Las XPP son las polĂticas que rigen nuestros intercambios. Estas polĂticas buscan asegurar la calidad de cada una de las experiencias que ofrecemos. Existe un compendio para cada una de las partes en el que se especifican cuales son las obligaciones y el proceder en caso de encontrarnos con un problema de calidad.
En este documento están contenidas las políticas desde el punto de vista de los participantes de intercambio, es decir, de los EPs . Brevemente les explicaremos estas políticas, pero pueden encontrar mas info aquí: 0170719
1. Definitions Como en cualquier documento legal, lo primero es la definici贸n de cada una de las partes que toman lugar en el intercambio. Adem谩s, se define que es un intercambio, los tipos de intercambio y lo que un EP puede y no puede obtener de el. Por ejemplo: 1.3. The internship cannot aim to: a) Solely provide an opportunity for the intern to earn money; b) Provide a holiday; c) Act as a permanent career placement or recruitment opportunity. If the organization decides to extend the internship on a permanent basis, AIESEC will have no role in facilitating this; d) Provide permanent residence in the country of internship; e) Be an internal AIESEC leadership position (such as MC opportunities and AIESEC CEEDs).
2. General Policies Como su nombre lo dice, en este apartado encontraremos las politicas generales del intercambio con AIESEC. Los derechos y responsabilidades de cada una de las partes: Sending entity: LC home su LC en el paĂs de origen Receiving entity: LC host, quien los recibirĂĄ en el exchange EP: exchange participant Ejemplo: 2.3(EP) The Intern is responsible: a) to follow at all times the policies outlined in this document as well as the local policies of the sending entity. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of some or all rights and privileges afforded under the Exchange Program. b) To follow the Privacy Policy
3.Selection Policies En este apartado se encuentra informaci贸n del proceso de selecci贸n. Nos habla adem谩s, de las responsabilidades y derechos de las partes en dicho proceso llamado MRB (MEMBER REVIEW BOARD) Ejemplo: 3.2(EP) The Intern is responsible to meet selection requirements and standards, including the responsibilities to: a) Participate in a Review Board organized by the Sending AIESEC Entity. b) Complete and sign all documentation necessary for participation in an AIESEC internship. This includes, but is not limited to: the Student Contract, Resume, an agreement regarding the program fee, and the EP Form as will be uploaded on c) Have written proof of the academic background (transcripts) and working experience (references) as specified on the EP form. d) Pass the language test(s) for all proficiency levels in non-Native languages or have written proof of the language level(s) as specified in the EP forms. e) Pay the necessary application fees and/or deposits to their Sending AIESEC Entity.
4. Matching
En este punto se exponen los puntos referentes al matching que ya muchos han debido escuchar: EP MANAGER o ACCOUNT MANAGER, MAILS, MYAIESEC.NET, ETC. Haciendo referencia a las responsabilidades del EP y de los account managers. Ejemplo: 4.2(EP) The Intern or supporting EP manager is responsible: a) To communicate constantly about matching status with Sending Entity; b) To keep all communication concerning the internship only with the TN manager of the potential hosting country and not contact the Organization directly until an official match is made, at which time the Organization may communicate freely with the intern. c) To provide complete information about the Intern, including the candidate’s EP form, letter of motivation and other information as requested by the organization (telephone interview, detailed CV/resume, photos, academic transcripts or certificates, etc.) within reasonable limits. The information requested must also abide with the legal regulations of the host country.
5. Acceptance Policies Aqui encontrarás informacion sobre el procedimiento de aceptación , es decir, el envio de CANs (company acceptance note) y SANs (Student acepptance note), los tiempos validos, que se debe hacer cuando no nos responden en un tiempo especifico. Ejemplo: 5.1. (EP) The Intern has a right to send an Acceptance Note to any TN form on “Available” status in considering the points below: a) An intern may officially accept any TN form either by accepting the TN form on and uploading an official signed Acceptance Note (please refer to Appendix B of this policies), or alternatively by sending an official signed Acceptance Note to TN manager. b) If requirement stated in 5.1.a (EP) are not fulfilled, Intern might be excluded from the candidates on particular TN form.
