The Leopard (February 2013)

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February 2013 Issue 013 Free

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Election battle begins at Goldsmiths

By Courtney Greatrex

Nominations for the 2013-14 Goldsmiths Students Union elections closed this week with 55 candidates standing for 48 positions. The Students’ Union aims to improve the overall turnout of students voting, after a dismal 15% last year. An intensive marketing drive including videos of the candidates, vigorous online marketing and more polling stations around will ensure students

can actively engage with this year’s election. Despite the positive number of nominations, there are still positions yet WR EH ÀOOHG 7KHVH LQFOXGH FDPSXV student-parent, volunteering, mature, SRVW JUDG DQG SDUW WLPH RIÀFHU UROHV 'HSXW\ UHWXUQLQJ RIÀFHU DQG Democracy and Representations manager Ibby Mehmet is pleased with the overall response from this year’s nominees, but is concerned with the lack

of representation of minority groups within the college. Of the 13 sabbatical candidates in this year’s election, only four are women. A peculiar result when 70% of Goldsmiths students are women. He told The Leopard, “This is an issue facing many unions across the country. I think its something we need to tackle strategically but more so by empowering these said groups. Collectively, RIĂ€FHUV VWDII DQG VWXGHQWV QHHG WR UDLVH

WKH SURĂ€OHV RI WKHVH SRVWV Âľ Three of this years existing sabbatical RIĂ€FHUV DUH UH UXQQLQJ IRU SRVLWLRQV with President Samson Osun returning to his Politics degree after two years DV D IXOO WLPH RIĂ€FHU LQ WKH 8QLRQ +H VDLG ´0\ WLPH LQ RIĂ€FH ZDV JUHDW whilst learning I believe that our union has seen a real shift in its direction, becoming more tolerant and increasing WLHV ZLWK WKH FRPPXQLW\ Âľ (Continued pg. 3)

Protesters march as Save A&E continues seeing 75% of its current intake with the more serious blue light ambulance cases being treated in other hospitals. The Maternity ward is to become midwife and not consultant led meaning the unit would see around 10% of its current intake. At a recent Q&A at Goldsmiths, Labour Lewisham Mayor Sir Steve Bullock called the decision on Lewisham a ‘test case’ in relation to the wider implications of government cuts upon the NHS. He believes that the decision to cut a highly successful A&E unit will DFW WR ´VHW D SUHFHGHQWÂľ PHDQLQJ DQ\ successful hospital may be subject to unjust cuts. Bullock believes the issue represents the “arrogance of governPHQWÂľ KLJKOLJKWLQJ WKH IDFW WKDW WKH government has acted “ignoring the DGYLFH RI FOLQLFLDQVÂľ DQG KROGLQJ ´QR FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH SXEOLFÂľ The announcement by Hunt was met with further demonstrations by the Save Lewisham Hospital organisation, stating on their website that “the campaign will show Jeremy Hunt that the people of Lewisham are determined WR Ă€JKW RQ WR VDYH /HZLVKDP KRVSLWDOÂľ With a highly successful A&E unit that serves 750,000 people being downgraded and a maternity ward being





By Alex Cooper

As the march began, small police Proposed plans by the government to presence could be seen. However, there close Lewisham Hospital’s accident ZHUH QR PRPHQWV RI FRQĂ LFW EHWZHHQ and emergency facilities along with protesters and police. the cutting down of it’s maternity ward Prams, parents and babies indebted to KDV OHG WR D VWURQJ VKRZ RI GHĂ€DQFH E\ Lewisham hospital for its care could be seen throughout the march as it made local people. The BBC reported at least 15000 its way down Lewisham High Street. people marching through Lewisham 7KH PDUFK FRQWLQXHG SDVW WKH Ă€UH High Street, the Save Lewisham VWDWLRQ DQG Ă€UHPHQ FDPH RXW WR FKDQW hospital campaign placing the number along, as oncoming various vehicles upon the opposite side of the road at 25000. The protesters amassed at mid-day on tooted their support to the protesters Saturday 26 in the gaze of the surprising Consultants, doctors and nurses were present and as the march made its January sunshine. The atmosphere was jubilant as the way past the hospital itself, many crowd gathered to begin the march workers came out to add to the sense across from the Lewisham Train and of community. Children waved banners DLR stations. The meeting place and chants were sung through mouths brought to life by costume clad and megaphones. campaigners and a group of Olympic The protesters then made their way up a residential road to the end point of drummers. Danielle Gaywood, third year drama the march at a nearby park where talks student said: “As students supporting were given and a festival atmosphere the cause we aimed to inject an element ensued despite the snow sodden mud. of fun to keep up enthusiasm whilst Secretary of state for health, Jeremy highlighting the impact of the cuts. Our Hunt, delivered the anticipated verdict over exaggerated injuries and imprac- on Thursday 31. tical search for an A&E in our street Tweaking Kershaw’s original proposal performance, aimed to uncover the and offering up somewhat of a comproridiculous nature of the proposal and mise. Hunt broke the news that the A&E was not to close but to be downgraded SRNH IXQ DW WKH VXJJHVWHG FORVXUH Âľ


severely slashed by government cuts to the NHS, the effect upon the people of Lewisham is undeniable. Hunt now faces an unprecedented backlash from senior and executive GPs and the threat of judicial review over his decision with Bullock following through with his promise WR ´JHW WKH /DZ\HUV LQYROYHGÂľ DQG WR ´WDNH LW DV IDU DV ZH FDQ Âľ The plans to close the Lewisham A&E unit along with the maternity ward have been a point of contention for the people of Lewisham ever since they were proposed by Matthew Kershaw, the man charged with overseeing the administration of the debt laden south London healthcare trust. However, the controversy owes its origin to the fact that the wellperforming Lewisham Hospital is not part of the South London Healthcare trust. And thus campaigners see the cuts as an unfair consequence of the neighbouring trusts defects. The recent demonstration of the save Lewisham A&E movement at Goldsmiths in reaction to the political SURJUDP Âś4XHVWLRQ 7LPH¡ EHLQJ Ă€OPHG in the Richard Hoggart Building, assisted in throwing the issue into the institution’s glare.







NEWS News in Brief: Stories for the breakfast table Letter from the Editors

bility to affect someone/something and indirectly, create change. After all, doesn’t everything begin with one Happy belated (Lunar) New Year little step? and welcome to the third issue of The Moving on. We also have comments on the disapLeopard! February is the month of love and all pearing of Lilt soda (never knew things romantic. But perhaps in a way there was such drink! Our bad!), this has made everything Valentine-y on New Year’s (so-called) resolua bit overrated, thus for this issue The tions, and on Alex Ferguson being Leopard has decided to cover the more a whiny manager. For you people underrated side of romance – check who often suffer from alcoholocaust, out the Overthinker’s column and don’t miss our hangover-movie anti-Valentine’s tips in the Lifestyle recommendations! If you’re more into photography and and Culture section! All (anti)lovey-dovey things aside, deeper conversation, then go on our this edition is probably our most Photography page and read through political issue so far with coverage Franklin Lopes’ piece on urban life from the Lewisham A&E closure and the increasing individualism. to Goldsmiths election. Regarding Last but not least, life is of course WKH ODWWHU GHĂ€QLWHO\ GR VWD\ WXQHG IRU incomplete without music. Check more updates on our Twitter and blog! out our electronic and rock’s ‘Ones to On another political note, check out Watch’ (or rather, to listen). Also don’t our feature on whether voting should miss The Leopard’s view on the death of HMV and Morrissey. be compulsory. With regards to voting, it amazes us Don’t forget to vote and have a great how one vote – one’s seemingly insig- year ahead, QLĂ€FDQW OLWWOH DFWLRQ ² KDV D JUHDW SRVVL- Nindy and Alice On Valentine’s, voting and other exciting stuff

The Leopard est.2010 Editors-in-Chief: Nindya Atmodipoero Alice Yehia

News Editors: Dean Courtney Chris Dillon Features Editor: Bartholomew Foley

Layout: William Course Sophie Hardcastle Ted Low & Daniel Williams

Comment & Opinion Editors: Radu Istrate Michael Lovelock

Leopard Logo: Emily Harthern

Lifestyle & Culture Editors: Charlie Brinkhurst Cuff Grace Drayton

Interested in becoming a contributor in any area of The Leopard? E-mail: leopardnewspaper@

Music Editor: Josh Hobson Gary Spencer

0207 71 72 220

Sports Editor: Oliver Bellamy

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Photography Editor: Camilo Fernandez

Proof reader: Gamel Oki

8LI 0ISTEVH MW E TYFPMGEXMSR TVMRXIH SR QEXX[IWX WS EJXIV ]SY LEZI ½RMWLIH [MXL it please pass it on so others can read it or take care to recycle or re-use it. Save those trees, reduce those rubbish dumps and be kinder to the environment!

By Dean Courtne

News Goldsmiths offer ÂŁ10,000 prize for ‘genuinely RSZIP´ ½GXMSR In association with the New Statesman, Goldsmiths have launched The Goldsmiths Prize, offering ÂŁ10,000 DQQXDOO\ UHZDUGLQJ Ă€FWLRQ WKDW DLPV WR put the novel back into the novel. Acknowledging a trend for literary prizes such as the Man Booker Prize WR UHZDUG Ă€FWLRQ WKDW WHQGV WR EH XQVXUprising or conventional, the prize will seek to attract works that go against the grain, seeking ingenuity or pushes the genre into unexplored territory. ´6HULRXV GLVFXVVLRQ RI WKH DUW RI Ă€FWLRQ LV QRZ WRR RIWHQ FRQĂ€QHG WR WKH SDJHV of learned journals, and we hope the prize will stimulate a much wider GHEDWH DERXW Ă€FWLRQ Âľ WKH *ROGVPLWKV Writers’ Centre said. The annual prize of ÂŁ10,000 will be awarded to a book that is deemed genuinely novel and which embodies the spirit of invention that characterises the genre at its best. The deadline for 2013 entries will be in March. For more information head to

News Shock Poll – A New Club Sandwich? The results are in on the Student Union’s latest poll, which asks students for their verdict on their favourite night at the SU. While 30% voted for the infamous stalwart that is Club Sandwich, 42% voted for a brand-new club night altogether.

Will this mark the end of the everraucous celebration of cheap booze and cheese music? I ‘Camembert’ the suspense. You can still cast your vote at www.

News London Student Is Watching – An Update. Last time The Leopard criticised the London Student’s decision to publish the name and photograph of a student who dressed up as a Nazi at a Club Sandwich evening last year. Goldsmiths students had expressed concern regarding the potential risk to the welfare of the student involved, and the perceived attempt to damage to the university’s reputation by branding the incident as ‘The Goldsmiths Nazi Party’ on its front page. Writing in the latest London Student, dated 4th February, the London Student editor, Jen Izaakson, has hit back at the criticism regarding her editorial judgment that led to the self-authored article to be published. “I hadn’t expected the weird forms of harassment I’d receive from a few ‘writers’ at other student publications, on campuses London Student is also DYDLODEOH DW Âľ “I’m not sure if it’s a fear of competiWLRQ RU MHDORXV\ Âľ VKH FRQWLQXHV ´EXW LW makes me worry about just how many pastey [sic] young men dislike their PRWKHUV Âľ The authors of the article would like to congratulate Izaakson on her response, in which she addresses the very real concerns of students whom she also

claims to represent. Izaakson is to step down as the London Student editor later in the year, and the HOHFWLRQ WR ÀQG KHU VXFFHVVRU FORVHV RQ February 22nd. For more details visit the ULU website.

News Library Announces Extension of 24/7 Opening Hours Following the student survey issues last year to assess the demand for the library to remain open all hours has resulted in an extension of the scheme for three years. $W WKH WLPH RI JRLQJ WR SUHVV VSHFLÀF feedback from the survey was unavailable, however the announcement was made on the Library’s twitter account. With the exception of the Christmas and Easter breaks, the news means the library will open 24 hours a day until at least 2016. The initial news has been warmly welcomed. More information is due to follow in the coming weeks.

BBC Question Time broadcast from Goldsmiths By Alice Yehia

Goldsmiths played host to BBC One’s Question Time on January 10, while hundreds of campaigners gathered outside the college ahead of the show to protest against the closure of Lewisham Hospital’s A&E. The rally was organised by Keep Our NHS Public (KONP), following a series of demonstrations that were held over November and December. Armed with banners and placards, the protesters, led by ‘Save Lewisham Hospital’ secretary Helmut Heib, chanted: “Save Lewisham Hospital, VDYH WKH 1+6 Âľ DV WKH UDOO\ Ă€QLVKHG

with a march to the back of the building. The panel included ‘Big Issue’ founder John Bird and suspended Conservative MP Nadine Dorries who said that she will take all the protesters’ messages ´EDFN WR -HUHP\ +XQW Âľ Liberal Democrat MP Ed Davey told the programme that the proposals were alarming and that the decision is ‘really weird’ as “Lewisham Hospital isn’t part RI WKH WUXVW WKDW¡V JRW WKH GHEW Âľ Tama White, student union welfare RIĂ€FHU WROG (DVW/RQGRQ/LQHV “We knew all the way through it was going to be a sham consultation.

I don’t think they listened to anybody particularly, apart from the people who said that things needed cutting. “If we reduce maternity services, babies are at risk of dying and mothers are at risk of dying. They’re not going to be able to get the care that they need if something does go wrong, and statisWLFDOO\ WKH\ GR JR ZURQJ LQ /HZLVKDP Âľ A number of other issues were raised on the show including gay marriage and immigration. The panel, led by David Dimbleby, also included Lord Prescott and Associate Editor of The Times, Camilla Cavendish.




