launched in Paris in 1952 Issue Ninety 2022 of the South African Edition Spaskin vitality body balance Lifestyle Relaxation & Health Therapies this issue Spa Business

Unfortunately, as humans we frequently underestimate our impact, we lose sight of our ripple effect. When facing an overflowing inbox, our work goes from something that matters to other people, and makes a difference, into nothing more than a very long to-do list. It happens even faster in a virtual environment, without the physical reminders that we are in fact part of something bigger than ourselves. But It doesn’t have to be this way. Each of us holds the power to create a more meaningful work experience for ourselves. In these times of change, it can be called: Disruptive Thinking, Critical Thinking, Workplace Intelligence, Increased Engagement, …. the list goes on, but still returns to a Sense of Purpose. Laslty, I would like to congratulate all the finalists and winners in the Les Nouvelles Eshtetiques Spa Awards 2022, in advance, as they continue to excel in providing the South African community with the keys to relaxation and wellness. The Spa Awards programme is more than pure recognition of achievement, it sets a benchmark for spas in South Africa, and all the finalists and winners are worthy of this acknowledgment. Esthetiques
Enjoy the read ! The Les Nouvelles
Spa Conference 2022 Thermal Bathing More Popular Than Ever 14 A Wellness Renaissance: How The Travel Industry is Embracing The Wellness Focused Experiences 16 Whole Body Wellness Treatments 20 Beyond The Spa: Cultivating Wellness in Hotels 22 What Is a Sense of Belonging? 26 The Sense of Awe 30 Spa and Wellness: Best Marketing Practices 32 Effective Communication 34 Corporate Wellness Programmes 36 Find Out What Your Strengths Are 38 Build a Culture, Before You Build a Company 40 A Sense of Purpose 42 Bringing Wellness to The Guest Experience 44 Act like an Owner, Think like a Customer! 48 Serving from Purpose 50 Navigating The Current Reality and Beyond Recover, Reinvent, Rebuild 52 9 Content Marketing Tips for Spas & Businesses 56
Les Nouvelles Esthétiques South African Edition I Max Cafe P. O. Box 81204, Parkhurst Johannesburg, South Africa 2120 I Tel: +27 83 267 2773 e-mail: I Publisher/Creative Director: Anthony de Freitas e-mail: tony@maxcaf I Managing Editor: Dr. Nadine de Freitas e-mail: I Editorial Assistant: Sarene Kloren editorial I Ad vertising Enquiries: Dr Nadine de Freitas e-mail: I Subscription Enquiries: Tel: +27 83 267 2773 e-mail: info@lesnouvelles or visit: Les Nouvelles Esthetiques International Publisher I 7, avenue Stephane Mallarme 75017 PARIS Tel: 01 43 80 06 47 Fax: 01 43 80 83 63 I Fondateur: H. Pierantoni I Directeur de la Publications: Jeannine Cannac-Pierantoni I Redactrice en chef: Michéle de La ttre-Pierantoni I International Editions • Argentina • Baltic • Benelux • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada • China • France • Greece • Hong Kong • Hungary • Israel • Italy • Japan • Mexico • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Singapore • South Africa • Spain • Taiwan • Turkey • Ukraine • USA • Yugoslavia SpaSensesSixDoc: skin vitality body balance A Professional take on SPA Business, Health Therapies, Products & Simple Relaxation 2022*ISSUE*90 CONTENTScover*90 Editors Welcome Welcome to Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Conference 2022, with the theme: SENSE OF PURPOSE. A sense of purpose is whatever you believe in. It is your driving force, your motivation, and your guiding light to work towards a life that you think will satisfy you. Your life's purpose is very closely linked to your sense of purpose.

Frame Your To-Do List. ‘Framing’ is wrapping a mental bow of impact around the things you do. It enables you to connect your tactical tasks with why it matters. Look over all the things you need to do today, and ask yourself, What impact will they have? It can often be helpful to prompt your thinking with questions like:
·Who will benefit from this work?
But ask yourself, what’s scarier- looking a little bit woo-woo for a moment (which is likely all in your head) or letting the potential judgments of other people rob you of a more meaningful work experience?
Lead Up When you’re not feeling inspired at work, it’s easy to point the blame upwards at your boss. All they care about are numbers, deliverables, and deadlines.
How to Find More Meaning and Purpose in the Job You Already Have Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’902
We often think ‘purpose’ is reserved for nurses, teachers, or the people curing cancer.While those roles are often inherently noble, they’re not the only people who make a difference.Work in construction, accounting, tech, manufacturing, and all of the other ‘normal jobs’ make our world go round.
Resist the urge toward Toxic Positivity
Feeling a sense of purpose in your work doesn’t mean that everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time. You’ll still have hard days and trying to mask them with toxic positivity can only make them more Here’schallenging.theissue with toxic positivity- it’s really emotional acting. Emotional acting is when you feel one way (frustrated, nervous, etc) and act another (cheerful). It’s exhausting and the more you do it, the further removed you become from your authentic Insteadself.
In my years of executive coaching, I regularly see how deeply many executives care about customers, their teams, and the purpose of the organization. Yet they don’t verbalize it.When they start talking about it (after some coaching) their employees are often surprised. They had no idea their boss cared so much because their boss never gave voice to it. The same may be true with your boss. Try asking your boss why they joined the organization, what impact they want to have in the next 12 months, or how they see the team’s work contributing to the larger whole. You might be surprised how much their face lights up. You can do the same thing with your peers.
The more you can push yourself to articulate the ripple effect of your to-dos, the more meaning they take on. This mental habit might feel awkward at first, but the more you do it, the more stamina (and pleasure) you will have to push through your goals. You know, intrinsically, the to-dos matter.
leaving, here are three ways to find purpose in the job you already have:
If the thought of going into a team meeting to tell a customer impact story or asking your boss how a particular project makes a difference for your company is giving you the heebee jeebies, take a breath. The purpose conversation can be a vulnerable one; it flexes emotional muscles we often don’t flex in the cadence of day-to-day business. You might be afraid of how people will react.
·What would happen if I didn’t do this?
Unfortunately, as humans we frequently underestimate our impact, we lose sight of our ripple effect. When facing an overflowing inbox, our work goes from something that matters to other people, and makes a difference, into nothing more than a very long to-do list. It happens even faster in a virtual environment, without the physical reminders that we are in fact part of something bigger than ourselves. It doesn’t have to be this way. Each of us holds the power to create a more meaningful work experience for ourselves, even when the to-do list and the inbox don’t Beforechange.youconsider
By Lisa Earle McLeod
spa business
Lately, we’re also hearing stories about job switchers who are experiencing “buyer’s remorse.” They left in the hope of a bigger paycheck and more meaningful work, only to find that while the paycheck may be bigger, the work feels just as disconnected.
of pushing yourself to ‘be positive’ tether back to the impact the work will have. Identifying, with specificity, how your work will make an impact on someone will do much more for your energy than a fake smile.
·And then what will happen?

Premium Sponsors 2022

8.30 – 9.00 Registration MC: Ayesha Rajah – Co-founder of AI Importers & Urban Bliss Wellness
Although nutricosmetics hit the marketplace in the 1980s, they are now on the brink of a major revolution. global market for nutricosmetics was worth US$5.1-billion last year and will reach US$8.3-billion by 2027. Ingestible beauty is the future, but not all ingestible beauty supplements are created equal.
11.00 – 11.30 Mid Morning Tea Break
15.00 – 16.00 Being Part of the Blue Wellness Movement – Kent Richards – Bangkok (Corporate Operations Director – Six Senses Spa Group)
12.30 – 13.00 Serving from PURPOSE – Almarie Venter (Almarie Venter Consultancy) Join Almarie for an interactive and experiential deep dive into defining your personal purpose. Explore how to create a culture of serving from the heart. Create a sense of awe and transformation.
Welcome – Dr Nadine de Freitas (Managing Editor) 9.15 – 10.15 Hacking your Mental Mindset – Rinus le Roux (Ucan with Rinus) The world shifted and we need to shift too. My name is Rinus and in this my fourteenth book I took it on myself to explore how do we become Mentally healthy again. How do we upgrade our coping skills and how do we download the best version of ourselves. To have hope is great, to a plan is also great BUT to know how to survive and thrive is what we need right now. YOUR UPGRADE IS READY FOR THE DOWNLOAD…take it. 10.15 – 11.00 Preparing Your Spa for All Cultures – Tammy Dent (Director of Training, Six Senses Spas) Take a trip around the world with Tammy to visit some of the Six Senses properties and learn the cultural lessons unique to each property. Tammy will explore one of the Six Senses values with you; ”LOCAL SENSITIVITY AND GLOBAL SENSIBILITY” in the hope that the information shared allows you to welcome a diverse range of guests in the warmest way possible.
Monday, 25th July 2022
SpaConferenceProgramme 2022 Sunday, 24th July 2022 8.30 – 9.30 Registration MC: Ayesha Rajah – Co-founder of AI Importers & Urban Bliss Wellness 9.30Retreat–9.45. Welcome – Dr Nadine de Freitas (Managing Editor – Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa) 9.45 – 11.00 SENSE OF PURPOSE – Louis Gerke – The Ripple Effect What Is a Sense of Purpose? A sense of purpose is whatever you believe in. It is your driving force, your motivation, and your guiding light to work towards a life that you think will satisfy you. Your life’s purpose is very closely linked to your sense of purpose. In these times of change, it can be called: Disruptive Thinking, Critical Thinking, Workplace Intelligence, Increased Employee or Customer Engagement, Interface Design, Matrix Model …. the list goes on, but still returns to a Sense of Purpose. 11.00 – 11.30 Mid Morning Break 11.30 – 12.00 Nothing beats a Good Conspiracy Theory to stimulate your Critical Thinking – Dr Wynand Goosen (CEO and Founder of Skillzbook) • What is critical thinking and why is it important? • Famous conspiracy theories you can have fun with • The existence of aliens • The earth is flat • The moon is hollow • The time of giants • Do you believe it? • The observer and creation of reality • Developing your own ability to think 12.00 – 12.30 The Future of Beauty – Why Nutriceutical are Here to Stay! – Toni Carroll (Founder of My Beauty Luv)
Discussion: Kent Richards (Corporate Operations Director – Six Senses Spa Group), Tebogo Thoka (Founder: FabuHealth Aesthetics), Tammy Dent (Director of Training, Six Senses Spa Group), Stav Dimitriadis (CEO: Twincare International)
The term “Bullish” is used because of the way a Bull attacks, moving his horns and head upwards and higher. So the price will rise.. A bearish market means that the price is going down and falling. So is the Spa Market currently and into the future: Bullish or Bearish.
It takes a lot to keep an organization running efficiently, ask any spa owner or manager, to produce better outcomes, profit margins and have the best chance at making the most of well-suited investments. Allowing money or time to slip through the cracks or go to waste can quickly deter progress on any initiative.
There’s a new shift that suggests companies and their employees will have to start thinking in a different way when it comes to the way we work and live. This isn’t only because there are fewer of us to do more work, but because it is going to be occupied by different generations. This is especially true for jobs that require creative solutions, knowledge and innovation. Employees in these fields fight to reach the ideal balance with set patterns, when in fact they would benefit significantly from breaking the pattern and instead of following a system based on the individual tasks and their own energy levels. To get as much as possible out of our human resources, it is vital that we put the work-life balance in focus.
Of course, this is all easier said than done. Especially when it comes to abstract, highly impactful initiatives like an employee wellness program or marketing programs, it can be challenging to assess its value and ensure the investment is worth it.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 14.05 Belgin Askoy, Founder of the Global Wellness Day 14.05 – 14.15 Loyalty Schemes: A Data Goldmine – Is your Loyalty Scheme Tailored to your Business – Shaun Gopaul (Technical Director - esp) 14.15 – 15.00 The Chemistry of Well-being for Success? – Ronald Abvajee (CEO of HLC: winner of the 2019 Corporate Wellness Champion Award at the Future of HR Awards. Ronald is a Physiologist and Health and Wellness Expert, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker)
You are familiar with the green beauty movement that was pioneered by small, independent brands as it steadily emerged over the past three decades. Green beauty is generally defined as beauty products that are plant-based, organicfocused, and ethically sourced. Over the past few years, green beauty has gone more mainstream. Businesses have to “go blue,” which meana that they were going to be held accountable by consumers to surpass being green and sustainable and forge new ways to use their businesses to make a positive impact on the environment, not just minimize their impact on it.
11.30Weekend–12.30 Is it a Bullish or Bearish Spa Market for Investment – Expert Panel
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 14.15 The Beauty of The Cloud – Why Cloud Computing is changing the Face of the Wellness Industry – Shane Gopaul (esp) Shane Gopaul is the long established Technical Director of ESP Connect Africa where he has had a long career of over a decade as the architect of the ESP Amazon Cloud he innovatively called “Nanoverse” 6 years ago. A term that
12.30 – 13.00 Future Proofing – Increasing profitability and wellness ROI - Marisa Dimitriadis (Founder and Managing Director – The Spa Consultants)
11.30 – 11.35 Jean-Guy de Gabriac, Founder of the World Wellness

Ronald AbvajeeFounder and Owner of Healthy Living Consulting Ronald Abvajee, is a leading entrepreneur health,and engagement expert. His entrepreneurial journey and commitment to personal development have positioned him as a key and respected thought leader in corporate engagement industry He is the founder and owner of Healthy Living Consulting – an established business driving engagement in the workplace through wellbeing, team alignment , technology and media
Dr Wynand Goosen - Skills Development Director of shefline, and CEO of the Infomage Rims Group B.Ms; ND(Project Man); AIB(SA); (NC: Business Advising) BCOM(Hons); (NC:Software Dev); BSC(Hons)(Digital Skills); MCOM; M; M.Msc; D.Msc; DBA; & PhD
“Strategy is often developed using generic tools. However, each organisation is different, and nuances and culture play important roles in creating strategies that are implementable, effectively measurable and sustainable. Systems need to focus on simplification and implementation, not complications"
At an estimated value of over $141.53 billion in 2019, the Global Skin Care Market is predicted to thrive at an average of 3.7% and valued at over $211.06 billion over the forecast year 2020-2030.
Dr Wynand Goosen constantly launches various strategic initiatives. As a strategist, he has pioneered various high-level programs, strategies and Thesesystems.include:
Almarie was awarded the Les Nouvelle Spa Visionary Award in South Africa. Her work as an International protocol developer and trainer has provided her with the privilege to work with spa teams globally, Four Seasons, Six Senses, Singita, Time + Tide, Kanahura Maldives, Viceroy Dubai to name a few.
Today, customers can rest assured that ALL My Beauty Luv products have been researched and tested to hell and back. I go to the nth degree and partner with the world's finest ingredient manufacturers to ensure that the My Beauty Luv range is of the utmost quality. I am very serious when it comes to giving my stamp of approval on an ingredient and formula - after all, I have my street cred to uphold! Almarie Venter - Remind Wellness. International Wellness expert / Bespoke treatment, ritual and retreat program developer / Masterclasses / Personal & Professional Transformational Life coach / Visiting Practitioner.
For the past 23 years, Louis Gerke has designed and facilitated a variety of Workshops building strong relationships with an impressive list of clients. Louis caters for every level of any organization and maintains a sense of humour and an element of fun in everything he does. His deep, sincere approach reveals enormous insight and understanding into a vast spectrum of subjects.
This was the catalyst for my journey into researching (and my obsession with) the ingredients contained within beauty products, which ultimately led to my foray into biohacking. Dubbed do-it-yourself biology, biohacking is geared towards improving performance, health, and wellbeing through strategic interventions -something I know quite a bit about given my background in the health and beauty industry.
Toni Carroll - Founder of My Beauty Luv Back in 2014, Toni opened one of the very first online professional haircare stores in South Africa. As someone who is painfully pedantic about finding the best the market has to offer, ‘Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow' launched with the aim of providing quality, professional-grade products to the growing online shopping community. After a few years of bringing salon-quality brands to the public, she recognised a gap in the market: the need for a holistic approach to hair health. So, I began introducing ingestible health products to my platform. At the time, hardly anyone else was doing this. I also didn’t want to sell just any products, they had to be made from only the finest grade ingredients and they actually had to work.
.BUT WHERE DID THIS PASSION BEGIN?Ronald is a qualified exercise physiologist with a degree in Physical Education and Human Movement Sciences and he is rather passionate about engaging and inspiring audiences as a speaker at conferences and corporate events.
16.00 Closing & Thank you – Dr Nadine de Freitas (Managing Editor –Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa)
Developed the first Skills Development Facilitator Program for South Africa, Developed the first New Venture Creation Program for Entrepreneurial thinking, Facilitated various Strategic Development workshops for a range of clients in private and public sector, Developed a range of Foresight and Innovation Tools for Strategic Planning, Devised an incubation system for start-up enterprises and Developed systems to link strategy to strategic implementation, that drives execution and productivity
Her gift of a creative mind, healing hands, teaching and compassionate focus on the individual bridges the gap between talking about wellness concepts, versus living, practicing and facilitating these wellness concepts.
Louis Gerke - The Ripple Effect Facilitator | Coach | Trainer | Speaker
Dr Goosen has also created various successful companies. These includes organisations such as The Learning Corporation Ltd; The Infomage Rims Group; SkillzBook; Gold Rose Investments and of late, Shelfline; Venture Capital Companies in the Route to Market & technology space. He holds a portfolio of qualifications that includes three Doctorates in Business, Meta Physics and Human Capital. He has board membership with several professional organisations, a well-known conference speaker and has been quoted in newspapers and interviewed for several television programs.
With 17 years of experience in the Health, Spa and Wellness Industry, Almarie effortlessly integrates holistic wellness and creates bespoke training, treatment and retreat programs for spas and wellness resorts. It is Almarie’s true passion and life purpose to inspire and Re-Mind people of their authentic power, natural healing abilities and help them live a purposeful life.
Her specialized training beyond spa therapies rest in a solid foundation of extensive knowledge and teachers trainer qualifications in Mindfulness, meditation, yoga and breath work, Kinesiology, neuro-integration, Vibrational sound healing, Transformational Life coaching, energy medicine and much more. Almarie believe that change is always possible and Re-Mind sets the platform to be the change we want to see in ourselves, our business, homes and the world.
SpaConferenceProgramme 2022 Speakers has stuck and the likes of Facebook have only recently emulated with their rebranding to “Metaverse”. Shane believes in using technology and innovation to turn ideas into commercially viable realities for any modern business.
14.15 – 15.15 Skincare Tranformation …. 2030. Are we ready? - Dr Denise Bjorkman is CEO of the Neuro Business Institute, the founder of the SA Council of Coaches and Mentors.
15.15 – 16.00 SENSE OF PURPOSE & BELONGING – Kent Richards –Bangkok (Corporate Operations Director – Six Senses Spa Group) In social psychology, the need to belong is an intrinsic motivation to affiliate with others and be socially accepted. In Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, belongingness is part of one of his major needs that motivate human behaviour. By belonging to a group, we feel as if we are a part of something bigger and more important than ourselves, and belonging the to the famed group of spa entrepreneurs is even more important.

