PrayerConnect (May - August 2014)

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PRAYER connect May 2014 to August 2014

A prayer letter of the Methodist Missions Society  Not for circulation  For Mission Partners and Volunteers only

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Philippians 4:6 (MSG)

A Cambodian girl praying.

dear prayer partners

Prayers that move people

Moments before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He said a thanksgiving prayer. He prayed, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” (John 11:41-42, NKJV) Noticeably, there were many people around Jesus. And He had intended for them to hear this prayer before they would witness a great miracle taking place. Jesus did this because He knew that they had yet to comprehend God and His plans. Hence, the words of thanksgiving were meant to affect the listeners to become aware of God’s work in Christ, so that they may believe. In short, Jesus’ prayer was to move us to go beyond the spectacular into a deep recognition that God is in our midst. May our prayers move people to recognise God.

Rev Philip Lim Executive Director Methodist Missions Society

2. Pray for Wee Teck, Joy, Johnson and Josephine as they go through a course on missions in July and August. 3. Pray that there will be at least 20-30 girls who will apply for new intake in May for the Emmaus Women’s Centre (EWC).


4. Pray for guidance as plans to start an Eco-Lodge are underway to generate income to support EWC girls.

5. Pray for the BB and GB of the Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC), that they will be platforms for outreach and discipleship for the teachers and students. Pray for the MSC teachers to work in unity to achieve the vision and missions of the school. 6. Pray that God will send to us a suitable new school principal for MSC.

7. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through the Character Formation lessons for the COSI children and MSC students. 8. Pray for the Missionaries as they focus on discipleship. Pray that God will provide wisdom, guidance and strength.


1. Pray for Missionaries, Wee Teck and Joy, who are getting married on 14 June. Pray for their lives and ministry together.

9. Pray for an education centre to be built in Beung Trea Village with the ultimate aim of church planting.

2. Pray that the construction of the Children’s Home cum Guest House in HS will proceed smoothly with no more disruption from the villagers.



1. Pray for the judicial system to be fair and impartial. Pray for courage to expose corrupt officials in the various provinces especially those who abuse their power in the name of security. Pray that God’s righteousness will prevail for those under prosecution and detention. Pray for good to overcome evil for those who love him.

3. Pray for His kingdom work in reaching people in the western remote snow mountain and urban migrant work in the city will continue to flourish.

4. Pray that His presence will be felt when all the national workers meet in June. Pray that all will be able to receive further equipping and listen to His voice.

2. Pray for His provision, leading and guidance in our next step, the building of the two- or three-storey classroom block in our current, temporary premises.

3. Thank God that He has continued to provide timely financial support and manpower for the school. Pray for good stewardship of those resources for His glory.

4. Pray for good health and passion for the teachers as they continue to give their all for the children whom the Lord has brought to this school that He has made possible. 5. Pray for expertise and assistance for the school to obtain accreditation for the primary level and to begin the application process for the secondary level. 6. Pray for a speedy re-registration of INSPIRE and the Chinese work, thank Him for the teaching jobs He’s been bringing our way, and pray for empowerment for outreach to our students. 7. Pray for the Lord’s hand to be on the Lao authorities as they face many pressures, that this country may be governed wisely and justly.



1. Thank the Lord that SMS Laos (The Singapore Mission School in Laos) has finally been officially recognised and obtained the education licence in mid-March 2014, after trying for four years.

2. As Nepal ushered in their Nepali New Year, pray for God’s continued blessings on this nation, her leaders and her people.



1. Thank God for the timely completion of the construction work of The Methodist Centre and Wesley Methodist Church building.

3. Pray that the newly installed government will provide for the needs of the poor and marginalised through people-centred policies.

4. Pray for MMS leaders and national pastors as they prepare for the coming Nepal EXCO meeting and FBOM sessions in June. 5. Pray for God’s protection and provision for all missionaries, national pastors & evangelists and their families as they continue to serve in bringing the gospel to the unreached. National workers.

