Harvest Force 2019 issue 2

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2019 ISSUE





oes God really hear my prayer?

After having many of his prayers answered over the years, my firstborn Asher still questions if God would really want to listen to his prayers and answer him. He has the idea that God does not want us to ask Him questions. I wondered if this doubt hurts God because He wants His children to ask Him questions. He loves to hear our prayers and He delights in us asking Him for things our hearts desire or need. “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him” (1 John 5:14-15). “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). What a comfort to know that God longs to hear and answer us before we even ask. Our Almighty God loves to be asked for things! So, instead of doubting God, we should in fact devote ourselves to prayer. We are to pray often and regularly. In Colossians 4:2, Paul reveals two important aspects of prayer. Firstly, we are to have an alert mind. Prayer demands our attention; it is not haphazard but specific and deliberate. Secondly, we are to have a thankful heart. We give thanks in every circumstance. In this issue, we focus on PRAYER. Read on page 2 Ps Derrick’s challenge for us to expand the 2,000 intercessors praying regularly for MMS. Bishop Dr Chong urges us to lift our missionaries closer to God through prayer and intercession on page 28. And on page 26, our guest writer, Jimaia, appeals for us to become global Christians by praying for missions. From page 6 to 20, read about and be encouraged by the stories from our mission fields testifying of God’s goodness and faithfulness in answering prayer. From missionaries wrestling with God or seeking for direction in prayer, to national leaders being transformed through prayer, to church members being strengthened in faith by answered prayer. Even if we do not hear God’s voice literally or see clear signs from Him, let’s continue to pray on. God loves to hear our prayers! Leongheng • Editor

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FIRST WORD • Prayer in God’s Mission WAZZUP! • Country Information • Opportunities to Serve

Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. MMS is given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. All information published is correct at time of writing and may subject to change. All Scripture quoted is based on the English Standard Version, unless

IELD FEATURES 06 FCAMBODIA • Touched by an Angel

EAST ASIA • Finding God’s Direction

otherwise stated.



NEPAL • My Grace is Sufficient for You

MCI(P) 110/01/2019

JULY 2019

ADVISOR Rev Derrick Lau EDITOR Leongheng

THAILAND • Prayers in the Upside Down World • Miraculous Healing

2019 ISSUE



TIMOR-LESTE • Prayer Changes Things

TRANSLATORS Thng Pheng Soon, Koh Wan Yee

VIETNAM • God is my Best Friend • Never a dull moment in prayer with God!

PHOTO CREDITS Benjamin Lee, Carol Loh, Elienae Moura, Henry Yeo, Jimaia Wong, Leslie Lim, Meng Kuong, Phan Chamroeun, Pranish Darjee, Rachel Jang, Seila, Sharon Loo, Veasna Thav DISTRIBUTION & SUPPORT Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Tan Poh Ling & Volunteers DESIGNER SNAP! Creative Pte Ltd PRINTER Print & Print Pte Ltd PUBLISHER Rev Derrick Lau 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818 • Fax: 6478 4817

MMS IS SOCIAL! Connect with us and never miss an update

• Trust in Him • Today is the Day of Salvation




HOME IN ON... • Country Review and Budget Meeting • MMS Family

26 28

HF SPECIAL • Prayer and Missions

mms.org.sg mms.gram

COVER: Prayer is like tilling the ground in the mission field. Through this process, the soil is softened for seed sowing and growth. Lord, let our hearts be good soil. Photo was taken in Surunga, Nepal.

CLOSING THOTS • Prayer Support




Rev Derrick Lau 刘作丰牧师 is the Executive Director of MMS. He is thankful to the Lord for the joy of being a grandpapa to a two-and-a-halfyear-old grandson, Josh. 是卫理宣教会执行主 任,外孙Josh今年两岁 半,感恩喜乐。

he Missio Dei (i.e. Mission of God) stems from the heart of a Sovereign and Compassionate God who desires that all men be saved and not perish (cf. John 10:28). Paul illustrates the nature of God’s love with the metaphor of a pair of hands reaching out to a “disobedient and contrary people” (Romans 10:21). The question remains… after more than 2,000 years of Christian missions, why is the world not fully connected with God in a loving manner? Statistically speaking, the world remains largely unreached. From the findings of the Joshua Project, it is estimated that close to 41% of the world’s population of 7.59 billion are still unreached. A variety of reasons for this phenomena includes spiritual warfare, inaccessibility to people groups, lack of human and capital resources, absence of a comprehensive strategy or vision for reaching the lost, the last, and the least, etc. For the purpose of this article, I shall focus on the role of prayer in fulfilling the mission of God. Essentially, the Church is at war. Paul remarked that, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). The kind of war that we are engaging in is spiritual in nature. Hence, to be effective in combating and winning the battle, the church needs to fall on her knees and pray for spiritual wisdom and intervention against the schemes of the Evil One. Therefore, it involves the ministry of earnest prayer and intercession to break down strongholds as well as prayer for men and women, boys and girls to be filled with the love of Christ to share the gospel. For the latter, John Wesley remarked, “You have one business on earth – to save souls.” And Charles Spurgeon in his Evening Devotions wrote, “O that the Lord would saturate us through and through with an undying zeal for the souls of men.” Are you already part of the 2,000 intercessors that are praying regularly for God’s mission via MMS? If YES, praise be to the Lord! You are indeed an inspiration to us. May the Lord grant you the spirit of perseverance and joy as you continue to pray together with us in reaching the lost. If NOT YET, I urge you to join our intercessory ministry by signing up via https://www.mms.org.sg/sign-up. By the grace of God, we are envisioning a pool of 7,000 intercessors who will pray and help win the spiritual battle, for the glory of Christ! Together, we pray for God’s missions! Please refer to the specific prayer requests from our seven countries (Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) in our prayer booklet, PrayerConnect, which is also available online at https://www.mms.org.sg/prayerconnect.



