Sale 560 | Asian Works Of Art Paintings

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NO. 560

13 3 8 We s t L a ke S tr e e t C hi c a g o, Illi n o i s 6 0 6 07 p h 312. 28 0.1212 l f x 312. 28 0.1211 l l e s li e h i n d m a n.c o m

MARCH 26, 2018

leslie hindman auctioneers



MARCh 26, 2018

Asian Works of Art


Monday 26 March 2018



THURSDAY 22 MARCH | 10AM – 5PM FRIDAY 23 MARCH | 10AM – 5PM SATURDAY 24 MARCH | 10AM – 3PM SUNDAY 25 MARCH | 12pM – 4PM auction


MONDAY – FRIDAY | 9:30AM – 4:30PM All property must be picked up within seven business days per our Conditions of Sale.

Cover Lot 80 | Attributed to Shen Quan (Shen Nanping) (1682–1760) Cranes and Deer

Opposite Lot 92 | Wu Changshuo, (18441927). Calligraphy of Insriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks of the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.)

Lots marked with an asterisk (*) are tax exempt as permitted by law. ©Hindman LLC 2018 CHI CA GO , I L L I N O I S ILLINOIS AUCTION FIRM LICENSE NUMBER 444.000521

Contents Session one

PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MS. YUAN JIAYING AND MR. LI GUOYUAN, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LOT 1-125..................................................................................................... 8 artist’s index ..................................................................................102-103 AUCTION INQUIRIES ................................................................................. 104 CONDITIONS OF SALE .............................................................................. 106 TELEPHONE / ABSENTEE BID FORM ......................................................... 108

Opposite Lot 19 | Wang Su, (1797–1877). Ladies under Prunus Branches

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Property from the Collection of Ms. Yuan Jiaying and Mr. Li Guoyuan These 125 items are from the collection of Ms. Yuan Jiaying (1923- ) and Li Guoyuan (1923-1980). Ms. Yuan Jiaying is the granddaughter of the first president of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai, She is the daughter of the President’s 6th son, Yuan Kehuan, and Chen Zheng, the daughter of Jiangsu province Governor, Chen Qitai in the late Qing Dynasty. Mr. Li Guoyuan was the son of Li Suran, a financial giant in Tianjin during the 20s, and 30s. Ms. Yuan and Mr. Li left for Hong Kong in 1949, settled in Jakarta, Indonesia, and in 1962 moved to the United States where they have lived ever since. President Yuan Shikai was famous for his influence during the late Qing Dynasty. Not only was he the formal president of the Republic of China, he was also the founder of Beiyang Army. He became the last powerful general in the late Qing Dynasty after the Imo Incident and New Army Training. He also took on different roles during the Hundred Day’s Reform, the Song Jiaoren case, the Twenty-One Demands and the Revival of the Monarchy. After Yuan Shikai passed away, amidst war among the warlords, many of Yuan’s younger family members moved overseas to continue their studies and lives. Among Yuan’s nine concubines, the fifth lady, Lady Yang, was his favorite. Organized and fastidious, she ran an orderly household. She gave birth to four sons: the eldest of her sons, Yuan Kehuan, at the age of 15, traveled to Europe with his tutor to attended Cheltenham College in England. When he returned to China, he was the one who kept his father company during the President’s last few years. Yuan Kehuan married Chen Zheng two years after his father’s death. Although theirs was an arranged marriage, they were devoted to each other. Heeding his mother’s advice to stay away from politics, Yuan Kehuan embarked on a career of business. Regarded as a successful industrialist, he was CEO for multiple big companies. Yuan Kehusn and Chen Zheng had two son and five daughters. Yuan Jiaying was their eldest daughter. She was most like her father, not just in looks but manner. Unlike her siblings, Ms Yuan preferred to stay home and listen to music and stay out of the public eye. Reticent and calm, speaking only when required, she exemplifies the traditional woman of her time.


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Yuan Jiaying married Li Guoyuan shortly after they met. The Li family was a Christian family. Li Guoyuan was raised with a western education. Li worked as the personal secretary to General Zhang Zhizhong, of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party). Fluent in English, Li was asked to accompany Mao Zedong and American diplomat Patrick J. Hurley as an interpreter during their flight from Chongqing to Yan’an. He was an entertaining conversationalist, a gifted story teller who had a great sense of humor. A talented musician, he loved the arts. Li wrote poetry, short stories, played his self-taught accordion and painted whenever he could. He had a deep appreciation for classical Chinese paintings and calligraphy and had collected tirelessly. After leaving China, Li devoted his life to education and Christianity. In Indonesia, Li founded Gamaliel University, the first Christian college in Jakarta. As the principal, he offered a Western curriculum. In the 1957, Li was imprisoned under President Suharto’s Anti-Chinese policies and exiled from Indonesia afterwards. With the support of the Presbyterian church, Yuan and Li and their children immigrated to the United States in 1962. Li attended the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania to study theology and Hebrew. He became the first non-white minister to pastor an all-white church and was listed in the book Who’s Who of World Religions. In 1980, at the prime of his career as a minister, he passed away from heart failure. Li’s death was tragic for Yuan Jiaying. They had fallen in love and married at a young age and together they had experienced the best of time and the worst of times. After Li’s death, Ms Yuan settled in Chicago where now she lives. Yuan did not experience all the many changes which took place in mainland China. She was born and raised in the Republican period of China, and although she lived overseas for more than 60 years, she retains the elegance and character given to her by the Chinese traditions. This collection of 125 paintings was curated and treasured by the Yuan-Li couple. To Yuan, it represents her late husband, his love and memory and the connection between her and the past. For half a century, and through many uncertainties, the collection traveled with the family from mainland China to Hong Kong and then from Southeast Asia to North America. It was never shown publicly. It is now time for the paintings to begin a story anew.

袁世凱家族——袁家英、李國元伉儷藏珍 項城人袁世凯,中華民國首任大總統,北洋軍閥奠基人。在晚清的風雨飄搖之中,朝鮮平亂、小站練兵讓他成為 最后一位力挽狂瀾的將領。戊戌告密、宋教仁案、二十一条、洪憲帝制,則造就了這張中国近代史上最复杂的面孔。 袁項城有一妻九妾,子女三十二人。從峥嵘初露出任軍機,到養光韜晦隱居洹上,再到清帝遜位入主中南海,袁氏及 其身后的龐大家族,堪稱中國近代史上的“第一家庭”。袁氏身故后,军阀混战、武夫当国,其妻妾子女大多遠避海 外。本次拍賣呈現的125件書畫,出自袁世凱嫡孫女袁家英(1923- )及其夫李國元(1923-1980)之珍藏。袁家英是 袁世凱第六子袁克桓(1898—1956)長女,其母陳徵為江蘇巡撫陳啟泰之獨女。李國元為清末天津金融巨頭李肅然之 子。1949年,袁、李伉儷遷居香港,后至印尼雅加達,1962年定居美國至今。 袁項城除原配于氏外,有九位如夫人,以大夫人沈氏和五夫人楊氏最受寵愛。杨氏為天津商賈人家出身,善治家 而遠參政。袁世凱自中年東山再起后,二十年間,家中姬妾孩童、仆婦雜役百余口,全仗楊氏打理。袁項城每日晨起 必由楊氏貼身服侍,若逢遠行,則書信往來不斷,交待家中大小事宜,并各色飲食起居。楊氏為袁世凱育有四子:六 公子袁克桓、八公子袁克珍、九公子袁克玖和十一公子袁克安。其中,第六子袁克桓年紀最長,格外被寄予厚望。 克桓出生當年,正是戊戌變法之際,百日維新中,光緒帝三次急召袁世凱,其后慈禧奪權,光緒被囚,個中隱 情,史家眾說紛紜至今。后袁世凱受任軍機,仕途始通,克桓便在乃父的上升期中長大成人。十五歲由塾師嚴修陪同 游遍歐洲,又往英倫齐顿汉姆学院(Cheltenham College)攻讀陸軍。回國后,袁世凱已就任民國大總統,入主新華 門。由于兄長們均已成婚,弟弟們尚且年幼,袁克桓在父親生命的最后幾年常隨侍左右。袁世凱為他定下江苏巡抚陈 启泰独女陈徵为妻,然而尚未等到二人成婚,便驟然逝世。袁克桓守孝兩年后迎娶陈徵,由于母親楊氏不許子女從 政,遂兴办实业,先后任开滦矿务局,启新洋灰公司、江南水泥厂、耀华玻璃公司的董事长。袁克桓在实业界地位之 顯赫,據其后人說,每次他从唐山回到天津,都会引起股票的波动。 袁、陳夫妻二人感情甚篤,據子女們回憶,雙親是真正的嚴父慈母。父亲公務繁忙、不苟言笑,母親世家出身, 為人寬容敦厚。由于家境優渥,對族中子侄輩多有相助。袁氏后人中因諾貝爾物理獎而聲名顯赫的袁家騮,當年便 由“六叔六嬸”資助,赴美留學。陈徵為袁克桓育有五女二子,其中,長女袁家英因品貌酷肖其父而最受寵愛。據袁 家后人說,大小姐家英小时候最喜欢的水果是荔枝,在荔枝上市的短暂季节里,父亲每天都派人买几串荔枝放到她床 前。在上世紀二三十年代的北方,這是相當奢侈的了。與姊妹們相比,大小姐袁家英不愛拋頭露面出風頭,深居簡 出,性格沉穩,惜字如金而言必有中,十足矜貴的老國閨秀風范。 袁家英成年后,嫁给津門金融巨头李肃然之子李国元。李家是基督教家庭,李國元自幼受西式教育長大,幽默風 趣,談得一手好琴,又酷愛詩歌,在傳統書畫上也頗有見地。二人成婚后,李國元出任国民党将领张治中的私人秘 书。1945年国共谈判期间,由于英文流利,又接受過專業醫療訓練,國民政府派李他陪同毛澤東及美國大使赫爾利等 人自重慶飛回延安根據地。途中,毛澤東身體不適,全程依靠在李國元的懷中,在他的細心照料和安撫下,方順利抵 達延安。 1949年,李國元投身于基督教和教育事业,夫婦二人離開大陸,前往香港和東南亞传教。在雅加達,李國元創立 了印尼第一所基督教高等學府——加姆理尔大学(Gamaliel University)并擔任校长,傳播西方學術知識與文化傳 統。60年代,由于反對總統苏哈托的排华政策,李國元被投入监狱,隨后全家遭到流放。1962年,夫婦二人在基督教 長老會的援助下,携子女移民美国。隨后,李国元進入宾州匹兹堡市神学院攻读神学和希伯来文,并成为该地区主流 白人教堂中的首位非白人牧師,入选世界宗教名人录。不幸的是,80年代,正当李国元的事业如日中天时,突然身患 重病,不久亡故 。 袁、李二人是少年夫妻,早年家境優渥,過著神仙眷侶般的日子,中年歷經流亡異國、親人遠隔 等重重波折,患難夫妻,伉儷情深,相濡以沫。李国元的英年早逝,对袁家英的打击极大,因此協全家遷往芝加哥, 并定居至今。 在袁世凯的眾多孙辈中,袁家英是目前在世最年長的一位,也是唯一沒有經歷過國內重重改造、層層波折的一 位。已近百歲高齡的她,生于民國、長于民國,虽然在海外定居六十多年,她的气质、她的風骨仍停留在中国最传统 的一刻。本場拍賣的百余件書畫,來自袁、李夫婦之私人珍藏,是袁家英對亡夫的思念之寄托,也是她與往昔歲月最 后的聯系與羈絆。半個多世紀以來,時代動蕩之下,輾轉于大陸、香港、南亞、北美多地,從未流出于市場,現今釋 出,靜待有緣人得之、賞之、樂之。 view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om



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PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF Ms. Yuan Jiaying and Mr. Li Guoyuan, Chicago, Illinois

Opposite Lot 16 | Wen Dian, (1633-1704). Riverscape

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(LATE MING/EARLY QING DYNASTY) Fourteen Poems by Huarui furen ink on gold paper, fan leaf unsigned, one artist’s seal. 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches. $600-800

