e "Eagle' Ne t " Sunnymede Elementary School
Vol. /, N o.2
News Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Activities Page Editor
The Aerie Staff John Kanable Tammy Bradtmiller Rico Ignace Ali Farhoumand Johnathan Jordan Gregg Harpel Jeff Sipe Kirsten Stine Jennifer Bryant Jon Dize Hyun Chu Chang Connie McLemore Derek Davis Kelly Hoffman Jim Miller Darrin McCormick Brian Ferguson Ronnie Carleton Monica May Scott Eakright Dean Onion Niels-Erik RasmussenDerek Sands Carl Sipe
March 1981
Teresa Waldrep
Pam Scheiman
Leroy Pierce
Sunnymede Elementary - Stu dent Council
you, the parent, provide a good model by l is tening to him/her carefully, answerin~ ques tions and guidine him/her in exploration to seek out answers by seej.ng relationships be tween a new learning situation and a familiar one. The development of good listening skills does not just happen, it has to be taught and learned to ensure t hat the student is able to reach their learning potential. This is an area where home and school can work together for the good of the child.
What Is Love? What is love--just an expression,
An overworked word, or secret confession?
Love first came from God, it was given to you,
It's yours to keep, but be careful what you do.
Bacl< Row (Lef#: to Right): Hyun Chu Chang, Marcy Venderley Darrin McCormick, Brad Stoffer Front R.ow (Left to Right): Amy Kloepper, Carol McNary Rikki Williams, Bruce Saylor, Heather Hamm
WR believe that it i s extremely impo rtant for t~e child to learn to listen attentively and to fo l low simple directions. There is mu ch research to support th e theory that one of the most fi rm foundations upon whi ch to r.ui ld J.8coTning potential is t o be a good lis ter:er. f/Tan:r of Lhp dire c tion s in schoo l are oral, an,i hew ,,,,,,,,11 the student listens will be a big L) Ct0.Y' in school SUCCGSS. For this reason we have .i.ni t.latf'd 3 fnr mal li.s ten ing program in f,'rades 1-3. For some time kindergarten has been in'loJved in the "Rosner" Program. Along wi Ln dev n Jopmen t. of manipula ti ve skills, lis tening deve lopmen t is an integral part of this prc yram. So , it is our hope that we will see improvemRnt in this vital area of our curri cuJum. 'de ""i11 be moni torir:.g this skill as .1e evaluc.te the re8nl ts of our standardized testing lJrogram--listening being one of the areas tested. How w~ll the student l istens will be a big factor in school success. We suggest that
_ _ _ _ __ __
I think we should share love, every day
Not only in deeds, but everything we say.
A gift is to be used, not to get stale,
Give unto others, do not let it fail.
What a beautiful place, this would be
If love was opened, for all to see.
Love is found, deep in the heart.
Let it come out, and all do their part.
The R elationship of listening To learning
~ L_
You can mold it, and shape it,
Give it away, bit by bit,
Or keep it hid, under a lock and key,
Hide it, so nc one, will be able to see.
_ __
Let's search for the real meaning of love, It's a true gift for us, from our Fa ther above.
"Citizen Of The Month" Award
Based On Code Of Honor
The students of Sunnymede School chosen Citizen of the Month are chosen in two dif ferent ways. The teachers pick or the stUdents vote. Their selection is based on the Sunny mede Code of Honor: 1. Accept responsi bili ty for your behavior 2. Be responsible to all adults for your behavior 3. Get along with others 4. Respect property and rights of others S. Talk quietly in halls, library, and lunchro om 6. Walk in hall s , l i brary, and lunchroom
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<
Citizens Of The Month For February
Brian Gaskill has attended Sunnymede since first grade. He went to Village Elementary in kindergarten. He likes riding bikes, base ball, bowling, fishing, and animals. Brian has a pet fish. His favorite TV programs are cartoons and animal shows. Mrs. Johnston is Brian's teacher and he is in the second grade.
Marcy Venderly is in fifth grade. Her teacher is Mrs. Bolinger. Her hobbies in clude rollerskating, music, and crafts. She has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten.