帝的使命,或又称为上帝的宣 教,源自之高全能、慈悲上帝的 心意,祂要赐给世人永生,让他们永不 灭亡, (约翰福音十:28)。保罗在罗马 书十:21以上帝“伸手招呼那悖逆顶嘴 的百姓” 阐明了祂的大爱。 让人不解的是,基督福音传播迄今 已有两千多年了,为什么世人并没有与 上帝在爱中紧密相连? 从统计数字上看到,这世界仍有很 大部分的人民属于“未得之民”。 “约

书亚计划”估计,当今全球人口接近76 亿,有四成以上还没有接触过福音。造 成这种现象的原因是多元性的,包括属 灵争战、难以触及某些人群或族群、人 力资源及资金不足,以及缺乏全面策 略或异象去触及失丧的、最被忽略的, 以及最卑微的人群等等。 我要在这里聚焦探讨祷告在完成 上帝使命中所扮演的角色。 教会基本上一直处于争战状态中。 保罗在以弗所书六:12 提及“因我们并 不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执 政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的、以 及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。”教会所面 对的是一场属灵的争战,因此要有效 地抗战并取得胜利,我们必要屈膝下 跪,祈求神赐下属灵的智慧,去对抗、 搅毁恶者的阴谋诡计。 因此,我们不但要以恒切的祷告与 代祷来拆毁恶者的堡垒,也要为所有男 女老少的信徒代祷,让他们心中充满 主爱,受激励去分享福音。对于后者, 卫斯理约翰明确地指出, “你在世上只 有一项任务:拯救人的灵魂。” 十九

世纪英国著名佈道家司布真在他的灵 修集里这么说, “求主将那为得人灵魂 而永不熄灭的烈火在我们里面燃烧。” 您是否是卫宣2,000名代祷勇士中 的一员,定期地为上帝所托付的使命 得以完成代祷? 如果你回复是-肯定是,赞美主!我 们因您的加入深受鼓舞。愿上主赐您 有一个坚韧与喜乐的灵,继续与我们 一同齐心祷告,去得着失丧的人。 如果你的回复是-还不是,我恳请 你通过https://www.mms.org.sg/ sign-up,注册加入我们的代祷团队。 盼望靠着著神的恩典,我们能招募到 七千名代祷勇士,为了基督得荣耀,齐 心在属灵争战中藉祷告得胜! 让我们一起为上帝的宣教使命得 以成就祷告!您可以参阅我们祷告 册子PrayerConnect,里面列举七 个宣教区(柬埔寨、东亚、老挝、尼泊 尔、泰国、东帝汶和越南)的个别需 要,您也可以上网阅读这些资料,网 址是 https://www.mms.org.sg/ prayerconnect.



Country Information To find out more about the different fields, please email the respective persons at these email addresses: Cambodia jeremy.choo@methodist.org.sg East Asia hazel.mui@methodist.org.sg Laos


Nepal noel.tam@methodist.org.sg Thailand david.khew@methodist.org.sg Timor-Leste

lichun.woo@methodist.org.sg koheng.quek@methodist.org.sg


Opportunities to Serve IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS is serving, we continue to be needful for the following: • Full-time missionaries to join us! We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers. • Short-term workers who are willing to spend between two weeks and six months to help our missionaries. Please raise your own financial support. • More importantly, prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.

For more information about these opportunities, kindly email mms@methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.

What to do if you sense the LORD calling you into His mission field: 1. Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help

examine your calling to missions. 2. If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling

and are prepared to support – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away.




• Secondary and primary school teachers to teach and train our teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia. • Trained social workers as well as Children’s & Youth Ministry workers for Community Outreach Services (COS) NGO. • Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church in Cambodia as they are receiving below the national minimum wage and have to be bivocational. • Trainers and volunteers to support market place ministry and consider joining BAMBOO (www.bamboofoundation.sg). • Missionaries who are willing to be trained in making disciples in our ministries.

• Teachers willing to volunteer for one year to provide instruction for Grade 7 to 10 students at the St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) or mentor local teachers in basic curriculum design and instructional strategies for at least a month. • Short-term volunteers to provide English, Science or Mathematics tuition for Grade 10-12 students in the Sundermeier Home. • With more than 120 students enrolled at SPMS and 38 high school student residents at Sundermeier Home, more donors for Student Sponsorship Scheme (SSS) are needed to support children and youth from poor families. Vietnam

East Asia

• Professional trainers to conduct enrichment courses on leadership development, family, marriage, parenting skills, etc. • Partners to support social work and community development programme. • Explore and develop reverse mission strategy. Laos

• Missionary to oversee Singapore Mission School (SMS) operations and develop partnership with local churches for village outreach. • Three Kindergarten and Primary teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers can opt to serve a one-year term or longer. • Experienced volunteer English teacher to help at SMS. Nepal

• A TTC graduate to serve at Caleb Bible Institute on a short-term attachment. • Ministry staff to serve as spiritual counsellors and mentors for Sophia’s Home on short field assignments. • Missionary to serve in Nepal.