佚名 花蕊夫人宮詞十四首 水墨金箋,扇面 鈐印一枚



Shou Sheng

(LATE MING DYNASTY) Landscape ink on silk signed Shou Sheng, dated guimao (1663), with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Shou Sheng. Diameter 10 inches. $1,500-2,500




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(晚明) 水墨絹本,鏡心 款識:恪侯賢姪雅 拂。癸卯(1663) 天中前一日,瘦生 寫於心太平庵。 鈐印:瘦生


Shan Jing

(LATE MING DYNASTY) Landscape ink and color on gold paper signed Shan Jing, with a dedication, two artist’s seals. Diameter 10 inches. $1,000-2,000

善鏡 (晚明) 仿黃公望山水图 設色金箋,鏡心 款識:辛□大暑,橅 子久筆意。□□方□ 老表兄大人□正,弟 善鏡□。 鈐印兩枚,漫漶不清



Wang Meng

(LATE MING DYNASTY/EARLY QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink on paper signed Wang Meng, one artist’s seal. 8 x 10 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

王濛 (晚明/清初) 梅花書屋圖 設色紙本 款識:梅花書屋。王濛。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清


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(MING DYNASTY) Bird and Flowers ink and color on paper, fan leaf with a dedication, three artist’s seals. 7 x 20 1/2 inches. $1,000-2,000

宋□ (明) 月下花鳥 設色金箋,扇面 款識:曾向絲綸問,通宵伴玉人。 獨憐鐘漏靜,初月一鉤新。受天年 世兄正之。松□主人廣平宋□。 鈐印二,鉴藏印一,皆漫漶不清

佚名 6*


(LATE MING DYNASTY) Wen Zhanchi’s Three Poems in Regular Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf with a dedication, one artist’s seal shang, and one other. 6 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches. $800-1,200


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(晚明) 楷書七律三首 水墨金箋,扇面 釋文: 何意林間見草堂,遙山歲暮盡蒼蒼。上方欲晓 雲英白, 古木全疏雁影長。將去逥崖猶杖, 無言僧榻自焚香。道情已寄煙霞外,擬灈塵纓 玉㵎傍。 精庐原寄北山巖,新築高齋过嶺南。谷窈窕間 還密樹,石孤危□更□菴。聽經野鹿頻窺戶, 宴坐山僧不出龕。客欲逃禪無可醉,遠公於酒 禁方嚴。 階前秋草徑初除,始識蓬蒿有敝廬。蕉下藏身 疑即鹿,水邊流目縱於魚。風高因種先生柳, 地僻還逢長者車。不用閉門頻掃葉,隔林煙火 是樵漁。 款識:文湛持游國清寺一首。遊龍池菴一首。 秋日行園一首。弟燦書似永言內兄。 鈐印:尚,另一漫漶不清




(LATE MING DYNASTY) Poem in Cursive Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf one artist’s seal. 6 1/4 x 19 inches. $600-800

佚名 (晚明) 草書五言律 水墨金箋,扇面 釋文:孤松不可刃,□思入樂□。□ 艺□□迥,□□□木□。□生堤任 □,落□自若□。梅畔□□學,刍 綜□肖無。 款識:睨盼□白海樓作之一。 刘 汝□。 鈐印:劉□□印




(LATE MING DYNASTY) Poem in Cursive Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf one artist’s seal. 7 1/2 x 21 1/4 inches. $800-1,200

佚名 (晚明) 草書 水墨金箋,扇面 釋文略。 款識略。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清

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Yuan Jie

(MING DYNASTY) Landscape ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Yuan Jie, dated renwu, autumn, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Yuan, Jie. 7 x 21 1/2 inches. $3,000-5,000

袁階(楷) (明) 山水 設色金箋,扇面 款識:壬戌秋日為元厚先生寫。 袁階。 鈐印:袁、階



Lu Zhi

(1496-1576) Flowers and Rockery inkl and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Lu Zhi, dated xinmao (1531), the eighth luna month, autumn, two artist’s seals, Lu shi Shuping, baoshanzi. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches. $6,000-8,000


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陸治 (明,1496-1576) 白菊圖 設色金箋,扇面 释文:黃中雖正色,潔白見芳心。折 得無人把,何如晚徑深。 款識:辛卯(1531)秋八月作, 陸治。 鈐印:陸氏叔平、包山子



Cheng Jiasui

(1565-1643) Plantain Leaves and Stones ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Songyuan Laoren Cheng Jiasui, dated bingzi (1636), two artist’s seals, Cheng Jiasui yin, Mengyang, one collector’s seal. 7 x 20 1/2 inches. $4,000-6,000

程嘉燧 (明,1565-1643) 蕉石圖 設色紙本,扇面 款識:崇禎丙子(1636)仲夏□摹白 石翁小景。山雨初霽,几案灑然。松 圓老人程嘉燧。 鈐印:程嘉燧印、孟陽,鑒藏印一



Zhang Ruitu

(1570-1644) Landscape ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed guoting Ruitu, dated yichou (1625), with a dedication. 6 3/4 x 20 3/4 inches. $1,500-2,500

張瑞圖 (明,1570-1644) 山居秋色 設色金箋,扇面 款識:□□乙丑(1625)為白岳朱老 詞宗。果亭瑞圖。

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Xu Bo

(1590-1663) Poems in Running Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Luomu’an laoren Bo, dated the forth luna month, with a dedication, two artist’s seals. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches. $1,200-1,400


Song Zhisheng

(1612-1667) Poem in Running Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Song Zhisheng, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Song Zhisheng yin, Qiwu. 6 1/4 x 20 inches. $3,000-5,000


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(明,1590-1663) 行書五言律 水墨金箋,扇面 釋讀:□隙流年駛,蟻旅人□□。飛星不容瞬,出云无定 方。皖域欲亟過,投馆夕舂糧。新安江湾□,聊一浣□裳。 彼都人士集,赠墨松烟香。瞥来覩□□,但□别日长。生仔 猶□阔,运□盖悲凉。西湖铅粉盡,胥□麋鹿荒。日中喧笑 起,□便壑舟藏。抬携成痛饮,甘脆预初嘗。未宜称倦剧, 已似要扶将。涔涔尘自眩,忽忽睡为乡。服饵终年岁,观身 如药囊。诸君且安住,欢乐殊未央。蕙芳虽渐影,十日即湍 旸。子星中秘持,使节抵安□。竣事由杭入,□泊□□□, 涧连日讌集,余衰疾还山,留诗为别时。 款識:为四月廿七日,落木菴老人,波。 鈐印兩枚,漫漶不清


宋之繩 (明,1612-1667) 行書七言律 水墨金箋,扇面 釋文:涯雪朝锁戟枝寒,聲震埋輪海 甸安。陶冶人文光九鼎,□持綱紀甬 千官。近郊休□豺為牧,□邑缆今 □不□。為問□公何□□,冰□经 久月中看。 款識:小诗恭贈翁老公祖年壹并正。 治弟宋之繩。 鈐印:宋之繩印、其武


Gu Jianlong

(1606-1687) Prunus Blossoms and Swallows ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Gu Jianlong, dated gengzi (1660), autumn, one artist’s seal, Yunchen. 6 3/4 x 19 1/2 inches. $2,000-4,000


顧見龍 (清,1606-1687) 桃花雙燕 設色金箋,扇面 款識:庚子(1660)秋月。顧見龍。 鈐印:云臣



Wen Dian

(1633-1704) Riverscape ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Wen Dian, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, yu ye. 7 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. $8,000-12,000

文點 (清, 1633-1704) 仿郭河易筆意山水 紙本設色,扇面 款識:沐老道兄屬仿郭河易,文點。 鈐印:與也

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Shen Fu

(1763-1832) Pine Trees and Rockery ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Shen Sanbai, one artist’s seal. 7 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. $2,000-4,000

沈復(沈三白) (清,1763-1832) 松石圖 設色紙本,扇面 款識:沈三白 鈐印一枚



Wang Ruzhang

(QING DYNASTY) Peach Blossoms and Willow Branches ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Wang shi Ruzhang, dated dingyou (1777), autumn, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, ru, zhang. 7 1/2 x 21 inches. $500-700


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王如璋 (清) 柳葉桃花 設色紙本,扇面 款識:丁酉(1777)秋日應蘭笙三姑 大人疋屬。荇波王氏如璋。 鈐印:如、璋


Wang Su

(1797-1877) Ladies under Prunus Branches ink and color on silk signed Xiaomou Wang Su, one artist’s seal, Xiaomou. Diameter 9 3/4 inches. $1,500-2,500

王素 (清,1794-1877) 梅花仕女圖 絹本設色,鏡心 款識:乙卯 (1855)二月上 浣。小某王素。 鈐印:小某 19


Gu Chun (Gu Taiqing)

(1799-1877) Rockery ink and color on silk, round fan leaf signed Gu Chun, three artist’s seals, shu, Gu Chun, Lisheng. Diameter 10 inches. $1,000-2,000



(清,1799-1877) 石 設色絹本,團扇 款識:配蘭則綺, 倚竹柰高。為此一 拳,可凌九霄。顧春 又筆。 鈐印:書、顧春、 麗生

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Gu Chun (Gu Taiqing)

(1799-1877) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on silk, round fan leaf signed Lisheng Gu Chun, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Gu Chun, Lisheng and one other. Diameter 10 inches. $1,000-2,000




Wu Tingkang

(1799-?) Flowering Peony ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Zanfu, dated yisi (1845), with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Zanfu. 7 x 20 inches. $500-700


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(清,1799-1877) 行書《月賦》 水墨絹本,團扇 釋文:蓋聞沈潛既義,高明 既經,日以陽德,月以陰 靈。擅扶光於東沼,嗣若英 於西冥,朒朓警闕,朏魄示 衝,增華台室,揚採軒宮, 升清質之悠悠,降澄輝之藹 藹雪凝。 款識:寫奉敬甫中丞大人誨 正,麗生顧春。 鈐印:顧春、麗生,另一 漫漶不清


吴廷康 (清,1799-?) 牡丹 設色紙本,扇面 款識:僊根仁兄大人法教。乙巳長□ 賛甫□□。 鈐印:贊父



Zhang Xiong

(1803-1886) Brants in the Pond ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, dated wuchen (1868), summer, the fifth luna month, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Zixiang Zhang Xiong. 7 1/4 x 20 1/2 inches. $1,200-1,400

張熊 (清,1803-1886) 葦塘蘆雁 設色金箋,扇面 款識:戊辰(1868)夏五月□□寫應 小魯三兄大人雅屬 。子祥張熊。 鈐印:子祥張熊



Zhang Xiong

(1803-1886) Peonies and Bamboo ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, dated renzi (1852), summer, the fifth luna month, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, chen Xiong. 7 x 20 inches. $1,000-2,000

張熊 (清,1803-1886) 竹石牡丹 設色金箋,扇面 款識:詞卿四兄先生清賞。壬子 (1852)夏五月。子祥張熊。 鈐印:臣熊

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Zhang Xiong

(1803-1886) Flowering Peonies ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, dated yimao (1855), summer, the forth luna month, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, chen Xiong. 7 1/4 x 21 inches. $1,000-2,000



(清,1803-1886) 牡丹圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:森甫而兄先生雅屬。乙卯 (1855)夏四月。子祥張熊。 鈐印:臣熊



Zhang Xiong

(1803-1886) Flowering Peonies ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, dated guiyou (1873), summer, the forth luna month, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Zixiang. 7 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches. $600-800


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張熊 (清,1803-1886) 牡丹圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:務敏仁兄大人雅屬。癸酉 (1873)夏四月。子祥張熊。 鈐印:子祥


Tan Zhonglin

(1822-1905) Li Shangyin’s Poem in Running Script ink on silk, round fan leaf signed Yunguan Zhonglin, one artist’s seal, Yunguan. Diameter 10 1/4 inches. $800-1,200

譚鐘麟 (清,1822-1905) 行書录李商隱《春宵自 遣》 水墨紙本,團扇 釋文:㶊生宗世□正之。 地勝遺塵事,身閒念歲 華。晚晴風過竹,深夜月 當花。石亂知泉咽,苔荒 任徑斜。陶然恃琴酒,忘 卻在山家。 款識:雲覲鐘麟。 鈐印:雲觀




