The Grange School PEI 2022

Page 29

s Himno del Colegio En el año 1934, John A.S. Jackson llamó a los alumnos a un concurso para crear el himno del Colegio. En un concierto ofrecido en 1936 el público eligió como ganador el tema “O Thou fountain of truth” (Manantial de la verdad), con letra escrita por el alumno Peter B. Hobsbawn y música del apoderado W.C. Currie.

O THOU FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH O thou fountain of truth, loyal friend of our youth, Our companion in work and in play, Let us raise high the song, sung by hearts full and strong, That have loved thee for many a day. So then, let us make it our one golden rule, To play a straight game for the sake of the School. Many lessons we’ve learnt, midnight oil we have burnt, And results sound and true were the yield: But the best of the lot, those we never forgot, Were the ones that we learnt on the field. So then, let us make it our one golden rule, To play a straight game for the sake of the School. When our time comes to leave, though our loss we shall grieve, Yet our eyes will be clear, our steps light: In our journey through life, meet we leisure or strife we shall follow the path that is right. Then sing for the School ´neath the Andean range, And play a straight game for the sake of The Grange.

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