SHANNON REED This is Shannon Reed's first year at Sunny mede. He likes to read. He likes the Rosner program for the kindergarteners. He is in Mr. Herbst's sixth grade. His favorite tele vision program is M.A.S.H. JASON EVERETTS Jason Everetts is new to this school. He is i.n Mrs. Lohse's kindergarten. Some of his hobbies include things he can do with his hands, painting, coloring, and working puzzles. ANGELA FRANKLIN Angela Franklin has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Her hobbies are swimming, riding bikes, and she enjoys most outdoor activities. Her favorite TV programs are Bugs Bunny a.nd the Road Runner. Angela's teacher is Mrs. Markley and she is in the first grade.
DAWN VINCENT Dawn Vincent has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Dawn enjoys working puzzles, bike-riding, and swimming. Dawn has Mrs. Schwartz's third grade class. ANDY DURNELL Andy Durnell likes school very much. His hobbies include bike-riding and baseball. He has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. He is in Mrs. Crum's first grade class. ANDRIA GILLENWATER Andria Gillenwater has no special hobby. She has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Mr. Jones is Andria's teacher for first grade. KIRSTEN STINE Kirsten Stine has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Her hobbies are bike-riding, swimming, and reading. Judy Blume is her fa vori te author. Kirsten is in Mr. Sell's sixth grade class.
BOBBI SHRI VER ROBBIE McNARY .B obbi Shriver likes sports, bowling, and roller skating. She also ~pends a lot of her spare time with her cat and dog. Bobbi has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Bobbi is in Mrs. Thompson's fourth grade class.
Robbie McNary is new to Sunnymede this year. He likes to play with other children, cars, and blocks. He loves sports. He is in Mrs. Lohse's kindergarten. He also is a very serious student.
MELISSA SMITH TONI BROWN Melissa Smith is in the fourth grade. Mrs. Metzger is Melissa's teacher. Her hobbies include swimming, skating, and music. Melissa has attended Sunnymede since first grade. ANNE-METTE RASMUSSEN Anne-t-1ette Rasmussen originally came from Denmark. She has attended since kindergarten. She likes gymnastics, ballet, and swimming. Anne-Mette is in second grade. She is in Mrs. Moliere's class. She spends a lot of time with her dog, Brandy.
This is Toni Brown's first year here at Sunnymede. Her hobbies are athletic games and crafts. She is active in all sports. Tony is in Mrs. Delagrange's fifth grade. For re laxation she listens to music. Her favorite singer is Kenny Rogers. In her spare time she works with beads.
. Sondra Davis came to Sunnymede School at the beginning of second grade. Her hobbies a re bead art, playing piano, and singing in Church Choir for children. She spends time \>lith her puppy Kaeler. Sondra's teacher is I"l r s. l"fartin and she is in the third grade. DAlrlN SILVERS Da.,,-.'n went to Sunnymede School while in kin
Dawn likes cooking, playing base coloring, a nd making rugs. She is also in Girl Scouts. Her favorite TV shows are Family Feud, Happy Days, and Leave it to Beaver. Her teacher is Mrs. Shank and she is in the third grade.
d(~ rf:·art en
ball ,
m·!.i rmning~
Sunnymede E!ementary 1981 Spelling Bee Was A T remendous Success The 1981 Spe lling Bee was an exciting one. It "ras held on February 18. Before we had a wi nn er v it wen t 2h rounds. Th e winner was Chris Settle from the room of Hr . Her bst. She won on the word "Stalk."
She is a s ixth grader and lives on Sunnymede Drive. Th e runner-up was Hyun Chu Chang. Third t hrough tenth place winners were as follows: Connie. i"IcT"emore, Tammy Brad tmiller, Teresa Waldrep , Brian Ferguson, Kirsten Stine, Jill v!a ike l ~ Gregg Harpel, and Jeff Sipe. Eleventh t hr ough fi fteen th place winners were: Debbie Link" 'I'immy Klein p Jill Etter, Derek Davis, and PatLy Ni 11er. The room winners were: Mr. Herbst's room, Chri s S(~tt le; Mr. Sell's room, Hyun Chu Chang; Mrs. Bolinger's room, Tim Klein; and Mrs. DeJ agrane;e 's room~ Lisa Thomas. As y ou can see this year's Spelling Bee was a p'"n'! 3. t succes s.