The next venture to be added to the portfolio was naturally brand development. Marisa formulated her own skin (SIX Skincare) and body (Spalicious) ranges, using only the best ingredients, recyclable packaging, offering value for money and very importantly, product education. Testament to her endeavouring spirit, the brands continue to grow with the addition of powerful aesthetic components to ensure her retail partners continue to offer cutting edge technology under the SIX Skincare umbrella.
Ayesha Rajah - Managing Director of A & I Importers
Tebogi is a qualified Aesthetic Therapist of over 13 years. After developing an interest in skincare at a young age. I studied Somatology at the University of Johannesburg, along with various further aesthetic and laser courses. Upon finishing my traning I began working at a well-trained salon in Norwood and Fourways, then wentinto cosmetics and sales at L’oreal.
Rinus Le Roux - UCAN with Rinus. Born in a small town in the North West province. This small town inspired him to develop a big game mentality and he was motivated to find my place in the world at a young age. At age 13 he got to read a book by Richard Bach. The title of the book was Illusions. At the back of the book there was a quote that changed his life forever, ‘’here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is completed. If you are alive, it isn’t.” He knew he came to this planet to make a difference. He did not really fit into any mould and the only label he was willing to wear was the one of a “Thinker”. This label came with its own challenges in a world where left brain thinking was the order of the time. His dad’s warning, ‘’don’t think too much’’ was ignored at his own peril. After finishing school he completed a few tertiary qualifications from reputable institutions, but still he did not find his true calling and passion in life. During his time as a lecturer he found one half of his passion. The other half he found by a continuous searching, reading, exploring on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. He established his self mastery Institute in 1995, thereafter dedicating his life to development of world class Self Mastery concepts, programs and numerous books.
Kent Richards – Bangkok (Corporate Operations Director – Six Senses Spa Group) Born into a family of gym fitness fanatics, Kent Richards grew up in Durban, South Africa, following all the fitness trends of the 80’s and 90’s before finding himself in the middle of the global Spa and Wellness industry. After a career with 20 years in Fitness and 10 years in Spa, today Kent is Corporate Operations Director (Spa & Wellness) of Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas, based in Bangkok, Thailand, and responsible for over thirty spas across the globe. Hear what Kent sees in the industry from France to Fiji, the Pacific to Paris, and across the East while he highlights his hopes and fears for the Industry.
AWARDS: In addition, he is a 5th degree black belt and champion in karate. He utilises his expertise in this discipline when conducting national self-defense programmes and his flagship Breaking Through Barriers Team programme.
Marisa Dimitriadis - Founder and Managing Director Her industry experience catalyzed tha her to launch her first solely owned venture, The Spa Consultants, answering a need in the market for a turnkey consultancy to drive spa projects from the ground up. Today, they have successfully managed over 60 contracts in this space.
Tammy joined Six Senses as Director of Training for Spas in May 2018. She has over two decades of experience in the spa and wellness industry. Tammy has held management positions both locally and internationally, as well as consulted as an International Trainer in the global luxury spa segment. This offered her the opportunity to train in over 25 countries.
The onset of a global pandemic did not deter Marisa. This drove her to launch an online retail platform (Send me That) for spa’s and salons. This brings us 360 to Marisa’s latest project. Spa Professionals Guild is a GLOBAL online platform for ongoing business coaching and transformational management courses. The platform offers networking, bi-monthly group coaching sessions, templates, spreadsheets and systems of best practices that have been perfected over the last 20 years to help business owners run profitable and sustainable businesses and offer offer therapists an opportunity for growth, increased income and to be considered for promotion. Since launching in July 2020, it has attracted members from 19 different countries and growing weekly.
Tammy Dent – Director of Training, SIX SENSES SPAS
Ayesha Rajah is a somatologist who has been involved in the spa and skincare industry for over 20 years. She is the owner of Urban Bliss Wellness Spa in Emmarentia, previously owning and managing Aspira Aesthetic Spa in Hyde Park Shopping centre for 15 years. Managing director of A&I Importers, she facilitated training for 3 skincare brands namely, Phytomer, PRIORI and Skin Doctors. Her 3-year national diploma in Somatology from the University of Johannesburg was subsequently enhanced by several other courses to keep her up to date with the latest technology. She has a diploma in Blogging & Content Marketing and has contributed to various publications. This has led to Ayesha’s new venture, Social Medi8 which is a Social Media Marketing and Management company focused on the professional beauty industry. Ayesha has conceptualised a new consumer-based website called Beauty Warriors, which is like a Trip Advisor site for all things professional beauty related. She is passionate about imparting knowledge and empowerment and has presented at both international and local conferences. Ayesha also participated in the Global Mentorship Programme as a mentor for the professional skincare industry.
Marisa has been nominated for, and won, numerous industry Awards such as: Spa Ambassador, Entrepreneur Awards, Woman in Business and many more. Her values are INSPIRATION and DETERMINATION, and we can certainly see she lives up to that.
Shane Gopaul - Technical Director of ESP Connect Shane Gopaul is the long established Technical Director of ESP Connect Africa where he has had a long career of over a decade as the architect of the ESP Amazon Cloud he innovatively called “Nanoverse” 6 years ago. A term that has stuck and the likes of Facebook have only recently emulated with their rebranding to “Metaverse”. Shane believes in using technology and innovation to turn ideas into commercially viable realities for any modern business.
Tebogo Thoka - Founder of Fabu-Health Aesthetics / The Skin Whisperer
After some years I started my own business and found that therere was a gap in pigmentation treatments for ethinic skin types, and I started focusing on resultsdriven treatments on darker skin types. Following great feedbackand consistently high performance, I rapidly progressed into doing more invasion grade treatments. At the clinic, I offer professional services in a dedicated aesthetic environment with a huge variety of treatments available. I have always taken great pride in my work and make sure I am constantly updating my skills yo ensure my knowledge is up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques available. My goal is for clients to enjoy the experience in my clinic and leaving feeling completely satisfied and revitalised.
As a radio and television health expert he has inspired audiences on his own show called SHAPE YOUR LIFE, broadcast on DSTV. He also has a regular radio slots on numerous national and international radio stations. isRonald currently the driving force behind one of Africa's largest digital health engagement platforms called MyHealth360 and MyWell360, and syndicates digital content from South Africa to the world and giving access to health and wellbeing providers on a data free enabled platform.
Tammy is based in Cape Town and is largely responsible for the training in all Six Senses Spas, professional skincare product choices, as well as the creation of the menu of services for each spa.

ESP ON LINE ESP was established in 1994 and has always focused exclusively on the Salon and Spa industry with the objective of creating the most comprehensive management system available in the world. A system proudly developed in South Africa with our own hands and now used in over a thousand Salons, Spas and Wellness Centres throughout the world. At ESP we are simply passionate about being great and leave no stone unturned to ensure your satisfaction with our system. ESP’s dedicated team, with qualifications and experience including Computer Programming, Organizational Psychology, Business Information Systems, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy, Marketing, Accounting, Computer Hardware, and more, bring you a wide range of software products and services to meet the demands of your business. Contact Details: 086 099 4163 / AFRICOLOGY MINDFULLY MADE & CRUELTY-FREE
Contact Details: 011 791 info@africologyspa.com6890
Dr Denise Bjorkman is CEO of the Neuro Business Institute and the the founder of the SA Council of Coaches and Mentors
To achieve such a grand vision as bringing essential oils to the world required a team of dedicated people. This team would need to be made up of people dedicated to hard work, commitment, passion, and vision. That team has grown since its initial inception, but the mission remains the same—to provide essential oils that appeal to everyone from the novice to the expert, and that can be used safely on your loved 072 333 2464 /
Known as one of the top investment skincare brands in. South Africa, we are reliable in retaining advanced solutions that will suit your needs and exceed expectations. By being open to new concepts and doing extensive research in trusted procedures, we ensure that the fundamentals of younger looking skin are achieved.
RENEWAL is at the heart of our priorities as we grow with a fast changing environment. Where science meets nature, we seek the most effective active ingredients and at the same time, do our best to ensure a sustainable process.
EXPANSION is a constant and we develop by staying innovative and demanding the continuation of evolution in our products to ensure you have the best in care. In order to improve, change must be an ongoing process and we value combining that which works, with that which could work better.
For more informations: Tel: 011 312 7840
PERFECTION is a steady state with SIX so we ensure time, effort and care are placed within all our products so that standards are upheld. With ongoing training, care in customer service and results-driven products, we expect nothing less than spotlessness, therefore at SIX, it is in our DNA to strive for flawless results.
The meaning behind do¯TERRA: Founded in 2008, doTERRA was built on the mission of sharing therapeutic-grade essential oils with the world. Having seen for themselves the incredible benefits that can be had from using these precious resources, a group of health-care and business professionals set out to make this mission a reality. They formed a company and named it doTERRA, a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the Earth.”
• Rooted in education - Our product line grew out of a desire to provide skin therapists with best-in-class skin care products and education. We provide skillsbased training for a global community of skin therapists who have one common goal: to ensure healthy skin for all.
With combined life careers as author, mental health practitioner, neuroscientist, DNA profiler, broadcaster, and social scientist, she has been an advisor to 4 heads of state, corporate executive boards, the wellness industry, management, parents, and individuals in 16 countries for 40 years. She was described by the Sunday Times as one of the leading speakers in the country. As an opinion leader she has been a regular media commentator for the British and local press, leading magazines, the BBC, SKY, ABC, ITN, Al Jazeera, ENCA, SABC and CNN on character profiling, health, elections, body language and major criminal trials. She is a global authority on why touch and the skin plays a critical role for mental health, survival, longevity, memory, and a boosted immune system particularly now in times of and despite COVID. She served as an advisor to heads of state at CODESA , the Gender Advisory Commission and the Multiparty Talks. She had her own TV programme on animal versus human body language. With social media proven negative effects on the human brain and mental health the aesthetic industry with all its services, can help to fill the gap with long lasting health, mind, and body benefits.
SIX SKINCARE Like the Nautilus Shell, @sixskincare has been designed with perfection in mind. At the same time, we strive for expansion and renewal in a way that not only keeps up with the latest in the industry but also creates stability in maintaining its excellence.
Professional-grade skin care since 1986 - @dermalogicasa was founded by a skin therapist, so we know how to create custom skin care solutions that work – not just today, but for life. We offer professional-grade skin care education, products, and services to skin therapists and customers alike.
Speakers 2022 SpaConferenceSponsors
The first hurdle to overcome, however, was to establish a standard of quality in an industry that had never had one. It wasn’t enough to simply provide essential oils to homes around the world; the doTERRA founders were committed to providing only the highest quality and purest essential oils so that families could know with surety that they were using only the best to promote health and wellness for their loved ones. This commitment lead to the creation of a new standard of therapeutic quality: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®.
With a wholehearted approach to conscious cosmetics, Africology honours the delicate interaction between the various systems in the body’s biology. Considered the holy grail in wellness, we are built on a firm foundation with a history of holistic healing. Making Africology the leading natural and eco-friendly spa brand in South Africa. An ethical brand committed to fair-trade, while respecting the earth and supporting local communities. All products are 100% natural and bio-degradable which benefits your body and mind as well as the environment. Africology takes its inspiration from healing powers of nature, that nurtures and nourishes with infusions of bioidentical active ingredients. Never tested on animals and mostly focused on protecting the earth as much as they do the skin. We are unwavering in the pursuit of our green agenda and honour every opportunity to celebrate Earth’s essence, along with the abundance it manifests. We all have a collective responsibility to care for the planet, and one of the ways Africology chooses to do this, is by inviting you to be part of the positive change and join our Green Tribe.
• Personalized skin care - We create highly customized regimens and services for every individual, because we know that no two skin conditions are the same. Our products work best when they are recommended by a professional skin therapist for your unique skin. Whatever your lifestyle, background or environment, rest assured that Dermalogica will work for you.
Contactones.details: Lezanne Shone Tel:

