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Insight The Governors’ Newsletter for Parents and Guardians Loughborough Endowed Schools Spring 2014

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN It’s a pleasure to send my usual report on developments at the Endowed Schools. As I have written before, the success of our Schools is founded on their performance in academic, sporting and cultural fields. In turn, the Foundation’s financial stability and strength are derived from that performance and enable us to contemplate the major development now planned for Fairfield. We also have plans for improvements to facilities at both of the senior Schools and will continue to invest to make them efficient and fit for purpose. A major review of our governance arrangements has led to a shift in responsibility towards the three school committees, enabling them to play a larger part in supporting the individual Heads and engaging in the development of the Schools’ strategies. The Foundation Board will continue to supervise governance generally, especially in the fields of finance, estates and risk management. The strength of our governance depends very much on the quality of people prepared to undertake the role of governor. We are always interested in hearing from anyone who might have the skills and commitment we need on the Board, as normal retirement processes leave vacancies. If this appeals to you, please get in touch with Jim Doherty, our Foundation Secretary and Treasurer. Jim can also supply copies of the full Governors’ and Trustees’ Report for the last financial year on request. This is my last annual letter as Chairman as I retire at the AGM. It has been a very interesting time indeed to occupy that role. The fact that pupil numbers are virtually unchanged despite the near collapse of the UK and worldwide economy speaks volumes for the underlying strength of the Foundation and the support which parents and other members of our community are prepared to give us. I am deeply grateful for that. The Endowed Schools are special and somewhat unique – one of the largest and oldest boys’ schools, the oldest girls’ grammar school in England and one of the largest prep schools, all on a very attractive campus. More than that, however, is a dedicated and highly capable team of staff producing both academic results and a breadth of educational provision that are envied by our competitors. I am glad to record my sincere thanks to all concerned. I want to wish my successor, Peter Fothergill, a successful term of office. The world of education is undergoing substantial change and independent education in particular is becoming concentrated in major institutions. This will represent fresh challenges and opportunities for us, but LES will be in capable hands under Peter’s leadership. I hope he will enjoy it as much as I have. Thank you for the support you have given me. Michael Pearson, Chairman of Governors Michael Pearson graduated from Manchester University in Economics and London University in Law. He is also a Chartered Secretary. He has spent much of his career on the finance staff at Loughborough University, becoming Bursar and Finance Director from 1990 to 2007, when he retired. He was responsible for the financial and business management of the University, including estates, residential, sports and commercial operations and his vision and spirit in this role has contributed greatly to the success of the University

today. He currently chairs the board of East Midlands Housing Group and is a trustee of Loughborough Students Union, LOROS and other charities. In 2008, he was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Leicestershire and awarded an honorary doctorate by Loughborough University. Michael has been a Governor at the Endowed Schools since 1991 and Chairman since 2005. During his tenure he has served on most, if not all of the Board’s committees and in doing so he

has been party to every major decision taken by the Foundation during this period. Michael’s professional financial and legal expertise has been well utilised by the Board over the years, however it is perhaps Michael’s wisdom, sharp intellect and humanity which have afforded the greatest contribution to the Board. Michael will be sorely missed as Chairman, however he will remain a Governor (more on this later) and thus he hasn’t escaped us yet!

Profile of the Incoming Chairman Peter Fothergill has had a long and distinguished career in the international healthcare industry, including the Chairmanship of Fisons plc’s multinational Pharmaceutical and Consumer Health Divisions. He held a main board directorship during the period when Fisons was a FT Top 50 company, leading the company through many successful strategic development initiatives in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Peter subsequently formed his own strategic management company which has been involved in a number of complex negotiations, consultancies and the creation of new businesses in the healthcare sector involving him as Chairman of companies both public and private. An alumnus of Chetham’s Hospital – now Chetham’s School of Music - and the University of Durham, Peter has been a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Royal Society of Arts, is a Freeman of the City of London, and has held a variety of positions including Chairman of the Institute of Directors in the East

Midlands and IoD Council member. Despite a career featuring extensive global travel, he has strong links in the region, having been a Council Member of Loughborough University, a member of The Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Leicestershire and a member of the East Midlands Regional Assembly amongst others. These strong links also extend to Loughborough Endowed Schools, where Peter has served on the Board of Governors since 1988. He has only been able to become very involved in the last few years but he also has first-hand experience as a parent, as his and wife Elizabeth’s three children were educated at Fairfield, the Grammar School and High School. Although a busy man, Peter finds time to relax in a variety of ways, including sailing, fell-walking and music; he used to play the violin and double bass (jazz) but is in need of practice! Being a Chair of Governors is a key leadership role. Leading the Governing Body and working in partnership with the Head Teachers, the Chair plays a

pivotal role in the development and improvement of a school. We have been extremely fortunate to have had Peter’s insight and many talents working in the best interests of the Foundation on the board of Governors over the last 25 years. In taking up the position of Chairman we are confident that his leadership, comprehensive knowledge and strategic insight will take the Foundation and family of Schools into a bright and secure future, and we wish him every success.

