[CLINTON] The Pennsylvania State University Landscape Architecture Design Portfolio
[ LeQuan Jaleel Clinton ] Contact:
- C: (267) 975 - 6162 - E: ljc5122@psu.edu
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About me Student, mentor, volunteer, role model, these are just a few words to give you an idea of who I am and what I value. I am LeQuan Jaleel Clinton and I hail from the city of brotherly love. Currently on my 4th year of study at the Pennsylvania State University and as you are reading this I am studying abroad in Bonn, Germany. Upon graduation I plan to return to my hometown to get experience working in the profession doing Urban Planning and Design with a focus on inner city youth. I am a strong believer in giving back to my community and this is one way I feel I can accomplish that. Ultimately I would like to be head of my own firm doing work in troubled cities for the betterment of those areas.
Proficiency Weak ArcGIS AutoCAD Illustrator InDesign Photoshop Rhino SketchUp
in depth design studios
PERSONAL art & design
13 - 14
9 - 12
15 - 16
21 - 22
17 - 18
23 - 24
19 - 20
[ Fairmount School ] LArch 312 Community Design
plexiglass casing: prevent children from injuries
Penn State University
Downtown State College, PA
butterfly garden
Ken Taminga AutoCAD Illustrator Photoshop
open lawn mixed border diversity of species
The Fairmount School, located on the corner of Fairmount and Fraser Street, downtown State College, PA, practices year round. HEARTS is a program offered by the school to children who have a hard time concentrating in the everyday classroom environment. This program works with them until they are ready to be placed back into the regular classroom setting. Fairmount has two spaces that hold a lot of potential for outdoor learning experiences that can be incorporated into this program. The first space is located within a fenced area that is used as a playground. The second space, which I decided to work on, is a small stretch of grass separating the building from the street and located directly outside of the window of the classroom used for the HEARTS program. My partner and I analyzed both spaces and split up the site. I took on this project with the intent to create a safe and usable space for the children, while implementing a feasible conceptualized design solution. site plan rendering
gravel walkway evergreen shrubs: defines edge of space/vegetative buffer eastern redbuds: provides enclosure & canopy to space
spatial design perspective
[ Sala Building Landform ] LArch 322 Design Seminar Penn State University Dylan Salmons Illustrator Photoshop Rhino Intended as a semester long digital workshop, this course gave first hand experience creating landform from abstract shapes and using Rhino 3D for production. We did a series of projects to get us started with using Rhino 3D, but the end result is the project represented. A 3D of the Penn State University Architecture Building with a diversity of landform options as well as surface materials. Deliverables for this project included diagrams representing forms and paths of the landform, shown on left, 3D model formed in Rhino, perspective renderings of day, night, and weather condition of choice.
landform design with additions & fit to building
original landform surface design
landform design concept: surfaces landform design paths: improvements & programs
Rhino rendering progression
original landform
day rendering
night rendering
weather condition rendering: rain
[ Spring Creek Watershed ] LArch 311 Landscape Systems Penn State University
landform and landscapes
Larry Gorenflo ArcGIS Illustrator Discovering landscape systems through the use of ArcGIS and broadly identifying issues while developing design opportunities were the main goals of this studio. LArch 311 was split into 2 phases, with phase 1 as analysis and phase 2 as conceptual implementation. For this large project our first steps were to identify, describe, and analyze the spatial and temporal context of our site and region, the Spring Creek Watershed. In order to help us become familiar with the region and act as an introduction to the tools and techniques necessary to give proper site context.
water resources
Through the use of geospatial data, first hand fieldwork, and descriptive analysis we were able to develop and produce sufficient site information. Doing this also helped for a smooth transition into phase 2 of the course.
soil and geology
human populations
cultural resources: population density
[ Center for the Environment ] LArch 212 Sustainable Design Penn State University Eliza Pennypacker AutoCAD Illustrator Photoshop Juxtaposition of restored prairie and forest comes alive at the Center for the Environment. Penn State is constantly looking for innovative ways to restore and create sustainable landscapes, the goal of this project was to assist them in that effort. The design that took place is that of an ecotonal node to raise visitor’s awareness on the strong connections between humanity and nature and how each one needs the other. Through immersive learning incorporated with sweeping and flowing transitions from forest to restored prairie the campus opens up as a gateway to education.