For more information: Tel: 011 880 3850
ESSE SKINCARE - #rewildyourskin Microbiome skincare is a science Optimal skin condition depends on the probiotic microbes living on and in it. Without microbes, your skin can’t perform its basic functions and the rate of skin ageing increases sharply. Esse Skincare exists to keep it at its wild best. Esse Skincare uses organic biotechnology to create an environment on skin that favours the growth of beneficial microbes, allowing your natural microbial diversity to return. Our products feature probiotics and prebiotics in organic formulations that help restore balance.
For more information: Tel: +27 (0)33 212 3506 email: Instagram:Facebook:info@esseskincare.com
For more information:
SpaConferenceSponsors 2022
Thalgo La Beaute Marine is one of the leading marine based cosmetic brand in the World. THALGO’s Holistic Vision of Beauty combines Efficacy and Well-Being
For more information: Tel: 083 460 1217 / Email:
THALGO is represented in over 90 countries worldwide, providing a strong international presence in over 500 Prestigious Hotel Spas.
MATSIMELA - HOME SPA MatsiMela Home Spa offers take-home Body Care products that are a feast for the senses. Pure indulgence in the form of Body Butters, Salt Scrubs, Sugar Scrubs, Hand and Nail Treatments, Massage Oils and so much more. We supply to Salons and Spas, as well as direct to the public. Our gifting range is ideal for any occasion.
Our Professional Way: Our activity focused on trying to obtain maximum efficiency formulations, to meet the high standards of professional skincare.
CSpa Aroma Wellness
Made in Africa for Africa, is committed to protecting the environment and leaving a lasting and sustainable beauty legacy for future generations. With eco-friendly and recyclable packaging, CSpa Aroma Wellness ensures that the impact on the environment is minimised. The “clean formulation” based products are free of toxins, with naturally sourced ingredients.
For more information: Tel: 021
Our Personal Determination: Since 1992, science has changed dramatically and the beauty industry today has to meet particularly demanding requirements. We continue and persevere as passionately as before in trying to find the next formula, the next formulation, the next innovation.
For more information: Tel: 011 880 3850
/ email: JULIETTE
The introduction of vitamin A to skincare formulations was a ground-breaking development, first successfully included in cosmetic products by top plastic surgeon, skincare pioneer and Environ founder Dr Des Fernandes. His sister, and Environ’s Group Director Val Carstens has built the brand from a dream to a global success. Today the brand has over 140 products in more than 70 countries. Environ has received over 100 international awards which have recognised the brand for its outstanding products, most recently being awarded the Best Medical Skin Care in USA for the fifth consecutive year. Environ is favoured by international skin care therapists, the medical fraternity, beauty editors, aestheticians and film stars. 931 3721 ARMAND - The Personal Professional Skincare Personal Start: Juliette Armand was established in 1992, when chemists Ioulia Armagou and Michalis Papaefstratiou decided to become involved in the beauty industry, to explore new formulas and to present their personal values to laboratories.That is how Juliette Armand, The Personal Professional Skincare came into being, to create innovative cosmetics, based on scientific research.
Thalgo’s new ranges consist of marine active ingredients and neutral bases which are free of parabens, mineral oils, ingredients of animal origin, silicones or phenoxyethanol. This is part of the Clean Beauty Pact. Thalgo’s packaging has also been altered for a more eco-friendly design, where primary containers are chosen for their recyclability and themselves made of recycled materials.
THE HARVEST TABLE - Ancient Wisdom, Today's Nourishment. The Harvest Table believes in making good nutrition simple so you no longer need to choose between health and convenience. Passionate about educating and empowering their customers, The Harvest Table are here to partner with you on your journey to health and wholeness. All products come with the guarantee of being 100% pure. That means no added fillers, flavourants, preservatives or additives.
Our Professional Reputation: Internationally the Juliette Armand brand name and the Elements, Skin Boosters, Sunfilm and Ameson series have gained a strong position at beauty centres and are already present in more than 40 countries.
With over 50 years of history, the luxury brand Thalgo is investing in fundamental marine research, challenging the frontiers of aesthetic medicine and marine intelligence. Each Thalgo product is a genuine concentrate of marine effectiveness, created according to stringent standards of performance, total affinity with the skin and an ultimate sensory experience to offer Professional Excellence to the user. Led by science and marine research, performance and excellence stand at the core of each of Thalgo’s creations
CSpa Aroma Wellness stems from a desire to provide African-inspired sensorial, luxurious treatments at affordable prices to ensure every person can embrace the spa/salon experience. CSpa Aroma Wellness offers FACE and BODY ranges to provide each client with a full wellness experience for both in-salon and homecare.
For more information: Tel: 031 701 1200 / email:
Our Professional Investment: Thanks to our success, our company now owns a vertical production unit in Athens, located at a state-of-the-art facility. We have invested in advanced technological equipment and highly trained personnel, and have obtained international certifications based on stringent standards.
THALGO: La Beaute Marine
• Human touch - We believe in the power of human touch, which radiates through our hands, our voice, and our intentions. It’s how we connect with people and form a unique, lasting bond • Our commitment to sustainability - We are certified cruelty-free, gluten-free, and vegan. We have been clean since 1986. Our formulas are free of artificial colours and fragrances, mineral oil, lanolin, S.D. alcohol, parabens and microplastics. All paper and cartons we use are FSC certified to be sustainable for forests. For more information: Tel: 011 268 0018 / ENVIRON @environskincaresa is a globally recognised and loved professional skin care brand that is built on science, beauty and care. Since 1990, Environ has used the science of beauty to change the way the world sees skin care.
CSpa Aroma Wellness is the new generation aroma wellness inspired by the beauty of nature. A blend of aroma purist principles partnered with modern aromatherapy applications allow for a truly olfactory experience.

Don Genders, CEO of Design for Leisure, specialists in commercial hydrothermal design and builds, says, "A revival, and greater appreciation of communal bathing has been taking place across the globe as people turn to authentic, traditional and, crucially, evidence-based wellness practices that also offer the opportunity to connect with like-minded people in a safe social setting. We've only seen this trend growing as we come out of the pandemic."
Wellness-at-Home Goes BIG For those that can afford it, bringing 5-star bathing features into the home is becoming a real thing.
Cold Makes a Comeback, Especially Snow Call it the "Wim Hof effect" or the popularizing of cryotherapy, but we're seeing both residential and commercial wellness embracing the benefits of cooling down. Proper hydrothermal bathing is a cycle of "heat-cold-rest" repeated 2-3 times. Bathers first experience high heat (sauna, banya, steam room, etc.), followed by a cool down (cold shower, ice bath, snow room or plunge pool), then, importantly, a period of relaxation to stabilize body temperature. Why snow? Advances in indoor snow technology has made it easier for spas to introduce cold therapy. There's something so gentle, yet effective, about the cold therapy benefits of a snow room. Walking into a snow-filled room gives all the benefits of contrast therapy without the shocking, freezing wetness of a plunge pool (water conducts temperature more efficiently than air so 45 F water "feels" colder than air at 45 F). Snow rooms have the added benefit of being able to deeply inhale cold air into the lungs all year round - something that is great for respiratory health. Thinking "Outside the Building" The pandemic served as a reminder to all of the benefits of nature and fresh air. This appreciation of the great outdoors and biophilic design has made nature a highly sought-after feature in both residential and commercial bathing areas. Look for more creative uses of outdoor/garden spaces and watch as developers finally bring spas out of the basement and into the natural light. Another benefit of having easy access to fresh air is that, in some parts of the world, outdoor spaces can offer a natural cool down, eliminating the need for built cold features.
Hotels and resorts have long led the charge when it comes to creating beautiful, authentic hydrothermal bathing circuits, giving guests access to experiences they otherwise might be hard pressed to find anywhere else. This access has helped fuel an amazing amount of growth and exploration in hydrothermal bathing -- from Finnish saunas and Russian banyas to Turkish Hammams and Korean bath houses to mud bathing and thalassotherapy to Japanese onsens and Mayan temazcals and so much There'smore. just a plethora of amazing, often ritualistic ways, to cleanse and purify the body through sweat bathing, water, and cold temperatures - and today's consumers seems to want to discover them all.
Whereas previously, there might have been an appetite for a small sauna and maybe a steam shower, now homes are being outfitted as full-scale spas.
Social Sauna-ing - More Experiential/Accessible Sweat Bathing Many cultures attribute sauna use and contrast therapy with better sleep, stress reduction, detoxification, increased immunity, improved aerobic endurance and even happiness (the Finnish are some of the happiest people on earth). With medical studies pointing to clear benefits of sauna bathing, we're seeing the adoption of sauna (and other sweat bathing practices) on the rise, and, in some surprising "Floatingplaces. saunas are a mega-trend in north Europe with spas creating satellite wellness hubs designed to connect people with nature and as a way to offer private sauna experiences in delightfully unexpected places, often near a cold body of water for a natural cool down," said Lasse Eriksen, President, Norwegian Sauna Association.
Beyond Physical Wellness: Extolling Mental Health and Sleep Benefits "Mental wellness" and "sleep hygiene" have both become common concepts throughout the past few years as we collectively look for ways to stay positive and get enough ZZZs. Contrast therapy and hydrothermal bathing are self-care rituals that gently pamper and lull the body and mind into deep relaxation. Add a dash of nutrient-rich waters and the benefits are further magnified and can be targeted to treat various skin or health ailments. Throw in the communal act of sweating and detoxifying together brings a layer of connection and community to the act. All these attributes lead to reduced stress, increased feel-good hormones and even better sleep. Expect more studies and more focus on the less obvious benefits of hydrothermal bathing.
We're predicting a greater focus on holistic wellness in new and existing gyms and fitness centers. In a "post-pandemic" landscape, holistic wellness is arguably the biggest trend there is, and progressive gyms are evolving into new "social wellness clubs" that go beyond weightlifting and traditional exercise classes to include recovery stations and evidencebased communal bathing. The wellness benefits of regular sauna bathing, which, combined with cold therapy, is a great tool for reducing inflammation and muscle soreness, and is something gyms across the world are in a unique position to capitalize on both for members' overall wellness and as a positive impact on a club's bottom line.
Fitness Meets Wellness
Here's a look at the Global Wellness Institute's Hydrothermal Initiative's key trends for 2022. There's a renaissance of the centuries' old tradition of "communal bathing" occurring in cities across the world. Urban bathhouses in all shapes and sizes, featuring a wide diversity of rooms with varying temperatures - from saunas and banyas to steam rooms and hammams, as well as pools featuring local waters, be they minerally-enhanced, salt water, or naturally treated waters - are popping up to heal and comfort pandemic-weary cities across the globe.
Watch: Thermal Bathing More Popular Than Ever Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9014 spa business
There are many factors that make hydrothermal bathing so particularly relevant today. First, there's the evidence. These therapies have long been proven to protect against respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, improved immune system function, improved muscle recovery, pain detoxify, improved sleep, etc., etc. Secondly, it's a self-administered, touchless wellness experience that has tons of benefits - this means it's great for guests who are not yet ready for close contact AND it requires minimal staffing. Thirdly, when done right, hydrothermal bathing is a communal, soul rejoicing experience - something we all need a bit more of right now!
To keep pace with what today's wellness consumers expect and want - and to capitalize on the impressive 21% annual growth rate projected for wellness tourism through 2025, it's important to be aware of key trends in the sector's ever-evolving landscape.

In short: consumers are being more mindful of the mindful experiences they book when they travel. We are finding that consumers are still opting for outdoor adventure, beaches, and destinations where they can social distance but are now leaning toward bucket list destinations - destinations they have always wanted to go and now have the opportunity to explore with travel open again. Guests want privacy but personalization to their travel SunSweptexperiences.Resorts is perfectly primed to capitalize on these conversations - with our post covid programs, the bespoke nature of our offerings, as well as the beautiful island of St. Lucia that we are on. At SunSwept [BodyHoliday + Rendezvous Resorts], we have always believed that being in a state of wellness will never look the same for two people. Every individual's body and mind is different, as is their environment, life and lifestyle choices which are all factors influencing their lives. We know that achieving wellness means being in a healthy state of mind and body - but what does that look like exactly? There is a reason why the definition is so vague as you truly cannot define wellness.
Daily activities offered include tai chi, scuba diving, archery and Zumba. We actually introduced Pilates back in the mid 1990s before it became widely known. The idea is to provide getaways in a chooseyour-own-adventure style rather than a rigid itinerary. If wellness means not partaking in any physical activity and just sunbathing on the beach with a cocktail in hand, we offer that too.
Since opening in 1988 as one of the first destination spas in the world, we have made BodyHoliday a model for the wellness tourism industry. We were pioneers in weaving health into all aspects of a guests' stay and layering that with a program that improved the quality of their lives back home. With numerous acres on the beachfront, tropical scenery and rich history and cuisine, we knew the destination of St. Lucia's within itself was the perfect backdrop for any wellness experience. Then we added over a hundred different wellness offerings. Think: synchronized Abhyanga (two therapists giving an herbal oil massage) and other spa treatments - we actually include a complimentary daily spa treatment in the resort's all-inclusive rate.
A Wellness Renaissance:
We are hearing that hotels around the globe are adding wellness activities to their programming in this new landscape as demand for wellness has skyrocketed - stationary bikes offered in room, meditation and yoga added to the daily activities schedule. A traveler's decision to stay at a certain hotel or book a certain destination can often come down to its wellness offerings.
How The Travel Industry is Embracing The Wellness Focused Experience spa business
It is not unsurprising that following a global health crisis, consumer focus has shifted to health and wellness. Travel is undergoing a renaissance currently with those that have bunkered down for the last year anxious to get out again. Now, however, wellness travel is booming in the travel sphere with consumers looking for travel that heals. Rather than exploring experiences jam packed with tourist attractions, people are seeking vacations where they can work on their physical and mental wellness - wellness vacations that go far beyond a massage but offer more of a respite from life stresses.
By Andrew Barnard Chief Executive Officer, Sunswept Resorts
For our guests seeking restoration and rehabilitation, we created the Wellness Rehabilitation Program, a 360-degree journey where guests are empowered to immerse themselves in the four pillars of wellbeing -- relaxation, fitness, holistic nutrition and restoration. We have sourced dedicated practitioners
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9016
At BodyHoliday, we also offer themed months throughout the year to keep our programming innovative. Former Olympic athletes and professional athletes run monthly health and fitness programs based on themes such as sailing, yoga and swimming, and renowned dancers lead workshops and host themed dance nights. We have been reinventing wellness and what it means to our guests. When COVID took over, we had to take a step back and think about how this was going to impact us, our values and what we want out of life. For BodyHoliday, we chose to embrace the challenges this pandemic has caused for us and offer experience that would be able to help people cope and even escape those hardships.

Rendezvous was created to remind them of what connected them in the first place. StolenTime is an experience set in a boutique environment. At the end of their stay, guests feel reconnected and feel human again. It inspires busy people to reconnect and enrich their relationships through personalized, authentic and international experiences. Every guest interaction is infused with love, authenticity, attentiveness, empathy, care, passion, creativity, honesty and professionalism. By 2025, Rendezvous, as the resort that is dedicated to unparalleled human connections, will become the reference holiday for people to connect by delivering an amazing, authentic, personalized experience that brings people together in an atmosphere of care and Acamaraderie.vacationis meant to be a time to reset, indulge and bring you back to a place where you feel ready to take on your everyday life. Incorporating wellness into our vacation is not some trend that will come and go, but rather a pivot that is here to stay. Take back your vacations, use them as a time to refresh and reconnect with yourself and go places you have dreamed of seeing. Wellness is a multifaceted act - where one size doesn't fit all. Over the past two years, the definition of wellness has expanded to mean something different for everyone. For some, it can mean just taking a minute of meditation for yourself, getting in a workout, or laying on the beach with a cocktail. There is no wrong or right answer to wellness. The pandemic has changed the definition of the term - broadening the way we think about taking care of our mind, body and spirit, and how we take care of ourselves. The level to which customers are doing this has only just begun.
spa business
Placing focus on prevention over cure, our Boost Your Immunity Program identifies opportunities to boost immunity, targeting mental well-being, nutrition and fitness. With a foundation on restoration, fitness and holistic nutrition, this 5-day program includes a pre-arrival and departure consultation. Despite the corporate culture changing to a new, remote Work From Home environment, many are finding the work burnout to be greater than ever.
In addition to BodyHoliday, Sunswept Resorts also includes sister property Rendezvous, our adults only resort only a short drive from BodyHoliday - the ultimate beach vacation for individuals looking to reconnect with each other and stealing back time for each other. The New York Times recently reported that sexual wellness is one of the fastest growing facets within the wellness industry with couples yearning for tools for greater couple satisfaction. Post pandemic, we decided to rebrand Rendezvous and rethink the concept of it being a "couples-only" resort. Until 2022, the resort had been a dedicated sanctuary for couples, providing the opportunity for couples to connect with each other. Now, the concept has been evolved to provide StolenTime to everyone.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9018 who tailor each guest's wellness path to their unique goals, with activities and treatments including Pilates, tai chi, Ayurvedic treatments, chanting, and Bhutanese healing and osteopathy.
StolenTime provides a customized and authentic holiday experience for the traveler, in an atmosphere of comfort, intimacy and casual elegance. It allows modern-day travelers, who struggle to find quality time in their pressured everyday life, to steal time away and reconnect. The team offer first class service and an atmosphere of camaraderie, where guests are treated as houseguests, with a high touch approach to personalized service and care. The way guests are treated and cared for will be an unforgettable experience, not just a friendly one.
Created for burned-out corporate executives, the Corporate Well-being Program, a thoughtfully curated package emphasizes mental well-being. Available to individuals and groups of colleagues, this program aims to help executives rebalance restored through nine focus areas including fitness, holistic nutrition and restoration. We are excited for these new wellness initiatives and hope we are able to give our guests a relaxing and restorative experience at BodyHoliday. We have also just opened the new stunning Villa Hibiscus to meet the demand of offering guests more exclusive private accommodations.
The COVID Convalescence Program was developed with Covid-19 survivors in mind. This non-medical program targets and strengthens the respiratory system to aid recovery and boost general respiratory health. We recommend this program as a 5-day retreat, with therapies ranging from meditation, yoga and Reiki to Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), hypnotherapy and osteopathy.
With millions of people contracting COVID the past two years and many still facing the side effects, we felt we couldn't leave that experience unnoticed.

