leslie hindman auctioneers novem ber 2 , 2016 NO.470
13 3 8 We s t L a ke S tr e e t C hi c a g o, Illi n o i s 6 0 6 07 l p h 312. 28 0.1212 l f x 312. 28 0.1211 l l e s li e h i n d m a n.c o m
fine books and manuscripts
november 2, 2016
Fine Books and Manuscripts Tuesday 2 November 2016
friday 28 october | 10am – 5pm saturday 29 october | 10am – 2pm monday 31 october | 10am – 5pm tuesday 1 november | 10am – 7pm auction
Tuesday 2 november | 10am CT mapping the real | Lots 1 – 75 mapping the unreal | Lots 76 – 260 featuring the kuntz collection of science fiction and fantasy
americana | Lots 261 – 305 visual culture | Lots 306 – 334 fine books and paper | Lots 335 – 397 cabinet | Lots 398 – 441 P R OPERTY PICK UP HOU R S
MONDAY – FRIDAY | 9:00AM – 4:30PM
All property must be picked up within seven business days per our Conditions of Sale. Lots marked with an asterisk (*) are tax exempt as permitted by law.
lesliehindman.com Cover Lot 141 | Gernsback, Hugo Ralph 124C 41+: a romance of the year 2660, 1950
©Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, Inc. 2016 C H I C A G O , I L L I NOI S ILLINOIS AUCTION FIRM LICENSE NUMBER 444000295
P R O P ERT Y F R O M T H E ES TAT ES O F Georgia B. Burnett, Denver, Colorado Ann T. Downey, Palm Beach, Florida Mrs. Leonard S. Florsheim, Jr., Lake Forest, Illinois John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan Marvin E. Jaffe, Naples, Florida Wilson Jaffee, Aspen, Colorado Ralph Loucks, Chicago, Illinois Carol Monsees, Winnetka, Illinois Edith M. Myers, Petaluma, California Frank J. Piehl, Naperville, Illinois John Sanabria, Aurora, Illinois Denise Selz, Chicago, Illinois P R O P ERT Y F R O M T H E CO L L ECT I ON S O F Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Inc. Chicago, Illinois David Brown, Memphis, Tennessee Jean L. Fisher Trust, Wilmette, Illinois Charles and Nancy Frahm, Chicago, Illinois Glenda Hares, St. Louis, Missouri Katherine Karamigios Metter, Morrison, Colorado Karen Sage Keilt, Carefree, Arizona Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois Friends of the Lake Forest Library, Lake Forest, Illinois Larry Mandel, Ann Arbor, Michigan Michael and Nancy McCaskey, Winnetka, Illinois Margaret McCurry, Chicago, Illinois Rufus McDonald, Chicago, Illinois Todd and Erin Nelson, Louisville, Colorado Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, Portland, Maine Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Schrank, Bonita Springs, Florida Pearl Siegel, Hollywood, Florida Justine Townsend Smith, Naples, Florida Property from the Collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois Robert F. Young, former Vice President Advertising Director and Board Member of The New Yorker, Naples, Florida Opposite Lot 191 | Asimov, Isaac, I, robot, 1950 (detail) First edition, signed
P R O P ERT Y F R O M T H E I N S T I TUT I ON S O F University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Contents mapping the real Lots 1 – 75
mapping the unreal Lots 76 – 260
featuring the kuntz collection of science fiction and fantasy
Opposite Lot 175 | Heinlein, Robert A. The puppet masters, 1951
americana Lots 261 – 305
visual culture Lots 306 – 334
Fine books and paper Lots 335 – 397
cabinet Lots 398 – 441
Mapping the Real Lots 1 – 75
Opposite Lot 11 | Jaillot, Alexis Hubert Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique, ou description generale du globe terrestre et aquatique en deux plans-hemispheres. Amsterdam or Paris: [1691] (detail)
fine books and manuscripts
[Phrenology and psychology: a plan of a human head of good shape for a standard type, showing some thirfty faculties of human nature, all located from bone]. Biggin Hill, Kent, circa 1930.
Bernardi Siegfried Albini. Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum. Bartholomaei Eustachii, anatomici summi. Auctor recognovit, castigavit, auxit, denuo edidit. Leiden: Joannem & Hermannum Verbeek, 1761. Second edition.
Broadside, featuring an engraved map of the soul, with minor loss at faint vertical fold and general wear. Unframed.
Quarter leather over contemporary boards (44 cm. tall), with expected wear; rebacked, with gilt lettering to spine and seven raised bands. Contents collated as complete. Illustrated with 89 plates; two gatherings of which pull loose from the binding, which is otherwise sound. Seven dated ownership inscriptions, from 1832 until 1956, noted in various hands on front endpaper; undecipherable signature to end of text. With short catalogue for Verbeek publishing house on verso of final leaf. Accompanied by envelope of correspondence, including letter of gift to Dr. Sidney Schulman, famed Chicago neurologist. Plates and text preserved in remarkable condition, with minor soiling to a handful.
Denny, who also published a work against permanent taxation, apparently was a reformer in the late phase of phrenology, arguing here that “quality is a greater factor in intelligence than size.” One copy recorded at the British Library. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Opposite | Lot 1
The accompanying letter of gift provides a comprehensive description: “I had great fun tracking down a book that might be appropriate for you. I wanted to find early anatomical plates of the nervous system, more particularly the brain, but I settled for this 1761 edition of the
plates of Eustachius with a text by Albinus (the Latinized name used by a famous professor of anatomy at Leiden; his real name was Bernhard Siegfried Weiss). Eustachius finished these fine copper plates in 1552, but only a few were published during his lifetime and his text was lost for the most part. The plates were found in the early 18th century and given to the current Pope (of all things) and he gave them to his physician who published a 1714 edition in Rome... I have the word of Charles Singer, historian of anatomy and physiology, that if Eustachius had published these plates when he finished them, he would have been recognized with Vesalius and Leonardo as a founder of modern anatomy. His plates are not beautiful, as are those of Vesalius, but in many respects they are more accurate and his plate of the sympathetic nervous system, base of the brain and origin of the cranial nerves is supposed to be particularly fine.” Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Soliscirca orbem terrarum spiralis revolutio. Amsterdam, 1660.
Planisphaerium Copernicanum sive systema universi totius. Amsterdam, 1660.
An engraved celestial chart from Cellarius’ Harmonia macrocosmica seu atlas universalis et novus. Unframed (42 x 50 cm.); vibrantly handcolored. Property from the Collection of Charles and Nancy Frahm, Chicago, Illinois $1,000-2,000
fine books and manuscripts
Another engraved astronomical chart from Cellarius’ Harmonia macrocosmica seu atlas universalis et novus. Unframed (42 x 50 cm.); vibrantly hand-colored. Property from the Collection of Charles and Nancy Frahm, Chicago, Illinois $1,000-2,000
Scientia eclipsium ex imperio, et commercio Sinarum illustrata.... Rome: A. De Rubeis, 1747.
De telluribus in mundo nostro solari, quĂŚ vocantur planeae: et de telluribus in coelo astrifero: deque illarum incolis; tum de spiritibus & angelis ibi; ex auditis & visis. London, 1758.
Later sewn binding, in stiff paper wrappers (25 cm. tall), with manuscript titles to spine. With engraved title page and numerous tables. Collated as complete. This work draws together two earlier works on the science of eclipses, by Simonelli (156 pages, including 16 pages of tables) and Kegler (106 pages). Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $200-400
Bound in vellum boards (25 cm. tall), with typescript label to front board. University of Chicago Library bookplate to front pastedown and blind stamp to title page, with pencil marginalia. An anonymously-published work on the plurality of worlds from Swedenborg, later translated as Concerning the Earths in our solar system, which are called planets; and concerning the Earths in the starry heaven; together with an account of their inhabitants, and also of the spirits and angels there. Swedenborg is particularly sympathetic to the creatures of Mars. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $200-400
Physicae experimentalis et matheseos regij quondam... nunc vero imperialis annae professoris de Newtoniana attractione unica cohaerentiae naturalis caussa dissertatio physico-experimentalis elenchtica adversus Dn. G. E. Hambergerum. Annae: Ex Typografica Imperialis Conlegij, 1766. Later printing. Bound in stiff paper wrappers (22 cm. tall), with manuscript titles to spine. Collated as complete, with 172 pages. Browning to contents, while title page (unrecorded on OCLC) remains crisp. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
I. Melanthium hispanicum maius II. Melanthium sativum flore simplici III. Melanthium damascenum. [Nuremberg], [1613]. Engraving with hand-coloring from Hortus Eystettensis. Framed and matted (sheet size: 52 x 36 cm). Property from the Collection of Michael and Nancy McCaskey, Winnetka, Illinois $400-600 9
Two hand-colored engravings from Hortus Eystettensis. [Nuremberg], [1613].
Chamaeleon niger vulgaris. No text on verso, watermark present. Together with Cucumis afininus; Latin text on verso, watermark present. Both matted and framed (sheet size: 51 x 41 cm). Minor toning and slight creasing to both. $1,000-2,000
fine books and manuscripts
Two proof plates of early woodcut World maps comprising artist’s proof copy of Sylvanus’ world map.Venice: 1511. Place names printed in red, signed in the margin, Bruce Beck, Imp. ‘83. Together with publisher’s proof copy of Ruysch’s Universalior Cogniti Orbis Tabula. Rome: 1507. Printed on 2 sheets joined, signed in the margin by Sarah Burnham Mertz, printer, and Speculum Orbis Press. Both are matted and framed (45 x 58 cm., sight). $400-600 11
Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique, ou description generale du globe terrestre et aquatique en deux plans-hemispheres. Amsterdam or Paris: [1691]. Hand-colored engraved twin-hemisphere world map on two sheets. Coat-of-arms of and dedication to the Dauphin of France at center top edge. Matted and framed (58 x 98 cm., sight). $2,000-3,000 10
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
A new map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South America and West Indies, with a descriptive account of the European possessions, as settled by the definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris, Feby. 10th, 1763, compiled from Mr. D’Anville’s Maps of that continent, and corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain, from the Original Materials of Governor Pownall, MP. London: Robert Sayer and John Bennett, 1777. Later printing. Copper-engraved map, printed on four sheets, joined as two (108 x 123 cm. total), with period hand-coloring in outline. Inset of the Arctic regions of North America, with Greenland and Iceland included. Table along left side. With printing of a portion of the 1763 Treaty of Paris above the cartouche. An apparently unrecorded intermediary state of Gibson’s wall map, between Stevens and Tree 3c and 3d. Incorporating new political divisions brought about by the 1783 Treaty of Paris; “all the lands between the Lakes,” as yet uncolonized. $2,000-4,000
fine books and manuscripts
America, with those known parts in that unknown worlde both people and manner of buildings described and inlarged. London: Bassett and Chiswell, 1626. Fourth state [1676]. English text on verso. Hand-colored engraved map (41 x 53 cm.); matted and framed. This is the first atlas map to represent California as an island. The map is surrounded by decorative vignettes illustrating the indigenous peoples and cities of the Americas. With legend at lower left corner referring to Abraham Goos of Amsterdam, an engraver. $2,000-4,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
America septentrionalis. Amsterdam, 1639. Hand-colored engraved map of North America (48 x 60 cm.); matted and framed. French text on verso. This important map of North America had great influence in perpetuating the theory of California as an island. The title cartouche features several Native Americans and two comely mermaids flank the imprint cartouche. This is the rare, first state with the imprint cartouche blank and French text on verso, published between 1639-1649. Lightly toned overall; closed tear at bottom centerfold. $1,000-2,000
Die vereinigten staaten von Nordamerika. Nuremberg: 1804.
Hand-colored engraved German map of the United States, based on Arrowsmith and Lewis’s maps of 1795 and 1796 (56 x 69 cm, sight.); matted and framed. Engraved for Daniel Ebeling, who began compiling data for his Atlas von Nordamerika in the 1770s. The plan was for eighteen maps, sixteen of which would be separate states. Due to his death, only ten are known to have been issued and there are only a handful of complete sets known, making it a rare example of cartographic Americana. $1,000-2,000
fine books and manuscripts
Nova Virginiae tabula, from Le theatre du monde, ou, nouvel atlas. Amsterdam, 1643-1650. Hand-colored engraved map (sheet size: 48 x 59 cm.); matted and framed. French text on verso. The early settlement of Jamestown is noted as Iamestowne. The map was derived from Capt. John Smith’s map of 1612, which was the first to depict the Bay and its tributaries with any accuracy. The plate was engraved by Dirck Grijp and originally published by Jodocus Hondius Jr. in 1618. It was purchased by Willem Blaeu shortly after Hondius’ death (1629), with Blaeu’s imprint replacing that of Hondius. $800-1,200
Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, et Virginia. Amsterdam, 1636.
Hand-colored engraved map (40 x 51 cm., sight); matted and framed. With French text on verso. Depicting Dutch settelments along the eastern seabord, including an insular Manbattes (Manhattan). Also includes an early depiction of the Great Lakes. First state, with the heart-shaped cartouche. $800-1,200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumqus regionum. Nova descriptio. Amsterdam, circa 1644. Hand-colored engraved map (40 x 51 cm., sight); matted and framed. With French text on verso. Depicting the Southeast as it extends from the southern part of Chesapeake Bay to Northern Florida. Improving on the Hondius map of 1606, with Chesapeake Bay correctly indicated as a large bay and the Carolinas and Georgian coasts depicted more accurately. Bar scale above the neat line on the lower margin with cartouche held by cherubim; left cherub with tail. $800-1,200
fine books and manuscripts
Partie de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1695. Second state.
Engraved map (54 x 72 cm., sheet); unframed. A map of Canada by the French cartographer, focusing on his nation’s possessions. Offering the first printed information on the geography to the north and west of Lake Superior (Kershaw, p. 158). In this second state, the original 1685 date has been altered in the cartouche. $1,000-2,000 20
(CARTOGRAPHY) ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, DIDIER Partie de l’Amérique Septent. qui comprend la Nouvelle France ou le Canada. Paris: Vaugondy, 1755. Second state.
Copper-engraved map (50 x 65 cm., sheet), with period hand-coloring in outline. Large inset map of the Great Lakes titled Supplement pour les lacs de Canada. Published at the time of the French and Indian War, this map provides regional views of the period. With large decorative cartouche by Choffard. Second state (Kershaw), with the addition of “I. Charlton” in James Bay. $600-800
Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles Antilles reduite de la grande carte angloise de Popple. Paris: 1780. Hand-colored engraved map (50 x 93 cm., sight); two joined sheets, depicting the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and the northern tip of South America. Possessions of the region are shown via a color-coded key at right, beneath a block of explanatory French text. $800-1,200 22
Ohio and Indiana ... Improved to 1825. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner, 1825. Second issue. Copper-engraving (59 x 71 cm., plate mark; 60 x 80 cm., sheet). With full period color. An early mapping of Ohio and Indiana, reflecting new boundaries in northern Indiana created by Indian treaties from 1818 and 1819. Other changes include additions of many new roads, including trail extending from Fort Wayne to Fort Dearborn. $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Illinois and Missouri by H. S. Tanner. Improved to 1825. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner, 1825. Second issue. Copper-engraved map (75 x 60 cm., plate mark); unframed. With full period color. One of the earliest state maps of Illinois and Missouri, in its revised second issue, with significant changes to the mapping of the Mississippi headwaters and an early depiction of the beginnings of the Santa Fe Trail. With a number of new Illinois counties added. $1,500-3,000
fine books and manuscripts
Map of Cook County, Illinois. Chicago: S.H. Burhans & J. Van Vechten, 1862. Compiled and drawn from record and actual surveys by W. L. Flower. Engraved hand-colored wall map (179 x 135 cm.) of Chicago and Cook County as it was before the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Chipping and small losses have been repaired at top and bottom edge; discolored tape repairs at top edge; varnished overall; backed with modern linen; on contemporary rollers.
Includes business directories, list of County Post Offices, views of residential, public, and business. Decorative border contains nine advertising vignettes at both right and left sides. Inserted illustrations depicting Rosehill cemetery, Thomas Cook’s farm house, and scenes of Randolph Street. $6,000-8,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Blanchard’s guide map of Chicago. Rufus Blanchard, 1872.
Engraved folding pocket-map (56 x 43 cm.), which folds into publisher’s lettered paper covers; street guide tipped to inside wrapper (14 pages). With full contemporary hand-coloring. A street map of Chicago showing the city just one year after the Fire. The limits of the burnt region are outlined by a thin dotted line. The accompanying pamphlet provides index to city’s streets via letter-number grid. With city’s parks, public buildings, and railroads also identified. $1,000-1,500 26
(CARTOGRAPHY) BLANCHARD, RUFUS Blanchard’s guide map of Illinois. Chicago: Rufus Blanchard, 1872.
Folding pocket map (56 x 42 cm., sheet), folds into publisher’s lettered stiff paper wrappers. Sixteen pages of publisher’s catalogue and ads mounted to inside wrapper. With full period hand-coloring.
Following the 1871 Fire, Blanchard relocated his shop from Lake Street, in the burnt district, to nearby Clark Street, where he began to publish a new series of pocket maps, “in flexible cases with price reduced.” $400-600 27
Illinois [with inset: Vicinity of Chicago]. New York: J.H. Colton & Co, 1856. Second issue. Engraved map (43 x 34 cm., sheet), folding into original brown cloth covers, elaborately blocked in blind, with the upper cover titled in gilt. Small tears to folds. Advertisement for Colton as front pastedown. $400-600 28
Chapman’s sectional map of Wisconsin with the most recent surveys. Milwaukee: J. A. Hall & Co., 1855.
Folding pocket-map (23 3/4 x 32.5 cm., sheet), with ornamental border. Folding into publisher’s cloth, with letterpress label on upper cover and bookseller’s advertisement to front pastedown. Lithographed by F. Mayer of New York, with period hand-coloring in outline. Rare variant of Chapman’s sectional map of Wisconsin, first issued in 1853, with J. A. Hall’s imprint replacing that of Chapman. Depicts the southern half of the state, with counties, towns, waterways, and railroads (both existing and proposed) identified. $400-600
28 22
fine books and manuscripts
The western tourist and emigrant’s guide through the States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin, and the Territories of Minesota [sic.], Missouri, and Nebraska ... Accompanied with a large and minute map. New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1854 [map dated 1855]. Folding pocket map (54x 67 cm., sheet), folds into publisher’s red cloth covers; decoratively stamped in blind, with upper cover titled in gilt. 89 pages of text and28 pages of ads mounted to inside wrapper. With full period hand-coloring.
Title page revised to account for newly-established Territory of Nebraska and updated throughout to account for development along Midwestern frontier. $400-600 30
Parker’s sectional & geological map of Iowa exhibiting her iron, lead, copper, coal and other geological resources and all rail roads completed in progress and projected. Compiled from the U.S. surveys and other official records. New York: J. H. Colton & Co.; Chicago: Kenn & Lee, 1856. Engraved folding pocket map (83 x 118 cm., sheet), printed on two joined sheets, with ornamental border. Folds into publisher’s red cloth covers; decoratively stamped in blind, with upper cover titled in gilt. With full contemporary hand-coloring. Inset map titled Map showing the connections between Iowa and Eastern rail roads. With table of railroads and advertisements for land agents. The famed large pocket map of Iowa commissioned by Nathan H. Parker, a partner in the banking and land agency firm of Parker, Dole & Co., and issued as an inducement for settlement and investment in the region. $400-600
Sectional map of the State of Iowa compiled from the United States surveys and other authentic sources. Chicago: Rufus Blanchard, 1868. Folding pocket map (62 x 85 cm., sheet); folds into publisher’s cloth covers, with title gilt-stamped on upper cover. Lithography by L. Lipman of Milwaukee, with full period hand-coloring. Printed note on rear cover, signed in print by Surveyor General Warner Lewis, states that “this map of the State of Iowa was projected by Major Jas. A. Reid from the original plates on file in this office ... [I]t has been carefully compared and is correct.” $400-600
Cram’s township and rail road map of Michigan. Chicago: George F. Cram, circa 1890. Folding map (60 x 48 cm., sheet), with 24 page index. Original paper covers worn and discolored. With two insets: Isle Royale in Lake Superior and a map of the upper peninsula. The text describes the routes of the 29 railroad lines that were operating at the time. $400-600
32 v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
(CHICAGO) BENNETT, EDWARD and DANIEL BURNHAM The plan of Chicago. Chicago: The Commercial Club, 1909. Copy number 720 of 1650.
