SECTION spotlight
Commercial & Consumer Law Section:
Programming Encompasses Many Practice Areas
By Stephanie Eberhardt
he Houston Bar Association’s Commercial & Consumthemselves and these experts do not shy away from adding their er Law Section is dedicated to all aspects related to the thoughts during CLEs, which makes for thought-provoking and practice of commercial and consumer law. The mementertaining discussions. Some members have even resolved casbership of the HBA Commercial & Consumer Section es after the CLE presentations. We also encourage law students to encompasses many attend our CLE meetings free practice areas and sides of so that they have the opporthe bar. We count among our tunity to meet and learn from members commercial attorpracticing attorneys. neys representing major corThe Commercial & Conporations, solo consumer law sumer Law Section has practitioners, attorneys from an annual happy hour for both the plaintiff and defense members—this year held at debt collection bar, landlord 8th Wonder Brewery in and tenant attorneys, comEast Downtown—to provide mercial real estate practitiomembers an additional opners, receivers, and governportunity to network. This The Section presents experts in all areas of commercial and consumer law at ment consumer protection monthly luncheon meetings. year, we will be hosting a attorneys. spring happy hour for members as well. Our Section contribThe Commercial & Consumer Law Section holds our monthly utes to the Houston Bar Foundation for the Harvest Celebration, lunch CLE meetings on the first Thursday of every month at The volunteers at LegalLine, and this year will be giving to the HBA Downtown Club at Houston Center. The Commercial & ConHabitat for Humanity home. The Commercial & Consumer Law sumer Law Section works hard to find speakers who are experts Section also co-hosts the Annual Holiday Reception Honoring the in their fields to present at these CLEs, and we are always lookJudiciary alongside the ADR Section, Federal Practice Section, and ing out for new legal developments of interest to our membership. Litigation Section. You may have seen some of our section memOur section CLEs are a great way to keep up with new developbers handing out name tags at this year’s reception. ments in case law and legislation associated with our specialties. The Commercial & Consumer Law Section is always looking In the past year, we have hosted CLEs on a wide variety of topics for members who are interested in contributing, and we have and issues such as: A Plaintiff’s Lawyer’s Perspective on Presentopportunities for section leadership in the upcoming bar year. ing Damages; Post-Judgment Remedies in Texas; Landlord/Tenant Please contact our section chair, Katharine Allen, if you are inLaw after Hurricane Harvey; Updates for Article 9; Partnership terested. by Conduct; A Guide to The Texas Turnover Statute; Contempt for Civil Attorneys; Mortgage Litigation in Texas; and Attorney Stephanie Eberhardt is an Assistant Attorney General in the ConDebt Collectors. We encourage our members to ask questions at sumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney all of our CLEs. The Commercial & Consumer Law Section has General of Texas. She is the chair-elect of the HBA Commercial & a core group of regular members who are subject-matter experts Consumer Law Section.
January/February 2020