4. Vitamin- and antioxidant-infused body treatments are a great way to get more of what our bodies need in ways other than ingestion. Most spas have facial and body masks loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can be absorbed through the skin for a much-needed boost.
1. Intentional meditation lowers the rate at which one breathes (since it is focused and controlled), which in turn lowers heart rate. There are specific techniques which have proven to be effective in achieving these results, so consider taking a guided meditation or yoga class. If at home, turn off all technology, find a quiet and comfortable space, pay attention to posture, relax, and focus your attention on your breathing. In return, you'll reap the many rewards that come from mindful practice.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques
The best spas offer so much more than a massage.
6. Stretching doesn't have to be confined to the few minutes before and after your workout. Stretching warms up cold muscles and with regular stretching sessions you'll notice an increase in flexibility. Consider taking a stretching class where trained instructors teach the art of stretching properly to ensure maximum benefits.
5. Get some fresh air. Getting enough time outside is not always easy since office jobs and other indoor responsibilities take up many precious daylight hours. Spending just 15 minutes a day in the sunshine is adequate to get enough Vitamin D. With that being said, Vitamin D deficiency is surprisingly nearly universal, despite it being an essential vitamin. For a complete mind-body balance treatment, opt for activities you can do outside such as outdoor yoga, hiking or nature walks, or even water aerobics.
7. Inquire about food options and try incorporating a healthy meal into your spa day. A delicious, healthy meal may be just what you need to spark a renewed interest in nutrition!
Many of us are experiencing increased levels of stress and anxiety due to the recent change in how we move about our daily life. Ask any mental health expert and the answer is the same: stress, anxiety, and depression have increased exponentially, and are a side effect of the fear and isolation brough on by the Thankfully,pandemic.mostrestrictions and mandates have been lifted, and now more than ever, wellness is on our collective mind. As industry experts on health and wellness, spa professionals are in a prime position to give much needed mind-body balance to guests via spa treatments, wellness events, and general Expertseducation.inthe spa profession and medical field alike have been telling us for decades that our physical health has a profound and direct impact on our mental health. The fact that these two aspects of our well-being are heavily dependent on each other has most certainly become apparent and is now finally finding general acceptance among the public.
The other big trend we've noticed seems to stem from people being asked to neglect the basic human need for touch, and guests are ready to feel pampered and cared for again. We've seen an increase in hotel guests who don't normally visit the spa, but are interested in what we offer and are asking for health and wellness advice from spa professionals.
Our spa, Spa Shiki at The Lodge of Four Seasons in Lake Ozark, has seen a noticeable trend in bookings and treatment requests. More than ever before, guests are asking about services that go beyond simply beauty-focused and even beyond general relaxation-focused such as a Swedish massage, for example. Although relaxation and looking one's best play an undeniable role in overall wellness, guests are seeking treatments that are tailored to them. Custom facials and sports massages, for example, are geared to each individual client's personal needs.
3.When visiting the spa, don't forget about the incredible benefits of water . Most spas have whirlpools and steam rooms where guests can linger pre- or post-treatment. Make sure you ask a spa professional about the many benefits hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold) circuits, whirlpool soaks, and steam room sessions. Dry (or even better, infrared) saunas are also a great way to relieve muscle tension, as well as overall detoxification.
When evaluating your hotel spa's treatment menu for changes, take into consideration the current need and demand for personalized treatments geared towards whole-body wellness. It's likely time to get creative and either expand or alter what you currently offer to ensure you can meet guests mental and physical needs.
Education Surrounding General Well-Being
Spa Shiki at The Lodge of Four Seasons delivers a world-class spa experience on the shores of Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks. Spa Shiki's theme was chosen in honor of Harold Koplar, founder of The Lodge of Four Seasons, who had a passion for Asian culture. The word "shiki" means "four seasons" in Japanese and is a reflection of the resort's style and mission. A beautiful Japanese garden complete with koi ponds burst of changing colors during each season, bringing tranquility to each visiting guest. The Japanese garden was created by Buffy Murai who was the landscape architect and caretaker at the Lodge for over 30 years. These traditions carry on today and offer a beautiful backdrop that fits right in to the warm and inviting experience.
By Jessica Smith Spa Director, Spa Shiki
Treatment Booking Trends
Whole Body Wellness Treatments no’90 spa business
Our spa goes by simple, yet tried-and-true, wellness advice that goes back well before the beginning of the pandemic. We believe it's our responsibility to educate our guests, including showing them a handful of stretches they can do to alleviate pain, introducing them to a skincare product to help problematic skin, and everything in-between. Below find examples of this. Keep in mind the intended audience of the list below is the customer; spa and hotel managers may be inspired by the contents to add services or even re-purpose rooms to accommodate increasing demand nation-wide.
2. The 'busyness' demanded by today's culture has had many of us on-the-go much more than is recommended. It's imperative to our mental health that we make time daily to stop, take a deep breath, and remain thankful for our blessings – even during the most stressful of days. Spending time to reflect about the good things in life is vital to our overall mood and mental well-being.

On a macro scale, even established institutions and designers are looking toward opportunities to expand their knowledge base and incorporate wellness into design; for this exact reason, the US Green Building Council's (USGBC) created the International WELL Building Institute, which oversees the WELL AP certification. WELL functions as a "performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind." In alignment with LEED, the WELL standard maintains that buildings that minimize impact on our environment can both seamlessly and simultaneously advance human wellness. Applicable for both renovations and new construction, the WELL standard provides a step-by-step guideline for buildings, including hotels, undertaking development efforts to integrate wellness into the fabric of the building.
For New Yorkers, Equinox has been synonymous with luxury fitness since the 1990s. In the 2010s, the industry witnessed Equinox expand further into
When conceived as a living system, these concepts provide a guideline to enable designers and developers alike to craft "people-first spaces, " and there is perhaps no hotel brand that has exemplified this interconnectivity than Equinox.
Beyond The Spa: Cultivating Wellness in Hotels spa business
Christina Hart, Principal at hospitality design firm StudioPartnership, leads an interiors group with multiple WELL-certified designers. In discussing the incorporation of holistic wellness into their designs, Hart noted that, "for StudioPartnership, wellness goes from the micro to the macro. To effect largescale change for the betterment of our world, climate change for good, and betterment of community, for inclusion and social equity, Studio Partnership not only uses, but looks beyond WELL product labels. We look to engage the community when designing in a new build or renovation to bring social wellness to the locale. Sustainable materials are no longer enough. We need to go much further and engage the Foundedworld."on equitable, global, evidence-based, technically-robust, customer-focused, and resilient principles, the WELL credentials expand beyond the seven SPECIES categories to celebrate ten interconnected, core concepts: air, water, nourishment, light, movement, thermal comfort, sound, materials, mind, community, and innovation.
From Hilton's Five Feet of Fitness © to Yotel's in-room Peloton © bikes to EVEN by IHG's streaming classes, the past decade has seen hotels capitalize on every opportunity to put fitness at guests' fingertips; however, as the need for fitness amenities is expanding into a desire for holistic wellness amenities, how are hotels responding? While established brands like Hyatt have provided ondemand fitness, mindfulness, and meditation videos, newer brands like Equinox are crafting their entire concept around wellness.
The seven dimensions of wellness are often referred to by the acronym SPECIES, representing the spiritual, physical, emotional, career (vocational), intellectual, environmental, and social aspects of wellness. Hotels have progressed from incorporating standard fitness centers and predictable spa treatments to cultivating spaces for the different areas of wellness to bloom and thrive. Consequently, this is pervasive within every facet of the industry, from design to purchasing to the development of new brands to better meet the consumer demand and innate desire for wellItbeing.could be argued that effective hospitality design boils down to providing an inclusive, welcoming place that caters toward consumer demand.
By By Shannon Seay Project Director, H-CPM
Environmental wellness may look like an adjacency to open spaces, local park clean-ups, guided nature walks, etc. The plethora of programmatic opportunities is overwhelming, and the beauty of the wellness categories is that they exist as overlapping Venn diagrams; in elevating one area of wellness, people are able to elevate others as well. So, how does this impact hospitality design? Where, how, and why do designers focus on wellness in hotels?
Spiritual and Emotional wellness may be manifested within dedicated meditation or nondenominational worship spaces; whereas, Physical wellness may unfold in unique partnerships with local hiking groups, rock climbing gyms, or yoga studios.
Emerging from standard fitness centers and resort spas, wellness amenities and programmatic design considerations have evolved to fuel consumer demand while addressing each SPECIES category. Programmatic opportunities are seemingly limitless, but SPECIES-driven wellness programming may look like:
What is Wellness?
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9022
In an era when trending hashtags include #selfcare, #burnout, and #riseandgrind, have you ever heard someone say, "I wish I was less healthy" or "I wish I felt worse?" Of course not. Modern day society preaches health and wellness via every form of communication and marketing imaginable; the hospitality industry, of course, bears no exception, and contemporary development undertakings are diverting resources to explore health and wellness within Business,hotels.leisure, and the newly-dubbed bleisure travelers are seeking opportunities to incorporate wellness into their routines and subsequently, are looking for hotels offering elevated wellness amenities. Regardless of an overnight or extended stay, the contemporary traveler wants to know how their holistic wellness is improving while a hotel guest, and they are willing to pay for it.
Design Meets WELL
Intellectual and Career wellness may be cultivated in connective public spaces or partnerships with local lecture series, fireside chats, libraries, etc.; similarly, Social wellness could be fostered within hotel happy hours, group fitness activities, collective worship, or a beach clean-up.
Branded Case Study: Equinox Hotels

It was Mahatma Gandhi who noted, "It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver," and that perhaps served as inspiration when Accor titled its new brand podcast, "Health to Wealth."
One of the earlier brands to explore wellness beyond the property level, and as a brand arguably most renowned for its luxury-tier properties, Accor and its "Live Limitless" program certainly uphold the namesake as properties around the globe provide unique wellness opportunities, such as the ice skating and hockey at the Fairmont Lake Louise in Alberta, InCanada.theirpodcast, the Accor team is moving beyond wellness at the individual property level to explore all aspects of wellness and holistic health; the podcast ranges from interviews with the notorious "iceman," Wim Hof, to nutritious cooking discussions with accomplished chefs such as Nutrition Network founder, Kate Cook. In creating the podcast, Accor has expanded the limits of what wellness within hospitality can mean; by fostering cross-industry discussions and providing entertainment for guests who may or may not be staying at the property, Accor is establishing a new direction for hospitality's reach.
Conclusion: Wellness as #selflove Richter defined wellness as "an unapologetic state of self-love," and as we look ahead, we must ask ourselves how we create places that foster this love, inside and out. As hoteliers envision how the industry will continue to evolve, they can anticipate further investment into wellness resources that provide a holistically healthy atmosphere for gues¬ts and employees alike.¬ In creating inclusive, welcoming hotels focused on wellness, the industry is crafting a community with clear, unapologetic values.
In terms of shared amenities, guests can arrange for elevated spa services such as cryotherapy, sound and harmonic resonance therapy, personal training, health consultations, and an appointment for a registered nurse to come to a guestroom and insert a vitamin IV drip. Atop access to one of the brand's token premier fitness clubs, guests can also enjoy the rooftop pool, indoor saltwater lap pool, two plunge pools, and an enclosed, outdoor sauna with an unbelievable view.
Procurement agents are offered an intimate perspective into the industry's development priorities when they purchase the materials that fill hotels; from higher quality bedding and precise blackout window treatments to foster restorative sleep, to decorative lighting with preset scenes for each mood, procurement agents are seeing shifts in purchasing patterns and priorities. This is perhaps most evident in the rise of luxury fitness equipment; while TRX bands may have dominated fitness centers in the '00s, luxury fitness FF&E brands like Pent Fitness, WaterRower, NOHRD, and Peloton are becoming more prominent each and every year.
As anticipated, the movement toward wellness comes at a cost, and asset managers across the globe are working to assess the ROI of these changes. Chesek elaborated, "While we do see some furnishings driving the wellness component, there is always the need to weigh investment vs return. The use of sustainable materials in products is a part of wellness and can impact decisions on product selection. This is becoming more and more relevant on the OS&E side, as you may see in bamboo linens or terry and locally sourced organic soaps, etc."
As new construction and PIP-driven renovations abound, developers are distributing resources to evaluate which amenities and purchases warrant the higher price tag; if conceptually-correlated trends such as experiential travel and voluntourism continue to expand, it is hard to imagine that wellness-driven development will lose momentum anytime soon. Accor Opens the Conversation with Health to Wealth
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9024 the hospitality space and cater toward holistic wellness each and every moment that a guest is within the hotel. When Equinox's Hudson Yards location premiered in 2019, Conde Nast referred to it as "a home to a space dedicated to all things wellness, " and that is reflective of Equinox's aim to create a space "for those who rest and play as hard as they work, for those who seek a place that matches the scale of their ambitions and a space to restore and regenerate."
spa business
Jennifer Chesek, Beyer Brown's Vice President of Hospitality and Senior Living, has had a front row seat to the change in purchasing priorities: "Wellness in hospitality design certainly has momentum. It is increasingly visible both in the property and furnishing designs. As experiential travel becomes the latest buzz, wellness is becoming a bigger part of both the hotel (additional outdoor spaces, more fitness areas) and the hotel's program design (mind, body, spirit wellness). In luxury, lifestyle, and boutique hotels, we've seen the rise of biophilic design enter into the interior spaces, furthering a connectivity to nature."
At the creative helm of this wellness ship is Aaron Richter, Senior Vice President of Design for Equinox. Richter notes that Equinox's clientele is often one that already prioritizes holistic wellness, and is looking for a hotel that augments an already highperformance lifestyle: "We have built an ecosystem of programming and physical space that puts emphasis on our three pillars of wellness; Movement, Nutrition and Recovery." In considering the competition, Richter believes that Equinox's unique ability to craft wellness from a tabula rasa elevates their concept above other hotels attempting to upgrade their product via renovation: "I see [the industry's] response as patchwork of rebranding existing properties and offerings to be 'wellness' focused. Even new product is essentially the old program with an expanded hotel gym or spa…the customer, however, can recognize lipstick on a pig. We have the distinct advantage of being 30 years in the industry of wellness and are often building from scratch. So, we don't have the issue of trying to reposition existing assets with new thinking." In designing their flagship hotel, Richter highlighted that, "Overall well-being is manifested in every touch point [of the hotel]. Our rooms are engineered to provide the longest deep sleep possible. This touches on lighting, acoustics, temperature, bed construction, linens, and many others." Across their 213 keys, many offer 180-degree views over the Hudson River, which can also be easily shielded if guests utilize the room tablet to shift into "dark, quiet, cool" mode, which draws blackout window treatments while cooling the room to the optimal sleep temperature of 66 degrees. Guests enjoy temperature-regulating bedding while they sleep or perhaps while they enjoy the 150+ free publications available for reading or the nutritious options on the room service menu. Complementing the in-room menu, tenant restaurant, Electric Lemon, provides a clean-eating approach to nutrition; though guests do still have the opportunity to enjoy decadent cocktails, if desired.
Procurement Trends: What Are We Buying for Hotel #selfcare?