Cloth boards (32 cm. tall), with gilt-stamped title and top-edge gilt. Some bumping to corners and general edge-wear. Illustrated throughout with photographic images, maps, and architectural drawings. Commercial Club bookplate to front pastedown, with owner’s name obscured. With errata slip bound between pages 14-15. $1,000-2,000 34
Chicago: a history in block-print. Chicago: Consolidated Book Publishers, 1934. Red illustrated wrappers (30 cm. tall), with wear to spine. Illustrated with over 50 woodblock prints. With text by James Alton James (Professor of American History, Northwestern University) and block-prints executed by the advanced class in design under the direction of Clara MacGowan, Assistant Professor of Art, Northwestern University. $100-200
35 three of five
fine books and manuscripts
(French, 20th Century ) A group of five prints depicting nineteenth century scenes of Chicago. All published by A. Ackermann & Sons, 1927-1931. Engraved acquatints. Dimensions of largest being (55 x 67 cm. sight); all matted and framed. Each signed by Varin at bottom right margin. Prints include: (1) Michigan Avenue looking south at Van Buren Street, 1889; (2) Corner of State and Washington Streets, Chicago; (3) A view from Michigan Avenue from Randolph Street; (4) Chicago in 1831 with a view of Fort Dearborn and John Kinze’s Residence; and (5) La Salle Street from Court House Square, Chicago. edition 22/ 125, signed R. Varin bottom right $600-800 36
Biographical sketches of the leading men of Chicago. Photographically illustrated. Chicago: Wilson, Pierce & Co., 1876. Expanded edition. Black calf (32 cm. tall), elaborately decorated. With gilt edges and neat repairs to joints. Illustrated with 123 albumen photographic portraits, each mounted within a printed gilt border on thin card leaf, some leaves with mounted photographs on both recto and verso. Typically featuring anywhere from 62 to 99 albumen prints, the present copy boasts 123, by John Carbutt and others. $2,000-4,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
View of New York from Brooklyn Heights. New York, 1849. Lithograph (33 x 43 cm., sight), with hand-coloring after F. Palmer. Framed and matted. $2,000-4,000 38
Theatrum machinarum novum. Nuremberg, 1673. Second edition. Contemporary binding of three-quarter vellum over boards (34 cm. tall), with spine lifted and twisting at top. Manuscript titles to spine. With contemporary signature to engraved title page and twentieth century stamp of Chicago collector. Engraved title page loose; table of contents trimmed. Contents collated as complete: 44 pages, followed by 154 plates. Browning to final few plates, otherwise plates are remarkably bright. Baroque machines depicted include: windmills, paper mills, a roasting-spit, and a fire-engine. $600-800
fine books and manuscripts
Vollstandige muhlen baukunst .... Augsburg: J. Wolff, 1718. First edition. Three-quarter leather over marbled boards (34 cm. tall); general wear, with some loss to spine and remnants of shelf-mark. Contemporary German library stamp to title page, with nineteenth century German bokseller’s ticket to front pastedown. Engraved title page. Contents collated as complete: 35, [1] pages of text in Gothic script, followed by 51 plates; remarkably bright. Treatise on mills and hydraulic machinery, with an early depiction of the paper-making process. $400-600
A group of five works on stage coaching, including: (1) Tom Bradley, The old coaching days in Yorkshire. Leeds: Yorkshire Conservative Newspaper Company, 1889; (2) Birch Reynardson, Down the road or reminiscences of a gentleman coachman. London: Longmans, Green and Company, n.d; (3) Captain H. E. Malet, Annals of the road or notes on mail and stage coaching in Great Britan. London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1876; (4) Charles G. Harper, Stagecoach and mail in days of yore: a picturesque history of the coaching age. London: Chapman and Hall, 1903 (two volumes); and (5) Harry Ellesworth Cole, Stagecoach and tavern tales of the old Northwest. Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Comapny, 1930. Property from a Private Collector $200-400 41
A group of three blueprints for early Buick automobiles (66 x 91 cm. each). $400-600
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Two early Latin translations of Homer by Andreas Divus, published by Burgofrancho in Venice:
Homeri opera graeco-latina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia. Hoc est: Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, et Hymni .... Basel: Nicolaum Brylingerum, 1561.
Homeri poetae clarissimi Odyssea, 1536. Later three-quarter leather over papered boards (17 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to red and black compartments on spine. University of Chicago Library bookplate to front pastedown. Contents collated as complete: 251 numbered leaves, followed by colophon and [8] leaves of index. With title page and final leaf reinforced. And, Homeri poetarum omnium principis Ilias, 1537. Later three-quarter leather over marbled boards (16 cm. tall), with gilt ornamentation to spine and gilt lettering to red leather compartment. University of Chicago Library booplate to front endpaper, with additional plate of Italian bookseller to pastedown. Contents collated as complete: 277 numbered leaves, followed by register and preceded by 16 un-numbered leaves, constituting a life of Homer and an index. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $600-800 28
fine books and manuscripts
Block-stamped pigskin boards (34 cm. tall). Bookplate of Andre Phillipe, ArchivistePaleographe to front pastedown, along with that of University of Chicago Library. Damp-staining to margins, effecting text on sme pages. Contents collated as complete, with 292 numbered pages for the Illiad, followed by a further 317 numbered pages for the Odyssey, with Latin maginalia throughout the latter. A bilingual edition prepared for educational purposes, with Greek and Latin text en face. In his preface, Castellion warns readers not to elevate Homer’s works above sacred writings. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $400-600
L’Odissea d’Homero: tradotta in volgare Fiorentino. Florence: Appresso il Sermatelli, 1582. Vellum boards (17 cm. tall), with manuscript titles to spine; some soiling to edge of front board. University of Chicago Library bookplate to front pastedown. Contents collated as complete. Title page, followed by 678 numbered pages, followed by single leaf with errata and register. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $400-600
Homeri Ilias & Odyssea, et in easdem scholia, sive interpretatio Didymi. Cum Latina versione accuratissima indiceque Graeco locupletissimo rerum ac variantium lection. Amsterdam: Elzevir, 1656.
Homer’s Odysses, translated by Tho. Hobbes of Malmsbury. With a large preface containing the vertues of an heroique poem. Written by the translator. London: Printed for J. C. for W. Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1675.
Two volumes. Boards (24 cm. tall) bound in tree calf, with elaborate gilt ornamentation to spine and gilt lettering to red leather compartments. Marbled endpapers, with University of Chicago Library bookplate. Contents collated as complete, with engraved title page and seven preliminary leaves, followed by 716 numbered pages. Second volume with 536 pages, followed by an index of 22 leaves. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $400-600
Contemorary full leather boards (16 cm. tall), untitled; rear board detached and front hinge starting. With bookplate of M. C. Lang as well as that of the Bibliotheca Homerica Langiana of the University of Chicago Library. Contents collated as complete. Togeher with Matthew Arnold’s work On translating Homer. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1862. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Homeri Ilias ad veteris codicis Veneti fidem recensita.... Venice: Typis et sumptibus Fratrum Coleti, 1788. Modern rebinding, with ornamental half-leather over cloth boards (40 cm. tall). Contents collated as complete, with Prolegomena in Latin (i-lx), followed by 120 and 532 numbered pages, with text and commentary in Greek. A scholarly edition published after Villoison’s discovery of the tenth century codex known as Venetus A, featuring ancient scholia and marginalia. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $600-800
fine books and manuscripts
The Iliad of Homer. Philadelphia: J. Crukshank, W. Young, M. Carey, etc., 1795. First American edition. Full leather boards (18 cm. tall), with lettering to red leather compartment worn. Front hinge weak. With contemporary inscriptions to front endpaper and University of Chicago Library bookplate to front pastedown. Contents collated as complete: 484 numbered pages. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $400-600
Homerou poiesis [romanized from Greek]. Munich: Officinae Bremensis, 1923-1924. Copies 42 of 615. 2 volumes, rebound in quarter leather over marbled boards (35 cm. tall), with simple glt lettering to spine. Topedge gilt. Contents collated as complete, with signature marks in Greek type. Finely printed on Zanders paper. Founded in 1911, the Bremer Press was based upon the model of Doves Press. A year after moving from Bremen to Munich, they published Homer’s two works, with Greek letters cut on calligraphic lines. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $800-1,200
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Didelphis Virginiana, Pennant, Virginia Opossum, plate LXVI, no. 14. Lithograph (50 x 67 cm., sheet) with hand-coloring from the Imperial folio edition of The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. Philadelphia: J.T. Bowen, 1839-1844. Matted and framed. Property from the Estate of Wilson Jaffee, Aspen, Colorado $400-600 51
Putorius Agilis, Little Nimble Weasels, Aud & Bach, plate CXL, no. 28. Lithograph (50 x 66cm., sheet), with hand-coloring from the Imperial folio edition of The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. Philadelphia: J.T. Bowen, 1845-1851. Matted and framed. Property from the Estate of Wilson Jaffee, Aspen, Colorado $2,000-4,000
fine books and manuscripts
American Elk-Wapiti Deer, Cervus Canadensis, plate LXII, no. 13. Lithograph with hand-coloring from the Imperial folio edition of The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. Philadelphia: J. T. Bowen, 1845. Framed and matted (56 x 69 cm.). Light toning to paper; light cockling along lower edge; otherwise fine condition. Property from the Collection of Margaret McCurry, Chicago, Illinois $4,000-6,000
Group of four hand-colored lithographic prints (17 x 27 cm.) from the octavo edition of The birds of America, c. 1839. Consisting of: (1) Wilson’s Petrel --Mother Carrey’s chicken, plate 460, no. 92; (2) Common Gallinule, plate 304, no. 61; (3) Spotted Sandpiper, plate 342, no. 69; and (4) Yellowbreasted Rail, plate 307, no. 62. All are matted and in fine condition. $300-500
Horned Grebe, Podiceps Comnitus, plate CCLIX. Engraving (58 x 70 cm.), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring, from The birds of America, 1827. Property from the Estate of Mrs. Leonard S. Florsheim, Jr., Lake Forest, Illinois $400-600
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Florida Jay, Garrulus Floridianus, plate 87, no.18. Engraving (97 x 66 cm., sheet), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The birds of America, J. Whatman 1830. Matted and framed. Property from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Schrank, Bonita Springs, Florida $3,000-5,000
fine books and manuscripts
Bay Breasted Warbler, Sylvia Castanea, plate 69, no. 14. Engraving (63 x 94 cm., sheet), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The birds of America, J. Whatman, 1829. Property from the Collection of Karen Sage Keilt, Carefree, Arizona $3,000-5,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
fine books and manuscripts
Gold Winged Woodpecker, Picus Auratus, plate 37, no. 8. Engraving with etching, aquatint, and handcoloring from The birds of America, J. Whatman, 1826. Framed and matted (66 x 53 cm.). Fine condition. $4,000-6,000
American Woodcock, Scolopax Minor, Gmel., plate CCLXVIII, no.54. Engraving with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The Birds of America, c. 1827. Matted and framed (66 x 96 cm.). Fine condition. Property from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Schrank, Bonita Springs, Florida $3,000-5,000
Opposite | Lot 57
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fine books and manuscripts
Brown Creeper, Certhia Familiaris; California Nuthatch, Sitta Pygea, plate CCCXV, no. 83. Engraving (63 x 94 cm., sheet), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The birds of America, J. Whatman, 1837. Property from the Collection of Karen Sage Keilt, Carefree, Arizona $2,000-4,000
Bachman’s Warbler, Sylvia Bachmanii, plate CLXXXV. no 37. Engraving (48 x 40 cm), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring, from The birds of America, c. 1833. Matted and framed. Property from the Estate of Carol Monsees, Winnetka, Illinois $2,000-4,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Orchard Oriole, Icterus Spurius, plate 42, no. 9. Engraving wiith etching, aquatint, and handcoloring from The birds of America, 1823. Matted and framed. (Sight: 49 x 39 cm) Property from the Estate of Carol Monsees, Winnetka, Illinois $2,000-4,000
Arctic Yager, Lestris Parasitica, plate CCLXVII, no. 54. Engraving (91 x 64 cm., sheet) wiith etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The birds of America, 1835. With J. Whatman 1836 watermark present. Chips to all edges; lightly faded. Property from the Collection of Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, Portland, Maine $1,000-2,000
Yellow bellied woodpecker, Picus Varius, plate CXC, no. 38. Engraving (58 x 40 cm., sheet), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The birds of America, 1834. Matted. Property from the Collection of Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, Portland, Maine $1,000-2,000
fine books and manuscripts
Fork-tailed Petrel, Thalassidroma Leachii, plate CCLX, No. 52. Engraving (45 x 62 cm., sheet), with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from the Havell edition of The Birds of America, 1834. Matted. Property from the Collection of Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, Portland, Maine $1,000-2,000
Group of 12 engravings (24 x 20 cm., sight), with hand-coloring from A natural history of uncommon birds. London, 1743-1760. All matted and framed. Property from the Estate of Ralph Loucks, Chicago, Illinois $800-1,200
Buteo Specie gallo parvonis, The Turkey Buzzard, plate 6. Engraving with hand-coloring from The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. London, 1754. Matted and framed. Fine condition. $300-500
64 v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
fine books and manuscripts
In October 1925, the Ideal Racing Pigeon Club was officially chartered by the American Racing Pigeon Union. Dr. Edgar Burke (1889-1950), a New Jersey surgeon and avid sportsman, joined the club in the 1930s and proceeded to paint the portraits of the prize-winning pigeons that he bred and entered into competition. Burke’s handsome portraits reflect his work with Eugene V. Connett III, the publisher of the Derrydale Press, for whom he was commissioned to illustrate two works: Feathered game (1929) and Upland game bird shooting in America (1939). The present archive includes 12 gouache-on-board paintings by Dr. Burke’s of his racing pigeons (14 x 17 cm., on average): four of them individually framed and accompanied with certificates documenting the details of their winning races (e.g., nickname, registration number, distance, average speed, weather and wind conditions); two of them individually framed with anecdotal details supplied in typescript; and another six (8 x 8 cm. each) housed together in a single frame, with typescript information about their racing histories provided on the verso, along with an image of the Ideal Racing Pigeon Club’s trophy. Also included is a pigeon race timing clock made in Germany by Robert Plasschaert, documenting the unique method of timing pigeon races, as well as the Ideal Racing Pigeon Club’s Charter, with 16 of its original members identified in manuscript and signed by the Secretary and President of the American Racing Pigeon Union (Edward Barnes and E. van Wulfen). Property from the Collection of Edward T. Pollack Fine Arts, Portland, Maine $6,000-8,000
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An archive of photographic, manuscript, and printed materials from Charles Davis Jameson, an American engineer who worked in China at the close of the nineteenth century.
Cultural materials include the 102 page typescript “Notes in Shansi and Honan China” (dated 1897), in which Jameson offers amateur anthropological pronouncements, as well as the typescript entitled “The evolution of China and Japan: the difference in results and why?” (undated; incomplete fragment of 9 pages). Original engineering-related materials include typescripts of two reports by Jameson on Chinese coal mines (Lin Tcheng and Tse Chow), with illustrated maps and details about labour conditions for miners, and a copy of Jameson’s 1919 report to the Chinese Government Railways on the Chouchiakou-Hsiangyang Line, comprising 43 mimoegraphed pages, with 2 fold-out maps, and illustrated with 71 photographs (unrecorded by OCLC). Personal materials include a series of diaries (1903, 1906, 1910, 1917), with hundreds of manuscript entries; a commonplace book of approximately 60 pages, mostly filled with poetry; and a 10 page autograph letter to Jameson’s mother (1911).
fine books and manuscripts
The photographic materials include a large photo album, partially captioned, with 386 photographic prints of rural China; a leporello album with 24 colorized photographs; five loose photographs pasted to boards, of a Chinese monk with weapons (reproducing images found in other albums). With 15 further albums (circa 1895-1913), housing over 800 photographs documenting landscape, engineering projects, Chinese people, British royalty, and the domestic life of ex-pat Westerners. Condition note: portions of the archive have sustained damp-staining and many of the photographs have sustained some degree of fading. Property from the Collection of David Brown, Memphis, Tennessee $4,000-6,000
An unbound photo album of late-nineteenth century Japan, featuring 22 pasteboards positioned loose between two wooden boards, with calligraphic paper pasted to their fronts. With 46 colorized photographic prints (21 x 25 cm.) mounted to verso of wooden boards and to both sides of each of the pasteboards. Depicting landscape, ritual, costume, and habits of everyday life. $1,000-2,000
69 v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards: in two parts. Acted at the Theater-Royal. London: Printed by H. Hills, for Henry Herringman, 1678. Third edition. Later binding; three-quarter leather over marbled boards (22 cm. tall), with plain gilt lettering to spine. With toning to paper and corner torn to page 85, effecting some text. $200-400
fine books and manuscripts
The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. The original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes; illustrated by portraits, maps, and facsimiles. Cleveland: The Burrows Brothers Company, 1896-1901. Set number 665 of 750. 73 volumes total. Bound in buckram, with black lettering to spine. With soiling to a handful of spines and minor foxing to contents. Property from the collection of Larry Mandel, Ann Arbor, Michigan $1,000-2,000
New voyages to North America. Containing an account of the several nations of the vast Continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers... To which is added a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North-America London: Printed for H. Bonwicke, et al., 1703. First Englishlanguage edition, with revised contents.
History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Mississippi, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the years 1804-5-6. By the order of the Government of the United States. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep and Abm. H. Inskeep of New York, 1814. First edition, with folding map in expert facsimile.
Two volumes. Later binding; three-quarter leather over cloth boards (19 cm. tall); generally scuffed, with rubbing to joints. Contents trimmed, with a handful of tears (some repaired). Illustrated with 20 plates, one of them folding, and 2 folding maps; lacks the frontispiece to the second volume. Last leaf features publishers’ advertisement. Title page to second volume pasted to first page of contents. $800-1,200
Two volumes. Full leather boards (22 cm. tall), with simple gilt ruling to spine; gilt lettering to red leather compartment. Contents foxed. With ownership inscription to title page of second volume. Illustrated with five maps and charts. The large folding map is supplied in expert facsimile. Covering some eight thousand miles in slightly more than twenty-eight months, Lewis and Clark retrieved the first reliable information concerning the areas acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. $10,000-12,000
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74 48
fine books and manuscripts
No Lot
No Lot
History of the Indian tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Embellished with one hundred and twenty portraits from the Indian gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. Philadelphia: Edward C. Biddle, 1836 (volume I) / Daniel Rice and James G. Clark, 1842 (volume II, second issue) and 1844 (volume III).
Three volume set, bound to style in green morocco over period green moire cloth-covered boards (52 cm. tall). Spine with raised bands in seven compartments, lettered in the second and fourth; the others with a repeat decoration in gilt. Illustrated with 120 hand-colored lithographic plates after Karl Bodmer, Charles Bird King, James Otto Lewis, P. Rhindesbacher, and R. M. Sully, drawn on stone by A. Newsam, A. Hoffy, Ralph Trembley, Henry Dacre and others, and printed and colored by J. T. Bowen and others. Volume III features two lithographic maps and one table printed on the recto of one leaf; with 17 pages of lithographic facsimile signtuares of the original subscribers.
When President Jackson dismissed him from his position as Superintendent of Indian Trade, Thomas McKenney was able to turn his attention towards the documentation of a rapidly disappearing culture, soon joined by the Illinois journalist-lawyer-banker James Hall. Their text, including both individual biographies and a general history of the indigenous peoples of North America, has become famed for its colored portraits, which included faithful copies of original oils by Charles Bird King; all but four of which were destroyed in the Smithsonian fire of 1865. $70,000-90,000
117 72
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Mapping the Unreal Featuring the Kuntz Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy Lots 76 – 260
Ovid’s metamorphoses in fifteen books. Translated by the most eminet hands. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1717. First edition thus.
A voyage to the world in the centre of the Earth, giving an account of the manners, customs, laws, government, and religion of the inhabitants, their persons and habits described: with several other particulars: in which is introduced, the history of an inhabitant of the air. London: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, 1755.
Three-quarter leather over marbled boards (39 cm. tall); handsomely rebound in period style. Contents collated; lacks engraved title page. Illustrated with frontispiece and 16 plates. A neo-classical production, with individual parts of Ovid’s work translated by John Dryden, Joseph Addison, Alexander Pope, and others. All sixteen of the engraved plates are dedicated to aristocratic women of the period. $600-800 77
Voyage de Nicolas Klimius dans le monde souterrain, contenant une nouvelle teorie de la terre, et l’histoire d’une cinquieme monarchie inconnue jusqu’a present. Copenhagen: J. Preuss, 1741. French translation by Eleazar Mauvillon, from the Latin work of Baron Ludvig af Holberg. Contemporary leather boards (16 cm. tall), rebacked, with five raised bands and gilt lettering to red leather compartment. Illustrated with frontispiece and folding map. With nineteenth century annotations to rear endpaper (in English), providing biographical information about the otherwise anonymous author. Bleiler 1114: “Essentially a satire on European culture and institutions in the guise of an imaginary voyage;” one of the cultures especially satirized being the French. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
fine books and manuscripts
Full leather boards (17 cm. tall), with inset and blind-stamped design. Five raised bands to spine, with gilt lettering to green leather compartment. Contents collated as complete, with xii, 275 numbered pages, followed by single page of advertisements. Bleiler 2273. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 79
Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1833. The first American edition, with “Shelly” for Shelley. Two volume set. Original drab boards (21cm. tall) with cloth spines, featuring two sets of paper titles, both printed and manuscript; expectedly worn. Dampstaining to second volume, which has slightly shaken binding. Collated as complete, with two leaves of ads to front of first volume and twelve leaves of ads bound at rear of second. Ownership inscription to endpapers of both volumes, with library stamp for the U.S. Naval Lyceum to both title pages. A presentation inscription from M. C. Perry appears to the front pastedowns of these volumes (dated 1842); presumably the same Matthew C. Perry who founded the Naval Lyceum in 1833, the same year as this first American appearance of Frankenstein. Property from the collection of Katherine Karamigios Metter, Morrison, Colorado $10,000-12,000
Frankenstein or, the modern Prometheus. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1833. Another copy of the first American edition. Volume one only; featuring only a single leaf of ads bound at the beginning. With two bookplates to preliminaries; one for John King’s Circulating Library in Philadelphia, the other from the library of William Wurts. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200 80
The vampyre; a tale. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1819. Plain brown wrappers (23 cm. tall), coming undone from binding. Contents collated as complete, xvi, 84 numbered pages. With “almost” mispelled on last line of page 36. With endpaper used as contemporary manuscript leaf to document Lord Byron’s letter to Galignani’s Messenger in which he repudiated authorship of this work. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-3,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Two illustrated works published by Chapman and Hall: (1) The wandering jew (1844) and The mysteries of Paris (1845). Six volumes total; handsomely-bound in midnineteenth century leather boards. With dozens of atmospheric illustrations throughout the works. The mapping of alternative cities. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 82
Wagner, the wehr-wolf. A romance. London: Published by the proprietor by John Dicks, 1857. First edition thus.