Di:le, 5-ioffman,
Pierce, & Proctor
Are The loca i Science Fair Winners
There are four people going to the Coliseum with their projects. They are: John Kanable, sixth grade; Jon Dize and Leroy Pierce, fifth grade; Kelly Hoffman, sixth grade; and Sarah Proctor, fourth gra.de. Good luck! Andrew Proctor was the first grade winner. Shannon Root captured honors in second grade. Third grade winners were: first place, Jenny Mohr; second place, Michael Dennis; and third place, Jeremy Bradtmiller. Fourth grade win ners: first place, Sarah Proctor; second place, Daeil Chang and Troy Hoffer; third place, Lisa Woods and Carolyn Watkins. Fifth grade winners: first place, Jon Dize and Leroy Pierce; second place, Monica May; and third place, Teresa Waldrep. Sixth grade win ners: first place, John Kanable; second place Kelly Hoffman; and third place, Gregg Harpel. Congratulations to all the students who had projects.
Calendar Of Events· March 26 - Marj Bly convocation 27 - Classes dismissed at Recess begins
2:20 p.m.
6 - Classes resume, Spring Recess ends 11 - Regional Science Fair
16 - Sunnymede Talent Show, 1:15-2:00 p.m. 17 - Staff In-Service meeting, no pupil atten dance 29 - Kite Day
7 - staff In-Service meeting,
students dis missed 12:30 p.m. Skating Party, Bell's Rink, 6:00-9:00
15 - May Day Challenge,
Gr. K-6,
rain dates
18 and 19
'rhe Sci ence Fair was held on Monday, March g 9 1981 9 do ..m in the cafeteria. There were ·1 09 t o t al en tries wi th 20 judges. The Science
Fai r Committee "las Mr. Herbst, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Herbst is a sixth grade a nd Mr. Jones . t ea cher , Mrs. 'l'hompson is a fourth grade tea Chf'Tg and ~r o Jones t eaches first grade.
20 - Spring Achievement Day and Volunteer Banquet 25 - Memorial Day Services 27 - School picnic--last day for stUdent at tendance 28 - Teacher work day 29 - Report cards mailed to parents
Sunnymede School Elementary Choir . ~s A n ~ nteresting Activity ~:: or I\/la ny Students The Sunn;ymede Choir is made up of stu den ts in the fifth and sixth grade. Those in the choir are: Ali Farhoumand, Kent Hills, .Jame s r~i ll er9 .Jill Etter, Cari Tinnel, Kelly Hoffm an~ Kirsten Stine, Hyun Chu Chang, Connie JlfcLemore, 'Pony stevenson, Teresa Waldrep, Kim Kuehner , .Jill Liddell, Kelly Martin, Jennifer Bryantr \'1a.rcy Venderly, Christine McCorkle, ChrLtine Graham, Matt Smith, Jana Waikel, P att~'· Ni ller, Linda Cole, Brad Wetzel, Joe11en .4eaver ~ Rikki Williams, Lisa Thomas, Angie Tracey, Ffalinda Hicks, Toni Brown, Todd Root, Mi chael Homines, Ray Burns, Trace Elam, Elias Norki , Tracey Campbell, Monica May, Pam Scheima n, and Tammy Bradtmiller. The cho i r meets on Days 1, 3, and 5 from '1 : 00 to 11:30. The director of choir is Mrs. Sikes o When asked what she thought of choir she s aid, " It is fantastic!" vIe ,.,ren t t o the Parnell Park Nursing Home a coupJe of months ago. She also said that choi r wi11 get us ready · for Junior High es peci al l y f or the students who want to be in ct;.oh· in Junior High. Mrs. Sikes said that VIe mi gh t have a spring program for the kids in our school.
