34 minute read
Bibles | Lots 1-45
Lots 1-45
1 [BIBLE, in Latin]. Biblia latina. Venice: Franz Renner of Hailbrun [Heilbrunn], 1483.
4to (213 x 147 mm). 476 leaves [complete]. Double column, 50 lines plus headline; 3- to 16-line initials supplied in red or blue; rubricated in red, capital strokes in red. (A few leaves with tiny holes or rust-holes touching letters.” Modern pigskin, title hand-lettered on bottom edge (lacking clasp). Provenance: early marginal annotations.
One of the earliest printed bibles in a smaller, more convenient format, of which Franz Renner was the pioneer. These Bibles were among the fi rst intended for private use. BMC V, 198; Darlow & Moule 6086; Goff B-578; GW 4253; HC 3089*.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $3,000 - 4,000
2 [BIBLE, in Latin]. Biblia. [Basel: Johann Amerbach or Freiburg: Kilian Fischer], 1491.
Folio (305 x 206 mm). 406 (of 408) leaves, lacking fi rst leaf (half-title) and fi nal leaf (of the Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum). Double column and 4-column, 56 lines plus headline; fi rst leaf with large initial “F”, 3- to 4-line initials supplied in red or blue. (Tiny wormholes touching letters throughout, some minor mostly marginal soiling or dampstaining to a few leaves.) Modern blind-panelled calf.
BMC assigns to Fischer; Proctor and GW to Amerbach. BSB-Ink B-464; BMC III, 694; Goff B-590; GW 4267; HC 3108*; Pell 2330.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $2,000 - 3,000

3 [BIBLE, in English]. The New Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christe, faithfully translated out of the Greke, with the notes and expositions of the darke places therein. London: Richard Jugge, [1566].
4to in 8s (203 x 146 mm). Black letter, woodcut illustrations and initials. (Lacking title and the fi rst 19 leaves [replaced in facsimile], additionally lacking leaves F3, F4, L1, and quire Qq, several leaves at beginning and end with marginal fraying affecting text and old repairs, map on Ii7 trimmed affecting the right margin, a few paper fl aws or tiny holes, some minor soiling.) Contemporary blindstamped calf (rebacked and repaired); cloth folding case.
Jugge’s third quarto edition of Tyndale’s version and the last of Tyndale’s New Testament. It contains more than one hundred woodcuts, some taken from earlier editions, while those of the Evangelists and St. Paul and the cuts in Revelation are new. Darlow & Moule 121; ESTC S122998; STC 2873.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $6,000 - 8,000
4 [BIBLE, in English]. The New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated faithfully into English. Translated from Latin into English by Gregory Martin, under the supervision of William Allen and Richard Brostow. Rheims: John Fogny, 1582.
4to (240 x 160 mm). Title printed within woodcut border, woodcut head- and tail-pieces, numerous woodcut initials. (Minor soiling to title, a few small stains.) Modern blind-tooled calf; cloth folding case. Provenance: a few early marginal annotations.
FIRST EDITION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC VERSION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH, translated from the Vulgate by Gregory Martin under the supervision of William Allen (later Cardinal Allen) and Richard Bristow. “This Rheims New Testament exerted a very considerable infl uence on the version of 1611 King James version” (In Remembrance of Creation 206). Darlow & Moule 177; ESTC S102491; Pforzheimer 68; STC 2884. A TALL COPY.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $6,000 - 8,000

5 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible. London: Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1595.
Two parts in one volume, folio (411 x 260 mm). Black letter, text in double columns, 66 lines to the full column, separate title-page for New Testament within woodcut border (McKerrow & Ferguson 158) with continuous register and foliation, woodcut initials, head-and tailpieces. (Lacking 12 preliminary leaves, including general title and full-page woodcut of Adam and Eve, lacking fi nal 4 leaves, ca 24 leaves at beginning and ca 14 leaves at end with marginal fraying and tears affecting text, lacking leaves F5, M6, and 5B4, some old repairs to lower margins, some soiling or tears.) Contemporary blindstamped calf over beveled wooden boards, sueded calf spine nailed to front and rear covers, with brass bosses one catchplate remaining (crudely rebacked, very worn, lacking clasps, catches perished). Provenance: Joseph Boullon (early inscription on 4I1); “Mary Johnson Here Book Cheadle” (early inscription); William Johnson, Cheadle (inscription).
A reprint of the 1591 Bishops’ Bible. ESTC S4130; Herbert 227; STC 2167.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $800 - 1,200

6 [BIBLE, in English]. [Geneva-Tomson Version]. The Bible; that is, The Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament. London: Robert Barker, 1607.
