USC Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

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University of Southern California Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

redesigning lives T h e F u t u r e o f H e a lt h c a r e

From our Division Chair I welcome your interest in joining our community of scholars. We are committed to meeting the global health needs of the 21st century through the creative, science-driven and humanistic fields of occupational science and occupational therapy. When I first entered the profession, I looked to USC for occupational therapy leadership. Today I am honored to be on its faculty and to be a part of its continuing leadership into the 21st century. Strengthened by the evolving discipline of occupational science, the profession is a uniquely effective therapeutic approach to rehabilitation and well-being. As the profession approaches its 100th anniversary in 2017, we have redesigned our curriculum to help realize the Centennial Vision of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA): that by 2017, occupational

In our Division, occupational scientists and occupational therapists take intellectual risks and give back to the community.” therapy will be a “powerful, widely recognized, scientifically-driven and evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society’s occupational needs.” In our Division, occupational scientists and occupational therapists take intellectual risks and give back to the community. We aim to fulfill both the original vision of occupational therapy’s founders and the Centennial Vision reflecting the global health needs of the 21st century: to create practitioners, leaders and scientists who will help people of all backgrounds and circumstances – including those with disability or catastrophic illness – live life to the fullest. I hope you will consider applying to one of our programs, which I believe continue to define this rewarding profession. In choosing USC, not only will you become a part of a great academic tradition, you will also become a member of our Trojan Family.

Florence A. Clark, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA Associate Dean, Chair and Professor

Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

More than 50 years ago, USC began setting the standards for occupational therapy programs. Today, through a blend of innovative research, hands-on practice and worldclass classroom instruction, we continue to lead the profession. Put simply, USC offers innovative degree programs which respond to the global health needs of the 21st century.

The USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy has been rated by U.S. News & World Report as number one in the nation more than any other OT program. In 2000, USC was selected by Time and The Princeton Review as College of the Year. Our Division, its interdisciplinary teams and outreach programs, and the University of Southern California offer you a dynamic environment in which to study, conduct research and practice. A USC experience provides the knowledge, skills and resources necessary for becoming a self-confident, adaptive, challenge seeking practitioner, educator or scientist who makes a difference in the lives of individuals and society as a whole.

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Occupational Therapy An outstanding profession for the 21st century

Although occupations (our day to day activities) may appear

and rewarding. In selecting the most promising careers,

simple, occupational therapists recognize that performing

U.S. News considered job satisfaction, training difficulty,

them involves a complex interplay of physical, psychosocial

prestige, job market outlook and pay. Job opportunities

and spiritual dimensions. As an occupational therapist,

and salaries for occupational therapists are climbing as the

you will help people customize what they do every day to

population at both ends of the age spectrum grows and more

promote their health, well-being and quality of life. You will

people and facilities need trained personnel who can assess

possess a truly holistic perspective. And you will become

health situations and develop hands-on plans for treatment.

As an occupational therapist, you can work with people of all ages, from newborn infants to elders, helping them to flourish and focusing on how they draw meaning from their activities. not only a life coach, but much more. Equipped with a solid

The Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition,

medical and social science grounding, a clear sense of the

published by the U.S. Department of Labor, projects that

ethics of healthcare, a strong orientation towards account-

employment opportunities for occupational therapists will

ability, and the highest degree of professionalism, you will

increase much faster than the average for all professions

redesign lives or become a player, through science, research

through the year 2016, making it one of the top 10 fastest

or leadership, in creating a healthier nation and world.

growing professions in the country. A degree in occupational therapy offers a fulfilling career not only as a clinician, but


As an occupational therapist, you can work with people of

also as the manager of a healthcare facility, small business

all ages, from newborn infants to elders, helping them to

owner or consultant within the public or private sectors. Your

flourish and focusing on how they draw meaning from their

opportunities are limitless. Just as a law degree positions

activities. You can choose diverse work settings — schools,

one to pursue a variety of career avenues, your occupational

hospitals, private practice, corporations and executive health

therapy degree provides the credibility to pursue numer-

centers — as well as focus your passion on wellness, reha-

ous career options. And if you are drawn to innovation and

bilitation, ergonomics or technology among many others.

discovery or leadership in the policy arena, our program can

Named on U.S. News & World Report’s list of “Best Careers

streamline your entry into doctoral studies, either our O.T.D

2008,” the career of an occupational therapist is engaging

or Ph.D. program.

Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

As an occupational therapist, you might: Help elders re-engage in activities they love but don’t do

Assist teachers in redesigning classroom

now because of physical limitations or fear of injury.

environments so children with attention deficit disorders

Coach corporate executives on creating an optimal

are less easily distracted.

balance of work and leisure to reduce stress and maximize

Develop innovative weight loss programs that

health or help them create office spaces based on ergonomic

comprehensively emphasize the interplay of healthy eating,


meaningful activity, stress reduction and physical exercise.

Work in private practice with children with autism

Provide programs in prisons and for at-risk youth

and sensory processing disorders to help them experience the and young adults that address community building and joy of success in play, self-care and social occupations.

skill acquisition as alternatives to gang membership.

Create community programs and interventions for

Help an adult experiencing a depressive episode

immigrants, school children or people with emotional or mental

to reclaim his life by recommending a series of graduated

disabilities so that they can enjoy productive and satisfying lives.

activities through which he can experience success.

Teach adults with spinal cord injuries how to use

Develop a substitute method for holding a fork

technology to enable them to live life to the fullest.

to enable a person who has lost grip strength to feed herself independently.

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Occupational Science How daily activities affect our health and well-being

Occupational science is the science of everyday living. An

Today, more than 50 scholars have graduated from USC’s

academic discipline, it focuses on the benefits of produc-

occupational science Ph.D. program, with most in leader-

tive, social and physical activity (called “occupation” in the

ship positions at distinguished universities around the

discipline) in people’s everyday lives. It is devoted to learn-

world. These scholars are shaping the future of the pro-

ing how engagement in occupation can address the global

fession and infusing the clinical arena with cutting-edge

health concerns of the 21st century and promote health,

research and interventions. Further, the Journal of Occupa-

well-being and quality of life throughout the lifespan.

tional Science is now in its 15th year of publication, and 20 academic programs nationally and internationally identify

Inspired by one of occupational therapy’s most visionary

as occupational science programs, indicating the strength of

leaders, Dr. Elizabeth J. Yerxa, the faculty at USC’s then

the discipline worldwide. And, since 2003, the Division has

Department of Occupational Therapy founded the world’s

attracted over $8 million in extramural (mostly NIH) fund-

first department and degree program in occupational

ing to support research programs in areas such as rehabili-

science in 1990. Occupational science was established

tation science, autism, spinal cord injury, healthy aging and

to provide the profession of occupational therapy with

health disparities.

its own scientific base for practice. Soon professionals in


education, counseling and administrators of social services

Occupational science is an academic discipline that gener-

as well as occupational therapists sought the Doctor of

ates knowledge about the impact of daily activities on the

Philosophy degree in Occupational Science.

health of individuals, communities, nations and the world.

Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Lifestyle Redesign Occupational science has led to innovative interventions such as Lifestyle RedesignÂŽ, which has broadened the scope of practice of occupational therapy in areas such as healthy aging, health promotion, weight management and

Occupational science has developed dynamic interdisciplinary links with other

executive health and wellness.

disciplines including anthropology, sociology, psychology, neuroscience, physiology,

Occupational therapists

preventive medicine, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation science, gerontology and public health. Each of these disciplines contributes a unique perspective to

trained in this approach en-

our understanding of the underlying and diverse forces that shape occupation and

able their clients to flourish

consequently affect a person’s overall health.

by assisting them in creating a customized routine of daily

Occupational science has developed dynamic

activities that will be bal-

interdisciplinary links with other disciplines

anced and maximally health

including anthropology, sociology, psychology,

promoting. In addition, when needed, they recommend

neuroscience, physiology, preventive medicine,

alterations in work, home,

biomedical engineering, rehabilitation science,

leisure, and other settings so people can function optimally

gerontology and public health.

and live life to its fullest.