Mr, Snider D irects Beginning Band Of alented Sixt~ Graders VIh a t is band? According to our band dir ector 9 Mr. Snider, it's a group Qf sixth grade students trying to make music while haVing a good time. The students in our band are: Darrin Mc Cormick, snare drum; Gregg Harpel, snare drum; .Jason i'!ilho lland, snare drum; Rikki Williams, snare drum; Debbie Link, flute; Brian Fergus on ~ s ax01ihone 9 and Niels-Erik Rasmussen, clar inet. The ins t ruments offered for sixth grade a.re~ -b aritone, clarinet, flute, french horn, oboe 1 s a xophone, trombone, trumpet, ann tuba. ·O ur band meets on days two, four, and six. 01.1(' saxophone player, Brian Ferguson, went to t he Solo and Ensemble Contest and won a medal! 1"1r. Snider9 our band director, directs the High School Basketball Band, Concert Band, and Ma r ching Band at Paul Harding High School. He di rec ts the Southwick Band, Meadowbrook Band, SUIlnymede Band, Indiana University, and Purdue Uni ve rsity. He teaches his students
the skills needed for a good band. Mr. Snider said, "On a rating from one to ten, our band is an eight... He also would like to see more students in band next year •
Citizens Of the Month For March TIM KLEIN Tim Klein's teacher is Mrs. Bolinger. He is in the fifth grade. Tim enjoys football, skate-boarding, and baseball. In school, he enjoys spelling, math, and English. He has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. TAMMY WARREN
Tammy Warren enjoys roller skating and ice skating. She spends a lot of time with her dog, Duke. Mrs. Martin is Tammy's teacher. She's in fourth grade. MARl LYN SAYLOR Marilyn Saylor has fun playing house, cards, and kickball. She also enjoys television. Mrs. Markley is Marilyn's first grade teacher. She has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. MATTHEW REDHAGE Matthew Redhage likes to read, sports, and ·creating things. This is Matthew's first year at Sunnymede. He is in Mrs. Crum's first grade class. Matthew also likes Sesame Street on TV. CHARLES DAVIS Charles Davis is in fourth grade. Mrs. Metzger is his teacher. He has attended since second grade. He likes to bowl, swim, and sports. He also likes school and playing the piano. ANGELA HOBSON Angela Hobson attended Kiddi Prep in nur sery school. This is her first year here. In her spare time she likes to play house and paint. Angela's favorite hobby is painting.
She is enrolled
in a gymnastics class. Her f avorite television shows are the Incredible Hulk w The Dukes of Hazard, and Benji cartoons. She ~ s in !vTrs Lohse I s kindergarten. 0
KIM WILLIAMS Kim 1;lilliams is in kindergarten. Her teacher is Mrs. Lohse. Her favorite tele vision program is Happy Days. Some of her inter e s ts outside of school are playing house and r on er skating.
DARRIN McCORMICK Darrin filcCormick attended New Haven Ele mentaT'J 'f/hen he was in kindergarten and then c a.me to Sunnymede for first grade. One of his favorite sports is bowling . His favorite televis ion programs are the Hulk and Buck Ro gers~ Darrin is in sixth grade inMr. Sell's class c
JASON HYDE Jason Hyde likes biking, climbing trees, and playing ball. Mrs. Johnston is his teach er and his favorite TV shows are cartoons and Dukes of Hazzard. VIRGINIA GRAHAIJ[ Virginia Graham has attended Sunnymede since first grade. Her teacher is Mr. Herbst. Her favorite sports are running, badminton, and swimming. Her favorite TV shows are Chips and Dukes of Hazzard. RAY MASSENGIL Ray Massengil is in Mrs. Thompson's class. He has attended Sunnymede since third grade. His favorite sports are basketball, baseball, and football. His lucky number is seven and his favorite color is red.
Eliza<beth Ford lives in the Sunnymede Addi tion . She likes many different activities like roller skating, swimming, art, scouts, and she also takes dancing lessons. Her fa vori te program is Different Strokes. She has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. She is in Mrs. Schwartz's third grade.