2 parts in one volume, folio (302 x 204 mm). Double column text in roman type, 63 lines to the full column, woodcut headpiece and small ornament on New Testament title-page with continuous register but separate foliation, full-page woodcut of Adam and Eve in Eden facing Genesis, 31 woodcut text illustrations, diagrams, and maps, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. (Lacking engraved title-page and lacking leaves 3B6, 5E4-6, and quire 5F, several leaves torn across affecting text occasionally repaired, 2-in. strip at top of New Testament title-page excised affecting title, several leaves with marginal repairs affecting shoulder notes in quires 4G, 4N, 4P, and 4R, stained throughout.) 19th-century binding sheep (very worn, crudely rebacked). Provenance: Reverend O. W. Whitaker (gift inscription 1872).
Reprint of the Geneva version of the Old Testament, fi rst issued in 1560, translated by William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and perhaps others, with Laurence Tomson’s revision of the Geneva version of the New Testament and his translation of Franciscus Junius’ translation of Revelation. ESTC S122320; Herbert 289; STC 2199.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600
7 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament, and the New… London: Robert Barker, 1611.
Folio (370 x 247 mm). Double-column text in Gothic and Roman types, calendar printed in red and black. (Lacking title-page, map, and last leaf [supplied in facsimile], also lacking A2, A5, A6, C6, and D1; 31 leaves at beginning and end frayed or torn with loss to text remargined and silked, a few other leaves with losses to margins, a few lower margins shaved occasionally affecting signature or catchword.) Full modern blind-panelled calf.
FIRST EDITION of the King James Bible, the Authorized version, with the reading “he” in Ruth 3:15 (Bb2r). The translation, royally commissioned to reconcile the differences between the Bishop’s bible and the Geneva Bible, is, according to W. A. Jackson, “perhaps the single most important infl uence upon the development of English prose style.” “From about the middle of the seventeenth century on to the appearance of the Revised Bible of 18815, King James’ version reigned without rival” (Herbert). Darlow & Moule 309; ESTC S122347; Pforzheimer 61; PMM 114; STC 2216.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $8,000 - 12,000
8 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament, and the New… London: Robert Barker, 1612.
Three works in one volume (see below), 4to (219 x 149 mm). Double-column text in roman type, 56 lines to the full column, printed within rules with enclosed inner and outer margins for printed side-notes, engraved general title by Jaspar Isaac after Cornelius Boel’s design of 1611, New Testament title printed in a heart-shaped center within a woodcut border comprising the 12 Tribes, 12 Apostles and Four Evangelists, continuous register, woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. (Title-page trimmed and mounted, a few rule borders trimmed close, some minor soiling.) Modern calf; cloth folding case. Provenance: marginal notes or underlinings in ink.
FIRST QUARTO EDITION of the King James Bible, printed in roman type, with the reading “hee went” in Ruth 3:15 (R6r). ESTC S101951; Herbert 313; STC 2219.
[Bound with:] SPEED, John. The Genealogies Recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, According to Every Family and Tribe. [London: John Beale, 1615?]. Title-page with woodcut devices printed within double rule border, woodcut genealogical tables, with “A Description of Caanan” and double-page woodcut map. (Several leaves inserted on a stub.) ESTC S122841; STC 23039.3. -- STERNHOLD, Thomas and John HOPKINS. The Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Meetre. London: For the Companie of Stationers, 1612. Title-page with woodcut device printed within double rule border, printed music. (Inner margin of last leaf renewed, mounted on a stub.) ESTC S1195; STC 2540.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $1,000 - 1,500
9 [BIBLE, Polyglot]. Biblia sacra polyglotta. Edited by Brian Walton. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1655-57.
6 volumes, folio (450 x 277 mm). Engraved frontispiece portrait of Walton, pictorial additional title in Volume 1, double-page map of the Holy Land, double-page plan of Jerusalem, 3 double-page plates (2 showing plans and elevations of the Temple, one depicting ritual artifacts), and single-page plan of the Temple, all by Wenceslaus Hollar; errata slip mounted and tipped in to Vol. I at p.48. (A few mostly marginal tears, dampstaining to gutter margin in Vol. IV, some minor browning or soiling.) Full red crushed morocco richly gilt (some scuffi ng or rubbing). Provenance: Lynd (armorial bookplate)
The fourth, last, and most accurate of the large-scale Polyglots of the 16th and 17th centuries, the London Polyglot was a tour-de-force of typography and layout employing Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, Samaritan, and Ethiopic fonts to print versions in 8 languages in addition to the Vulgate. While being less elegant than its predecessors, is the most accurate and with the addition of Persian and Ethiopic to the usual Samaritan, Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Chaldaean and Latin. The editor was Brian Walton, made Bishop of Chester by Charles II in 1660, who called upon for assistance the considerable talents of, inter alios, James Ussher, Robert Sanderson, Henry Hammond, Edward Pococke, John Greaves and Edmund Castell. Republican issue with Walton’s thanks to Cromwell for having waived customs duties on the imported paper. Wing B2797; Darlow and Moule 1446; ESTC R36567
[Uniformly bound with:] CASTELL, Edmund. Lexicon Heptaglotton. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1669. 2 volumes, folio. Uniformly bound with above. According to Darlow & Moule, the Lexicon Heptaglotton is “often bound uniformly with, and as a supplement to, this Polyglot Bible… they really form an essential part of the work.” ESTC R218940.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $3,000 - 4,000

10 [BIBLE, in German]. Biblia das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrifte, durch Martin Luther verteutscht... Basel: Caspar Mangoldts, 1665.