• An assistant pastor, pastor assistant or ministry staff with theological studies to serve in International Christian Fellowship (ICF). • Tentmakers, social entrepreneurs, teachers, and professionals to worship and serve in ICF. • Mission teams to visit and serve alongside ICF.

AT HOME You can also come alongside as Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV) at home to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ to make a difference in the mission fields. Communications & Publications

• Be an English-Chinese translator. • Be a photographer or videographer. • Be a graphic designer. • Be a web designer. Office Assistance

• Be our MMS Event Coordinator. • Be part of our Fund Raising Team.


• Short term help (Primary English and Math) for Rangsit, and Songroi-pi tuition centres. • Qualified English, Chinese, and Math teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles School. • Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc at our Methodist churches.

Financial Assistance

• Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Schemes. Please refer to page 21.




Touched by AN ANGEL M

Phan Chamroeun married Sreylin on 9 March 2019. They both worship at the Church of Hope and Life where Chamroeun serves as an Assistant Pastor.


y name is Phan Chamroeun and I am a student-disciple of Pastor Nort Phanna of the Church of Hope and Life. Before I begin my testimony, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Sot Thida for always loving and helping me with all her heart and her strength, and for offering shelter and guidance to the poor and needy students at the Joy Hostel. At a young age, after the death of my parents, I was brought up by my Aunt Su Nearn until I entered primary school at Chbar Ampov, a district in Phnom Penh. At that time, as my aunt’s own family was facing many hardships, I decided to earn some money to assist her as well as to pay for my own education by polishing shoes along the streets. When I was in Grade 8, I happened to meet Teacher Thida, whom I knew as someone who helped the poor children in the slum area in Chbar Ampov. I was then a bad kid who drank, roamed the streets and other public places, and picked fights with other kids. I also joined gangs and often wasted the nights away doing all kinds of bad things. I felt that, having been a bad person from a young age, it was impossible for me to change. At that time, Teacher Thida, who knew my family, began to help me and my family by introducing me to a man who would later become my adoptive father who sponsored me in my studies. She also prayed for me and taught me how to become a good person. When I completed Grade 12, she offered me a place at Joy Hostel so that I could continue my studies at university. Furthermore, she helped me to turn away from the evil things that I used to do in the slum area. I then began to learn about Jesus Christ through Teacher Thida’s teaching of God’s Word at Joy Hostel, and I began to change my ways and turned away from evil. While I was staying at the Hostel, I began to take an interest in a girl called Sreylin whom I felt was a good person. She was neat and organised, knew right from wrong, and was a filial daughter. It was for these reasons that I fell in love with her. I felt that she was a person I could rely on in the future. I then decided to confess my love for her, and thankfully, she reciprocated my love. I told her that I was a man of poor means, and I thanked her for accepting my love and for helping to correct my shortcomings. After three years of courtship, we decided to tie the knot. However, we faced much opposition from Sreylin’s parents as they could not accept me for my background. It was only through much prayer and help from Teacher Thida that Sreylin’s parents finally relented and gave us their approval. In conclusion, I would like to thank my teachers, my adoptive father, and the Lord Jesus who continually loves, strengthens, and encourages us. May God bless all of you.


PRAY • Pray for Chamroeun and Sreylin’s new life together as a couple, that they will continue to grow in the Lord.

• Pray for an abundantly fruitful ministry at Joy Hostel.

• Pray for a suitable permanent home for Joy Hostel.

• Pray for God’s wisdom and power for the leaders of Joy Hostel to overcome all the challenges they face in running the hostel.






Veasna Thav is married to Dina Keo and they have a son, Caleb Youthaka Soung. Both of them are serving in the admin office of MMSCambodia, where they work closely with government ministries MOSAVY and MFA. Besides volleyball, Veasna loves to play football twice a week.

n 10 April 2019, my family met with a big problem; my wife, Dina, was suffering from severe stomach pain. After we prayed for the situation, I took her to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, Dina was was sent into the emergency room. The pain persisted even after spending five hours in the emergency room. At about 6pm, the scan results revealed that she had appendicitis which required immediate removal. But we had another problem because Dina was about 3 months’ pregnant. The doctors advised us to have the surgery even if it were to affect the baby. They told us that we might lose the baby due to the operation. We started to pray, pray, and pray. We sent out prayer request to our friends and church members. To prepare for the surgery, the doctor had moved Dina to another room, where she had to wait for about another five hours because the operating theatre was not available. By God’s grace, at 10pm, the operating theatre was available for Dina to have the surgery. At that point in time, I was nervous but God was with me and He never let me down despite the situation that I was in. At 11:30pm, the doctor came and informed us that the surgery was a success and that the baby in the mother’s womb is fine. It was a huge piece of good news for me and for my family. God has allowed this to happen so that my family would continue to trust in Him. It even encouraged us to trust Him even more, despite the hardships and difficulties that we had gone through. We have a son named Caleb, who was only 10 months old then. During our stay in the hospital, Caleb was sent to his aunt. God was with Caleb, who is a good and easy boy to take care of. His aunt looked after him without problem until Dina was discharged from the hospital. Even though we do not have much money to pay for the hospital bill, God had prepared for the expenses through our friends and working groups. Also, most of the medical expenses for Dina were covered by the National Social Security Fund (a medical insurance by the Cambodian government paid by the company). This experience had encouraged me and my family to set out to trust God and serve Him in doing His business with boldness and courage. God opened the door for me to study full-time at Trinity Theological College (TTC) in Singapore from July 2019. I believe that God is preparing me for His call in my life. I encourage every one of us to trust God, no matter how difficult our lives might be. Even if we are facing financial problems, persecution, unemployment, accidents or temptations in life, let us continue our journey of faith and trust in Him. God will provide for, protect, and support you to overcome all your problems. Praise the Lord.