Kelly Mayfield likes dressing up in grand ma's old dresses and playing house. Her teacher is Mrs. Moliere and she has attended Sunnymede since kindergarten. Her favorite TV programs are cartoons and Little House on the Prairie.
l"IARK STOFFER }'I;ark Stoffer has been here at Sunnymede since kindergarten. Some of his favorite sport s are baseball, basketball, football, bo wling~ and his winter vacations in Florida. His favorite television shows are Welcome Back Kotter, Tic--Tac-Dough, and Family Feud. He's j.n Mrs " Shank f s third grade. MICHAEL KELLY Michael Kelly likes baseball and basket bal1. This is his first year at Sunnymede. His favo ri te TV shows are Anos and Dukes of Hazzard. His teacher is Mr. Jones. TO}'TY SAYLOR
Mr. Fries Talks About Summymede School Students Selling luvkins For Field Trips This year when we sold Luvkins we made $2,800. The percentage of fourth , fifth, and sixth graders who participated was over 60%. This year's sale was about the same as last year's sale. This year 90 kids participated. The winners were Scott Meredith, Mike Mason, Joellen Weaver, Michael Herbst, Ma tt Franklin, Tina Parker, Brad Stoffer, Kent Hills, Hyun Chu Chang, and Kei th MeA tee. The room winners were JOru1Y Durnell, Ryan Shambaugh, Richard Beck, Amy Kloepper, Pam Scheiman, Howard King~ Angela Tracy, and I Shannon Reed. Mr. Fries said, "We will sell Luvkins again next year to make money for our field trip in sixth grade."
Irony Saylor has gone to Sunnymede since gr ade '1 . He enjoys playing pool. His favorite sports are swimming, wrestling, softball, kickbaJ.l 9 floor hockey, foo tball, and basket ball. He is in Mrs. Delagrange's class.
~-- --- --------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------
_The Abominable Snowman From Mt. Everest Took Charge at Sunnymede School For A Day 'fhp Abominable Snowman was at Sunnymede School since Godfrpy Gordon Gustavus Gore left the door open. He visi ted the l1mch room and ate pizza. He also left his footprints there. When he got finished there he went to the gym. He played basketball and broke the backboard. All of the rooms heard him over the intercom. He is from Mount Everest and is len feet tall. He started to melt and de cided to go back. After he'd gone, the students decided to do something special. Some of them made pos ters of him. Some made him playing basketball. Some even made him eating pizza. A few of the classrooms made models of the Abominable Snowman.
Students At Sunnymede School Involved In Inte~esting Activities Mrs. Lohse's class had an emphasis last month on patriotism. This included a study of Presidents Washington and Lincoln and our present President. This project also includ ed painting their own flag. They are working diligently on the letters of the alphabet and sounds, with special attention to short vowel sounds. Mrs. Johnston's class wrote book reports. Most of the chEdren illustrated the story and some made dioramas and did a great job! ~rs. Johnston's class had a chocolate disco party. They made hot chocolate and discoed, even the teacher did! Mrs. Moliere's room took a field trip to the youth theatre. There they saw the play "Red Shoes." They have been learning about nutri tion and finding out what is in different foods by reading the labels. They have been surprised at finding out how many foods con tain sugar. Mrs. Schwartz's room has a display this month with haiky, poetry, and cinquairs writ ten on Shamrocks. "Daisy" came to Mrs. Schwartz's room on Fegruary 16, 1981. She resembles a little poodle, but is a blood line "French La.dy" whose magic tail relays all kinds of tales! Mrs. Markley's room has a terrarium that is doing very well. For a bulle Un board
display each student made a kite and Mrs. Markley hung them out on the bulletin board. Mrs. Crum's room is doinp, a health unit called "I AM SPECIAL. It They are also working on addition and subtraction facts up through 9. Mrs. Crum has an intern. Her name is Mary Martin. Mrs. Shank's room wrote stories pretending that they were an Irish leprachaun. Mrs. Shank also has an intern. His name is John Mathews. Mr. Jones' room has an intern this semes ter, too. His name is Mr. Parker. For a bulletin board display Mr. Jones put out a map of Fort Wayne and showed where each stu dent lives. The students made illustrations of their homes and wrote where they live. The title was ItDo you know your address?" Mrs. Martin's class has a new intern from Indiana University. He is Mr. Steven Crain. He will be here for 8 weeks. The third grad ers are researching on the sun and planets. They're writing about them and illustrating them. Both the third and fourth graders are doing book reports. Mr. Herbst's room had an electronic game day on January 28. On January 26 they went to the McMillen Health Center. His class is working on anti-smoking posters. They have colored for display their maps of the British Isles. Both Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Metzger's rooms gave a special program for Valentines Day. They gave several plays and sang two songs. One song was dedicated to the grandparents who were visiting that day. Mrs. Delagrange's room is doing a 21 Alive News Game and biographical book reports. Th~y're going to go to the 21 Alive newsroom. They have a super work board and the Presi dents are on display. Mrs. Bolinger's class went to the McMillen Health Center. They have done dioramas for book reports. In math the fifth graders have been learning how to reduce fractions. Mr. Sell's room is collecting newspapers for their trip to Washington, D.C. They'll leave April 6 and get back on April 10. Mr. Sell also has a new student intern. Her name is Miss Mary Ann Roy. They also have a time line from 4000 B.C. to 2000 A. D.