Folio (400 x 244). Engraved title, 3 engraved double-page maps (of 6, with chipping and marginal losses); woodcut head-pieces and initials. (Some overall browning or soiling, engraved title with chipping.) Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over bevelled wooden boards, metal bosses and clasps (lacking 2 bosses and catches, a few repairs).
Includes the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha. With the rare doublehemisphere world (though torn and with some losses). $400 - 600
11 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. -- Index Biblicus: or an Exact Concordance to the Holy Bible. -- The Whole Book of Psalms. Cambridge: John Field, 1668, 1666.
3 works bound in one, 4to (226 x 170 mm). Engraved architectural title by John Chantry. (Titlepage and fi rst text leaf attached loosely with old marginal repairs, some minor spotting or soiling.) Contemporary black panelled morocco gilt (crudely rebacked). Provenance: prayers and genealogical notes in two early hands; Thomas Pennington (Bledlow, Bucks armorial bookplate).
This edition, printed in small type, is widely known as the “Preaching Bible,” owing to its supposed suitability for use from the pulpit. Old and New Testament: ESTC R18074 (with the title-page for the New Testament dated 1666 as here); Wing B-2277. Concordance: ESTC R25715. Psalms: ESTC R17943; Wing B-2490.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $600 - 800

12 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues… London: Charles Bill, 1709. -- [Bound after:] The Book of Common Prayer… London: Charles Bill, 1709. -- [Bound with:] The Whole Book of Psalms… London: Thomas Hodgkin, for the Company of Stationers, 1710.
3 works bound in one, folio (356 x 255 mm). Woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials. (Title-page and two leaves with old marginal repairs.) Contemporary blindpanelled calf (rubbed, rebacked). Provenance: Timothy Bunting (ownership inscription dated 1768 and with genealogy of the Bunting family).
Bible: Darlow & Moule 904; ESTC T89278. Common Prayer: ESTC T81430. Psalms: ESTC T91722.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $300 - 400
13 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Oxford: John Baskett, 1717-16.
2 volumes in one, folio. Title and calendar printed in red and black, ruled in red throughout, engraved frontispiece by Du-Bose after J. Thornhill, general title with engraved view of Oxford by G. Vander Gucht, title to the New Testament with vignette, engraved head-pieces and initials. 19th-century blindstamped reversed calf (covers damaged, rebacked).
Known as the “Vinegar Bible” from the misprint “the parable of the vinegar” for “vineyard” in Luke XX. As the great Bible monopolist, John Baskett was also parodied by contemporary wits who called his huge Bible a “Baskett-full of errors”. Nevertheless, Harry Carter, the historian of Oxford printing, states that “only Baskerville’s Bible (Cambridge, 1763) is its equal among English Bibles for beauty of type, impression, and paper” (The History of the Oxford University Press, 1975, I, p. 171). Two distinct variants are recorded: the present copy is Darlow & Moule’s issue A, with an additional engraved general title page depicting Moses writing the first words of Genesis (here bound as frontispiece), a vignette view of Oxford on the general title page, and vignette title page for the New Testament depicting the Annunciation, dated 1716.
Two distinct variants are recorded: the present copy is Darlow & Moule’s issue A, with an additional engraved general title page depicting Moses writing the first words of Genesis (here bound as frontispiece), a vignette view of Oxford on the general title page, and vignette title page for the New Testament depicting the Annunciation, dated 1716. Darlow & Moule 942 variant A; ESTC T507265; Herbert 943
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $1,000 - 1,500

14 [BIBLE, in German]. Die gantze Bibel… Strassburg: Simon Kürtzner, 1744.
Two parts in one volume, folio (359 x 238 mm). Printed in red and black. (First few leaves slightly frayed, last two leaves damaged and badly bound.) Contemporary blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards (worn, lacking clasps and catches).
An 18th-century reprint of the 1536 Froschauer Bible, which was published by the Swiss Anabaptists who migrated to Alsace in the 17th century. Forerunners to the Amish and Mennonites, the Swiss Brethren brought their beloved Froschauer Bibles with them as they went into exile, and as these old German-language Bibles became scarce, they commissioned this reprint by Kürtzner, who was the official state printer in Strassburg.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $300 - 400
15 [BIBLE, in German]. Biblia, das ist, Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testaments. Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1763.