PRAY • Pray for Dina, Caleb, and our second baby to be healthy and to grow deep in Jesus.

• Pray for wisdom to study in TTC for a 3-year course, starting in July 2019. May I finish well with a Master of Divinity.

• Pray that Dina will be able to get a student pass or visa that so she can work part-time when she comes with me to Singapore.

• Pray for more support for Dina and the baby during the three years in Singapore.






Meng Kuong is in Grade 11 and staying in Community Outreach Services – Youth (COSY) Hostel. He plays the piano and guitar in church.

y name is Meng Kuong. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to share the testimony of the salvation of my father. My father was a Buddhist before he gave his life to Jesus. I prayed for his salvation every day and I also shared with him the Gospel whenever I went home from Community Outreach Services – Immanuel (COSI) Children’s Village for the holidays. I was really concerned for his salvation. Thank God that He answered my prayers for my father. It happened this April, during the Khmer New Year, when I went home with my older sister. God changed the heart of my father, and my older sister led him to Christ. He believed and prayed to receive Jesus into his life. I could see that my father was really changed as he joined my sister and me in attending worship services. Now, I am back in the COSY Hostel, I pray that my father will continue to attend church in Battambang where he is working.

PRAY • Pray for the youth in COSY Hostel. Ten Grade 12 youth are having national examinations in August. Pray that they will do well.

• Pray for a good break

VISIT If you are in Phnom Penh, please come by for a visit but inform us in advance. COSY Hostel: #5F-6F, Borey Kamakor Village, Baek Chan Commune, Ang Snoul District, Kandal Province. Email address: lohjuatfang@hotmail. com

and meaningful time with family at home during the August – October school holidays.

• Pray that the youth will grow in spiritual and physical health.

• Pray for wisdom and strength for Carol Loh, MMS Missionary, as she oversees the youth in COSY Hostel.



Finding GOD’S DIRECTION HM is a home-based missionary.


had a dream way back in 2008 to go into the mission field. It was about a junk sailing on calm waters. It was indeed baffling. In hindsight, little did I know that the junk had sent me to Singapore Bible College. And from 2012, it sent me further to East Asia for six years. The time away from home gave my mum the chance to get used to the fact that I was serious about going full-time with God’s work. She became more positive about my calling as I shared about my ministry each time I returned home for the Chinese New Year celebrations. In September 2017, I returned from serving in East Asia due to new foreigner visa regulations. I prayed and asked for His direction during my home assignment and He assured me of my calling again through these verses: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1, NIV) and “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” (John 10:3b, NIV) Once again, I dreamt. This time, the tasks that were given to me were placed in a crate. I accepted the crate with both hands and commented that “it is so heavy”. But God reassured me that He is my provider. I am grateful to God for answering my prayer for direction. And He comforted me with this verse: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV) I had never been in such a state of joy than when I surrendered my life to God. Knowing Him is worth so much more than what this world can offer. I have started serving as a home-based missionary at MMS Home Office in November 2018. AII glory to God!

PRAY • Pray that God will give her strength in her weakness, give her faith in her fear, and give her power in her powerlessness. She is trusting the Lord!

• Pray for her parents to enjoy good health and to be joyful always.





NOEL TAM is the MMS Home Director and Area Director for Nepal. He worships at Pentecost Methodist Church and has a passion for the ministry in Nepal.

have had the privilege to work with my home church, Pentecost Methodist Church, and MMS in our Nepal ministry since 2008. I have witnessed the hand of God at work in the lives of simple people who trust God implicitly. During a recent visit to Nepal, I met 17-year-old Pranish Darjee, who serves in the worship and prayer team of Wesley Bardan Methodist Church (WBMC) in Kathmandu. This is Pranish’s testimony: “During childhood, a high fever left me with a stutter, which remains to this day. Through steadfast prayer and by God’s grace, my condition has improved and I am able to serve in the worship and prayer team. I started school late as my family faced financial difficulties and was in debt. To support the family, my father worked overseas in Malaysia and later in India. My mother also had to work to help provide for my younger sister and me. My difficult childhood made me very angry and sad. I also had to contend with religious issues. As my mother and I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ while my father was a Jehovah’s Witness, we had many quarrels about our different beliefs. Throughout this time, I prayed for wisdom, patience and perseverance as well as for my father’s salvation. In answer to my prayers, my pastor found me a place to stay with a Godfearing family

Pranish with his mother and sister

Editor’s note: This article was first published in the May 2019 issue of Methodist Message.

This brought hope and belief in God’s goodness. Then tragedy struck again. In January 2019, both my dad’s kidneys failed and he had to go on dialysis. The day he was admitted to hospital, my sister met with an accident and suffered severe injuries. My mother and I had to shuttle between my father and my sister. After much prayer for healing, my sister recovered fully. During my father’s illness, my mother and I prayed for him. By God’s mercy and grace, he accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, just days before he passed away on 24 March 2019. Without the support and encouragement of my pastor and cell group, I would not have got through the challenging times I faced. More importantly, I thank God that all that has happened has strengthened my belief in Him. I want to remain faithful and continue serving Him.” “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness… For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9–10)



Pranish (extreme left) with the WBMC worship team

• Pray for Pranish to continue to be a powerful witness for Christ. • Pray that God will continue to provide for the needs of Pranish’s family. • Pray that the youths in WBMC will be encouraged by the Pranish’s faithfulness and love for God.





