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Wellness Travel Trends - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #100

Wellness Travel Trends

Southern Africa is a popular destination for wellness tourism, offering a diverse range of experiences that promote health and well-being. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and abundant wildlife, the country provides a unique setting for rejuvenation and wellness. From luxurious spas and wellness retreats nestled in serene natural surroundings to yoga and meditation retreats, South Africa caters to the growing demand for holistic wellness experiences. South Africa's wellness tourism sector continues to thrive, attracting travelers seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and a holistic approach to their well-being.

TREND 1: Fill your Cup and that of the Local Community you Visit

Have you noticed a shift towards regenerative travel? More and more people are creating wellness travel experiences that have a positive impact, which is top of mind for all generational travelers. People are using their buying power to make more conscious travel decisions.

TREND 2: Mental Health Acceptance is the New Norm

Never before in history has the whole world recognized mental health so openly. Collectively

experiencing the trauma of COVID's ongoing implications in our health, work, and family lives has put more focus on programs to support this growing need with meditation, breathwork, and holistic practice growing.

TREND 3: Micro Dosing with Plant Medicine

We are seeing a rise of natural plant medicinebased wellness programs and a cultural shift in awareness of hallucinogens, and psychedelic retreats. Supporting well-being through ayahuasca, psychedelics, and CBD are a growing form of wellness travel in countries where access to mindaltering drugs is legal.

TREND 4: Family Friendly Wellness

COVID forced people to reevaluate their priorities, one of which is family. Families are wanting more tailored travel experiences, escaping technology to truly experience the world and each other. Programs are being created to teach kids sustainable and healthy lifestyle values and activities, and the list goes on.

TREND 5: Green Prescription Holidays

Doctors have a long tradition of prescribing thermal holiday experiences which is now expanding to

green nature-based experiences, a term first used in New Zealand.

TREND 6: Wear your Wellness

Wearable digital technology for well-being is transforming the healthcare industry and wellness tourism with innovative new offerings created to support travelers' journeys and as a means of bridging the return to “normal” routines thereafter. We are seeing apps focused on beating jet lag and measuring blood oxygen levels, stress levels, and mood levels.

TREND 7: Vegan Holiday Anyone?

For the love of food - Food-based holidays with vegan lifestyle experts are emerging. At Luxe Club Retreats, our Functional Medicine Club expert works with our members to custom-design menus based on their genetics.

TREND 8: Digital Nomad Boom

With people wanting to infuse well-being into work and travel, countries like Bali, Mexico, and Costa Rica are building their reputations, marketing, and infrastructure around the 'work from anywhere' concept.

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