Q&A with the SU presidential candidates By Courtney Greatrex

The Leopard asked the three presidential candidates for their take on various issues. Here are their responses.

ships rather than spending additional money on things such as the corridor facelifts and TV screens.

Why do you think you’d be the best person for the job?

Conrad: It is ‘essential’ that education is accessible to everyone, currently in this economic climate, the poorest Tama: I don’t think I can say I’d be the in society are expected to pay. This is ´EHVWÂľ SHUVRQ , KDYHQ¡W WULHG LW \HW DQG unacceptable, the government should there have been many amazing presi- fund education so everyone can be part dents of students unions! I ask people of it. to vote for me if they share my vision of what the union can be - a strong, Where do you stand on student political, campaigning union which occupations? Ă€JKWV IRU WKH ULJKWV RI RXU VWXGHQWV DQG against oppression and injustice. Tama: Depends! Occupation as a form of direct action can be a very useful Luke: I love the union, and I feel that one. However, there must be clear while the other candidates would also demands and not occupations for occumake excellent presidents, I have the pations sake. drive and passion to take it forward. Fresh blood is needed to shake things Luke: The voice of the student body is up a little and I believe that I can be the important, and these occupations have one to do it. captured the concerns and anger felt within it; however, these events can Conrad: I always try to be as approach- be somewhat intimidating for other able as possible so students feel I am students, I believe that while they are someone they can communicate with, LPSRUWDQW DQG UHOHYDQW ZH QHHG WR Ă€QG because as much as politics is a vital ways to engage a larger proportion of part of the role, the ability to connect the student population in these causes. with students is invaluable. Conrad: It depends on why and how the What campaigns have you been occupations take place. I would agree involved in this year? on the basis of it taking place because education is being withdrawn from Tama: A range! From building the particular groups. I would disagree on TUC anti austerity demo, to the NUS the basis of their being any physical demo, to the smaller actions such force adopted. as lobbying the college to reverse the decision to remove funding for Do you think that the Goldsmiths dyslexia screening - which we won! I SU is properly representing minority have also been involved in supporting groups? our liberation campaigns, alongside community campaigns such as those Tama: Not yet. Although it depends over the closure of Lewisham A&E what you mean by minority - if we are and maternity services. WDONLQJ DERXW VWXGHQWV ZLWK VSHFLĂ€F access needs (being parents, carers Luke: While not directly being involved etc) or liberation groups then certainly in some of the campaigns in the union, we aren’t there yet, I have been trying my commitment to my work within to begin to address these issues during the union shop and bar help illustrate my term as Welfare and Diversity my love for the union and support for RIĂ€FHU WKURXJK DFWLYH LQYROYHPHQW their campaigns, because without these LQ FDPSDLJQV WKDW Ă€JKW UDFLVP VH[LVP services funding, some of our projects homophobia and disablism as well as would not be possible. Support for our pushing the university on meeting the liberation campaigns and other events requirements of other marginalised rely on full time paid staffs within the groups in the university - for example, union whose wages are at least part I have started to work with the univerfunded by these facilities. sity on their support for students with caring responsibilities. However, as Conrad: Black History Month, Be Pro with most things, there is always more Active Not Reactive, Save Lewisham work to do. A&E, Supporting Independent Stores, Anti-Cuts. Luke: The presence of the Black DQG 0LQRULW\ (WKQLF 2IĂ€FHU LV NH\ How do you think education should in the support for the Black Students be paid for? Liberation Campaign; however, I feel that a large proportion of the repreTama: I think it should be state funded - sentation for these minorities comes education is a right, not a privilege and from the groups themselves working from nursery to the grave. Where does through the union. Wider participation the money come from? A just taxation from union members as well as intersystem, which isn’t designed to let the collegiate campaigns is a way to move rich and powerful out of it... forward. Luke: In an ideal world the state would provide payment for education from the bottom up; however, due to the tuition fee situation being as it is, I believe that the college should invest more heavily in bursaries and scholar-

Conrad: I think the SU have appropriate part time positions in place that can effectively represent minority groups, however, I feel that the political topics that the SU engage with is not a WUXH UHĂ HFWLRQ RI VRPH RI WKH PLQRULW\

Goldsmiths Elections (continued from front page)

This year will also see the introduction of a ÂŁ30 self-funded creative campaigning budget, giving the sabbatical candidates the change to get imaginative with their campaign and buying items such as t-shirts or badges.

candidate running in the elections. 3UHYLRXVO\ KHOG ERWK RIĂ€FLDOO\ E\ WKH 6WXGHQWV¡ 8QLRQ DQG XQRIĂ€FLDOO\ E\ The Leopard, this was deemed unfair to candidates after last year’s brutal unofĂ€FLDO KXVWLQJV DQG ZLOO QRZ EH KHOG exclusively by the Students’ Union. 7KH 'HSXW\ 5HWXUQLQJ 2IĂ€FHU ZLOO EH asking pre-prepared questions to each

candidate about their plans for the coming year. Voting will open on February 25 and close on the 28th. There will be four polling stations, in the Students’ Union, Library, Richard Hoggart Building and New Academic Building. Online votes can be cast from www.goldsmithssu. org.

On February 21 and 22, a Q&A session in Natura Cafe is to be held for each Key Dates: Question Time night 1 – 21st February, Question Time night 2 – 22nd February, Polling Starts – 10am 25th February, Polling Closes – 4pm 28th February & Results Night – 8pm 28th February

Goldsmiths Raise And Give (RAG) By Michelle Watson - Head of RAG

For those of you that don’t know about RAG, it is the student run, charitable branch of the Student’s Union, which aims to get students involved in both volunteering and charity work. All students are welcome to get involved, so keep an eye on the RAG Facebook page for any upcoming events and meetings. We are always on the look out for new members, whether you are in it for the long haul, you want to host your own charity event, or you fancy helping out just the one time by going out on a ‘RAG raid’ with the buckets. So don’t panic if you’re a third year with only this term left to boost your CV, you’re more than welcome too. As they say, charity starts at home, and this is why RAG is looking for local charities to support, so if you have any ideas of local charities you would like us to support then please do get in contact, especially if there is a story behind the choice! These choices will be accepted all year, if we cannot support it straight away we will keep it in mind for next year.

groups at Goldsmiths. What would you do to improve turnout in elections? Tama: We need to address various issues within our democratic structures, promoting a better understanding of what the union does and what we can do is a good way to get people involved. When involved, people will vote! Luke: One of the points in my manifesto is to create a new vibe that gets people excited about the union. To do this I feel we need to talk about points that are relevant to the whole union, encourage more purely social societies and events that creates a buzz around the place. By doing this we will see increased turnouts for the elections. Conrad: This year I think the creativity budget to purchase publicity may be a great way to increase election turnout. If the level of creativity is extended to videos this may also help. Which of the other candidates would

RAG is all about giving, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get anything back from it! Any volunteering hours you put into you vote for and why? RAG, you can also use for the nationally recognised vInspired awards, of Tama: Hard question! I don’t think it WHQ ÀIW\ RU RQH KXQGUHG KRXUV DV ZHOO is fair for me to say - I’ve worked with as towards the college’s very own Gold Conrad this year and know he has done Award. It also goes without saying that lots of different things and has been RAG looks exceptionally good on a YHU\ à H[LEOH LQ ZKDW KH ZRUNV RQ DQG CV because of its connection with I really respect that. Mine and Lukes charity and volunteering. paths haven’t crossed until now. As for RON.... he doesn’t do much. So feel free to get in contact and get Luke: I believe that we, myself and the other candidates, are not working against each other but with each other LQ DQ DWWHPSW WR ÀQG WKH EHVW SUHVLGHQW for the union, because at the end of the day this is not about us its about the union and the rest of the student body. With this in mind I would vote for either of the other candidates due to their friendly approachable natures and previous experience. Conrad: I couldn’t come to that judgement at this moment in time. I ZRUN ZLWK 7DPD DQG KDYH RQO\ EULHà \ met Luke, one thing I do know is that I am up against two strong candidates!

involved, it’s always for a good cause and we have a bit of a giggle along the way too! h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / GoldsmithsRag



FEATURES 0I[MWLEQ QE]SV XS XEOI PIKEP ½KLX XS Jeremy Hunt? By Bartholomew Foley

“I have to advise you that you shouldn’t be making this decision and if you do, I’m going to take you to court.â€? In the wake of the announcement by Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt to go ahead with six of the seven recommendations made to him by Trust Special Administrator Matthew Kershaw, these comments, made by the Lewisham 0D\RU EHFRPH DOO WKH PRUH VLJQLĂ€FDQW In his recent visit to Goldsmiths, Lewisham Mayor Sir Steve Bullock described the downsizing of Lewisham hospital as a personal attack. “It’s personal; they’re trying to close P\ KRVSLWDO Âľ “Why would you suggest that it’s better to have an A&E at Queen Elizabeth than Lewisham, well, the only explanation I’ve come up with is that the sight of Lewisham is much PRUH YDOXDEOH Âľ He described it as a ‘test case’ and that ‘there are hospitals up and down the country that they will come for next.’ He slammed Matthew Kershaw, who made the recommendations to the Health Secretary, “he’s the kind of person that gives public servants a bad name. He knew what he was going to do from the beginning we now EHOLHYH Âľ On the evening, he also broached other topics including housing, welfare and youth apprenticeships. Bullock spoke against the government’s mismanagement of housing, “I keep asking myself the question whether the current government are ideologically driven, vicious or just plain incompetent.

“Two different government departments are pursuing policies that are colliding’ and it’s ‘going to create an absolute disaster for people on low LQFRPHV SDUWLFXODUO\ LQ /RQGRQ Âľ He also adde d that ‘The Tories didn’t know what the Big Society was.’ “We’ve been doing the Big Society IRU \HDUV LQ /HZLVKDP Âľ He spoke at length about the living wage, as ‘One of the things that Ed 0LOLEDQG KDV JLYHQ D KLJK SURĂ€OH WR ¡ “In Lewisham we have been pushing on the London living wage, in our case, IRU D QXPEHU RI \HDUV Âľ He said that now ‘over a thousand people are getting the living wage who otherwise wouldn’t have been.’ He claimed that around 100 apprenticeships have been created since he was last elected. He described the responsibilities and processes of being Mayor, “I sit there at the Town Hall every three weeks with a huge agenda and I have to make choices about how we’re going to do things, how we’re going to deal with WKH EXGJHW FUXVKHV DQG VR RQ Âľ He mused over the demise of political parties and party politics, “Too often I have conversations (with people who) will support me, but I can’t get them to MRLQ WKH SDUW\ Âľ He also said that he didn’t know ‘what kind of weird and wonderful people you’d get’ without political parties. Sir Steve Bullock seems an oldschool but charming Labour politician. He is self-admittedly ignorant of social media, accentuates wide differences in party ideology and states the council’s priority group to be ‘people who are vulnerable, at risk.’

Should voting be compulsory? By Bartholomew Foley

Immanuel Kant summarised the oft-held position on citizen duty, “The notion of duty is in itself already the notion of a constraint of the free elective will by the law; whether this constraint be an external one or be self-constraint.â€? Various acceptable notions of duty will differ amongst nations, people and individuals depending upon ideas of culture, philosophy or politics. The Leopard set out to sample the Goldsmiths perspecWLYH RQ WKH LVVXH VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ ZLWK questions surrounding compulsory voting. $ SROO ZDV XQGHUWDNHQ WR Ă€QG RXW the results. A total of 100 people were asked if they thought that, in general, voting should be compulsory. The

the fewest ‘yes’ answers. Overall though, few cultural tendencies can legitimately be deduced from this information. Oddly, it was rather surprising to see the response garnered for the Crime and Police Commissioner elections. These new elections certainly appear to be more than a novelty to the Goldsmiths populace. The purpose of this investigation, however, more than simply an assessment of intellectual trends on the subject of voting, was to look at and ask questions of political philosophy and legitimacy. Currently, the United Kingdom faces a crisis; not the usual crisis of economics or security, but a crisis of voter participation.

any practical sense under an illegal government. However, can we say, upon the general principle of popular consent, that this government and this system are democratic? Sure, there are representatives that are voted for by their constituents, but should there be a powerful Prime Minister elected by less than 25% of the constituency? A coalition with less than 40%? We ask then, what are the consequences of this? Is this a sound system? Are the people, themselves, aware of these numbers? Perhaps then it is prudent to consider also the outcomes and consequences of compulsory voting. The terse and essential notion of compulsory voting is, of course,

participants were then asked if they thought it should be compulsory to vote at the following elections: UK General Elections, European Parliament Elections, National Devolved Parliament and Assembly Elections, London Assembly Elections, UK Local Elections and Crime & Police Commissioner Elections. The alternatives being either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, the results were as follows. 26 people, or 26%, said that they thought, in general, that voting should be compulsory. The other results will be displayed in short. UK General Election: 31%, Euro Parliament: 20%, Devolved Parliament and Assemblies: 23%, London Assembly: 27%, Local Elections: 32%, Crime and Police Commissioner: 28%. These results, while seemingly a little VSRUDGLF DSSHDU WR UHĂ HFW D JHQHUDO consensus amongst Goldsmiths students. Students largely do not have any desire to enforce compulsory voting in the UK. Perhaps too there are societal and FXOWXUDO UHĂ HFWLRQV ZLWKLQ WKH VWDWLVtics. The attitude of this sample appears to adhere to Euro-sceptic trends, with compulsory voting for the European Parliament having

Without addressing the notion or consequences of this nation’s monarchy or state-church; there are important questions that need to be asked surrounding representative democracy, and the most important element of this: a popular mandate for policy. The Cameron-led Conservatives recorded around 10.7 million votes at the 2010 General election. The BBC stated that the population estimate at that time was approximately 62 million, obviously not all of whom were citizens, but many, if not most having the right to vote. Roughly 12-14 million were too young, and some also had no legal rights to vote. However, there were about 45-46 million eligible voters. The question then becomes, does the coalition’s combined 17.5 million votes, less than 40% of the eligible voting population, constitute a popular mandate? Can we say that this leader and his coalition have the mandate of the demos? Aside from the fact that they weren’t elected on D GHÀQLWLYH PDQLIHVWR ZKDW SULQFLSOH of legitimacy do they have to call upon in support of their policies? This is a philosophical question far more than it is a political one. This is not tyrannical state, nor in

that one may abstain but not absent themselves from the ballot box. You must register and attend, but your ballot sheet may be left blank. Voting, undoubtedly, is the moment when we truly are most equal. The Prime Minister himself has no more voting power in the general election than does any 18 year old. We are all plebs on Election Day! If we see obligations such as jury duty as a basic responsibility of living in a democratic state, why do the other branches of government, legislative and executive, not require active participation? Again, this is a question of moral and philosophical consequence, rather than one of practicality. Little much, it seems, would change politically if voting was made compulsory. There would of course be some effect; however, you would almost certainly still have the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties vying for executive government at Westminster and at other levels too. Although notions of positive liberty can often be a dangerous incursion of governmental control, it seems important, however, to highlight the consequences in lieu of their existence.