Mr. Driftmeyer, Mrs. Acosta & Mr. Wietfeldt Do An Important Job At Sunnymede School r~r. Tlriftmpyer has been working here at S.mnymene for 15 years. That. explains why he is the head custodian! Mr. Driftmeyer has a i so worked at New Haven Junior Hip;h. The h()lIr~~ he worke arc ():()O a.m. to ?:"30 p.m. Mr. Dr'irtmi"'yP1' cl'~;1D8 each clansroolO, roon Lhf' boi1e;r~, cuts thr grass, ma.intains the yard, waxen floors, and washes halls in the summer. The ;::'c are no unusual things tha t he do es. I asked Mr. Driftmeyer which room he spends the most time in and he told me, "I try to split my time in each room." I bet you wonder what Mr. Driftmeyer does in his spare time. Well he 1ikes to work on cars. We hope Mr. Drift meyer continues as our head custodian. The two night custodians are Mrs. Rose Acosta and Mr. Mel Wietfeldt. Mrs. Acosta has been working here at Sunnymede for 18 months . Her hobbies are camping and fishing. Mr. 'tJietfeldt has been at Sunnymede for about four yea.rs. He enjoys art and music. They work here because they like to be around kids. They ',.;ork from 2: 00 to 10: 30 p.m. When it IS muddy they spend a lot 01' time in just keep ing the floors clean. They even wax the walls in the su~~er. We hope they stay much longer at Sunnymede!
Sunnymede Cooks Prepare Delicious Meals For Hungry Students Helen Amstutz, Ruth Girardot, Dorothy Ort, Magdelene Peterson, and Betty Read are our school cooks here at Slmnymede. 'l'he government supplies us with most of our food e Helen chooses what to have each day by look.ing over last weeks menu and decid ing what to have each week. She chooses a balanced diet of 2 ounces of meat, 3/4 cup of fruit or vegetables, 2 slices of bread, and 1 pint of milk. Helen Amstutz has "./Orked here for 16 years. Her hobbies are her home, her 2 puppies, and music. Helen got started as a cook when she was asked to sub for other cooks. She enjoys cooking for children and likes to work here at Sunnymede. Eutt Girardot has been a substitute for a long ti.me at Sunnymede. This is her first year working full time. Her hobbies are watching television, shopping, and reading.
Dorothy Ort has worked here for 14 years. Mrs. Ort and her husband enjoy gardening and camping. Ma~le]ene PeterAon has beNI work inp: at ~~unn'ympop
n 'years.
~~he en.i(lYfl cro('.he Ling,
ar'rangint': nowers, and aU kind~ uf crafh1. Betty Rean has worked here for 11 years. Her hobbies are crocheting, sewing, and latch ing rugs.