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Source Code: PRT_PRAYER_C

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2. Pray for Pastor Watit & his wife who will be coming to Singapore in May for training and be familiar with Wesley Methodist Church and MMS.


1. Pray for the interview and hiring of a new school principal for Vineyard Methodist Primary School, Chiang Mai. Pray for a mature Christian with teaching and school management experience.

3. Pray for the intentional post Youth CampS follow-up by the pastors & Loong (National Youth Director for Thailand). Pray for wisdom to sustain the fire among the youth who attended the camps.


4. Pray for the 2nd Thai ExCo meeting on 8 May. Pray for Godly wisdom, spiritual unity, priority and accountability in fulfilling God’s Kingdom objectives.

5. Thank God for the gradual healing of the spine of Pastor Muk. His lower body was partially paralysed after sustaining a fall. He is anxious to get back to church to serve. Pray for a full and speedy restoration of his body. Youth camp participants.



1. Thank God for the positive outcome of the recent visit to Singapore of the Minister of education from Timor-Leste. Pray that it will be a spring-board for our Methodist School project in Dili as we continue to develop plans for the school. 2. Pray that the Students Hostel project in Gleno will proceed smoothly as we plan to have the hostel operating by mid-2015. 3. Pray for the approval from the authorities for our proposal to support the Community Health Centre in Gleno and two other health posts at Roeraga Coliete and Fatubalu villages. 4. Pray for the protection, provision and well-being of our Missionaries, Asnah, Susanto, Joseph and Grace, as they witness to the people of Timor-Leste through their various ministries.

2. Pray for quick and smooth approval of preaching permit for Albert Low and others. 3. Pray for Albert to have wisdom and strength to oversee both his business and ministry works.

5. Pray for ICF Working Ministries Committee to work together in joy, wisdom, unity and humility.


4. Pray that ICF will continue to be an oasis for fellowship and a place for spiritual refreshment to fellow believers working in HCMC. Pray for love and a hunger for God’s word among the church members.


1. Pray for good relationship between MMS, ICF (International Christian Fellowship), and the governing authorities, resulting in favour and support for our work in HCMC.

6. As an international church, many ICF members leave Vietnam due to their job postings. Pray for continuous supply of faithful members to serve in ministries and that more will embrace ICF as their very own church.

7. Pray that ICF can find partnership with local churches and corporate companies to reach out to villagers to provide medical and other social services. 8. Pray for quick recovery and growth for Vietnam’s economy. Pray for the government to have good initiatives to stimulate market growth and good policies to create more business investments and job opportunities.


Healing Touch My name is Channa Mary. In 2008, I went to Emmaus Women’s Centre (EWC) to learn hair-dressing and beauty care. Besides being a place that teaches young women livelihood skills, EWC teaches them Jesus. It helps them to know their life purpose and have new hope. I went to EWC not knowing Jesus. But I graduated as a Christian with a livelihood skill.

Two years later, I fell very ill with severe headaches, gastric problems and pain. I had about 100 kidney stones. As a result, I could not work and stayed at home for a while. During that time, I had no income and my health became worse. When I went to the doctor, he told me that I had to have surgery. It would cost US$600 to US$700. I didn’t have that money at all. I also didn’t want my family to sell the land and field because of me. I could only pray. I prayed and God told me to go to a place in Siem Reap called the House of Prayer. I did not know where it was but I proceeded as told. I finally found the place. But while there, I did not know what else to do except to read the Bible and pray. After some time, God healed me miraculously. I stopped having headaches and gastric pain, and the stones in my kidneys disappeared. When I went to the doctor to check, he was surprised that there was no more stone. He thought I took medicine but I told him I did not. I told him I am a Christian and God healed me. Now without using medicine, God also miraculously healed my mother who had been coughing blood for 10 years. This is God’s mercy and grace. May the name of our Lord bring healing and blessing to everyone. Amen. God is true and He brings life. He is the way to know the truth so that we can receive salvation. May this testimony encourage you. God bless you.


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