Introduction from Peter Fothergill

governance, which has resulted in a new structure which is being progressively implemented.

has hitherto been the case, acting more as individual school boards and the overall structure is designed to streamline decision making across the Foundation. However, for this to work we do need, and currently have, a vibrant, forward looking and engaged Board of Governors; but we also need a cadre of like minded people who can become Governors in the future. Accordingly, I ask all readers of Insight to think of people who you believe could contribute and put their names forward to the Foundation Secretary and Treasurer for consideration by our Nominations Committee. Finally, our Schools are fundamentally all about education and personal development which is primarily delivered by our three Heads, their management teams and all of their staff, supported by another important group of staff who build, operate and maintain our facilities and our systems. We are grateful to all of them for their hard work, diligence and commitment to the highest possible standards, in order to deliver what we believe to be the best educational establishment of its kind in the East Midlands and which as Parents and Guardians you can be proud of. Thank you all for your continued support.

I am delighted to have been elected by the Board of Governors to serve as your next Chairman at such an exciting time for the Foundation; this is a reflection of the Board’s activities under the Chairmanship of Michael Pearson. Michael has been Chairman for nine years, during which time we have seen many changes including major investments in the science facilities for both the Grammar School and the High School, the introduction of virtual learning across all three schools, a Strategic Review of the Foundation’s facilities and its long term requirements, including a new school for Fairfield and more recently a thorough review of our

As an old boy, Michael’s commitment to the schools embodied a deep understanding of the unwritten ‘spirit’ of Loughborough which helped to guide the Board in many ways and I hope you will all join with me in thanking him for his long years of service which I am pleased to say will continue; Michael has agreed to become Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the crucially important Audit and Risk Committee. It falls to me to ensure that our new governance structure works to the benefit of everyone – staff, pupils and parents – in delivering strategic leadership, financial probity, visionary infrastructure, responsive support services and effective oversight of the Schools’ management through the mechanism of individual School Committees. These will have far greater involvement by Governors in each School than

The Governors Back row L-R: Dr Anne de Bono, Mr Mohammed Mulla, Mr Andrew Earnshaw (Headmaster, Fairfield Preparatory School), Mr Paul Fisher (Headmaster, Loughborough Grammar School), Dr Peter Cannon, Professor Alan Dodson, Professor John Feather, Mr Peter Jackson, Dr Peter Hubner, Mrs Rowena Limb, Mr Jim Doherty (Foundation Secretary & Treasurer) Front row L-R: Mrs Mary Gershlick, Mrs Elizabeth Critchley, Lady Jennifer Gretton (Lord Lieutenant), Mr Peter Fothergill (Incoming Chairman), Mr Michael Pearson (Outgoing Chairman), Mrs Gwen Byrom (Headmistress, Loughborough High School), Mrs Philippa O’Neill, Mrs Caroline Wales Governors not pictured: Mrs Gill Richards, Dr James Clackson

Departing Governors This year has seen the departure of two stalwarts from the Board of Governors after long service to the Foundation. Digby Emson Digby Emson joined the Board in 1993, becoming Vice-Chairman in 2005. A pharmacist and Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Digby spent much of his career with Boots, latterly as Director of Professional Services. He was appointed OBE in 2010 for his services to the Company Chemists’ Association.

A very clear and analytical thinker, Digby gave me outstanding loyalty and support as my Vice-Chairman, including the tricky task of telling the Chairman what he needs to hear, whether or not he wishes to hear it! The Schools have much to thank him for. Bill Moss The departure of Bill Moss after over 30 years on the Board is a significant break with the past. His father, Malcolm, chaired the Endowed Schools Board in the 1960s and Bill was Vice-Chairman for some years. The name Moss can be found in many other places bound up with the

history of Loughborough and Bill was Chairman and Managing Director of Towles plc, at one time a very large manufacturing firm in the town. His interests include Leicester Cathedral and Loughborough University and he has been honoured by both institutions. Bill does not waste words, but is a very astute judge of people and ideas. He has given outstanding service to the Schools and this is an opportunity to record my own thanks to him for carrying a substantial workload for the Board. Michael Pearson – Chair of Governors

Foundation Secretary & Treasurer James (Jim) Doherty joined LES as the Foundation Secretary and Treasurer in September 2012, following the retirement of Kieron Shaw. Jim was educated at Mount St Mary’s College and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He is married to Melanie, a Royal Naval dental surgeon, and has two young boys. As a serving regular Army Officer, he held a number of middle and senior management appointments in particular with commando and airborne units, and has also held defence diplomacy and training posts. He has served all over the world including the Middle East, Africa, North America and the Balkans and immediately before joining LES he completed a 7-month tour at the British Embassy in Kabul. A graduate of the French Army Staff College in Paris, he is also a fluent French speaker. He has played rugby for Army teams, Northampton and Ussel (France); has captained a British Army tennis team;

competed at high level Nordic and Alpine skiing events and is a qualified mountain and rock leader. In his spare time Jim continues his military career

as a reservist officer and his current post is Commanding Officer of the Honourable Artillery Company in the City of London.

