True Colors
Charlana Kelly
Watchmen Stay Active In Prayer Barbara Michael
World Outreach
Joyce Gilpin
A Generation At Risk A CALL TO ACTION Marcia Ricks
Coming Alongside Indigenous Missionaries in Africa Peter Badia
from the editor Welcome to the premier issue of “A Voice for Our Time,” a digital magazine published by a la Piscine, LLC. A Voice for Our Time is a news, information and opinion publication brought to you by a team of writers who are passionate about the issues that we believe are jeopardizing the values that we hold dear. Be it, politics, entertainment, culture, faith or family this publication is dedicated to reporting on the issues in light of Jesus Christ who we believe is the only answer that will save America and for that matter all of humanity. AVFOT will tackle some hard-hitting life issues that our generation is faced with; as well as providing inspiring commentary that will enrich the readers’ life. I am personally excited about the change that this publication will produce in the lives of those who read it. Lasting change and wisdom will come as readers apply the truths shared and give their “Voice” to the issues. Let’s take a journey together as we endeavor to make a difference in the world around us and those who live in it! Join with us, add your voice, speak up and tell the world there’s a better way. Become A VOICE for our Time.
A Voice For Our Time magazine
Charlana Kelly
Charlana Kelly
Leslie Kinney Charlana Kelly Peter Badia Joyce Gilpin Scott Hynds Barbara Michael Marcia Ricks
A Voice for Our Time is a publication of a la Piscine, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of a la Piscine. The publisher can accept no liability or loss in connection with the contents of the publication. Get permission by contacting the publisher! a la Piscine | Post Office Box 926 Ocala FL 34478 tel. 352.369.9500 | fax. 352.867.8449 | email. Have a question? Contact us at Want to advertise? Drop a line to the above address!
Table of Contents Watchmen Stay Active in Prayer Barbara Michael A Generation at Risk A Call to Action Marcia Ricks True Colors Charlana Kelly World Outreach Joyce Gilpin Coming Alongside Indigenous Missionaries in Africa Peter Badia
Keys to Prayer Feed Your Faith Educational Program
6 9 12 16 20 8 15 22
Photos used on the cover, and page 9 are stock photos from fotolia. com These are models and do not represent the subject matter.
There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes Of blinded men to instant, perfect sight; There is a place where thou canst say, “Arise” To dying captives, bound in chains of night; There is a place where thou canst reach the store Of hoarded gold and free it for the Lord; There is a place–upon some distant shore– Where thou canst send the worker and the Word. Where is that secret place–dost thou ask, “Where?” O soul, it is the secret place of prayer! ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
Watchmen Stay Active In Prayer
By Barbara Michael
very year in the United States of America the first Thursday in May is observed as a National Day of Prayer. This day of prayer was established nearly 60 years ago by our Nation’s congress, recognizing our need for God’s guidance and protection. As I participated in a prayer event on the National Day of Prayer in 2010, I pondered the state of our nation and the state of the people of God in this nation. It burdens me that we are not where we should be. I have noticed that many people who say they are Christians don’t really know who God is and what He is capable of. With the ongoing war, the condition of the economy and the uncertainty of what’s ahead for us as a nation, fear is very present. And where are those who believe in God? They are afraid as well. Being afraid is not the issue but rather what are we doing when we are afraid? One thing we are to do is trust God. Like King David who said to God; “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3). Those who trust in God can rest assured that He will take care of them. Nahum 1:7 says, “The Lord is a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who trust in Him.” And, Psalm 34:7 declares, “The Angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them.” Along with trusting God in this day of trouble we must be active in the place of prayer. This is not a time to run and hide. Yes the scripture says the prudent foresee evil and hide themselves but that’s not what I’m talking about.
What I see is that many are hiding from the responsibility to pray. They are praying, but only for their own lives, trusting God, but only for their own lives. What about the nation? What about those who don’t know God? What about the responsibility we have as believers to pray for those in authority? Are we taking our place? Are we standing? Did we forget that the Bible says that greater is He that is in us then he that is in the world? We don’t stand in our own strength. We stand in the power of the name of Jesus, the name that is above every name. We stand in Christ and all that He is.