People often present themselves in a particular way in order to belong to a specific social group. For example, a new member of a high school sports team might adopt the dress and mannerisms of the other members of the team in order to fit in with the rest of the group.
Our need to belong is what drives us to seek out stable, long-lasting relationships with other people? It also motivates us to participate in social activities such as clubs, sports teams, religious groups, and community organizations.
social psychology, the need to belong is an intrinsic motivation to affiliate with others and be socially accepted.1 This need plays a role in a number of social phenomena such as self-presentation and social comparison
The need to belong, also known as belongingness, refers to a human emotional need to affiliate with and be accepted by members of a group. This may include the need to belong to a peer group at school, to be accepted by co-workers, to be part of an athletic team, or to be part of a religious group.
Sense of Belonging in Action
The need to belong to a group also can lead to changes in behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes as people strive to conform to the standards and norms of the Ingroup.
• Pop culture interests
In Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, belongingness is part of one of his major needs that motivate human behavior. The hierarchy is usually portrayed as a pyramid, with more basic needs at the base and more complex needs near the peak. The need for love and belonging lie at the center of the pyramid as part of the social needs?
There are steps you (or a loved one who is struggling) can take to increase sense of belonging.
What inspires people to seek out specific groups? In many cases, the need to belong to certain social groups results from sharing some point of commonality. For example, teens who share the same taste in clothing, music, and other interests might seek each other out to form friendships. Other factors that can lead individuals to seek out groups include:
• Religious beliefs • Shared goals • Socioeconomic status
By belonging to a group, we feel as if we are a part of something bigger and more important than ourselves.While Maslow suggested that these needs were less important than the physiological and safety needs, he believed that the need for belonging helped people to experience companionship and acceptance through family, friends, and other relationships.
People also spend a great deal of time comparing themselves to other members of the group in order to determine how well they fit in. This social comparison might lead an individual to adopt some of the same behaviors and attitudes of the most prominent members of the group in order to conform and gain greater acceptance.
Increase Your Sense of Belonging
A sense of belonging involves more than simply being acquainted with other people. It is centered on gaining acceptance, attention, and support from members of the group as well as providing the same attention to other members.
• Be patient. It might take time to gain acceptance, attention, and support from members of the group.
Effect of Belongingness
A 2020 study in college students found a positive link between a sense of belonging and greater happiness and overall well-being, as well as an overall reduction in the mental health outcomes including:
• Make an effort. Creating a sense of belonging takes effort, to put yourself out there, seek out activities and groups of people with whom you have common interests, and engage with others.
• Practice acceptance. Focus on the similarities, not the differences, that connect you to others, and remain open to new ways of thinking. Is a Sense of Belonging?
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9026 spa business

The AromaTouch Technique® by doTERRA
•requirements.AromaTouch• Balance •
“The AromaTouch Technique was developed to maximize the benefits of essential oils. Its powerful benefits can be effectively delivered equally well by both the novice essential oil enthusiast and the professional health practitioner.”
- Dr. David K. Hill
The AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oil to the back and feet. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties.
The AromaTouch Protocol® The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique are doTERRA Balance®, Lavender, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), doTERRA On Guard®, AromaTouch®, Deep Blue®, Wild Orange, and Peppermint. As Dr. Hill developed the AromaTouch Technique, he tried many different combinations of essential oils to create positive benefits and the perfect aromatic profile. These eight oils, as they are layered onto the body, are able to meet both of these important Deep Blue• Lavender On Guard• Peppermint Tea Tree Wild Orange
The AromaTouch Technique® Your body contains approximately 1,000 different genes that encode for odour receptors. Aroma is an important component of the AromaTouch Technique because it instantaneously prompts powerful emotional responses. As research has exhibited, activating your olfactory system can direct your mind to specific memories, relax you, and help create a close connection with whomever you are sharing the experience.
Have you ever wondered how walking through an orange grove can immediately induce powerful memories of your childhood? Or how the faint aroma of cinnamon can remind you of mom's Sundaymorning cinnamon rolls-even 30 years later? It's basic human biology. There is a direct connection

AromaTouch Technique® Movements
Physical touch is as important to the AromaTouch Technique as the aroma itself because of its ability to soothe the body and bring people together. While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the AromaTouch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax. The AromaTouch Technique is all about creating an emotional connection and the science behind that connection is as validated as it is compelling. Tactile communication is our first form of communication. We begin receiving tactile signals in the womb, and then touch plays a critical role in parent-child relationships. It is, in essence, the first sense we acquire and it is astonishingly effective. In recent studies, researchers have shown that emotional communication is very effective through touch, nearly as effective as words and facial cues. Not only is touch able to communicate the tone of emotion, but it may also allow for precise differentiation between types of emotion. With voice and facial cues, we can identify just one or two positive signals that are not confused with each other. Research has exhibited that touch can communicate multiple emotions-love, gratitude, sympathy, fear, anger - with astounding exactness. This effect isn't just limited to loved ones; another study found that touch communicates emotion nearly as effectively when it occurs between strangers. While our understanding of the mechanisms involved with touch and emotional messaging is still limited, we do know that it can be more effective than verbal communication in strengthening existing bonds and developing new ones. Along with the emotional component, gentle touch can also influence physiological responses in ways other communication simply cannot. Unlike massage, which involves powerful hand movements that are focused on specific outcomes (breakdown of muscular adhesions, stimulating the central nervous system, aiding recovery, etc.), the gentleness of an AromaTouch Technique has a much different spectrum of benefits. Tender touch almost instantaneously activates the release of oxytocin (often referred to as the “love” or “hug” hormone), decreases heart rate and blood pressure, and has a beneficial influence on multiple other stress-sensitive systems. Furthermore, the person initiating the contact generally experiences the same response as the person on the receiving end. Unlike a massage, the benefits of giving an AromaTouch Technique to someone can be just as powerful as receiving one.
When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are both pure and potent. Oils that are pure and potent are more effective and can assist better with individual needs. Unfortunately, many oils for purchase today are neither pure nor potent so altering the natural effectivity of an essential oil. When you purchase oils from doTERRA, you can have peace of mind knowing that the oils you receive are both pure and potent. To ensure such quality oils, doTERRA takes great care in growing and harvesting essential oil plants to produce the strongest potency. Once the plants have been distilled, their essential oils are then tested through the CPTG ® protocol for purity and potency, among other important qualities. If the oils pass these rigorous tests, the oils are sold as individual oils, in essential oil blends, or in essential oil products so that people all over the world can experience the profound and life-changing effects of high-quality essential oils.
The AromaTouch® Essential Oil Blend
As an important blend in the doTERRA AromaTouch Technique, the AromaTouch essential oil blend combines a unique group of oils to provide relaxing and comforting effects for the whole body. With the essentials oils of Peppermint, Cypress, Basil, Grapefruit, Marjoram, and Lavender, this blend is the ultimate oil for massages as it can help lessen tension and provide a soothing sensation that will aid in the effectivity of any massage experience.
sponsored advertorial between your nose and your brain's emotional control center: the limbic system. This is due to the amazing olfactory bulb, a neural structure in the forebrain that sends input to the amygdala. In short, information from your nose goes directly to the limbic system, which controls mood, memory, and emotions. Your body also contains far more receptors associated with smell (over 1,000) than it does for any other sense. Due to this, you are capable of discerning countless aromas-many of which you may not even be able to describe-with amazing sensitivity and accuracy. Human biology has made the olfactory system the most subtle, yet effective, means to induce specific and distinct responses. This is one of the reason why essential oils can be so powerful in influencing well-being.
The AromaTouch Esential Blend or AromaTouch Kit can only be bought through a registered DoTerra Consultant.
Lezanne Shone Contact Details: Tel: 072 333 2464 Email: or visit:
Intagram: @shonelezanne
The clean, fresh, and minty fragrance of AromaTouch oil gives an additional aromatic boost to all AromaTouch massages.

For Shiota, the possibilities are as infinite as the universe.
Last, but not least, are the enormous benefits for our mental health. Like the boosts to our generosity, this comes from the shrunken sense of self, which seems to reduce ruminative thinking. This is potentially very important, since rumination is a known risk factor for depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9030 The Sense
Little Earthquakes Michelle Shiota, a professor of social psychology at Arizona State University, was one of the early pioneers to discover the benefits of awe. She has a particular interest in the ways it can remove our “mental filters” to encourage more flexible thinking. Consider memory. If someone tells us a story, we typically remember what we think we should have heard, rather than the specific details of the event. This can mean that we miss unexpected or unusual elements that add much-needed clarity and specificity to what happened. We may even form false memories for events that did not happen, but which we assume are likely to have occurred in that kind of situation.
The participants then rated the extent to which they agreed with four statements, such as “I feel the presence of something greater than myself” and “I feel small and insignificant”. Finally, they took part in an experiment known as the “dictator game”, in which they were given a resource – in this case, 10 raffle tickets for a $100 gift voucher – that they could choose to share with a partner, if they so wished.
When we feel wonder at something truly incredible and grand, “we perceive ourselves as smaller and less significant in relation to the rest of the world" A few years ago, Shiota decided to test whether eliciting a feeling of awe could prevent this from occurring. She first asked the participants to view one of three videos:
The experiences of awe have a far greater impact long-term wellbeing, compared to contentment, amusement, gratitude, joy and pride. Awesome or Awful?
“The capacity to step outside of ourselves is a really valuable skill,” says Kross. While he finds walking in his local arboretum, and thoughts about space travel, to bring the necessary feelings of wonder and reverential respect, he suggests that we will all have our personal preferences. “Try to identify what your own triggers are,” he suggests.
The feelings of awe produced a significant change in their generosity, increasing the number of tickets that the participants shared with their partners. Through subsequent statistical analyses, the researchers were able to show that this came through the changes to the sense of self. The smaller the participants felt, the more generous they were.
In general, however, the benefits of awe are worth considering whenever we feel that our thinking has become stuck in an unproductive or unhealthy groove.
“Stars in the night sky remind us of the universe beyond our experience; the sound of the ocean reminds us of its enormous depths; vivid sunsets remind us how vast and thick the atmosphere surrounding our planet is,” she says. That’s not to mention the sublime experiences offered by music, film or art. “It's all about choosing to experience and attend to the extraordinary in our world, rather than that which is, for us, routine.”
Participants then listened to a five-minute story describing a couple going out for a romantic dinner and answered questions about what they had heard. Some of these questions concerned the things you would typically expect at any meal – “Did the waiter pour the wine?” – while others concerned atypical information, such as whether the waiter wore glasses. As Shiota had hypothesised, the participants who had seen the science film were more accurate at remembering the details of what they had heard than those who had seen the heart-warming or neutral films.
Whenever Ethan Kross finds himself in a mental rut of worrying and negative self-talk, he walks five blocks to his local arboretum and contemplates one of the magnificent trees in front of him, and the astonishing power of nature. If he can’t get to the arboretum, he spends a few moments thinking about the astonishing possibilities of aeroplanes and spacecraft.
“I think about how we went from struggling to start fires, just a few thousand years ago, to being able to land safely on another planet,” he says. The aim, in each case, is to evoke awe – which he defines as “the wonder that we feel when we encounter something that we can’t easily explain”.
Awe’s most transformative effects may concern the way we view ourselves. One consequence of this is greater altruism. “When I am less focused on myself, on my own goals and needs and the thoughts in my head, I have more bandwidth to notice you and what you may be experiencing.”
Kross’s habits are founded in scientific evidence. As a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, he knows feelings of awe can have a truly profound influence on the mind – enhancing our memory and creativity as well as inspiring us to act more altruistically to the people around us. It can also have a profound impact on our mental health, by allowing us to put our anxieties into perspective. Because most of us only experience awe sporadically, we remain unaware of its benefits. When we’re feeling down, we may be more likely to look for light relief in a comedy, for instance – seeking feelings of amusement that are not nearly so powerful. Yet generating awe can trigger a great mental shift, making it a potentially essential tool to improve our health and wellbeing. And there are many ways for us to cultivate the emotion in our daily lives.
The Attenborough Effect
To measure these effects, a team led by Paul Piff at the University of California, Irvine asked a third of their participants to watch a five-minute clip of the BBC’s Planet Earth series, composed of grand, sweeping shots of scenic vistas, mountains, plains, forests and canyon. (The rest watched a five-minute clip of funny animal videos, or a neutral video about DIY.)
About David Robson is a science writer and author based in London, UK. His latest book, The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life, was published on 6 January 2022 in the UK. of Awe
an awe-inspiring science film that took viewers on a journey from the outer cosmos to sub-atomic particles; a heart-warming film about a figure skater winning an Olympic gold medal; or a neutral film about the building of a cinder-block wall.
“You're often zoomed in so narrowly on the situation that you're not thinking about anything else,” says Kross, whose book Chatter explores the effects of this negative self-talk. Awe forces us to broaden our perspective, he says, so that we break free of the ruminative cycle of thinking.
By David Robson business
Intentionally seeking the feeling of awe can improve memory, boost creativity and relieve anxious rumination.
Gaining Perspective
Why would this be? Shiota points out the brain is constantly forming predictions of what will happen next; it uses its experiences to form mental stimulations that guide our perception, attention and behaviour. Awe-inspiring experiences – with their sense of grandeur, wonder and amazement – may confound those expectations, creating a “little earthquake” in the mind that causes the brain to reassess its assumptions and to pay more attention to what is actually in front of “Theit. mind dials back its ‘predictive coding’ to just look around and gather information,” she says. Besides boosting our memories for details, this can improve critical thinking, she points out – as people pay more attention to the specific nuances of an argument, rather than relying on their intuitions about whether it feels persuasive or not.
Before we become too awestruck by this research, Shiota warns scientists still need to explore whether this potent emotion has any negative sides. She suspects that awe may explain the appeal of many conspiracy theories, for example – with their intricate and mysterious explanations of the world’s workings.

While all of these components can help boost your spa bookings individually, through creating a synergy between them all, you will exponentially increase your competitive advantage.
By Rachel Svoboda VP of Branding & Marketing, Identity Hospitality business
• SOCIAL MEDIA: With a sound strategy, goals, and consistent execution
RetentionForce explains that some of the best ways to collect feedback is through online surveys, paper forms, asking directly, and reaching out via SMS/email.
Loyalty programs can be extremely beneficial when trying to create rapport with guests in order to gain repeat customers. Not only do loyalty programs offer your guests an added perk to persuade them to book your services over another spa, but you can use loyalty programs as a way to expand your customer base.
The best and most memorable experiences are grounded in a theme or "journey" which is unique to a particular locale and its user population. Given the number of choices that consumers have today, having a brand to complement your property will assist in making your spa more compelling to future customers.
3. Reward Loyalty
2. Bolster Your Digital Presence
Being able to differentiate yourself allows guests to look past pricing, and even treatments offered, and instead focus on the overall brand. Your brand signals the type of experience your guests will have while at your spa.
It is vital to understand what differentiates your spa from the competition. Do you focus on holistic health, aroma therapy, guest privacy, facials, customer service, or something completely different? No matter what your spa specializes in, it is imperative that you understand how you stand out. With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to communicate your spa's value much more clearly to your customer. And when your customer understands your value, bookings will come rolling in.
Spa and Wellness Marketing Practices
Your spa and wellness marketing is its key to interacting with the world and future clientele. The proper marketing strategy and targeted tools will allow you to communicate your unique message to the world and help you to stand out amongst competitors. In a recent survey of 2,500 people by the Wellness Tourism Association, 84% of respondents said they participate in wellness activities when they travel, and 61% reported that they're currently planning a wellness Herevacation.are five ways to boost your marketing efforts and get more customers while you're working to provide the best spa experience to your guests as possible!
5. Have an Integrated Marketing Ecosystem
Hotels featuring wellness spas are likely to have seen higher bookings lately. This is likely due to the increased importance of health, wellness, fitness, nutrition, and managing stress and sleep that has emerged in 2022. This sentiment was amplified by the pandemic, as people were focusing more on their body and wellness over the past couple of years than ever before. For this reason, guests are expecting more from their spa visits now more than ever. These expectations may include more modern, or even medspa, services, such as: botox, microdermabrasion, body sculpting, chemical peels, and many more. Or your spa may offers standard spa treatments. Nonetheless, Bustle states that even standard spa treatments have proven health benefits that will be sure to satisfy guests' higher demands.
The more chances you give your guests to give feedback, the more likely you will actually get informative, actionable feedback. It's all about gauging how you are performing in the eyes of your guests. This information is invaluable and if you are not already collecting feedback, you should start now!
Putting It All Together
• SEO: Search Engine Optimization to make sure your website is working with Google and other search engines for a first page listing Whilst traditionally guests have opted for privacy in a spa, many now crave human connection and shared experiences. We predict that hotel spa trends in 2022 will reflect this shift by offering special packages to groups and social spaces within the spa that cater to couples or a collection of friends who wish to enjoy the spa journey or an experience together. We anticipate a rise in the popularity of small group treatment suites or poolside cabanas.
There's no better way to communicate your brand than by having an integrated digital presence. According to Forbes, a strong digital presence is more important than ever before, as it is typically the first, and most used, touchpoint a customer has with the company. By creating a strong network of digital channels, you will create a strategic prospect journey. You must have social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc) and a well-functioning and beautifully designed website, as these are the most important digital channels to customers.
1. Focus on What Makes Your Spa Special
• DESIGN: A cohesive package of logo, branding, website, product packaging, and brochures
4. Close the Loop When you fail to ask your guests about their experience, you're leaving business growth on the table. Collecting data from your guests is especially important in an industry that ebbs and flows with trends and consumer demand. Through feedback, you are not only able to better engage with your guests, but you are also able to better serve them.
Additionally, these channels are interacted with the most. Through strategic use of these platforms, you will be able to communicate and market your brand and persuade guests to visit your luxurious spa.
EHL Insights explains that many luxury hotels and spas have been struggling to adapt to guests' changing demands, and thus, keeping their competitive edge.
Another way to encourage loyalty is to offer giveaways or complementary treatments. In fact, giveaways are a great way to get your guests engaged with your company across multiple digital channels. Make it a rule that entrants of the giveaway competition must be following you on social media platforms, sign-up for your newsletter, have booked at least one service in the past month, etc. To expand your customer base, provide a complementary service to your loyalty point members when they refer a friend. These new guests already view your spa in a positive light because they trust the opinion of their friend. This makes for happy Don'tcustomers!forget to advertise your loyalty program, as it could be a big draw for guests who are trying to decide which spa to patronize.
To keep customers coming back, try adding a points system to your loyalty program. A typical points system would allow guests to collect points for every service they book with you. Guests could use points to get discounts on services, free products, or other perks.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9032
Create an innovative and holistic marketing strategy that utilizes design elements, brand identity, targeted marketing analytics, and search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your spa's online advertising and revenue. Here is a checklist to make sure you're curating each touch point in the marketing ecosystem:
• PUBLIC RELATIONS: Strategically communicating new services and news with the media and industry