Hu Gongshou

(1823-1886) Flowering Prunus ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Hu Gongshou, one artist’s seal, Gongshou. 7 1/2 x 20 3/4 inches. $1,000-2,000

胡公壽 (清,1823-1886) 梅花圖 水墨金箋,扇面 款識:寄鶴軒鐙下寫。胡公壽。 鈐印:公壽

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Hu Gongshou

(1823-1886) Prunus and Bamboo ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Hu Gongshou, dated Tongzhi guihai (1863), with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Gongshou, one collector’s seal. 7 1/4 x 21 inches. $1,500-2,500



(清,1823-1886) 梅竹圖 水墨金箋,扇面 款識:守衛仁兄鑒之,同治癸亥胡 公壽。 鈐印:公壽、鑒藏印一



Hu Gongshou

(1823-1886) Bamboo ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Hu Gongshou, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Gongshou, Hengyun. 7 x 20 inches. $1,500-2,500


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胡公壽 (清,1823-1886) 墨竹图 水墨灑金,扇面 款識:綏青仁兄先生雅屬,華亭 胡公壽寫。 鈐印:公壽、橫云



Hu Gongshou

(1823-1886) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Hu Gongshou, dated yiyou (1885), the second day of the tenth luna month, one artist’s seal, Gongshou. 7 x 20 1/2 inches. $1,000-2,000

胡公壽 (清,1823-1886) 六研齋筆記一則 水墨金箋,扇面 释文:今人知有四方二十八宿,而不知有 中宿,然石氏星經云,中宫黄帝其精為黄 龍,為軒轅首,枕星張尾挂栁井體暎三台 司土,黄河江漢淮濟之水司,黄帝之子孫 司倮虫,三百六十則固有所謂中宿也 款識:竹懶筆記一則。乙酉(1885)十月 二日胡公壽。 鈐印:公壽



Zhu Chan

(1824-1901) Orchids ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zhu Chan, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Zhu Chan. 6 3/4 x 18 3/4 inches. $800-1,200

竹禪 (清,1824-1901) 蘭石圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:鼎奎仁兄大人正。竹禪。 鈐印:竹禪

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Yu Zhao

(1827-1890) Flowering Peonies ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Qianyun Yu Zhao, dated yiyou (1885), summer, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. 7 1/4 x 20 1/4 inches. $500-700



(清,1827-1890) 牡丹圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:天風縹緲珮丁當,一隊飛仙騎 鳳凰。朝罷玉京還洞府,紅云染遍羽 衣旁。乙酉 (1885)季夏仿瓯香馆 意為森甫大人正之。倩云余昭。 鈐印一枚



Zhang Mingke

(1829-1908) Tang Yin’s Two Poems in Semi-Regular Script ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zhang Mingke, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Gongshu. 7 1/2 x 21 inches. $1,000-2,000


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張鳴珂 (清,1829-1908) 行楷錄唐寅詩兩首 水墨金箋,扇面 釋文:阿對泉頭舊布衣,共論不二破禪機,悠然晝 日無人見,一樹桃花隔翠微。亂山雜霧曉蔥蘢,遙 見懸魚是梵宮。倚杖慢行行複坐,一聲啄木在林 中。(唐寅《题自画山水诗七首》) 四月江南農事興。漚麻浸谷有常程。誰言嬌細全無 事。一夜繰車響到明。(唐寅《江南農事圖》) 款識:錄唐伯虎詩,子雲六兄大人雅屬。張鳴珂。 鈐印:公束


Yang Baoguang

(1830-1912) Landscape ink on silk, round fan leaf signed Yang Baoguang, dated bingzi (1876), summer, two artist’s seals, gu, yun. Diameter 10 inches. $500-700

楊葆光 (清,1830-1912) 仿倪瓚山水图 水墨絹本,團扇 款識:雲林人品甚高,□其画已超出凡近士大 夫,固貴立品也。丙子(1876)夏五于役潞河 写。无故□□□□。雲間楊葆光古醞并記。 鈐印:古、云




Sha Fu

(1831-1906) Carrying Chrysanthemum for Chung Yeung Festival ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Sha Fu, dated gengwu (1870), winter, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, shanchun. 6 1/2 x 18 1/2 inches. $2,000-3,000

沙馥 (清,1831-1906) 擔菊訪友 設色金箋,扇面 款識:郭外西风绕岸斜,終影擔菊走 三□。風風雨雨重陽近,已到紫桑雯 士家。庚午 (1870)立冬後三日以 应益三仁兄大人清品。沙馥寫。 鈐印:山春

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Ji Wenyuan

(QING DYNASTY) Plum Bossoms ink on paper, fan leaf signed Ji Wenyuan, dated yimao (1845), summer, with a dedication, one artist’s seal Wenyuan, and one other. 7 1/4 x 20 inches. $600-800



(清) 墨梅圖 水墨紙本,扇面 釋讀:風冷落階露未乾,亭亭默立耐清 寒。林家仙眷輕□□,來向環娥鏡里 看。孤心冷落□株□,眉影□□□水□ 。終是逋仙□□在,只□□影認前身。 款識:道光乙巳(1845)長夏客游中 江,下榻古水僊宮□鐘。催暝清風,忽 來晚□,無俚仿白陽山人,長應□□先 生屬。季文淵□題。 鈐印:文淵,另一漫漶不清


Chen Chongqing

(1845-1928) Landscape ink on silk signed Chongqing, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Chongqing. Diameter 9 3/4 inches. $1,200-1,400

陳重慶 (清,1845-1928) 韋給事山居圖 水墨絹本,鏡心 款識:寫大壑隨階轉 句意。大人鈞鑒。重 慶再塗。 鈐印:重慶 38


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Chen Chongqing

(1845-1928) Four Poems in Regular Script ink on gold paper, round fan leaf signed Chen Chongqing, dated bingshen (1869), with a dedication, one artist’s seal. Diameter 10 inches. $1,000-2,000


陳重慶 (清,1845-1928) 楷書詩四首 水墨金箋,團扇 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清 釋文:記曾杖履侍春風,無限心情笈 語中。藻夏園林花富貴,(甘肅潘署 牡丹茂盛)棠陰幄幕隴西東。捛來童 稺屠蘇酒,(兒輩俱曾蒙賜飲)看取 精神矍鑠翁。十載皋蘭重回首,戟門 脩謁感飄蓬。 挂帐鄂渚乍停槎,一角明湖夢鵲華。 私喜范韓瞻偉略,敢言孔李託通家。


Kang Hong

(QING DYNASTY) A Flock of Geese ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Kang Hong, dated renzi (1852), autumn, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Kang, Hong. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

南樓醉月叨隅坐,東閣趍風趂早衙。 父執交情長官貴,祗惭倚玉是蒹葭。 七年雄職領方州,自昔荆襄控上游。 萬眾香花慈父母,專征旄鉞古公侯。 歡聲鳧□稀宵拆,羡利蠶桑覆大裘。 旦夕兼圻持节去,为怜王粲独依刘。 小草欣欣意向荣,阶前尺地当登灜。 親年喜懼思歸日,家計艱難乞食情。 薛卞門庭深企望,雷陳風義重平生。 領將下里巴人曲,聽取焦桐爨下聲。 款識:小詩四首敬求大人教誨。屬 史陳重慶謹呈。時在丙申(1896) 五月。

康泓 40 (清) 萬里聯飛 設色金箋,扇面 款識:壬子(1852)九秋寫似依老先 生。康泓。 鈐印:康、泓

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Long Zhang

(1854-1918) Wenxin Diaolong in Semi-Regular Script ink on silk signed Piqin zhai zhuren, dated xinmao (1891), one artist’s seal. Diameter 9 3/4 inches. $500-700


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(清,1854-1918) 錄《文心雕龍 • 養氣篇》 水墨絹本,鏡心 款識:錄劉舍人文心雕龍養氣篇以示 藝也。辛卯(1891)初夏甓勤斋主人 □於洞庭舟中。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清 释文:昔王充著述,制養氣之篇,驗 己而作,豈虛語哉!夫耳目鼻口,生 之役也;心慮言辭,神之用也。率志 委和,則理融而情暢;鑽礪過分,則 神疲而氣衰:此性情之數也。夫三皇 辭質,心絕於道華;帝世始文,言貴 於敷奏。三代春秋,雖沿世彌縟,並 適分胸臆,非牽課才外也。戰代技 詐,攻奇飾說,漢世迄今,辭務日 新,爭光鬻采,慮亦竭矣。故淳言以 比澆辭,文質懸乎千載;率志以方竭 情,勞逸差於萬里。古人所以馀裕, 後進所以莫遑也。凡童少鑒淺而志 盛,長艾識堅而氣衰,志盛者思銳以 勝勞,氣衰者慮密以傷神,斯實中人 之常資,歲時之大較也。若夫器分有 限,智用無涯;或慚鳧企鶴,瀝辭鐫 思。於是精氣内銷,有似尾閭之波; 神志外傷,同乎牛山之木。怛惕之盛 疾,亦可推矣。至如仲任置硯以綜 述,叔通懷筆以專業,既暄之以歲 序,又煎之以日時,是以曹公懼爲文 之傷命,陸雲歎用思之困神,非虛談 也。夫學業在勤,功庸弗怠,故有錐 股自厲;和熊以苦之人志於文也,則 申寫郁滯。故宜從容率情,優柔適 會。若銷鑠精膽,蹙迫和氣,秉牘以 驅齡,灑翰以伐性,豈聖賢之素心, 會文之直理哉!且夫思有利鈍,時有 通塞,沐則心覆,且或反常;神之方 昏,再三愈黷。是以吐納文藝,務在 節宣,清和其心,調暢其氣,煩而即 舍,勿使壅滯,意得則舒懷以命筆, 理伏則投筆以卷懷,逍遙以針勞,談 笑以藥倦,常弄閑於才鋒,賈馀於文 勇,使刃發如新,腠理無滯,雖非胎 息之萬術,斯亦衛氣之一方也。讚 曰:紛哉萬象,勞矣千想。玄神宜 寶,素氣資養。水停以鑒,火靜而 朗。無擾文慮,鬱此精爽。




(QING DYNASTY) Flowering Peonies ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed, dated jisi (1869), summer, the forth luna month, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. 7 1/2 x 20 3/4 inches. $300-500

佚名 (清) 水墨金箋,扇面 款識:少詞尊兄雅屬。己巳(1869 )夏四月,□某姚□。 鈐印:□□畫印



Guixian Nvshi

(QING DYNASTY) Flowers and Butterflies ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Guixian Nvshi, dated gengchen (1880). 7 x 21 inches. $600-800

桂仙女史 (清) 花蝶圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:歲次庚辰(1880)端午後三 日,桂仙女史寫於環翠亭。

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Ren Shaotang

(QING DYNASTY) Parrots and Peach Blossoms ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Shaotang, dated xinsi (1881), summer, one artist’s seal Shaotang. 6 3/4 x 19 3/4 inches. $800-1,200

任少棠(金聲) (清) 海棠鸚鵡 設色金箋,扇面 款識:飄然快拂花稍, 翠尾分開紅影。辛巳蒲 夏少棠寫於申甫□次。 鈐印:少棠



Qian Fengming

(QING DYNASTY) Peach Blossoms and a Swallow ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Meisheng Qian Fengming, dated xinyi (1881), summer, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Fengming. 7 1/2 x 21 inches. $800-1,200


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錢鳳鳴 (清) 桃花燕子 設色金箋,扇面 款識:□□石田翁畫意健 庵仁兄大人雅屬。辛已 (1881)夏日,梅生錢 鳳鳴。 鈐印:鳳鳴


Mei Shi

(QING DYNASTY) Flowering Prunus, Rockery and Well ink on paper, fan leaf signed Mei Shi, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. 7 x 21 1/4 inches. $500-700


楳史 生卒年不詳 山石梅花 紙本設色,扇面 款識:三更殘月寒英瘦,一勺清泉 碧縷肥。橅陳道復。子文九兄大人 屬,楳史。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清