Our nation is not so far gone that it can’t be restored. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This is a promise that we can count on God fulfilling if we will do our part. Isaiah 62:6-7 reveals, “I have set watchmen on your walls O Jerusalem. They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” If you are given to prayer you are a watchman and God has certainly assigned you to watch and pray. The principle in this scripture is that as watchmen we are to be alert and active in the things we are assigned to in prayer. We are not to give up and hide when things get rough, but continue to pursue God, seek Him, ask Him and press on in prayer until He establishes the things He put in our hearts to pray for. This nation was founded as a place of freedom to worship the one true God, to trust in Him, be inspired by him and be directed by Him. This nation is to remain “One Nation under God”. Whether it is praying for your nation, praying for your family members to get saved, your bills to get paid, your body to be healed, whatever it is and whoever it is you are praying for, don’t give up, don’t quit. Give God no rest till He establishes those things.
Keep on praying.
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A Call to Action F
or too long we have rehashed and rehearsed the problems that have maligned this generation of children. Are we not ready to say enough is enough! We are well aware of the disheartening and alarming details. We read daily of violence perpetrated by and against children, molestation, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, trafficking, illiteracy, promiscuity, and on and on. I see nine and ten year olds daily who are so damaged that they shrink from the loving hug of a teacher. Some are so deprived that they thrive only on negative attention. Profanity, disrespect, hopelessness and failure are a way of life.
groups, but to every man and woman who calls himself or herself a child of God. In Matthew chapter 19 we read, “Then there were brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” If we are His representatives here on earth, we are to say like Him; come Leslie, come Luis, come Mesha. Come go to a ball game with us. Come talk to me about that problem you are having. Come go to youth group with my family. Come Jesus loves you and there is safety in His arms.
I am told by kindergarten teachers that they have never seen behaviors such as they are seeing now in ones so young. I hear from middle school and high school teachers that behaviors once considered taboo are now the norm for their students. The bottom line is this: Our children are at risk.
I wonder what the impact would be if every believer said, “I am going to reach out to one young person this year. I am going to mentor one at risk teenager for a year. I will befriend that young single mother and help her with her rebellious teenager.” Or, are we self-righteously satisfied that we have prayed for them? Was that all that Jesus did? No, he went about DOING good. Yes he prayed, but there was always corresponding action.
No, this is not the generation of tomorrow. These children are our here and now. What are we, the body of Christ, going to do to rescue them from certain destruction? This is a charge, not to churches, organizations and
“This is a charge, not to churches, organizations and groups, but to every man and woman who calls himself or herself a child of God.”
Faith without works is what? Yes...Dead! So here is the call to action. Pray. Then make some phone calls and find out how you can begin relationship with a young person that will change his or her life forever. Here are some starting points:
-Christian Women’s Coalition -Your neighborhood school -Big Brothers, Big Sisters -Boys and Girls Club -Your church youth pastor -The family next door
Christian Women’s Coalition has been a part of a mentoring program at a local elementary school for the past year. This was not a county, state, or federally mandated or funded program. Three concerned teachers saw a need and acted. CWC came alongside and the fruit has been tremendous. Discipline referral rates have decreased and attitudes have improved. With great pride and enthusiasm, our “Ambassadors” sponsored several programs in the school and community:
a letter writing campaign to men and women in the armed services, a food drive with proceeds going to InterFaith Emergency Services’ food bank, and a benefit concert for Haiti. We believe that this group will become a catalyst for change in their peer groups. Although we could not mention God and Jesus in a school setting, they knew that it was the God in us that allowed us to care so much. This afternoon, I was broken-hearted to learn that a young middle school girl in our county was struck by a truck and died shortly thereafter. I could not help but wonder if anyone had ever witnessed to her? Had she accepted the Lord? I hope so. There are others like her. Let each one of us reach one. Go into the highways and hedges, the classrooms and playgrounds and be the light and the salt that this generation so desperately longs for. Compel them to come! In Luke 15 Jesus reminds us that we are to search for the one lost sheep, the one lost silver coin, and the one lost child. Just one!
“For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
Tru Co
oes anyone stay true to what they believe anymore? Or, are we just like a bunch of chameleons changing colors all the time to blend in with our surroundings? To look like and sound like everyone else, to be palatable and pleasing to the ears of spiritually ignorant men? What are we doing?