The Juliette Armand SKINBOOSTER products mainly focus on a botox-like effect and are definitely a worthy alternative It is a time to hear about the latest MIRACLE of Cosmetology which “erases” of expression without the use of a lancet a surgical intervention manages to restore firmness proven effectiveness. the power of own cell! is based on the EFFECTOX technology that inhibits the mechanism is responsible for creation
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to botox injections.
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of expression lines and wrinkles. But there’s more: it also offers protection from the main types of ageing (biologica l ageing & photo-ageing). Award Winning Innovative Tightening Treatment TM Dandelion Hannah : 061 639 9297 • Beauty Worx Tracey : 083 460 1217 •

Effective Communication Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9034
spa business
Be authentic – be yourself, don’t try to be someone you are not, people trust you, that’s why they are listening, trust yourself back. We all have been at some meeting, dinner or event when we witnessed someone trying to be more of something than they were – trying to be funny, or highly energetic or solemn. In those instances, the audience filters the message because they feel it is “off” and that “something is missing”.
Be transparent – sharing with your audience what you know, motivate them in good times and comfort them in challenging times. In almost all situations, it’s far better to share and explain the situation and align everybody through your communication.
In a fast-paced business environment, we need to get to the point QUICKLY, or we lose the attention of our readers.In the BLUF Approach, we start with “Newsworthy Information”. This is the MAIN POINT that we want to share with our readers. As you write, think of it this way—if all your readers consumed was the first line, they would capture the gist of the whole report or email. After the newsworthy information come all the important details. This is anything that may help to clarify or support the main point. The information is helpful, but not crucial.
Finally, finish up with any background information. Again, this should be brief because a long email or report can be a turn-off, but there are times for adding in some general background information about a story or issue. Next time you are writing an email, designing a presentation, preparing for a meeting, whatever it might be, think of these rules and the BLUF Approach and I can guarantee you will communicate your message successfully.
Brendan P. Keegan: CEO Merchants Fleet | Transformational Leader | Tech Innovator | ESG Expert | Board Member | Keynote Speaker By Brendan P. Keegan
Know your audience – do they want more or less, spoken word or written word, in person, email, text, or video – or do they want you to listen first. As you get opportunities to communicate as a leader, take time to prepare and think about what the audience wants, or even what they need. Do they need you to bring high energy or calming energy, do they want facts or feelings, are they looking for a long communication or a short communication? The more you invest in knowing your audience, the more they will invest in listening to the message.
Now that you have the three rules I want to introduce you to a concept called BLUF - Bottom Line UpFront.
Fearless Leaders COMMUNICATE with clarity, transparency and authenticity. Developing your communication attributes is vital to instilling confidence in your audience and removing their fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Communication is how you speak, how you write, how you listen, and how you interact.
Most of the great businesses of the world have great services and products - that’s a given. What really makes them stand out though? Their leaders are fantastic communicators. What’s more, these leaders teach others how to communicate well, too, so that connection becomes a cornerstone for the culture of the entire organization. But what exactly is it that makes fearless leaders’ communication stand out?
There are 3 rules to fearless communication.
When you only tell part of the story, your audience will make up the other part, and that can be very dangerous, spreading fear and doubt spread. Sometimes you will have to be perfectly fine to say “I don’t know” as well, sometimes you just don’t.
Fearless Leaders develop a clear, transparent and authentic style that comforts and energizes their audience in the way the leader intended.

36 Corporate Wellness Programmes: What have we learned, Ronald Abvajee Shares His Thoughts

We chat to local wellness expert Ronald Abvajee, as he shares his views on whether companies and organisations are doing enough to ensure the wellbeing of their employees in the post-COVID era. A seasoned and passionate wellness practitioner, Ronald is CEO of Healthy Living Consulting and Founder of MyHealth360. An interview, I recently did on this topic prompted me to really think on the status of corporate wellness programmes in the postCOVID era - an in a nutshell, my opinion is that companies could be doing a lot more to be genuinely effective in this arena. My feeling is that for the most part, companies have a band aid, hands-off approach to it. So while the data and statistics might be saying that companies are doing things for their employees because it's relevant now within the aftermath of COVID - I have a suspicion the design and implementation of corporate wellness programmes is still be outsourced. This reduces the whole exercise to a check box practice of ticking it off for the purposes of oversight reporting. I don't think they're getting their hands dirty enough to really delve into what wellness encompasses for their own employees and what they can do to authentically create, maintain and hold a space for Havethem.companies changed the approach to health and wellness post the COVID pandemic? I really don't think so. It seems most might have fallen back straight into the same old rut of ticking boxes. In all likelihood there have been no updates or modifications to adapt these programmes to make them more relevant.
spa business
There's the people component and then there's the health component. The people component comes first - and as we saw with COVID and what the stats and research are showing us, is that mental health vulnerabilities started bubbling to the surface as the pandemic played Andout. when it bubbled to the surface, those that had mental health issues and concerns - real stress, anxiety, depression - those were compounded a lot more. Great!
For example, are they dealing with the root cause of the anxiety of coming back to the office? Are they addressing issues like the angst of being back in a communal space for people, who for two years have been told distance themselves from others physically for Companiesexample? - what are you doing? And that is the question I throw out there because I'd love to know. What our research has shown us is that the old approach of health and wellbeing is not relevant. And yes, companies, I support you to the extent that the health and wellbeing of individual employees is their own responsibility. But are you doing enough to you create an environment that facilitates people - engaging with them as individuals in a way that they feel cared for, while still driving high I'dperformance?lovetoknow right now what companies might be doing and doing differently because it's totally contextually relevant to where employees are at - that holds a space for them and allows them to practice those health and wellbeing behaviours and to absorb them thoroughly into their personal and professional lives.
So besides a few wellness check-ins, nothing was really done to instill a caring, ongoing culture of wellness. Then COVID happened and companies were in a frantic state because so now suddenly employees had to be managed and capacitated remotely.
Coming to where we are right now after COVID what is being done differently now to support people? My guess is companies more worried about the re-integration of staff back into the workplace than connecting with them to address their concerns.
Before COVID we had what was known as the EWP Programmes - Employee Wellness Programmes. Before that they were called EAP Programmes - Employee Assistance Programmes and they had such an important place within the Employee Value Proposition and the Employee Wellness Proposition. With access to a call centre employees could contact a qualified counsellor on any mental, emotional or financial well-being issue for information and advice. But here's the thing, it became a white elephant - and the reason I say that is when you look at the statistics of utilisation, it indicated a usage of between 2 and 5% of employees. But what about the other 95% - how were they getting along, were they ok and/or doing well? The answer is “no”, but rather than utilise a service like this, most people just struggled along and tried to make do on their own.
Even back then, companies were having these amazing wellness days covering a spectrum of topics and issues - from how to make a smoothie to taking a bike ride, or organising a couple of self-defence or kick-boxing classes. But there was a gap. What was done to hold a space for employees to say “You know what? We tried to light a fire and here's the spark in the wellness space; however, keep that fire burning, to light a path for you on your wellness journey, we're doing xyz or abc to keep this cadence going.”

Then, ask one person from each category to honestly tell you what they think you're best at, and what they think you're worst at. “What are my skills and abilities, and what are my weaknesses?”
#1: What Are My Skills? Take the five to ten people that know you the best. Split them into two categories: people you connect with on a deep level of love, and people who you are close with, but maybe you're a little different in lifestyle and personality.
You can't take a romantic view on the skills that have made you successful so far in life. For example, you might have been a straight A student even though you have no passion for academics. Or you're naturally amazing at basketball, but that isn't what you truly want to pursue. But one way those strengths can come in handy tremendously is by using them as a blueprint to discovering talents you may not have understood before. Maybe you've been blinded by the overarching strength itself because you aren't passionate about it, but list all the things that skill requires you to do. Don't take them for granted.
There are many things that go into being good at something. Your potential doesn't end with that one skill.
#3: Read Everything Now, I know this is a very grey world. To find your personal strengths is, well, very personal. But I want to make sure I leave you with real actionable advice. So here is a super specific one for you: go on a Yeah,vacation.seriously.
Think about it: so many people are in jobs they hate because they haven't found that one true passion. They are good at a few things so that's what they do here and there, but they aren't sure what that one big thing they want to do forever could be. Here is my message: stop doing a job you hate. Nail down your strengths so you can discover your Ipassion.havefour steps to help you figure it out that will hopefully help all the comments and emails I see around “how do I find my strengths?” or “how I do I know what my best job skills are?” There are so many articles that dance around, but I want to give you all four concrete pieces of advice.
38 Find
I truly believe that collecting market research and creating an atmosphere that allows someone to be honest with you are the two big things here. When someone really loves you, they might not want to be totally honest, because they don't want to hurt you. But the quickest way to find your strengths is by eliminating weaknesses.
#2: What Are My Strengths?
On social media, make a video or post asking everyone who follows you the very question we have been repeating over and over: “What are my personal strengths?” This can be phrased in a number of ways when it comes to people who follow you for your content and comments. I like to ask what I am doing that they like. What have they found helpful? What has my best work been? What is my Thispotential?isnow the widest net you can cast to get the information. Because these are people who have been viewing you from a very specific place, your social media personality, you are able to curate that part of your life as well into the decision of which strength to pursue. After these four steps, you should have the depth of personal information you need to move forward to your new destination. Bring all these thoughts together to find the skill and strength that will benefit you. From there, the options are endless: a new career move? Start a new company? Find a business partner that complements your strengths and work for him? Start a company with him? I'm pumped for you just thinking about the awesome stuff you can do. Out What Your Strengths Are spa business
#4: Ask Strangers
The key to loving your job is to ask yourself one simple question: “What is my biggest strength?”
And as you read, ask yourself “Which of my skills am I consistently praised for?” And on the flipside: what do people continuously say you are bad at? This task could take many many hours. You might be thinking it will take too many hours. But think: you are the one who clicked on this article. It can't be that much time because it seems like you really want to figure this out, right? In the end, it's a small amount of time to sacrifice compared to the happiness it will give you for the rest of your life.
By Gary Vaynerchuk
But it's not a total vacation. During that time, you are going to go back through every email, letters or notes someone wrote you, talking about your accolades or failures. Read all of them.

need to start caring more about the people in our business than the business in our people! Right from recruitment stages, we need to look at cultural fit and not just the cost of a resource and if they can do the job from a technical point of view. Understandably there are always different products, services and environments, so yes, we need to have technically competent people, but we also need to know that IQ means nothing without EQ. In the world we live in now, its no longer a case of business to business or B2B, its now people to people or P2P. It doesn't really matter what you do inside your business if you cannot generate passion and purpose inside your people.
When you design your culture, you have to be intentional about what you want, why you want it and whether or not you actually have the appetite to grow that culture at every level and at every opportunity. Culture growth is relentless, and you really need to believe in what you are doing, and who you are becoming. On this side you need to ask yourself questions like “Why do I believe what I believe?” and “Am I as a leader really teaching and preaching, selling and telling, showing and growing culture?” We cannot complain about our staff when we attract who we are as leaders, as people and as a culture. Email: 2950
People are not attracted to your company because of the package you offer, because at the end of the month they are always 1 Rand short or 1 thousand Rand short, so for 1 Rand more they will leave and find "greener pastures". You need to build a culture that is so attractive, so cause driven, so peoplecentric and so driven by thinking leaders at all levels, that your staff never want to leave even when they are still 1 Rand short. Build a culture and a community before you build a company!
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9040
Remember that your culture is already there, and not all of it is bad, so focus on defining what you currently have - ask yourself and your team questions like, “Who are we and what do we represent?” and “Why did you join our team and why do people leave?”
Refining culture is like high speed, always on, uninterrupted WIFI - its always on and it never slows down or gets interrupted. This means that you need to teach your culture to your leaders and your staff and never allow it to become diluted by other people, policies or procedures. Picture culture like cordial, you
pour just enough into a glass which is the environment and then you mix that with the right amount or water - your people, but as your business grows so does the amount of water, so be careful to always top up the cordial so that your team and your clients always get the right mix of flavour and colour and that it is always refreshing!
Once you have defined, designed and refined your culture, people can see that they have reason to believe in you and the cause, your why…and your why is your reason and when you have a real reason you'll achieve a real result. Your team will belong to your culture and company, they will be able to be identified by their ownership and commitment and finally they will behave in such a way that illustrates pride and passion in and for the vision and values that are the pillars of your culture.
Build a Culture and Community Before You Build a Company. spa business
In a culture that cares more for people than policy and process, you must create an environment where they believe, belong and behave in such a way that it demonstrates the culture where people go from new recruits to engaged communities. As a leader you need to define, design and refine your culture.
About Wes Boshoff: Who he is, is not as important as who his influences are, he attributes his success to God and people. His philosophy is that he, would rather add value before an invoice. Wes does Leadership, Strategy, Culture and Coaching for individuals, startups and corporates, working anywhere from prison to parliament. Wes will help you build a culture where people will believe, belong and behave. Wes suggests that you build a culture before you build a company, because at the end of every month your people might be one Rand short, so they wont be attracted by the package you offer but by the culture you
As passionate business owners we tend to think that our business, products and packages are the things that attract and keep that next hot shot staff member who is going to help us build our empire. That's the kind of thinking that loses quality staff and somehow keeps those people that we wish we could get rid Weof.

Gerke - The Ripple Effect Les Nouvelles Esthetique no’90 A Sense of Purpose
By Louis

Right skill is the eighth consideration. Technical skills, life-skills, people skills, financial skills, timemanagement skills, reporting skills, management skills. Success requires having the right skills and all the required skills.
Conscience and Intuition play crucial roles in bouncing back and returning to purpose in the shortest amount of time should we get thrown off course. These aspects of our multifaceted beings will keep us from becoming directionless, scattered, empty, victims of circumstance and disempowered.
(My Gran used to make the most incredible Christmas cookies – my sister has the recipe – my Gran long gone – the wonder of the biscuits lives on). Following S.M.A.R.T. when setting goals will improve the quality of your goal setting. What comes next in the top-down approach is to work through the thoughts that go through our minds after setting ideals and goals. We start thinking about the ‘how’. There are often many ways that will lead to the same goal – the trick is to choose one way and to commit to it. Having many ways may lead to inactivity. Confused thoughts clutter us.
Choosing the best way, from all the ways, is another one of those crucial life leadership moments. Clear thinking is what a plan brings. A plan is the agreed recipe for success.
spa business
A Sense of Purpose
Leadership sets Purpose A top-down approach is best. Setting purpose requires every person with this desired outcome to be the leader in the story of their life. Leadership is a behaviour. When acting like leaders people set ideals for themselves –consider something like “be the best version of myself every day.” An ideal is something lofty to strive for. People should have ideals and businesses should have ideals. The loftiness of ideals presents a pitfall. We need to have the real sense that we are being successful in the attainment of our ideals but because ideals are up there, they lack a finish line.
Conscience and Intuition are two senses that when developed and listened to, keep us aligned with our ideals and our goals. These are very personal Livingsenses.with a clear conscience, nothing nagging, and no unease means a life aligned with one’s personal compass. Ignoring these guiding forces is not wise. Responding to them, develops them.
Having measurement of both, the gauge of success and the timeline of success allows us to hold ourselves accountable. When holding ourselves accountable leads to a clear conscience, celebrate with vigour. Pop the bubble. Fuel up for the road ahead. Raise the ideals. Raise the bar. We have covered everything from ideals, to goals, through thoughts, to plans, skills, energy, motivation, confidence, conscience, gut feel, actions, and measurement – twelve considerations.
1. Ideals 2. Goals 3. Thoughts 4. Plans 5. Skills 6. Energy levels 7. Motivation 8. Self-confidence 9. of your actions on everyone and everything around you. Full alignment
integrity. Integrity
We move into a very practical area – Measurement and Reporting. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting requires a measure of success and a timeline for success. Tracking allows for objective assessment and Weaccountability.needtoask ourselves: Where am I in relation to my goals and am I where I need to be? My goal – my responsibility!
S.M.A.R.T. is a recipe like any recipe that, when followed, increases the probability of success. Tried and tested recipes should not be ignored. Write them down, keep them safe, and hold them close.
Conscience competes against our excuses. Once we have validated an excuse our conscience is overpowered by the excuse. A clear conscience and nothing nagging in the gut means a person is properly aligned.
The ‘A‘ in SMART is for alignment. This is a major consideration but a worthy one for a clear conscience. Alignment with what is good for the planet, the country, the community, the family, and the marketplace in which we operate. Are personal ideals and goals based in a win/win philosophy or a win/lose philosophy? Is winning having any undesirable impact? What Alignment Looks Like equals results from the fifteen considerations. A life of integrity is a life worth living. There is no time like the present to move to full integrity. Set purpose and get on purpose.
Simple Solution: Set Goals within your Ideals. Goals bring ideals into reach. When setting goals there is much to consider. Goal-setting considerations are packaged cleverly in the S.M.A.R.T. concept.
Specific • Measurable • Aligned • Responsibility assigned • Timeline.
The good news is that living with a sense of purpose is not difficult to achieve – simply set a purpose, align yourself and your actions with this purpose, and monitor your results to prove that you are Ifaligned.sosimple, why a talk of 75-minutes on the subject? There are numerous considerations to be worked through. There are pitfalls that can throw us off track.
A sense of purpose is an outcome. A desired outcome only materialises when the work to achieve the outcome is done – a simple truth.
Purpose is an outcome that comes from setting ideals, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, working through thoughts, and formulating the appropriate plan of Inaction.theultimate list that we are building towards, comprised of fifteen considerations for living with a sense of purpose, we have worked through seven – ideals, goals, thoughts, plans, energy, motivation as fuel, and confidence as fuel.
Conscience and Intuition
At a basic level, a clear conscience will derive from doing what we say we will do. Saying one thing while doing another is a life lacking true purpose. We are up to thirteen after adding ‘what we say’. The fullest sense of a clear conscience will be derived from having all fifteen considerations Numberaligned. fourteen - dressed for success. Certain situations require certain outfits. A wetsuit in icy water, an apron when baking, a hat when in the sun. © Is there Alignment?
A sense of success is critical to the ongoing commitment to our ideals. We need reasons to celebrate. Celebrating results in motivation and builds confidence. The energy that comes from motivation and confidence fuels the ongoing commitment. No fuel in the tank, no movement.
Measurement and Reporting