4to (243 x 185 mm). (Lacking last leaf of table; title-page stained and browned; some restorations in the New Testament to H2 and P4, Mm1-3 remargined with minor losses to text.) Modern leather.
The third Bible printed in America, after Eliot’s 1661 Indian Bible and the elder Saur’s 1743 first edition, printed in an edition of 2,000 copies by Saur senior’s son, Christoph (1721–84). Formatting the Word of God 12.2b; Darlow & Moule 4240; ESTC W18552; Evans 9343; Hildeburn 1877; Sabin 5192.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $800 - 1,200

16 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New… Cambridge: John Baskerville, 1763.
Folio (504 x 321 mm). (Some slight spotting or browning.) Contemporary blue straightgrained morocco gilt (rebacked preserving original spine, some light wear).
ONE OF 1,250 COPIES, third state (with the list of subscribers ending with “York”). A handsome copy with wide margins of this fi ne edition by Baskerville which “has always been regarded as Baskerville’s magnum opus, and is his most magnifi cent as well as his most characteristic specimen” (T.B. Reed, A History of the Old English Letter Foundries ..., p. 279). It is particularly notable for its unadorned elegance and large, clear type. As his prospectus for 1761 announced, since “many Gentlemen have objected to every Kind of Ornament round the Page, the work will be printed quite plain, with the marginal notes all at the bottom.” Herbert 1146; D&M 857; Gaskell 26; Rothschild 2640; ESTC T93106. A FINE COPY.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $2,000 - 3,000
17 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Cambridge: John Archdeacon, 1769.
8vo (255 x 205 mm). Title-page printed within double rule border, double-column text. Contemporary red morocco gilt, covers with a gilt Etruscan fl oral border with alternating urns in each corner, edges gilt (some overall wear, joints just starting). Provenance: Edward Irish (armorial bookplate).
The King James version, printed by John Archdeacon, who was Printer to the University from 1766-1793. Herbert 1200.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $500 - 700

18 [BIBLE, in German]. Biblia, das ist: die ganze göttliche Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers… Germantown: Christoph Sauer, 1776.
Thick 4to (287 x 228 mm). Engraved front piece, general title-page, separate titlepage, register, and pagination for the New Testament, fraktur type set in two columns, woodcut initials, printer’s ornaments used as head- and tailpieces. (Some spotting or browning, some chipping at edges.) Old sheep (rebacked, hinge broken, very worn, lacking clasps).
The third edition and the fi rst Bible to be printed with American type. In his History of American Printing (1810), Isaiah Thomas first circulated an apocryphal story about the circumstances that befell this particular edition to the effect that the book acquired the sobriquet of the “Gun-Wad” Bible. Thomas writes: “[Sauer’s] estate was confi scated before the close of the war, and his books, bound and unbound, were sold, among these the principal of the last edition of the Bible in sheets. Some copies of them had been before, and others of them were now, converted into cartridges …” (quoted by Rumball-Petrie). Dr. John Wright further embellished the story in his Early Bibles of America (1894), stating the British had confiscated the bible sheets to use as litter for their horses as well as wadding for their muskets. Rumball-Petrie debunks the myth, as there is no contemporary, empirical evidence to support these claims. Formatting the Word of God 12.2c; Darlow & Moule 4240; ESTC W18549; Evans 14663; Hildeburn 3336; Rumball-Petrie pp. 51–63; Sabin 5194.
19 WRIGHT, Paul. The New and Complete Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Philadelphia: Tertius Dunning & Walter W. Hyer, 1795.
Folio (310 x 194 mm). 24 copperplate engravings. (Blessed Savior plate disbound with slight fraying to edges, some minor browning or soiling.) Contemporary sheep (joints starting, some overall wear).
ESTC describes this work as actually an edition of John Fleetwood’s The Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, fi rst published in London 1766. “First published in thirty numbers of 16 pages and an engraving each. The completed volume bearing the date of the fi rst number, although publication was not completed until 1796 or 1797. The Philadelphia edition differs from the New York edition [Evans 29928] only in its title page. The plates are from several sources” (Evans). The priority of American editions is not established. ESTC W13832; Evans 29927.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $300 - 400
20 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament: Translated from the Greek [by Charles Thomson]. Philadelphia: Jane Aitken, 1808.
4 volumes, 8vo (215 x 131 mm). General title and volume titles to each volume. (Some minor browning or spotting.) Contemporary sprinkled calf (some light wear). Provenance: Samuel Harvey (signature); J. W. Harvey (signature); Henry C. McCook (signature and bookplate).