I’m amazed at how people change with the wind. They are up one day and down the next. They lack all sorts of courage, won’t take a stand for what they believe. The only thing people stay true to most of the time is what will benefit them. If they think their thoughts and opinions might offend people, they will back off the truth rather than learning how to communicate it in a right manner. And even then, some will refuse to hear. Who are we trying to please? We are moved by the crowd rather than the One True God. We lick our finger throw it in the air to see which way the wind of public opinion is blowing and then we follow
ue olors Charlana Kelly
it. We fall for anything and everything because we have no foundation to stand upon. Leaders even do this! And then people blindly follow them.
We have elevated men to a place of superiority in our lives when God should have been the only One enthroned upon our hearts. God is not the screaming and whining crowd, He is the still small voice whispering in your ear. We tend to follow the side show distractions because it’s big, loud, and colorful, while God is in the opposite direction strong and steady never changing and always beckoning us to come. The message never changed, people did. Because we make man our spiritual gauge for God, we chase after strange fire and espouse grandiose and wild doctrine. Things that make absolutely no sense in light of God’s Word. We would rather hang with the crowd than do our best to bring to completion the discipleship of one man. I heard an old time preacher say this not long ago, “who cares about a crowd, P. T.
Barnum never had a problem drawing a crowd.” It’s more important to be faithful with what the Father has given us than to seek after something else to prove God is with us, and then in the end find out He never was. It’s so easy to follow the crowd. Even Jesus’ disciples were victims of this epidemic syndrome called the fear of man. When the tide of public opinion about Jesus changed the disciples thought all was lost, and they left. Most of them weren’t standing at the cross when Jesus took His last breath. Only one of the disciples was found still standing when Christ died that day, his name is John, the disciple whom Jesus loved.
“We have elevated men to a place of superiority in our lives when God should have been the only One enthroned upon our hearts.”
rue colors, the reality of our heart, the truth of who we are, come shining through in our actions not our words. When our words prove to be false we change colors like a chameleon to blend in with the scenery. And the cycle goes on and on. Today we need to have the courage of our convictions. We need to know what we believe, why we believe it and be so certain that when the time of testing comes we will not flinch in the face of adversity. I love a poem/declaration that has been widely shared on the internet, it’s called the “Fellowship of the Unashamed.” These are my favorite words in the poem:
“My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought,
compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won’t give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I’ve preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until He returns, give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes.” The dye has been cast, my colors have been set, there’s no turning back. And for those who’s colors change with the wind of public opinionhv, step aside, there’s work to be done and I must do what I can to finish it!
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esus, the Great Connecter, gave us a command, not a request. Go! World outreach/world evangelism is the commission of every born again believer. Jesus came to reconcile us with our Father, to reconnect us with the kingdom of God. He left us the promise of Heaven. How will the world know this and have it written on their hearts unless there is a messenger who declares the Gospel of Christ to them? A recent mission to Haiti during the terrible earthquake brought to mind the scripture in Revelation 5:9 (NLT) “… every tribe and language and people and nation.” As people assembled from every nation gathered together to give aid and comfort to the people of Haiti in a tragic situation, the evidence was clear that many nations had “gathered” together for a single purpose. While I applaud the countless heroic efforts of all nations that helped the people of Haiti, I feel compelled to ask this question?
Did we bring the Answer, the one and only Answer? Did we bring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? A very wise young Pastor from Northern Ireland, whose heart and message embodies “Go Ye,” speaks to all in his message.
“Missions may not involve Nigeria for most, but always involves neighborhood for all. Let’s remember that most of us were “well-creatures” before our conversion. Some were creatures of the swamp (who needed a hand up and out), some were creatures of the zoo (those caged behind bars), and some were creatures in deep oceans of despair (who float aimlessly with no direction). ALL needed to hear the Gospel of Christ! To preach is to declare. Remember the very start of the Bible declares, “And God said…” I remember the paperboys of old who had a bundle of newspapers at their side for sale. They shouted what was on the front page. We can’t stand by with news and not holler/ declare what’s inside. We must attract the ears of the passersby by declaring the Gospel to everyone we meet. God gave us a family, we are ALL family.” Pastor Scott Hynds Pillar Church, Northern Ireland UK. The desire of His (God’s) heart was and always will be the reconciliation of His family. World outreach is connecting with our family. “Go ye therefore...” Go find your brothers and sisters. They may be in a swamp, behind bars, or adrift. They may be in an earthquake or just next door. “Go” Find the family of Christ. Connect! Bring the gift of life to the family reunion when you connect with them by telling them about Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 says this, “therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new...” Written with much help and appreciation from Pastor Scott
Coming Alongside Indigenous Missionaries in Africa By Peter Badia (Kenya)
t has never been more urgent to help reach Africa with the Gospel of the Kingdom than it is RIGHT NOW! Over the past few years we have seen a shift of focus and practice in the Church in Africa as it wakes up to the reality of becoming more interconnected than ever before. Indigenous missions’ leaders are becoming more focused on building the Body of Christ than building a denomination or organization. Although there are strong involvement of western nations in short term missions, there is a dramatic decline in full time career cross cultural missionaries. The need to come alongside local, native, indigenous missionaries and encourage them to take responsibility to work within their countries and people groups to help reach the un-reached cannot be exaggerated.