Sharon Loo is a missionary serving in Thailand with her husband, Daniel. They have four lovely kids and a cat that likes to do stunts. She likes singing and pretending that she is a superstar singer.

y prayer life has been like a roller coaster ride in the mission field. I call the mission field the ‘upside down world’ where things are done vastly differently from home. Often times, our experiences are rather scary and extraordinary. When I accepted Jesus into my life as a teenager, my prayers mostly took the form of a request to God. I seldom had ‘holy’ prayers where I asked God to change me, to use me, and to send me. However, since we entered the ‘upside down world’ in 2008, my prayer life took a sharp turn. Often, I found myself wrestling with God in my prayers. I found myself questioning, reasoning with, and even doubting Him. This was especially true when I was asked to be a song leader in our newly planted Thai church. I struggled and wrestled, giving God 10,000 valid reasons why I could not do it. However, He answered, “You CAN do it, but only if we do it together. Not you, but ME. Not what you can do but what I can do through you.” Time and again, He had pushed me over the cliff’s edge by giving me tasks that I could not do and by telling me to love and forgive the unlovable. In those scary and seemingly unfair moments, I wrestled with Him. In those times, His still small voice spoke and His mighty hands worked miracles.


VISIT If you are in Chiang Mai, please come by for a visit. Over the years, I have learnt to be more honest with God in my prayers. There were days that my emotions would ran wild, especially when I was wronged or betrayed. “Lord, rain sulphur from heaven to destroy them all! Change them to a pillar of salt or let the fire of hell devour them…” Are we not glad that our God does not always answer all our prayers? He is Sovereign. There were seasons that my prayers were streams of tears. No words, no request, no hallelujah Lord… just tears. Tears of anger, tears of fear, tears of anguish, tears of ‘until when’, and tears of ‘why not?’ Of course, there were also tears of joy and comfort. On days that were bleak and dull, these tears had become my prayers. Yet He acted, without fail. One’s prayer life is a journey whether you live in the upside down world or not. You do not need to be stouthearted. However, you do need to enter the wrestling ring with Him. It is in wrestling that God comes near and becomes real to us.

Little Candles Ministry: 150 Moo 6, Tambon Pathum, Ampure Phrao, Chiang Mai 50190. Thailand. Email address: sharonloo211@gmail.com

PRAY • Pray that God will use us to play a part in His mighty plan for the Thai people. • Pray for our children to experience Jesus personally as their Lord and Saviour.





od always answers our prayers even in unexpected ways. Here we have two testimonies of two ladies from Rangsit Methodist Church (RMC). They saw and experienced God’s miraculous healing – literally right under their noses. Praise and glory to God who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think!

Rev Henry Yeo is the Country Director of Thailand. He is also the Interim Pastorin-charge of Rangsit Methodist Church. His son, Atin, recently held a solo art exhibition in Singapore at age 20.


Paew Thimawon is a new believer at RMC. One day, her husband, who is not a Christian yet, had a piece of big fish bone lodged in his throat. They tried several means to remove it but without success. Suddenly, she realised that she could pray to God. She placed her hand on his neck and prayed. Almost instantly, the bone just disappeared. He felt the bone being lifted from his throat as his wife moved her hand upward but no bone came out of his mouth. It just mysteriously disappeared. He admits that God is real but he still refuses to go to church. He cites his reason as that he has to watch over the house since there is no door or fence in his house and he has some very expensive fighting cocks he has to look after. Let’s continue to pray for Paew.

VISIT If you are in Bangkok, please come by for a visit. Rangsit Methodist Church: 15 Moo 5, Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120 4th District, Rangsit, Thailand. Email address: henrytuk972@gmail.com


Boonsuan Laolek is a ministry staff at RMC. Some time ago, she had a lump in her womb. She was scheduled for a surgery to remove the tumour. She was mentally prepared for the surgery as she trusted God and prayed for a successful surgery. But on the day of the surgery, she felt a strong sensation that seemed like she was being electrocuted. When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor found nothing and discharged her. She was certain she would need surgery and even prayed for God to use the surgeon for a successful surgery. So it looked like it was indeed a very successful surgery done by God himself!

PRAY • Pray for RMC as it went through a stormy leadership transition. In that process, about 100 members left the church. But we thank God that we also saw several new believers joining the church. • Pray for our current members to remain strong and faithful. • Pray for our new believers to grow in their faith. • Pray for the Boys’ Brigade as we saw a recent increase in membership from about 10 to 30. Pray that it will reach 50 by this year. • Pray that we will be able to find a full-time Pastor-in-charge.




PRAYER Changes THINGS J PRAY • Pray for all the pastors and missionaries in Timor-Leste as they stand in the frontline. May God be their refuge and fortress (Psalm 91). Pray that their faith will arise in every battle, their hope will be secured in the promise of the cross, and their love will abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight as they serve God’s purpose in Timor-Leste.