Start by Assessing What You Have
By Lynn Curry - Principal, Curry Spa Consulting
Bringing Wellness to The Guest Experience Les Nouvelles Esthetique no’9044
Wellness. It's a ubiquitous term with highly individual interpretations. For some it means healthy living that incorporates movement, nutrition, and sleep. For others it means emotional peace, or holistic improvement within a specific aspect of life. Wellness is truly in the eye of the beholder, but however it's defined, the last few years have thrust wellness into the spotlight as a universal priority that has created both exciting opportunities and daunting challenges for the hotel industry. Well-being offerings are so diverse and far-reaching that just reading the list can be exhausting. Beauty services have expanded to include Botox and body sculpting and a wide variety of technological pieces of equipment touted by manufacturers to spas, and by aestheticians to consumers. Nutritional offerings range from one-on-one consultations with dietitians to learning to grow organic, nutrient-dense food.
The biggest mistake that hotels and spa facilities make lies in trying to be all things to all people instead of concentrating on what they can do well that meets their guests' expectations.
Successfully designing impactful guest experiences and integrating them into your property, with the correctly educated and licenses staff, is well worth the investment. But it requires a thoughtful approach built on a thorough understanding of your property's unique strengths.
When considering how your organization can distinguish itself as a destination of wellness, begin by understanding that each offering will always be, at its heart, an experience. From that point of reference you can identify the unique resources you already have at your disposal and build on them to create your own wellness amenities and services that guests will carry with them long after their stay.
Stress management counseling, mindfulness classes and meditation, naturopaths, and personal training have stretched the space limits of fully equipped fitness centers and made group classes and stateof-the-art equipment seem quaint. It's tempting to think that each new trend and shiny object will boost your bottom line and reputation, but it's far better to do a few things well then to offer an endless menu of amenities that fall short of expectations.
Defining Wellness on Your Own Terms
Wellness has so many potential applications - spa services, fitness, relaxation, mindfulness, and adventure to name just a few - that there is no single interpretation, and therefore no single best way to implement and incorporate it into your offerings.
Though you should always strive to provide what your guests want, you need to ground what you offer on the resources that you have. Take inventory of your space, your equipment, your surroundings, and your staff - including those who are not necessarily part of your current concept of wellness but who can potentially add to the experience - and consider your ability to expand with a realistic eye.
Remember that wellness is not only an organized service, it can be a solo experience, a hike around your property, a swing in a big tree!

If your facility is surrounded by lush landscapes, magnificent mountains, or other natural marvels then you have almost limitless opportunities to add memorable and unique experiences to your well-being offerings, Guided or independent hikes that take your guests into the heart of your environment can be tailored to different ability levels and coordinated through your fitness staff, and so too can meditation sessions or yoga classes in the idyllic and unique natural setting that your facility enjoys. Your spa can offer services that play up your setting. Private outdoor massage spaces can capture ocean or forest breezes as well as desert winds, and can be further enhanced by aromatherapy oils, herbs, and products with mineral content specific to your area.
Though facilities set in concrete jungles may seem to be at a disadvantage, they have their own remarkable resources available to them. Fitness offerings can expand beyond the gym to include self-guided walks or bike rides that take guests to architecture, art, or history within your city. A luxury resort hotel in a city with a robust restaurant scene can offer healthy cooking classes or nutritional classes.
Staffing Superior staffing is imperative in every area offering wellness services. Nutritional programming taught by a staff member without relevant background is no different from Reiki performed by an inexperienced massage therapist - both are examples of service mistakes that can prove to be devastating to your reputation. Staff must not only be well trained in the offerings and protocols within their area of expertise, but must also understand and thoroughly invest themselves in all aspects of guest services and the guest experience. If your staff is not up to the task, then invest in additional training and incentives, recruiting new employees, or both.
In addition to gauging the strength of your spa staff, don't forget about other experts that you may have access to within your property. Do you have a talented Food and Beverage program that is robust and amazing? Not only can you collaborate with management to craft programming for guests: You can also ask them to create a wellness menu for within the spa as well as part of a special wellness menu within the property's dining areas and bars.
Novelty often requires renovations and installations that don't always pay off, especially when - at the end of the day - what clients want most is that personalized, attentive service in a beautiful setting.
Don't have space for expansion? Turn your focus instead to aesthetic upgrades of your facility, upgrades of equipment, and enhancement of existing services.
Your Space
Physical fitness is inarguably a key part of wellness, and many of today's guests invested in high-end or multi-purpose equipment and apps that allowed them to exercise at home when COVID shuttered their gyms. It's important that your equipment does not feel disappointment or feel outdated or inferior to guests who consider their work-out an integral part of their daily routine.
Your Surroundings
Existing spas with ample space have the opportunity to add new and exciting services - and increase revenues - through a myriad of additional treatments and experiences.
spa business
Your Equipment
Tapping into novelty has upside potential, as many guests look forward to discovering something unfamiliar and impactful, and then sharing it with friends and family back home. But you'll find the greatest success when additions enhance and extend the overall feeling and mood of your facility rather than disrupting or disappointing consistent and repeat guests who count on a specific feeling from their visits. This makes it important not to add too many wellness services at once, and to make sure you add the personalized touch, so guests feel that you are curating the experience, or something during the experience, especially for them.
Consider making it FUN! Energetic classes, areas on the property where TRX bands and stretching exercises can be done under a tree, for example. Facilities that have limited space will want to ensure that their equipment is state-of-the-art while providing movement opportunities for those with a wide range of abilities. It's also a good idea to upgrade to equipment that integrates with the most popular apps and uploads data to fitness trackers.

Building An Experience With Staying Power
Offer The Wellness Experience Your Clients Wan
A rush to get a guest in and out of a treatment room may been operationally necessary but can be disruptive of the overall experience. Spas can offer a soothing area that makes guests' departure part of the experience. Adding a garden or water features like thermal bathing expands the experience and allows guests to move at their own pace, enhancing their sense of self-care.
While it is imperative to study and understand trends, forethought must be given to the property offerings and whether or not additional menu offerings are needed. Try not to be everything to everybody, as doing so is not necessary to satisfying the most important part of the wellness experienceencouraging healthful living and self-care. The interest in wellness continues to grow year-overyear, especially post-pandemic. You can create an outlet for physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing for your clients in your way. A way that features your property, and your staff, in a great light. Let your wellness experiences make guests feel well and create great memories for them!
Just using the word "wellness" in your spa's menu can paint vivid images in guests' minds, but it's essential for you to recognize that each of those images may be different, and offer options that will appeal to the range representing your guests' interests. New treatments, service offerings, and even adventures must be carefully curated depending on the type of property in which the spa is situated. Consumer behavior and preferences vary tremendously globally, regionally, and even locally.
Similarly, some guests' idea of well-being may mean quiet self-reflection, while others may be seeking reconnection with others, with hospitality rooms that allow small groups to partake in spa treatments and experiences together. Properties may cater to one or the other - or both - depending upon the resources and space available. You may offer areas that are tranquil or convivial - individual soaking pools or communal thermal pools and soaking tubs - but it is important that you make clear which are available so that goals are not frustrated.
Consider your hotel market, repeat business percentage, average length of stay, and double occupancy factors when adding wellness offerings. Many services don't necessarily mean better guest experiences, and there's no need to provide every possible offering. Overwhelming guests with too wide an array of service offerings, potentials, and ideas is counterproductive, and may even intimidate them into opting out. No matter your facility type, your goal when crafting a wellness experience is to entice the guest with the promise of personalized service and attention.
Final Thoughts
Much depends upon the level of service expected, which can shift depending upon whether you are a luxury resort spa, a luxury urban spa, a day spa, or a full-service hotel spa. Medical spas don't work in all locations. While a medical based efficacious spa treatment may be the best way for some guests to feel that they're elevating their well-being, it may hold no appeal for others. You can offer both if you have the space, but only in a way where one will not dissuade the other from participating.
The latest trends from the Global Wellness Institute include a variety of trends, from learning to grow food (or at least to participate in growing it) to using clean products for skincare to building muscle and overall health. Senior guest interests include spa services, general wellness, and fitness, while consumer interest in traveling for both well-being and sustainability is increasingly popular.
To ensure that wellness is a holistic aspect of your property, be sure to evaluate and plan for your nonrevenue producing space, because they will impact revenue one way or another. Guests won't enjoy themselves if they are uncomfortable, and that means they won't come back. Are there too few chaise lounges around your pool, preventing small groups from sitting together? Are common areas inviting and well appointed? Do you need easily moveable FF&E so that a single area can be utilized for different Similarly,opportunities?facilities
Spas help us hit the pause button, and that pause must be enjoyable. The goal of each hotel property should be to provide a unique and inclusive path to wellness that makes use of their available resources and meets guest expectations. This process starts with understanding both your facility and how your key demographic relates to it.
Consumers want a great wellness experience, and that goes far beyond the service itself. What happens before and after is as essential to their sense of enjoyment of the amenity you've provided as the service itself , and that makes how are they greeted, treated, and escorted as important as what are they experiencing along the way. The same is true of what happens afterwards.
can drive wellness outcomes by ensuring that amenities have an educational aspect that allows guests to extend the benefit that they have just received. Interested guests can be offered products that approximate the same effect in their home, whether minerals similar to what is found in thermal baths or in their skincare treatments. Services should be explained where appropriate, both in terms of what is happening during treatment and what its effect will be. Not every client will want to be talked to during a service or sold products afterwards, so care should be taken to ensure sensitivity.
46 Les Nouvelles Esthetique no’90 spa business

1. They want to have great positive experiences every time they deal with your business and your 2.staff. They have expectations and regardless of how you feel about those expectations, they still have them. If they are unrealistic, then its up to you and your staff to come up with realistic options.
By Justin Herald - Managing Director of Customer Culture business
Customer Service is one of those things that get remembered. Normally due to there being none. Price is rarely as important as we assume it is to the customer. Emotional feelings, and how one is made to feel, is on top of most customers list. Your customers have 5 needs that at some point in time they will want met.
Just think for a moment the last time you were a customer and the sort of vanilla (at best) treatment you got from someone who serviced you. We have all come to be used to mediocre or terrible service so in essence, we just tolerate it. If it annoys you that gone are the days of great service, then make sure you do something about it internally with in your business. BE DELIBERATE!
Make sure your staff fully understand the importance of leaving the customers and clients with a positive impression EVERYTIME that customer has a touch point with the business. It has to be regular and not just here and there or an afterthought. With so much competition today for customers business, it will be the little things that they remember.
Being deliberate with how we treat our customers will pay off in the end. They will return, and ensuring our customers stay loyal is not only up to the business owner, it's up to every single staff member as well
About Justin Herald Managing Director of Customer Culture, A Sales and Service training company that works. He is also the Author of 8 books, plus the new Customer Culture - Customers First Staff Training Manual. Owner, Think like a Customer!
We need to teach our staff that they need to act like an owner (take responsibility for their outcomes) but think like a customer (understand that their actions will have either a positive or negative effect on how that customer will remember the business as a whole)
3. They want to be engaged. No one wants a boring experience. Make sure your staff bring their personality to work every day.
For those that know me, and for those reading this that have had me come and do customer service training within their business, will understand that I am passionate about teaching proper, real and old school customer service principals to staff. This is one area of business that sadly gets left to the side or if anything, is trained vaguely once and never revisited again. Gone are the days where we can just treat our customers and clients with a vanilla flavoured style of service. I keep saying and saying this all the time, “your customers have one thing now more than ever before…. CHOICE!” This is why it is so important as a business to ensure we are training our staff in better and more relevant ways to service our clients. Your best asset in business should be your competition. By that I mean they should suck more than you. If they don't then here is where the issue Yourlies. customers want to be appreciated for choosing you over the countless other businesses out there. By them choosing your business, they are emotionally entrenched in the process and the outcome. Sure, you may have a stack of awards hanging off the walls, you may have the latest technology and products and your shop fit-out may impress the hardest of critics, but in the end it all comes down to the feelings your clients have when the walk out after the service has been completed.
4. The want to be educated. The is nothing more frustrating when as a customer, you know more about what you are buying than the person selling.
5. They also want to be entertained. Make sure your business is a great place to be from a customer's perspective. When they are spending their hardearned money, they are emotionally involved. This is why we all need to ensure we are making the experience a great one and worth their money.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9048 Act like an

What inspires you? When you are inspired you are living your purpose.
So, ask yourself what is your work? What is your purpose? Are you living and serving from your purpose? Are you allowing your heart to guide you?
• Improved communication and understanding through compassion
Serving from Purpose
The benefits of a mindful breath meditation powered by your intention is:
One of the ways that I personally am very passionate about teaching and sharing is stilling the mind. Don't be alarmed, you will never be able to completely silence your thoughts. Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60000-80000 thoughts a day. Just notice for a moment even while you are reading this you have thoughts in the back of your mind.
In our fast-paced world we are constantly bombarded with non-stop visual, auditory, and sensory information and it is so easy to get stuck in fight, flight or freeze stress response. The key is to slow down and remind yourself on a regular basis to make time to focus inward. When you slow down and drop into your heart regularly you may notice that you start showing up naturally from a place of love, understanding, clarity, insight, and Rememberpurpose.that your unique purpose is likely to evolve and change as you grow and allow yourself to become more self-aware. Through understanding yourself and exploring what gives you joy you can live and serve from your purpose.
3. Close your eyes.
50 spa business
About the Author: Almarie Venter: Remind Wellness - Integrative Wellness Specialist. International trainer/ Signature ritual & treatment development / Holistic Wellness Coach / Sound therapist
1. The best time to practice is the first thing in the morning. Set your alarm for 5-10min earlier. You may set a timer for 5 min.
• Mental clarity • Greater happiness and inner peace in all areas of life • Increased insights
7. When your mind wanders, just notice, and gently bring your focus back to your breath with no 8.judgement.Continue for the duration of your timer. Gently open your eyes and continue your day.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’90
An easy way to get started is to make time every day to focus inward, you can do this in as little as 5min to start with. Choose every day to live and serve from your heart that place of unconditional love and joy.
We train the mind by repetition.
I invite you to open yourself to new ways of serving from your heart, your purpose.
5. Start slowing down your breath. Notice the breath as you inhale, it may be a cool sensation and notice the breath as you exhale it may be a warm sensation.
By Almarie Venter: Remind Wellness
The profit Kahlil Gibran said, “When you are born your work is placed in your heart.”
Try this short, focused breath meditation.
Purpose could be purely about the joy of being alive. This idea reduces a lot of pressure and stress around this diverse topic. It does not matter if you are clear on your purpose, yet your heart will always guide Theyou.question, how do I know what was placed in my heart? How do I listen to my heart and let it guide me? There are various ways, and your preference will be unique to you.
The Gallups's 2022 Global Emotions Report reveals a historic high for negative emotions calculated from surveys in 122 countries and areas, in 2021 and early 2022. This report measures people's positive and negative experiences worldwide, giving leaders insights into the emotional health of their societies. You as a business owner or a therapist could be experiencing this in your personal life and chances are that you are seeing this in your guests.
Consider for a moment that purpose is not a destination but rather who you are in this moment.
• Relieve from anxiety, stress, depression
• Improved immunity - fewer sick days
2. Find a comfortable seated position.
There is no denying that all therapists, spa, and salon owners are in service to our communities every day.
4. Bring to mind your intention. It could be to connect to your heart and gain insight to your unique gifts and talents or just to have a stress-free day.
6. When you breath in make sure that you expand your abdomen and breath into the lower lobes of the lungs and when you exhale pull the belly button back to the spine.
It is very likely that most of us in this spa and wellness industry are natural healers, counselors and space holders or sound boards. Weather you are a nail technician, a skincare therapist, a massage therapist or receptionist, your service holds so much more than what meets the eye. The meaning of purpose in the dictionary states “the reason for which something is done or created”. It is so much more about the intention and the energy that moves through you and into your service.

