7 minute read
Luzanova A.A
from moluch_305_ch1
by leshabarad
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Managing the development of creativity of a preschool educational organization teacher
Luzanova Alina Albertovna, undergraduate Belgorod State National Research University
The article deals with the problem of managing the development of the creative potential of a teacher in a preschool educational organization. Currently, the teacher cannot work without creativity. Modern kindergarten needs a teacher who is a professional in his field, contributing to the education, development and training of a child-preschooler. One of the main tasks of the administration of a preschool educational organization is to create all conditions for interaction and cooperation. After all, only educators who are creative in their work are able to provide a high level of educational work with children and the formation of a creative personality.
Keywords: management, creativity, educator, preschool educational organization, implementation, mastery.
The development of the Russian education system does not stand still. Currently, specific changes are being made by the socio-economic changes in the public life of our state, which today is becoming more and more multifunctional. Over the past few years, there appeared significant regulatory documents that have established new conditions for the development of preschool education. The main such regulatory document is the law «On Education in the Russian Federation» [6], on the basis of which all educational organizations work. It highlights the requirements related to the structure of
the basic general educational programme of preschool education, and to the educational standards of preschool education.
The standardization of preschool educational organizations is quite diverse. Variability of curricula and programs is observed, new technologies are introduced.
The requirements for a modern preschool organization are constantly increasing. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to such key points as the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of education. Only a qualitative change in the work of preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as PEO) contributes to the organization of development of the preschool education system. These changes are expressed in the transition of the system to a new stage — the mode of creative development.
Creating a favorable climate, an environment of creative interaction and cooperation with the team is one of the main tasks of the administration of the PEO. Only creatively working educators can provide a high level of educational work with children, and the forming of a creative personality.
Based on the fact that it is the educator who lays the foundation for the upbringing, development and training of a preschool child, he should be a professional in his field with a sufficient level of creativity development. At the same time, creativity is a personality trait, which is a background and a result of creative activity. A trait that determines the orientation, readiness and ability of a person to self-realization [1]. The modern educator is always in the creative process, because creativity is the activity of people, which transforms the natural and social world so that they correspond to the goals and needs of a person [3]. In this case, it is important to mention the various types of upbringing and creativity implemented in the PEO: artistic and aesthetic, musical, cultural, social, spiritual, etc. So, for example, V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted: «Artistic and aesthetic education should begin from the first years of a child’s life, so that he feels the need for beauty and creativity from early childhood» [5].
It is no secret that the age of children-pupils from 1 to 7 years is unique. Psychologists, physiologists and educators never stop repeating that it is the time when the foundation for the development of the child is laid: his knowledge, skills; moral, cultural and social norms.
Very often, a team of teachers and educators of a preschool educational organization holds the opinion that education is a process of «nourishing» the spiritual component of a pupil with all that elevates a person, with what is noble and beautiful ̵ «nourishment by beauty». In PEO, a great place is given to art, musical education, theatrical activities, choreography, the development of children’s speech and play.
It is known that the profession of a teacher is potentially creative. Every day he has to deal with problem situations that require creative and innovative solutions, only because he is in constant live communication.
Using life experience, impressions, a special search for new data, mastering new acting ways is the direct creative work of the kindergarten teacher. Many teachers note that genuine creativity appears only when the positive results of educators’ activities are achieved with the help of insignificant means. The main feature of the educator’s activity is that he has to constantly communicate with children, who differ in individual psychological characteristics; their parents, who have different educational and age status; colleagues and others. Highly developed communicative abilities and skills are what the educator should have.
Kindergarten teachers have to overcome many difficulties. These difficulties are a variety of personality barriers, which to a greater or lesser extent negatively affect the creative process of education. Specialists, scientists, teachers believe that the internal personality barriers include lack of focus, laziness, disinterest in work, illnesses, unstable mental state, bad habits, non-regime work, inability to organize your time, negative character traits [4].
External barriers to interaction with the teacher are also highlighted. They are: uncomfortable environment (for example, the room), extraneous interference (noise, heat, cold, etc.); poor psychological climate in the team, inadequate (underestimated) performance assessment, fear of being in the spotlight, reluctance to be a black sheep [4].
Each teacher should have favorable conditions and sources for creativity including the assistance of the kindergarten administration. This happens when they: — study of the experience of colleagues — read scientific literature — create a bank of interesting facts, statements — record and analyze children’s questions — communicate with colleagues, friends, pupils.
The conditions, that the kindergarten administration can create for the teacher’s creativity, are realized through: — creation of a moral and psychological climate of the team (atmosphere of goodwill, respect for personal opinion) — availability of free time for educators to enhance their intellectual and practical creativity knowledge — material supply, material resources — use of the teacher’s craving for self-expression and selfaffirmation.
A creative teacher can inspire the development of creativity in pupils with his personal qualities. Such qualities include: — creativity — pedagogical tact — ability to empathy — artistry — good sense of humor — the ability to raise unexpected, interesting questions — creation of problem situations — the ability to prompt children’s questions — encouragement of children’s imagination [2].
Such abilities of a person as the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing, to anticipate, combine accurate calculation with imagination and conjecture; scientific intuition; flexibility and non-standard thinking ̵ are an integral part of the personality of the creative educator.
It should be taken into consideration that teachers’ self-education is an indispensable condition for the development and