Zhang Gongxun

Eagle Landing on Tree ink on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zhang Gongxun, one artist’s seal. 7 x 19 1/2 inches. $600-800

張公詢 生卒年不詳 松鹰圖 水墨紙本,扇面 款識:張公詢 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清

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Zhang Xilv

Bird Perched on Branches ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed Zhang Xilv, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Xilv and one other. 7 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches. $600-800



(QING DYNASTY) Ladies Stand by the Window ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf. 7 x 19 inches. $1,200-1,400


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張錫履 生卒年不詳 仿新羅山人筆意花鳥 紙本設色,扇面 款識:橅新羅山人意於瀨陽學舍,為 梁輔四兄大人雅屬,嵬江張錫履。 鈐印:錫履,另一漫漶不清


佚名 (清) 憑窗仕女 設色金箋,扇面


Cheng Ying

(QING DYNASTY) Peony ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Cheng Ying, dated bingchen, summer, one artist’s seal, Wugang. 7 x 19 3/4 inches. $800-1,200


程鷪 (清) 牡丹 設色金箋,扇面 款識:丙辰夏日。程鷪。 鈐印:梧岡



Zhong Hui

(QING DYNASTY) Orchid ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zhong Hui, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, xiang fan. 7 1/2 x 20 inches. $600-800

鐘滙 (清) 蘭草 設色金箋,扇面 款識:云甫方伯大人鈞誨。鐘滙 學畫。 鈐印:相颿

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Wang Jiafu

(QING DYNASTY) Chrysanthemums ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Fangzha Wang Jiafu, dated gengwu (1870), mid autumn, one artist’s seal, Fangzha. 7 1/2 x 20 1/4 inches. $600-800

王嘉輔 (清) 秋階豔卉 設色金箋,扇面 款識:庚午中秋仿陳仲美筆意,季良 四兄大人雅屬。訪楂王嘉輔。 鈐印:訪楂




(QING DYNASTY) Chrysanthemums ink and color on paper, fan leaf signed with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Lemin and one other. 7 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. $400-600


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佚名 (清) 霜葉秋菊 設色紙本,扇面 款識:詠裳大兄大人雅正,弟□名 作于邗江。 鈐印:樂民,另一漫漶不清



Gu Sheng

(QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Haiping Gu Sheng, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Haiping. 7 x 20 inches. $1,000-2,000

顾升 (清) 輞川一角 設色金箋,扇面 款識:摹王輞川臨湖亭一角。為佩玉 大兄正屬。海苹顾升。 鈐印:海苹




(QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed, one artist’s seal, Yunxi. 7 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches. $800-1,200

佚名 (清) 仿趙千里山水 設色金箋,扇面 款識:樹陰連埜闊,山翠入江 明。仿趙千里設色。云□松。 鈐印:云溪

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Lin Fuchang

(QING DYNASTY) Flowering Peonies ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Lin Fuchang, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Fuchang zhi yin, Fang gao, one collector’s seal. 7 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. $400-600


Yanling Nvshi

(QING DYNASTY) Flowers ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Yanling Nvshi, one artist’s seal Yanling Nvshi, one other. 7 x 19 1/2 inches. $800-1,200


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林福昌 (清) 牡丹圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:花容嫵媚慣傳神,一抹燕支點 绛唇。最愛太真粧半面,曉□雲髻 墨痕新。白雲外史本,為震之仁兄 大人大雅清賞。吳門海如林福昌寫 於眉壽廬。 鈐印:福昌之印、方杲,另一漫 漶不清


延陵女史 (清) 群芳圖 設色金箋,扇面 款識:延陵女史 鈐印:□□之印、延陵女史



Zishi Sheng

(QING DYNASTY) Peaches ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Zishi Sheng, two artist’s seals, Zishi Shanren, lan and two other seals. 6 1/4 x 18 1/2 inches. $600-800



(POSSIBLY QING DYNASTY) Bamboo over Exotic Rocks ink and color on gold paper, fan leaf signed Wo Yun, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Wo Yun and two other seals. 7 x 20 1/2 inches. $600-800

紫石生 (清) 雙桃 設色金箋,扇面 款識:度索峰頭手自栽,淂嘗凡骨換 仙胎。三千弱水誰能渡,王母凌雲親 送來。紫石生。 鈐印:紫石山人、兰,另二漫漶不清



(或为清) 竹石图 設色金箋,扇面 款识:已□夏日為棣葊二兄 先生屬。臥云寫。 鈐印:臥云,另二漫漶不清

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(POSSIBLY QING DYNASTY) Poem in Running Script ink on paper, fan leaf with a dedication, one artist’s seal. 6 1/2 x 18 3/4 inches. $500-700


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佚名 (或為清) 行書七言絕句贈詩 水墨紙本,扇面 釋文:野寺沉沉山木深,宵钟流響 出西林。□居遇兩净無寐,一百八 聲清到心。 款識:書与西玉再□。□□。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清



Ding Tan

(QING DYNASTY) Zhao Mengfu and Wang Xizhi’s Articles in Regular Script ink on paper, fan leaf signed Ding Tan, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, chen Tan and one other. 7 3/4 x 21 inches. $700-900

丁菼 (清) 楷書錄趙孟頫法書六則 紙本水墨,扇面 款識:詠裳仁兄大人雅屬即請正之。 午峰弟丁菼。 鈐印:臣菼,另一漫漶不清 釋文:學書在玩味古人法帖,悉知 其用筆之意,乃為有益。右軍書蘭 亭是已退筆,因其勢而用之,無不 如志,兹其所以神也。昨晚宿沛縣 廿六日早飯罷題。(趙孟頫《定武 兰亭跋》) 蘭亭誠不可忽。世間墨本日亡日少, 而識真者蓋難。其人既識而藏之,可 不寶諸。十八日清河舟中。(赵孟頫 《定武兰亭十三跋》) 癸未,陞通議兩浙轉運使,去民之不 便者而課自辦。轉正議除工部尚書, 居半載復為兩浙轉運使兼杭州諸色課 程及市舶。前同知納速剌丁倚權臣勢

奪公職,有旨理算欲因以誣公,卒不 得毫髮私羣小蟄服。(趙孟頫《闲邪 公家传》) 此地有崇山峻領,茂林脩竹;又有清 流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲 水,列坐其次。雖無絲竹管弦之盛, 一觞一詠,亦足以畅叙幽情。是日 也,天朗氣清,惠風和暢。仰觀宇宙 之大,俯察品類之盛。足所以遊目騁 懷,極視聽之娛,信可樂也。(王羲 之《蘭亭集序》) 至元之政,化薄海外,施於大德,製 而不宰。禮備而舉,樂和以脩,天降 其祉,神薦其休。精誠潛孚,三五協 治,匪曰盈成,孝思攸致。維今天 子,懿恭淵仁,寰宇時雍,為元之 春。迄貞厥苻,以贊攸應。(趙孟頫 《大元敕藏御服之碑》) 右軍人品甚高,故書入神品。奴隸小 夫,乳臭之子,朝學執筆,暮已自夸 其能。薄俗可鄙。(趙孟頫《定武兰 亭跋》)

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He Shaoji, Zhu Bingcheng and Others

(LATE QING DYNASTY) Poems in Semi-Regular Script ink on silk, round fan leaf signed Shaoji, Zhu Bingcheng, with dedications, three artists’ seals. Diameter 10 inches. $1,200-1,400


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(清晚期) 律詩集錦 水墨紙本,團扇 釋文:藜青仁兄大人,方家教正。倚 仗慈親健,迎門稚子譁。平安□別 語,風雪久思家。紅日未全下,寒 梅剛半花。家僮為款客,來獻一瓯 茶。□家。 今年晴遏黄梅節,輕煖□寒似暮春。 莫笑江干垂釣者,披裘原是□時人。 即事口占一絕 。 數肩行李雨丝丝,山路崎嶇策蹇 遲。□□一□臨水立,残碑滿地耐 人思。稻香鵲啄□春米,樹老鴉樓 帶葉枝。未入荒城先見塔,牧童剛 是飯牛時。落一絲字。試緩返華陽 歸途即景。 一片斜陽帶遠村,落霞秋水共黃昏。 白雲忽裹奇峯去,不放鍾山綠□内。 即景一絕。辛丑五月弟紹基錄舊作 於怡怡室。 久讀僊經學養形,未容便應少微星。 一枝新锻金雅觜,更向名山斸茯苓。 卧看銜枝補鵲巢,方知此老懶堪嘲。 山村四十餘年住,未省曾添一把茅。 (陸游《出遊歸卧得雜詩八首》之六 《見鵲補巢戲作》)藜青仁兄大人屬 書。文川弟朱秉成。 鈐印:□庵、朱





(清) 書法 水墨絹本,團扇 釋文:伏惟陛下。應天淑靈。丁期中 興。誕在幼齡。聖姿碩義。威儀孔 備。俯仰龍光。顏如日星。言稽典 謨。動蹈規矩。緝熙光明。思齊周 成。早智夙就。參美顯宗。令月吉 日。始加元服。進御幘結。以章天 休。臣妾萬國。遐邇大小一心。同 歡同喜逸豫。式歌且舞。臣等不勝 踴躍鳧藻。謹奉牛一頭。酒九鍾。 稽首再拜。 昔人淂古刻數行專心而學之便可名世 況。蘭亭是右淂意書,學之不已,何 患不過人耶? 臣繇言:臣自遭遇先帝,忝列腹心, 爰自建安之初,王師破賊關東。時年 荒谷貴,郡縣殘毀,三軍饋餉,朝不 及夕。先帝神略奇計,委任得人,深 山窮谷,民所米豆。 款識:潞生任弟大人屬臨,癸已端陽 前三日渭賢 鈐印:臣、賢

(QING DYNASTY) Calligraphy in Various Scripts ink on silk, round fan leaf signed xian, dated kuiyi, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, chen, xian. Diameter 10 inches. $600-800

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Wang Jie

(QING DYNASTY) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on gold paper, round fan leaf signed Wang Jie, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. Diameter 9 3/4 inches. $800-1,200


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(清) 行書 水墨金箋,團扇 釋文:掸捐玉女籽雲礽,星漢垂空盡可捫。 五色雲中僊掌現,巨靈擎出洗頭盆。海上 彈琴一葉船,赤龍倏忽化紅絃。泠泠弄罷 水仙調,攫霧挐雲飛上天。偶向扶桑碧海 過,冰蠶近日始生蛾。上元寄語天孫道, 織室暫停抛玉梭。蜃樓縹緲在虛空,貝闕 玲瓏落照紅。莫怪盧生尋不見,盡馳三島 入壺中。下縋懸厓上摘星,往來羽服響流 鈴。白猨跪獻芙蓉劍,淸嘯一聲歸翠屏。 九天天路入雲長,燕使何由到上方。玉女 暗來花下立,手挼裙帶問昭王。 款識:敏翁一兄大人雅正,□□弟王傑。 鈐印一枚,漫漶不清




Yu Mei

(QING DYNASTY) Two Wu Meicun’s Poems in Regular Script ink on silk, round fan leaf signed Yinxiang Nvshi. Diameter 9 1/2 inches. $500-700

(清) 楷书录吴梅村诗二首 水墨絹本,扇面 釋文:時在癸未竹醉後三日,宣皇清暑 幸離宮,碧檻青疎十二重。七寶鑄銅薰 鴨貴,千金瓷翠鬥雞紅。玳瑁簾開南內 宴,沉香匣啟西川扇。蟬翼描來雲母輕, 冰紈制就天孫豔。丹霞滃起駕雲軿,王 母雙成絳節還。玉管鳳銜花萬壽,銀濤龍 蹴海三山。芙蓉水殿琉璃徹,內家尚苦櫻 桃熱。九華初御詠招涼,落葉回風若霜 雪。峨眉萬里尚方船,雉尾千秋奏御箋。 公主合歡嬌翡翠,昭容反影鬥嬋娟。遭逢 召見南薰殿,思陵日昃猶揮汗。天語親傳 賜近臣,先生進講《豳風》倦。黃羅帕捧 出雕闌,畫箑丹青掌上看。俸薄買嫌燈市 價,恩深攜謝閤門班。自離卷握秋風急, 蹇驢便面誰人識。聞道烽煙蔽錦城,齊紈 楚竹無顏色。石榴噴火照皇都,再哭蒼梧 愧左徒。舊內謾懸長命縷,新宮徒貼辟兵 符。雨夜床頭搜廢篋,摩挲老眼王家物。 半面猶存《蛺蝶圖》,空箱尚記《霓裳》 疊。蠹粉黃侵瓊樹花,曲塵香損紫鸞車。 珠衣五翟悲秦女,玉墜雙魚泣漢家。莫歎 君恩長斷絕,比來舒捲仍鮮潔。乍可襟披 宋玉風,不堪袖掩班姬月。(《吴梅村 集﹒宮扇》) 回顧去鄉遠,近及長安城。禁門十二 戟,策馬聞鷄鳴。解褐初登朝,日出趨 承明。慶雲生階墀,天樂和且平。立談計 誠用,萬里無專徵。(吳梅村 《送周子 俶其三》) 款識:吟香女史學書