What are you going to do with that degree? By Brogan Grinstead

With Arts Degrees becoming harder than ever to justify, it’s time to look at the facts. When the students of Goldsmiths wake up in the morning, for the most part, they can skip into uni knowing they will be studying something they enjoy. Due to its link with such leisure, it seems reasonable to associate the Arts Degree with the middle class.

Save Lewisham A&E! By Charlie Brinkhurst Cuff

Goldsmiths is well known for its In keeping with the trend, 52% of politicised nature, but how much Goldsmiths students intend to travel and just 30% plan to go straight into a have we done to help prevent cuts SHUPDQHQW MRE RU LQWHUQVKLS WKH ÀQDO to Lewisham Hospital? 18% wish to pursue further study. )XUWKHU GLIÀFXOWLHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK the Arts Degree arise with reduced earnings. The BBC found that graduates in Art subjects, including History and English, could expect to earn between

On January 31 it was announced that Lewisham Hospital, despite persistent protests and widespread outrage, will soon lose the capacity to treat 25% of its A&E patients, and suffer from a severely downgraded maternity unit. The closures, announced by Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health, have been swiftly met with anger from those who have EHHQ ÀJKWLQJ WR VDYH /HZLVKDP Hospital, including the Goldsmiths community.

Sutton Trust released statistics showing that 31% of 2008 graduates in History or Philosophy were children of senior managers- the socio-economic group with the highest income. Across all English Universities, 27% of graduates were from this group. The children of the middle class, being brought up in an environment that sees little unemployment, often feel free to choose a degree based on interests rather than job prospects. However, picking a degree purely out of enjoyment can leave many students undecided on a career. In fact, over half (54%) of Goldsmiths Students surveyed do not know, or are unsure, of a career they would like to pursue. Perhaps this uncertainty stems from the lack of direct job routes for the Arts Graduate. With internships and graduate schemes hard to come by, the BBC found that almost half of Arts students have no plans after university, and expect to travel or take a temporary job.

2% and 10% less than those who quit education at 18. Luckily, it seems that Goldsmiths students are not in it for the money. The majority of students surveyed (70%) do not primarily focus on the salary of a job and just under 15% of those that do only wish to live comfortably. Should the Arts Graduate expect nothing more than uncertainty, travelling and low earnings? Apparently not! Arts Graduates leave university with skills that are in demand, such as communication and critical thinking. These skills are useful for many different types of jobs. Not only does the Arts Graduate’s passion for study translate into enthusiasm in the work place, they are also able to approach problems at work differently and stand out from other employees. So, rest assured, it is not all doom and gloom for the Arts Graduate.

more clearly when a protest was organised outside the BBC Question Time that was held at Goldsmiths on January 10. “The mood of the Question Time demo was again really encouraging,� Gareth said, “What we’d been anxious about was ending up as 10 - 20 people on a stall saying ‘Hunt’s a moron’, but it turned quite quickly into a lively and passionate crowd with one common intention of stopping this dangerous and disgusting closure.� Dangerous and disgusting would be fair. One of the prominent reasons as to why so many Goldsmiths students have taken an interest in the Lewisham hospital cuts could simply be because they have had cause to use the A&E themselves.

continued, commenting on the recent 15,000 strong march on January 26. “Children, old people, families, teenagers, students, workers, hospital staff, and everyone else together led to a really peaceful and fun march.�

From drunken nights out which ended up in stitches to the severe consequences of sporting injuries, it is not too presumptuous to state that Lewisham hospital has helped to keep Goldsmiths students healthy for many years. The fact that their capacity to do so is being limited, especially considering Cameron’s “I’ve been pretty involved,â€? said vile election campaign posters, $QWKURSRORJ\ Ă€UVW \HDU *DUHWK sporting the pledge “I’ll cut the Snelling; “not in anything glamorous, GHĂ€FLW QRW WKH 1+6Âľ LV LQIXULjust going to the A&E meetings in ating. It seems the worry that the Lewisham, hearing what people Conservatives will hold true to their were saying and trying to relay it stereotype and begin to cut and to the students on campus here, as privatise our welfare system is now ZHOO DV Ă \HULQJ IRU WKH FDPSDLJQ RQ becoming a reality. stallsâ€?, he continued.

Speaking to Barbara, a venerable West-Indian community worker, who is so busy out in her community that she can only be contacted by phone from 8-9pm, an insight is given into just how much people will do to keep their community functioning. “I’m always on my feet,â€? she says while handing out ‘Save Lewisham $ DQG (¡ Ă \HUV DURXQG FDPSXV

But although many students will of course be affected, the impact the cuts will have on the wider community must also be considered: “Because the whole community will be affected, loads of different members of the community had taken to the streets,� Gareth

Although the cuts are not as bad as originally proposed – apparently in response to the protests – the compromises are not enough. The community has spoken, and Goldsmiths will be right behind them.

Although on campus the mood could be described as merely apathetically angry, some of the more radicalised students have been campaigning tirelessly against the closures from their inception, and many have partaken in the numerous protests organised against them.

7KH à \HUV LQ SDUW KDQGHG RXW DW the entrance of Goldsmiths, were striped with black and yellow – as if lined with warning tape. But even WKRVH GUDPDWLF VLJQLÀHUV GLG QRW display the true importance of the cause they concerned, displayed

So, the community will not stop ÀJKWLQJ DJDLQVW WKH FXWV 7KRVH behind @SaveLewishamA&E tweeting on the day of Hunt’s announcement, made it clear that the battle is just beginning.




Short Stories

ANTIVALENTINE’S Grace Drayton & Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff

The classic Valentine’s Day has been done to death, and we are all quite frankly sick of it. If you will be donning the singles hat this V-Day and have nothing better to do than avoid tall buildings, bridges and couples in love, or even if you’re loved up and bored to tears of the stereotypical dinner and a movie, then check out these alternative events that guarantee immense amounts of fun and frolic’s, whether or not you’re spoken for: Anti-Valentines Party @ Yager Bar: Friday 15th February Setting the date for after valentines, giving an up-yours to the day itself, London Groove present to you a night of RnB and smooth chart music to get everyone in the mood, away from London’s most sickening couples. Tickets (ÂŁ5 advanced): 7UDIĂ€F /LJKW 3DUW\ # %H $W 2QH $ PRUH VXEWOH IRUP RI WKH RULJLQDO WUDIĂ€F light party, with coloured wristbands instead of clothing to represent your URPDQWLF VWDWXV KRVWHG E\ %H $W 2QH DW 11 bars across London in Shoreditch, 6RKR &ODSKDP 0RQXPHQW 6PLWKĂ€HOG 6SLWDOĂ€HOGV &RYHQW *DUGHQ DQG .LQJV Cross. Don’t miss happy hour! Tickets: www. The Last Tuesday Society Valentines Ball @ Electrowerkz in Angel: 15th February 2013. 10pm – 4am This is one most certainly not to be missed: “Ride the wild horse, whack a rat and see some jungle cinema if you please.â€? With some of the ticket price going to charity, and a compulsory dress code of animalistic proportions you are guaranteed a bizarre and beautiful night. With a no-holes-barred attitude to decorations and DJs; if you’re looking for something to distract you on the Valentines day weekend, this is as good as it can ever get. Tickets (ÂŁ15-ÂŁ20):

/RFN .H\ 9DOHQWLQH 3DUW\ # )XQN\ Buddha in Mayfair: Thursday 14th February Anyone’s welcome – single, curious or taken‌ 100s of locks for the ladies and keys for the men will be given out‌ I’m not sure if this is an easy hook-up or a Valentine’s Day nightmare but it might EH IXQ WR Ă€QG RXW 7KHUH¡V HYHQ D .LVV Booth to capture those all important embarassing moments. S’ok, have another vodka. Tickets (ÂŁ10): 6SHHG +DWLQJ # 7KH %OXHV .LWFKHQ LQ Shoreditch: Thursday 14 th February, 7pm – 1am +HUH¡V ZKDW WKH EOXHV .LWFKHQ KDYH to say: “Are you a male or female aged 0-100 looking for anything but saturated fat, dead vegetation and clichĂŠ messages written by somebody else? Then look no further! SPEED HATING is the anti-valentine’s celeEUDWLRQ IRU \RX %HFDXVH ZH 0$.( %$&21 127 /29( 6WULFWO\ ERR]H food, music and GAMES. Big groups welcome.â€? ‌need I say more‌ Teen Dream Prom @ The Book Club in Shoreditch: Thursday 14 th February, 8pm-2am I can’t quite work out if this is satirical or not, I think that’s entirely dependant on the reader in all honesty; either way, LW ORRNV OLNH $ /27 RI IXQ <RX¡UH EHLQJ given a chance to enter the world of American High School with the added bonus of being on home soil, with a return ticket out of the world of cliques. Dress up as your favourite teen movie star stereotype and engage in a game of Beer Pong, teen house party style. Ice breaker games! American food! Movie room! ‌and more. Don’t forget to PDNH D WULS WR WKH 3URP .LQJ RU 4XHHQ Makeover Photobooth to prepare for WKH Ă€QDO FURZQLQJ Tickets (ÂŁ5): event/199984 Slagbox Valentine’s Special @ The Shacklewell Arms in Dalston: Thursday 14 th February, 8pm-1am The Shacklewell Arms has been known for quite some time now as a typically hipster, alternative hangout – and this Valentines it will bring you the questionably named Slagbox, basically a

Complications, Part 3 By Radu Istrate

She was nowhere to be found. I had had it. The rawness of my old wounds was getting on my nerves. I thought that I had miraculously managed to change my old ways, but people seldom do that. My bed seemed to have developed spikes that would keep me awake every night, injecting strange thoughts into my brain. I had had it. Loneliness was a hard thing to combat. I loved being on my own, but I loved one thing more: women. Brunettes, redheads, blondes, blue-eyed, greeneyed, long legged, short legged, curved or skinny; I loved them all the same. However, I managed to become a recluse. I loved women, but I disliked people immensely. It’s a peculiar statement, but I just didn’t get what all the fuss was about behind human interaction. People say hello to others and converse about such trivial matters in order to manage to trick themselves into thinking that they are not alone. That was all bullshit to me. Even if you spend every living second with another person, you are still alone. If you’re lucky enough, you will attain your own thoughts and your own experiences from which your actions will derive. There is nothing more. People still don’t get that. What I wanted was absurd and I knew it. I wanted a new woman to magically appear in my bed every single night. None of the monogamist crap either, I was too old for that. Although I was still in my prime, I was nothing more than an old fart. An old youngling already bored with life. I picked up the phone and decided to call a woman from my past. The past always felt very comfortable to me. However, it wasn’t very exciting, because she wasn’t new. I already knew all there was to know about her. I knew her every hair, each of them of a great darkness. They all rested in my palms at some point during the countless nights in which my sole occupation was too keep them in my hands, as I was kissing away. I knew her collarbone as well. I knew how it would hide if I wanted to kiss it, but I also knew its secret. It needed to EH WRXFKHG ZLWK D ÀQJHUWLS DV , ZRXOG caress her stomach with my lips and held in place until I would visit it on my way up. She was shorter than me and her brown eyes always begged for love. They never begged for my love, though. It drove me insane. She was very hard to understand and high-maintenance. She needed to be handled very carefully - just like a bomb about to be defused. I didn’t know whether to dial or not. It was really late and she was probably asleep. She lived half an hour away and it was very cold outside. I was on the à RRU FRQWHPSODWLQJ , ORVW FRXQW RI the times I threw my phone away and picked it back up again. I closed my eyes and dialled a number I was all too