Editor’s note: This testimony was first published in the May to August 2019 issue of PrayerConnect. PrayerConnect is a prayer booklet that is published three times a year and distributed to our prayer supporters. If you would like to receive a copy of PrayerConnect, please email mms@methodist.org.sg.

osé de Oliveira is a village pastor in TimorLeste. When he was a pre-believer, he worked in a restaurant while his family were farmers. One HE PRAYED IN HIS day, a missionary came into the restaurant HEART BECAUSE HE and shared the Word of God with him. His heart was hard then and he did not accept WAS AFRAID. the Lord. That night, he went home and his younger brother was very sick. He was very distressed and he did not know what to do. Then he remembered the missionary’s words: “God can heal, we just need to pray.” So he held his brother’s hand and prayed a simple prayer for God to heal him. He prayed in his heart because he was afraid of speaking out loud. Miraculously, his brother got better and was healed. That night, he accepted Christ as his Lord, and he felt an indescribable joy in his heart. The next morning, he told his wife but she was very against it. She refused to accept it and asked for a separation. He was devastated and very sad. So he prayed to God for a way out. Then one night, a divine figure that looked like a priest appeared to her in a dream and asked her for José. She responded, “I am his wife, you can talk to me.” But the divine figure continued to ask for José. She asked, “Why are you not talking to me?” The divine figure said, “I don’t know you, I only know him.” Then she realised the significance of knowing Jesus. Next morning, she told José. José then brought his wife and children to meet other believers. And they accepted Jesus into their lives and received salvation. When they went back to work in the fields, José asked his friends whether they knew Jesus and he shared with them. Now, many people in his area know the Lord and he is their pastor! Praise God!



GOD is MY BEST FRIEND PRAYER IS understand that prayer is communicating with the ever-present God. He is a God who is COMMUNICATING always with me. I come to know God more like WITH THE EVERmy intimate best friend who is always listening to my inner self and ever ready to comfort me PRESENT GOD. in any situation. He is not only an almighty God, but also a loving Father. My family and I worship with International Christian Fellowship (ICF). I continue to grow more in Christ by knowing who I am in Christ through our pastor’s teaching and the Ladies Bible Study. When my father passed away two years ago because of cancer, God answered my prayer during the last days of his earthly life. Many friends rallied around to pray for him when I took off to South Korea at that time. And I believed my living and loving God, who desires His children to return to Him, had answered our prayers. My father was an atheist who did not believe in anything except himself. But God heard our cries and let my father pray together with me to know Christ and God’s plan for him. I had peace after he passed away because his last words to me were “I believe!” and “Why are you crying?” Moreover, my mother is now attending church again after many backslidden years. I am learning that God is at work even when there is nothing or no way I can solve the issue or can help the situation. So on such occasions, I experience His authority and love at work for me. The more I pray, the more I am able to listen to God. The more I face difficulties or sufferings in life, the more I turn to my Best Friend to pray for guidance and strength. It is such a wonderful experience to witness God’s presence with me day after day. And all this begins with prayer.


Rachel Jang worships in International Christian Fellowship (ICF) in Ho Chi Minh City with her husband, Steve Yoo, since its first anniversary in 2010. Prior to that, the Yoo family stayed in Malacca, Malaysia for five years. Rachel is the key leader of the ICF Ladies Bible Study Group.

PRAY • Thank God that the number of children in our children’s ministry has grown. • Pray for two more cell leaders and new locations to hold our cell group meetings as more people want to join cell groups. • Pray for more expatriates and families to join ICF.

VISIT ICF meets every Sunday at 10.30am, followed by a short fellowship session immediately after the service. All foreign residents and friends are welcome. Come and join us if you are in Ho Chi Minh City. Address: Hoa Hung Church, Level 2 (Hoi Thanh Tin Lanh Hoa Hung), 625D Cach Mang Thang Tam St, Ward 15, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Email: icfhcmcpastor.ic@gmail.com Website: www.icfhcmc.org





Ziemmi and her husband Daniel worship in International Christian Fellowship (ICF) in Ho Chi Minh City. They are small group leaders. Ziemmi also helps as the ICF Administrator.

PRAY • Pray for our ministry house which has started. It is a loving, communal discipleship lifestyle environment where residents will live together for 18 months. Pray for another six people to join. Pray for sponsorship for these residents who will be trained and equipped. • Pray for the preparation and sponsorship of our theological student who will spend three months in Bible College.