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Shen Baoyin

(QING DYNASTY) Meng Haoran’s Poem in Running Script ink on gold silk signed di Shen Baoyin, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. Diameter 9 1/2 inches. $1,000-2,000




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(清) 行書孟浩然《夜歸鹿門山歌》 水墨灑金絹本,鏡心 釋文:山寺鳴鐘晝已昏,漁梁渡頭 爭渡喧。人隨沙岸向江邨,余亦乘 舟歸鹿門。鹿門月照開煙樹,忽到 龐公棲隱處。巖扉松徑長寂寥,唯 有幽人自來去。 款識:雲卿二兄大人正之,弟沈 葆蔭。 鈐印:庭□


Yang Dechun

(LATE QING DYNASTY) A Scholar with His Attendant ink and color on silk signed Shaoting, dated shuzi (1888), summer, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Shaoting. Diameter 10 inches. $800-1,200

楊德春(少亭) (清晚期) 高士童子 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:瑞荃仁兄大人雅 正,戊子(1888)夏日少 亭弟楊□□。 鈐印:少亭 67


Hu Ting’an

(QING DYNASTY) Bird Perched on Flowering Branches ink and color on gold paper signed Hu Ting’an, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. Diameter 9 1/2 inches. $500-700



(清) 花鳥圖 設色金箋,鏡心 款識:新甫仁兄大 人雅屬,□□弟胡 廷□寫。 鈐印一枚,漫漶 不清

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Xu Pei

(QING DYNASTY) Squirrel and Pine ink and color on silk signed Xu Pei, with a dedication, one artist’s seal. Diameter 10 inches. $1,200-1,400

徐培 (清) 松鼠圖 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:敏翁仁兄大人雅 正。蘭溪弟徐培。 鈐印:徐培□□



Hong Ruyuan

(LATE QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink on silk signed Hong Ruyuan, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Yifu. Diameter 9 3/4 inches. $100-200




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(清,光緒) 山水圖 水墨絹本,鏡心 款識:鷺村仁兄大人雅正。 弟洪汝源。 鈐印:毅夫


Wang Mengtao, Su Peifen

(QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink and color on silk signed Mei Pu, Su Peifen, dated xinwei (1871), summer, with a dedication, one artist’s seal, Zeshan, two other seals. 14 x 19 1/2 inches. $600-800

王孟洮,蘇霈芬 (清) 山水圖 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:任寅仲冬梅甫寫。為之瑞棣台 製。琴書詩畫,達士以之養性情。六 藝之□,德成後亦□□□之。瑞兄□ 妃筆墨。溥泉□□尤甚,以□□□□ 贈□□四幅索題□乎。士得一知己可 以不恨羡,为山水人物花卉翎毛及寫 印數交,當已如也,辛未(1871)初 夏澤珊蘇霈芬。 鈐印:澤珊,另二漫漶不清



Wang Tan

(QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink on paper signed Tan, one artist’s seal. 7 1/4 x 10 1/4 inches. $800-1,200

王坦 (清) 仿梅道人筆意山水 水墨紙本 款識:梅道人法,坦。 鈐印:□□坦

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(QING DYNASTY) Landscape ink on paper unsigned, one seal, Wang Han and one other seal. 9 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches. $600-800

佚名 (清) 山水圖 鈐印:王翰,另一 漫漶不清




(QING DYNASTY) Man with a Jar underneath Tree ink on paper unsigned, two seals. 8 1/4 x 9 1/2 inches. $500-700

佚名 (清) 醉臥柳蔭 水墨紙本,鏡心 鈐印:楊□祖 印、越南



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Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper signed, dated renwu, one seal, de tang and two other seals. 10 1/2 x 5 1/4 inches. $400-600

佚名 (年代不詳) 草書 水墨紙本,鏡心 款識:壬午秋□,南塘□。 鈐印:德堂,另二漫漶不清


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Xing Tong

(1551-1612) Wang Xizhi’s Shi Qi Tie Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper, a set of twelve hanging scrolls signed Xing Tong, two artist’s seals, Xing Tong zhi yin, Ziyuan, one other seal. 72 1/2 x 19 inches (each image). $60,000-80,000


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(明,1551-1612) 草書臨王羲之《十七貼》十二條 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:臨邑邢侗寫。 鈐印:邢侗之印、子愿、字華行素乘 釋文: 十七日先书郗司马未去,即日得足下书为慰 先书以,具示复数字吾前东粗足作佳观( 一) 吾为逸民之怀久矣,足下何以方复及,此似 梦中语耶。无缘言面为叹,书何能悉,龙保 等平安也,谢之甚迟见,卿舅可(二) 耳至为简隔也,今往丝布单衣财一端,示致 意。瞻近无缘省苦(告),但有悲叹,足下 小大悉平安,也云卿当,来居此喜迟不( 三) 可言,想必果言苦(告)有期耳,亦度当不 居京,此既避又节气佳,是以欣卿来也此信 旨,還具示问。足下所疏云此果佳可(四) 为致子,当种之此种彼,胡桃皆生也,吾笃 喜。种果今在田里,唯以此为事,故远及致 此,子者大惠也。足下今年政七十(五) 耶,知体气常佳,此大庆也想复。愚加颐 养,吾年垂耳顺推之,人理得尔以为厚幸, 但恐前路转,欲逼耳以尔要欲(六) 一游目汶领非复常言。虚言得果此缘一段奇 事也。有汉时讲堂在是汉,何帝时立此知画 三=皇五帝以来,备有画又精(七) 妙甚可观也。不欲因摹取当可得不信具告, 诸从并数有问粗平安唯修,载在远音问不 数,悬情司州疾笃不果,西公私可恨(八) 足下所云皆尽時势,吾□□□□,彼清晏岁 丰又所出有无一乡故是名处, 且山川形势乃 尔何可以,不游目省别具足下小(九) 大问为慰多分张,念足下悬情,武昌诸子亦 多远宦,足下兼怀并数问不老妇顷疾笃,恒 忧虑余粗平安,知足下情至(十) 虞安吉者昔与共事,常念之今为殿中将军, 前过云与足下中表不以年老甚欲与足下(十 一) 为下寮意其资可得小郡,足下可思致之耶所 念,故远及(十二)



邢侗,字子願,號知吾,晚號來禽濟源山主。嘉靖三十年(1551)生,萬歷四十年(1612)卒。 七歲能作擘窠大書,十八歲拔貢生,二十歲中舉人,二十四歲進士及第,授南宮知縣,六年後升監察 禦史,三十六歲官至四品太仆寺少卿,後因張居正案株連,不滿宦官弄權,三次上書辭官,歸隱臨邑 家中,斥資巨萬購地築“泲園”,內設犁邱、泲亭、鵝群榭、來禽館等二十六處,景景配詩記述,隱 居園中,精鹽法書,直至終老。邢子願工書善畫,與董其昌並稱“南董北邢”,又與王稚登、馮時 可、董其昌、李維楨五人結為“中興五子”,排明末哀怨喪頹之風,倡秦漢之文、魏晉之書。與董其 昌、米萬鐘、張瑞圖並列“晚明四家”。 邢侗自少年科舉時習字,初學沈度,十三歲已諳王寵楷法,又熟趙孟頫行草,十六歲時,安福督 學鄒善偶見其書,道:“此兒書法有前輩風,是天下才也!”遂召至濟南濼源書院,傳為齊中美談。 十八歲時考取拔貢,應詔進京,隨後中舉,四年後賜同進士出身,翌年知南宮,廣交天下士,深感自 己唯精“館閣體”之不足。曾在《來禽館集》中自述“余三十許時,實諳此法,久之易轍改途,茫然 故步,殊不任年華之感也。”此後遍師虞、褚、米、旁之真草隸篆,然最好右軍書,力追二王。 從這一時期直到萬歷三十年乃父辭世,近三十年間,邢侗任南宮、擢禦史、巡河東、按三吳、督 兩廣、升太仆、歸故裏、營“泲園”,書風漸趨成熟,影響力漸長。《明史》有載,神宗曾令內監以 子願字扇進覽,擊節稱賞,並命女史學其書,置以圖記。邢司馬出使高麗,有一李姓狀元妻,托書致 邢侗,願為弟子,只恨身為女子,不能入中國。朱宗伯出使,亦攜邢書二幅,購之與金同價。三十六 歲辭官還鄉後,潛心王羲之筆法,追跡逸少,愈發古淡,深得右軍神髓,明人李維禎贊之曰:“其臨 池染翰,宛然晉人手筆”。邢侗亦自謂“與右軍書坐臥幾三十年,始克入化”。 臨池之外,邢侗最大的貢獻,是得十七、澄清堂二帖,並主刻《來禽館帖》,將傳世王書去偽存 真、去粗取精,深益後世。《十七貼》因卷首有“十七”二字得名,全書共二十七帖,為王羲之寫給 友人益州刺史周撫之書信,自永和三年至升平五年(347-361年),跨度達十四年之久。此帖自來被 視作草書之圭臬,書中之龍象,其地位可與行書中《懷仁集王羲之書聖教序》相比。按唐人張彥遠《 法書要錄》所載,《十七貼》原本:“長一丈二尺,即貞觀中內本也,一百七行,九百四十三字。是 煊赫著名帖也。太宗皇帝購求二王書,大王書有三千紙,率以一丈二尺為卷,取其書跡與言語以類相 從綴成卷。”傳言此帖因為太宗李世民所愛,隨葬昭陵,自唐以來,唯有摹刻本傳世。刻本粗分兩 種:其一為賀知章臨刻,入《淳化閣帖》;其二末款屬“付直弘文館臣解無畏勒充館本,臣褚遂良校 無失”,故稱館本,曾由唐人雙鈎硬黃紙本鉤摹上石,傳至北宋時,被米芾割去部分與人易畫,自此 缺字十六行。此本後藏於魏泰家,南宋時由陳與義得之,宋明交接之際一度流入臺州市房務抵當,至 明代被吳廷藏之。萬歷十一年,邢侗任三吳巡按使時由吳廷處得此本,欣喜若狂,親自手摹上石,並 另集王右軍《澄清堂帖》、《黃庭經》、《蘭亭序》三種(定武本、褚遂良本、趙孟頫臨本)、索靖 《出師頌》與趙子昂《墨竹圖》共八帖,重金聘江南名手吳尚端父子精心刻制,歷時八年方完工,為 此花費大半家產,以致家道中落。 此集以邢子願堂號“來禽館”命名,一經面世,即名揚天下,成為傳世名帖。而“來禽”一詞, 亦出自《十七貼》。邢侗得刻得《來禽帖》後,誌酬意滿,自賦詩“爐香靜對來禽帖,茗鼎閑披相鶴 經”。對《唐人雙鈎十七貼》更是重若珍貝,曾言:“吾家《十七貼》,竟樹寰中赤貼”,又有跋 曰:“此唐摹十七帖虛和閒適。若挹右軍指腕,而對右軍眉宇也。上石出自余縣錐,絲髮惟愜。蓋近 臨晉人書,多園熟傷肥,而此獨骨肉勻停,時露鋒穎,驒留足下,起一點輕塵,不似四蹄雪雹,黃埃 撲人也。”清儒王澍遍觀百余本《十七貼》之後,也認為邢侗所言非虛,《來禽館》本當為天下《十 七貼》第一。確如邢跋所說:“銷峭環桀,寓於綿密之內,諸王氏拓刻,盡在下風。” 此品即由邢子願中年節臨自《唐人雙鈎十七貼》,全書共計十二條,上款屬臨王右軍書,末款落 臨沂邢侗寫。鈐“邢侗之印”、“子願”印兩方,鑒藏印“字華行素乘”。全帖從容衍裕,氣象超 然,行行分明練達,字字疏落有致。句讀間偶有牽帶,然形斷神續,氣貫神通,且中正平和,絕無一 般書家狂怪怒張之氣。唐太宗曾贊右軍書“點曳之工,裁成之妙,煙霏露結,狀若斷而還連;鳳靠龍 蟠,勢如斜而反直”,邢子愿自得十七貼後,書風更似右軍,其龍跳天門,虎臥鳳閣之勢,由此作可 見一斑。誠如周之士《遊鶴堂墨藪》所贊:“近代邢子願書,精研二王,筆法恒仿佛《十七貼》筆 意;即其卷素所書,跡多述王帖,可謂極意臨摹者矣。宋、齊而下,書法衰颯,魏晉風軌掃地者,已 非旦夕之故,乃公獨裒然辟除陋習,追跡逸少,無論其精旨謂何,即其矢誌,則已超人一等矣。” 邢侗于萬歷四十年痛失愛子,大病月余不愈,寫下“天高水長,學則如此,止則五峰,小圃未 成,西漢書未爛爾”之絕筆,整襟理容,端坐而逝,享年六十二歲。去世後不久,清兵進攻臨邑,次 子邢王稱率眾護城,不幸遇難,“泲園”亦被搗毀。《來禽館帖》石刻在子孫間輾轉流傳,今藏于臨 邑邢侗紀念館。 邢子願晚年曾有言,稱自刻《唐人雙勾十七貼》“後百余年,當以十千享之。余非狡獪言,物固 自有值”。邢侗臨羲之草書,北京故宮藏有《袁生帖》軸,然只得一節,短短二十七字。濟南博物館 藏有《節臨十七帖》,然只得《兒女帖》一軸,三十四字。此外臺北故宮藏扇面數幅,日本及東南亞 諸國有少量遺跡殘存,此十二軸传承右軍笔法,肖其形神,得其真味,天趣淋漓,已臻其至,當為海 內所珍。