IDPLOLDU ZLWK ,W UDQJ Ă€YH WLPHV EXW VKH answered in the end. “If this is one of your jokes again, I ZLOO IXFNLQJ NLOO \RX $OOLVRQ Âľ VKH mumbled. ´,W¡V PH Âľ ´+DQOH\"Âľ She seemed very surprised. “I hate it when you call me by my last QDPH Âľ , PXPEOHG WRR ´:KDW GR \RX ZDQW"Âľ ´&DQ , FRPH RYHU"Âľ She didn’t say anything for quite a while after my request. I decided to break the ice by repeating my question. I wasn’t very smooth. ´, GRQ¡W NQRZ Âľ VKH VDLG “You never do. You never fucking NQRZ Âľ “Don’t get testy with me, please. Not after you call me during the middle of WKH QLJKW Âľ She was right. I was such an idiot. I just couldn’t comprehend how I was so bad at a thing I loved doing. I loved talking to women - I tried charming my way into their brains every time. It even worked in most cases; it was all too weird and unexplainable to me. ´,¡P VRUU\ ,¡P VRUU\ , FDOOHG Âľ “I’ll leave the door open for you. Don’t EH WRR ODWH Âľ She hung up and I started getting dressed. I started dancing, too. It was funny to me how I pretended to be such a mature person, yet I was so easily excitable. I was still a child, but I never liked to think that about myself. I craved to be different. I got so nervous when I realized that most people were basically the same. The walk to her house was horrendous. Because I was so distracted by sexual thoughts, I forgot to dress up accordingly to the very harsh winter. I kept thinking how much I missed the spiked bed I was in twenty minutes before and the car I could have taken to serve as my trusting steed in my quest. Women made me mad. I was mad. $IWHU KDOI DQ KRXU , ZDV Ă€QDOO\ WKHUH The door was unlocked, as she said it would be and I walked in. The lights were on and I heard her voice coming from her bedroom. “Take your shoes off, I just cleaned up WKH SODFH Âľ , ZDV VKDNLQJ $W Ă€UVW , EODPHG LW RQ WKH cold temperature, but it was a different kind of shake. I decided to ignore it. I followed her instructions and left my shoes at the door. Her bedroom door was wide open. She looked beautiful. ´<RX ORRN FROG Âľ VKH VDLG ´,¡P Ă€QH Âľ ´:K\ GLG \RX FDOO"Âľ ´, ZDQWHG WR WDON WR \RX Âľ ´*R DKHDG Âľ She lit up a cigarette. The way she lit LW XS ZDV Ă DZOHVV YHU\ ODG\ OLNH ,W distracted me a great deal. I didn’t know what to say. ´:HOO"Âľ VKH DVNHG

free-for-all – giving single people who face of typically conceived notions of fancy each other some blatant oppor- ‘romance’. tunities to get it on through the help of Tickets (price tba): a ‘numbering’ system. Not exactly antiYDOHQWLQH EXW VWLOO D PLGGOH Ă€QJHU LQ WKH

Short Stories

´, GRQ¡W NQRZ $OLFLD , ZDV ORQHO\ Âľ ´$QG QRZ \RX¡UH QRW"Âľ ´, DP , DOZD\V DP Âľ “Take your coat off. Would you like a FLJDUHWWH"Âľ ´,¡G ORYH RQH Âľ I reached my hand for one, touching hers in the process. They remained glued to each other for a few seconds. I looked at her in silence. I was usually good with words, but they seemed to be stuck in my throat that night. I only watched and puffed away. I looked at her, I looked at the moon. They were HTXDOO\ VWXQQLQJ 6KH Ă€QLVKHG KHU QLFRWLQH Ă€[ EHIRUH PH DQG , RIIHUHG to put hers off. I didn’t want her out of bed. ´$OZD\V D JHQWOHPDQ Âľ VKH H[FODLPHG , SXW PLQH RII DV ZHOO DQG Ă€QDOO\ WRRN off my coat. I was wearing nothing but a black shirt under it and a pair of black trousers. I found it ironic. Women were nothing more than the death of me. There I was, all in black, begging to be loved. How beautifully ironic, I thought. I snuck into her bed and covered myself with her sheets. She let out a sneaky smile to let me know that she didn’t mind. A red robe was all that was covering her. I hated clothes. They always stood against me and my women. “I’m sorry for what happened a month ago. I’m having trouble understanding P\VHOI ODWHO\ Âľ , VDLG ´$ PXWXDO IULHQG WKLV FRQFHUQ Âľ , VPLOHG IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH WKDW QLJKW , was resting my head on one of her pillows, looking at the ceiling. She was doing the same. Our bodies were touching each other and our blood was boiling. Her hand was my piano, as P\ Ă€QJHUV ZHUH WU\LQJ WR SOD\ D WXQH I was going for Debussy, because it felt appropriate. I didn’t know how to play the piano, though. How very unfortunate, I thought. She grabbed my hand and stopped me. She turned to me and our eyes met. They greeted one another like old lovers would. Our faces got closer and our breaths were getting heavier. It was all I lived for. We kissed and our lips hugged. I put my hand on her waist, as she unbuttoned my shirt. I was getting dizzy. I loved her curves and I loved how one of my hands could cover her entire stomach. I closed my eyes and we drifted for hours. I was good at writing, but naked poetry was my favourite.




Review of ‘Old Times’ By Gary Spencer

The Overthinker’s Guide to... Falling Out of Love By Nindya Atmodipoero

7KH SURGXFWLRQ RI Âś2OG 7LPHV¡ by Harold Pinter (dir. Ian Ritskon) currently showing until April 6, is a VKRZFDVH RI WDOHQW IHDWXULQJ 2OLYLHU award winner Rufus Sewell as Deely ZLWK .ULVWLQ 6FRWW 7KRPDV DQG /LD :LOOLDPV DOWHUQDWLQJ WKH UROHV RI .DWH DQG $QQD 7KH Ă€UVW SURGXFWLRQ RI Pinter’s work to be staged at the theatre recently renamed in recognition of his contribution to drama is an unsettling and rather ominous staging of one of the playwright’s most underrated works.

references that each to a degree may have been sexually acquainted with one another in the past. Here again the acting is to be praised as a sense of unease permeates in pregnant silences and is only heightened by the fantastic set design and lighting of Hildegard Bechtler and Peter Mumford.

Whilst Bechtler’s set design is hardly minimal it provides an extremely open DQG à H[LEOH VSDFH XWLOLVHG WR DOORZ à XLG PRYHPHQW DPRQJVW WKH FKDUDFWHUV whom are seemingly ever shifting, never truly comfortable in their environment, :ULWWHQ LQ 2OG 7LPHV DORQJ whilst Mumford’s lighting is simplistic with other plays of this period such washing out the room in a green, then as Betrayal and No Man’s Land, is later red, the space becoming more and mostly aptly categorised as one of more hostile as the play progresses. Pinter’s memory plays. Written during the middle of the playwrights’ career The climax of the play leaves many the main concern within these plays questions unanswered, that is to say is self-evidently memory, but more so the least enigmatic; its meaning veiled its vicissitudinous nature and the indi- as Pinter moves towards an unusually viduals relationship with the past. Like explicitly surrealist ending. Drifting many of Pinter’s work it is a play that is into non-naturalistic performance one open to a myriad of interpretations and is left to ponder what relevance this with no concrete or favoured reading captivating scene plays, whether in this the audience is treated to a spectacle moment the characters reveal themwhich challenges them to engage with selves as they truly are or whether once it in its confrontation of the past within more we are experiencing just another level of their characters. the present.

6DOXW UHVWOHVV PLQGV DQG EURNHQ KHDUWV :HOFRPH WR WKH 2YHUWKLQNHU¡V *XLGH D FROXPQ GHGLFDWHG WR P\ IHOORZ people with analysis paralysis. This February, since love and romance are in the air, I will cover one of life’s hardest truths, namely falling out of love. (Yes, there is such a thing.)

So: Lately you’ve been wondering about this person who once a) gave you EXWWHUĂ LHV LQ WKH VWRPDFK VLPSO\ E\ 7KH SOD\ EHJLQV ZLWK 'HHO\ DQG .DWH The play’s critics may lambast the play’s thinking of him/her, b) made you want SOD\HG E\ .ULVWLQ 6FRWW 7KRPDV RQ PLQLPDO SORW WKH RFFDVLRQDO Ă DW VLOHQFH to sing Bryan Adam’s (Everything I this occasion) anxiously awaiting a or accuse Ritskon of being somewhat Do) I Do it for You (or any Backstreet YLVLW IURP $QQD DQ ROG ÂśIULHQG¡ RI .DWH¡V ‘gimmicky’ with his alternating-casting Boys’ song – As Long as You Love Me whom she has not seen in twenty years. RI .DWH DQG $QQD WR GLVPLVV WKLV DGDS- and I Want it That Way?), c) was the The early apprehension of the couple tation. For me however the perfor- gravity your life circled around, and d) is somewhat offset by the comic effects mance was superbly paced with the was the object of your romantic (and/or of Pinter’s playful language and the FDVW H[KLELWLQJ WUXH Ă H[LELOLW\ LQ SHUIRU- sexual) affection. You aren’t really sure off-hand interchanges between Sewell mance, each actor inhibiting several what it is, but now it seems like there is and Scott-Thomas. The play shifts contrasting mental states one after the something missing and what you used away from this relatively ‘comfortable’ other, oscillating wildly line to line. The to call a ‘relationship’ has slowly turned atmosphere as their guest arrives or play self-referential, whilst in a constant into a ‘relationshit’. VWDWH RI Ă X[ OHDYHV WKH DXGLHQFH XQHDV\ SHUKDSV ÂśDSSHDUV¡ IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH and speculative as to the true nature of How to tell when you’re in a )RU WKH Ă€UVW WZR VFHQHV WKH WKUHH VKDUH the past and what is happening in the relationshit: their singular pasts, their stories even- present. tually drawn out, their numerous contradictions unveiled; we sense a Sadly, the only person who could 1. There is no communication. What growing discord between their indi- provide us with the answers to the happened to late night conversations vidual remembrances and their past multitude of questions posed by the and endless texting? encounters, one which sees each play is no longer with us. That his work 2. The idea of spending time together character play the role of interro- continues to be performed is a credit doesn’t sound as interesting and fun as gator and defendant as each vies for to his contribution to the theatre and it used to. Remember that time when a foothold in conversation and in turn whilst productions such as this continue \RX ZHUH ´:HÂľ" their collective past. Palpable sexual to be performed the search for answers 3. Everything is now so familiar but it’s tension underlies these exchanges with goes on. sickening. You start to wonder when did this start to happen or if your relationship never Pharmaceutical Life worked at all since the very beginning but you both just chose to stay together By Andrew Hill Let’s say a few words about drugs, candidly, like adults. Hot topic at the moment, in case you hadn’t noticed. 7R OHJDOLVH RU QRW WR OHJDOLVH" 2XU legislature fusses and fumbles like a crackhead with an iffy lighter. In the interest of fairness and balance, of intellectual rigour and whatnot, I’d better declare an interest. I’m a bit of a fan, all in all. Whether bunning fresh cropped wild ganja in the mountains of Northern India, making mangled mushroom-addled mischief on the glinting cobbles of Amsterdam, or snorting fat rails of rockstar coke in the dingy restrooms of a Brooklyn dive-bar, it’s fair to say I’ve had my share and know my way around the

issue. So, assuming you’re au fait with the terms of the debate (alcohol and fags kill ten times as many people, decriminalization would liberate a generation from penal heavy-handedness, think of the tax revenues blah blah blah...) lets get right down to the nitty gritty and establish once and for all which is the best and which is the worst drug. As a good solid, versatile all rounder, Ecstasy, aka MDMA, surely warrants a place on the podium. It’s the Tabasco sauce of drugs, the unexpected quickie... Sharp, pokey, loving, warm chatty and generous - it never lets you down. Just look at the numbers; it’s the

people’s choice. Personally, however, I’ve always had a sneaking regard for acid. This summer just gone I was lucky enough to go to Coachella festival in California with a guy from LA who had absurd quantities of LSD. Watching Radiohead play in the desert on acid was the closest I’ll ever come to a religious experience. But alas, I know, it’s not for everyone. /DVWO\ EULHĂ \ EHIRUH \RX WKLQN ,¡P totally irresponsible, a cautionary tale. The worst drug ever – which you should

What to do after the love has gone: 1. Tell them. No, seriously. It’s hard but it’s harder to stay in a relationshit. So for the sake of everybody, someone will have to do this. 2. Write poetry, or a song. We can guarantee if time will heal our wounds but usually words will, so just write. Or if you want to turn this into a more commercial way, let me put this simply: 1. Falling out of love is real. Yes, it’s heartbreak sells, ask Adele. probably the most anticlimactic feeling In any relationshit situation, please ever and it’s easy to feel like a monster refrain yourself from doing one of the for falling out of love with someone. following: Typical things overthinkers ask them- &KHDW +RO\ HIĂ€QJ FUDS EDQDQDV ,W¡V not fair and it’s just not the way. Not to selves when in a relationshit: -“How could I, after what this person mention, hiding and lying take so much effort. Just get it over with. KDV GRQH IRU PH"Âľ 2. Gone missing. Oh, crikey! So you ´$P , EHLQJ D VHOĂ€VK ELWFK" $P , D think you can just pack your things VHOĂ€VK ELWFK"Âľ and leave without notice? Regardless -“Was our love ever real or was it just of what happened, s/he deserves an explanation. PH H[DJJHUDWLQJ P\ IHHOLQJV"Âľ -“Is this how Taylor Swift feels every 3. Gone missing without a note. So maybe in some cases, there is no other ZHHN"Âľ way than to leave ASAP. But seriously, who doesn’t leave a note? It’s common 2. People change. Or maybe they courtesy. don’t, but your expectation does (then While there is a high chance you and/or DJDLQ WKLV EULQJV EDFN WR RXU Ă€UVW WHQHW this person will feel broken into pieces, people change). It is very possible that the good thing about a broken heart one party develops new interest, new is that they remain intact. So, don’t dreams and new way of seeing life so worry, you will love and be loved again eventually s/he just grows out of the someday. For now maybe you can go to a hopeless place. I heard that’s where relationship. It happens. It’s okay. \RX Ă€QG ORYH

because the idea of being alone was/is somehow frightening. Nonetheless you are pretty sure there is nothing between you and him/her. Just air. You’re thinking whether you should keep things cool like Demi Moore and Bruce Willis or pull a Somebody That I 8VHG WR .QRZ RQ WKLV SHUVRQ %XW Ă€UVW²

under no circumstance touch if you live to be a million, I really mean it – is crystal meth. I was touring Canada at the time with my then-band, and a girl with lots of eyeliner and lace up boots dragged me back to her place on the outskirts of Toronto. A few glasses of wine later and things get a little heated. Next thing I know, she’s grinding up a mystery powder and some hours later we’re nailing her duvet to the wall to shut out the sunshine, feeding each other bog-roll and carving my initials into her thigh. So yeah. Don’t do it.