analysis and context for masterplan
hand rendered cfe masterplan
rendered spatial design plan
A1 immersed seating node section
wood decking used as sustainable material and to help with stormwater retention part of the restored forest used to provide enclosure to the immersed node gravel used to slow down visitors while inside the space understory trees add to diversity of species
perspective from within node
[ Design Implementation ] LArch 431 Stormwater Grading Penn State University
Downtown State College, PA Stuart Echols Gary Kesler AutoCAD Illustrator Photoshop Bringing together grading and stormwater to provide understanding on how both components work to create a cohesvie design that properly drains and retains the right amounts of water. The relevence of grading and stormwater management as a unit became clear through the series of exercises that switch off and on both issues for the duration of this course. We were responsible for grading our designed parking lots to better understand stormwater management techniques and elements, such as having bio-retention areas, drain inlets, and flow splitters. Towards the conclusion of the semester each student chose a space around town and created an artful rainwater installation to implement.
designed (graded) parking lot plan
[ Before ]
Creating conhesion between entertainment & education through a series of levels and movements.
[ After ] Day
[ After ] Night
Level 1: raised boardwalk with missing floor The curb is lowered to street level allowing water to run from the street into the collection area underneath the boardwalk. The missing floor allows pedestrians to observe the movement of stormwater as well as how and where stormwater runs off. Can be accessed at the corners of streets or by stepping up from level 2 boardwalk. Level 2: at grade boardwalk Allows movement from boardwalk to boardwalk as pedestrians journey down the street while learning about stormwater. Appealing to the entertainment aspect of the design. Level 3: small rain garden The last level in this stormwater movement process. Giving the stormwater a final stop and allowing for free standing water to collect to be pumped/reused.
proposed design renderings
[ Community Design ] LArch 312 Penn State University David Goldberg AutoCAD The elevations represented come from phase 1 of community design studio LArch 312. In this initial phase group work was required and our task involved an assigned site in State College, PA that needed to be redesigned to meet certain standards. My contribution and responsibility that added to the completion of the project was to produce sections and elevations of different building types that would be proposed as housing options within our community design.
[ West Campus Commons ] LArch 332 Intensive Planting Studio Penn State University Various AutoCAD InDesign Photoshop SketchUp Penn State's West Campus Commons is by far the largest area on campus. Constantly looking for new ways to develop and better the campus, from a green standpoint, we assisted with ideas for a new plan of this space. The objective was to design this site using only trees and plants native to PA while making sure to create a polyculture to influence a proper level of bio-diversity. West Campus Commons required the design, as well as providing planting schedules and planting/maintenance notes, of a mixed border, planted forest, planted meadow, and an urban treed plaza. Broken down into four pieces, that lasted the duration of the semester, this ended up being one of the most intensive planting design studios of my undergraduate career.
completed West Campus Commons planting plan
completed Urban Treed Plaza design
[ Landscape Materiality ] LArch 331 Material Functions Penn State University Barry Kew Tim Baird Sean Burkholder AutoCAD Illustrator Use of materials and their functionality served as the main purpose of this studio. How different materials influence and determine where and how they will be used in a space was portrayed through our excursion around campus to find particular spaces that had different uses for similar materials. Those small excursions provided an engaging first hand experience on how certain aspects of a space are made and gave insight to construction documents.
final project materials
[ Graphic Design] Clubs + Organizations
discussion forum on sexuality and religion
Penn State University Photoshop During junior and senior year of high school myself, as well as a selected few individuals were given the opportunity to take introductory graphic design classes. Through these classes we learned basic tools to produce fliers, posters, business cards, etc. Over the years I have further developed my graphic design skills and have since then adopted it as one of my hobbies. I use my skills to create fliers for programs and events held by organizations that I am a part of. Represented are a few selected works from the last academic school year.
program raising awareness on sexual assault
program promoting healthy study environments
an event providing students with a study break
program allowing students to show off their oratorical skills for a chance to win a scholarship
annual week long of events and programs on cultural awareness
program on the thin lines of sexual assault
[ Art ] Hand Graphics When I am not preoccupied with school and studio work, volunteering, working one of the two jobs I have, or doing work for the various organizations I am a part of I like to spend that time free hand sketching and cartooning. I have been drawing since I was about 5 and when I have time I try to stay true to my first love and passion. Although I have a diverse range of free hand skills and I draw just about anything, there is one thing that really fascinates me. Drawing Marvel characters.
hand rendered mixed border plan
logo for penn state Student Minority Advisory and Recruitment Team S.M.A.R.T.
original mixed border plan
LeQuan J. Clinton ljc5122@psu.edu