First edition of the fi rst translation of the ancient Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) into English. The 1808 Jane Aitken Bible has the dual distinction of being the fi rst English translation of the Septuagint and the fi rst printing by a woman of any part of the Holy Scriptures in America.
Upon his retirement from serving as secretary of the Continental Congress (1774-89), Charles Thomson (1729-1824) devoted himself to the Greek Bible or Septuagint, an ancient translation from the original Hebrew, and his translation took 19 years to complete. The fourth volume contains Thomson’s translation of the New Testament. Jane Aitken was the daughter of Philadelphia printer Robert Aitken who had printed the fi rst English Bible in America. Hills 153; Darlow & Moule 1005; Herbert 1514; Rumball-Petre 184; O’Callaghan 1808.2; Wright, p. 113.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $3,000 - 4,000
21 [BIBLE, in English]. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament: Translated from the Greek [by Charles Thomson]. Philadelphia: Jane Aitken, 1808.
4 volumes, 8vo (216 x 126 mm). General title and volume titles to each volume. (Titlepages soiled, general titles to vols. III and IV with tape repairs, some minor browning or spotting.) Modern calf gilt; cloth slipcase.
First edition of the fi rst translation of the ancient Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) into English. The 1808 Jane Aitken Bible has the dual distinction of being the fi rst English translation of the Septuagint and the fi rst printing by a woman of any part of the Holy Scriptures in America. (See previous lot.) Hills 153; Darlow & Moule 1005; Herbert 1514; Rumball-Petre 184; O’Callaghan 1808.2; Wright, p. 113.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $2,000 - 3,000
22 [BIBLE, in English]. The New Testament, translated from the Latin, in the Year 1380, by John Wiclif, D.D. . . . To which are prefi xed, Memoirs of . . . Dr. Wiclif; and an Historical Account of the Saxon and English Versions of the Scriptures, previous to the Opening of the Fifteenth Century, by the Rev. Henry Hervey Baber, B.A. London: Richard Edwards for T. Hamilton et al., 1810.
4to (315 x 245 mm). With engraved frontispiece portrait of Wycliffe. (Small tear affecting letters on title-page, a few preliminary leaves reinforced in gutter with cloth tape.) Later cloth (upper cover detaching, some overall wear). Provenance: Herbert Wilson (signature dated 1851); E. A. Edghill (signature dated 1901); John W. Lea (signature dated 1921).
Second printed edition of Wycliffe’s New Testament, which was fi rst published in an edition of 160 copies in 1731. Herbert 1537.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $600 - 800
(part lot)
24 [BIBLES - AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY]. A group of 4 Bibles, comprising:
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the Original Tongues; And With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York, American Bible Society, 1853. -- A second copy. 1856. -- A third copy. 1884. -- [BIBLE, in Braille]. The Holy Bible. Proverbs-Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Vol XI. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society by the American Printing House for the Blind, n.d. -- Together, 8 works in 8 volumes, 4to or 8vo, all in publisher’s cloth or leather, all from the Library of the National Publishing Company, The National Bible Press, Philadelphia with bookplates. Condition varies, generally good.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $200 - 300 23 [BIBLE, OLD TESTAMENT, in English]. The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures. Translated by Isaac Leeser. Philadelphia: [Isaac Leeser], 5614 [1853-54].
4to (280 x 213 mm). English text with Hebrew book names and parashah titles, as well as selected words appearing in footnotes; headers throughout; double column. (Pages de-acidifi ed; title-page and following leaf remargined and silked.) Modern calf.
FIRST EDITION of the fi rst complete translation of the Old Testament by a Jewish translator into English, building upon Leeser’s 1845 translation of the fi ve books of the Torah. Previous editions published by Jews in England had simply utilized the King James translation. Leeser’s preface explains that this massive undertaking sprung from “a desire entertained for more than a quarter of a century, since the day he quitted school in his native land to come to this country, to present to his fellow-Israelites an English version, made by one of themselves, of the Holy Word of God.” Readers would now “have an opportunity to study a version of the Bible which has not been made by the authority of churches in which they have no confi dence.” Goldman 12 (“fi rst English translation of the complete Bible by a Jew”); Hills 1540; Singerman 1271; Wright, p.124.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $2,000 - 3,000
(part lot)
25 [BIBLES - AMERICAN]. A group of 5 works, comprising:
BURKITT, William. Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testaments. N.p.: n.p., ca 18th century. -- The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments, With References and Illustrations; An Exact Summary of the Several Books; A Paraphrase on the Most Obscure and Important Parts… New York: T. Kinnersley, 1836. Provenance: John C. & Mary G. Kimball, (morocco gilt bookplate). -- The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Out of the Original Tongues: And With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. Philadelphia: Bible Association of Friends in America, 1859. -- The Bible in Modern English or The Modern English Bible. Perkiomen, PA: Perkiomen Press, 1909. -- MERIAN, Matthew. The Complete Story of the Bible in Pictures. New York: Eastern Color Printing Co., n.d. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, folio or smaller, all in publisher’s cloth or leather. Condition varies, some overall wear.