LIFESTYLE & CULTURE SEX, DRUGS AND HIV: An Inspirational 15 Year Music Project By Grace Drayton

Whilst the topic of HIV and AIDS has left the front pages of the tabloids, the sensationalist headlines topical of the V KDYH IDGHG LQWR LQVLJQLĂ€FDQFH and the moral panic created by the media has long since subsided; it is a fact that the issue of HIV and AIDS is still a very real. Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK’s leading HIV and AIDS charity, predicted that by the end of 2012 around 100,000 people within the UK would be infected with HIV, and around 25% of those infected would not be aware of this fact, having not been tested. Free testing is available at all sexual health clinics and health service providers in the UK, as well as the wonders of the internet now providing a service which enables you to order a free test kit online; which was something that I personally was unaware of until I began researching for this article. Chlamydia appears to of adopted the battle metaphors that once encompassed the HIV panic and appears to have become the topical STI of the moment, at least for our generation, leaving HIV awareness by the wayside. With sex education from a young age and testing information rammed down our throats from the age of 15 why is it that I had only just discovered that a free home test kit was available for HIV? I decided to delve deeper; this is perhaps hyperbole. All I really did was click on a new subject header online. The fact of the matter was that once I knew the resources were there, they were particularly easy to access. My new discovery was that there was an emergency treatment called Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) which can be given after a person has been exposed to HIV. Whilst this is considered a last resort Terrence Higgins Trust believes “it’s important to know

about in case one day you or someone \RX¡YH KDG VH[ ZLWK QHHGV LW Âľ ,¡G consider myself to be relatively forthright with matters of health, both sexual DQG RWKHUZLVH DQG \HW WKLV ZDV WKH Ă€UVW I’d heard. I will assume for the sake of arguments that this is not just my general ignorance, and is in fact a wider problem, in need of addressing. A project named ‘Sex, Drugs and HIV’ is currently tackling the lack of awareness surrounding HIV and AIDS with a music journey that has lasted 15 years. Starting in 1995 Mat Sargent, the founder of the project began developing an eclectic album of music collaborating with artists from across the music industry. 15 years on, the project has grown to an album of 40 songs, recorded on a double CD in a style akin to and inspired by Mike 2OGĂ€HOG¡V 7XEXODU %HOOV 'HVSLWH 0DW¡V background with notorious punk band Sham 69, the album incorporates a wide variety of genres; including: rock, pop, ska, punk, reggae, rockabilly, heavy metal, funky, R&B, new age and country. I was surprised, on listening to the album how well this works, despite the variety of styles, to create a piece of PXVLF WKDW LV FRQWLQXRXV DQG Ă RZLQJ The album has been created to raise money for a variety of charities, these include: Cancer Research UK, Rape Crisis, Release (Drugs) and Terrence Higgins Trust to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS. On speaking to Mat himself, the magnitude of the huge project became clear. In 15 years of recording sessions, through word of mouth the project has expanded. Over 200 musicians have given their time, effort and talent for the cause; people such as Judge Dread, Adam Ant, Africa Bambataa, Lee Thompson (Madness), Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet), Niko McBrain (Iron Maiden), Wurzel (Motorhead), Drew McConnell

(Babyshambles), Giz But (The Prodigy) ... are to name but a few. Along with raising awareness for HIV and the aforementioned charities, the project successfully captures a music industry in action, with not just the album but a series of 30 documentaries, currently being worked on by Mat himself, to produce an archive of musical talent spanning almost two decades. Over coming obstacles such as the necessary transfer of all recorded material from analogue to digital and a studio change, the album was eventually completed in May 2011 and mastered at Abbey Road. On the 1st December 2012, National AIDS day, a gig was held by the project band, Rock’n’Roll Gypsies, to raise further awareness for the project and its charities. The event was a great success and the Rock’n’Roll Gypsies plan to play key shows to promote the Sex Drugs & HIV album. The Sex Drugs & HIV concert for World AIDS Day 2013 will be held in Dusseldorf, Germany and will feature guest musicians from the project. Having had “a weird & wonderful life that hasn’t been straightforward and had many a strange tangent thrown into the equation�, Mat’s dedication and commitment to the project is particularly evident - loosing many gifted musicians and friends during and after the project to cancer has made this project particularly poignant. Mat and his musical mission are an inspiration and a step towards continuing to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS.

Come Dine with Grace By Grace Drayton Almost as easy as the microwaveable brownie in the last issue; I give you this foolproof shortbread recipe. Brilliant as a gift, to share or to keep all to yourself. Enjoy. Foolproof Shortbread


Ingredients: 125g/4oz Butter 55g/2oz Sugar 180g/6oz Plain Flour Add cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg powder JSV E JIWXMZI žEZSYV

1. Heat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 2. Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth. 6WLU LQ WKH à RXU WR JHW D VPRRWK paste. Turn on to a work surface and gently roll out until the paste is 1cm/!in thick. &XW LQWR URXQGV ÀQJHUV RU VKRZ some love with hearts) and place onto a baking tray. Sprinkle with icing sugar and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes. 5. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until pale golden-brown. Set aside to cool on a wire rack. 6. Make them pretty with coloured icing or leave them plain.

For more information about the project and its charities visit: h t t p : / / w w w. m y s p a c e . c o m / rocknrollgypsies

The Hangover By Cillian Drury Sunday mass and the roast dinner have been gradually pushed aside to allow for the now more common hangover or rollover. Yes, times have changed, and unfortunately with this has come old age and fatigue. Long gone are those teenage days where I could have played a 90minute football game on a Sunday morning after polishing 6 cans of Dutch-Gold and a cheeky naggin the night before. Now letting the deliveryman in the door is a challenge.

times inducing the fear, a worse hangover or your own TIVWSREP žEWLFEGOW [LMGL MW SRI SJ XLI [SVWX ½PQW ]SY could watch hung over. So what makes a good hangover ½PQ#

FI HYQFIH HS[R 8LI ½PQ should be as cheesy and corny as the pizza you’ve just ordered, especially if it is sports based. I would encourage some underdog stories to make the cut.Violence is not the answer, so avoid ac8LI ½VWX ERH QSWX MQTSVXERX tion.You are fragile enough as point I feel should be made it is. Along with the last point, is that, it is crucial you have attempt to stay away from WIIR XLI ½PQ FIJSVI XLYW the big comedies; hard laughallowing for napping and pos- ing can leave your unsettled sible toilet excursions. When stomach in a worse position feeling vulnerable, familiarity than before. Go funny but is crucial. not too funny.

8LI LERKSZIV ½PQ MW XLI lifeline of any decent hangover day. In this respect I am not talking about “The Hangoverâ€? either part 1 or 2, (some-

Don’t try and challenge yourself! What’s the point? You’re back in work or college the next day. Allow yourself to lie in the foetal position and

Here are ten of my favourMXI ½PQW XS [EXGL [LIR MQ hungover :

-Leon: The Professional

&MK *MWL 'SSP 6YRRMRKW (E]W SJ 7YQQIV 8LI &MK 0IFS[WOM -The Royal Tenenbaums

-Count of Monte Cristo



William S. Burroughs – All out of time and into space (The October Gallery) By Billy Lytton The October Gallery sits, almost hidden, in a side street of Bloomsbury, /RQGRQ 7KURXJK DJH WKH ZRRG Ă RRU creaks and groans with each incriminating step and the walls are off-white. It’s the consummate setting for a William S. Burroughs exhibition. ‘All out of time and into space’ is a chaotic selection of drawings, paintings and objects. The long-standing relationship between Burroughs and October KDV HVWDEOLVKHG D Ă€WWLQJ ORFDOH IRU WKH artwork and experiencing audience. It simply doesn’t belong in the untainted white-walled delicacy of many other galleries; it’s possibly the only place to see gunshots, skeletons, penises and lemurs together at once.

seem free-associative: painting and spraying at will. For example ‘Plagues of Mad II’ and ‘Untitled (1992)’ show slurs of deep browns, burgundies and reds on a yellow background, as if Jackson Pollock turned junkie. This free-associative style is more obvious in works such as ‘The Last Rocket Out’, where stepping back from the ambiguous paint scrawls appears to show Allen Ginsberg with a penis covering his face. These examples are indicative of the majority of these types of work. Works which appear, on the surface, empty and careless, actually FRQWDLQ Ă€JXUHV ZRUGV DQG REMHFWV ² they have an implicit presence. They are akin to the Rorschach tests of the psychoanalysts, where the subconBurroughs was a Harvard graduate who scious mind is uncovered through interJUHZ WR SURPLQHQFH DV WKH ´IDWKHUÂľ RI preting inkblots. Here, the inkblot test the Beat Movement. Although he didn’t is for the audience, using the subconshare the sentiment of this moniker, he scious elements of the work to unveil remained close to the Beats, holding the mind of Burroughs. friendships with Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg and producing art with Burroughs’ attempt to avoid instituan anti-academic slant. His essays, tional control is a theme throughout Ă€FWLRQ DQG DUW FKDQQHOOHG H[SHULHQFHV his books and paintings. His books of homosexuality, drugs, morbidity and often refer to avoiding control of the humanity. He explored these themes Nova mob (ruling contingent) and it’s and commented on societal divisions, SUREDEOH WKDW KLV DIĂ€QLW\ IRU ZHDSRQU\ collective consciousness, intelligence has routes origins here. He once said: and institutionalization. His most “I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a critically acclaimed book ‘The Naked society where the only people allowed Lunch’ is considered to be a principal guns are the police and the military.'' work of Beat literature, along with Guns are a prominent feature in this *LQVEHUJ¡V ´+RZOÂľ DQG .HURXDF¡V ´2Q exhibition, either subtly entwined or WKH 5RDGÂľ directly established in his complex paintings and installations. ‘Untitled (1988)’ for example, shows his contempt for control: a “No Trespassing 6LJQÂľ PXWLODWHG ZLWK VSUD\ SDLQW DQG gunshots, directly confronts the subversive control techniques of higher power by wielding the second amendment. +RZHYHU ORRNLQJ DW ´7HQ *DXJH &LW\Âľ reminds you of the trauma Burroughs suffered having accidentally murdered his wife. The wooden board features a distinct gunshot, the markings of a ´$OO RXW RI WLPH DQG LQWR VSDFHÂľ LV DQ handgun and a woman’s face, outlined intimate display of Burroughs’life. Like blood-red. Following the Vyogtskian KLV Ă€FWLRQ WKH DUWZRUN LV GLVWLQFWLYHO\ view that all art is a catharsis of sorts, idiosyncratic – a careful composition of it seems Burroughs’ fascination with non-sequitur vignettes exploring both guns may be a comorbidity of guilt and his experience and psyche. The imagery the pursuit of intellectual freedom. and content stray between polemic arguments and personal confronta- This exhibition is an imperative for the WLRQV 7KH LQĂ XHQFH RI %XUURXJKV¡ Burroughs’ junkies and Beat cultists out previous ‘cut-up’ projects is redolent there and similarly for those who have throughout – a concept developed with been intimidated by the complexity of friend and artist Brion Gysin in which his books and even those naĂŻve of his text or image are cut up and randomly works. It’s an intriguing way to underrecombined. The medium used here stand one of literature’s great mavericks. are obscure combinations of the benign By way of the man, it’s chaotic and and the eccentric: spray paint, ink, self-effacing, yet, subliminally honest shotguns, wood, warning signs and and erudite. Each piece is littered with ´VWDPSVÂľ PDGH IURP JXQV VWDWXHV DQG nuances of his psyche, experiences and other irregularities. drug addictions so much so, that they become layered and explorative. It’s The work is as you’d expect from not just a set of paintings on display; someone trying to avoid institutional- it’s William S. Burroughs. ized thought; the application of media appears liberal and uninhibited, yet, Admission: Free maintains a controlled focus that can 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, only be found through a deeper explo- London, WC1N 3AL ration – perhaps metaphoric of his Nearest underground stations: Holborn, societal views. A lot of these works Russell Square






Facebook, Masochism and the Cyber-self By Holly Hunter

Where the Bloody Hell has Lilt gone? By Daniel Lee

Most people, when hearing the word ‘Lilt’ will initially think of the internationally renowned department of the University of Hawaii; The Laboratory for Learning Technologies. But, personally, I only think of Lilt the beverage. A product of the Coca-Cola Company, which sauntered onto these fair shores during the long, hot, sweaty summer of 1975, Lilt was arguably the biggest thing to hit Britain since Crystal Pepsi. A WURSLFDO Ă DYRXUHG GULQN ZKLFK cleverly marketed itself as ‘the totally tropical taste’, Lilt took the country by storm. Lilt, unfortunately, was only available to purchase in the United Kingdom and the wily old British public soon learnt that the hard way. Holidaymakers would set off on their eagerly awaited trips and then, usually within six or seven minutes of touching down, would EH KRUULĂ€HG WR GLVFRYHU WKDW WKH\ could not purchase their beloved Lilt in the strange foreign land in which they had chosen to vacation. 7KH $LUOLQHV ZHUH KRUULĂ€HG WRR People from Norwich to Bristol ZHUH FDQFHOLQJ WKHLU Ă LJKWV WR Barbados in favour of a little jaunt to Bognor; all because of the obvious non-Lilt issues suffered by those abroad. They say even the greatest of relationships begin to stagnate after a while, but surely a love affair as deep as the one between the Great British public and Lilt was far too strong to ever die? Sadly, that’s exactly what happened.