Indigenous Missionary Strategy
The indigenous or native missionary strategy recognizes the worth and usefulness of the great body of native believers and seeks to provide the training and resources necessary for them to reach their own people. We want to state that the indigenous missionary strategy does not eliminate the need for cross cultural missionaries. This is not an either/or but a both situation. It is with this background in view that we as the CWC team in Africa sought to work with indigenous congregations, elders and missionaries of integrity and faith to help them evangelize and plant churches among their own people.
Advantages of Sending and supporting Indigenous Missionaries
The fact that Indigenous pastors and missionaries know their people and culture causes them to have a compassionate heart and perseverance to share the
Gospel with them in the midst of hardship. Any cross –cultural missionary will testify that language and culture are two of the greatest obstacles to the work. In contrast, the indigenous or native missionary has no need to learn the language or adjust to the culture that he has known since birth. From his very first day on the mission field, the indigenous missionary can concentrate on two priorities – Evangelizing the lost and planting churches. Indigenous Missionaries have fewer problems adapting to climate, and diet. Their financial needs are much less than that of foreign missionaries. They do not require passports, visas and have fewer political limitations. Indigenous missionaries take the name of Jesus to some of the most un-reached people groups and remote places where Christ is not yet known, as a result, thousands upon thousands of churches have been planted in Africa and a great number of unreached are coming to worship the true God.
Transitional Period
For Cross cultural Missionary, Church Planting is not as difficult as the later transitional period when the missionary bids farewell and the church comes under national leadership. The church often suffers a great deal during this transitional period. Having experienced the prestige of a western missionary as pastor, the church is often no longer willing to accept its own, lose members and becomes discouraged. This is not a problem when the church is planted by an indigenous missionary and is under his leadership from beginning to end.
“Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35b
What Can You Do? This is a question that is asked often by people that have a burden to do something to help spread the gospel to other lands. There is no magical answer, but there is a divine will that God has for your life. There are things that you can do if you truly have a consecrated purpose to allow God to
use you in the furtherance of His spiritual kingdom. It is unnecessary for anyone to be unemployed in God’s church. However great or however small, God has a place for you to fill in missionary efforts whether at home or abroad.
Consider what you could do for the Lord with respect to the Africa Mission efforts:
Pray Give Go
How Can You Help? Go Pray Something that is not glamorous and does not bring recognition from man, but one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of a true Christian. Prayer gets God’s attention, and it makes a lasting difference. Make a purpose to pray every day for the work of God in Africa and pray for specific ministers and specific mission efforts. Most importantly, pray specifically for the lost that the sinner might be drawn to the love and holiness of Jesus Christ. Pray that the power and influence of Satan would be broken in the hearts and lives of people. Pray that the clouds of religious confusion would break so that people would obtain a vision and an experience of God’s true church. Prayer will benefit those for whom you are praying and it will also bring you into closer communion with the Lord. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 6:16b
There are always financial needs of one kind or another in the work of the Lord. In Africa the needs are very great due in part to the widespread poverty. One-time offerings of monetary support are always appreciated, but there is also a need for ongoing, continual support for spiritual and humanitarian projects. (Seeh opposite page) “Freely ye have received, freely give.”