6. Post-Match Policies En este apartado se encuentran las cosas que deben pasar después de haber encontrado tu MATCH. Responsabilidades y derechos tanto de los EPs como de las entidades HOME AND HOST. ATENCION! Aquí también están contenidas las políticas que determinan cuando un MATCH DEBE ROMPERSE. Ejemplo: 6.2(EP) After being officially matched, Intern is responsible: a) To send an update to the Hosting Entity about his/her passport application within one (1) week of a match in cases where an application for a passport has been initiated with the government officials upon acceptance, unless otherwise agreed-upon with the hosting AIESEC entity or Organization. An EP Acceptance Note may be deemed invalid if this standard is not met. b) To review the visa/work permit regulations d) To cover visa costs, unless otherwise agreed upon with the Hosting AIESEC entity or Organization. e) To inform themselves about all information related to life conditions in the hosting country in order to be aware of any potential risk
7.Preparation Policies Políticas en cuanto a la preparación que deben recibir los participantes de intercambio previa al viaje. Esta es responsabilidad tanto del EP como de la entidad que envía, como de la entidad que recibe y el comité nacional en algunos casos. Ejemplo:
8. Integration and Reception Policies En este punto se hace referencia a las políticas de integración al comité que los recibe en el exterior. Como recibimiento, orientación mínima en el trabajo, información sobre como integrarse en el comité local y sus actividades. También estas las obligaciones de los EPs en cuanto a este punto. Ejemplo: 8.3. (EP) The Intern is responsible to: a) Have sufficient funds to incur all expenses related to transportation to and from the host country and territory. b) Have sufficient funds to cover all living expenses for the first four weeks of the internship. a) Officially register with the home embassy in the host country if their Home Country requires it. c) Behave in terms of cultural, religious, ethical norms, national or local law and other policies that exist in the country of internship; d) Take a proactive role in terms of informing Hosting entity about any situations or requirements; e) Inform Sending entity and take a proactive role If he/she wants to be involved in AIESEC activities during internship.
9. Re-Integration Policies Políticas de re integración. Estas le corresponden mas que todo a su comité local, en este caso a AIESEC UNINORTE. Algo muy importante es que YA USTEDES SON MIEMBROS DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN y tienen todo el derecho a tomar una posición de team member o team leader después de su intercambio. Ejemplo: 9.2(EP) The Intern has a right to participate in existing re-integration activities of the Sending Entity. Re-Integration should include: a) The opportunity to debrief the experience with AIESEC in the Sending Entity; b) The opportunity to evaluate and review the intern’s goals and re-integrate into LC activities (if applicable) c) The opportunity to share the internship experience with other members of the LC, including outgoing interns d) Information about reverse culture shock and how to cope with it e) Information on how to utilize and position the international exchange experience in a professional resume and in the local job market in general
10. Complaint Procedure Policies Por ultimo, este apartado nos presenta el procedimiento a seguir si existe una queja o reclamo que hacer mientras se esta en el intercambio, si alguna de las partes no esta cumpliendo con sus obligaciones. Ejemplo: 10.1. (EP) In cases where the intern is unsatisfied with the internship or is not receiving adequate support from an AIESEC entity involved according to these policies, the Intern has a right: a) To raise the issue with the relevant party (organization or AIESEC Entity) according to the dispute resolution mechanism described in policy 10.3(EP) and play a proactive role in resolving b) To receive a quick and prompt response on grievances from any stakeholder involved
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE 10.3(EP) To raise an issue with Hosting AIESEC entity or TN Organization, the Intern must follow the dispute resolution process in the order outlined below: a) Step 1. (Internal Level): The Intern should inform the Hosting AIESEC entity and TN Organization and try to solve an issue privately with them. b) Step 2. (Local Level): If Step 1 has been tried and failed, the Intern should inform the Sending Entity, while this entity will inform Hosting entity to solve the problem in accordance with the Exchange Program Policies. c) Step 3 (National Level): If Step 2 has been tried and failed, the Sending Entity should Inform Sending MC that will work together with Hosting MC to solve the issue. In addition, they may share the issue over the Global Network. d) Step 4 If the parties involved cannot reach a mutual agreement within a two-week period, it is advised that the situation be brought forth to the International Control Board for arbitration. Please refer to Supporting Document G of the International Compendium - Internal Control Board for details.