Occupational science is internationally recognized as a discipline responsible for a conceptual revolution in understanding and promoting health and well-being. It does this through its focus on everyday, often taken-for-granted, activity. Occupational scientists realize that what we do impacts health and well-being as much as what we think or the medications we take. It provides a whole new perspective on the ways in which daily activities can be employed to enable people to flourish.

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Selecting USC A vibrant community of leaders who embrace innovation

Fortifying the research-practice connection

settings. You may also have the opportunity to become

Because many of the most renowned researchers in occu-

a global practitioner or leader through our international

pational therapy have been or are presently on our faculty, USC has enjoyed a reputation as a hotbed of developing innovative, science-driven, evidence-based occupational therapy interventions. Members of our Division have produced much of the landmark research in sensory integration, life design, productive aging, and rehabilitation/disability/participation that guides cutting-edge clinical practice in occupational therapy today. As a student in any of our programs, you will be exposed to this research through coursework, participation on research teams and clinical practice opportunities. You will learn specialty areas and core foundational skills from master practitioners, and polish those skills through fieldwork experiences and optional electives in community-based practice

fieldwork program or research collaborations. Once you are certified or NBCOT board-eligible, and if you are interested in a pediatric emphasis, you may apply to take USC’s world-renowned sensory integration course, OT 610, founded by Jean Ayres, Ph.D. This course is conducted at Pediatric Therapy Network, a nearby nonprofit pediatric clinic serving over 600 children. Here you will experience daily an intense combination of research and practice.

Joining a vibrant community of educators, researchers and practicing professionals Occupational therapy pioneers such as A. Jean Ayres, Mary Reilly, Wilma L. West and Elizabeth J. Yerxa contributed to the growth and international reputation of USC’s Divi-

As part of USC’s talented student body, you will: Receive personal attention from staff and faculty Utilize superior physical facilities for classroom, clinical and laboratory experiences Participate in the student organizations, lectures and activities only a world-class university with a diverse student body can offer

Be taught in small classes and customize content to meet your learning needs Learn in the company of international classmates to stimulate global thinking and understanding


Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

sion of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Among the current and emeritus faculty, four have been recipients of the Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship, the highest academic honor of the American Occupational Therapy Association. Eight faculty members are on the AOTA Roster of Fellows. Four have been admitted to the prestigious AOTF Academy of Research, and two have received distinguished honors from the American Anthropological Association. Collectively, they hold doctorates in occupational therapy, anthropology, social psychology, education, child development, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, educational technology, philosophy, higher education administration and occupational science. They possess expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, cultivating interdisciplinary partnerships and translating groundbreaking research findings into clinical applications. All take seriously their commitment to educate the next generation of leaders for the profession and have built a community that respects research and practice, ideas and values, openness to nontraditional views and a strong sense of responsibility to meet society’s occupational needs.

Meeting the highest professional standards USC Occupational Therapy has a long history of being “the first.” We initiated the first professional and postprofessional occupational therapy master’s degree programs and conceived and developed the first Ph.D. program in occupational science. We conducted the first ever largescale randomized clinical trial and cost effectiveness study on preventive occupational therapy. The Division’s comprehensive state-of-the-art undergraduate and graduate programs are designed so that your degree from USC prepares you for worldwide excellence and leadership in the clinical, academic and research sectors of the profession.

USC’s renowned scientists, educators and practitioners: Provide an internationally recognized education in a world-class city Prepare you to carve out new niches of practice and meet the healthcare needs of the future

Interact with students regularly for personal and professional guidance

Teach science- and evidence-based practice and the theory that supports it Provide opportunities to learn in an innovative, thriving faculty practice and other communitybased settings

Are interested in you as a person and in your success as a student and future professional

Provide opportunities to work on NIH-funded, cutting-edge research

Recognize your prior learning experiences and career skills

Help you apply coursework from one degree toward a more advanced degree to expedite and shorten your educational advances

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Programs of Study USC offers five degree programs structured so qualified graduates may save as much as two years of study.

The USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy offers five degree programs, each structured to allow qualified graduates to apply completed work in one program toward an advanced degree program. This laddered degree structure allows students to save one or two years of study in earning their master’s and doctoral degrees. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy

national competency examination in one year less than is

(B.S.): Fast Track to Professional Excellence

required for those who did not complete their B.S. in OT

In order to practice as an occupational therapist, you must

at USC. Seniors can finish the entire 44 unit major in one-

have a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy, pass the national board exam and, in most states, have a license to practice. Students who receive their Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy at USC and qualify to

and-a-half years, and a less intense two-and-a-half year program is available for juniors. As part of their program, students participate in either a domestic or international fieldwork experience.

enter our master’s program become eligible to take the

Occupational Therapy student community Located near the University Park Campus in a restored Victorian home, the Center for Occupation and Lifestyle Redesign® houses a vibrant student community. From these quarters, students and faculty hold classes, conduct research, have social functions and spearhead programs that improve quality of life for people with disabilities or illnesses. Engaging in stimulating discussions and a rigorous exchange of ideas, they also maintain high intellectual standards concerning new practice innovations and their scientific underpinnings. Additionally, students dedicate their time and attention to improving the health and wellness of individuals living in the communities surrounding USC.


Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy (M.A.) USC’s graduate program in occupational therapy at the master’s level provides the core foundational coursework needed to become a science-driven, evidence-based generalist practitioner. The

carlin daley USC Masters Degree 2006

program also provides specialty courses that enable students to develop expertise in an area of their choice. Graduates of either of our two M.A. programs are well-equipped to become best practice therapists, supervisors, managers, consultants and owners of private occupational therapy practices.

USC Doctorate of Ocupational Therapy 2007 When I realized that the field of Occupational Therapy was about helping people live more meaningful lives, I knew that I

had found my profession. I received my B.A. in

In the Master of Arts program, you will take the same core foundational courses as your classmates, but then you will choose a customized set of specialty courses which allow you to capitalize on your existing skills, interests and expertise. Having these options allows you to pursue your passions and prepare for the future you want. Typically, the specialty courses will consist of a combination of elective coursework from six areas of emphasis (children and youth, health and wellness, mental health, rehabilitation/disability/participation, work and industry and productive aging), hands-on clinical or research experiences and coursework taken in

Psychology from USC and then spent a year volunteering at a pediatric rehab clinic before beginning graduate school. After completing my master’s degree in the Division, I continued on to earn my O.T.D. My experience in the graduate program not only provided me with a strong knowledge base, but also helped me develop the leadership skills

other Divisions or Schools at USC, if appropriate.

necessary to work in innovative areas of practice

M.A.1 (1 year) Post-Professional Program:

my doctorate, I was hired at USC to continue

Expanding Global Possibilities

the work I began as a student, creating and

After reading our brochure on this program, we think you will

overseeing wellness programs for employees

such as workplace wellness. After completing

at the university.

agree it goes beyond what is offered by other schools. Students with a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy who need to earn a master’s degree in order to be eligible for board certification, certified occupational therapists, and international therapists from a WFOT-approved program begin with post-professional graduate courses at the 500 level. Our advanced clinical “Pathways to Excellence” courses are elective options developed to meet the needs of experienced practitioners. The post-professional master’s program has a customized mix of classes and out-of-classroom experiences which build lasting ties with global practitioners. These classes take place in a culturally

It is because of my education at USC and the mentorship I received from the faculty that I am now on the forefront of an emerging area of practice for occupational therapists. I am so thankful that helping people become happier and healthier has become my full-time profession.

