Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #103

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spa therapies The Global Wellness Summit released its annual Future of Wellness report, the longest-running, most in-depth (120-page) forecast of what will make waves in wellness in the year ahead. In the 20-plus years GWS has been analyzing the wellness space, there have been more shakeups in 2023 than in the last decade. There certainly is momentum: the global market will grow from $5.6 trillion today to $8.5 trillion by 2027 —with countless surveys revealing that wellness has never been such an important priority for people as now. But what kind of wellness matters—and for whom— is undergoing serious transformation. Generational, income, and gender gaps are widening in culture, and they’re creating a wellness landscape increasingly defined by very different— even contradictory—markets and mindsets. The GWS calls these polarized wellness markets “hardcare” and “softcare.” “Hardcare” describes the new hyper-medical, high-tech, even more expensive wellness market. “Softcare” captures the new desires for a low-pressure, simpler, less expensive, less relentlessly self-optimizing wellness, where emotional and social wellbeing matter most.

Global Wellness Summit 10 Wellness Trends for 2024 We’ll see a surge in pilgrimages and a new postpartum wellness, a focus on social and emotional wellness for men and a new climate-adaptive wellness. The longevity megatrend will rage on and weight loss drugs will get a wellness check. Our homes will become highest-tech health hubs, art will be transformed into a multisensory wellness experience, and sports will take their place in hospitality.


cultural heritage in countries around the world. While nearly half a million pilgrims completed the famous Camino de Santiago in Spain in 2023 (a new record), scores of modern pilgrims were also drawn to off-the-beaten-path sites in Japan, such as the Shikoku 88 and the Michinoku Coastal trails, as well as buzzy pilgrimage destinations in Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India and Italy, all of which have undergone extensive restorations. From a wellness perspective, this trend has serious legs: a pilgrimage is a metaphor for the path to enlightenment, engendering slow, meditative travel, and facilitating deeper engagement with our surroundings to foster a sense of awe. It also produces unexpected encounters with strangers that lead to a deeper perspective on the place of our “self” in a very big world. Savvy resorts are now looking to pilgrimages, offering wellness programs that incorporate journeys between sacred sites, participation in religious services such as meditating with monks or almsgiving, and providing access to ceremonies once attainable only after years of experience on the path to enlightenment.

Climate-Adaptive Wellness From Manning Up to Opening Up

This trends report illustrates how there is no longer one wellness narrative or unifying trend. The future is both “harder” and “softer” care, and that polarity will only widen. “Hardcare”— from longevity clinics to weight loss drugs, medicine is muscling in: The speed at which medicine is invading the wellness market is astounding. One trend explores how the quest for longevity will continue to dominate the health/wellness space, with highly-medical, highcost longevity clinics becoming the new business genre, offering everything from advanced diagnostics to stem cell treatments. Equally astounding is how fast new weight-loss drugs have upended behavior-change-focused wellness businesses, whether dieting platforms or resorts. Our trend analyzes these drugs’ impact, how wellness businesses quickly pivoted to prescribe Big Pharma’s magic “tricks,” and how the future is the wellness market delivering a healthier, more c o m p re h e n s i ve we i g h t - l o s s a p p ro a c h .

Cooling approaches—from the cutting-edge to the ancient—will be the burning issue in architecture and design. We’ll see more green space, tree cover, and rooftop gardens; high-tech building materials and heat-reflective paint for roads and roofs; and heat-fighting design from historically broiling places like the Middle East. Cities are re-thinking everything, building cooling centers and public pools, with many rushing to clean up their waterways to let people do wild swimming, an incredible line of defense. Smart-tech cooling clothing will go mainstream, as will wearables that monitor the body’s heat indicators, from core temp to hydration to electrolytes. There is even a new “climateadaptive” beauty trend rising.

Wellness will tackle serious crises, from climate threats to women’s health: With temperatures breaking records each year, one trend explores a

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’103

New tech, new wellness categories: Several trends illustrate how wellness technology innovation is going into overdrive. One explores how our homes are becoming high-tech health hubs, with everything from medical-grade diagnostic systems, to smart furnishings that make wellbeing adjustments in real-time. Technologies such as generative AI are also fueling a new era of “wellness art.” If experiencing art has always been a passive affair, a new wave of art experiences at museums, resorts and public spaces is turning it into a deeply multisensory, immersive experience, expressly designed to boost your mental wellbeing.

