-scale celebration where local community will be invited to the Christmas party! This also means fun and delicious communal food sharing arrangement, performances and activities, and also the traditional Christmas blessed draw! Pray for Ps Chinnakorn, Ps Seeda, and the team to be strengthened by the Lord to do His will faithfully. Pray also for the community to be receptive to the message of the gospel.

In the Central

Pre-COVID-19 Christmas celebration for Klong 8 Methodist Church led by Ps Kuk in 2020 was quite an event. Tentage was set up around the church compound. Friends and neighbours were invited to participate in the Christmas celebration service where activities were separately organised for the children. Although parents and children participated in separate events, the gospel seed were planted in their hearts. And to add icing to the cake, the church gave out a fabulous goodie bag to all visitors thanks to the partnership from Christ Methodist Church, Singapore! In 2021, COVID situation made it hard for any physical gathering. However, the church still decided to hold a small-scale Christmas service. This year, Ps Kuk hopes to have a Christmas celebration similar to the scale as that of 2020. Pray that church members will respond positively to faithful service after a long hiatus due to COVID-19. Pray that God will increase the workers in the church to reap the harvest in Thailand.

In the North-East

Christ Methodist Church, Khon Kaen, led by Ps Mook organised a ‘family’ Christmas celebration in 2021. Families of our church members and our children from Little Sheep Childcare Centre, and families in the church neighbourhood were invited to come and celebrate Christmas together. The turnout was bigger than expected! The celebration was held like a carnival where there were games, gifts to be given out, a second-hand clothes stall where the community were free to come and take them, and of course the message of the gospel. We thank Faith Methodist Church, Singapore, for their partnership with us that made it possible for the carnival to be held successfully!

This year, Ps Mook hopes to do a similar event as that of 2021. However, with a bigger church congregation and new addition of children from the childcare centre, we hope to see a greater number of people having the chance to hear the gospel. Pray for the church to reap a bountiful harvest for the Lord through the seeds of the gospel on that day.

Payakkaphumphisai Methodist Church, led by Ps Ping and Mildred, had seen much disruption to the church service over the COVID-19 period. However, Christmas was such an important event for the church such that it cannot be missed! So, in 2020 and 2021, Christmas were held as usual with Sunday Service in the morning and a celebration in the afternoon.

They include activities such as a short Christmas message, Christmas dress up, games, and their traditional Christmas blessings dip. The Christmas event in church helped to lift up the otherwise gloomy atmosphere in the village due to COVID-19 and also an opportunity for church members to bring along their friends and families to hear the gospel message. In addition, in year 2021, Mildred gave out Christmas gift packs to children in two other villages in which a potential satellite church may be born in one of the villages. Newcomers from both villages also came to celebrate Christmas with them! Pray for the leaders and members of the church to be able to hold the Christmas celebration this year. May more disciples be made for Jesus.

The above are just some examples among the many Christmas celebrations from various Methodist churches in Thailand. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Charis Methodist Church, Toa Payoh Methodist Church, Barker Road Methodist Church, Wesley Methodist Church, Paya Lebar Methodist Church, Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church, Holland Village Methodist Church, Living Hope Methodist Church, Faith Methodist Church, and Christ Methodist Church for their unwavering support to God’s kingdom work in Thailand.


Pray for us that the Spirit of God that is on us will anoint us to proclaim Good News to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour during Christmas 2022. (cf. Luke 4:18-19) To God be the glory!

Merry Christmas! Suk San Wan Christmas! สุขสันต์วันคริสต์มาส

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