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Attributed to Liu Yong

(1719-1805) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Shi An, two artist’s seals, yu ci xian fang, Liu Yong zhi yin. 8 1/2 x 48 7/8 inches. $2,000-3,000

劉墉(石庵)(款) (清,1719-1805) 行書 水墨紙本,橫軸 款識:石庵書 鈐印:御賜仙舫、劉墉之印


Fang Xiaoru

(1357-1402) Calligraphy in Regular Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Fang Xiaoru, dated Jianwen yuannian (1399), summer, two artist’s seals, Fang Xiaoru yin, xi zhi, two collectors’ seals. 70 1/2 x 47 inches (image). $3,000-5,000

方孝儒 (明,1357-1402) 五言詩一首 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:建文元年(1399)仲夏既 望,方孝儒 鈐印:方孝儒印、希直 鑒藏印兩枚,漫漶不清


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Chen Hongshou

(1768-1822) Calligraphy in Clerical Script ink on paper signed Chen Hongshou, two artist’s seal, Chen Hongshou yin, Mansheng. 23 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (image). $2,000-4,000

陳鴻壽 (清,1768-1822) 篆書“綠意盒” 水墨紙本,鏡片 款識:陳鴻壽 鈐印:陳鴻壽印、曼生


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Attributed to Shen Quan (Shen Nanping)

(1682-1760) Cranes and Deer ink and color on paper signed Nanping Shen Quan, dated Qianlong gengwu (1750), three artist’s seals, chen Quan yin, Shen Nanping, shi geng and one other seal. 71 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches (image). Note: An ink and color painting on silk by Shen Quan with a similar scene of two deer, see Liaoning Provincial Museum collection, Shenyang $30,000-50,000

沈銓(款) 鶴鹿同春 設色紙本,鏡心 款識:乾隆庚午(1750)嘉 平,南蘋沈铨寫于澗南□堂。 鈐印:臣銓印、沈南評、石 耕,另一漫漶不清


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With Signature of Xia Gui

(1180-1230) Landscape ink and color on silk signed Xia Gui, dated maowu, autumn, two artist’s seals, eleven collectors’ seals. 55 x 22 inches (image). $3,000-5,000

夏珪(款) (南宋,約1180-1230) 山水人物中堂 設色絹本,立軸 款識:戊午秋日擬唐人書法,夏珪。 題跋:昨歲江南看畫本,今朝硯滴讀 名山。始知老樹寒煙里,冬在冬毫淡 墨間。乙未重陽日。夏珪畫蹟不可多 覷,今得頭幅詢吾洵,吾眼福也,爰 書一絕用志勿恣云,中行陳遇敬題。 鈐印若干



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Shi Zhenlin

(1692-1778) Landscape ink and color on paper signed Shi Zhenlin, dated guichou (1733), autumn, one artist’s seal Shi Zhenlin yin, and one other seal. 51 x 14 inches (image). $2,000-4,000

史震林 (清,1692-1778) 山水中堂 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:癸丑(1733)新秋,梧崗史 震林。 钤印:史震林印,另一漫漶不清


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After Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) (Italian, 1688-1766) Deer ink and color on paper, hanging scroll signed chen Lang Shining, one artist’s seal, chen Lang Shining, three collectors’ seals. 63 1/2 x 34 1/2 inches (image). $1,000-2,000

郎世寧(款) 鹿 設色紙本,鏡心 款識:臣郎世寧恭繪 鈐印:臣郎世寧 鑒藏印三枚



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Attributed to Ren Bonian

(1840-1895) Immortal and Attendant ink and color on gold paper signed Bonian Ren Yi, dated Tongzhi renshen (1872), winter, one artist’s seal, Ren Bonian. 64 1/2 x 33 1/2 inches (image). $5,000-7,000

任伯年(款) (清,1840-1895) 人物圖 設色金箋,立軸 款識:同治壬申(1872)冬仲伯年任 頤寫於黄歇浦上 鈐印:任伯年


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(QING DYNASTY) A Portrait of a Dog ink and color on paper, handscroll unsigned. 10 1/4 x 16 3/4 inches (image). Exhibited: Dogs from Han to Qing, Heritage Museum of Asian Art, Chicago, February-March, 2018 $8,000-12,000

佚名 (清) 清人畫獓圖 水墨紙本,手卷


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(MID-MING DYNASTY) Calligraphy in Semi-Regular Script ink on silk two artist’s seals. Length 15 1/4 inches. $300-500

佚名 (明中期) 楷书“洗心阁” 水墨絹本,殘卷 鈐印:□南衡印,另一漫漶不清




(QING DYNASTY) A Rubbing of “Bamboo in the Rain” by Su Shi ink on paper signed, dated 1080, with various incripstions and dedications. 24 1/4 x 11 inches. $300-500

佚名 (清) 苏轼《雨竹》 拓片,鏡心残卷 款識:元丰三年(1080)六月轼为 子明秘校。 題跋:叶密雨偏重,枝垂雾不消。会 看晴日后,依旧拂云霄。秦观。宿雨 初收晓翠寒,晴梢犹锁碧云端。春风 绝胜潇湘曲,还带啼痕湿未干。至正 二年(1342)春三月会稽钱彦春。另 一跋漫漶不清。

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(QING DYNASTY) Two Rubbings ink on paper unsigned. 9 x 16 inches (larger image). $200-400


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佚名 (清) 拓片兩幅



Zheng Xiaoxu

(1860-1938) Calligraphy in Semi-Regular Script ink on paper signed Xiaoxu, two artist’s seals, Zheng Xiaoxu yin, taiyi. 52 1/4 x 14 inches. $2,500-3,500

郑孝胥 (清,1860-1938) 行楷“竹風能醒酒” 水墨紙本,鏡心 款識:孝胥。 鈐印:鄭孝胥印、太夷

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石鼓文,因刻于十座形似鼓墩的花岗岩上而得名。古來相傳為周宣王大狩所作,今多認為記述 的是秦君遊獵之事,故又稱“獵碣,是我國現存最古老的石刻文字。石鼓原陳于古陳倉(今陜西寶 雞),高约三尺,径约二尺,每鼓刻有四言诗一首。歷經秦、漢、魏、晉多朝,散棄荒野,湮沒無 聞,至唐初方重見于世。時人竇蒙之《述書賦注》、李吉甫之《元和郡縣志》、徐浩之《古跡記》 均有著錄,韓愈、杜甫、韋應物亦有詩文贊之。唐末至北宋,由王厚之《復齋碑錄》可知:“韓吏 部請于祭酒,欲以槖駞輿致太學,不從。鄭余慶始遷至鳳翔孔子廟。經五代之亂又復散失。本朝 司馬池知鳳翔,復輦至于府學之門廡下,而亡其一。皇祐四年,向傳師搜訪而足之。大觀中歸于京 師。初置之辟雍,后移入于保和殿。”宋徽宗集齐十面石鼓后,曾命人以金填字,减缓风化,并防 人作拓。不久,靖康之難爆發,金人得汴梁,保和殿珍異北去,石鼓被剔去黃金,弃之荒野。此一 填一剔,令其上石刻大受損傷。元大德四年,国子教授虞集在淤泥雜草中发现石鼓,將之遷往國子 監保存。明清兩代雖未遭播遷,然護持無人,動輒摹勒,歲久漫漶。抗戰前夕,又與大批故宮文物 遷至南京,后輾轉入川。國民黨撤退前,本擬將石鼓轉運臺灣,后因飛機超載,不得不留在大陸, 現陳于故宮石鼓館。 唐人張懷瓘《書斷》將石鼓文列第一等,贊其“體象卓然,殊今異古。倉頡之嗣,小篆之祖。 開闔古文,暢其纖銳,但折直勁迅,有如鏤鐵,而端姿旁逸,又婉潤焉。”石鼓文上承西周金文, 下启秦代小篆,自唐宋以來,凡人學篆,均視之為正宗。其結字之謹嚴方正,體勢之樸茂渾古,筆 法之剛柔間濟,備受歷代書家推崇。在金石碑拓興盛的清代,前有王澍、錢坫、孫星衍等人恪守經 典,精研版本考據與字法之美,后有鄧石如、吳大澂、吳昌碩等人開拓革新,兼融商周甲骨、鐘鼎 彝銘、漢晉簡牘,探索其線條、筆觸、墨色之意味。眾書家中,尤以吳昌碩(1844-1927)臨石鼓文 最為專精獨擅。 吳昌碩四十三歲時得好友潘瘦羊贈石鼓拓本,大喜過望,此后幾十年間臨習不怠,書風大改。 據故宮研究員尹一梅考證,潘瘦羊贈本為《汪郋亭侍郎鳴鑾手拓石鼓精本》。汪郋亭即汪鳴鑾 (1839—1907),字柳門,錢塘人氏,同治進士出身,精文字,能篆書。光緒年間官至吏部侍郎, 兼任國子監司業。前文提及,石鼓明清兩朝皆存于國子監,而汪鳴鑾墓誌銘中亦有說明他對“岐陽 遺跡,監視洗拓,以饗學子,得者寶藏踰於百年前舊拓”,由此可知吳昌碩早年所臨為光緒初年汪 鳴鑾充任國子監司業時拓就的原石本。 然石鼓自唐宋以來,為世所重,代有摹刻。汪本外,吳昌碩最常臨寫的是清代經學鴻儒阮元翻 刻的天一閣藏北宋本。揅經老人阮元(1764—1849),字伯元,號芸台,歷乾、嘉、道三朝,官拜 體仁閣大學士。阮元在浙為官十余年,遍訪秘本,并認為“天下樂石,以岐陽石鼓文為最古,石鼓 脫本,以浙東天一閣所藏松雪齋北宋本為最古。”遂于嘉慶二年,屬張燕昌以油素書丹,令吳厚生 刻之,置於杭州府學明倫堂壁間。十年后,受揚州太守伊秉綬之邀,又摹刻一本,置之揚州府學。 本場拍賣所呈之石鼓文,便臨自阮刻本。此四軸: 其一臨“車工”篇前半,末款“安吉苦铁道人蒙”,下鈐“苦鐵”、“安吉吴俊章”、“削觚 盧”印三方; 其二臨“車工”篇后半,末款 “集臨阮刻北宋本石鼓字,七十六叟吳昌碩”,下鈐“吳俊之 印”、“削觚庐”印兩方,“車工”為第一鼓,言车马强盛、公卿和乐、弓矢精良、所獲甚豐; 其三臨 “汧殹”篇,末款“老蒼”,下鈐“俊卿之印”、“倉碩”、“削觚盧” 印三方,“ 汧殹”為第二鼓,描繪秦地汧源之美与秦人漁事之乐; 其四臨“田車”篇,末款“缶盧”,鈐“安吉吴俊章”、“削觚盧”印兩方,“田車”為第三 鼓,敘述了狩獵之高潮——圍獵的景象。 吳昌碩自中年起臨石鼓文,竟日揮毫,晚年所臨多為阮刻天一閣北宋本。六十五歲應友人錢經 銘之邀通臨石鼓時,曾有跋曰:“予學瑑好臨《石鼓》,數十載從事於此,一日有一日之境界。唯 其中古茂雄秀氣息,未能窺其一二。戊申秋杪獲佳楮,亟臨阮氏翻刻北宋本全文。”七十五歲時有 跋曰:“右臨阮刻北宋本獵碣字,余以筆墨為計活日日為之,而生平所臨全部,與此僅有四本。用 筆綿勁,較吾家山子讓老似有所不逮也。” 七十歲之后,吳昌碩筆下石鼓文已臻化境,融鐘鼎、碑刻入其中,其超逸跌宕,蒼勁酣暢,遠 出法度之外。雖臨其形,然以氣奪人,不為形所困久矣,因此終成一代大家。此四軸尺寸相仿, 筆法老辣,雄強恣肆,一氣呵成,款印完備,品相上佳,來源清晰,當屬其晚年不可多得的精品 之一。