School News LHS new entrance In January 2014, work commenced on building a new entrance to the High School. This will provide both easier access and a focal entrance into a remodelled reception area; the lack of an obvious main entrance often confuses visitors who are unfamiliar with the building. There have been very few changes to the front of the High School since the 1920s and consequently the design takes inspiration from the existing building. Care has been taken to source modern materials to match closely with those originally used. However, the new entrance is unashamedly modern in its appearance to announce itself as the primary destination for visitors. Work to the entrance will be completed in May 2014, following which some further alterations are to be made to the reception, including a new waiting area.

New School for Fairfield We were delighted to have received planning permission for our new School at Fairfield. An innovative design solution has been created to achieve Fairfield’s educational vision, providing pupils with additional space and improved accommodation, including new classrooms, an extended gymnasium with spacious changing rooms, a specialist arts and craft room, designated social areas and essential office space. More importantly, the project will offer a unique opportunity to launch a purpose-built Kindergarten unit, which will be available for children aged 3+. Andrew Earnshaw, Headmaster said, “The new Pre-Prep centre will feature state-of-the-art facilities providing a

school designed and equipped to deliver an outstanding education for the 21st century and one that Loughborough can be rightly proud of.” Prudent financial management, both historically and in this present day, has enabled the Foundation to safely commit to projects such as Fairfield and other recently completed developments. Jim Doherty, the Foundation Secretary and Treasurer said “The aim of the Foundation’s strategic capital plan is to ensure that the school’s facilities continue to meet the requirements of both today and into the future, whilst at the same time ensuring that tuition fees are kept as competitive as possible.” Work on the new school commences in the Easter holidays.

LGS Science and Maths park opening The Science and Mathematics Park was officially declared open by Professor Robert Allison, the Vice-Chancellor and President of Loughborough University. Comprising one brand-new and three completely refurbished or extended buildings, the results of a five-year building programme, the Park provides state-of-the-art facilities for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Reflecting on the similarity between the aims and ethos of the school and those of the university, Professor Allison observed that between them, Loughborough would represent the centre of educational excellence in the East Midlands with academic and recreational reputations second to none. The fine buildings of both campuses are testimony to each institution’s passion for high-quality education in surroundings which inspire.

Main Aims of the Board 2014-15

iPad distribution Following the successful first phase to upgrade ICT provision throughout the LES site by the commissioning of the Wi-Fi system in 2012/13, Phase 2 has now commenced. The move towards digitisation has progressed with the roll-out of iPads and will eventually extend to all staff and pupils. Staff at all three Schools and all pupils at LHS are now using their individual iPads as a part of daily life and years 8 and 9 at LGS are also online, with year 7 following shortly. Most pupils at Fairfield (less year 3 only) have been allocated their individual iPads, however due to the age of the children and how the devices will be used, only years 4, 5 and 6 take their devices home with them as a matter of course. The Foundation is not the first educational establishment to be using tablet devices in the delivery of education and indeed the state sector

has to some degree led the way in this arena. The provision of personal iPads to every pupil and member of staff, utilising an industry standard ‘whole campus’ Wi-Fi network, underpinned by state of the art technical and educational support, does however set the Foundation well above its peers. Loughborough Endowed Schools are now becoming a national centre of ‘digitisation’ excellence and there is no doubt that initial educational feedback from the schools is very promising. As a final note, the Board, Heads and their staffs are very aware that iPads (and IT in general) are simply tools to support better education and they are not in any way designed to replace excellent teaching or usurp human interaction. They are however de rigueur in industry and greater society as a whole and the Foundation wishes to ensure that the education delivered reflects this.

• To consolidate, test and adjust the Board’s new committee structure, which is one of the key outputs from the previously reported Foundation Review of Governance. The new committee structure will contain the following committees: • Grammar School • High School • Fairfield • Coordinating • Finance • Estates and H&S • Audit & Risk • Remuneration • Nominations • Bursary • Shop • To complete the Foundation’s Strategic Plan, which is being designed to provide direction, and assurance to the Foundation out to circa 10 years. The plan is primarily being developed to guide and inform the internal decision making processes both at Board and individual school level. There will however also be an outwardfacing element, to be made available externally in order to deliver ‘at a glance’ the values and traditions that make the Loughborough Endowed Schools special, and their direction in the future. • To complete the Foundation’s Strategic Infrastructure review and associated Strategic Estates Plan. Both the Review and the Plan were commissioned to ensure that the Board be afforded high granularity data relating to both the condition of infrastructure coupled with the requirements of the individual schools, now and in the future, to enable it to make timely and cost effective decisions. A key element of this work has been the creation of a formal Capital Development Plan, which will now permit the Foundation to better review and prioritise its requirements in order to ensure that capital investment projects are both needed and affordable. • To develop the Foundation’s Marketing and Commercial activity in order to provide both better service to the Schools and to capitalise, where appropriate, on the extensive letting and business opportunities afforded by the campus.