Carlin Daley, O.T.D., OTR

Occupational therapist with the Career and Protective Services Division at the University of Southern California

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


sensitive, intellectually engaging and community-building graduate student setting. The program typically involves two semesters of full-time study beginning in either fall or spring and also can be completed part-time. The courses typically meet both during the day and evening to accommodate work schedules as well as other research or training commitments. Zoe Mailloux

M.A.2 (2 year) Professional Program:

USC Bachelor’s Degree 1978

Preparing You as a Science-Driven, Evidence-Based Practitioner

USC Master’s Degree 1980

If you have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than occupational therapy, you would enroll in

In the 24 years since I graduated from USC,

I have come to increasingly value the education I received from the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Department. The program emphasized both theory and skills, teaching me how to translate theory into practice. As a result, I have been comfortable in a wide variety of occupational therapy settings.

the professional program, in which you will study core coursework and specialty emphases. In addition, you will take six months (940 hours) of full-time or part-time fieldwork which may be domestic or international. Our diverse elective offerings in Advanced Clinical Practice and Directed Research meet the needs of entry-level practitioners who wish to polish their clinical or research skills. M.A.2 students also typically enroll in our series of “Pathways to Excellence” courses, which focus on specialty areas of advanced clinical practice. In its entirety, this program usually requires two-and-one-quarter years of study. Students begin coursework in June and complete their fieldwork a little more than two years later, in August.

In addition, the USC faculty taught me how to develop and strengthen my leadership skills. My education

Come to USC and discover the fu

prepared me well for my current position as Director of Administration for a nonprofit clinic, where clients

Advance your degree and save time and resources. If you enter our program as a bachelor’s student

and therapists call upon my occupational therapy and

the Ph.D., you will save 2 years of coursework and be further ahead in your career. If you enter as a

leadership skills on a day-to-day basis.

either the O.T.D. or the Ph.D., you will save 1 year of coursework. So go ahead and save!

Earning both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at USC, I learned to envision the application of occu-

If You Have…

and you

a B.S./OT from USC

an M.A. in

an M.A. in OT from USC

an O.T.D. fr

pational therapy in diverse settings. Because USC’s Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Department continues to emphasize non-traditional applications, I know the department will continue to break new ground. I am proud to be an alumna of this exceptional university and, most importantly, this extraordinary department.



Zoe Mailloux, M.A., OTR, FAOTA

an M.A. in OT from USC

Director of Administration

a Ph.D. fro (Occupational

Pediatric Therapy Network

… So if you have a B.S./OT from USC you can


Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (O.T.D.):

curriculum gives you the opportunity to select and combine

Preparing Leaders in Healthcare Grounded

coursework so you gain an advanced understanding of occu-

in Occupational Science

pational science and can apply it to creative innovations in

The Doctor of Occupational Therapy (O.T.D.) is a profes-

your interest area. Because you take coursework outside the

sional doctorate degree for:

> o ccupational therapists who aspire to become expert clini-

Division in disciplines or professional programs related to your specialty as part of the O.T.D. program, you are able to

cians in specific practice areas

take advantage of the outstanding academic resources avail-


the signature residency requirement gives you the mentoring

> l eaders or innovators in healthcare policy administration or > clinical researchers > program evaluators > faculty in occupational therapy or science programs If you are a practitioner with an interest in occupational science and in growing in any of these areas, the O.T.D.

able in other schools throughout the University. Beyond this, and real-life experience you need to perfect your abilities in your focus area. Finally, you will have the opportunity to further develop your leadership skills as you create and implement a unique project that draws on your advanced knowledge of occupational science and your specialty area under the tutelage of both faculty and clinical mentors.

program at USC has been designed for you. Our flexible

rther you go, the more you save and continue on to earn either the O.T.D. or

a master’s student and continue on to earn


it will take…


OT from USC

1 year (32 units)

one year

1 year (32 units)

one year

44 units

one year

r om USC Therapy Doctorate)

m USC Science Ph.D)

save 2 years in getting your O.T.D. or Ph.D. from USC

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Because USC’s Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Department continues to emphasize non-traditional applications, I know the department will continue to break new ground.” Professional goals of our O.T.D. students have included

> Become a master clinician in a specialty focus area

> Develop innovative occupational therapy interventions based on cutting-edge research in occupational science

> Collaborate with world-class scientists in conducting clinical research on the impact of occupation on health and well-being