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Wu Changshuo

(1844-1927) Calligraphy of Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks of the Warring State Period (475-221 B.C.) ink on paper signed Anji ku tie dao ren meng, three artist’s seals, ku tie, Anji Wu Jun zhang, xiao gu lu. 55 1/4 x 16 1/8 inches. $15,000-25,000

吳昌碩 (清末民初,1844-1927) 石鼓文第一鼓《車工•吾車篇》前半 水墨紙本,鏡心 釋文: 吾車旣工。吾馬旣同。 吾車旣好。吾馬旣□。 君子員獵。員獵員游。 麀鹿速速。君子之求。 □□角弓。弓玆以持。 款識:安吉苦铁道人蒙。 钤印:苦鐵、安吉吴俊章、削觚盧

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Wu Changshuo

(1844-1927) Calligraphy of Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks of the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) ink on paper signed Wu Changshuo, three artist’s seals, xiao gu lu, Wu Jun zhi yin, bu dao ren. 55 x 16 inches (image). $15,000-25,000

吳昌碩 (清末民初,1844-1927) 石鼓文第一鼓《車工•吾車篇》后半 水墨紙本,鏡心 釋文: 吾驅其特。其來趩趩。 □□□□。卽吾卽時。 麀鹿□□。其來大次。 吾驅其樸。其來□□。 射其豣獨。 款識:集阮刻北宋本石鼓字,七十六 叟吳昌碩。 鈐印:吳俊之印、削觚庐等三枚



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Wu Changshuo

(1844-1927) Calligraphy of Insriptions on DrumShaped Stone Blocks of the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) ink on paper signed Lao Cang, three artist’s seals, Junqing zhi yin, Cangshuo, xiao gu lu. 56 x 16 inches. $15,000-25,000

吳昌碩 (清末民初,1844-1927) 石鼓文第二鼓《汧殹篇》 水墨紙本,鏡心 釋文: 汧殹沔沔。丞丞彼淖渊。 □鲤处之。君子渔之。 濿有小鱼。其游□□。 伯鱼皪皪。其跳氐鲜。 黄白其翩。有鳑有□。 款識:老蒼并□。 鈐印:俊卿之印、倉碩、削觚盧

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Wu Changshuo

(1844-1927) Calligraphy of Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks of the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) ink on paper signed fou lu, two artist’s seals, Anji Wu Jun zhang, xiao gu lu. $15,000-25,000

吳昌碩 (清,1844-1927) 石鼓文第三鼓《田车篇》 水墨纸本,鏡心 釋文: 田車孔安。鋚勒□□。 四介旣簡。左驂旛旛。 右驂騝騝。吾以□于原。 吾戎止□。宮車其寫。 秀弓待射。麋豕孔庶。 款識:缶盧。 钤印:安吉吴俊章、削觚盧

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Wang Zhen

(1867-1938) Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper signed Bailong shanren, dated bingzi (1876), spring, three artist’s seals, Yiting qishi sui hou suo shu, Wang Zhen chang shou, Bailong shanren. 52 x 15 1/2 inches. $2,000-4,000

王震 (清,1867-1938) 草書“春花秋月” 水墨紙本,鏡心 款識:丙子(1876)春,白龍山人。 鈐印:一亭七十岁后所书、王震長 壽、白龍山人

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Wang Zhen (Bailong Shanren)

(1867-1938) Three Immortals ink and color on paper signed Bailong shanren, dated guihai (1923), two artist’s seals, Wang Zhen chang shou, yiting shu hua and one other seal, guan shan. 53 x 57 1/2 inches (image). $10,000-15,000

王震 (清,1867-1938) 儒釋道三賢 設色紙本,鏡片 款識:東林古剎隱台山,三教同禪靜 閉關。笑步□頭閤席唱,未能免俗□ 人間。癸亥春仲,白龍山人題。客滬 上貫山寫。 鈐印:貫山、王震長壽、一亭書畫


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Wang Zhen (Bailong Shanren)

(1867-1938) Two Immortals, Hehe Erxian ink and color on paper signed Bailong shanren, dated jiaxu (1934), autumn, one artist’s seal, Wang Zhen da li and two other seals. 32 1/2 x 58 1/2 inches (image). $10,000-15,000

王震 (清,1867-1938) 和合二仙 設色紙本,鏡片 款識:和合神仙遊戲人天,接福報喜 美意綿綿。甲戌(1934)新秋重葺六 三園寫于補空,白龍山人。 鈐印:王震大利,另二漫漶不清

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Yao Yuqin, Lv Wan

(1867-1961, 1867-1958/1963) Bamboo and Rockery ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Yuqin, Lv Wan, dated yisi (1929), three artist’s seals, Yuqin changshou, lv, wan. 59 3/4 x 16 inches. $800-1,200

姚虞琴,呂萬 (1867-1961, 1867-1958/1963) 竹石圖 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:虞琴寫□□竹。己巳(1929) 孟冬,呂萬補水石,逸□補竹。 鈐印:虞琴长寿、吕、萬



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Tan Zekai

(1889-1948) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper signed Tan Zekai, two artist’s seals, Tan Zekai yin, Pingzhai and one other seal. 20 1/2 x 44 inches (image). $800-1,200

谭泽闿 (民國,1889-1948) 行書“大同胞” 水墨纸本,鏡心 款識:谭泽闿。 鈐印:谭泽闿印、瓶斋,另一漫 漶不清

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Zhang Qun

(1889-1990) Seven-Character Truncated Verse by Zhang Ling in Semi-Regular Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Zhang Qun, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Zhang Qun, Yuejun. 43 x 15 1/2 inches. $600-800

张群 (民国,1889-1990) 楷书张灵《对酒》 水墨纸本,立轴 釋文:隱隱江城玉漏催,勸君且盡 掌中杯。高樓明月清歌夜,此是人 生第幾回。 款識:明張夢晉詩,洪北江極稱之, 書應。英元園主人之屬。張羣漫塗。 鈐印:張羣、岳軍

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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Transcription of a Five-Character Regulated Verse by Tao Yuanming in Clerical Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Geyi Wang Xian, two artist’s seals zhi lin, Wang Xian and one other seal. 53 3/4 x 13 1/2 inches. $1,500-2,500

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 水墨纸本,立轴 释文:春水满四泽,夏云多奇峰。秋 月扬明辉,冬岭秀孤松。 款识:录陶渊明四时诗一首。个簃王 贤于禅甓轩。 钤印:滯鄰、王贤,另一漫漶不清

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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Couplet in Running Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Geyi Wang Xian, dated renshen (1932), three artist’s seals, Wang Xian, qi zhi da li, zhi lin. 66 x 18 1/2 inches. $1,200-1,400

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 水墨纸本,立轴 释文:只願君王相顧意,臨臺幾度 盡峨眉。 款识:壬申(1932)秋。个簃王賢 □□。 鈐印:王賢、啟之大利、滯鄰



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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on silk signed Geyi Wang Xian, dated guiyou (1933), summer, two artist’s seals Wang Xian xin yin, zhi lin and one other seal. 15 x 27 3/4 inches (image). $2,000-4,000

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 行書“鶯鳴得所” 水墨纸本,鏡心 款識:癸酉(1933)夏仲,个簃 王賢。 鈐印:王賢信印、滞鄰,另一漫 漶不清

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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on silk signed Geyi Wang Xian, dated guiyou (1933), the fifth luna month, two artist’s seals, Wang Xian xin yin, zhi lin and one other seal. 15 x 38 inches. $2,000-4,000

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 行書“竹風能醒酒” 水墨纸本,鏡心 款識:癸酉(1933)五月杪,个簃 王賢。 鈐印:滞鄰、王賢信印,另一漫 漶不清


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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Calligraphy ink on paper signed Geyi Wang Xian shu, dated guiyou (1933), spring, two artist’s seals, zhi lin, Wang Xian and one other seal. 46 x 13 inches (image). $2,000-4,000

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 楷書“枯荷有余香” 水墨纸本,鏡心 款識:癸酉(1933)春仲。个簃王 賢書。 鈐印:滯鄰、王賢,鑒藏印一


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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Narcissus and Rocks ink and color on paper signed Geyi Wang Xian, dated renshen (1932), the eleventh luna month, two artist’s seals, Wang Xian, qi zhi da li and one other seal. 31 1/2 x 52 inches (image). $3,000-5,000

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 水仙圖 水墨纸本,鏡心 釋文:溪流溅溅石㟏岈,菖蒲叶枯兰 未芽。中有不老神仙花,花开六出玉 无瑕。孤芳不入王侯家,苎萝浣女归 去晚,笑插一枝云鬓斜。(吳昌碩 《水仙》) 凌波仙子,香清韵幽,不染鐵塵, 與寒梅不相伯仲。六朝人乃呼為雅 蒜,大可軒渠。(明文震亨《長物 志·花木》) 款識:壬申(1932)十一月,个簃王 賢寫于海上。 鈐印:王賢、啟之大利,另二漫 漶不清


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Wang Geyi

(1897-1988) Pines ink on paper signed Geyi Wang Xian, dated jiaxu (1934), autumn, two artist’s seals and one collector’s seal. 32 x 58 1/8 inches (image). $2,000-4,000

王个簃 (民国,1897-1988) 勁松圖 水墨纸本,鏡心 釋讀:松本无声风亦无,适然相值两 相呼。非全非石非闹竹,万顷银涛启 五湖。(《石仓历代诗选·松罄》) 款識:甲戌(1934)秋初,六三園 重建新廈,寫以詒之。个簃王賢。 滬上。 鈐印二,鑒藏印一

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Wang Tan

(Republic Period) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Tan, one artist’s seal, Wang Tan. 51 3/4 x 13 inches. $500-700

王坦 (民國) 行書孫過庭《書譜》一則 水墨纸本,立轴 釋文:夫自古之善書者,漢、魏有 鍾、張之絕,晉末稱二王之妙。王羲 之云:頃尋諸名書,鍾、張信為絕 倫,其餘不足觀。可謂鍾、張雲沒, 而羲、獻繼之。 款識:王坦。 鈐印:王坦