Development Programme This year has seen much change behind the scenes at the Development Office. After five years in post, our Development Director Susie Bromwich moved on to King’s Ely School in Norwich. We thank Susie for all her hard work in establishing the Development Programme at Loughborough Endowed Schools and wish her continuing success in her new challenge. We welcome Jane Harker into the role of Head of Development & External Relations. Jane is an Old Girl herself, (nee Hawley (’72)) and the parent of a former LGS pupil, Thomas (’09). Jane is married to Richard Harker, who holds the post of Foundation and Schools’ Accountant. Jane’s first challenge was to review and restate the Strategic Plan for Development

Fees 2014 -15 Day Fees Grammar School: High School Fairfield: Pre-prep (Rec-Y2) Prep (Y3-Y6)

£3,682 per term £3,553 per term £2,998 per term £3,026 per term

Boarding Fees Grammar School: £3,162 per term 1) Weekly boarding: £4,287 per term 2) Full boarding: (£3,953 with existing boarder discount)

Lunch Charges Grammar School: High School: Fairfield: Fairfield Pre Prep:

£3.75 per lunch £3.75 per lunch £3.60 per lunch £3.50 per lunch

Music Charges 10 x 30 minute lessons: £21.15 per 30 minute lesson

going forward. ‘I see our mission as one of nurturing lifelong, positive relationships with alumni, parents, friends and partners in order to generate fellowship, and to encourage philanthropic support of the Schools’ explains Jane. ‘As an Old Girl myself I understand the importance of that fellowship and have a strong desire to ensure the future of our Foundation’. Jane’s is not the only new appointment in the Development Office. We have a new Data Administrator on the team, Robin Easom, who is an Old Loughburian (’72). As the parent of a former High School pupil and a current Fairfield pupil, Robin’s commitment to the Endowed Schools is very evident! Robin joined the team in January after a distinguished career in IT and we are delighted to be able to draw on his skills and knowledge in moving forward on the technical infrastructure that underpins our data and communications. The Board spends considerable time debating the issue of fees and any decision to increase them is taken after all other avenues have been explored. The illustration shows that almost half of expenditure is on teaching and staff costs. What is not included is how these figures compare with similar Schools and Foundations both regionally and nationally. Despite continued commitment to capital development and in particular the imminent Fairfield project, it is pleasing to report that fee levels continue to sit below average in this sector and that increases have been below average for the 5th consecutive year. It is of note that the Foundation’s operating costs are lower than our competitors in almost every benchmarking category and this clearly demonstrates the Board’s desire to deliver a superlative education in the most cost effective manner possible. The Board has to balance the imperatives of delivering a first class education today, as well as ensuring that the Foundation’s estate will continue to serve future generations, whilst keeping fees as affordable as possible. The Board hopes that parents will understand the challenges that this balancing act presents and acknowledge the continued maintenance of the highest standards across all three schools.

Loughborough Endowed Schools 3 Burton Walks, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 2DU Tel 01509 283700 Fax 01509 210486

We are pleased that Hannah Wyatt continues in her role as Office Manager. Hannah has kept the office going and successfully delivered many events on behalf of the Alumni Associations. She has certainly achieved her aim of meeting more OLS and OGs in the past year as we have entertained over 500 people at events both on campus and nationwide. Over the next year, Hannah will be changing her responsibilities to help focus on project delivery, particularly in connection with fundraising activities. We will be re-launching the campaign to raise funds for the Burton Bursary appeal and by now you may have seen details of our efforts to purchase a Steinway Concert Grand Piano, supporting the aim to establish the LES Music School as an All-Steinway School. For more information and ways to support us please visit

How the Fees are Spent

Teaching and Staff costs Scholastic Supplies and Expenses

47.2 % 9.4 %

Maintenance of Premises 10.2 % Catering

4.8 %


0.4 %

Administration Depreciation Capital Development and Reserves

Loughborough Endowed Schools is a Company Limited by Guarantee, no 4038033 and is registered in England. It is also a Registered Charity, no. 1081765. The Registered Office is 3 Burton Walks, Loughborough, Leics LE11 2DU

11.1 % 6.4 % 10.3 %

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