(part lot)
26 [BIBLES - FACSIMILES] A group of 5 Bibles in facsimile, comprising:
The First Printed English New Testament…Photo-lithographed From the Unique Fragment Now in the Grenville Collection, British Museum. London: n.p. 1871. -- Facsimile of the Bay Psalm Book. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1905. One of 1,000 copies. -- A second copy. One of 975 copies on plain paper. -- The Holy Bible, A Facsimile on a Reduced Size of the Authorized Version Published in the Year 1611. London: Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1911. -- JOHNSON, Henry Lewis. Gutenberg and the Book of Books. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1932. One of 750 copies. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, folio or smaller, all in publisher’s cloth or cloth-backed boards, condition generally good.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $200 - 300 (part lot)
27 [BIBLES - FACSIMILES]. A group of 5 Bibles in facsimile, comprising:
A Smaller Biblia Pauperum. London: Unwin Brothers, 1884. Provenance: W. A. Stewart (bookplate). -- The Caedmon Manuscript of Anglo-Saxon biblical poetry. Junius XI in the Bodleian Library. London: Oxford University Press, 1927. Facsimile copy. -- NORTH, Eric. The Book of a Thousand Tongues. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1938. -- The Bay Psalm Book. A Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition of 1640. [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press, [1956]. -- The Gutenberg Bible. New York: Brussel & Brussel, 1968. 3 volumes. -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, folio or smaller, all in publisher’s cloth or leather, all from the library of the National Publishing Company, The National Bible Press, Philadelphia with bookplates. Condition generally good.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $200 - 300
(part lot)
28 [BIBLES - HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY]. A group of 3 works, comprising:
CAESAR, Julius. Record of the Gallic Wars. London: Jacob Tonson, 1720. -- ATMORE, Charles. The Whole Duty of Man. London: Fisher Son & Co., 1811. Provenance: Francis P. Sheriff (gift inscription) -- JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Works & Life. Philadelphia: Kimber & Sharpless, [ca 1835]. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, 4to or 8vo, all in contemporary sheep or cloth-backed boards. Condition varies, some overall wear.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $200 - 300 (part lot)
29 [BIBLES - LONDON IMPRINTS]. A group of 3 Bibles, comprising:
The English Version of the Polyglott Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments. London: Printed for Samuel Bagster, 1828. -- The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Published in 1526. Being the First Translation of the Greek Into English, By that Eminent Scholar and Martyr, William Tyndale… London: Stevens and Pardon, for Samuel Bagster, 1836. -- The Holy Scriptures of the Olde and Newe Testaments…Faithfully Translated From the Hebrue and Greke by Myles Coverdale…1535. London, Samuel Bagster and Sons, [1847]. Second reprint edition. -- Together, 3 works in 3 volumes, 4to or 8vo, all in publisher’s cloth or leather. Condition varies, some overall wear.
30 [BIBLES - WORLD LANGUAGES]. A group of 8 Bibles, including:
[BIBLE, in Arabic]. The Four Gospels in Arabic: Translated from the Greek by American Missionaries. New York: American Bible Society, 1879. -- [BIBLE, in Danish]. Den Heliga Shrift inehallande Gamla Hya Testamenlet iemte de Upofruphiba Bocherna. N.p.: W.R. Vansant, ca 1889. -- [BIBLE, in Welsh]. Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan, Sef Yr Hen Destament A’R Newydd. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, ca 1890. 8vo. Provenance: Sarah Bebb Jones (giltlettered on upper cover; signature). -- [BIBLE, in German]. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Ulten und Neuen Testaments nach der deutschen uebersezung. Berlin: Britische und Auslandische Bibelgesellschaft, 1903. -- And 4 others. Together, 8 works in 8 volumes, 4to or 8vo, all in publisher’s cloth or leather, condition generally good. Complete list available on request.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $300 - 400

32 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- BIBLE]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. England?, ca. 1250.
Written in a Gothic Textura hand, double column, 22 lines per page, in sepia ink, one elaborate 2-line initial in gold on a fi eld of bisque, blue and white, with tracery in blue and bisque.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $800 - 1,200 31 [BIBLES - 19th CENTURY]. A group of 5 Bibles, comprising:
The Holy Bible Containing the Entire Canonical Scriptures, According to the Decree of the Council of Trent; Translated from the Latin Vulgate…N.p.: n.p., 1884. -- Douay-Rheims Bible. N.p.: n.p., ca 1880s. -- Pictorial Family Bible. Combination Bible. Self-Pronouncing Edition. N.p.: n.p., 1895. -- The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues….Philadelphia: William W. Harding, 1876. Provenance: J.L. & M.E. Comly (binding). -- AUDSLEY, W & G. The Sermon on the Mount. [London]: Day & Son, [1861]. Folio. Chromolithographs throughout (several leaves disbound, now matted and framed). -- Together, 5 works in 5 volumes, 4to, all in original publisher’s bindings. Condition generally good with some overall wear.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $200 - 300
33 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- MISSAL]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. England?, ca 1375.