> Cultivate the next generation of clinicians and scholars through becoming a leader in clinical education

> Influence public policy with knowledge of how engagement in occupation affects health and well-being

> Establish an occupational therapy clinic serving the healthcare needs of society through entrepreneurship

The O.T.D. program is designed to bridge occupational science with health administration and public policy, pedagogy, research skills and expert practice. It includes graduate coursework in occupational science as well as areas such as healthcare administration, program evaluation, higher education administration, public policy, business management, business administration, entrepreneurism and other academic opportunities available through USC professional schools, depending upon each student’s professional goals. In addition to leadership preparation, there is extensive hands-on experience at residency sites and in-depth grounding in occupational science.

Recently, faculty and doctoral students in Occupational Science have investigated human activities using a wide variety of approaches, including: Investigating the biological, social and psychological

Examining the way occupation affects the neurological

mechanisms responsible for the health-promoting effects of

development of children with sensory integration deficits and

the Lifestyle Redesign® intervention among a diverse group

the way neurophysiological processes affect a child’s ability to

of older adults.

engage in the world.

Exploring the sociocultural worlds of African-American

Studying quality-of-life issues and factors that facilitate

children with illnesses and/or disabilities, their families and

or hinder the achievement of bowel and bladder continence

the practitioners who serve them, to reveal the strategies used

in social situations among children with spina bifida and the

to “partner up” and achieve culturally competent healthcare.

impact on their families.

Analyzing the effectiveness of a Lifestyle Redesign® inter-

Mapping the brain structures involved during empathic

vention aimed at preventing the occurrence of pressure ulcers

experiences in a woman with congenital quadrilateral limb

and enhancing the health and quality of life of adults with

deficiencies compared to people without this condition.

spinal cord injury.


Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Completion of the O.T.D. program generally takes two years for therapists entering with a bachelor’s degree or with a master’s degree from another university. However, occupational therapists with a master’s degree in occupa-

Mary Foto

tional therapy from USC can transition into the O.T.D.

USC Bachelor’s Degree 1966

program with relative ease and generally complete the

Past President of the American Occupational

program within 12 months. In certain instances, students

Therapy Association

with a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from another university may have previous coursework applied toward their degree requirements, thereby shortening the time to graduation. Students must be OTRs by the end

When students ask me where they should

study for a degree in occupational therapy, I tell them

of the first semester of classes.

to find a program that teaches both the practical as

Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational

faculty of practicing professionals who teach in-

Science (Ph.D.): Cultivating Tomorrow’s

novative and cutting edge applications. As a parent

Career Scientists

whose daughter is a recent USC graduate, I know that

The Doctor of Philosophy program prepares you to

both students and their parents want a school whose

shape the future direction of occupational science as an academic discipline and resource for occupational therapy practice. From the beginning, you will be engaged in intellectually provocative seminars with outstanding faculty and students. You will be immersed in a research group which will mentor you in the skills necessary for success as a career scientist. You will read and discuss foundational works in occupational science as well as interdisciplinary literature. Inspiring mentorship by world-renowned scientists and scholars will facilitate your original thinking, ensuring that you play a recognized part in occupational science’s revolutionary approach to health and well-being. The requirement to take at least three courses in a related

well as the theoretical sides of the field and has a

graduates are prepared and employable. With USC’s curriculum, the occupational therapy students are well prepared to meet today’s healthcare market needs. Not only is USC’s Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy program foremost in the country, the department offers options for taking courses in USC’s Marshall School of Business so students learn the business side of occupational therapy — very important in clinic, hospital, school, and communitybased settings. Mary Foto, OT, FAOTA, CCM The Foto Group Rehabilitation Technology Works, Inc. Treat-It Corporation

discipline such as rehabilitation science, neuroscience, anthropology, gerontology or preventive medicine will add to your growth as a professional and a scholar.

redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


Frequently asked questi o n s About the application process and living in Los Angeles

What about costs?