I have found in my experience of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, a sense that life, in all its moments, should be shared. This is a simple fact of human nature, a wish to connect, inform and indeed show off to others. As a result, this will hopefully lead to admiration, a little jealousy and possibly an improved chance of having lots of sex. It has become a common part of day to day life to be updated on what at least three of your friends ate for lunch, often accompanied by a Ă€OWHUHG SKRWRJUDSK RI VRPH ULVRWWR and a humours #hashtag relating to big sausages. While this is all well and good, a by-product of all this sharing is the unspoken competition relating to how cool a lunch place you went to was, what celebrity coughed in your direction, how often you see friends, how drunk you got in that underground club last night, and how naturally pretty you look in that ‘effortless’ pose. Ultimately this is a competition about how good your life is. This is facilitated by the ability to count the number of ‘likes’, re-tweets and positive comments - a sort of vote

culture, that everyone adheres to. Looking for validation is obviously a natural part of the human psyche, and the super intelligent social media bosses have taken this notion and exaggerated it a few hundredfold, creating a Pavlovian reward V\VWHP RI TXDQWLĂ€DEOH DSSUHFLDWLRQ As a result, a lot of people have an experience of life that is more based around ‘look what a wonderful time I am having’ rather than ‘Oh this is wonderful’, doing something fun in order to feed the online cultivated image of yourself that you present to the rest of the world. I don’t think this is necessarily conscious, or indeed a huge problem IRU PDQ\ SHRSOH EXW , Ă€QG WKH HIIHFW upon myself sometimes when I look through other people’s Facebook timelines and think: “I should take more pictures when I’m out, I’m just DV LQWHUHVWLQJ DV WKDW SHUVRQÂŤÂľ 7KLV sense of dejection or unworthiness, QR PDWWHU KRZ Ă HHWLQJ EURXJKW PH to think a little about the ultimate capacity for self imposed punishPHQW DV ZHOO DV FRPPXQDO JUDWLĂ€cation that the cyber-self facilitates. The current population of 19-21 year olds, in a large proportion of

western society, are the last real example of people who have experienced life before the age of the cyber self. Most people in my age group expect the rest of said group to tweetfacetumble a lot of the time. , Ă€QG LW SUHWW\ FRRO WR OLYH WKRXJK WKLV WLQ\ ZLQGRZ RI Ă X[ ZKHUHE\ DQ\ younger and I wouldn’t remember a social life that wasn’t facilitated by Facebook and share culture. I feel this puts us in a neat little space for real commentary on the VXEMHFW EHFDXVH , Ă€QG PXFK RI WKH damning social psychobable about the malleable minds of the young rather frustrating when it comes to actually understanding the structures and process that feed into this untrodden ground of connectivity. It’s probably about time we accepted what is going on while having a good look at it from its core, rather than standing outside and screaming Orwellian ‘bloody murder’ every time Facebook updates its site.

I don’t think I can recall a singular dark, depressing day passing in the past two years where I have not heard someone, a small child, an aggravated commuter, or a sickened old Wetherspoons resident, audibly moan about the apparent demise of our nation’s sweetheart. Where the bloody hell has Lilt gone? That’s what I want to know. That’s what everyone wants to know. Tesco, Asda, and Sainsburys all no longer stock it. Morrisons might, but then again, they might not. There isn’t a Morrisons anywhere near me so I couldn’t check. As a young lad, I moved over to America, and a few years ago I returned. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the LOL (Lure of Lilt) was probably about 95% of the reason why. Initially, all was

grand; there was a little shop by me that stocked almost an offensive level of Lilt. Lilt Pineapple and Grapefruit, Lilt Mandarin and Mango, Lilt Zero, Diet Lilt, and even that old classic, Lilt Banana and Peach. Said shop also stocked DOO WKH ODWHVW Ă€OPV RQ 9+6 VR may have been a bit of a mid 90s time-warp sort of thing but, still, the Lilt bit was nice. Some say the main issue lies with the marketing budget Coca-Cola set aside for Lilt. In the last ten years, only one Lilt-related advert has popped up on our screens. You might remember an advert entitled ‘Here Comes the Liltman’, starring a man driving around in a small Lilt truck, throwing bottles of Lilt at women. He concludes the advert by giving a bottle to a man who proceeds to just pour it on his chin. Perhaps the supermarkets are the issue? Sure, the odd corner shop still stocks a cheeky Lilt every now and then but you’re not going to get to the bus to some shop down Finchley Road just because you fancy a Lilt, no matter how glorious it is. The supermarkets need to stock it. There are enough people at Goldsmiths who enjoy protesting; you people can be part of something big, something worthwhile. Instead of standing outside Sainsburys KDQGLQJ RXW Ă LHUV HQFRXUDJLQJ others to go out of their way and head to a local shop to spend three times as much on a sub-par sandwich, you could stand outside Sainsburys and ask people if, while purchasing their delicious sandwich (with drink and crisps for ÂŁ3), they fancy having a quick word with the manager about why the bloody hell there isn’t any Lilt on the shelf?


The decline of Italian democracy is related to the many issues af-


COMMENT & OPINION On the House of Lords By Bartholomew Foley

The history of the House of Lords is a history of mischief and injustice. House of Lords reform is an issue that By Giacomo Tirelli Ă RZV LQ DQG RXW RI WKH SXEOLF¡V PLQG Yet there remains a number of points to be made and a number of questions to be repeated. There appears to be two great and REYLRXV SUREOHPV Ă€UVWO\ D ODFN RI democracy, and secondly, the concept of life peerage. Jeffery Archer, convicted perjurer and a generally devious character, remains On February 24 and 25 Italy will hold in reality, the Italian media often easily VLWWLQJ DV D QRQ DIĂ€OLDWHG SHHU LQ WKH its national elections. With televisions escape these rules. The monitoring of House of Lords. in nine out of ten Italian homes, the WKH Ă€UVW WZR ZHHNV RI FDPSDLJQ RQ 79 Conrad Black was convicted on media play a key role in shaping the and radio broadcasting have registered charges of fraud and obstruction, public’s attitudes and opin ions and, an overexposure of PDL (Berlusconi’s despite claims of innocence, was found thus, their votes. Therefore, Italian People of Freedom) on Mediaset’s guilty by due process. He remains a life media have become platforms where channels, while too much PD (Centre- peer in the House of Lords. politicians exhibit themselves, using Left Democratic Party) on the RAI Let us also remember those featured in the power of journalism as a political QHWZRUN DQG Ă€QDOO\ WRR PXFK 0DULR WKH FDVK IRU LQĂ XHQFH VFDQGDO RU weapon to dictate their authority. Monti (Italy’s current Prime Minister) perhaps the cash for honours scheme. on every channel. Unless there is some misapprehen3ROLWLFDO SDUWLHV KDYH LQĂ XHQFHG WKH sion or misinformation, it appears the national press and the development Angelo Marcello Cardani, president of media pluralism in Italy, which has of Agcom, has made assurances that always suffered from the abuse of the authority will carry out its duty power by media owners. An example to ensure the reliability of the media of this race by politicians towards during election time 24 hours a day. the obtaining of media companies to monopolize press coverage is Silvio However, all these regulations appear Berlusconi. He could be associ- to be barely respected by the media. ated with this ‘dictatorship’ over the What’s more, Agcom limits itself to power to manipulate information and, warnings and suggestions, without any arguably, culture. DFWXDO Ă€QH WR WKH DFFRXQWDEOH (YHQ LI WKLV \HDU LW KDV UDWLĂ€HG /D 5HW H DQG Berlusconi is one of the biggest media Italia 1 for lack of equal treatment, most barons in Italy; he owns television of them have rejected these warnings companies such as Mediaset, powerful FRQVLGHULQJ WKHP XQMXVWLĂ€HG DQG WKUHDW book and magazine publishers, such as to the freedom of the press. Mondadori, even the soccer team AC Milan. What emerges from this analysis of the media in Italy during election time is He once remarked: “Don’t you under- WKDW LWV LQIRUPDWLRQ V\VWHP UHĂ HFWV RQO\ stand? If something isn’t on television, its small elite of owners, and becomes a LW GRHVQ¡W H[LVWÂľ +H EHOLHYHV WKDW LW device to exercise political power over doesn’t matter what really happened, citizens. Italian journalists are likely but what people think happened. to censor themselves to avoid the risk Individuals like Berlusconi know of unbearable sentences, as happened By Brogan Grinstead the power of the media as devices to to Alessandro Sallusti, director of LQĂ XHQFH SXEOLF RSLQLRQ DQG WKHUHIRUH the newspaper ‘Il Giornale’, recently should not be underestimated. sentenced to 14 months in prison for In India a woman is raped libel. every twenty minutes. For this year’s elections he has been trying to receive more media coverage Recent years have seen an increase in The UK Government’s Action Plan than his counterparts by focusing all the the use of the Internet as a resource to on Violence Against Women and Girls attention on himself. In situations like challenge election campaigns. Social found that 80,000 women are raped this, where if you have enough money networks such as Facebook, Twitter, a year. That’s about one every seven and power you can buy whatever you blogs and video channels, have bought minutes. want, illegal and unfair actions start to the political debate to a new dimension, take place. where every citizen is likely to express The brutal gang-rape and murder of their opinions freely. the 23-year-old student, now known This threat to justice and democracy as Damini, in Delhi, has attracted mass is monitored by Agcom, the Authority Some people argue that the Internet media coverage, particularly in the for Communications Guarantees. It should be subject to new regulations Western world. Many articles have was established in 1997 and aims to by Agcom to guarantee equal treatment been written with an uncomfortable control the fair distribution of media to every political party. This would sense of white superiority, focusing companies and encourage competition be another threat to an open public on “India’s rape problemâ€? instead of between them. The term ‘par condicio’ debate and reduce everyone’s freedom the global pandemic. For example, refers to the equal treatment, which of expression, and therefore threaten writing for the Times, Libby Purves sustains a democratic process based on democracy. described the west, ‘Looking eastward pluralism and impartiality in the media. in disgust’, and the men in India as The decline of Italian democracy is ‘murderous’ and ‘hyena like’. Since 2006 Agcom has introduced a related to the many issues affecting number of rules to guarantee all political its media system. New regulations are Major coverage such as this is only and cultural groups equal rights to be necessary to track down corruption, to helping the UK to forget about the heard across the media. For example, exclude political power from any sort enormity of its own rape culture politicians are barred from appearing of abuse of authority and information E\ KLJKOLJKWLQJ LW DV D VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ on entertainment programming. control. Italy should therefore give the Indian problem. Yet an End Violence voice back to its citizens. Against Women poll showed that in Whoever breaks the rules will, theoLondon last year, 41% of women aged UHWLFDOO\ IDFH D KHDY\ Ă€QH +RZHYHU 18-34 experienced unwanted sexual

fecting its media system.

only crime for which a Lord may be removed from the House is treason. Since when is this sound reasoning? Life peerage, life peerage?! Such a term is but a life sentence for society. Those who step down from their role are neither altruistic nor benevolent, they are just! Awards for lifetime achievement belong in the form of plaques, trophies and celebratory dinners not titles, power and permissiveness. What cultural environment allows such triviality to this issue? Is it the unfortunate and lasting love of aristocracy? Is it people’s deference to difference, their accentuation to accents, and a perpetuated class identity? Is it a political and cultural denial of anything French or American? Is it a propagation of British peculiarity? Is it yet a society that is happy to accept inequality of opportunity? Pity to those who deny the real power of the Lords, who say their role is justly symbolic, that a sitting bishopric is

Not just an Indian Problem attention. This is clearly not just an Indian problem. Writer Teju Cole has suggested that white superiority stems from something he branded as the ‘White Industrial Saviour Complex’. “The white saviour supports brutal policies in the morning, founds charities in the afternoon and receives awards in the eveningâ€?, he said. This suggests an all too common sense of Western self-importance. The prejudiced media coverage of the Delhi gang rape is only helping to demonise Indian culture and help us forget about the enormity of Western rape culture. We must not let ourselves be lured into a false consciousness. After all, an Amnesty poll found that a shocking third of Britons still believed WKDW D ZRPDQ DFWLQJ Ă LUWDWLRXVO\ ZDV partly or completely to blame for being raped. 7KH KRUULĂ€F GHDWK RI 'DPLQL LV anything but a local issue, it is a worldwide problem. Let this event be NQRZQ DV WKH Ă€QDO FDWDO\VW LQ WKH Ă€JKW against violence to women everywhere.

fair, that timocracy and aristocracy are defendable, that titular inequality is necessary. Why is it then that people desire this titular inequality? How does one not cringe when addressed as boss, master or Lord? What is the shame in addressing others as friend, brother or comrade? This is but schoolboy psychology. Reverence to those above you belongs in the annals of history. Whatever happened to the notions of respect and equality for all? The Lords system is not without logic, but it is without right! While many would bemoan the departure of the philosophers and experts, these personalities are but an appeasement; individuals in a system who are highlighted to allow fraudsters and in-group friends to sneak through the back door. Mr Blair went a distance in purging the predominant consort of hereditary peers, but progress can still be made. While democratic change will not ZHHG RXW WKH IUDXGVWHUV IURP RIĂ€FH (e.g. Silvio Berlusconi) it will go a long way to seeing their willed dismissal. It will allow the people to say, ‘we have had enough!’ One should not demand disrespect or indifference to achievements of merit; but as a matter of governance and decision - making, do not the people have the right to choose? What is needed is popular reform. People are aware of this injustice, but they have grown too comfortable with it. If we take one small step towards change it is worth all manner of effort. This change will be no panacea to the problems of society, nor is it a utopian fantasy; it is but a step out of the Middle Ages, it is a symbolic move away from aristocracy, and a move towards trusting the will of the people. For governance, as we know, is of the people, by the people and for the people.