Matthew 10:8b
e name h t n o p u l al er shall cved. How then v e o s o h “For w ord shall be sa whom they of the L y call on him in how shall they shall the t believed? and they have not have no in him of whom ey hear without believe nd how shall th all they preach heard? a er? And how sh t is written, Howh a preachhey be sent? as i them that preac except t l are the feet of bring glad beautifu el of peace, and the gosp f good things.” omans 10:13-15 R tidings o
There is a great need for qualified, Spirit- filled individuals to listen to and obeythe divine call of God to ‘go.’ Although the Word and the Spirit are sufficient to bring mankind to Christ, there is a commission that God has given to His people. The Lord uses individuals to teach and to preach that the seed might be sown. Religious confusion and ignorance abound throughout the world. The Lord is looking down on His people asking:
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Do you hear the voice of God calling? Make the consecration and respond,
“Here am I; send me.” It is imperative before someone makes a missionary trip that they are solely motivated and prompted by the call and purpose of the Holy Spirit. This goes beyond an interest or concern. A mission trip should not be viewed as a vacation or as just an opportunity to travel abroad. Mission trips are made in the interest of the souls of mankind and for the furtherance of the gospel. There are serious health risks associated with travel to Africa, which makes it all the more imperative that an individual is responding to the call of God. God calls individuals to active gospel work who are examples of truth and holiness. Great damage can be done on the mission field by people ‘going’ whose lives are not in conformity to the Word. Young and old people alike should not be on the mission field who are not fervent and zealous in their pursuit of God. Sadly, there have been times that the mission work has suffered due to unqualified people on the mission field giving an unclear message by the conduct of their lives. On the other hand, a qualified missionary group can be a real blessing and inspiration.
If you would like to make a financial contribution or offering for the needs in Africa, donations can be sent for the Africa Mission work to the Christian Womens Coalition Inc. If you have a specific area that you would like to support, specify that and your donation will be distributed as designated. Upon request, a tax-deductible receipt will be sent.
Christian Women’s Coalition, Inc. PO Box 926 Ocala, FL 34478-0926
Listed below are a number of areas that need ongoing support.
There is a need to send monthly support to a few native ministers in Africa to help support them while they spread the Gospel. There are ministers that would be able to do more in the gospel work with greater financial support. A monthly offering of $100 would meet the basic needs for one minister and his family.
Qualified labors are worthy of their hire. Those that give their lives to the spread of the gospel are worthy of support. They have expenses at home in addition to traveling costs. The cost is very great for travel to and within Africa.
The Tree planting Project in Rafiki –Kenya serves as a model that brings Rafiki women together to fight poverty. This project has also opened a new avenue for them to start other small projects like gardening, and setting up small stalls to sell vegetables. Once these women have been established in small business enterprises, they will be able to feed their families, educate their children and be more available to reach out to their neighbors.
There is a great need for Bibles and hymnals in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. These Bibles are purchased in Africa in the native language of the people. There are also numerous requests from Africa, especially from Burundi, from people desiring gospel literature. Due to the cost of books and the high cost of postage, many of these requests go unfulfilled .
The congregation in Kitale, Kenya has been working on a chapel for years, but due to a lack of funds, the process is still incomplete. In addition, there are numerous needs for chapels to be built in Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. A simple chapel can be built at a minimum of $10,000.
The native ministers have ongoing traveling expenses. Transportation can be very expensive in some parts of Africa. There are also continual needs for more bicycles for ministers in Kenya and Uganda.
During the rainy seasons in Kenya it gets quite cold in the mountains. Most of the children have inadequate clothing and many of them have no blankets or bedding. A blanket fund has been established. An offering of $5 can help keep one of these children warm.
The saints in Kenya have started a school for the younger children in Rafiki Community. There is a need for a school building and more school supplies. There is a need to help pay the salaries of the teachers since the school is not yet established to run by itself.
Graduating class 2010 - Equipping The Saints for the Work of the Ministry. (Student holding a curriculum book “Tools For Triumphant Living”)
Living, Learning, Growing Becoming a Tree of Life Tools for Triumphant Living is Christian Women’s Coalition’s comprehensive educational program for women in transition being utilized in State Prisons, County Jail Reentry Program, and Transitional Homes both in and out of the USA. The curriculum teaches program participants about important life skills that when applied will help them be successful in life.
Classes include sessions focused on: Independent Living Practical Learning for Everyday Living
Spiritual Growth Repairing & Rebuilding a Firm Foundation in Christ Walking Free Breaking the Cycle of Violence & Abuse Anger Resolution Overcoming Addiction In Community Understanding Our Roles in every part of Life The Tools for Triumphant Living program can be downloaded after purchase for immediate use. Visit CWC Ministry Resources to read class outlines. Purchase the entire program for $750 or single classes for $125 each. Purchase includes Instructor’s Manual, Student Workbook, as well as annual updates to the material.
e m i T r u O r es Fo
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