Rebound in three-quarter leather over fine cloth boards (25 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. Collated as complete. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 83
The moon hoax: or, a discovery that the moon has a vast population of human beings. New York: William Gowans, 1859. First edition. Printed wrappers (23 cm. tall), with some staining and creasing; some material loss to spine. Binding remains robust. Collated as complete. Illustrated with frontispiece of moon, “as seen by Lord Rosse’s telescope.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $300-500 84
The battle of Dorking: reminiscences of a volunteer. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1871. First edition. Illustrated purple wrappers (18 cm. tall); fading, with some discoloration to rear. Some foxing to contents; 64 pages, followed by 8 pages of ads. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 85
The poems and stories of Fitz-James O’Brien. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1881. Blue cloth boards; spine somewhat sunned. With previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown and publishers ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
fine books and manuscripts
Allan Quartermain. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1887. Copy number 62 of 112, from the original large paper edition. Half-leather over cloth boards (25 cm. tall), with simple gilt lettering to spine. Illustrated with engraved frontispiece of author and dozens of plates. Bleiler 973: “The lost-race novel par excellence.� Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
She: a history of adventure. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1887. First edition. Decorative blue cloth boards. Spine slighty cocked, with both front and rear hinges starting. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
A group of three of Haggard publications: (1) When the world shook. London: Cassell and Company, 1919; (2) The virgin of the sun, London: Cassell and Company, 1922; and, in its American manifestation, (3) The virgin of the sun, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Looking backward: 2000-1887. Boston: Ticknor and Company, 1888. First edition, with J. J. Arakelyn imprint to copyright page.
Equality. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1897. First edition.
Cloth boards (20 cm.), with black lettering and gilt-stamps to both front board and spine; some scuffing to rear board. Slightest lean to textblock. Housed in green half-leather clamshell case, lined, with gilt lettering to spine on red leather compartments. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Decorative cloth boards (19 cm. tall); some light wear to spine. Light toning to paper, with bookplate to front pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 90A
The twilight of the gods and other tales. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1888. First edition, presentation copy. Cloth boards (20 cm.), lettered in black and gilt. Gatherings uncut. With 30 pages of advertisements bound to rear. A cryptic inscription from the author appears on half title-page: “Presented to the Archives of the Odd Volumes, in rememberance of Feb 6, 1891.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 91
What dreams may come. Chicago: Belford, Clarke and Co., 1888. Blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with light wear to spine. Portrait of “Gerrude Atherton, a well-known Californian writer” laid in. Already ostracized for her previously serialized novel, Atherton published this work under the pseudonym Frank Lin. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
fine books and manuscripts
The great war syndicate. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889. First edition, signed.
Two of Morris’ works published by Reeves and Turner: A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark, written in prose and in verse (1889) and The roots of the mountains wherein is told somewhat of the lives of the men of Burgdale, their friends, their neighbours, their foremen, and their fellows in arms, 1890.
The goddess of Atvatabar, being the history of the discovery of the interior world and conquest of Atvatabar. New York: J. F. Douthitt, 1892. Presentation copy
Stiff illustrated wrappers (18 cm. tall); fresh, with slight bumping to corners. With author’s clipped signature affixed to verso of front wrapper, above red star. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Red cloth boards, showing some scuffing, with scuffed paper labels to spines. With two bookplates to front pastedowns; one for the California Book Club. With 32 pages of ads to rear of first volume; 3 pages of ads in second. $100-200
Green cloth decorative boards (22 cm. tall), with front hinge starting. Modern bookplate to front pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
The angel of the revolution: a tale of the coming terror. London: Tower Publishing Company, 1893. First edition.
Valdar the oft-born: a saga of seven ages. London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1895. First edition.
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall). Front hinge starting, with minor edge-wear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall). With bookplate to front pastedown; cosmetic split to front hinge. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Olga Romanoff or the syren of the skies. London: Tower Publishing Company, 1894.
The outlaws of the air. London: Tower Publishing Company, 1895. First edition.
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall); front hinge starting. Another striking cover for Griffith. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall). Spine slightly cocked. Previous owner’s name embossed to several pages. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
fine books and manuscripts
A group of three works, including: (1) The romance of the golden star.... London: F. V. White & Co., 1897; (2) Gambles with destiny. London: F. V. White & Co., 1899; and (3) The world masters. London: John Long, 1903. Accompanied by: The raid of ‘le vengeur’, Ferret Fantasy Press, 1974. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Island nights’ entertainments, consisting of the Beach of Falsea, The bottle imp, The isle of voices. London: Cassell and Company, 1893. First edition, with hand-corrected price list facing half-title page.
A trip to Mars. London: W. & R. Chambers, 1909.
Green cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with gilt-stamped design and gilt lettering to front board and spine. Illustrated by Gordon Browne and W. Hatherell, with frontispiece, color map, and 26 black-andwhite pages. With 16 pages of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 100
The body snatcher. New York: The Merriam Company, 1895. First separate edition. Violet cloth boards (14 cm. tall), with blackstamped design to front panel; fading to the lettering on spine. With later green cloth jacket. With bookplate of collectors Florence and Edward Kaye on front pastedown. Minor split to front hinge. Illustrated with frontispiece and four additional black-and-white plates. Bookseller’s ticket to rear pastedown, with three pages of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Decorative cloth boards; remarkably bright, with some scuffing. Illustrated with color frontispiece and five additional color plates by W. H. C. Groome. Some flecking to edges of textblock. With bookseller’s ticket to rear pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
The confectioners. Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith, 1906. First edition, signed. Green decorative cloth (19 cm. tall), with fold-out frontispiece. Inscribed by the author on the front endpaper. Bleiler 353. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $50-100
Two variant bindings of the first edition of The king in yellow. Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely, 1895. The first issue, without the frontispiece portrait and featuring a lizard design on the front board, is a presentation copy signed by the publisher. The later issue, also published in 1895, feaures a butterfly design on the rear board, with ownership inscription to front endpaper. Bleiler 396: “A small volume that is one of the basic documents in the history of fantastic fiction.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Autograph letter signed. Bifolium on Wells’ blindembossed Spade stationery. Accompanied by corresponding envelope postmarked 1903. Wells writes to Albert M. Bullard, Lufton College, Massachusetts: “So far as I can recollect the complete list is as follows. (I’m not sure of all the publishers).” Following is an auto-bibliography of Wells’ works up to that point. $800-1,200 102A
Carte-de-visite (4 x 8 cm.), with Wells’ name and Hanover Terrace address printed in calligraphic script to front, with short note in Wells’ hand to verso. Addressing himself to his mistress (and supposed spy) Baroness Moura Budberg, Wells asks for her opinion on a translation of a Pushkin poem. $600-800
fine books and manuscripts
The time machine: an invention. London: William Heinemann, 1895. First edition.
The wonderful visit. London: J. M. Dent, 1895. First edition.
The invisible man, a grotesque romance. London: C. Arthur Pearson Limited, 1897. First edition.
Tan cloth boards (18 cm. tall), decoratively stamped in purple. Staining to upper right corner of front board. Some foxing to endpapers. With eight pages of advertisements at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-3,000
Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt-stamped design. With sinister bookplate to front pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Red cloth boards (19 cm. tall) decoratively stamped in black and gilt, with gilt ruling and lettering to spine. Slight lean to text-block. With single leaf of advertisements at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-2,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
The war of the worlds, as it first appeared serially in the United States across nine issues of The cosmopolitan; April - December, 1897.
Nine issues, bound in illustrated wrappers. Housed in custom-made clamshell slipcase, with illustrations by Warwick Gobel.
fine books and manuscripts
Published simultaneously by Pearson’s magazine in Great Britain, this appearance preceded the 1898 book publication by a year. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-2,000
Twelve stories and a dream. London: Macmillan and Company, 1903.
In the days of the comet. London: Macmillan and Company, 1906.
The short stories of H. G. Wells. London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1927. First edition, signed.
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), stamped in blind, with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Minor wear to spine ends and corners. Slight lean to text-block. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 108
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), blind-stamped, with gilt lettering to front board and spine. Minor edge-wear; hinge starting. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), stamped in blind, with gilt lettering to front board and spine. Minor edge-wear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-300
Blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), gilt-stamped lettering to front and spine. Endpapers toned. Fading to spine. Illustrated frontispiece. With advertisements at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois inois $200-400
Green cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. With author’s inscription on half-title page (“Friendly memories...”). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
The food of the gods and how it came to earth. London: Macmillan and Company, 1904.
The war in the air. London: George Bell and Sons, 1908. First edition.
The food of the gods and how it came to earth. London: Macmillan and Company, 1904. Presentation copy.
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), stamped in blind, with gilt lettering to front board and spine. Minor edge-wear. Featuring a self-deprecating (and scatalogical) cartoon from Wells on his Spade House stationary, affixed to front endpaper; “With H. G. Wells’ best compliments.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), blind stamped boarder and title, gilt lettering to spine. With full jacket, showing only minor chips to spine ends. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Men like gods. London: Castle and Company, 1923.
A group of eight works from Wells (published in London, unless noted): (1) The dream. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924; (2) Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island. Bouverie House, 1928; (3) The autocracy of Mr. Parham. William Heinemann, 1930; (4) The new America. The Cresset Press, 1935; (5) The croquet player. Chatto & Windus, 1936; (6) The star begotten. Chatto & Windus, 1937; (7) Babes in the darkling wood. Secker & Warburg, 1940; and (8) The wealth of Mr. Waddy. Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
A series of seventy original illustrations to Captain Sir R. F. Burton’s ‘Arabian Nights’ and a portrait of Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton reproduced from the original pictures in oils. London: H. S. Nichols Ltd., 1897. Choice Edition de Luxe; an un-numbered copy from an edition of 250.
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. Privately printed by the Burton Club, circa 1900. Manuscript edition; number 49 of 99 copies, with original leaf of manuscript.
Three-quarter leather, with cloth boards (56 cm. tall); some bubbling to cloth. All edges gilt. Binding remarkably robust. From Series C of the large paper edition, printed on plate paper. With xiii pages of text preceding 71 sepiatoned plates (proofs before letters), hand-numbered in pencil, preceded by corresponding captioned tissues. Foxing to tissues, with minor dampstaining affecting the extreme margins of a handful of plates. $1,000-2,000
fine books and manuscripts
16 volume set, with text following from the Benares edition. Green leather boards (25 cm. tall), elaborately gilt-stamped, with Arabic script. With five raised bands to highlyornamented spine. Some rubbing to joints. Top edges gilt and gilt turn-ins. Each volume illustrated with a double suite of frontispieces, after Albert Letchford; the second being colored. The title page for the first volume incorrectly identifies itself as the third. While Penzer identifies a number of Burton Club publications, he does not mention this “Manuscript Edition,” which boasts 99 copies with original manuscript leaves from Burton bound into the preliminaries of the first volume of each set. This particular set features what appears to be the opening leaf from a rather convoluted book review by Burton, of a French translation of Johannis de Capua’s Latin translation of a Hebrew translation of the Panchatantra. $6,000-8,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Montezuma’s castle and other weird tales. Boston: [Press of Rockwell and Churchill], 1899. Author’s edition; presentation copy.
A group of three late-nineteenth century works in decorative cloth boards on the speculative theme of war. Namely: (1) W. Laird Clowes, The captain of the “Mary Rose:” a tale of to-morrow. London: Tower Publishing, 1892; (2) The great war of 189: a forecast. London: William Heinemann, 1893 (illustrated throughout, with folding frontispiece); and (3) Fred T. Jane, Blake of the ‘Rattlesnake’ or the man who saved England. A story of torpedo warfare in 189-. London: Tower Publishing Company, 1895 (illustrated with frontispiece and numerous plates). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Full leather boards (20 cm.), with striking giltstamped design duplicating the work’s half-tone image of Tixinopa, “the bad Indian.” With gilt dentelles, marbled endpapers, and all edges gilt. Illustrated with nine black-and-white plates. Author’s inscription on preliminary leaf; with additional ownership inscription of Vincent Starrett opposite. Pencil notes to rear endpaper, concerning this and other works by Cory. In fine condition. Cory was a Boston-born natural historian, whose stories, according to Bleiler, were partially “inspired by hallucinogenic Jou Jou powder.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
fine books and manuscripts
A group of five pre-WWI illustrated works pertaining to the theme of transportation. Including: (1) The startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies, translated from the French of Paul Celiere. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1887; (2) The enchanted automobile, Boston: L. C. Page & Company, 1906 (with color plates); (3) Harry Collingwood, With airship and submarine: a tale of adventure. London: Blackie and Son, 1908; (4) F. Lovell Coombs, Young Crusoes of the Sky. New York: The Century Co., 1911; and (5) Lt-Col. F. S. Brereton, The great airship: a tale of adventure, London: Blackie & Son, circa 1914. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
122 120
A group of seven pre-WWI works bound in decorative cloth, pertaining to the theme of the exotic. Including: (1) Charles Lotin Hildreth, The mysterious city of OO. New York: Belford Company, 1889; (2) Frank Aubrey, The devil-tree of El Dorado. New York: New Amsterdam Book Company, 1897; (3) Edward Markwick, The city of gold: a tale of sport... travel, and adventure in the heart of the dark continent. London: W. Thacker & Co., 1898; (4) Le Roy Hooker, Enoch the Philistine: a traditional romance of Philstia, Egypt and the Great Pyramid, Chicago: Rand, McNally & Company, 1898; (5) Edward S. van Zile, Perkins the Fakeer: a travesty on reincarnation. New York: The Smart Set, 1903; (6) Robert W. Chambers, In search of the unknown. New York: Haper & Brothers, 1904; and (7) Beatrice Grimshaw, The sorcerer’s stone. Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Company, 1914. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
A group of six pre-WWI works bound in decorative cloth, pertaining to the theme of outer space. Including: (1) A P. Russell, Sub-coelum: a skybuilt human world. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1893; (2) Gustavus W. Pope, Journey to Mars: the wonderful world: its beauty and splendor; its mighty races and kingdoms; its final doom. New York: G. W. Dillingham, 1894; (3) John Jacob Astor, A journey in other worlds: a romance of the future. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1894; (4) Garett P. Serviss, The moon metal. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900; (5) Jean Delaire, Around a distant star. London: John Long, 1904; (6) Nettie Parrish Martin, A pilgrim’s progress in other worlds: recounting the wonderful adventures of Ulysum Storries and his discovery of the lost star “Eden”. Boston: Mayhew Publishing Company, 1908. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
A prophetic romance: Mars to Earth. Boston: Arena Publishing Company, 1896. First edition; presentation copy, twice-signed.
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt-stamped design to front board and lettering to spine. With signed halftone portrait of author affixed as makeshift frontispiece and his gift inscription to title page, thus erasing the work’s pseudonymous conceit. The prophecy envisions humanoid Martians visiting a utopian America, governed by a female President. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Moon-face and other stories. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1906. First edition.
The scarlet plague. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915.
A prisoner in fairyland. London: Macmillan and Co., 1913. First edition.
Decorative cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with bumping to lower corner of front panel. Top edge gilt. With two pages of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Decorative cloth boards (20 cm. tall), showing some wear to spine ends. With fragmented jacket; title to spine largely chipped, with some marginal chipping to front panel. Illustrated by Gordon Grant, with haunting frontispiece and numerous in-text illustrations. With four pages of ads at rear. Accompanied by promotional pamphlet from Macmillan, Novels of 1915 by the foremost American and English authors. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
The iron heel. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1908. First edition. Decorative cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with minor scuffing and edge-wear. Ownership inscription to front endpaper, along with ghosting from previous jacket protector. With four pages of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
fine books and manuscripts
The star rover. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915. Decorative cloth boards (20 cm. tall); minor scuffing and edge-wear. Illustrated with color frontispiece. With eight pages of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Decorative green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing minor chipping and closed tears. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 127
A group of three first editions, comprising: (1) Jimbo: a fantasy, 1908 (inscribed, with Blackwood’s calling card laid in loose); (2) The human chord, 1910; and (3) Pan’s garden: a volume of nature stories, 1912. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
The lair of the white worm. London: William Rider and Son, 1911. Stamped as presentation copy.
The star-treader and other poems. San Francisco, CA: A. M. Robertson, 1912. First edition.
The purple sapphire and other posthumous papers. London: Philip Allan & Co., 1921. First edition, signed.
Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall); blind-stamped, with gilt lettering to front board and spine. Some marginal foxing. Illustrated with six colour plates, one misbound as frontispiece. With 20 pages of advertisements bound at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Green cloth (19 cm. tall) with white paper labels. Of this work, 2000 copies were printed, with approximatley 1000 copies of the unbound sheets destroyed by fire. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
The man who rocked the earth. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1915. Decorative blue cloth (19 cm. tall); spine slightly sunned. Ownership inscription on front pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with some sunning to spine. Inscribed and dated by Blayer on the front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
A group of three works by Sax Rohmer, including: The quest of the golden slipper, 1919 (in jacket); Fire tongue, 1922; and Seven sins, 1944 (in jacket). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
fine books and manuscripts
The hobbit or there and back again. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1937. First edition.
A typed letter signed from Tolkien, with manuscript post-script, dated July 10th, 1964. With 6 cm. tear mended on verso.
Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), decoratively stamped in black. Featuring an unrestored jacket in first state (with “Dodgeson” hand-corrected on rear flap). Jacket is unclipped, with minor tear to top of spine and minimal edge-wear to bottom of inner flaps. Some foxing to edge of texblock, affecting the margins of a handful of pages. Includes inserted plate of Mirkwood. With one leaf of advertisements at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $30,000-40,000
Responding to a Mrs. Marcus of Ojai, California from his Oxford address, Tolkien discusses the development of the Lord of the Rings universe in rather counter-intuitive terms: “But one might say that the opposite of what you surmised is the fact: the hobbits are a late addition.” In the space of a single typescript page, Tolkien further addresses his passion for language, landscape, and history, while despairing, in his manuscript post-script, that “there are no legends current (i.e. popular and oral) in England, other than those presented in books and the films.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $6,000-10,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
A set of Tolkien’s trilogy, with each of the works in their first impressions.
The two towers. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954. Proof copy.
The fellowship of the ring. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954. First edition, first impression, with signature mark at bottom of page 49. Folding map laid-in loose. Red cloth boards (23 cm. tall), with red top-stain. With full jacket (21s net); sunned, with front flap split at fold and minor chipping to spine ends. The two towers. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954. First edition, first impression. Red cloth boards (23 cm. tall), with red top-stain. With folding map tipped to rear endpaper. With full jacket (21s net), showing some sunning and minor soiling and with minor chipping to spine ends.
fine books and manuscripts
The return of the king. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1955. First edition, first impression, with no signature mark on page 49 and solid block of text. Red cloth boards (23 cm. tall), with red top-stain. With folding map tipped to rear endpaper. With price-clipped jacket, in first state (without reviews to rear flap), showing only minor sunning. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $15,000-20,000
Brown paper wrappers (23 cm. tall), with typescript paper labels to front wrapper, for both title and price (partially clipped). With rear wrapper starting to lift at joint. In this proof, the synopsis (save for its title) remains blank on pages 9 through 11. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Tree and leaf. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964. Signed copy. Green cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. With price-clipped jacket; moderately sunned, with closed tear to bottom of front panel. With Tolkien’s signature to title page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-3,000 136
A group of three works in four editions, including (1) Smith of Wootton Major, 1967; (2) Mr. Bliss; and (3) The Silmarillion, in both American and English editions. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
The worm ouroboros: a romance. London: Jonathan Cape, 1922.
The mezentian gate. Printed at the Curwen Press for Mrs. E. R. Eddison, 1958. First edition.
Cloth boards, with gilt stamp design to front board and gilt lettering to spine. With full jacket, showing some sunning and minor tears to top of spine. With frontispiece and five full-page illustrations from Keith Henderson. Hinges tender, with cosmetic splits.
fine books and manuscripts
“A most curious story. Here is no photographic realism, no divorces, no drugs, nor neurasthenics, but the humours and splendours of a spacious life, the clash of noble wills and circumstances.� Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Green cloth boards (21 cm. tall). With price-clipped jacket, showing light wear to edges; otherwise bright and clean. With ownership inscription to front pastedown. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 139
The ship that sailed to Mars. London: George Harrap, 1923. First edition. One of 2000 copies. Quarter vellum over papered boards; spine elabrately lettered and decorated in gilt. Front hinge starting, with tape repair to lower spine. 96 leaves, with 48 decorative text plates tipped-in and a further 48 color plates. $600-800
Ralph 124C 41+: a romance of the year 2660. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1925. First edition thus.