Resources packet, which has all the information you need to

As with all leading private universities, tuition costs at

apply for financial aid, Division teaching assistantships and

USC, which are the same for California residents and nonresidents alike, are higher than at public universities, but more financial aid is available to students at private universities than at public universities. With financial awards based on student need and a generous network of alumni, significant financial aid is available. Additionally, for the Ph.D. program in occupational science, fellowships in socially responsive research and translational and intervention research cover all tuition costs

What are the benefits of living in LA? From the solitude of beaches at sunset to the village atmosphere of historic Old Town in Pasadena and the numerous distinctive ethnic neighborhoods in between, you’ll find many enriching activities to enjoy in Los Angeles: civic and culturally themed events; trips to the mountains for skiing or backpacking; visits to the many nightclubs, theatres and

and provide a stipend.

amusement parks in the region; as well as outdoor recre-

Apply for financial aid as soon as possible (,

horseback riding and hiking to enjoying a sidewalk cafĂŠ or

without waiting until you have been accepted into the program. Each year the Division awards numerous teaching assistantships and sizeable merit scholarships. We encourage you to contact the Division and request the Financial


merit based awards.

Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

ation running the gamut from scuba diving and sailing to reading outside in mild temperatures under sunny skies. And now you can be a part of an urban renaissance that involves loft living, entertainment, galleries and museums, new restaurants and sports events in downtown LA.

In Los Angeles, local produce is sold year round at farmers’ markets (even on the USC campus), festivals are frequent, Hollywood’s premieres create a buzz and diverse publications and organizations make the news lively in this celebrated port city. Moreover, as an occupational therapy or occupational science student, you will find a local network

Where do I live?

of today’s most distinguished leaders in national and global

The USC Occupational Science and Occupa-

healthcare, community development and education. What

tional Therapy programs offer both on-and-

better way to explore these resources than with a group of fellow OT students?

off campus housing. On-campus there is the one-of-a-kind

Call the Division for assistance with any questions you have concerning the application process. Toll Free 866-385-4250

Occupational Therapy House located within Centennial Apartments, a USC special interest housing facility. This residence offers occupational science and occupational therapy students the opportunity to live

How do I apply?

together in a supportive academic and social

To receive an application package for the specific program

environment. The Occupational Therapy

of interest to you, it is best to contact our Division directly.

House is in close proximity to USC’s Univer-

Each program has its own admission requirements, appli-

sity Park Campus, and easy shuttle service to

cation deadlines and procedures. A package will be mailed to you upon receipt of your request and will include application deadlines, procedures and all of the very important information you need to apply. USC undergraduates may complete the online application on the USC Division of

the Health Sciences Campus is provided. Students considering residency at the OT House should consult the “Living at USC”

Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy website

brochure that is sent to all applicants upon (click on Admission).

admission to the University, or contact the Division directly.

Do not hesitate to call the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy for assistance with any

Students who elect to live off-campus reside

questions you have concerning the application process.

in many neighborhoods within LA County.

Toll Free: 866-385-4250 Phone: 323-442-2850

Rent varies widely, typically ranging from $500-$1500 per month depending upon

Fax: 323-442-1540

location, features and whether or not you


share your living space with another person. redesigning lives: The Future of Healthcare


From our Director of Admissions Thank you for your interest in the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. We believe that the quality of our instruction and services for our students are the best in the country. We hope that, after learning about our program, you now share our enthusiasm for the USC experience. I would like to invite you to visit USC and the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Each month, we offer scheduled “Admissions Information Sessions” in order to answer questions you may have and provide an opportunity for individual advisement. In addition to these scheduled advisement sessions, I am delighted to talk with prospective students either in person or by telephone. I am especially eager to answer your questions about our degree programs, connect you with faculty members and other students, arrange an individual visit and help you navigate through the admissions process. You may reach me directly by calling toll free 866-385-4250, or by email at

Each month, we offer scheduled ‘Admission Information Sessions’ in order to answer questions you may have and provide an opportunity for individual advisement.” Again, thank you for your interest, and I look forward to meeting you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

Sarah Kelly, OT/L Instructor of Clinical Occupational Therapy Director of Admissions


Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.