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Pioneer Junior College Presents

Literature Symposium 2015 / 12 August / 3 pm

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

Programme - Opening Address by XX - Student Performance: The Staging of the Revenge Tragedy - Student Performance: The Alternative Ending - Student Performance: The Empowerment of Women - Intermission - Student Performance: Dramatic Readings - Guest Talk: Faith Ng - Teacher’s Item: Character Hot-seating - Post-Event Roundup

Staging the Revenge Tragedy Duchess of Malfi / Othello

Duchess of Malfi




Staged by a combination of JC1 and JC2 students, this item examines the conventions of The Tragedy in the Elizabethan and Jacobean Era. Comprising of scenes from the Webster’s Duchess of Malfi (1623) and Shakespeare’s Othello (1603), the item juxtaposes the death of the Duchess with the death of Desdemona in order to bring out the similar elements of violence and darkness.

Duchess of Malfi: XXX (15A03) as AAA YYY ZZZ Othello: XXX (14A05) as BBB YYY ZZZ

Guiding Questions: Consider the playwrights’ use of dramatic elements in both scenes. How is death portrayed in both these scenes? Consider the playwrights’ use of dramatic positioning of these scenes in their respective plays. How are the deaths of these characters significant to the play as a whole? Consider the thematic concerns that each scene brings out. Why do the playwrights portray death as such?

The Alternative Ending Age of Innocence



Do you know that Edith Wharton intended for Newland Archer to marry Ellen Olenska in Age of Innocence? This is a short performance by JC1 H1 students that illustrates the potential pitfalls of such a union

XXX (15A04) as CCC YYY ZZZ

This dinner party in the setting of the drawing room will reveal the preoccupations of Old New York and how they partake in gossip which is a form of surveillance and allows them to keep tabs on the comings and goings of members of Old New York. Ellen Olenska as the outsider figure paints a stark contrast to May Welland who is the very embodiment of the perfect Old New York lady that leads to the question of whether Newland Archer made the right choice in choosing his wife.

Guiding Questions: What if Archer and Ellen had married? What are the implications of such a union in the society of Old New York? Would it have been a happy union or would Archer and Ellen have been headed towards disaster?

The Empowerment of Women Death and the King’s Horseman



The scenes are presented by JC1 H2 Students as they consider the role of women in Death and the King’s Horseman. The two scenes presented show how Wole Soyinka complicates the role of women in the play. Iyaloja seems powerless and resigned to Elesin’s decision in the scene taken from Act 1. Yet when the scene is juxtaposed with the portion from Act 3, it shows how the women dominate Amusa, a man of Yoruban origin.

Lo Wee (15A06) as Elesin Ng Zhe Ern (15A05) as Iyaloja Ace Ng (15A03) as Amusa Jackie Lum (15A06) as Woman 1 Jacinth Chia (15A06) as Woman 2 Yu Liming (15AO5) as Girl 1 Jasleen Kaur Sidhu (15A05) as Girl 2

Guiding Questions: How is Iyaloja portrayed in the first scene? How does role of women change in the second scene? What does this shift tell us about the Yoruban culture?

Dramatic Readings



The students from the Creative Art Program (CAP) will perform a series of dramatic readings of works that were written by them.

XXX (15A04) as CCC YYY ZZZ

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta ipsum ut mattis efficitur. Ut id mi egestas, luctus metus eget, vulputate odio. Morbi eu tristique enim. Curabitur non egestas mauris. Cras sit amet mattis magna. Etiam hendrerit magna nec convallis volutpat. Duis interdum at erat nec elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer molestie sodales est, vel pretium tellus convallis vitae. Mauris felis ante, auctor vitae facilisis vel, gravida ac quam.

Guest Talk by Faith Ng

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta ipsum ut mattis efficitur. Ut id mi egestas, luctus metus eget, vulputate odio. Morbi eu tristique enim. Curabitur non egestas mauris. Cras sit amet mattis magna. Etiam hendrerit magna nec convallis volutpat. Duis interdum at erat nec elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer molestie sodales est, vel pretium tellus convallis vitae. Mauris felis ante, auctor vitae facilisis vel, gravida ac quam.

Character Hot-seating by Teachers

Description: Each teacher plays a main character from AOI, DOM, or DKH. Student moderators introduce characters and address questions to various characters. Teachers playing the respective characters will prepare answers and present it in character on stage

A round of applause Our Patrons

Mrs. Tan-Kek Lee Yong Principal

Mr Ken Leong Vice-Principal

Ms Sim Yoke Hwee Vice-Principal

Literature Unit

Ms Sarizah Kizman HOD English

Ms Yap Chern Kai SH/Literature

Ms Zaleena Razal Lead Teacher

Mr Jason Tan Teacher

Ms V. Tamil Vani Teacher

Mr Sunil Ebenezer Sutherson, Teacher

A round of applause Audio Crew


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui

Lighting Crew


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui

A round of applause Backstage


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui



Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui


Xing Hui

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