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Le Petit Tom
Who's Le Petit Tom ® once upon a time there was a boy who received a gift... Director and creator Anne-Marie van Dijk , daughter of a pianist, started her business in 2005 after having four of her now five children , who were a very important inspiration, aswell as her love for outstanding stylish products, fashion, photography, trading, graphics and creative design. She is very well known for her creativity since she was a child. As a young girl she was always passionate about beautiful shops and shop-windows. Immediatly after graduating in Fashion, Trading and Graphic Design, she got a job as a salesperson in a decorative branche and soon worked her way up and participated in all areas of trading and shopkeeping. From making window-displays to webdesign, from logistics to international business relations, and all in between, she proved to be a professional, and, above all, very original, which is the success of running this exclusive sto