With an increasingly heat-crushed planet, bringing massive physical and mental health risks, we will see a new “climate-adaptive wellness”: a wave of innovations that can cool our bodies, homes and cities. We simply cannot keep air conditioning more of the world: it’s erasing climate change progress.

“Softcare”—more low-fi, ancient, social, emotional, deeply human wellness: The media has been covering how younger gens (especially women) are pushing back against this last decade of high-pressure, uber-commodified wellness, and recasting true wellness as a messier, more joyful, simpler and cheaper affair. New desires for a simpler, more profound wellness drive one of our top travel trends of the year: how a record number of revitalized pilgrimage trails worldwide are luring new generations to the most ancient, slow, communal and spiritual form of travel. And if wellness has been complicit in clichéd views of masculinity (only focused on the physical), another trend explores how wellness will finally take a more human approach to men, with a wave of retreats, small groups, and apps focused on men’s social and emotional wellbeing.


new “climate-adaptive wellness,” a surge in solutions that can cool our homes, cities and bodies. And since solving for grossly-ignored women’s health issues is now a heartbeat of wellness, another trend explores how needed innovation in postpartum care for new moms (and dads) is ahead—from postbirth retreats to mental health apps.

Our baking planet is disrupting travel, with people moving away from traditional “hotspots,” trading beaches and deserts for mountains, the Mediterranean for Scandinavia, and summer vacations for fall or spring ones, in a move towards what’s being called “cool-cations.” So much will change in the traditional wellness space, from a new focus on hot/cold therapy’s role in the body’s thermoregulation to the rise of (cooler) “night-time wellness” programming at hotels and resorts, from star-gazing to full-moon yoga.

Wellness has long provided a space for women to open up, explore their emotions, and build community, but the same can’t be said for men. They’ve either been left out of the equation or, when included, the wellness offerings they’ve been served have reinforced a clichéd view of masculinity—from warrior-like fitness challenges to tough-guy biohacks. At the same time, shifting gender roles and a societal revolt against old-school masculinity have left men without a rulebook for what it means to “be a man” today. A cultural shift is underway. As the dire consequences of rising male loneliness are exposed, the wellness industry is responding with a new wave of solutions designed to help men reconnect with themselves and with one another. One example is the rise of men’s retreats like EVRYMAN and Junto, where unlearning stoicism and authentically sharing your feelings is the name of the game; another example is the new mental health apps designed specifically by and for men. The Rise of Postpartum Wellness Following childbirth, new parents typically find themselves in a care “desert”: all the attention is on the baby, and the medical system largely abandons them. While giving birth is a massive physical event, and new parenthood often entails serious mental health challenges, postpartum care has been grossly ignored. Change is here: a new, comprehensive postpartum wellness is now taking many directions.

The Power of the Pilgrimage One silver lining that came out of the pandemic gloom is that people all around the world rediscovered the simple joys and health benefits that come from walking, and a purposeful connection with nature. Today, walking enthusiasts are dramatically expanding their horizons by exploring ancient pilgrimage trails, fueling a global trend as record numbers of travelers take up multiday hikes infused with spiritual exploration and

Cultures around the world have postpartum retreat traditions for the mom and baby (from Korea’s sanjujori to Latin America’s la cuarantena) that focus on deep rest, healthy food, baby-care education, massage and therapeutic bathing for the birthing parent. Increasingly, posh postpartum retreats are delivering precious days and weeks of postpartum recovery. With postpartum depression rates rising globally, governments and corporations are taking action, while new apps are addressing

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Articles inside

Climate-Adaptive Wellness - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #103

pages 24-25

The Power of the Pilgrimage - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #103

pages 30-31

Longevity Has Longevity - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #103

pages 20-21

The Power of the Pilgrimage - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #103

pages 30-31

Harnessing the Healing Power of Contrast Therapy

pages 36-39

Unlocking Vitality: Why "Forever Strong" Is Essential Reading for Every Woman

pages 34-35

Enhance Happiness in Your Life

pages 32-33

Climate-Adaptive Wellness

pages 24-25

Wilde-Pedique by LCN

pages 22-23

Longevity Has Longevity

pages 20-21

Introducing The Luxurious Verde Vita Spa and Wellness Centre

pages 18-19

Thalgo Celebrates 60 Years of Marine Beauty, Excellence and Commitment

pages 12-13

Esse Launches bespoke skincare system - PRESCRIPT

pages 10-11

spa business The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings

pages 8-9

Global Wellness Summit 10 Wellness Trends for 2024

pages 4-5
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