Fifth & Sixth Grade Students Had Fun In Intramural Bowling This year in our intramural bowling program we had a total of 59 students. We bowled every Tuesday from 2:45 to 4:15. We bowled a t Brunswick Bowling Alley. Our top girl bowlers were: Kelly Hoffman with the high game of 132; Diane Topp with the high average of 102; the second highest average was Virginia Graham wi th an average of 96; the third highest average was Kelly Hoff man with an average of 86; Debbie Link had fourth place with an average of 82; Kelly Martin had an average of 79 and held fifth place. The high boys game went to Darrin McCormick with an average of 128. The other high aver ages were Niels-Erik Rasmussen and Brian Fer ~~son who were tied for second with a 122 average; Jeff Sipe had an average of 121; Scott Eakright had a 114 average and Derek Davis had a 112 average. Derek Davis also had the high boys game with 165. The high team was team #1 with 23 wins and 10 losses. The team members were Tracy Ches ter, Matt Herbst, and Howard King. Teresa Waldrep had the most improved aver age for the girls. She improved by 17 pins. Jerry Garbe improved the most for the boys with a 27 pin gain.
Girls Intramurals Score A Great Success With Sunnymede School Basketball The girls rules are the same as the boys in basketball. Each team played 2 games a night. The girls played every Thursday from 2:30 to 4:15. They played a 7-min. period. They had four periods in one game. Each team played 56 minutes in 2 games.
~--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The captains of the teams were Diane Topp, Chris Settle, and Kirsten Stine. Their teams are as follows: Topp's team--Diane Topp, Jennifer Bryant, Debbie Link, Tammy Buck, and Cari Tinnel; Settle's team--Chris Settle, Kelly Martin, Tammy Bradtmiller, Virginia Graham, and Rose Laffin; Stines team--Kirsten Stine, Kelly Hoffman, Rikki Williams, Connie McLemore, Tracy Campbell, and Heather Hamm. Topp's team is in first place, Settle's team is in second place, and Stine's team is in last place. Their records are Topp 10-0, Settle 3-7, and Stine 2-8. Diane TQPp was so good tha t she played wi th the boys. She play ed on Milholland's team. Topp's team has the most points in one game wi tl1 60. The referees for the girl's basketball were Shawn Kolb, Ja.son Milholland, and help from Yr. Herbst" This year the girls played the women teachers. The Allstar Girls were Diane Topp, Carl Tinnel, Kirsten Stine, Chris Settle, and Kelly Martin. The teachers All s tars were Tirs. Thompson, Mrs. De lagrange, Yrs. Moliere, Mrs. Beal, Mrs. Schwartz, Mrs. Sikes, and Mrs. Markley. The game started at 2:30 and ended at 3:30. The teachers played each team 20 minutes. The game was February 26 s 1981. The score was 34 to 24 in favor of the teachers. The referees were Mr. Hartman and l'1r. Herbst. Mr. Ha.rtman is going to have girls voJley ball in rv::arch and April.
They played every Wednesday from 3:30 to 4: 15. They played four periods and each las t ed seven minutes. Each team played 28 minutes in all. When the teachers played the Allstars, the teachers won 122 to 68. The Sunnymede Allstars were John Kanable, Brian Ferguson, Darrin McCormick, Elias Nor kin, Dean Onion, Shawn Kolb, Jeff Green, Todd Wood, Shawn Shearer, Jeff Sipe, Diane Topp, Rico Ignace, Jason Milholland, Scott Meredith, and Derek Davis.
Boys Intramural Basketball Is A Popular Sport At Sunnymede School This year's Boys Intramural Basketball was really a challenge. The teams and their cap tains were: First place, John Kanable and his team members were Brian Ferguson, Darrin r-TcCormick, Elias Norkin, and Dean Onion; Sec ond, Shawn Kol b and his team members were Jeff Greene 1 Ronnie Carleton, Trace Elam, Mike Romines, and Johnathan Jordan; Third, Derek Davis and his team members were Matt Herbst, Jeff Sipe, Rico Ignace, James Massengill, and Gregg Harpel; Fourth, Scott Meredith and his team members were Shawn Shearer, Niels-Erik Rasmussen 1 Brad Wetzel, and Mike Moses; Fifth was Todd Wood and his team members were Ronnie King, Mike Miller, Matt Smith, James Miller, and Richie Ciarrocchi; Sixth, Jason Milholland and his team members were Scott Eakright, Tony Stephenson, Derek Sands, Ali Farhoumand, and Diane Topp.
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