had never experienced the deep pain of seeing a loved one facing what the world called “death-sentence” cancer. All that changed in summer 2017 when my brother had to get a biopsy. The waiting period for the result was terrible. I broke down and cried out to the Lord. My prayers were tears in a dark time. I begged God not to take my brother away, to let him be healed completely, and to let him receive Jesus because my family were still pre-believers. The Holy Spirit continued to strengthen me and helped me to press on with Him in prayers. Tears of fear turned to tears of joy. My prayers slowly turned to speaking out God’s goodness and His faithfulness. The Holy Spirit impressed me with an assurance upon my heart that only the Lord knows what is best and that He loves my brother much more than I do, that He will take care of him. The result came back with no sign of cancer. I praised Jesus for His answered prayer of healing! Little did I know, God was preparing me and my family for a bigger challenge. At the end of 2017, my dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He needed to undergo surgery to remove the tumour and receive chemotherapy. This time, the sense of the Lord’s peaceful presence filled us up. Pastor Leslie and our ICF cell groups had been praying faithfully for my dad’s healing. My prayer journey had been lifted up by the community’s prayers! During one of our prayer times, God spoke of my dad’s complete healing and him becoming a Christian. And sure enough, after one whole year of going through chemotherapy, his current test shows no sign of cancer and he is recovering very well! We hold dearly to God’s promises for He has brought forth what He has said. Only through prayer, we learn about our Father’s gracious heart! Daniel and I continued to experience God’s healing in miraculous ways. In summer 2018, one of our friends’ father, Mr Tuan, got into a motor accident. That tragic accident took his young daughter back to the Lord, and put him in a coma. Pastor Leslie went with us to visit him when he was rejected by the hospital because they said he had a slim chance to make it back to a normal life. In fact, his friends also believed the doctors’ prognosis that it was impossible for him to live as before. But with our God, all things are possible. In Jesus’ name, Pastor prayed in the Holy Spirit, talked to Mr Tuan’s spirit, encouraged him, and spoke life to him. Fast forward to today, he is living healthily in God’s grace; his body, mind, and soul have been being restored. He is surely proof of God’s love conquering all disbelief. We believe that our hospital visits had comforted and strengthened Mr Tuan’s and his family’s faith. Despite all of the difficult circumstances, prayer in faith gave way for God’s miracles to happen. In these two years, we have learnt that prayer to our Heavenly Father is never a dried-up, undesirable obligation. Instead, and indeed, it is the constant flow of communication for Jesus’ refreshing water gushing into our weary souls and drawing us nearer and nearer to the Father’s heart. ICF has embraced us not only in teaching us biblical truths but also in challenging us to live out that truth. By prayer in faith, we have learnt to trust in God, trust in His truth that everything He brings into our lives is for the good of His children. Despite what we might feel or think, despite what the result is, it is for us to glorify Him for He is good! Never a dull moment in prayer with God!

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Read about God’s goodness and faithfulness in these MMS Books.

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MMS DVD – Simple Faith Amazing Grace (2005 @ Cambodia)


MMS DVD – Of Miracles and Grace (2007 @ Nepal)


MMS DVD – Choose to Help a Few (2009 @ Thailand)


MMS DVD – MMS 20th Anniversary Videos (2011 @ China and Nepal)


MMS DVD – SSS Videos (2012)


MMS DVD – MMS at a glance (2013 @ Nepal)


MMS DVD – Education Opens Doors (2015 @ Cambodia)


MMS DVD – Proclaim His Wondrous Works (2016 @ 7 Fields)


MMS DVD – Making Disciples, Transforming Lives (2017 @ Timor-Leste)


MMS Book – Blessed to be a Blessing (2014)


MMS Book – Wings of Grace (2017)


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COUNTRY Review & BUDGET Meeting 2019

E.N.L.A.R.G.E. the Place of YOUR TENT!


nlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes” (Isaiah 54:2) Since 2016, and most recently at the Country Review and Budget Meeting held in February, MMS has annually reviewed its strategies and ministry plans for its seven mission fields. Recent improvements include a better understanding of the stages of our field ministries based on the “4 Ps: Pioneering, Parenting, Partnership and Participation”. These stages guide MMS in optimally managing resources and allocating financial support for ministries and fields with the greatest needs. As the mission agency for The Methodist Church in Singapore, the mandate for MMS is to partner local churches to plant churches, promote service opportunities and serve the needs in each mission field, including the welfare of our missionaries. Additionally, we serve as a valuable resource for local churches in areas that impact missions, such as finance, governance, compliance, and interfacing with government authorities.

Going forward, MMS will focus on three key areas: • Intentional church engagement that builds on the callings of local churches, • Expansion of our intercessory network to pray for and with MMS regularly, • Identification and training of more missionary candidates. Our church engagement team will be visiting local churches to share about the ministries and plans of our mission fields and garner support. We welcome feedback on how MMS can best support the churches. Our mission fields have become more challenging and complex, requiring MMS to look into new and creative approaches for bringing the gospel to unreached people groups, whilst remaining sensitive to the safety our field staff. To achieve our ministry objectives, we need the collaborative participation, partnership and prayers of ALL our churches. The cornerstone of overseas mission will be staying true to our Father’s heartbeat and remaining faithful to the One, True and Sovereign God!


Based on Isaiah 54:2, MMS’ Vision 2023 will seek to: Extend the scope of our mission fields by country or people group, Nurture a vibrant network of prayer intercessors, Launch an aggressive initiative to enlist more Methodists to serve overseas, Adopt a clear and contextualised Discipleship Framework for every field, Ramp up training /equipping for all missionaries and short-term trippers, Glean towards sustainability of ministries governed by sound financial processes, Engage more local churches in collaborative partnerships.

Dear Lord, we pray for greater partnership and collaboration with our local churches. We pray for more missionaries to be sent to the mission field. May you guide and bless the MMS leadership and the Home Team, our missionaries, and national workers in the field. Amen.

MMS Family Joe Ling is from Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference. In partnership with MMS, he has committed to the study of the language, assimilation into the Nepali culture, and induction into the ministries at Nepal beginning 16 February 2019.

Joe Ling

Rasanya Isabella Gnasegaran was sent by Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference to Timor-Leste. She left on 13 April 2019 after completing a 6-week Asian Cross-Cultural Training Institute (ACTI) training course. She is there to support the development of St Paul Methodist School in the areas of administration and teaching.

Dear Lord, please help Joe and Rasanya to assimilate into the cultures and quickly learn the national languages. We pray for Your protection and grace in all that they do. Amen.