By Josh Hobson I think it’s fair to say most of us have a complicated relationship with HMV; we all love it but can’t really explain why. HMV didn’t like us, it didn’t FDUH DERXW XV 7KH\ FKDUJHG LQĂ DWHG prices on their music and DVD’s compared to what was available on the Internet; the selection leaned far too heavily towards chart music for all but the most dedicated tween girls. With the exception of their bizarrely well stocked book section HMV didn’t really seem to understand what their customers wanted (either that or they simply didn’t care). Bearing in mind it was also a company that fought tooth and nail to stall the digital music revolution before begrudgingly launching their own inadequate venture into the digital world, named with a comic lack of creativity, ‘HMV Digital’ (Do you know anyone who has used it?). The news that they had knowingly sold gift cards in the full knowledge that customers would not be able to redeem them in the busy Christmas period came as no surprise, as if it was RQH ODVW ´)XFN \RX Âľ IURP WKHLU LFRQLF dog Nipper that bit the hands who feed it one last time. Really there was nothing to like about the place. And yet we still do. Hearing WKDW +09 KDG Ă€QDOO\ JRQH LQWR DGPLQistration shortly after Christmas elicited a collective national outpouring of emotion. It felt very akin to watching

a wounded animal being put out of its misery. It was the right thing to do, and it was inevitable, but there was sadness, there was disappointment, and there was a bitter anger at how unfair the world is. Something about the place captured our sense of sentimentality, as though the emotional reaction we feel towards music has somehow extended itself to the shop that we buy it from. So despite the obvious nostalgia, it would be nice to think that we feel protective over HMV because of our concern for the music industry, and it’s certainly true that it is a cause for concern. HMV was, after all, the last bastion of music available on the high street after the loss of Virgin, Fopp, and Zavvi. Right now we can only hazard guesses at what lasting implications its dissolution will have. There are those out there who remain optimistic, believing we are about to enter a new age. George Osbourne recently moved to close a tax loophole that had allowed internet retailers Play and Amazon to sell DVD’s and CD’s without VAT, a loophole which HMV inexplicably failed to utilise until as late as 2005, although to suggest this was due to some ethical or moral responsibility is perhaps misleading and more so an oversight in business management. With this change however, some of the more hopeful amongst us foresee that

RQ WKLV QHZ PRUH OHYHO SOD\LQJ Ă€HOG we will once again see a resurgence in independent music shops as they rush WR Ă€OO WKH YRLG OHIW E\ +09 DQG FDSLtalise on public demand for physical music. Sadly, it seems as though that demand really isn’t there any more. We’ve witnessed the concept of physically owning music slowly deteriorate and for so long now it looks as though it was teetering on the edge of collapse, ZDLWLQJ IRU WKDW RQH Ă€QDO EORZ +09¡V downfall could well be that blow, and when it goes it may well take our long established tradition of buying CD’s with it.

Morrisey is Dead By Gary Spencer

We all know someone who has an unhealthy obsession with Morrissey. It probably started out with them at 14 singing along to this charming man at a house party, arms and legs akimbo drifting around the room in a self-conscious recreation of Morrissey’s famous appearance on Top of the Pops. For most of us it ended there, or perhaps a couple of years later wallowing in self pity, Please Let Me Get What I Want as the soundtrack to our teenage heartbreak and emotional hardships. For many others though, the cult of Morrissey is still a guide to living, with the front man of one of ‘the’ GHĂ€QLQJ JXLWDU EDQGV RI WKH ODVW years as its spiritual leader.

saying nothing about the death of this poor woman. The arrogance of the British royals is absolutely staggering� would perhaps be humorous if this was satire, alas it was not. The furor surrounding Morrissey goes further than this however; he faced accusations of racism after referring to the Chinese as a ‘subspecies’, seemingly there is no end to Morrissey’s disgust.

Recently hospitalized for a bleeding XOFHU DPRQJ RWKHU KHDOWK GLIĂ€FXOWLHV in his own statement on his health Morrissey appears as a cheap caricature of himself, descrying reports of his death as ‘understated’ here he exhibits his appeal to the individual by saying “If there’s an audience of any kind in attendance, I just might die with a smile on my face, after all.â€? The singer’s self-critical nature, manifesting itself in the idea In light of these comments Morrissey that even a small but appreciative remains a painful thorn in the audience would make for a happy side of popular opinion, unfortu- ending is deluded. Of course there nately the dismissal of his bigoted will be a captive audience when commentaries and the scorn he Morrissey’s tour restarts, he knows faces in response to them has only this, but attempts to bestow upon his seen Morrissey elevated to the fans a sense of mutual appreciation, level of martyrdom. His fans are a that he needs them as much as they As we outgrew the front man of testament to this, ever ready to jump need him, an illusion which merely The Smiths, we came to realise to his defense, ever willing to toe the ensures the elevation of the singer in that perhaps as an idol he wasn’t SDUW\ OLQH WKH\ Ă RRG WKH FRPPHQW his followers’ eyes. Who else will care WKH PRVW ZKROHVRPH RI Ă€JXUHV $Q sections of countless articles belit- about the old bastard if they don’t? ostensibly self-deprecating character tling the arguments and reasoning who still manages to exude an acute of Morrissey’s critics as blinded to My only hope is that on the day of his smugness, which is infuriating the genius of the melancholic lyricist, funeral there will be a great crowd given some of the singers outlandish whose damning critiques read to of followers who will in unison free comments; with which he continues them as a manifesto. As we all know themselves of the weight on their to involve himself in debates in which too well however, it is far too easy shoulders that is blind fandom of his opinion was never asked. His to make an outlandish statement Morrissey, acted out in the simulswipes from the side-lines at events than provide a heartfelt and well- taneous cutting off of quiffs, as the such as the massacre in Norway in reasoned point of view when one singer is lowered into the ground and 2011 “that is nothing compared to seeks to remain in the public view. the last few notes of Asleep linger in what happens in McDonald’s and Surely Morrissey isn’t just being the air. Then and only then will Ian Kentucky Fried shit every dayâ€? and controversial for controversies sake? Curtis get the recognition he truly Kate Middleton’s handling of the deserves as the greatest lyricist / suicide of one of the nurses at the This retrospective view on the vocalist of all time, ever. I mean hospital she was a patient in at the character of Morrissey and the there’s no doubt about it and if you end of last year “She feels no shame devotion his fans display was spurred think otherwise you’re wrong. about the death of this woman, she’s on by the news of his ill health.




Dingus Khan

Ben Brown. It would be easy to dismiss the band after hearing their set up, to perhaps think they weren’t taking themselves seriously (which they aren’t) but more aptly WR FRQà DWH WKLV ZLWK D ODFN RI DELOLW\ and determination, which they have in abundance.

By Gary Spencer

Beginning as a two-piece Dingus Khan ‘pre-Marc Riley’ was a very different animal to the one it is now. Their earliest recordings are marked by their scrappiness, peaking guitars, out of time drum beats, vocal solos and a sound incomprehensibly massive to have been made by two people, recording into a broken microphone in the spare room of a two up two down on a backstreet of the smallest town in England.

‘I don’t know who Dingus Khan is.’ – Marc Riley – November 2011 Looking back, Dingus Khan’s radio debut may have been underwhelming. Marc Riley’s mention was in fact more a non-mention; a statement of his own ignorance of a group whose biggest gig to date was playing their own new years party. Who could blame him for

not knowing who or what Dingus Khan is? Whilst providing the band with a useful soundbite, Marc Riley’s mention did, in fact, signal the rise of Dingus Khan properly. ‘I THINK WE MAY HAVE MADE IT!’ declared their lead singer over Facebook the day after the anticlimactic radio debut. The tongue in cheek approach of Dingus Khan is perfectly summed

up in this brief moment of the band’s history. An eight piece made up of three drummers, three bassists, a guitarist / vocalist and an electric ukuleleleist. Who perform live uniformly clad in white jump suits looking like the most hastily put WRJHWKHU SDLQWHU GHFRUDWRU RXWÀW you’d never dream of hiring, led by the all singing all dancing robe wearing foreman-cum-frontman

Their sound was constantly evolving however; seemingly operating an open-door policy to potential members the group quickly grew in size as friends were cajoled into joining. Now a steady eight, a number that has lasted long enough for the band to record an album, they have garnered much praise recording live sessions at Maida Vale Studios for Steve Lamacq and an XFM session for Mary Anne Hobbes, alongside a host of festival appearances including Reading, Latitude and Bestival in 2012 and recently being named one of the BBC’s ‘ones to watch’ for 2013.

such as Placebo, Death Cab for Cutie and Coldplay. Dingus Khan however bears little resemblance sonically to these now famous bands. 7KH\ FODLP LQĂ XHQFH IURP 7KH )DOO Half-Man Half-Biscuit and Shellac. A rather lazy attempt at categorising the Dingus Khan has seen them deigned as ‘Slipknot meets Blur’ owing more to the shared hometown routes of Blur and the sheer number of performers within Slipknot to a culmination of either bands distinct styles. To disseminate the album track by track would run the risk of ruining its charm. Dingus Khan avoid being pinned down throughout; unpredictable or eclectic don’t quite capture their essence. They seemingly do what they want, when they want; a boisterous sound driven by dynamic shifts, pop-melodies set against a backdrop of punk aesthetics; an amalgamation of the last forty years RI OHIW Ă€HOG JXLWDU PXVLF HPEUDFLQJ aspects of each movement as and when they feel like it? When they need it? I’m not sure. In their own words ‘Let Dingus Khan play their rock and roll music and let them play it Hard and Fast. Then Slow and Steady. Then Hard and Fast.’ Dingus Khan commence their second national tour on April 18 at The Borderline in London and can be found at dinguskhanband

The debut Album Support Mistley Swans was released at the end of last year via Fierce Panda, a label that has jumpstarted the careers of bands

Here we’ve picked our ‘Ones to Watch’ for 2013: by Emily Arc 9mary

in France, and with any luck (not that she needs it), 2013 should be the year she does the same here.

Temple Songs is superbly talented, they’re generous (a wealth of songs are available for download from their At a time where the ‘singer songbandcamp page) and brave too. Temple writer’ is becoming more popular Songs covered Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely again, London-born 9mary would Temple Songs Hearts Club, and though opinion is Ă€W LQ SHUIHFWO\ DQG SUREDEO\ VPDVK most of the others out of the water. ,W VHHPV OLNH 0DQFKHVWHU LV Ă€QDOO\ going to be split on this, any band that Harnessing the better elements of Ă€JKWLQJ EDFN DJDLQVW % 7RZQ WR UHJDLQ dares to cover our beloved Beatles is Lana Del Douchebag and channel- their crown when it comes to new, worth a listen in my book. ling that aggrieved narrative of Laura good music. Although, you’d probably Marling, 9mary provides a compelling EH VKRFNHG WR Ă€QG RXW ORZ Ă€ JDUDJH Temples WXQH ULJKW IURP WKH Ă€UVW SLDQR FKRUG rockers Temple Songs are actually from Equipped with a voice sounding far Manchester. Somewhere between the It may seem a bit dramatic to declare more mature than her 17 years (yes, US garage rock of the sixties and the that a band who have only released one 17!), Flo Morrissey possesses an GUDZOLQJ RI WKH V LV ZKHUH \RX¡G Ă€QG single to be your new favourites, but almost pained melody, complementing this four piece (no, not the eighties). We Temples really are that good. Having her raw lyrics effortlessly. 2012 saw her can see the perfectionism of lead singer already kicked up a fuss towards the begin to make a strong impression over Jolan Lewis in the way that not only end of 2012, there’s no surprise they’re

making their way onto almost every ‘Ones to Watch’ list; sounding and looking gloriously 60s/70s (Hello Marc Bolan), the superbly honed psychedelic jangling of their guitars combines with Bagshaw’s lazy drawl superbly and can’t be described as anything less than perfect. They’re going to be everywhere in 2013, and personally, I cannot wait.

Oxygen Thieves ‘Oxygen Thief: A person so useless on this planet that the mere fact of them breathing is a waste of oxygen.’ quite potentially one of the all time greatest misnomers in the history of

band names. Transport yourself back to the nineties and Wirral lads Oxygen Thieves would be right there. The vocal is a bizarre mix of Cobain with drawllike elements of Bowie (yes, really), and that combined with the disconsolate strumming yields a brilliant West Coast sound of the modern day. Their music harnesses a raw excitement that seems to be disappearing from grunge acts today. Listening to new single ‘Maskara’ proves to be a thrilling experience – think perhaps of a gloomier BRMC, like a ‘less tuneful Smashing Pumpkins’ and you’re on the right track. With a sound like this it’s hard for you not to fall in love with them, let’s just hope 2013 will do the same.