Written in a Textura hand, double-column, 39 lines per column, eight 2-line initials, one 7-line initial, four 1-line initials in alternating red and blue, some tracery.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $500 - 700

*34 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- PSALTER]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. [England], ca 1420-1440.
Written in Gothic script, single column, 18 lines, 3-line initial in blue and red, 1 1/2-line initials in red, black and gold foliate decoration in margin, blue and gold line fillers, all heightened in gold. Matted and framed, 116 x 79 mm sight (unexamined out of frame). Provenance: Ferdinand Roten Galleries, Baltimore MD (gallery label).
Property from the Estate of Rose V. James, Atlanta, Georgia $1,000 - 1,500

36 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- ANTIPHONARY]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. Italy, ca. 1480-1525.
Written in a Gothic Textura hand, double-column, 15 lines per column, one 2-line illuminated initial, nine 1-line illuminated initials, seven 1-line illuminated in-fills, nearly all heightened in gold, 3 1/2 lines in red.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $800 - 1,200 35 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- BIBLE]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca 14th century.

Written in a Humanistic Italic hand, double column, one red 2-line initial, one blue two-line initial, 2 lines with tracery.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $600 - 800

37 [MANUSCRIPT LEAF -- BIBLE]. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. Germany, ca. 1425.
Written in a large Gothic hand, double column, one 2-line initial in red and blue with elaborate 15-line tracery in the margin; one 6-line initial in red and blue with tracery. From Judges. The leaf bears resemblence to the manuscript presumably used by Johann Gutenberg as a copy for his first Bible, printed Mainz, 1454.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $600 - 800
38 [MANUSCRIPT LEAVES -- BIBLES]. A group of 3 manuscript leaves on vellum, matted together, comprising:
One leaf on vellum, in Latin. England, ca. 1250. 130 x 84 mm. Written in a Textura hand, double column, one 5-line illuminated initial, two 2-line illuminated initials, one 1-line illuminated initial, tracery in margins in gold, blue, and red, all heightened in gold. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca. 1350. 153 x 105 mm sight. Written in a Batarde hand, single column, one 2-line illuminated initial, illuminated vine tracery in the margin, all heightened in gold. From a Book of Hours. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca. 1250. 144 x 110 mm. In a Gothic hand, double column, three 2-line initials; one 4-line initial with tracery, initials alternate in red and blue.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $1,500 - 2,500
(part lot)
40 [BIBLE LEAVES - AMERICAN PUBLISHERS]. A group of 11 Bible leaves, comprising:
Eliot Indian (Algonquin) Bible. 1685. Single leaf, in Algonquin, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Kings 16-17. -- Sauer’s Germantown Bible. 1763. Single leaf, in German, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Exodus 16, p.141. -- Third Saur Bible. 1776. 4 non-sequential leaves, in German, comprising 2 leaves from the Old Testament, containing portions of Ezekiel 20 and 22, pp.717 and 720; 2 leaves from the New Testament containing a portion of the Epistles of Paul to the Philippians 2-3, pp.818 and 846. -- Atkin’s Bible. 1782. 2 non-sequential leaves, in English, from the Old Testament, comprising the title-page and a portion of Jeremiah 7. -- Combination Bible. 1895. 3 nonsequential leaves, in English, from the New Testament, comprising 2 leaves containing portions of Matthew 27, p.65 and Mark 1, p.67. -- Together, 11 leaves, 292 x 229 mm, matted and framed (unexamined out of frames). 39 [MANUSCRIPT LEAVES -- BIBLES]. A group of 4 manuscript leaves on vellum, matted together, comprising:
One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca. 1425. 142 x 95 mm sight. Written in a small Humanistic Italic hand, double column, one 15-line initial in red and blue; two 3-line initials, one red, one blue; seven 1-line initials alternating red and blue. Two leaves, bifolium, on vellum, in Latin. England, ca. 1350. 107 x 196 mm sight. Written in a Textura hand, one 3-line illuminated initial, tracery in the margins, all heightened in gold. From the Gospels One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca. 1450. 117 x 89 mm sight. Written in a Renaissance hand, 16 lines per page, four 1-line illuminated initials, one 2-line illuminated initial, illuminated line-fi ller, all heightened in gold (small hole lower margin). From a Book of Hours. One leaf on vellum, in Latin. France, ca. 1435. 122 x 111 mm sight. Wide vine & leaf border in left margin in gold, blue, and copper-green, four 1-line illuminated initials, one 2-two line illuminated initial, line fi llers in red & blue, all heightened in gold, a few letters in red. From a Psalter.