Rasanya Isabella Gnasegaran




Jimaia Wong is a Pastoral Team Member overseeing Missions at Faith Methodist Church. She loves to chill out in cafes and listen to stories from the mission fields.

or many of us when we think about prayer, the 24/7 prayer watch movement by the Moravian Community at Herrnhut, which started a round-the-clock prayer watch in 1727 that continued non-stop for over a hundred years, comes to mind. But a little known fact is that by 1791, 65 years after this prayer watch started, the small Moravian community had sent out 300 missionaries! There is an undisputable link between prayer and missions. Jesus said to his disciples, in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” In this verse, Jesus pointed out a reality that is true even to this day: the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. When Jesus saw the great needs among the crowd, He had compassion on them as they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus saw the need for the crowd to know His Father’s love and He urged His disciples to pray, even before He sent them out. As Jesus’s disciples, we should pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest in two specific areas: for the harvest and for the labourers.


PRAYING FOR THE HARVEST Jesus had compassion for the crowd because he saw the needs among them. To pray for the harvest, we must first understand the needs in the fields. There are many ways to understand these needs. We can: • talk to the missionaries based in these fields, • visit the field personally when possible, • refer to resources like MMS’s PrayerConnect or online prayer guides under The Joshua Project or Operation World. These will help us better understand some of the challenges and developments in the fields and how we can intercede for the harvest. PRAYING FOR THE LABOURERS Other than praying for the harvest, we need to intercede for the labourers, - those whom the Lord has already sent out and those whom He will send out. When we pray for missionaries, we often focus on their ministries and the programmes or events they are

organising. These are important, but we need to also remember them as individuals who need prayer for their devotional lives, for God’s protection upon them and their families, and for His daily provision. The next time you meet a missionary, do take time to ask them how you can be praying for them. Another area where we need to pray for are the national believers in the field as these are the labourers whom the Lord will raise up for the harvest. As the Lord strengthens and builds up the national believers and communities, we believe they will become the next wave of harvest force to bring the gospel throughout their own land. As John Stott has written, “We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.” Praying for missions is one way to become a global Christian as God will surely give us His global vision as we intercede for His harvest and His labourers.



PRAYER SUPPORT HOW DOES ONE GET INVOLVED IN MISSIONS? ne way is to be a short-term or long-term missionary. Another way is to be a volunteer going to the various mission fields to embark on the work of spreading the Gospel. In the local churches, there are also many other ways that one can get involved in, such as fundraising, hospitality, keeping in touch through letters, administrative support, and so on.


Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung

新加坡卫理公会 会督 is the Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore. He likes reading and spending time in bookshops.

YOU CAN ALSO PRAY! When Paul was in prison, he wrote to the church in Philippi on how his heart was filled with thanksgiving to God whenever he remembered the brothers and sisters there who supported him in prayer from the very first day! Regardless of whether one is a pastor, a missionary or someone in any other position preaching the good news, knowing that there are prayer warriors praying for our work, whether they do it regularly or occasionally, is surely encouraging and inspiring. Not everyone gets called to be a pastor or a missionary. And not everyone can go to the mission field as they wish, or be in touch with missionaries. But everyone can lift the missionary closer to God through prayer and intercession. No matter where the missionary is stationed, whether in deep jungle or backward villages, or even if detained in prison, the prayers of Christians can cover them. Today, the places where our missionaries travel to are not any safer than during the times of the early church. Some missionaries and their families regularly face life-threatening situations, persecution, house arrests, expulsion, and deportation. Other than activating the relevant agencies or asserting political pressure for their rescue, prayer is the best way to provide direct support for missions. There are many needs in missions that we can help pray for. These include praying for opportunities to preach the gospel, contacts and networking, the establishment of various types of ministries, peaceful environments, persevering faith, capability to serve, grace and spiritual gifts, loyalty that defies the threat of death, or loss of family or health, and relief from hardship, etc. Can you think of more? Pray and let the Lord move you to a greater understanding of the labourers and their work to be done in the harvest field.

藉着祷告支援宣教 如何参与宣教 直接的参与就是回应呼召成为短期或长期宣教士或义工,被差派到各地的宣教禾场投入 福音事工。在本地教会中还可以通过各种不同的方式,如金钱奉献、接待、通信、行政等支 援间接参与宣教。

代祷勇士 保罗在监狱的地牢里写信给腓立比的教会,说他每逢想起这些弟兄姐妹从起初头一天开始为保 罗传福音的工作祷告,心里就为他们感谢上帝!作为牧者或宣教士甚至在任何岗位参与福音工作 的人来说,知道有代祷勇士为你定时或不定时的祷告,那是何等振奋人心的事啊。 不是每个人都蒙召成为牧者、宣教士;也不是每工人可以随意到宣教禾场或接触到前线的宣 教士。但是,卻可以藉着祷告把宣教士带到上帝的面前为他们代求。无论这些宣教士在何方,哪 怕是深山野岭、穷乡僻壤、牢房刑场,信徒的祈祷都可以覆盖他们。 今天宣教士所到的宣教区不比初期教会时代安全,有些宣教士及家人经常面对生命的威胁、 逼迫、下监、驱逐等遭遇。除了动员有关的机关或动用政治压力解救,在这种情况下,祷告则是最 直接支援宣教士的佳径。 除来以祷告托住宣教士,还有许多需要在祷告中纪念的事项,譬如传福音的契机、接触的对 象、各项事工的建立、处境的平安、坚持不懈的信心、事奉的恩赐与技能、忠心致死的心志、家 庭、健康、脱离苦难……等等。 愿主感动您,让您更多认识主的工人并他们在禾场的工作与劳苦。让我们都藉着祷告支援宣 教!

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