Ralph 124C 41+: a romance of the year 2660. New York: Frederick Fell, 1950. Second edition; association copy.
Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to front board and spine. With full jacket, noticeabley worn, with minor staining to verso. Contemporary ownership inscription to front endpaper. Some strain to gutter. Illustrated with frontispiece and ten black-and-white plates, along with several engravings.
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), lettered in red, with price-clipped jacket; otherwise in fine condition. With a half-page inscription from the author on front endpaper to Frank E. Mullen, “one of the oldest radio pioneers;” dated New York, 1950.
From the author whose name was appropriated for the annual Hugo Awards, being granted to the best science fiction or fantasy works. This publication of the prophetic Ralph includes significant textual changes from the earlier magazine appearance in 1911. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
This second edition, with a new preface from Gernsback, also features forewards by Fletcher Pratt and Lee de Forest, “the father of radio.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Krakatit. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925. Translated by Lawrence Hyde.
The ship of Ishtar. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1926. First edition.
Blue cloth boards, with fresh paper labels to front board and spine. With full illustrated jacket; sunned, with minor chipping to top of spine and abrasion to front panel. With bookplate of Howard and Dorothy Mott to front pastedown. A contemporary newspaper review of the work has been laid to rear endpapers. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with yellow lettering to front board and spine. With full illustrated jacket, showing some sunning and slight chipping; otherwise in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
When worlds collide. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1933. Together with After worlds collide. Lippincott, 1934. Both later printings.
The absolute at large. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927. Black cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with paper labels inset to front board and spine. With full jacket, showing closed tears to top-edge and some scuffing. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
The moon pool. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1919. First edition. Red cloth boards (19 cm. tall); gilt-stamped, with gilt lettering to front board and spine. Ownership inscription to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 146
Dwellers in the mirage. New York: Liveright Inc. Publishers, 1932. Black cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to front board and spine. With price-clipped jacket, showing some edge-wear, with minor chipping to spine ends; mended tears to verso. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
fine books and manuscripts
Two works. Cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in blue. With price-clipped jackets showing spotting and general shelf-wear; some chipping to jacket of the earlier work. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 148
Flash Gordon in the caverns of Mongo. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1936. First edition. Orange cloth boards (19 cm. tall). Full jacket lightly worn at edges, with several mended tears. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Last and first men: a story of the near and far future. London: Methuen and Co., 1930. First edition; signed, presentation copy.
An annotated typescript for the essay “Conflict of Wisdoms,” which appeared in John Gawsworth’s Enquiry in August 1949. Cover page plus ten numbered pages; secured with brad fastener. With Gawsworth’s annotation to cover page. Accompanied by short autograph letter signed from Stapledon to Gawsworth--the poet-King of the micronation Redonda--concerning Stapledon’s return of this corrected proof.
Four works, all published in London; all but the last in jackets: (1) The flames: a fantasy. Secker & Warburg, 1937; (2) Sirius: a fantasy of love and discord. Secker & Warburg, 1944; (3) Death into life. Methuen, 1946; (4) Old man in new world. George Allen and Unwin, 1944. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), scuffed, with some bubbling; gilt lettering to spine. Lacks jacket. With eight pages of ads at rear. Inscribed by Stapledon to front endpaper to W. M. Mathieson on October 28, 1930; date of Stapledon’s death inscribed in pencil at bottom of said page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 150
Last men in London. London: Methuen & Co., 1932. First edition. Blue cloth boards (19 cm. tall). Top edge lightly dust-stained, with minor bumtp to corner. Ownership inscription to front endpaper. Contents: 312 pages, with eight pages of ads inserted at rear, dated “932” at bottom. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
In this short comparative essay on mentalities, Stapledon differentiates ancient from modern (see “scientific”) wisdoms; the latter being identified as originating in ancient Greece. “Each of these two wisdoms, these attitudes to the universe, contains important truths which the other ignores.” The corrected proof contains a number of significant excisions, along with the insertion of numerous sub-headings, to further structure his argument towards synthesis. Accompanied by an obituary clipping, identifying Stapledon as “a writer of boldly speculative and scientific fantasies and a left-wing liberal thinker who in recent years had taken a prominent part in various Communist-organized international conferences of intellectuals.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Tarzan the untamed. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1920. First edition.
Tarzan and the leopard men. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1935. First edition.
Land of terror. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1944. First edition.
Green cloth boards (19 cm. tall). With full original unrestored jacket; soiled with heavy wear, but still bright and retaining its colors. Illustrated with nine plates by J. Allen St. John. Ownership inscription, otherwise an exceptionally bright and square copy. $800-1,000
Pebbled cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddish-orange, with red top-stain; slightest lean. With full jacket; some cresing to front flap and chipping to spine ends, with tape repair to verso; patented blind-stamped as “Protect-o-cover,” albeit with laminate removed. With ownership inscription to front endpaper. Illustrated by J. Allen St. John, with frontispiece and three additional black-and-white plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddishorange, with red top-stain. Slight rubbing to spine ends. With full facsimile jacket, originally designed by John Coleman Burroughs; minor shelf-wear and 2 cm. tear to front hinge. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Tarzan the invincible. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., 1931. First edition. Blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddishorange. With quality facsimile jacket. Ownership inscription to front endpaper. Illustrated with frontispiece by Studley O. Burroughs. With single leaf of ads at rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 154
Tarzan triumphant. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1932. First edition. Pebbled cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddish-orange, with red top-stain; rubbing to spine ends and minor staining to rear panel. With quality facsimile jacket. Cosmetic split to rear hinge of text-block. Illustrated by Studley Burroughs, with frontispiece and four additional black-andwhite plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
fine books and manuscripts
Tarzan and the forbidden city. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1938. First edition. Pebbled blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddish-orange, with red top-stain. With full facsimile jacket, showing crease to top corner of front panel, with tape repair to verso; otherwise Very Good. llustrated by John Coleman Burroughs, with color frontispiece and four black-and-white plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Tarzan and “The Foreign Legion”. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1947. First edition. Pebbled blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddish-orange, with red top-stain. With full facsimile jacket, showing slightest shelf-wear. Illustrated by John Coleman Burroughs, with frontispiece and four additional black-and-white plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 159
A group of two first editions published by Canaveral Press, including (1) Savage Pellucidar (1963) and Tarzan and the castaways (1965). Two volumes. Both with black-lettered cloth boards (21 cm. tall). Both with jackets, the former priceclipped, with some sunning to the latter. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
A group of five early Tarzan reprints from Chicago publisher A. L. Burt: (1) Tarzan of the apes, 1914; (2) The return of Tarzan, 1915; (3) The beasts of Tarzan, 1916; (4) The son of Tarzan, 1917; and (5) Tarzan and the Opar, 1918. All in full jackets, with expected wear, with the exception of the final volume, which has the bottom portion of the jacket torn, but present.
A group of seven later reprints, from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All in gray cloth boards with bluestamped design and lettering. All in facsimile jackets.
Also included are two early reprints from Grosset & Dunlap, in full jackets (worn) comprising: The warlord of Mars, 1919, and Jungle tales of Tarzan, 1919. $400-600 160
Beyond thiry and The man-eater; two unauthorized editions (circa 1955). Plain wrappers; staple-bound. Offsets taken from typescripts published by Lloyd A. Eschbach. Offered here with a publication from Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishers (1957), in which the two works are combined; printed in an edition of 3000. Red cloth boards in full jacket. Also included are two publications from The House of Greystone (Kansas City, circa 1965): The girl from Farris’s, an authorized first edition of an ERB story, and David Innes of Pellucidar, a comic book illustrated by John Coleman Burroughs. Both in yellow illustrated wrappers. Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan $200-400
Some of these copies are with printed labels affixed to front endpapers reading: “This book is one of the few survivors of a near-disastrous fire that occurred in our store-room on Saturday, May 3, 1958. The fire started as a result of the spontaneous combustion of old Tarzan motion pictures printed on nitrate film. Although this book shows some fire damage, we are told that it has considerable value among collectrs. We sincerely hope it will add to the worth of your own personal collection.” Accompanied by reprint price list, which justifies said label and announces the publication of an otherwise unpublished ERB story: I am a barbarian; also included in this lot. Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt lettering and full jacket. Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan $200-400 162
Pirates of Venus. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1934. First edition.
Carson of Venus. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1939. First edition. Pebbled cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in red, with red top-stain; minor rubbing to spine ends. With full facsimile jacket; minor tears to top-edge and light staining to front panel (apparent on verso). With ownership stamp to front endpaper. Illustrated by John Coleman Burroughs, with frontispiece and five additional black-and-white plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 164
Escape on Venus. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1946. First edition. Pebbled blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in reddish orange, with red top-stain. With full facsimile jacket, showing some edge-wear; Very Good. Illustrated with frontispiece and four additional black-and-white plates. Label to front endpaper referring to 1958 store-room fire. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Pebbled cloth boards (20 cm. tall), lettered in red, with red top-stain; minor rubbing to spine ends. With quality facsimile jacket; minor tears to topedge and light staining to front panel (apparent on verso). With ownership inscriptions to preliminary leaves. Illustrated by J. Allen St. John, with frontispiece and four additional black-and-white plates. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
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Three works composing Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy, all in first editions (as per Currey). All in full jackets, showing some toning and minor edgewear; with the exception of Titus Groan which has been clipped at the front flap. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
fine books and manuscripts
A group of twenty works by writer, anthologist, and Arkham House publisher August Derleth. Works include: Someone in the dark, 1941; Something near, 1945; Habitant of the dusk, 1946 (signed); Not long for this world, 1948 (signed); Portals of tomorrow, 1954 (with press material laid in); The trail of Cthulu, 1962; Dark mind, dark heart, 1962 (inscribed) and others.
A group of twelve early works published by Arkham House in jackets, from 1946 to 1967, including: Robert Bloch, The opener of the way, 1945 (inscribed); Robert E. Howard, Skull-face and others, 1946 (with characteristic Hannes Bok jacket); Frank Belknap Long, The hounds of Tindalos, 1946; and Fritz Leiber Jr., Night’s black agents, 1947. Inquire for more details. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
A group of thirty later works published by Arkham House, in fine jackets. Including: Clark Ashton Smith, Tales of science and sorcery, 1964; David Wanrei, Strange harvest, 1965; Arthur J. Burks, Black medicine, 1966; E. Hoffman Price, Strange gateways, 1967 (signed); Nelson Bond, Nightmares and daydreams, 1968 (inscribed); Colin Wilson, The mind parasites, 1969; L. Sprague de Camp, Demons and dinosaurs, 1970; Lovecraft: a biography, 1975 (signed by L. Sprague de Camp and others.
Offered together with fourt collaborations between Derleth and the illustrator DWIG (Clare Victor Dwiggins), each signed by both with original drawing: Bill’s diary, Oliver the wayward owl, A boy’s way, and Wilbur, the trusting wippoorwill. Inquire for further details. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Together with seven issues of The Arkham collector, from Winter 1969 to Winter 1971 and the five volume set of H. P. Lovecraft’s Selected Letters. Inquire for further details. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Rocket ship Galileo. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1947. First edition.
Beyond this horizon. Reading, PA.: Fantasy Press, 1948. First edition; number 40 of 500 signed copies.
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing minor rubbing to base of spine. Illustrated by Thomas W. Voter. In exceptional condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500 169
Space cadet. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948. First edition, signed. Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing some rubbing to spine. Signed by Heinlein on title page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500
fine books and manuscripts
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket showing some scuffing. Ownership stamp to front pastedown. Signed by Heinlein on limitation page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200 171
Red planet: a colonial boy on Mars. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949. First edition, signed. Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing tear to bottom of front panel; faded spine with small oval tear. Signed by Heinlein on title page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-3,000
Farmer in the sky. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1950. First edition, signed. Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), slightly bumped, with full jacket, showing edge-wear and 2 cm. tear to top of spine. Illustrated by Clifford Geary. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500 173
The man who sold the moon: Harriman and the escape from Earth to the Moon!. Chicago: Shasta Publishers, 1950. First edition, signed. Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, illustrated by Hubert Rogers. Rear panel shows pencil checkmarks; jacket otherwise Fine. Chronological endpapers feature pasted errata slip “Future History: 1951-2600 A.D.” Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-2,000
The green hills of Earth: Rhysling and the adventure of the entire solar system!. Chicago: Shasta Publishers, 1951. First edition, signed.
Between planets. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1951. First edition, signed.
Tomorrow the stars: a science fiction anthology. New York: Doubleday, 1952. First edition, signed.
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing minor scuffing; Near Fine. Signed by Heinlein on half-title page, following chronological endpapers. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket showing some discolouration to front panel; otherwise in near fine condition. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket illustrated by Richard Powers; sunning to spine, with ghost of price sticker to rear panel. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
The puppet masters. Garden City: Doubleday, 1951. First edition.
The rolling stones. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1952. First edition, signed.
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket; light staining to verso, also effecting front board and corner of first dozen pages. Illustrated by Clifford Geary. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Revolt in 2100: the prophets and the triumph of reason over superstition! Chicago: Shasta Publishers, 1953. First edition, signed.
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with price-clipped jacket showing minor discolouration. Signed by Heinlein on preliminary leaf, following chronlogical endpapers. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
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Assignment in eternity. Reading, PA: Fantasy Press, 1953. First edition.
The star beast. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1954. First edition, signed.
Time for the stars. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1956. First edition, signed.
Cloth boards in full jacket, showing some wear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with price-clipped jacket, illustrated by Clifford Geary; with some staining to front panel and wear to top of spine. Signed by Heinlein on title page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket, illustrated by Clifford Geary; minor scuffing, otherwise in fine condition. Signed by author on preliminary leaf. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
Tunnel in the sky. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1955. First edition, signed.
The door into summer. New York: Doubleday, 1957. First edition, signed.
Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket, illustrated by P. A. Hutchison; modest wear to spine, otherwise in fine condition. Signed by Heinlein on preliminary leaf. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
Cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with full jacket, illustrated by Mel Hunter; modest edge-wear, with 1 cm. tear to bottom of front panel. Signed by Heinlein on title page. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500
Starman Jones. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953. Review copy, signed. Decorative cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing some rubbing to spine. Illustrated by Clifford Geary. Includes loose Scribner’s review slip, stating publication date of Sept. 28, 1953. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
fine books and manuscripts
The menace from Earth. Hicksville, N.Y.: The Gnome Press, 1959. First edition, signed.
Slan. Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1946. First Edition; one of 4051 copies printed.
Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with fulll jacket illustrated by Richard Powers; sunning to spine, with ghost of price sticker to rear panel. Signed by Heinlein on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Cloth boards with price-clipped jacket; showing some sunning to spine and wear to corners. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
A group of four signed first editions from Canadian-born science fiction author A. E. van Vogt. Consisting of: (1) The book of ptath. Reading, PA: Fantasy Press, 1947. Illustrated by A.J. Donnel. One of 500 signed by van Vogt; (2) Masters of time. Reading, PA: Fantasy Press, 1950. Illustrated by Edd Cartier. One of 500 copies signed and numbered by van Vogt; (3) The violent man. NY: Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy, 1962. Signed by van Vogt on the front endpaper; (4) Rogue ship. NY: Doubleday, 1965. Signed by van Vogt on the front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $300-500
A group of eight works from van Vogt, in nine manifestations: (1) The weapon makers, 1947; (2) The world of [null] A, 1948; (3) the same work, in a 1970 French edition, as signed by van Vogt; (4) The voyage of the space beagle, 1950; (5) The weapon shops of Isher , 1951; (6) Destination: universe!, 1952; Away and beyond, 1952; (7) The mixed men, 1952; (8) The war against the Rull, 1959; (9) The far-out world of A.E. van Vogt, 1973, inscribed by van Vogt. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Stranger in a strange land. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1961. First edition. Green cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with slight bumping to top corners. With full jacket, showing some wear to top of spine and half cm. tear to top of rear panel. The controversial winner of the 1962 Hugo Award for Best Novel, in an incredibly vibrant jacket. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-4,000
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I, robot. New York: Gnome Press, 1950. First edition, signed. Red cloth boards (21 cm. tall), decoratively stamped in black to front board, with black lettering to spine. With full jacket designed by Edd Cartier, showing minor rubbing, with small damp-stain to rear. Inscribed by Asimov on front endpaper, “with best regards.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-4,000
Gray cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with red lettering to spine. With price-clipped jacket, designed by Richard Powers; closed tears and creasing to edges of front panel.
Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with cream lettering to spine. With jacket illustrated by Whitney Bender; price-clipped, otherwise in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Pebble in the sky. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1950. First edition.
Asimov’s first science fiction novel. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
fine books and manuscripts
The stars like dust. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1951. First edition.
The currents of space. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1952. First edition.
Second foundation. New York: Gnome Press, 1953. First edition, signed.
Four first editions by Asimov, attributed as Paul French, and published with Doubleday & Company, including: (1) David Starr: space ranger. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1952; (2) Lucky Starr and the pirates of the asteroids, 1953; (3) Lucky Starr and the oceans of Venus, 1954; (4) Lucky Starr and the big sun of Mercury, 1956.
Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with white lettering to spine. With full jacket, designed by George Guisti; in near fine condition. Some toning to text. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 195
Foundation and empire. New York: Gnome Press, 1952. First edition. Red cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with black-stamped design to front board and black lettering to spine. With price-clipped jacket in first state, showing minor sunning and edge-wear; Very Good. Ownership inscription to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with red lettering to spine. With full jacket, showing some scuffing and small tear to front fold, with tape repair to verso. With author’s signature to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-2,000 197
The Martian way and other stories. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1955. First edition. Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with black lettering to spine. With price-clipped jacket, designed by Richard Shelton, showing minor edge-wear and some scuffing to rear panel. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Each item with full jacket, showing only minor shelf-wear. Item 4 includes review slips with publicaton date of April 5, 1956. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 199
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Sands of Mars. New York: Gnome Press, 1952. First edition.
Childhood’s end. New York: Ballantine Books, 1953. First edition.
Expedition to Earth. New York: Ballantine Books, 1953. First edition.
Red cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket designed by Binkley; edge-worn, with staining to rear panel (affecting margin of rear board). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Red cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket; showing some sunning, otherwise in fine condition. Concludes with 4 page biography of Clarke. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-2,500
Black cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with full jacket designed by Powers; showing some scuffing and minor wear to spine ends. Concludes with four page biography of Clarke. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
fine books and manuscripts
Expedition to Earth. New York: Ballantine Books, 1953. Proof copy.
Across the sea of stars. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1959. First edition thus, signed.
Stiff wrappers (28 cm. tall), with comb binding. Printed and typescript label to front wrapper, idenfitying publication date (December 14, 1953) and prices: 35 cents for paperbacks, $2 for hardcovers. With tape repair to first page of the chapter “Loophole.” Without annotations. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 204
Earthlight. New York: Ballantine Books, 1955. First edition. Gray cloth boards (21 cm. tall) with dark blue lettering to spine. With full jacket, showing some scuffing and minor wear to spine ends. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with rounding to corners. With full jacket, showing minimal edge-wear. With Clarke’s inscription to front endpaer. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 206
A group of six works, all published in New York, comprising: (1) 2001: a space odyssey. New American Library, 1968; (2) The wind from the sun: stories of the space age. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, [1972]; (3) Rendezvous with rama. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, [1973]; (4) Imperial earth. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976; (5) The foundations of paradise. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979; (6) 2010: odyssey two. Ballantine Books, 1982.