Pinch of Presence By Franklin Lopes

The public spaces of the cities might be considered as a place to see and to be seen; a place where the human faculty of sight is predominant since it allows people create a common space among them and establish a sense of presence. The public domain thus is an essential part of social life, given that it is a site where people recognize and, at the same time, acknowledge one another as social actors. However, before the rapid growth of urban centers under market values, society has experienced the vanishing social world and, subsequently, an increasing process of

isolation, detachment and consequent alienation. As Laing (1967) explains, in a society where competition for the basic cultural goods is the pivot of actions and social life, people cannot be taught to cooperate with each other or to relate their personal success to a collective achievement. Rather, the educational system prepares children to compete within a scenario marked by scarcity, where one’s success is directly related to others’ failure. As result, masses of people are educated to become concerned only with their single life-

histories, particular emotions and economical conditions, transforming ´WKH 2WKHU Âľ ´WKH 6WUDQJHU Âľ LQWR D completely outsider and therefore D Ă€JXUH WR EH DYRLGHG DQG IHDUHG (Simmel, 1971). Hence, as Sennet (1977) states, the neoliberal economies in some extent have fostered the isolation of individuals and, as consequence, the dissolution of social life, since people are gradually becoming XQDEOH WR IHHO IXOĂ€OOPHQW RU WR OLYH D meaningful life outside the edge of their SULYDWH GRPDLQ WKLV ´VROLWDU\ FRQĂ€QHPHQW RI WKH HJRÂľ %DXPDQ S [LL This scenario construction points out is that contemporary society is becoming unable to deal with social situations WKDW UHTXLUH ´RXW RI IUDPH DFWLYLWLHVÂľ RU DFWLRQV WKDW GR QRW Ă€W ZLWKLQ WKH predictability of everyday routines

(Goffman, 1974). Therefore, seeking awareness for the process of isolation in which individuals are been trapped living in overcrowded urban centers, the purpose of the project is to work as ‘catalyst of social encounters’ by inviting complete strangers in public spaces to pose together for a portrait staring at each other. The idea is to evoke the attention of people not just to the others around them, but also to their own existence, since the Other is a fundamental condition for one to become conscious of oneself in totality (Sartre, 1943). Challenging basic social rules in a contemporary city as London, readable through ordinary warnings like ‘do not talk to strangers’ or ‘do not stare at people,’ the project also assumes a deviant character in trying to induce

participants to behave outside of the established social order in which they are inserted. So, more than a visual project, the piece might be better understood as a sociological experiment, a social intervention that breaks with the protocols of everyday life and, in doing so, triggers a series of performative manners. Hence, the work seeks to evoke attention to the array of social interchanges that are often taken for granted in a mechanical stream. In short, although the photographs within the context of this project have created the happening, they are not the happening per se. They are a medium; they are evidences of a happening that goes far beyond the single moment frozen in the frame.




Fergie’s Complaints %\ 2OO\ %HOODP\ Those of you who have played any FIFA video game against the computer of some form will know occasionally the referee shows some minor leniency to any misdemeanours committed by its interactive self. Well when I say minor, I mean it’s totally plausible that the computer could whip out a chainsaw and hack away your team’s limbs, all the while the referee stands there waving advantage, play on. It seems then, that Alex Ferguson has been playing too much FIFA by showing a somewhat schizophrenic DWWLWXGH WRZDUGV WKH RIĂ€FLDOV¡ GHFLVLRQV commenting on the length of grass and even blaming the FA for conspiring against him by placing matches when his star signs are misaligned. Okay I made that last one up, but as an homage to the most famous manager, we take a look at what Sir Alex had to say after every game that Manchester United have failed to score all three points on. Everton 1 Manchester United 0 After securing the services of Robin Van Persie and Arsene Wenger’s soul during the summer transfer window, Fergie was quick to defend the striker after a lack lustre performance in his Ă€UVW JDPH ZLWK KLV FRPPHQW ´:H played around him too much. We GLGQ¡W VKRZ HQRXJK SHQHWUDWLRQ Âľ Indeed the golden boy of United expected a certain amount of penetration from Sir Alex after snubbing a chance to become a bench warmer DW Ă€HUFH ULYDOV 0DQFKHVWHU &LW\ %XW Ferguson’s main gripe was not over his own team’s inability to form a revolving solar system around last season’s one-man army; rather ironi-

cally, it was over Everton’s ability to successfully do just that.

“Fellaini is a handful. He is a big, tall, gangly lad and they just lumped the ball forward to him. That’s all they did.� Manchester United 2 Tottenham Hotspur 3 After smashing one of the longest standing records, Tottenham’s win over Manchester United at home was seen as Villas-Boas’ best result in the English Premier League yet. Understandably, Manchester United fans were left less than impressed with a 23-year record now broken. Using his apparently eidetic memory, Ferguson reeled off every individual action by the players that should’ve constituted to extra time, including the amount of times the trainer came on, the time wasted by the goalkeeper as well as the amount of time each player spent in the lavatory during half time. His familiar argument concluded that the amount of time added was an insult. It doesn’t take Darren Brown to clock complaining about the amount of added time constituted that there’s enough added time when Manchester United have won, even if there are a few extra minutes added on here and there. Norwich 1 Manchester United 0 Despite a few jabs at the players claiming not to remember Anthony Pilkington, despite the player spending 12 months at United’s academy, Sir Alex showed nothing but praise for

Norwich. His comments on their work ethic and praise for Norwich goalkeeper Ruddy made for a very boring review, however this suspect, overly calm behaviour could indicate the Manchester manager may have just got lucky the night before rather than during the day. Swansea City 1 Manchester United 1 After Ashley William’s attempted clearance hit Robin Van Persie in the head, my immediate reaction was that 3 feet further down and a full stretcher might have been required. Yet Alex Ferguson’s paternal instincts kicked in. Pinning his fury over what he described as “the most dangerous thing I’ve seen RQ D IRRWEDOO Ă€HOG IRU PDQ\ \HDUVÂľ KH provided a crap load of ammunition for Internet memes and laddish fans everywhere. It could be contested a sport involving IHHW DQG DQ LQĂ DWHG VSKHULFDO REMHFW might result in the latter heading to head level, with some players even opting to deliberately score goals with this part of their body with the notable exception of Thierry Henry during France’s World &XS TXDOLĂ€HUV Tottenham 1 Manchester United 1 Having gotten himself in trouble with the FA multiple times over somewhat questionable comments about almost every referee practicing with the exception of Howard Webb, Fergie’s long standing feuds with referees is hardly breaking news. Proving to be an awkward customer Tottenham’s goal in extra time provided a bit of karmic retribution after his comments earlier in the season over added time. Ferguson suitably responded by hurtling abuse at the linesman responsible, pointing out New Year’s Resolution in a completely no biased and neutral “Perspiring Resolutionsâ€? way that his team should’ve had the %\ 2OO\ %HOODP\ winning penalty decision. New Years are seen by many as the time to start afresh, to turn over a QHZ SDJH DQG Ă€QDOO\ JLYH XS WKDW long burdening addiction (be it smoking, procrastination, Jeremy Kyle or heroin). Now it’s important to point out that, if you were to ask my friends to describe me using only three words, the general consensus would probably come to sarcastic, miserable and handsome-brute, (note that the last one is hyphenated). What these characteristics do is creating a perfect balance of immoral judgement on New Year’s UHVROXWLRQV ZKLFK , Ă€QG RIWHQ occurs at 3 a.m. on New Year’s day – when you have reached the overly emotional drunk level as you listen to One Direction, whose song about being beautiful is actually quite paradoxical (since being beautiful is not knowing that they’re beautiful, yet having been told they’re beautiful would logically not make them beautiful).

fear of being stabbed while prancing DURXQG 1HZ &URVV LQ P\ WLJKW ÀWWLQJ illuminated clothing, did I notice the true impact of these so-called resolutions.

It’s safe to say that my evenly split time spent on exercising throughout the year has given me some insights into one of the most frequently preached resolutions. After New Year, even the deterrent of the cold weather and getting out of breath isn’t enough to stop the so-called epiphany for the 22nd time. Yet only after joining a gym last year for the ÀUVW WLPH LQ P\ OLIH PRVWO\ RXW RI

It seems then whatever your reasons for joining the gym were, if you’ve sustained it for more than a month then you’re in a minority. Yet heed P\ DGYLFH FRPSOHWLQJ \RXU Ă€UVW PLOH LQ XQGHU Ă€IWHHQ PLQXWHV GRHVQ¡W constitute you’re ready to sign yourself up to a 26-mile run much like I attempted with dire consequences a number of years back.

Upon returning from the Christmas holidays, the often half vacant treadmills now had a queue, with personal trainers hovering over every other cardio machine encouraging these new, highly motivated athletes that sweat was a normal by-product of doing more than just picking up the remote for the TV. The rowing machines that were always set on the very lowest level and the guys posed around the mirrors in the weights sections had been replaced by middle-aged men looking as though they were about to suffer a coronary heart attack. However, it didn’t even take two weeks for the majority of the crowd to thin out and by February the balance of equilibrium had been restored.




Twitter: @leopard_sport

Goldsmiths’ Rugby vs UCL by Leigh Simmons

7KH ÀUVW JDPH EDFN DJDLQVW 8&/ QGV FRXOG KDYH EHHQ D GLIÀFXOW RQH IXOO RI PLVWDNHV DQG XQÀW OHJV DIWHU WZR months consisting of holidays, snow and no rugby. This could have been a time to stagnate and lose focus, yet this was far from it. The game began with blistering pace as the Greyhounds quickly went on the attack, a loose ball in the middle of the SDUN DOORZHG à DQNHU /HLJK 6LPPRQV WR FKDUJH GLDJRQDOO\ DFURVV ÀHOG DQG RII ORDG WR 7RP 5RVV ZKR ÀQLVKHG in style. The 90% possession by the smiths resulted in scrum half Dan Benson taking the ball into play from a ruck, who used his small frame to slip past the UCL defence and under the posts. Suddenly UCL 2nds looked lost and out of options. Another quick burst gained thirty yards by captain Captain Nial who passed the ball back out to the wing for Tom to get his second. As the second half proceeded it was quickly apparent the Greyhounds still hadn’t got enough blood on their lips, main man and try machine Tom Ross got his third thanks to a quick break from a scrum. The move started quickly as the forwards began to drive forwards via three man pods. A gap in the defence allowed Leigh Simmons to drive twenty yards,


Goldsmiths men’s basketball team narrowly missed out on victory against the School of Oriental and African Studies 64 - 55 however a thrashing of London School of Economics in December places them comfortably in XLI QMH XEFPI SJ HMZMWMSR



Men’s rugby sit in 5th place on equal points with 4th placed Royal Free, however a recent thrashing of league leaders London School of Economics provides a promising future to potential FOOTBALL Men’s football 1sts sit at the bottom TVSQSXMSR ;SQIR´W VYKF] EVI JEMVMRK of their table currently managing only 1 less well having scored no points from TSMRX JVSQ KEQIW MR XLI ½VWX HMZMWMSR their matches this season, however The 2nd’s still unbeaten in Division 4 sit they a number of games behind higher at the top, with Goldsmiths being one TPEGIH XIEQW of only 2 teams with a positive goal difference thanks to substantial wins VOLLEYBALL IEVPMIV MR XLI WIEWSR 8LI VHW LEZI Men’s volleyball lead a mid table [SR IZIV] KEQI WS JEV ERH WMX TSMRXW charge in 4th followed by Westminster behind Roehampton however have 2 and London School of Economics games in hand, a win and draw would thanks to a recent walkover against TYX XLIQ FEGO MR ½VWX TPEGI (IWTMXI E )WWI\ RH XIEQ 8LI QM\IH ZSPPI]FEPP recent loss the women’s football team team sit at the top of their table on hold 2nd place in Division 1 behind equal points with University of the Arts London, ahead on goal difference and 73%7 [MXL E KEQI MR LERH -R XLI 7SYXL Eastern 2B the women’s volleyball HOCKEY No change to the men’s hockey team sit comfortably in 5th behind standings due to postponed matches, /MRKWXSR SRP] SR KSEP HMJJIVIRGI however still sit in 1st with 2nd placed +VIIR[MGL TSMRXW FILMRH FYX [MXL E Considering England’s overly dramatic KEQI MR LERH 8LI [SQIR´W LSGOI] reaction to snow, wind, sunshine, rain team have continued their unbeaten and just about every other weather run in the South Eastern 5B, scoring condition that has forced a lot of QE\MQYQ TSMRXW WS JEV XLMW WIEWSR -J walkovers and postponed matches they can continue the same domination during December and January, keep displayed in previous games the 1st yourself up to date via the British team should have no problem seeing Universities and Colleges Sport home TEKI % RYQFIV SJ GPYFW EVI VIGVYMXMRK XLIQWIPZIW TVSQSXIH new members, which are a great way XS QEOI RI[ JVMIRHW ERH LEZI JYR NETBALL The women’s netball team are Or if you don’t enjoy playing sports, currently at the bottom of the table university teams still need supporters, ½KLXMRK JSV WYVZMZEP HYI XS E RYQFIV so get on down there! of walkovers against them in the LUSL

ball in hand, before a quick break from the ruck provided space for number 10 Rory to ship the ball out wide to Tom, ZKR ÀQLVKHG WKH VXSHUE UXQ RI SOD\ E\ putting the ball over the line. $ GURS IURP 'DQ %HQVRQ ÀYH \DUGV from touch ended a spell of amazing rugby who looked set to add another after a series of great play. However another forward break came in

WKH XQOLNHO\ SODFH RI à DQNHU 0LOHV who broke free with pace to score *ROGVPLWKV ÀIWK 8&/ GLG PDQDJH to get a try back themselves however LW ZDV QXOOLÀHG E\ DQRWKHU ZLGH PRYH which resulted in Tom’s fourth of the game and Goldsmiths sixth overall. I said before that if Goldsmiths have any chance of promotion then this man has to be playing and with him on the pitch

Bitesize Sports Roundup

the Greyhounds always looked deadly. The game ended 37 - 7 with Goldsmiths able to dominate, winning a major game in the season despite terrible injuries to main players including Sigmund, Arthur and Briel. Bigger and tougher games are on the horizon yes, but the signs look good for a team ÀQDOO\ ÀQGLQJ WRS IRUP

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