By Leslie Wolski
President, Wolski Spa Consulting Navigating The Current Reality and Beyond Recover, Reinvent, Rebuild Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9052

spa business
Ponder all the insight and information you have about the team and use it to take stock of the business. Take a moment, be still, get quiet and begin to look at pre and post pandemic SOPs, staffing guidelines, products and services, P&Ls, budgets and all things related to the operation of the spa. Apply all you know about the team and start to systematically assess each part of your operation. Create a list of questions to ask yourself about each area. Perhaps some of the most important questions to ask are, "Did this work in the past?", "Does this work now?", "Will this work in the future I intend to create?".
A major step in recovery is for the management teams to be vulnerable and acknowledge their own struggles, as well as, those of their colleagues. In the rush to reopen there has not been any time to reconvene and reconnect. This is decidedly key when considering the spa staff is made up of an intuitive and sensitive group of people tasked with healing others. Now is the time to truly reunite.
Leadership must set aside a quality block of time. Gather the entire team to talk. Get together before or after work or shut down the spa on a slow day during off peak hours. This time must be sacred, without interruptions. Intention matters. Nurture each other with delicious food and conversation. Ask how everyone is feeling? How can we take care of each other? How can we take care of our spa? Discuss personal and professional challenges and victories. Talk about what is working and what isn't both at home and at work.There will be a lot to review. Don't rush. Everyone should be prepared for some heavy, yet vital conversation. It may be a good idea to hire a professional facilitator to manage the flow of conversation and keep it productive. To return to some semblance of normalcy everyone must begin to make progress in regaining what was lost over the past two years. One meeting won't create a culture of connection or complete recuperation, however, it is a great start. Leadership will have the opportunity to gain valuable insight into the thoughts and feelings of the team and begin to understand what is needed to better serve them. If you put your employees first, your guests will undoubtedly come out ahead. Keep checking in with the team. Do it daily and encourage everyone to look out for one another. Ask someone how they are feeling and really listen to the answer. Lend a helping hand whenever you can and ask for help when you need it. The spa team's ability to connect and support one another is a crucial piece of the spa department's recovery and future success.
For example, perhaps a spa offering 50 minute massages and hourly bookings just can't get the room sanitized quickly enough in the ten minutes between services. The spa attendants feel rushed and worry they aren't getting the room clean enough. However, therapists like the efficiency of back to back bookings because they are able to provide more massages in a shift and make more money, and management doesn't want to lose the productivity and revenue the hourly 50 minute massages offer. How do you balance the new sanitation protocols and the need to acknowledge the spa attendants stress levels with the financial needs of the therapists and spa? You know the 50 minute treatment worked in the past and you know the 50 minute treatment is not working for the spa attendants presently. You could apply a quick fix and have a manager start helping the attendants sanitize rooms or invest in a new UV light that sanitizes faster. However, the most important question is not about sanitation. The real question pertains to the 50 minute service.
Rebuild You will know the healing process is well under way when your team has relaxed into a manageable rhythm and management is setting a constructive tempo each and every day. You encouraged everyone to take a collective breath and prepared them to work together in considering the current
When reinventing the business you have to ask the right questions, "Should we find a better way to serve our guests beyond the standard 50 minute massage?" This is a complex question and one that requires thoughtful communication and team consensus. This takes time and forethought. As a leader, you must move beyond the crashing waves, tossing you this way and that, exhausting you and getting you nowhere. Instead, by asking the right questions based on your team's input, you can navigate from where you are and plan the best route to get you where you want to end up.
The connections made during the ongoing recovery phase will have taught you a lot about your team and as a result, how best to manage the business. Every connection you made gave you a key to unlock another door leading to a healthier business model and environment. The staff should be at a point where they feel heard and are more willing to work together toward a common goal. This brings you to the next step.
If there was ever a time for spa teams to practice what they preach, it is now. Spa Directors, managers and staff, need to take a moment to breathe and get grounded. None of us is capable of operating under stress for long periods of time without a multitude of unwanted consequences. This frantic pace is unsustainable and a detriment to business long term. Spa professionals cannot profess to provide wellness when they are unwell. It is time for a collective recovery.
During this process there is a time and place for sharing vulnerabilities, but remember this is very different from complaining. Leaders must model healthy behaviors. A manager who comes into work late, groaning about lack of sleep and a million things to do with no time to do them, sets a poor example. You are not humbling yourself or gaining respect when you complain. Even when times are tough and there may be a lot to complain about, leaders can't forget that staff look to them for cues on how to conduct themselves and how the day will progress. Compound this negativity day after day and the next thing you know the chance for sustained positivity and progress is long gone. There is no place for negativity in the business of spa! Check yourself. A solid spa recovery begins at the top. When reinventing the business you have to ask the right questions, "Should we find a better way to serve our guests beyond the standard 50 minute massage?"
Reinvention takes time. Every question you ask is a course correction, but it will be time spent moving forward and charting a sustainable and successful
The doors are open again and the aromatic spa scent fills the air, but somehow, nothing is quite the same. Guest demand for spa services returned full force, but it's now almost frantic and desperate in Guestsnature. and staff are tired, stressed, and on edge. If the spa was lucky, a few long time staff returned to work, but they may be hesitant to completely dive back into business as usual. Employees have questions, concerns and fears. Others went on to find new careers after being laid off and a valuable pool of talent and wealth of knowledge was lost. Hiring new employees is more challenging than ever with interviewees cancelling last minute or not showing up at all. Training a new employee is difficult as it takes valuable time and resources, both of which are scarce commodities. Safety and sanitation protocols are of utmost importance and command management's attention, sometimes taking hours out of each day. Vendors clamor for the Spa Director's time wanting to promote the latest and greatest in products and services as they work to re educate and make up for their business losses. Additionally, the spa's financial goals haven't changed, if anything, the need to increase revenue and profit is more critical than ever due to money lost over the last two went from zero to sixty in no time at all, but now, six months into reopening, Spa Directors must pull themselves out of crisis mode and make a push to thoughtfully navigate the current reality. It is time to regulate the pulse of the spa business. Spa Directors must figure out the best way to slow down the pace and provide an authentic healing experience and safe haven to guests and staff alike, while at the same time, contemplate where they have been, where they are, and imagine where they want to be. Decisions must be made on how to reinvent the business of spa for the future, based on what we've learned from our current reality. Spa Directors, managers and staff, need to take a moment to breathe and get grounded.
Thecourse.Spa Director communicated with the staff and charted the course for the future. Now, it is time to put the ideas into action and begin the work of rebuilding.
Recover Welcome to post COVID spa management, where the lingering after effects of a global pandemic continue to take a toll, and where virtually overnight spa leadership had to get back to business as usual when everything around them was anything but. With the shut downs and re openings and then shutdowns again and then finally the reopening, we experienced a Hurry Up and Wait business model and then a simple Hurry Up one, neither of which is sustainable in what's supposed to be the serene spa environment.

Rebuilding your business is the most time consuming part of this process and this is when many people take their eyes off the ball. Humans tend to be an impatient group. We cannot wait for something to be finished. We want to fast forward to the end and find out what happens. And, life will get in your way. An upset guest will throw you off track for the entire day or a water leak will steal three hours of your time, but remember what I said about spa teams needing to practice what they preach? The ability to lean in to a task with dedication and determination is exactly what will be required of each and every member of the spa team when it comes to rebuilding for the future. This is a tall order, but if any one hotel department can embrace each moment and find the Zen in the journey toward the future and ultimately succeed, it will be the Spa.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9054 spa business
reality. You then dove deep into the inner workings of the spa, asking what should stay and what should go. Through this recovery and reinvention process, hopefully the team withdrew itself from the frantic, fly by the seat of your pants, post pandemic business model and reached a state of equilibrium. The Spa Director communicated with the staff and charted the course for the future. Now, it is time to put the ideas into action and begin the work of rebuilding. Break down the charted course into a Plan of Action. Assign actions, owners, and deadlines in chronological order. Some actions will be simple and can be completed quickly such as; the Spa Supervisor buying environmentally sustainable linens for the peak season. Other actions will take longer such as; the Spa Director transforming the nail salon into a Spa Suite for extended spa experiences within the next year. This Action Plan has nothing but time. It is a living, breathing, fluid document and will continually grow and develop. Actions will be completed, but the assigning of actions and execution of the plan should never end. The Action Plan represents a step by step guide to creating the future one task at a time. This Action Plan won't manage itself. The Spa Director and team must be committed to seeing it through over and over again. There is no sense in doing the work of recovery and reinvention if you aren't going to strive for the tangible results and rewards of rebuilding.The Spa Director is ultimately responsible for the completion of the actions assigned. As a result, the Spa Director should hold meetings, check in with stakeholders and those responsible for different tasks, continually monitor the progress. Completion of actions should be rewarded and met with praise for the determination it takes to get past the finish line in today's distraction filled world. An Action Plan requires patience and persistence. After all, each task completed represents another step toward a brighter future. Those assigned with specific actions for completion should ask themselves, "Is this action all there is and who else can support me in this task?". Elaborate on your action if you want, but not so much that progress stalls. Each action has been added to the plan for a reason, but that doesn't mean it has to remain as is. Perhaps you are writing SOPs and want to go a step further and create an SOP certification process. Share your idea with the Spa Director or discuss it with a colleague. Revise deadlines for the additional parts. Improve, expand and innovate. Isn't that what the future should be about? Additionally, each action has been assigned to a specific person for a reason, but that doesn't mean she has to do it alone. What part can the General Manager play? Can a vendor contribute to the completion? If we have learned nothing else over the last two years, we know we need each other and are better together.
A New Reality
It will not be easy to lead a team through to the other side of the events of the last two years, but it is possible. Beginning with reconnection reminds you and your team of the spa's purpose and the passion the team feels for the world of wellness and caring for your guests. Once this connection is revived and the passion is remembered the communication can commence. The spa team can get back to the basics of healing while at the same time ask questions and discover ways to improve and move forward. A plan will emerge. Then, the rebuilding can begin. There will be roadblocks, frustration and loss. Do not give up. One of the most difficult responsibilities for a leader is rising above the fray, shaking off the chaos and finding a clear path toward the future and a new, healthy reality.

To achieve a positive ROI on content marketing for your business, you must focus on the actual, measurable results. That means putting into place the mechanisms necessary to measure and track the relevant metrics from your content marketing efforts over time.It also means making a habit of monitoring those metrics consistently to see what’s working, what’s ineffective, and how best to adjust your efforts and optimize them for better results. Remember:What gets measured, gets improved.
Get Strategic With Your Content
• Can you cut through the noise of a crowded marketplace?You’re competing with lots of brands for your targeted audience’s valuable and limited time and attention. That means you need top-quality content that’s aimed at the sweet spot between what you do and what your targeted users want. You also need a strong and consistent plan to promote that content so it gets in front of them when they’re receptive.
8. Create Ongoing Buzz with Serialization Serialization has been an effective means of driving up interest in content since the days of Charles Dickens. Publishing anongoing seriesof any kind of content can help you build up an audience and keep their collective interest growing, although this technique is more often associated with written, video, and audio (podcast) content. Podcasts can produce highly effective content. Or you can simply publish a “tip of the week” post on your blog or your email newsletter.
Here are a few questions you should ask yourself:
9 Content Marketing Tips for Spas & Businesses Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’9056
• Ebooks and white papers Visual contentis often more memorable than pure text. To keep your content fresh and top of mind for your audience, go beyond blog posts and explore infographics, images with layover text, and short videos. You can also get started with a brand podcast with a relatively small initial investment.
• Do your stakeholders have realistic expectations?It can be challenging to manage the expectations of company leaders, especially those who aren’t directly involved in your marketing efforts. Content marketing works, but it doesn’t produce results overnight. It takes time to increase brand awareness and build a loyal audience. Make sure everyone understands that and knows what to expect.
• Podcastsand other audio content
1. Take a Broader View on Your Content Marketing.
The single best thing you can do to help your content marketing efforts is to tailor your approach to your existing and prospective customers. Strategic approaches built on your knownuser or buyer personasalways produce better results than throwing everything you’ve got up against the digital marketing wall to see what sticks. Keep an eye on what your competitors are publishing and figure out how you can produce content that’s different, better, or both.
4. Focus on Results with Measurable Metrics
7. Tell Compelling Stories Supported by Relevant Data. Storytellingis a key component of successful content marketing. That doesn’t mean making up fictional narratives—just the opposite. The way to use storytelling in content marketing is to tell true stories supported by relevant data in a compelling, well-crafted way. By incorporating data, you can tell a story that is authentic and one that captivates and entertains at the same time. Hopefully, it also persuades the reader to take a closer look at your brand and your offer.
2. Manage your Content Creation Process Better No matter how big or small your content marketing plan is, your company will face challenges along the way. Staying aware of potential traps the way helps your small business maximize your chances of success.
What kind of content are we referring? Variety is the spice of life as well as the secret ingredient for great content marketing. With the expansion of web-based technologies in recent years, we’re increasingly seeing compelling, well-crafted content in many formats beyond justblog posts. Content formats to experiment with include:
5. Broaden the Reach of your own Website Tools and platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (among many, many others) are indisputably valuable for small business content marketing teams. Third-party sites support, host, and share your content, while many small businesses use sites like Etsy and Amazon as direct sales platforms. So what happens when one or more of these sites go down? Worse yet, what happens when the entire site fails permanently, leaving you and millions of other users high and dry? Technology is never, ever perfect. Glitches happen.
Getting your users to create content about your product or service can capture and expand your brand awareness and widen your audience and leads.
Strategic content works especially well for marketing teams. It helps build both brand awareness and an active, loyal audience of users. That audience already has a certain level of interest in your offer so it’s a much simpler process to sell to them, and turn them into repeat buyers. Yet, small businesses often struggle with how to implement andoptimize content marketing consistentlyin a tailored, strategic way that actually leads to more leads, more closed sales, and higher revenue. In this article, we break down the top 9 content marketing tips that can help you write better content and get better results from it.
For example, Canva launched a user-generated content contest called the#CanvaDesignChallenge. Users create new content using Canva’s tools, then post their entries on Instagram or Twitter. Weekly winners get prize packages from Canva, including subscriptions to Canva Pro and credits. By restricting the prize to services and tools Canva already offers, they’re creating an audience that’s already aligned with what they do. They might not attract as many new users and leads if they’d offered, say, Amazon gift cards only.
Look carefully at where your content maps ontoyour company’s customer journeyand sales funnel. The point here is to identify gaps where existing content can be revised and repurposed, or where new content can be created from scratch, to fill in those gaps. Ideally, your content moves each member of your target audience from the very top of the funnel all the way through to a closed sale and repeat business.
By John Boitnott
• Interactive content Videos • Social media content(including graphics, Tweets, Facebook status updates, and posts)
The lesson here isn’t “don’t ever use third-party sites.” That’s unrealistic. Instead, develop your own channels and use them simultaneously alongside these larger third-party sites. Create space on your brand’s website to host, share, and promote content.
3. Address Each Step in your Buyer’s Journey Take the time to audit your brand’s existing content. Know the kinds of content you have, the topics you cover, and the calls to action (CTAs) that you use. You don’t need to extensively inventory social media content, especially if you have accounts that have been active for a long time, but you should review the metrics associated with those accounts to identify top-performing shares and how engaged your social media audience is.
9. Explore ways your Content can Support your Brand’s Values. Customers and clients expect the brands they interact with to live up to their values. They want to understand what your brand is all about, and they want to see your company act in ways that actively support and further those values. When your content explains and supports the foundational principles on which your brand is built, you’ll naturally attract leads and prospects who share those same principles and values.
John Boitnott is a journalist and digital consultant who has worked at media companies for 25 years.
6. Explore User-generated Content
spa business
• Do you have adequate resources? At a minimum, that means time, energy, money (if you’re outsourcing any part of your content marketing tasks), and expertise in the creation process (if you’re handling any part of those tasks in-house). It’s especially crucial to make sure you’re giving your content marketing program sufficient time to show results. It often takes a lot of time and skill to create enough of the kind of content your brand needs.