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“Young Scientist” . # 15 (305) . April 2020 4.


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Managing the development of creativity of a preschool educational organization teacher Luzanova Alina Albertovna, undergraduate Belgorod State National Research University

The article deals with the problem of managing the development of the creative potential of a teacher in a preschool educational organization. Currently, the teacher cannot work without creativity. Modern kindergarten needs a teacher who is a professional in his field, contributing to the education, development and training of a child-preschooler. One of the main tasks of the administration of a preschool educational organization is to create all conditions for interaction and cooperation. After all, only educators who are creative in their work are able to provide a high level of educational work with children and the formation of a creative personality. Keywords: management, creativity, educator, preschool educational organization, implementation, mastery.


he development of the Russian education system does not stand still. Currently, specific changes are being made by the socio-economic changes in the public life of our state, which today is becoming more and more multifunctional. Over the past few years, there appeared significant regulatory

documents that have established new conditions for the development of preschool education. The main such regulatory document is the law «On Education in the Russian Federation» [6], on the basis of which all educational organizations work. It highlights the requirements related to the structure of

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