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $1,000 - 1,500
(part lot)
41 [BIBLE LEAVES - ENGLISH - 16TH CENTURY]. A group of 9 Bible leaves in English, comprising:
Coverdale Bible. London, 1537. 2 leaves, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Genesis 2-4. and Revelation 2-3. -- Taverner’s Bible. London, 1539. Title-page. -- The Great Bible. London, 1541. Bifolium from the New Testament, containing a portion of Luke 9-11 and 2 non-sequential leaves comprising the frontispiece and a portion of the Old Testament, Genesis 2-3. -- The Bishop’s Bible. London, 1568. Frontispiece with engraving of Queen Elizabeth I. -- The Bishop’s Bible. London, 1585. Titlepage. -- Facsimile copy of Francis Fry’s 1535 Coverdale Bible. 1866. Titlepage. -- Together, 9 leaves, 373 x 470 mm or smaller, matted or matted and framed (unexamined out of frames.)
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600
(part lot)
42 [BIBLE LEAVES - ENGLISH - 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES]. A group of 8 Bible leaves in English, comprising:
Matthew Bible. 1549. Single leaf, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Numbers 3-4. -- Geneva or Breeches Bible. 1561-1562. Title-page. -- Geneva or Breeches Bible. 1592. Single leaf, from the New Testament, containing a portion of Apocrypha, Book of Ecclesiasticus 45-46, p.454. -- Rheims-Douay Bible (Rheims New Testament, 1582 and Douay Old Testament, 1609-1610.) 2 Bifolia, containing a portion of Luke 11, pp.170171 of the Rheims New Testament and Psalms 24-25 from pp.52-53 of the Douay Old Testament. -- King James Bible. 1611. Bifolium, from the New Testament, containing a portion of Luke 10-11 and 2 non-sequential leaves from the Old Testament, containing portions of Chronicles 1 and Jonah 1. -- Together, 8 leaves, 483 x 391 mm or smaller, matted and framed (unexamined out of frames).
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600
(part lot)
44 [BIBLE LEAVES - LATIN]. A group of 5 Bible leaves in Latin, comprising:
Bible, in Latin. Strasbourg, ca. 1479-1481. Single leaf, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Ecclesiastes 27-28. -- Bible, in Latin. Nuremberg, 1482. Single leaf, from the New Testament, containing a portion of the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians. -- Roycroft Polyglot Bible. London, 1665. 2 non-sequential leaves, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Deuteronomy 11, p.767 and one leaf from the New Testament, containing a portion of Revelation 12, p.956. -- Facsimile leaf from the Gutenberg Bible. 20th century. Single leaf. -- Together, 5 leaves, 445 x 277 mm or smaller, matted or matted and framed (unexamined out of frames.)
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600 (part lot)
43 [BIBLE LEAVES - IRELAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES]. A group of 4 Insular Bible leaves, comprising:
New Testament, in Welsh. London, 1567. Title-page, from the fi rst printing of the Bible in Welsh. -- Arbuthnot’s Bible. Edinburgh, 1579. Title-page. -- New Testament, in Irish Gaelic. London, 1602. Title-page, in Gaelic. From the fi rst printing of the New Testament in Irish Gaelic. -- Hart’s Bible. Edinburgh, 1610. Colophon. -- Together, 4 leaves, 394 x 279 mm or smaller, matted (unexamined out of mattes.)
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600
(part lot)
45 [BIBLE LEAVES - WORLD LANGUAGES]. A group of 5 Bible leaves, comprising:
Bible, in Danish. Copenhagen, 1550. Single leaf, in Danish, from the New Testament, containing a portion of Revelation 22. From the fi rst complete Bible printed in Denmark. -- Bible, in Slavonic. St. Petersburg, 1581. Titlepage, in Cyrillic characters, from the fi rst Bible printed in Slavonic. -- Bible, in Icelandic. Copenhagen, 1584. Single leaf, in Icelandic, from the New Testament, containing a portion of Matthew 1. From the fi rst complete printing of the Bible in Iceland. -- Facsimile of a leaf from a 1586 Bible, in Spanish. 20th century. Single leaf, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Leviticus 6-7. -- Facsimile of a leaf from the 1561 Bible in Polish. 20th century. Single leaf, in Polish, from the Old Testament, containing a portion of Genesis 1-3. -- Together, 5 leaves, 295 x 218 mm or smaller, matted (unexamined out of mattes).
Property from the Collection of LSC Communications, Inc. $400 - 600