Micro housing

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MADRID RIO MICRO-HOUSING UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA MADRID The problem of u ! rban density and housing costs is global. As unit types get smaller however, micro-housing has the danger of becoming a provisional housing type with little social value. By mining the discrepancy between maximum floor area ratios and maximum zoning envelopes, Madrid Rio Micro-Housing provides a typology that extends the limits of the unit to also include semi-public circulation, balconies and visual extensions.

The whole envelope of the individual ‘unit blocks’ becomes a soft intersection between public/private and interior/exterior, using the different balconies/green houses as a natural heating in order to create a comfortable atmosphere and the possibility of social fabrics between neighbors. In this way, the ambition of the project is to prove that ‘space’ and ‘size’ are actually separate concepts.




MICRO-HOUSING In terms of dynamically flexible mixed-use housing, the fourteen units allow residents to either claim a single unit, or in the case where a couple or a group of friends require more space, recombine the blocks for larger configurations. This flexibility allows occupants to live in the building longer and thus more socially sustainable as they will not have to move out with changing situations both financially as in expanding families. Finally, the microauditorium on the ground floor, basement, kitchen and fitness ra spatially linked to the units as shared living spaces. All technical features are plugged on to the building in Pompidou style, such as recycling, air control, solar panels, vertical garden, etcetera making eco-living a visible part of the building.




The open ground plane can be constantly repogrammed for differentiating events such as performances, movie showings, or gathering. Pedestrian traffic is pulled from the street down through the micro-auditorium’s steps, connecting city, building and residents to the spaces below. Even passing cars are invited to ride in and enjoy a drive-in movie rather than spent lost time in traffic.





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