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Wang Tan

(Republic Period) Transcript of a Seven-Character Truncated Verse by Wang Zhihuan in Running Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Tan, one artist’s seal, wan shi. 52 x 12 1/2 inches. $500-700

王坦 (民國) 行书王之渙《涼州詞》 水墨纸本,立轴 釋文:黃河遠上白雲間,一片孤城 萬仞山。羌笛何須怨楊柳,春風不 度玉門關。 款識:右錄唐人王之涣出塞诗一首。 王坦。 鈐印:頑石

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Wang Tan

(Republic Period) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed wan shi Wang Tan, one artist’s seal, Wang Tan. 52 x 12 1/2 inches. $500-700

王坦 (民國) 行書《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》 水墨纸本,立轴 釋文:故人西辭黃鶴樓,煙花三月 下揚州。 款識:頑石王坦。 鈐印:王坦

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Wang Tan

(Republic Period) Calligraphy in Semi-Regular Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Tan, one artist’s seal, Wang Tan. 52 x 12 3/4 inches. $500-700

王坦 (民國) 行楷 水墨纸本,立轴 釋文:毛詩伐木,有求友之語,杜陵 文宋,有二神之句。 款識:王坦。 鈐印:王坦

110 view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om




Wang Tan

(Republic Period) Calligraphy in Running Script ink on paper signed Wang Tan, one artist’s seal, Wang Tan and one other seal. 19 x 32 1/2 inches. $500-700

王坦 (民國) 行書“珍重” 水墨纸本,鏡心 款識:王坦。 鈐印:王坦,另一漫漶不清


a s i an w o r ks of ar t



Gan Hailan

(20TH CENTURY) Calligraphy in Regular Script ink on paper signed Gan Hailan, one artist seal Gan Hanlan, and one other seal. 13 x 53 inches (image). $500-700

甘海瀾 (民國) 隸書“親愛精誠” 水墨紙本,鏡片 款識:甘海瀾 鈐印:甘海瀾、另一漫漶不清



Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper 11 3/4 x 28 inches. $300-500


佚名 (年代不詳) 草書 水墨紙本,鏡心

view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om



Tanhai Shanren

Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Tanhai shanren, three artist’s seals and three collectors’ seals. 60 x 14 inches (image). $600-800

探海山人 生卒年不詳 草書 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:探海山人 鈐印三枚,鑒藏印三枚

114 90

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Xuan Yu

(Republic Period) Couplet in Cursive Script ink on paper scroll signed Xuan Di, dated renshen (1932), two artist’s seals, Xuan Yu zhi yin, di an. 67 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches. $500-700

宣煜 (民国) 草书雷庵正受联 水墨纸本,立轴 释文:千江有水千江月,萬里無雲 萬里天。 款識:壬申(1932)九月宣荻厂出。 钤印:宣煜之印、荻盦

115 view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om




Calligraphy in Cursive Script ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Bishi, five seals. 59 1/4 x 16 inches. $600-800

佚名 (年代不詳) 七言律詩 水墨紙本,立轴 款識:碧石七十二嵗。 鈐印:画心三枚,包首两枚

116 92

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Yang Shoujing

(1839-1915) Calligraphy in Regular Script ink on silk signed Yang Shoujing, with a dedication, two artist’s seals, Yang Shoujing yin, xing wu qishi yi hou shu, one collector’s seal. 59 x 16 inches. $1,500-2,500

楊守敬 (清,1839-1915) 楷書“牵拂相招” 水墨絹本,鏡心 款識:洛陽伽藍記語為□□先生。 楊守敬。 鈐印:杨守敬印、惺吾七十以后书, 鑒藏印一

view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om



Xu Beihong

(1895-1953) Galloping Horse ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Xu Beihong, dated xinyi (1941), August 10th, one artist’s seal, Jiangnan bu yi. 26 1/2 x 15 5/8 inches (image). $20,000-40,000

徐悲鴻 (民國,1895-1953) 奔馬圖 水墨紙本,立軸 款識:辛已(1941)八月十日第 二次長沙會戰,憂心如焚或者仍 馬前次之結果也,企予畫之,悲 鴻時客居檳城。 鈐印:江南布衣 118


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Ito Hirobumi and Ye Wanyong (Japanese, 1841-1909; Korean, 1858-1926) Calligraphy of a Seven-Character Truncated Verse ink on paper signed Ito Hirobumi and Ye Wanyong, two artists’ seals. 33 x 9 inches. $600-800

伊藤博文、李完用等 (日本,現代) 伊藤博文、李完用等作七言絶句 設色紙本,鏡心 釋文:甘雨初めて來たりて、萬人を 霑す。春畝咸寧殿上、露華新たな り。槐南扶桑槿域、何ぞ態を論ぜん や。西湖兩地一家,天下の春。一 堂,庚戌書,一堂,李完用。 鈐印兩枚,漫漶不清


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Fujino Seiki

(1863-1943) Bamboo ink on paper signed, three artist’s seals. 14 x 38 inches. $200-400


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藤野靜輝 (日本,1863-1943) 墨竹圖 水墨紙本,鏡心 款識:忠臣節,烈女操。君山外史。 鈐印:峒,另二漫漶不清



Gyokumin Okubo

(1874-1949) Cranes ink and color on gold silk signed Gyokumin, one artist’s seal, Gyokumin. 56 1/4 x 40 inches (image). $600-800

大久保玉珉 (日本,1874-1949) 雙鶴圖 設色洒金絹本,鏡心 款識:玉珉筆。 鈐印:玉珉

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Gyokumin Okubo

(1874-1949) Horses ink and color on silk signed Gyokumin, one artist’s seal. 43 x 56 1/2 inches (image). $600-800


a s i an w o r ks of ar t

大久保玉珉 (日本,1874-1949) 雙馬圖 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:玉珉作。 鈐印:玉珉之印



Gyokumin Okubo

(1874-1949) Cranes ink and color on silk signed Gyokumin, one artist’s seal. 47 x 56 1/8 inches. $600-800

大久保玉珉 (日本,1874-1949) 百鶴圖 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:玉珉筆 鈐印:玉珉

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(20TH CENTURY) Carp ink and color on paper unsigned. 35 5/8 x 47 1/2 inches (image). $800-1,200

1 0 0 a s i an w o r ks of ar t

佚名 (日本,現代) 鯉魚 設色紙本,镜心




(20TH CENTURY) Noh Mask of a Lion ink and color on silk signed, two artist’s seals. 32 x 39 1/2 inches. $300-500

佚名 (日本,現代) 舞獅能面 設色絹本,鏡心 款識:魚□。 鈐印兩枚

view th e c atalog ue on l i n e at l e s l i e h i n dm a n .c om 1 0 1

artist’s index lot Anonymous.............................................................佚名........................ 1, 5-8, 42, 49, 53, 55, 59,60, 63, 73-75, 85, 88, 113, 116, 124, 125 Chen Chongqing.....................................................陳重慶.................................................... 38, 39 Chen Hongshou......................................................陳鴻壽(曼生)........................ 79 Cheng Jiasui............................................................程嘉燧.......................................................... 11 Cheng Yi..................................................................程鷪............................................................. 50 Ding Tan...................................................................丁菼............................................................. 61 Fang Xiaoru.............................................................方孝孺.......................................................... 78 Fujino Seiki..............................................................藤野靜輝.................................................... 120 Gan Hailan...............................................................甘海瀾........................................................ 112 Gu Chun .................................................................顧春(太清)......................................... 20, 21 Gu Jianlong.............................................................顧見龍.......................................................... 15 Gu Sheng................................................................顧升............................................................. 54 Guixian Nvshi..........................................................桂仙女史...................................................... 43 Gyokumin Okubo....................................................大久保玉珉.........................................121-123 He Shaoji, Zhu Bingcheng and Others...............................................................何紹基、朱秉成等........................................ 62 Hong Ruyuan...........................................................洪汝源.......................................................... 70 Hu Gongshou..........................................................胡公壽.....................................................28-31 Hu Ting’an...............................................................胡廷庵.......................................................... 68 Ito Hirobumi and Ye Wanyong.................................伊藤博文、李完用等................... 119 Ji Wenyuan..............................................................季文淵.......................................................... 37 Kang Hong..............................................................康泓............................................................. 40 Lang Shining............................................................郎世寧(款)............................................... 83 Lin Fuchang.............................................................林福昌.......................................................... 56 Liu Yong...................................................................劉墉(款).................................................. 77 Long Zhang.............................................................龍璋............................................................. 41 Lu Zhi.......................................................................陸治............................................................. 10 Mei Shi.....................................................................楳史............................................................. 46 Qian Fengming........................................................錢鳳鳴.......................................................... 45 Ren Bonian..............................................................任伯年(款)............................................... 84 Ren Shaotang..........................................................任少棠(金聲)........................................... 44 Sha Fu.....................................................................沙馥............................................................. 36 Shan Jing.................................................................善鏡............................................................... 3 Shen Baoyin............................................................沈葆蔭.......................................................... 66 Shen Fu...................................................................沈復(沈三白)........................................... 17 Shen Quan...............................................................史震林.......................................................... 80 Shi Zhenlin...............................................................史震林.......................................................... 82 Shou Sheng.............................................................瘦生............................................................... 2 Song Zhisheng........................................................宋之繩.......................................................... 14

1 0 2 asian w o rks of art

Tan Zekai.................................................................谭泽闿.......................................................... 98 Tan Zhonglin............................................................譚鐘麟.......................................................... 27 Tanhai Shanren........................................................探海山人.................................................... 114 Wang Geyi...............................................................王个簃.................................................100-106 Wang Jiafu...............................................................王嘉輔.......................................................... 52 Wang Jie..................................................................王傑............................................................. 64 Wang Meng.............................................................王濛............................................................... 4 Wang Mengtao, Su Peifen.......................................王孟洮,蘇霈芬........................................... 71 Wang Ruzhang........................................................王如璋.......................................................... 18 Wang Su..................................................................王素............................................................. 19 Wang Tan.................................................................王坦(民國.................................................. 72 Wang Tan.................................................................王坦(民國)......................................107-111 Wang Zhen..............................................................王震........................................................94-96 Wen Dian.................................................................文點............................................................. 16 Wu Changshuo........................................................吳昌碩.....................................................90-93 Wu Tingkang...........................................................吴廷康.......................................................... 22 Xia Gui.....................................................................夏珪(款).................................................. 81 Xing Tong.................................................................邢侗............................................................. 76 Xu Beihong..............................................................徐悲鴻........................................................ 118 Xu Bo.......................................................................徐波............................................................. 13 Xu Pei......................................................................徐培............................................................. 69 Xuan Yu...................................................................宣煜........................................................... 115 Yang Baoguang.......................................................楊葆光.......................................................... 35 Yang Dechun...........................................................楊德春(少亭)........................ 67 Yang Shoujing.........................................................楊守敬........................................................ 117 Yanling Nvshi...........................................................延陵女史...................................................... 57 Yao Yuqin, Lv Wan...................................................姚虞琴,呂萬............................................... 97 Yu Mei......................................................................余梅............................................................. 65 Yu Zhao...................................................................余昭............................................................. 33 Yuan Jie...................................................................袁階(楷).................................................... 9 Zhang Gongxun.......................................................張公詢.......................................................... 47 Zhang Mingke..........................................................張鳴珂.......................................................... 34 Zhang Qun...............................................................张群............................................................. 99 Zhang Ruitu.............................................................張瑞圖.......................................................... 12 Zhang Xilv................................................................張錫履.......................................................... 48 Zhang Xiong............................................................張熊........................................................23-26 Zheng Xiaoxu..........................................................郑孝胥.......................................................... 89 Zhong Hui................................................................鐘滙............................................................. 51 Zhu Chan.................................................................竹禪............................................................. 32 Zishi Sheng..............................................................紫石生.......................................................... 58

vie w the catalogue online at lesliehindman .c om 1 0 3


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1 0 4 a s i an w o r ks of ar t

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1 0 6 a s i an w o r ks of ar t

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MARCH 26, 2018

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MARCh 26, 2018

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