All in cloth boards with jacket; the jacket for 2001 missing a significant portion to the rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine Books, [1953]. First hardbound trade edition. Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with front panel and spine stamped in yellow; with some rubbing along lower edges. With full jacket showing some edgewear, with minor loss at upper spine and lower rear corner, a 25 mm. closed tear along lower front spine fold, and red “451” on spine faded to light orange. Expanded from the 1951 novella “The Fireman” and filmed by Francois Truffaut in 1966. Followed in the twenty-first century by the Amazon Fire. $1,500-3,000
fine books and manuscripts
Fahrenheit 451. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1982. The aluminum edition. Copy number 1175 of 2000, signed by both author and illustrator. Aluminum covered boards (28 cm. tall), showing only minor wear. With slipcase. Illustrated with original lithographic frontispiece and three fold-out color plates by Mugnaini. Accompanied by LEC newsletter, along with the “sensitive to the touch� notice. With signatures of Bradbury and Mugnaini to colophon. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $400-600
The illustrated man. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1951. Later printing, presentation copy. Cream cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with red lettering to spine. With full jacket; sunned, with some scuffing and short tear to upper front fold. Inscribed by Bradbury on the front endpaper in 1968, along with an incredible sketch in blue ink, mimicking the jacket illustration by Sydney Butchkes. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 209
The illustrated man. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Comany, 1951. First edition. Cloth boards (22 cm. tall) with full jacket, showing edge-wear and some scuffing. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 210
Something wicked this way comes. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1951. First edition. Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing some scuffing to rear panel and spine; otherwise clean and bright. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
The pedestrian. Roy A. Squires, 1951. One of 130 copies printed for private distribution. Signed. Sewn stiff blue wrappers (22 cm. tall), with red lettering to front. Illustrated with tipped frontispece by Bradbury’s long-time collaborator Joseph Mugnaini; now loose. Housed in sized yellow envelope. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
fine books and manuscripts
A group of short stories, published in various magazines. Including: (1) “The other foot,” as it appeared in New-story: the monthly magazine for the short story, no. 1 (1951); (2) “The handler,” as it appeared in Copy: today’s better fiction, vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1950); (3) “To the Chicago abyss” and “Bright phoenix,” as they appeared in The magazine of fantasy and science, vol. 14, no. 5 (May 1963). Together with two copies of Ray Bradbury review. San Diego: William F. Nolan, 1952; both of them signed by Bradbury. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $300-500
An index of Ray Bradbury’s works as it appeared in Shangri-la, in the Fall-Winter issue of 1953. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 214
Draft TLS of “Way up in the middle of the air”. Variations. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-3,000 215
Typescript for “At midnight, in the month of June.” With Ms. annotations from September 1952. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-4,000 216
A collection of typed letters signed by Bradbury along with illustrated cover. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800 215
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BRADBURY, RAY An apparently unpublished poem (“The naysayers”) from Bradbury in typescript, framed alongside a typed letter signed (undated) by Bradbury to Mikhail Francis Itkin, on Bradbury’s Los Angeles letterhead, granting Itkin the right to publish the poem under Bradbury’s 1974 copyright. An envelope affixed to the verso of the frame is addressed to The Most REV. Mikhail Francis Itkin. Mikhail Itkin (1936-1989), also known as Bishop Michael Francis Augustine Itkin or, after his canonization by the Moorish Orthodox Church in America, as Saint Mikhael of California, was a seminal figure in the “gay church” movement of the midtwentieth century. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-3,000
The poem reads: “They speak beneth their breath, | They linger long on tombs and graveyards, | Earth and politics by night and moles which dig the dark; | Their park is marbled with old names, | Old times, old dooms, | They have no rooms to let to life, | Nor any blood nor heat, | The street they shamble on is empty, long and lone, | They moan when they exhale | And with each inhalation cry. | When I say ‘live’ they look astonished and repeat: | Never to have been born is best, | Put down and die. | I will not hear them, cannot hear them, will not try | To even understand | How living up above | They would prefer to sleep beneath the land. | So these cold ones that fail at being warm | Would harm the world with swords of ice and doubt, | While I in Eden stand and wonder, shake my head | And wait for God to throw them out!
Golden apples of the sun. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1953. First edition. Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with yellow lettering to spine. With full jacket, with some fading to spine and modest edge-wear; otherwise bright and crisp. Jacket and text illustrated by Joe Mugnaini. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 219
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fine books and manuscripts
Dandelion wine. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1957. First edition, signed. Yellow cloth boards (22 cm. tall). With full jacket, showing minor edge-wear and scuffing, with mended tear to front panel; otherwise very good or better. With inscription by Bradbury to Richard Leekley, dated 1971 and affixed to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 221
Three different states of the second edition of Dandelion wine. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975. (1) A copy of the first edition thus, with new introduction from Bradbury, together with (2) review copy of the same, with type letter signed from Knopf’s Publicity Director to an influential reviewer, stating the significance of this re-issue. Both with full jackets. Accompanied by (3) uncorrected proof of this work in wrappers (dated March 1975). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
A medicine for melancholy. New York: Doubledy & Company, 1959. First edition. Cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with full jacket showing light sunning to spine; small dent and scuffs to rear panel. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 223
The machineries of joy: short stories. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1964. First edition, signed. Cloth boards (22 cm. tall) in full jacket. Light wear to corners and some scuffing, with usual fading. Signed by Bradbury on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 223A
S is for space. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1966. First edition. Blue cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with red and white lettering to spine. With full jacket; closed tear to rear panel, otherwise in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 224
I sing the body electric! Stories by Ray Bradbury. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. First edition, inscribed. Cloth boards (22 cm. tall). With full jacket, showing some fading. Inscribed and dated by Bradbury in 1968 on front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
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Old Ahab’s friends, and Friend to Noah, Speaks his piece: a celebration. Self-published, 1971. Number 34 of 40 signed copies, from a total edition of 485. Stiff wrappers (25 cm. tall), with marbled jacket. Signed by Bradbury at end of text. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 226
The halloween tree. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. First edition. Cloth boards (24 cm. tall), with full jacket, showing minor creasing. Illustrated by Joseph Mugnaini. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 227
Original ink-and-gouache sketch of Dr. Moundshroud (26 x 31 cm., sight) for Bradbury’s The halloween tree. Matted and framed.
fine books and manuscripts
With inscription from Bradbury below the sketch: “For Bob Gluckson--This ink-sketch of Mr. Moundshroud flying into the udiscovered country in my “Halloween Tree” done by Joe Mugnaini in October, 1971--With the good wishes of Ray Bradbury. Jan 2. 1971.” The sketch would form the basis for the black-and-white frontispiece to the Knopf publication in 1972. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-3,000
Zen and the art of writing and The joy of writing: two essays. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1973. Copy number 141 of 250, signed.
That ghost, that bride of time: excerpts from a play-in-progress based on Moby Dick mythology and dedicated to Herman Melville. Self-published, 1976. Number 80 of 150 subscriber’s copies from a total edition of 400; twice-signed.
Illustrated papered-boards (19 cm. tall). Illustrated with photographic frontispiece and two illustrated title pages. Accompanied by three sets of printer’s proofs from Noel Young Printing. all housed in a custom-made clamshell slipcase. Number thirteen in the “Yes! Capra Chapbook Series.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Titled stiff wrappers (25 cm. tall), in decorative paper jacket. With Bradbury’s signature to both title page and colophon. Housed in original envelope, lettered in red. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $300-500
That son of Richard III: a birth announcement. Roy A. Squires, 1974. Autograph edition; copy LXXI of 85, from a total edition of 485.
Three works, in four pulp manifestations, comprising: Fahrenheit 451, in two editions from Ballantine Books (one of which is signed); The autumn peopls; and The October country. All in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
Stiff titled wrappers (25 cm. tall), with marbled jacket. With Bradbury’s signature to edition page and hand-numbered to colophon. Housed in a custom-made clamshell case. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
A group of seven first editions, published by Alfred A. Knopf, unless otherwise noted: (1) The anthem sprinters and other antics. New York: The Dial Press, 1963; (2) I sing the body electric!, 1969; (3) The wonderful ice cream suit and other plays for today, tomorrow and beyond tomorrow. London: Hart-Davis, 1972; (4)When elephants last in the dooryard bloomed celebrations for almost any day in the year, 1973; (5) Long after midnight, 1976; (6) Where robot mice and robot men run round in robot towns: new poems, both light and dark, 1977; (7) The toynbee convector, 1988. All in cloth boards with jackets. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 233
A group of 4 signed works from Bradbury, including: (1) The martian chronicles. New York: Time, 1963; (2) The october country, 1970; (3) When elephants last in the dooryard bloomed: celebrations for almost any day in the year. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970; and (4) Twin hieroglyphs that swim the river dust. Northridge, CA: Lord John Press, 1978. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
Islandia. New York: Farrar & Rinheart, 1942. In illustrated wrappers, advance copy. Showing edge-wear. Together with Basil Davenport’s An introduction to Islandia.... Toronto and New York: Farrar & Rinehart, n.d. With maps from John Lang. Papered boards (22 cm. tall), with original glassine; chipped. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Nineteen eighty-four. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949. First edition.
A well-preserved copy of the work as it appeared in London bookshops in 1949; decades before Ridley Scott’s Super Bowl commercial for Apple in 1984 helped bring Orwell’s screen prophecy full circle. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $2,000-4,000
Slaves of sleep. Chicago: Shasta Publishers, 1948. First edition. Cloth boards with incredibly illustrated jacket; tape repairs to verso. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 98
fine books and manuscripts
Green cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with red lettering to spine; slight lean. Red top-stain; some flecking to edges of textblock. With full jacket in preferred maroon state, with scuffing and minor chipping to top of spine. Includes original wrap-around band from the Evening Standard, showing only some loss to front.
Cloth boards (24 cm.), with full jacket in Fine condition. Minor stain to top edge of text-block. With author’s signature to title page, dated March 1974. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Watership down. New York: Macmillan, 1972. First American edition, signed.
First lensman. Reading, PA: The Fantasy Press, 1950. Number 300 of 500 signed copies, from a total edition of 5000, with addtional inscription.
The body snatchers. New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1955. First edition in book form. Illustrated wrappers, after a painting by John McDermott. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Light blue cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. With full jacket, scuffed with tears mended on verso. With author’s presentation inscription to colophon. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
The demolished man. Chicago: Shasta Publishers, 1963. First edition, signed. Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with full jacket; showing modest scuffing and edge-wear. With Bester’s signature to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $600-800
Tiger! Tiger!. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, [1956]. First hardcover edition, signed. Blue cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. With full illlustrated jacket; some wear to upper front corner. Pages showing some browning. With Bester’s bold signature to front endpaper in black marker, dated 1975. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600 v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m
248 247
Player piano. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1952. First edition.
Mother night. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. First edition thus.
Green cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with silver lettering to spine. With price-clipped jacket; scuffed and soiled, with mending to verso. Ownership inscription to front endpaper. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Half-cloth over papered boards (21 cm. tall). With full jacket, with only minor shelf-wear. Follows upon 1962 edition in wrappers, adding a new introduction by Vonnegut. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Between time and Timbuktu or Prometheus-5: a space fantasy. New York: Delacorte Press, 1972. First edition.
The sirens of Titan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961. First hardcover edition.
Slaughterhouse-five or the children’s crusade: a duty-dance with death. New York: Delacorte Press, 1969. First edition.
A group of four works published in New York, including: (1) God bless you, Mr. Rosewater, or Pearls before swine. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965; (2) Breakfast of champions. Delacorte Press, 1973; (3) Wampeters foma & gradfalloons. Delacorte Press, 1974; (4) Slapstick or lonesome no more!. Delacorte Press, 1976. All in jackets. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Navy blue cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with white lettering to front panel and spine. With full jacket, designed by Harvey Applebaum, showing some scuffing to rear and modest wear to corners. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,000-1,500
100 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Blue cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with Vonnegut’s signature stamped in gilt to front panel. With full jacket, somewhat sunned, otherwise in fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $400-600
Half-cloth over strikingly-designed silver papered boards (21 cm. tall). With full jacket, showing only modest shelf-wear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
The soft machine. Paris: The Olympia Press, 1961. First edition.
Three works composing the Dune trilogy; all first editions, including: (1) Dune. Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1965; advance review copy. (2) Dune messiah. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1969; (3) Children of Dune. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1976.
Stiff wrappers (18 cm. tall), with jacket designed by Brion Gysin; some sunning to spine. An early airing of the cut-up technique. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 248
The crystal world. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1966. Review copy. Half-cloth over papered boards with crystalized design (21 cm. tall), With full jacket, with only minor rubbing to corners; otherwise in near fine condition. Includes review materials from the publisher, with press photo of Ballard, along with review slip (stating publication date of May 16, 1966). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
All copies in full jackets, with minor edge-wear to second work. Dune includes review slip, laid in loose, with publication date of Oct. 1, 1965. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,500-3,000
Two proof copies of works by Herbert, comprising: (1) Whipping star. New York: Berkley Medallon, 1970. First paperback edition, with typescript note from Herbert to a Berkley editor David Hartwell stapled to front cover: “Please note corrections in book and insert notes.” With dozens of Herbert’s manuscript annotations throughoutt he text. Also included: (2) an uncorrected proof for The Dosadi experiment. New York: Putnam’s Sons / Berkley, 1977. With only minor discoloration to front wrapper, otherwise in fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $300-500 250
Deus irae. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1976. First edition. Black cloth boards (22 cm. tall) with red lettering to spine. With full jacket, showing minor edge-wear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 101
A wizard of Earthsea. Berkeley, CA: Parnassus Press, 1968. Library edition, with bibliographical ephemera included.
The left hand of darkness. New York: Walker and Company, 1969. First hardcover edition; review copy.
Decorative cloth boards, corresponding to Currey’s description of the Library Edition binding (no priority). With the vertical smudge to the title page, in accordance with Currey’s description of the first printing of 6800 copies. The jacket includes the “Library Edition $3.50” in the lower corner, but is clipped at the upper-right of the front flap. With short tear to bottom of front panel and mild sunning; otherwise bright and crisp.
Papered boards (22 cm. tall) with black lettering to spine. With full jacket, designed by Lena Fong Lueg and illustrated by Jack Gaughan. With review slip laid in loose, listing publication date of August 27, 1969. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
A group of five works, including: (1) City of illusions. New York: Ace Books, 1967; (2) City of illusions. London: Victor Gollancz, 1971; (3) The lathe of heaven. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971; (4) The dispossessed. New York: Harper & Row, 1974; (5) Orsinian tales. New York: Harper & Row, 1976. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
Accompanied by authentification letter from pioneering bibliographer L. W. Currey, along with a photocopy of a letter from Parnassus Press confirming first printing points. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $1,200-1,500
102 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
A group of three chapbooks, including: (1) From Elfland to Poughkeepsie. Portland, OR: Pendragon Press, 1973. Number 57 of 100 signed copies. Printed wrappers (21 cm. tall), with photographic frontispiece, errata slip, and Le Guin’s signature to colophon. (2) The water is wide. Portland, OR: Pendragon Press, 1976. Number 176 of 200 copies, signed to the colophon. In printed wrapers (21 cm. tall). (3) Wild angels. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1975. Number 70 of 200 copies numbered and signed by Le Guin. Illustrated papered boards (19 cm. tall). Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
I am legend. New York: Walker and Company, 1970. First hardcover edition. White cloth boards (22 cm. tall), with black lettering to spine. With full jacket, designed by Lena Fog Hor, featuring illustration from Jack Gaughan; in near fine condition. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 256
Two signed works: Hell house. New York: The Viking Press, 1971 and A stir of echoes. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott Company, 1958. Both in full jackets; near fine. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400
A heavily annotated proof copy of the 1971 work Circus of hells. With 216 typescript pages, heavily annotated, by what appear to be multiple hands (in multiple inks), in regards to both content and layout. Preserved in a simple cardboard box with label affixed to top associating this “manuscript” in some regard with the S. F. Convention of 1971. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 258
A group of seven warmly inscribed copies from Bond, mostly to the collector Ronald Kuntz; four in hardcover with full jackets, three in wrappers. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 259
A group of twelve striking examples of jacket design in the science fiction and fantasy genres, across five decades in the twentieth century. Inquire for more details. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200
The checklist of fantastic literature: a bibliography of fantasy, weird, and science fiction books published in the English language. Chicago: Shasta Pubishers, 1948. First edition; inscribed by editor. Red cloth boards (19 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine. With full jacket, characteristically designed by Hannes Bok, with central tear to spine and heavily mended on verso. Inscribed by Bieler to Henry Hasse on front endpaper, “Thanks for your help and cooperation.” Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $200-400 260
Twenty-six works from the scholarly Gregg Press Science Fiction Series. All in fine condition. Inquire for more details. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $800-1,200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 103
Americana Lots 261 – 282
Opposite Lot 281 | Morris Spiritualist Church and Power Center
In unknown hand. A manuscript account ledger (32 x 28 cm.), written for the firm of Treat & Pico, in regards to John Hancock. Accepted by one Elijah Browne on behalf of Mr. Hancock. Dockeded on the verso for both parties in another unknown hand. Dated in Boston, February 14, 1766. With chips to both upper corners matted-on; vertical fold bisecting, else very good. Property from the Collection of Todd and Erin Nelson, Louisville, Colorado $400-600
Partialy printed indenture document, signed by six Overseers of the Poor and two Justices of the Peace in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, regarding the apprenticeship of eight-year-old George Briard to Joseph Peirce, as Husbandsman. With 13 words interlined and ten words erased before signing; October 11, 1794. (18 x 31 cm.), docked at top edge; small chip missing from lower left corner, not affecing text. $100-200
In unknown hand. A manuscript receipt, dated October 11, 1794, regarding a keg of vinegar for “General Washington.” (20 by 8 cm.), with torn corner containing the top half of the word “Washington;” lightly chipped at left margin, not effecting text. Through President at the time, Washington was often referred to as General. $100-200
106 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Typescript letter, signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower as President. On White House stationery, dated November 15, 1956. Handsomely framed (16 x 21.5 cm. sight, 52 x 38 cm. overall), along with corresponding campaign ribbon, two campaign buttons, a first inaugural button, and a “Stick with Ike” matchbook. Eisenhower thanks a group of grade school students for his landslide victory in their class election. $400-600
The writings of George Washington. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1847-1848.
Partially printed document signed (“J.Q. Adams”) as President, one page, on engraved vellum with embossed seal affixed to lower left; Washington, April 15th, 1825. Granting William Carpenter of Sangamon County Illinois 80 acres. Countersigned by George Graham as (“Geo. Graham”) as Commissioner of the General Land Office. Matted and framed with portrait. Fading to seal, with toning to velllum along top edge; hole at lower right and ink lightly faded. $600-800
Twelve volumes. Three-quarter leather over cloth boards (24 cm. tall), showing some scuffing, with gilt lettering to spine and marbled edges. Foxing to handful of pages. Illustrated with 34 black-andwhite plates. $400-600
Partially printed document signed (“Andrew Jackson”) as President; Washington, November 11th, 1830. One page, on engraved vellum, matted and framed (39 x 24.5 cm sight, 63.5 x 35.5 cm overall), accompanied by 9 x 14 cm color portrait. Embossed Presidential seal faded, but firmly affixed to lower left; toning to vellum, with ink lightly faded. Granting Gershom Jayne of Sangamon County Illinois 80 acres. Countersigned by Elijah Hayward as Commissioner of the General Land Office. $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 107
With malice toward none, with charity for all. Philadelphia, 1908. Large portrait etching of Lincoln, surrounded by 36 small vignettes identifying the States of the Union. With a remarque of Lincoln’s life mask in the left margin. Unframed. Signed by the artist in pencil at lower right. Matted.
Partially printed document signed (“Abraham Lincoln”) on engraved vellum; Washington, April 7, 1863. Framed and matted (38 x 47 cm. sight, 75 x 64 cm. overall), with fascimile photograph of Lincoln (18 cm. x 23 cm) and engraved plaque. Embossed Presidential seal affixed upper left. Light toning to vellum, light fading to ink; one bisecting vertical fold, four horizontal folds, none effecting text.
Partially printed document signed (“Abraham Lincoln”), Washington, May 14, 1861. One page, on engraved vellum. Framed and matted (44 x 34 cm. sight, 60 x 50 cm overall). Embossed Presidential seal affixed upper left; light toning to vellum, fading to ink; one bisecting vertical fold, six horizontal folds; otherwise very good. Appointment of Joshua S. Fletcher as First Lieutenant of the Eleventh Regiment of Infantry. Countersigned by Simon Cameron as Secretary of War. Signed as received by Lorenzo Thomas, Adjutant General of the U.S. Army.
Together with two unframed Lincoln engravings by Thomas Johnson. (1) Untitled Lincoln portrait copyrighted and published by Dodd Mead & Company, New York, 1899. Signed by the artist in pencil. Paper toned; small losses to corners. (2) Untitled portrait of Lincoln signed in plate by the artist. (Size of largest: 68 x 50 cm.) $600-800 269
Legal document in Lincoln’s hand dated March 17, 1852. Matted (20 x 14 cm., sight; 31 x 26 cm., overall); light foxing and staining on left edge, not effecting text. $2,000-4,000
108 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Appointment of Merrill N. Hutchinson as First Lieutenant of the Eighteenth Regiment of Infantry. Countersigned by Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War, and signed as recorded by E.D. Townsend Assistant (and future) Adjutant General of the U.S. Army. Property from the collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois $3,000-5,000
An early Civil War document, signed only one month after Ft. Sumter, as Lincoln was struggling to build an army to preserve the Union. Property from the Estate of Edith M. Myers, Petalume, California. $3,000-5,000 272
President Lincoln and his Cabinet, with Lieut. Genl. Scott. Engraving with hand-coloring. Kimmel & Forster, [1866]. Sheet size, 55 x 70 cm; in frame, 76 x 92 cm. Property from the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Inc. Chicago, Illinois $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 109
Partially printed document signed (“Andrew Johnson”) as President, one page, on engraved vellum, embossed seal affixed at lower center. Washington, January 22, 1866. Framed and matted, (36 x 42 cm. sight, 47 x 55 cm. overall.) Folded in eighths, light soiling to Navy Department seal, light fading to ink, diagonal crease at upper right corner, otherwise in very good condition.
Partially printed document signed (“Andrew Johnson”), on engraved vellum, with embossed seal affixed upper left. Washington, April 7, 1866. Appointment of John H. King as Captain in the First Regiment of Infantry. Countersigned by Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War.
Partially printed document signed (“Andrew Johnson”), on engraved vellum, with embossed seal affixed upper left. Washington, April 20, 1866. Appointment for John H. King as Colonel of the Ninth Regiment of Infantry. Countersigned by Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War.
