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News, stories, articles, entertainment, business events Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Charleston, Rialto….
Are we a newspaper? No...Are we a magazine? No...Are we a newsle er? Not really any of those. So what are we? We are a publica on in print and online designed to provide informa on: for fun, for what’s happening, for things you
In Print
might want to see in other publica ons, but don’t. We look for stories that could go viral...at the very least, stories that are interes ng. The point is to “Share It!”
Is An App Good for Your Business?
June 16,-July 15, 2017
What’s Inside?
Curtis Jones, President, Technology Center Cur s Jones of Technology Center joined us on What’s the Story Radio Show in October and January to share his wisdom about hacking and technology. Computer Technology has been in the Reno/Sparks area for over 20 years. They supply anything you need for your computer and provide computer repair services. On our January show, we talked about businesses using social media and apps. Cur s said, “…[when using social media], the key is to find the most effec ve Editor: Janice Hermsen: janice@lrpnv.com
medium; where is the customer you’re trying to reach? ...use that social media as your target. Will an app make sense for your business? There are different reasons to create an app for your business and though it may not make you money, it provides access and awareness, according to Cur s. You might use it so your customers know what’s in your inventory. You might use an app to sell a product. Jones suggests an app to set appointments saying it can be useful in
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Is An App Good for Your Business? Janice Hermsen……....1 No Strings Attached E‐ News Film Festival Genesis Brian T. Shirley…….....3 Jinx: A Study Richard G. Pugh…. ....4 A Memoir of Mary Ann: Book Review John Loranger………...5 Do You Judge a Book by Its Cover? Voting Begins July 5, 2017………...…..6 What’s Brewin’ At the Reno Town Mall? Eddie Floyd…...……...7 One Nation Under God Mike Aloia……..….....9 Take the Quiz: You may know more than you think……………....10 LeRue Press: New and Used Books….,,,.10
Continued on page 8
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