What's the story february 2017 color final

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What’s the Story?

News, stories, articles, entertainment, business events

1180 AM KCKQ TuneIn Radio App: America Ma ers


Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Charleston, Rialto….

might want to see in other publica ons, but don’t. We look for stories that could go viral...at the very ng. The point In Print least, stories that are interes is to “Share It!”

Are we a newspaper? No...Are we a magazine? No...Are we a newsle er? Not really any of those. So what are we? We are a publica on in print and online designed to provide informa on: for fun, for what’s happening, for things you

February 16—Marcch 15, 2017

Is your dog depressed? By April Kempler Page 4

What’s Inside?

Aura of light we possess By Mike Aloia Page 9 The Power of persistence

Now cut that out! Page 5 By Richard Pugh

By Brian T. Shirley Page 3

Do you have a book inside just waiting to get out? Janice Hermsen…..1 Things to think about Dennis DuPerault…..2 The power of persistence Brian T. Shirley…..3 Is your dog depressed? April Kempler…..4 Now Cut that out! Richard Pugh…..5 The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor John Loranger…..6 Dating your mother Jacci Terry Turner…..7 Aura of light we possess Mike Aloia…..9 Take the Quiz: You may know more than you think…..10 LeRue Press: New and used books…..10‐11

Do you have a book inside just waiting to get out? Janice Hermsen If you’re like many people we meet every day, you might think about wri ng a book some day. Computers and the ease of self‐publishing to Kindle, Google Play and other sites makes it appealing to consider wri ng your memoir or a favorite story you told your kids or that soon‐to‐be best‐seller. Though we never discourage anyone from wri ng a book, we do encourage them to consider a

Editor: Janice Hermsen: janice@lrpnv.com

facebook.com/ Bookhound1000

few things before uploading their selec ons to any of the many services available.  What is your goal for this project?  Who is your audience?  Will you print your book or will it only be available as an e‐book? Continued on page 2


Copyright, 2015‐2017, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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