Partially printed document with stamped signature (“Andrew Johnson”) on vellum. With engraved head- and tail-piece, embossed presidential seal affixed upper left. Washington, April 7, 1866. Appointment of John H. King as Brevet Major General. Countersigned with stamp of Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War; signed as received by E.D. Townsend, Assistant (and future) Adjutant General of the U.S. Army. 40 x 50 cm; one bisecting vertical fold, six horizontal folds; in very good condition.
Partially printed document with stamped signature (“Andrew Johnson”) on vellum. With engraved head- and tail-piece, embossed presidential seal affixed upper left. Washington, April 7, 1866. Appointment of John H. King as Brevet Major General. Countersigned with stamped signature of Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War; signed as received by E.D. Townsend, Assistant (and future) Adjutant General of the U.S. Army. 40 x 50 cm; one bisecting vertical fold, and five horizontal folds; in very good condition in still-bold ink.
At this point in office, Johnson had stopped signing such commissions, and was using a stamped facsimile. John Haskell King had a long and distinguished career in the United States Army, seeing action in the Seminole War, the Mexican War, and in such important Civil War battles as Shiloh, Stones River (where he was wounded), Chickamauga and in the Atlanta Campaign, where he commanded a division. Property from the Collection of Todd and Erin Nelson, Louisville, Colorado $600-800
At this point in office, Johnson had stopped signing such commissions, and was using a stamped facsimile. John Haskell King had a long and distinguished career in the United States Army, seeing action in the Seminole War, the Mexican War, and in such important Civil War battles as Shiloh, Stones River (where he was wounded), Chickamauga and in the Atlanta Campaign, where he commanded a division. Property from the Collection of Todd and Erin Nelson, Louisville, Colorado $600-800
Appointment of Frank L. Church to First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Countersigned by Gideon Welles as Secretary of of the Navy. From one of Chicago’s oldest and most influential families, Church first joined the Corps in July of 1862, and served in Admiral David Dixon Porter’s Mississippi Squadron, most notably during General Nathaniel Banks infamous Red River Campaign of 1864. His since-published journal provides one fo the few first-hand accounts by a Civil War Marine. With only 93 officers in the entire Corps, signed Presidential Marine Corps commssions of the Civil War era are very uncommon. Property from the collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois $2,000-3,000
110 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
A partially-printed document for a whaling ship, signed by Grant as President, on December 13, 1871. One page document, countersigned by Hamilton Fish as Secretary of State. Framed, 56 x 42 cm. (sight), 65 x 54 cm. (overall). Presidential seal at lower right, faded but firmly affixed; with stamp of New Bedford (MA) Customs Office. With light cockling at lower edge; the sheet is creased from folding.
A partially-printed document signed by Taft as President, on July 15, 1935 in Washington. Framed and matted (39 x 48 cm., sight; 71 x 61 cm. overall), with black and white portrait of Taft with an additional clipped signature of Taft (Cincinnati, March 29 1902). With embossed seal of the Navy Department at lower level. With bisecting horizontal and vertical folds and light browning along edges; otherwise in very good condition.
This is a “four language” ship’s paper, with printed text in French, Spanish, English, and Dutch, testifying to the fact that the ship was an American vessel. In this case, the Europa, commanded by James H. McKenzie and bound from New Bedford for the Pacific with “Provisions, stores, and utensils for a whaling voyage.” Property from the collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois $1,000-1,500
Enacting the appointment of Walter B. Tardy to Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, as countersigned by Beekman Winthrop as Acting Secretary of the Navy. Property from the collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois $400-600
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 111
Album of autographed photographs from Harry Truman-era Washington, including the President, personalized to Col. James Hunt. Leather album (36 cm. tall), lightly worn at head and foot of spine and stained on inside covers, but otherwise in very good condition. With 32 leaves featuring 64 full-sized photographs. The very first inscribed photo is that of Truman (“Best wishes to Lt. Col. Jas. V. Hunt | Harry Truman”). Among the other notables who signed for Hunt are Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, Maine Congresswoman Margaret Chase Smith, and Kentucky Senator (and future Commissioner of Baseball) A.B. “Happy” Chandler. $1,000-2,000 278
112 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Hearings before the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Washington D.C.: United States Government printing office, 1964. Together with Report of the Warren Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964; with multiple signatures. 27 volumes total.
The one volume abridgement of the 26 volume report, with additional material from The New York Times, is signed on the front endpaper by five figures forever connected with Kennedy’s assassination. From top to bottom: Robert R. Shaw, the Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Parkland Memorial Hospital, who worked on Governor Connelly’s wounds; John B. Connelly, who as Governor of Texas, was riding in the car with President Kennedy and seriously wounded; Gerald R. Ford, who as a Republican Congressman was part of the Commission that produced this report; “Henry Wade,” the District Attorney in Dallas, who would have tried Lee Harvey Oswald for Kennedy’s murder; and Ralph W. Yarborough, Senator from Texas who was part of the fateful motorcade in Dallas, riding in the car with Vice-President Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird. Property from the collection of Dr. Robert Steinberg, River Forest, Illinois $2,000-3,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 113
114 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Collection of five historical documents and books pertaining to the life and career or Greener, the first African-American graduate of Harvard University and Dean of the Howard School of Law from 18781880. Please inquire for further details. Property from the Collection of Rufus McDonald, Chicago, Illinois $6,000-8,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 115
Collection of archival materials relating to the Priest E. J. Morris and the Spiritualist Power Center of Chicago (c. 1920s). Property from the Collection of Rufus McDonald, Chicago, Illinois $400-600
116 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Stride toward freedom: the Montgomery story. New York: Harper Brothers, 1958. Later printing; signed. Cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with silver stamping and lettering. With pictorial jacket, showing some edge-wear. Signed by Dr. King, with “best wishes,� to front endpaper. With ownership stamp of Chicago recepient to front endpaper and title page. $2,500-3,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 117
A small archive of 60 items of correspondence (1880-1910), received by Melville Elijah Stone, founder of the Chicago Daily News, the Chicago Morning News, and long-time General Manager of Associated Press. Mostly manuscript letters on a variety of letterheads, with a handful of typescript letters and telegrams. Correspondents include field reporters, rival editors, government officials, and utility companies.
A group of six letters from 1897 to 1901 addressed to H. H. Kohlstaat, then-publisher of both the Chicago Times Herald and the Chicago Evening Post. Together with a copy of Kohlstaat’s work From McKinley to Harding: personal recollections of our Presidents (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1923).
A group of six original pen and ink illustrations for The Chicago Tribune on the theme of crime; circa 1926-1931. Largest dimensions being 53 x 36 cm., with minor variation between items; each of them signed.
The Chicago Daily News, one of the first penny papers, was also distinguished for its use of regional and foreign correspondents; a practice well-documented here. Also of interest are a handful of business documents, especially those pertaining to early telephone practices. $600-800 284
A small archive of 62 items of correspondence received by Eugene Field during his career as a journalist. Several letters include manuscript annotations from Field. Please inquire for further details. $800-1,200
118 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
The group includes an autograph letter signed from Lew Wallace (1898), hoping for Kohlstaat to offer a position to his nephew, and one from Paul Du Chaillu (1897), thanking him for his help in trying to secure “an appointment to Sweden and Norway.” Also included are two typed letters signed by Presidential Secretaries (for McKinley and Roosevelt); the latter appears on “White House” stationary, whereas the former is sent from the “Executive Mansion.” Property from the Friends of the Lake Forest Library, Lake Forest, Illinois $600-800
Titled cartoons include: “The stockholder meeting” (copyright 1926), “The Commission will do a good job if they can pry this pair apart” (1926), “To be or not to be? That is the question” (1931), and “How to sober-up drunken joyriders.” Together with a color page from the Chicago Sunday Tribune, May 27, 1917, on which McCutcheon’s WWI cartoon “The colors” was reprinted. $800-1,200
Opposite | Lot 285
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 119
120 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
(CRIME) (CAPONE, AL) An archive of manuscript, typescript, and photographic materials from the United States Distict Court Judge James Herbert Wilkerson, who was chiefly responsible for the 1931 rejection of the plea bargain that had been negotiated on behalf of Al Capone and, ultimately, for his longterm sentencing. Wilkerson was reported to have declared: “The parties to a criminal case may not stipulate as to the judgment to be entered... It is time for somebody to impress upon the defendant that it is utterly impossible to bargain with a Federal Court.”
This archive includes numerous materials relating to the Capone case, including legal correspondence, letters of congratulations, copies of subsequent legal decisions, scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, an issue of Collier’s and manuscript notes in which the legal rationale for the rejection of Capone’s final appeal is workedthrough.
A Framed Set of Thirteen Engravings Depicting Supreme Court Justices Height overall 40 1/2 x width 37 inches. Property from the Jean L. Fisher Trust, Wilmette, Illinois $200-400
Also included are materials relating to Wilkerson’s professional development, correspondence relating to other legal matters, his popularity and various realia (a timepiece and a medal.) Please inquire for a full finding aid to this archive. $4,000-6,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 121
Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist. Evanston: The Library of Living Philosophers, Inc., 1949. Copy 235 of 750, twice signed. Brown cloth boards (25 cm. tall), with gilt stamp to front board and gilt lettering to spine. Top edge gilt and deckled edges. With matching slipcase, showing some sunning. With Einstein’s signature to colophon and gift inscription from editor Paul Arthur Schlipp to half-title page, dated Evanston, 1964. Property from the Private Collection of Justine Townsend Smith, Naples, Florida $3,000-5,000 289
Signature on bull-fighting ticket. $400-600 290
A typed letter, signed in pencil (as customary) by Keller, on her New York letterhead concerning industrial accidents. $800-1,200
122 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Opposite | Lot 290
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 123
A group of four colored encyclopedia prints (50 x 38 cm.) pertaining to patents for advertising devices, mining, banjos and guitars, and music boxes. All printed by Sackett & Wilhelms & Co. New York. C. 1900. All matted. Property from the Estate of Edith M. Myers, Petaluma,California. $100-200 292
Photo-plays I have seen. New York and Chicago: Ellen Publishing Company, 1915. Stiff papered boards (24 cm. tall), with repair to spine and some wear to corners. A scrapbook allowing early cinema fans to collect photographs of their favorite stars, while documenting which of their “photo-plays” have been viewed. This copy includes 37 tipped duotone reproductions of the images of actors and actresses (to versos), along with manuscript titles of a handful of related films to rectos. $200-400
Autograph letter, signed. Bifolium, on Tesla’s personal letterhead, dated July 15, 1899.
A letter to the Chicago newspaper publisher H. H. Kohlstaat, in which Tesla discusses the recent development of his laboratory in Colorado Springs, his writings on telepathy, his need for money, and the “highly gratifying” nature of his progress. “I feel now absolutely sure that by the time the Exposition comes
124 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
I shall be able to furnish [an] apparatus which will carry a message to the European Continent and perhaps more than this.” An early declaration of Tesla’s goal to build the World Wireless System. Property from the Friends of the Lake Forest Library, Lake Forest, Illinois $2,000-4,000
Two inscribed books with a series of letters and patent documents associated with Lee DeForest. Books include: A conquerer of space: an authorized biography of ... Lee DeForest. New York, 1930. Inscribed by DeForest on front endpaer; Television today and tomorrow. New York, 1941. Inscribed by DeForest. Also included: three typed letters signed; a telegraph; photographs; a collection of greeting cards, many inscribed by Mrs. DeForest; and additional ephemera. Property from the Estate of John Sanabria, Aurora, Illinois $1,000-2,000 295
A typed letter signed, dated, and addressed to Judge James Wilkerson from the President of Zenith Radio. $400-600 296
A small archive from mathematician and UNIVAC programmer Joseph D. Rutledge. Six folders of printed and manuscript material (1951-1956) including correspondence, notes, equations, conference papers, early computer manuals, and invoices. Rutledge, who would later work with Bill Buxton to invent the IBM Trackpoint, was an employee of Remington Rand during this period, where he was one of the engineers responsible for the development of UNIVAC. $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 125
Song composed by Major Johnston for 4th of July, 1807. One page manuscript (20 x 32 cm.), written on both sides, with typescript transcript provided. Three horizontal folds, with light foxing; elve very good, in a very bold hand. An Independence Day tribute to George Washington, providing variations on a standard. $200-400
Autograph letter signed, from Colonel D. S. Curtiss to Benson John Lossing, written on Treausry Department letterhead, introducing 10 manuscript leaves by Curtiss. Dated December 4th, 1866, Washington, DC. With two contemporary newspaper clippings affixed.
Life studies of the Great Army. New York, 1876. 20 (of 40) copper-plate etchings each signed in pencil by Mrs. Edwin Forbes. Accompanied by contents page and housed in an impressive gilt box, with handles. Property from the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Inc. Chicago, Illinois $300-500 298
Autographed letter signed (“Francis S. Holmes”) to James Berry, Esq., and [illegible] Esq. on May 5, 1862. One page on lined stationary (20 x 31 cm.), with four horizontal folds, two vertical folds; light toning at head, otherwise very good. $600-800
126 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Curtiss provides an account of the raids, and railroad sabotage, executed by the 1st District of Columbia Cavalry in the defense of the City of Washington. Benson John Lossing (1813-1891) would refer to Curtiss’ account in the third volume of his popular history on the American Civil War. $600-800 300
Autograph letter signed by George W. Randolph, as Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America; Richmond, Virginia, June 13, 1862. Notification of President’s appointment of Captain David Rhine to Assistant Quartermaster of a Texas Cavalry Regiment, to take rank on March 10, 1862. $600-800
Typed letter signed; one page, on address letterhead (20 x 25 cm.), signed “Your sincerely / Winston S. Churchill.” Bisecting vertical and horizontal folds, otherwise in very good condition. Dated June 6th 1932, to Mr. (George) Harrap, his publisher, regarding chapters for Churchill’s biography of his famous ancestor, the first Duke of Marlborough, which would come out the following year. With special mention made of the work of his research assistant. $600-800 302
The story of the Malakand field force, an episode of frontier war. New York and Bombay: Logmans, Green and Co., 1898. First edition. Green cloth boards (20 cm. tall), title stamped in gilt of front cover and spine. Corners rubbed and bumped, with some edge-wear. Some foxing to a few pages and on extremeties. First as a correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, and then as an officer with the 4th Hussars, young Churchill saw action on the Northwest frontier of India against rebellious Afghan tribesman. This is the story of that 1897 campaign. $600-800
Ian Hamilton’s March. New York and Bombay: Longman’s, Green and CO., 1900. First edition. Red cloth boards (20 cm. tall), with gilt inlay on front cover and spine. Spine cocked and lightly sunned, with shaken front hinge and some pencil marginalia; otherwise good. Illustrated with frontispiece, nine maps, one folding map, and with 32 pages of ads in the rear. Property from the Collection of Ronald Kuntz, Sugar Grove, Illinois $100-200 303
My experiences in the World War. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1931. First edition, signed.
Facsimile autographed letter signed (“George R. L.”). One page (13 x 13. cm.), with red seal of Windsor Castle stamped at top center; horizntal bisecting fold; light toning, else very good; dated April 1918. With envelope (toned and torn along top edge) headed “A message to you from His Majesty King George Vth.” With envelope toned and torn along top edge.
Typed document, marked “Confidential --- Urgent”, on ETOUSA [European Theatre of Operations USA] / Staff Message Control / Incoming Classified Message letterhead; May 7, 1945. Pink copy paper, 20 x 27 cm.; two horizontal folds, three vertical creases; light edgewear; else very good.
The grandfather of Elizabeth II welcomes the soldiers of the United States entering the British Isles to join fighting with the Allies as The Great War was nearing its climax. “I wish that I could shake the hand of each one of you & bid you God speed on your mission.” $400-600
A truly historic message, announcing the end of World War II in Europe. The order was sent down to all American, British, British Commonwealth, and French forces down to the divisional level; this is copy number ETO IN 36414. $1,000-1,200
Two volumes. Blue cloth boards (24 cm. tall), with titles gilt-stamped on spines and gilt facsimile of author’s signature to front boards. Top edge gilt with deckled edges. Illustrated with 15 plates in each volume; 10 maps in first volume, 26 maps in the second. Signed by Pershing on half-title page of the first volume. $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 127
Visual Culture Lots 306 – 334
Opposite Lot 320 | Cheret, Jules David Copperfield, color lithograph Printed by Chaix, Paris, 1884
312 two of four
The works of James Gillray, from the original plates, with the addition of many subjects not before collected. London: G. Bohn, c. 1849. $1,000-2,000
A palimpsest, with Gillray-era caricatures. Bound folio containing an estimated 50 color and black and white plates by Gillroy and other artists.
44 cm, 3/4 blue morocco over marbled boards $1,000-2,000
130 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
The tour of Dr. Syntax in search of the pictureque | consolation | a wife. $600-800
George Cruikshank’s omnibus. Illustrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842. First edition; includes signature. Full leather boards (24 cm. tall). Finely bound by Bayntun, with unmended tear to lower compartment of spine. With the bookplate of collector Lily Lambert McCarthy (then Fleming) to marbled endpaper. Illustrated wth dozens of cuts and 22 plates. With clipped signature from Cruikshank to preliminary leaf. $400-600 310
Chicagoans as we see ‘em, cartoons and caricatures. Chicago: Newspaper Cartoonists’ Association, 1904. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $200-400 311
(CARICATURES) MCCUTCHEON, JOHN T. Titanic and two other original illustrations. $400-600 312
Four Seasons. New York: THe American Atelier 1974.
Green cloth folio, complete with four limited edition lithographs. Each signed by the artist in pencil at lower right. Number 169 of and edition of 200. On Velin d’Arches paper. $1,000-2,000 313*
Ink and gouache sketch of Eustache Tilley. Inscription on back paper of frame reads: To Bob Young on our mutual New Yorker Anniversary. November 5th. Note: New Yorker first cover had a similar version by the artist in 1925. Property from the Collection of Robert F. Young, former Vice President Advertising Director and Board Member of The New Yorker, Naples, Florida $1,000-2,000 314
(CARICATURES) Saul Steinberg
(Romanian/American, 1914-1999) View of the World from 9th Avenue 40 x 27 3/4 inches. $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 131
Two leaves from the Nuremberg Chronicle. 1493
16TH CENTURY Nova esposizione de recami et dessegni. Venice: Giacomo Antonio Somascho, ca. 1600.
Framed. Property from the Estate of Edith M. Myers, Petaluma, California $200-400
Half-vellum over marbled boards (22 x 15 cm.); later binding. Printed title page, with minor dampstain, followed by 25 full-page engravings on thirteen leaves, many tinted red. Printed on ruled calendar paper, with some manuscript dates visible in red ink. Appears to be a sample book for an unrecorded work on embrodiery patterns. OCLC records a nineteenth century reprint. $600-800
132 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Laus Pictorium. Northampton: [Gehenna Press], 1969. Small portfolio, contents loose and unmatted with text booklet, cloth ties. Complete with 15 portraits (10 wood engravings and five etchings) of 19th century artists, each signed and numbered. Limited edition, number 95 of 175 sets. Limitation calls for matting with titles in blind stamp; the present set is unmatted; no title or limitation page. Property from the Collection of Pearl Siegel, Hollywood, Florida $600-800
Book framed with two original artworks.Legendes et Nouvelles, Tragiques ou folatres. Paris, 1910. First edition, first printing. This copy is dedicated from Cheret to the author. Full morocco (26 cm. tall),gilt lettering and decoration to boards,original artwork by Cheret on fronticepiece. [Together with] one original watercolor signed by Cheret (lower right) and one color lithograph. $1,500-3,000 319
Original hand-colored sketch. Framed and matted. (21 x 12 cm., sight) $800-1,200 320
David Copperfield. Color lithograph printed by Chaix, Paris, 1884. Framed. (122 x 85 cm., sight) $800-1,200 321
Theater poster for Christmas Carol. Dated Thursday evening, December 26, 1844. $400-600 322
Lyceum poster. Advertisement for the play, Not so Bad as We Seem, managed by Mr. Charles Dickens. August 28th, 1852. Red and black ink on paper. Framed. $800-1,200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 133
134 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Half-length portrait (approximately 13 x 11cm.), with graphite and pastels, of a young Charles Dickens, on board, ca. 1840; faintly signed in pencil to lower right. Accompanied by autograph letter, signed, from Dickens, dated November 6, 1840, Devonshire Terrace. Housed in folding case of crushed purple morroco, with gilt lettering to front panel. Five raised bands to spine, with gilt lettering to second compartment. With silk-lined mats showcasing the letter and portrait opposite to each other. $8,000-10,000 324
Stirring Times in Austria Described by Mark Twain in Harper’s March. Color lithographic poster by Edward Penfield, published by Harper Publication, 1898. Framed. 15 1/2 x 12 3/8 inches. $800-1,200
Original artwork for the cover of The Wayfarers’ Library. Featuring Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad and the Jumping Frog. Published by J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd. Framed and matted. Sight: 10 3/8 x 8 1/8 inches. $400-600 326
Page from Harper’s Weekly dated January 21, 1882. Featuring a characture of Mark Twain. Framed and matted. $100-200 327
Pleiades Club program for a dinner in honor of Mark Twain. Sunday December, 22 1907. Framed and matted. $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 135
BOWDOIN CLASS OF 1823 SILHOUETTE BOOK Property from the Collection of David Brown, Memphis Tennessee $400-600
With stereoscopic viewer hinged to rear of front board. Complete, with 24 stereoscopic plates. $800-1,200
136 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
(VIEWS) TORONTO Lithographing Co. Ltd
A chromolithographed and manuscript charter for the Toledo, Ohio, branch or ‘court’ of the Order of Independent Foresters. $800-1,200
Grand Canyon of Arizona from Hermit Rim Road. New York: Printed by American Lithographic Co., and published by Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway System, 1913. Color-printed lithograph (27 x 35 INCHES).
