Volume 25
January 2012 August 2012
this month’s speaker
Carl Koch Five Seasons of Nesting Eastern Hognosed Snake (Heterodon platirhinos) Observations 7:15 PM Tuesday, 21 August University of Arizona, BIO5/Keating Building 1657 East Helen Street
Number 18
Carl Koch is a band teacher and worship leader in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He
has two grown daughters, and an amazing wife who encourages his passion for nature in general and herps in particular. Carl is a member of the Chicago Herpetological Society, and was honored to have an article published in their esteemed journal and to be the featured speaker at one of their meetings. Carl also had an article on the Eastern Hognosed Snake nesting behavior published in the February 2011 issue (Vol. 2, No. 1) of Herp Nation magazine.
F e at u r e a r t i c l e 74
“Reproduction of the Many-lined Skink, Plestiodon multivirgatus (Squamata: Scincidae) from New Mexico” by Stephen R. Goldberg
short article 76
“Conservation and Awareness of Amphibians in Third World Countries: Animal Rights Versus Animal Welfare” by Suman Pratihar
N at u r a l h i s to ry note 78
“Rattlesnake Mimicry in the Pacific Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer catenifer)” by Howard Clark
next month’s Speaker
Carl J. Franklin BIPES: The most interesting and enigmatic of all Mexican reptiles! Tuesday, 18 September
Carl Koch holding a lovely Heterodon platirhinos. Photo by Phil Fritsch.
Tucson Herpetological Society meetings are open to the public and are held on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 7:15 PM