This print is the largest and most dramatic of Thomas Moran’s printed works. It was published by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad in 1912, after the original oil commissioned for (and still owned by) the line. It shows a tremendous sweep of the scenery of the Grand Canyon from the Hermit Rim, with the bright colors of the Canyon shown dramatically against the turbulent sky.
Railroad, whose line now brought tourists within easy reach, and painted a large canvas for the line in return for a free trip. The SFRR completed a spur line to the rim in 1901, and consistently sponsored “artist’s excursions” there from 1901 to 1912, as well as purchasing paintings for promotional efforts. In 1912 the railroad capped twenty years of association with Moran by commissioning this picture and producing this large chromolithograph.
Thomas Moran, famous for his superb landscapes of the West, first painted the Grand Canyon in 1873 when he painted his “Chasm of the Colorado,” which he sold to Congress the following year. In 1892 he visited the Canyon as a guest of the Santa Fe
A small number remained in the archives of the railroad, and so have retained their untrimmed state. The present example is in this uncirculated condition. $2,000-3,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 137
Archive of illustration art from All the world at the fair: being representatives of thirty-seven nationalities in gala costume. London: Hare and Company, [1893]. Accompanied by 6 copies of said publication.
Little Black Sambo Original artwork for Little black Sambo, including cover, and four interior illustrations. $1,000-2,000
With 37 un-signed pen-and-ink designs on stiff board, some with earlier drafts to rear, and 24 corresponding hand-colored proofs. Through this publication, Hare and Company was promoting its process of chromotypography. $600-800
138 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
(VIEWS) Tenggren, Gustaf
Group of three Time Magazine covers, one proof cover and one ALs dealing with Adolph Hitler. $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 139
Fine Books and Paper Lots 335 – 397
Opposite Lot 349 | Dali, Salvador and Carroll, Lewis Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, 1969
Jane Austen: her life and letters: a family record. London: Smith, Elder, 1913. Bound by Bayntun/Riviere in a Cosway-style leather binding with an inset miniature portrait. Property from the Estate of Georgia B. Burnett, Denver, Colorado $2,000-4,000 336
No Lot
142 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Little Dorrit. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1855-1857. 20 parts in 19, publisher’s printed wraps, clothbacked folder and drop case. First edition in original parts. Complete with 40 etched plates by H.K. Brown (including dark plates). First issue with Rigaud for Blandois on pp. 469, 470, 472, and 473. Ads largely present, save part II, which is lacking rear ads. Front wrap detached in parts XIX/XX and rear wrap partially detached; all wraps soiled. Property from a Private Collector $400-600
Great expectations. London: Chapman and Hall, 1861. First edition, fifth impression. Three volumes. Purple cloth boards (21 cm. tall), with blind-stamped arabesque. Elaborate gilt design to spines remains bright. Minor spots of discolouration to boards, but otherwise a remarkably-preserved set. Housed in custom drop-down clamshell case, designed by Chicago’s Lakeside Press, with half-leather over purple cloth, with three simulated spines; slightly rubbed. Collation complete (as per Smith I, 14). Thirty-two pages of advertisements to rear of third volume, dated May, 1861. With circular bookplate of A. H. Sansom of Manchester to front pastedowns of each volume. Only 1000 copies of the first edition of this work were printed by Chapman and Hall, with most of those ending up in circulating libraries. Of further note, although Cardwell clearly states in Appendix D of her Clarendon edition that there are “no differences of textual interest” between the first five impressions of the first edition that she has identified, the current set matches the characteristics common to the fifth impression in all but one of the 126 cases of significnace that she has identified (namely page 213 of volume I, line 23, where the end-of-line hyphen does in fact appear). $20,000-30,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 143
144 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
The works of Charles Dickens. London: Chapman and Hall, 1881-1882. Extra-illustrated “edition de luxe;” hand-numbered as 10 of 10. Sixty volumes, elaborately bound, in double-sided full leather boards (26 cm. tall); all edges gilt. With silk endpapers. Loss to boards on two volumes (see images). Extra-illustrated, with hundreds of plates, including dozens of watercolors. Each volume with the bookplate of Emily Jewell Clark, a Michigonian philanthropist. An edition published by Chapman and Hall. To punctuate the limited edition of 1000 copies of Dickens’ complete works, each of the 10 sets in this “Edition De Luxe” were bound, with an original suite of watercolors after Kyd and others. $10,000-15,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 145
BONNARD, Pierre and Andre MELLERIO La lithographie originale en couleurs. Paris: Publication de L’estampe et L’Affiche, 1898. Number 153 of 1000; presentation copy.
Color lithographic wrappers (22cm. tall), along with frontispiece, by Bonnard. Binding stressed, but sound; in original glassine. Offsetting from frontispiece to title page. $1,000-2,000
146 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Sodom: ein spiel. Leipzig: privately printed, 1909. Number 167 of 350 copies.
The Japanese print: an interpretation. Chicago: The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., 1921. First edition, signed.
Silken boards (40 cm. tall), lettered and ruled in gilt. With ownership inscription and small bookplate to front endpaper. Decadently illustrated by Julius Klinger, with title illustration, and 15 plates (13 black-and-white and two color). $1,000-2,000
Illustrated boards (21 cm. tall), with blue lettering and olive Crane device, repeated on title page, with copyright statement printed on verso. Inscribed by Wright on front endpaper. $3,000-5,000
Dormir, dormir dans les pierres: poeme. Paris: Editions surrealistes, 1927. Number 163 of 205 copies. Signed by both Peret and Tanguay. In green cloth clamshell. $3,000-5,000 343
A dissertation upon roast pig. New York: The printing house of Leo Hart, 1932. Limited edition number 124 of 950. 1/4 vellum over paper covered boards (21cm) tall, title in Japanese stamped in orange on front cover and english on spine, matching slipcase, printed on Okawara paper, hand drawn illustrations by Jones throughout, signed by illustrator on the colophon. Wear to slipcase. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $200-400
Group of three works published by the Golden Cockerel press. Consisting of (1) Count Stefan, 1928. Number 349 of 600. Marbled paper boards (23 cm.) tall, printed paper pictorial dust jacket; (2) Lucina sine concubitu, 1930. Number 473 of 500. Pictoral paper boards (19cm) tall, minor soiling to boards and spine; (3) When thou wast naked, 1931. Number 264 of 500. Pictorial paper boards (25 cm. tall), with engravings by John Nash. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $200-400 345
The works of Shakespeare: the text of the First Folio with Quarto variants and a selection of modern readings: edited by Herbert Farjeon. [London]: Nonesuch Pess, 1929-1933. Copy 1248 of 1600.
A life of William Shakespeare. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1899. Illustrated library edition. Finely bound in full leather boards with elaborate gilt ornamentation to boards, spine, and turnins. All edges gilt. With contemporary ownership inscription to title page. Illustrated with color frontispiece and numerous plates. $100-200 346
An inland voyage: along the Escaut river, the Willebroek canal, the Sambre and the Oise. Stanford, CT: The Overbrook Press, 1938. One of 150 copies. Half-leather over cloth boards, in slipcase. Illustrated by Jean Hugo. $600-800
Seven volumes total. Full leather boards (24 cm. tall), with simple gilt ruling. Five raised bands to spine and gilt lettering to two compartments. With ownership inscription to front pastedown of first volume. Property from the collection of Larry Mandel, Ann Arbor, Michigan $600-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 147
Alice in wonderland. Paris: The Black Sun Press, 1930. Illustrated by Marie Laurencin. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $800-1,200 348
Girl with guitar, c. 1935. Hand-colored etching. Signed by the artist at the lower right. Numbered 35/100. Framed and matted (20 x 18 cm., sight). Property from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Schrank, Bonita Springs, Florida $400-600 349
(Spanish, 1904-1989) Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. New York: Maecenas Press - Random House, 1969. Number 1166 of 2500 copies. Signed. Folio, contents loose as issued in gilt-lettered cloth chemise and quarter tan leather clamshell box, with leather ties and bone clasps, etched frontispiece and 12 colored plates with Dali remarque. Light cockling to folder and spine; some edgewear to spine ends. color lithographs edition 1166/2500, signed in pencil on title page $3,000-5,000
148 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Dali’s moustache. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954.
La Brebis galante. Paris, 1949. $2,000-4,000
Original pictorial boards (18cm) tall. Original drawing and inscription by Dali on the front paste-down. $3,000-5,000
Illustrated papered boards, with paper label wrapping around spine onto both boards. Accompanied by papered board “jacket,” lettered on spine and worn at hinges, as well as the blue carboard slipcase, also quite worn. Signed by Picasso on colophon, with six original etchings and numerous drawings throughout. Accompanied by LEC newsletter (no. 61) from June 1934. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $3,000-5,000
MATISSE, HENRI and ANDRE ROUVEYRE Repli. Paris: Editions de Belier, 1947.
Features 12 lithographs by Matisse, half of female figures, half of male; with some foxing; the latter on gray paper. Covers after Matisse, with two inch tear. $800-1,200
Lysistrata. Limited Editions Club, 1934. Number 1466 of 1500 copies. Signed.
Dons des feminines. Paris: Librairie “Les Pas Perdu,” 1951. Copy number 85 of 350, from a total edition of 400.
Picasso 347. New York: Random House, 1970. First edition.
Wrappers over stiff boards (34 cam. tall); with shallow incision to centre of front panel. Original glassine included. Illustrated throughout with black-and-white collages by Penrose (30 leaves, unpaginated), with short preface by Paul Eluard. Accompanied by an untilted etching by Picasso, on toned paper; loose and numbered in pencil (85/350). $800-1,200 355
Life with Picasso. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. First edition; presentation copy. Tan cloth boards (24 cm. tall), with brown lettering to spine. With full jacket; chipped, with a number of tears. With ink portrait by Gilot of a female figure on half-title page, cleverly incorporating the book’s title into a head-band. With a presentation inscription to art critic and curator Jacob Baal-Teshuva, dated 9-11-98. $200-400
Oblong volume, with gilt-stamped title to upper boards. Housed in publisher’s linen clamshell case with purple-lined felt. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $100-200
Illustrations for the Bible. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1956. First American edition. Signed. Papered boards (36 cm. tall), without jacket. With 17 lithographs in color, including the cover, 12 lithographs in black, and 105 heliogravures in black. Signed by Chagall on the title page. $3,000-5,000
Illustrations for the Bible. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1960. Another copy; this one with jacket. Property from the Estate of Marvin E. Jaffe, Naples, Florida $1,000-2,000 358
Dessins pour la Bible. Paris: Verve, 1960. First edition.
With original lithographed boards (36 cm. tall) by Chagall. Light rubbing to corners, otherwise bright and clean. $2,000-4,000
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 149
Twentysix gasoline stations. Alhambra, CA: Cunningham Press, 1967. Second edition; one of 500 copies. Signed. Original white wrappers (18 cm. tall), with red lettering. Inscribed by Ruscha in 1984 on the dedication page. A copy in fine condtion, with the uncommon glasine jacket, which shows a few chips and tears. Property from the Collection of Glenda Hares, St. Louis, Missouri $2,000-3,000
Royal road test. Los Angeles: self-published, 1971. Third edition; one of 2000 copies. Spiral-bound wrappers (24 cm. tall). With light crease and small bump to rear cover; otherwise in fine condition. Property from the Collection of Glenda Hares, St. Louis, Missouri $500-700
Every building on the sunset strip. Los Angeles: self-published, 1966. Second edition; one of 5000 copies. Accordion-style wrappers (18 cm. tall), with light soiling to spine and front cover, otherwise a clean copy. Accompanied by slipcase and enclosing foil jacket preserved in remarkable condition. Property from the Collection of Glenda Hares, St. Louis, Missouri $1,000-2,000 363
150 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
A remarkably-preserved collection of one of the earlest “3 dimensional magazines,” published by Phyllis Johnson, featuring contributions from a who’s who of twentieth century (post-)modernism: Andy Warhol, John Cage, Hans Richter, Samuel Beckett, Marshall McLuhan, Timothy Leary, J. G. Ballard, Roland Barthes, and Susan Sontag. Lacking numbers 7 and 8. All of the issues present have been collated as complete and in fine condition, with only the first number showing some wear to the box edges and number 6a showing wear to its illustrated envelope. Numbers 2 and the double number (5+6) are accompanied by their original shipping packages; providing further context to this production. The infamous number 3, designed by Andy Warhol, is preserved in particularly fine condition. $2,000-3,000
(American) Oblique strategies: one hundred worthwhile dilemmas. Santa Monica, CA: The Peter Norton Family, 1996. Fourth revised and “more universal” edition. One of 4000 limited sets, produced for private distribution.
Satan in Goray. New York: Sweetwater Editions, 1981. An un-numbered copy, which conforms to description of first 50 copies in colophon; twicesigned by Singer, and once by Moskowitz.
Artist book in the form of 102 loose 10 x 7 cm. cards, with texts by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt and grahics by Pae White, with a single folded title card, all housed in a bone-white, Corian case. Still enclosed in its original shipping carton, with custom-cut padding; the label with the receipient’s name has been removed from the carton. $200-400
Full maroon morocco with gilt lettering and decorations to spine and front. Signed by both Singer and Moskowitz on colophon, and additionally inscribed by Singer on front endpaper. With ten full-page original etchings bound-in, each signed by Moskowitz and pulled on Arches paper. Housed in a specially constructed double-slipcase that contains an additional group of ten signed etchings and an additional ten ink-and-wash drawings by Moskowitz. $2,000-4,000
On Certainty. San Francisco: The Arion Pess, 1991. Number 292 of 300 copies. Original tall cloth boards with matching slipcase. With 12 illustrations by Mel Bochner in red and black. Text in German and English. Includes prospectus. $400-600 367A
VAN VLIET, Claire and THEOBALD, John
A second light. Newark, VT: The Janus Press, 1977. Cloth boards (26 cm. tall). One of 75 copies; each with original lithograph to cover. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 151
A Bayntun-bound collection of four of Potter’s early works published by Warne (likely later printings), including (1) The tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, 1906; (2) The tale of Tom Kitten, 1907; (3) The tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, 1908; and (4) The tale of the flopsy bunnies, 1909. Bound in full blue leather; some rubbing to joints. Gilt dentelles, with marbled pastedowns. Contemporary bookplate of Colin Campbell, M. D. $600-800 368A
A group of works illustrated by Greenaway, including: (1) A day in a child’s life, London: Edmund Evans, [1881]; (2) Little Ann and other poems, London: George Routledge & Sons, [1883]; and (3) The queen of the pirate isle, London: Chatto and Windus, [1886].
Three volumes total. General soiling and edgewear to each, with some foxing to the pages of Little Ann. The free endpaper to work 3 has come loose, featuring a citation of Ruskin: “The best thing you have ever done--it is so real and natural.” Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $100-200
152 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Little Tim and the brave sea captain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. First edition. Illustrated boards (33 cm. tall), with minor soiling and edge-wear. With 31 pages of color-illustrated text, printed in unorthodox fashion, with versos and rectos following each page left blank; producing alternating spreads of images and blanks. $300-500 370
A group of three of their works: (1) Abraham Lincoln. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1939. First edition. Papered boards (32 cm. tall), with matching jacket, showing only minor edgewear, otherwise in near fine condition; (2) Children of the northlights. New York: The Viking Press, 1935. First edition. With illustrated boards (30 cm. tall) and matching price-clipped jacket; showing minor edge-wear; (3) Ola and Blakken---and Line, Sine, Trine. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1933. First edition. Illustrated boards (31 cm. tall), with matching jacket, showing some edge-wear and short tear to the front panel. $200-400
Three works, comprising: (1) Gaston and Josephine. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1935. Illustrated boards, with matching price-clipped jacket, with long diagonal tear (15 cm.) and 6 cm. divot affecting the title; (2) Gaston and Josephine in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1934. Green cloth boards (30 cm. tall), with illustrated jacket, showing some light chipping and minor soiling; (3) Pee-gloo: a little penguin from the south pole. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1935. Illustrated boards (30 cm. tall), with spine starting to peel from both head and foot; boards slightly soiled, but bright and hinges somewhat shaken. $100-200 372
Farm on the hill. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1936. First edition. Blue cloth boards (24 cm. tall), with illustrated jacket rather chipped, with minor soiling. Illustrated with frontispiece and seven striking plates by Grant Wood. $100-200 373
The story of Ping. New York: The Viking Press, 1953. First edition, with color illustrations by Kurt Wiese. With crayon markings on front cover; rear board lightly scuffed. Together with: Laura Adams Armer, The forest pool. New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1938. First edition. Orange cloth (26 cm. tall), with illustrated jacket, showing some chipping. With eight color plates illustrated by the author; illustrated endpapers. And: Leaf Munro, Noodle. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 937. First edition. Brown cloth boards (24 cm. tall), with illustration of title character to front of accompanying jacket; showing minor edge-wear, but otherwise bright and intact. $200-400 v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 153
John Baptist Henes John Baptist Henes is remembered in his hometown of Menominee, Michigan, as community patron of the arts and a leading proponent of historic preservation. Among his most notable achievements, he spearheaded passage of a historic district ordinance that set the stage for preservation and later rehabilitation of the city’s unique logging-era waterfront district. This accomplishment, along with his success in preserving the county’s historic courthouse, launching a restoration of the city’s aging Opera House, and years of service on community boards, led to his being recognized by the city with the Community Service Award for 2011. The award acknowledges “his love of and support in the community making Menominee a better place to live and do business.” As early as 1957 Mr. Henes founded the Menominee Arts Council, later renamed the Menominee Area Arts Council, and he personally sponsored a wide variety of cultural activities, including music, films and art exhibition. In 2013 the council established the John B. Henes Scholarship Fund in 2013 in appreciation of his contributions to the arts and culture in the Menominee area. A Word War II veteran with service in France and—with his late wife Jewell—a world traveler, Mr. Henes collected paintings, sculptures, pottery and ceramics, rugs and glassware, books and music. As directed by his will, several grand paintings have been donated to the local library. Some of the proceeds from the items offered here will go to the John and Julie Henes Foundation to benefit the city of Menominee.
Thirty nine volumes total. A complete set of the Limited Editions Club’s The comedies, histories & tragedies of William Shakespeare. New York, 19311941. Along with two volumes of his poems. Property from the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $600-800 374*
A season in hell. Limited Editions Club, [1986]. Translated by Paul Schmidt. With photogravures by Robert Mapplethorpe. Full dark red morocco, lettered in black, with cloth slipcase. Signed by both Schmidt and Mapplethorpe. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $400-600
154 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
[Two works from Wells, as illustrated by Mugnaini]. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1964. First editions thus. Cloth boards (26 cm. tall), with blind-stamp to front panels and gilt lettering to spines. The time machine, with an introduction by J. B. Priestley. Illustrated wth six color plates from Mugnaini. Together in slipcase with The war of the worlds, also introduced by Priestley, with ten colour plates from Mugnaini. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $100-200
The fall of the house of Usher. Limited Editions Club, 1985. Signed by Alie Neel. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $300-500
Dubliners. Limited Editions Club, [1986]. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $300-500
The Martian chronicles. Avon, CT: Limited Editions Club, 1974. Signed.
Hiroshima.New York: Limited Editions Club, 1983.
Stylized cloth boards (28 cm. tall), with gray lettering to spine. With matching cardboard slipcase, with paper label to spine. Illustrated with origiinal ithographic frontispiece and three fold-out color plates by Mugnaini. Signed by both Bradbury and Mugnaini to colophon. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
(No Lot
(LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB) BORGES, JORGE LUIS and SOL LEWITT Ficciones. Limited Editions Club, 1984. Signed by LeWitt on colophon. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
Black aniline leather binding (33 cm. tall). With eight original color screenprints by Lawrence. Number 988 of 1,500, signed by John Hersey, Robert Penn Warren, and Lawrence on the justification page. With minor sunning to spine; edge-wear to slipcase. $300-500
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 155
A collection of three works by or about Charles Darwin, published by the Limited Editions Club.
A collection of 18 works in 21 volumes pertaining to art, philosophy, and religon published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400 383*
A collections of 13 works pertaining to travel and adventure by various authors published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
A collection of 33 works pertaining to Greek and Roman philosophy, mythology, history, and literature published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $400-600
A collection of 18 works in 22 volumes of world fables and folk tales by various authors published by the limited editions club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $300-500
A collection of seven plays and operas by various authors published by the Limited Editons Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $100-200
156 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
A group of 10 works of poetry by various authors published by the Limited Editons Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400 389*
A group of eight works by various authors, published by the Limited Editions Club, including Walpole, Meredith, Stoker, and Robert Louis Stevenson. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400 390*
A collection of 17 works in 18 vols by various authors published by he Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
A collection of 14 works in 16 volumes by various Russian authors and poets published by the Limited Editions club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $200-400
A collection of 18 works in 19 volumes by various British poets published by the Limited Editions Club. Various dates. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $100-200
A collection of 30 works by various French authors published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $300-500
A group of 45 works by various authors published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $400-600
A collection of 17 works by various authors and artists published under Sidney Shiff from 1978 on. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $800-1,200 397*
A complete set of the 100 “Greatest Books of All Time”. Franklin Center, PA: The Franklin Library, 1970. 100 volumes, with editorial booklets housed in separate cases. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $800-1,200
A collection of 56 works by various American authors published by the Limited Editions Club. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $500-800
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 157
Cabinet Lots 398 – 441
Opposite Lot 421 | A Century of Progress International Exposition, Chicago, 1933-1934. Chicago: Kaufman-Fabry Photographers, n.d. (c. 1934). (detail)
Aesop’s Fables. London: William Heinemann, 1912. Full purple morocco, (29 cm tall), decorated in gilt, a.e.g., gilt turn-ins, Hatchards 187 Piccadilly stamped in gilt, spine in six compartments. Illustrated with tipped-in color plates and illustrations throughout by Arthur Rackham. Limited edition, 496 of 1450 copies, signed by Rackham on the limitation page. Translated by V.S. Vernon Jones. Sunning to spine; hinges starting; corners bumped and rubbed. Property from a Private Collector $600-800 399
A detailed account of the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo: preceded by a short relation of events, attending the temporary revolution of 1815, in France and concluding with the immediate political consequences of these decisive victories. Edinburgh: Printed by Michael Anderson for John Cafrae, 1819. Second edition, revised. Three-quarter leather, with marbled boards (19 cm); showing some scuffing and rubbing to joints. Gilt ruling and lettering to spine. With folding colored map as frontispiece; showing professionallymended tear through title, along with smaller open tear to join. Contents complete: xvi, 301, [1] numbered pages; gathered in 6s. For this enlarged edition, OCLC reports only a single copy (British Library). Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan $200-400
160 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz. Chicago: The Reilly and Britton, 1908.
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. London: W. Lane, 1790.
Publishers blue cloth binding with pastedown illustration, (24 cm tall). First printing with advertisement on verso of half-title listing three titles, pictorial endpapers. First state binding with The Reilly &/ Britton Co. Hinges tender; ends and corners bumped; wear to boards. Property from a Private Collector $150-250 401
Humboldt’s Gift. New York: Viking Press, [1975]. First edition. Original publisher’s boards, (24 cm tall), printed dust jacket. Signed by the Author on the f.f.e.p. Sunning to spine of jacket; wear to jacket; otherwise fine condition. Property from a Private Collector $100-200 402
A history of Greece. London: Macmillan, 1902. Two volumes. Three-quarter leather over cloth boards, with elaborte spine ornamentation. $100-200
2vols. contemporary calf, gilt-lettered, spine label. With two engraved frontispieces, (and six plates). Boards lightly rubbed and bumped at corners, bookplates tipped in front pastedowns. Property from a Private Collector $200-400 404*
The French Revolution, A History. London: Chapman and Hall, 1910. 2 vols. Publisher’s quarter vellum over gilt-lettered cloth boards, (gilt-lettered spine. Profusely illustrated by Edmund Sullivan with black and white plates. Limited edition, number 61 of 150 copies, signed by Sullivan. Light soiling to boards; hinges a touch tender. Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan. $100-200 404A
The World in Miniature: With Descriptions of every Nation and Country. Together with a Treatise on Physical Geography. Western Hemisphere. New Orleans: Arthur B. Griswold, 1857. Gold-stamped black leather binding. (19 cm tall) All colored maps present. $300-500
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London: Chapman and Hall, 1837. First edition in book form.
The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq.. With the Life of the Author. London: A. Millar, 1762.
The Stage Coach. London: Henry Colburn, 1843. First edition.
8 vols. Brown half morocco over marbled boards, engraved frontispiece, additional pictorial title and 41 plates (43 illustrations altogether); front and back boards detached; rubbed; edgeware; pages toned. Property from the Estate of Ann T. Downey, Palm Beach, Florida $200-400 406
The Hound of the Baskervillles. George Newnes, Limited: London, 1902. Original red pictorial cloth stamped in black and gilt. (19 cm tall) First edition, first issue, with “you” instead of “your,” page 13, line 3. Illustrations by Sidney Paget. Previous owner’s ex-libris in pencil to f.f.e.p.: Keton House [and] [illeg.] Jenny; blind stamp “W.H. Smith and Son, London.”Hinges starting; spine faded with a few tears to the ends; brown spotting to endpapers; text block shifted; thumb print to fore edge one page. Property from a Private Collector $800-1,200
8 vols. Contemporary calf (21 cm tall) rebacked in period style, gilt-lettered red leather spine labels. Second edition, issued simultaneously with the “first,” with engraved portrait of Basire after Hogarth to vol. 1. Boards rubbed and corners bumped; minor intermittent foxing and a few marginal ink stains; endpaper toned; bookplates tipped in front pastedowns: D. Garnett. Property from a Private Collector $150-250 408
A dictionary of the English language... London: Printed for J. Knapton et al, 1756. 2 volumes. Contemporary calf (20 cm tall) rebacked and restored, gilt-lettered spine. Second abridged (8vo) edition. Hinges tender on vol. 1; title pages of both volumes toned; wear to boards of both volumes; gilt lettering rubbed off almost entirely on both volumes. Property from a Private Collector $400-600
3 vols. Bound in three quarter red morocco, (19 cm. tall), t.e.g. Illustrated with nine engraved plates by Standfast. Light browning to spines, light loss of gilt to the spine decorations. Light foxing to the first and final pages; toning to the plates; light foxing to page edges; small ink notation on f.f.e.p. Property from a Private Collector $100-200 410
A Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims; With Several Historical Observations Extractd from the Most Eminent Authors. London: E. Cave, 1748. Contemporary calf (24 cm tall) rebacked in period style, gilt-lettered red leather spine label. First few pages detached; rubbing to boards; corners bumped and rubbed; foxing. Property from a Private Collector $100-200 411
Tales of Mystery and Imagination. New York: Tudor Publishing, 1933. Black cloth, (27 cm tall), spine lettered in gilt, pictorial cover label by Morella, decorative jacket. First American Edition Illustrated by Harry Clarke with 8 tipped-in color plates and 24 black and white illustrations by Clarke, including tipped-in color frontispiece. In original box. Wear to jacket and box; hinge starting; pages lightly toned. $200-400
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 161
The Life of James McNeill Whistler. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1908. 2 vols. 4to, publisher cloth. Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan $100-200 413
A set of 15 uniformly-bound works by Mansell, mostly first editions. London: various publishers, 1855-1893. 3/4 morocco over marbled boards (18 cm. tall), with top edges gilt. Each volume with armorial bookplate of Robert Ellis Cunliffe. Comprising: Maud and other poems, 1855; The holy grail, 1870; Gareth and Lynette, 1872; Queen Mary, 1875 (Lacks half title and advert); Harold, 1877; Lover’s Tale, 1879 (First published edition); Ballads and Other Poems, 1880; Becket, 1884 (First published edition); Tiresias, 1885; Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, 1886; Idylls of the King, 1888 (Second edition); Demeter and Other Poems, 1889; Death of Oenone, Akbar’s Dream, and Other Poems, 1892; Poems by Two Brothers, 1893. Property from a Private Collector $800-1,200
162 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Collection of four works by Mark Twain consisting of (1) Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. New York: Webster, 1889. Original publisher’s cloth. First edition, second issue. Inner hinges are weakened; (2) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Webster, 1885. Three quarter leather binding. First edition. Contains numerous in-text llustrations after E. W. Kemble and a photogravure of Karl Gerhardt’s portrait bust of Clemens (here without tablecloth visible). Of the three changes introduced after the first printing of 30,000, they are present here in the first and uncorrected state. Those changes are at p. 13 the erroneous page reference “88” was changed to “87”; at p. 57 the misprint “with the was” was corrected to “with the saw”; and at p. 9 the misprint “Decided” was corrected to “Decides”. Of the traditional issue points, this copy has p. 155 with the final 5 lacking, and the suggestive illustration on page 283 has been modified. Previous owner’s name stamped several times on the front endpapers; (3) Prince and the Pauper. Boston: Osgood, 1882. Original publisher’s green cloth, lettered and decorated in black and gilt. First American edition with the Franklin Press imprint on the copyright page and correct number of blank leaves. Red pencil annotation on copyright page, and a few pages with tiny stains; (4) Innocents Abroad. Hartford: American, 1870. First edition, second or mixed issue. Original publisher’s cloth with stamped gilt lettering and ornamentation to the spine and front cover. Identification points: Page numbers are given in the “Contents” and last entry on p. xviii reads “Thankless Devotion - A Newspaper Valedictory - Conclusion.” This edition has the engraved portrait of Napoleon III on p. 129. Heading on p. 643 is “Chapter LXI”. Advertisement for “Personal History of Ulysses S. Grant” appears on the fourth page of advertisements. Edgewear; corners rubbed and bumped; light foxing to endpapers. Property from a Private Collector $800-1,200
AMROISE VOLLARD, PARIS, 1919 La vie et l’oeuvre de Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Paris: Chez Ambroise Vollard, 1919. Original printed paper wrappers (33 cm) tall. Limited edition, number 946 from a total edition of 1,000. With original Renoir etching as frontispiece entitled Femme Nue, (also titled “Baigneuse Assise”) and bears Renoir’s stamped signature. Includes 51 full-page engraved plates after Renoir. Inscribed in ink on the f.f.e.p. by L. ( Lucien) Vollard to Erich Chlomovitch (Erich Slomovic) “ A. M Erich Chlomovitch ami d’Ambroise Vollard je dedicace ce livre en souvenir de l’ auteur.” Toning to paper wrappers; spine/backstrip entirely split and loose; binding starting. Property from the Estate of Denise Selz, Chicago, Illinois $600-800 416*
All the King’s men. [New York]: Limited Editions Club, 1989. 2 volumes. Original black levant over beige linencovered boards, (30 cm tall0 gilt-lettered spines, slipcase. Illustrated with photogravures by Hank O’Neal. Limited edition number 47 of 600 copies. Signed by the author and the illustrator at the colophon. Light wear to spine of vol.2; light wear to slipcase; otherwise fine condition. Property from the Estate of John B. Henes, Menominee, Michigan $400-600
November boughs. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1888. First edition. Maroon cloth boards (23 cm. tall), with gilt lettering to spine and gilt-stamp design to front board. Illustrated with surreal frontispiece of Whitman. 140 numbered pages, followed by one page of ads. Property from the Collection of Phil Rosette, Troy, Michigan $100-200 418
(SCIENCE) WIEGLEB, JOHANN CHRISTIAN Die Naturliche, aus allerhand belustigenden und nützlichen Kunststücken bestehend.Berlin and Stettin: Friedrich Nicolai, 1782. 20cm, full calf, marbled endpapers, 12 folding engraved plates depicting apratus, describes experiments with electricity, magnetism, optics, chemistry, mechanics, hydrostatics, numbers, economics, cards. Wear to boards; corners bumped. $400-600 419
The variorum edition of the poems of W. B. Yeats. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. Signed by the author on the limitation page. Publisher’s cloth boards (24cm tall) with gilt lettering at spine, slipcase. Limited edition number 449 of 825. Toning to slipcase; light sunning to spine; otherwise fine condition. Property from a Private Collector $800-1,200
The Lafayette Flying Corps. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1920.
A Century of Progress International Exposition, Chicago, 1933-1934. Chicago: Kaufman-Fabry Photographers, n.d. (c. 1934).
2 vols., in slipcases. 8vo., original blue cloth, stamped in gilt, t.e.g. In original jackets, with printed spines; tape repairs to corners, short tear to one spine. Color frontispieces, nearly 400 illustrations from photographs throughout, ex-libris stamp to front endpaper. Jackets toned; jackets chipped. From the library of Dr. Gros, an American doctor in Paris who was instrumental in organizing the Lafayette Escadrille, and is pictured on page 70 of Volume I. $800-1,000 420
Group of four volumes relating to World War II previously belonging to Carl A. Kroch. Comprising The United States Navy in World War II. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1966. 8vo, bound in full blue morocco, gilt turn-ins, onlay leather designs on upper and lower covers, t.e.g. [With] The Game of the Foxes. New York: David McKay Company, 1972 (later printing). 8vo. dark green full morocco, t.e.g.[With]The United States Marine Corps in World War II. New York: Random House, 1969. 8vo, full brown morocco, gilt lettering at spine. [With]The Two-Ocean War: A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1963. 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt stamped seal of United States Navy to top board,marbled endpapers, spine gilt in compartments, t.e.g. Three of the four volumes have Kroch’s ex-libris stamp to front pastedown. Known as the “Book Baron,” Kroch was a legendary Chicago bookseller. The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University is housed in the library named in his honor. All in fine condition. $300-500
Full blue pebbled leather, (36 cm tall), giltdecorative spine, silk endpapers, slipcase. Album of photographs of the Century of Progress fairgrounds. Presentation copy to Silas H. Strawn, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Montgomery Ward and a guarantor of gold notes issued to finance the Century of Progress. (Bishop & Gilbert, Chicago’s Accomplishments and Leaders, 1932). Upper board detached; some spotting to photographs; slipcase worn and separating. Property from the Estate of Frank J. Piehl , Naperville, Illinois $800-1,200 422
Black and white photograph portrait of Spurgeon signed and inscribed in black ink (“Yours truly, C. H. Spurgeon”) on bottom center of mat, n.d. Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a British Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations, among whom he is known as the “Prince of Preachers”. Mat is toned; waterstaining on all edged and verso of mat. (45 x 37 cm) $100-200
v i e w t h e c o m p l e t e c ata l o g u e at l e s l i e h i n d m a n . c o m 163
Document signed (“Maria Theresia”). One page on vellum with paper seal affixed to center. Vienna, July 31, 1767. Granting the Order of St. Francis the right to levy alms once every seven years throughout her province of the Netherlands. Countersigned by A. Gle. Lederer. With original waxed-paper wrappers. (53 x 70 cm.) Toning to vellum along fold lines; wear to waxed-paper wrappers along folds.
Arguing the Point. New York, 1855. Lithograph with hand-coloring. After A.F. Tate. Framed and matted. (50 x 64 cm.)
Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of North America [Philadelphia], c.1822.
Property from a Chicago Collector, Formerly of Lake Forest, Illinois $100-200
Carte des Camps de Leuse et d’Hauterive les 17 et 20 May 1690. [1776].
Group of four photogravures. Yakotlus-Quatsino (Profile), plate 346. From the copyright photograph 1914 by E. S. Curtis. Photogravure John Andrew & Son. On laid paper. Framed and matted; A Cree Woman, plate 627. From the copyright photograph 1926 by E. S. Curtis. Photogravure Suffolk Eng. Co. Cambridge, Mass. On Japon Vellum. Framed and matted; Moss for the Baby-Bags-Cree, plate 625. From the copyright photograph 1926 by E. S. Curtis. Photogravure Suffolk Eng. Co. Cambridge, Mass. On Japon Vellum. Framed and matted; [and] Soyaksin-Blood, plate 651. From the copyright photograph 1926 by E. S. Curtis. Photogravure Suffolk Eng. Co. Cambridge, Mass. Japon Vellum. Framed and matted. (Size of largest: 56 x 45 cm.) $800-1,200 425
Lake Lugano, Italy. New York, c. 1858. Lithograph with hand-coloring. Framed and matted. (46 x 59 cm). Fine condition. $1,000-2,000
164 f i n e b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r i p t s
Literature: No. 28 on the list of New Best Fifty Large Folio Currier & Ives prints. $2,000-4,000 427
Hand-colored engraved map from Histoire Militaire de Flandre depuis l’Annee 1690 jusqu’en 1694 ...Second edition. Tome 1, plate 4. This is an important historical source concerning the Nine Years’ War 1688-1697. Framed and matted. Lightly toned; otherwise fine condition. Sight: $100-200 428
Episcopatus Balbastrensis, Ribagorca Comit. et Sobrarbe cum Adjacentibus. Amsterdam: 1664. Hand-colored engraved map depicting the Aragon and Catalonia regions of northeastern Spain, along the southern French border. French text on verso. Matted and framed. Light foxing; otherwise fine condition. (Sight: 39 x 53 cm.) $200-400 429
ArÇobispado de Caragossa. [Amsterdam]: [1664]. Hand-colored engraved ecclesiastical map depicting the Zaragoza region of Spain. Framed and matted. (Sight: 44 x 54 cm.) $200-400
Hand-colored engraved map of North America from Carey and Lea’sA Complete Historical, Chronological, And Geographical American Atlas. The map is surrounded by columns of text describing the boundaries, topography, Native Indians, and the history of the settlement of North America. Drawn by J. Finlayson and engraved by J. Yeager. Foxing; offsetting; lightly cockled. (Sight: 44 x 55 cm) $200-400 431
Nova Africæ Tabula Auctore Jodoco Hondio from Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas sive Cosmographicae. Amsterdam, 1606. Hand-colored engraved map of Africa. This was Hondius’ second map of Africa and was based on Mercator but the coastline, particularly of Madagascar, was considerably altered. Jodocus also made improvements in the Cape area. French text on verso. Matted and framed. Tonig to edges; closed tears at top and bottom of center fold; light foxing; pencil notations on verso. (Sheet size: 47 x 56 cm.) $600-800
Itala nam tellus GRAECIA MAJOR erat. Ovid 4. Fast. [Amsterdam], c.1600.
(German, 1471-1528) The Fanatical Falcon and Dog Lover (from Ship of Fools), 1511. woodcut 19 x 13.5 cm. $800-1,200
Hand- colored engraved map depicting the part of Italy that was formerly called Graecia Major or Magna Graecia i.e the “foot” of the Italian boot reaching up to Paestum south of Naples. Seen from the West. All names in Latin. With three cartouches one of which contains a special map of the so-called “Diomedeae” Islands off the coast of Mount Gargano in Apulia. Framed and matted. (34 x 48 cm.) $400-600 433
Le Royaume de France Fait conforme aux Cartes... Augsbourg, 1734. Hand-colored engraved map depicting France and Swabia, the Southwest portion of Germany. Cartouche at lower left corner decorated with characters symbolizing war, arts, commerce and agriculture. Text at uper right corner reads “Description of the Kingdom of France presented to Roy January 1, 1734 ... “ Unframed. Binding holes present along left edge, small tear at center right edge, center crease. (52.5 x 62 cm.) $400-600 433A
Kart over Grevskabernes Amt. Paris: 1832.
Copper-engraved map depicting the counties of Norway. The map is in 12 segments backed with linen. Framed. $400-600 434
Apricots-White and Red Masculine/Orange Turkey, plate 22. Etching with hand-colored aquatint from Pomona Britannica; or, A Collection of the Most Esteemed Fruits. London: c. 1817. Framed and matted. Fine condition. $400-600 437
Group of two prints consisting of Thalassidroma Leachii, Fork-tailed Storm-petrel. [Together with] Actodromas Minuta, Little Stint. Both are handcolored lithographs fromThe Birds of Great Britain, c.1863. Binding marks along bottom edges of both prints, otherwise fine condition. $400-600 438
Meriones Americanus, Jumping Mouse, plate LXXXV, no. 17. Engraving with etching, aquatint, and hand-coloring from The viviparous quadrupeds of North America, 1845-1854. Matted (55 x 69 cm.). Lightly toned; binding holes along top edge. $200-400
Group of three hand-colored lithograph prints from the octavo edition of The Quadrupeds of North America. c. 1850. Consisting of Collies Squirrel, plate CIV, no. 21, Cat Squirrel, plate XVII, no. 4. Printed by Nagel & Weingaertner (New York) [Together with] Douglas Squirrel, plate XLVIII, no. 10. All are matted. Light toning; light foxing. 26 x 18 cm. $200-400 440
Group of two prints consisting ofSanderling, plate XXXVI with J. Whatman 1827 watermark [Together with] Spotted Crake, Baillons Crake and Little Crake, plate XXX* (30A) with J. Whatman 1839 watermark. Engravings with etching and handcoloring from Illustrations of British Ornithology. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1833 (text volumes); London: Henry G. Bohn, 1841 (plate volumes). Binding marks at left edge of both prints; otherwise fine condition. $100-200 441
Ring Plover, Golden Plover, Spotted Sandpiper, plate 59. Copper engraving with hand-coloring from American Ornithology, Philadelphia 18081814. Small losses to top left and lower right corner; lightly toned; lined with Japanese tissue. [Together with] Red Backed Snipe, plate 56. Copper engraving with hand-coloring from American Ornithology, Philadelphia 1808-1814. All are matted. All in fine condition. Both matted. Light toning to paper; binding holes noted at bottom. (Size of largest: 28.5 x 37 cm.) $200-400
I. Nerion flore rubro, II. Fructus Nery. Hand-colored engraving from Hortus Eystettensis. Nurenberg, c.1620. Framed and matted. (Sight: 47 x 30 cm). Paper toned; minor cockling at lower edge. $200-400
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fine books and manuscripts
november 2, 2016