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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021
Kalahari -ancient desert secrets by Carina Franck
Professional Homecare Treatment Systems! This dual-action home treatment system contains fruit acids and a variety of ingredients that softens your skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines.
Carina Franck, Founder and Director of Kalahari Lifestyle Internationalgrew up on a farm in Africa in tandem with nature, spending her daysexploring the mysteries of her desert playground. Her inquisitive natureled to her discovering many of the ancient secrets to natural healthand wellbeing that have been hidden in the desert for generations. Shedeveloped a deep connection with the local Khoi San families who taughther that ‘if we all share, we will always have enough’. These childhoodexperiences birthed a deep passion in Carina to share the goodness ofnature’s provision with the world. After being at the forefront of thefast-moving, international beauty industry for the last decade, Carinarecognised that the expectation of the modern eco-smart client waschanging. This inspired her to create a range of world-class skin andbody products that would capture not only the earthy goodness of nature,but the unique, sensory experience of Africa. This signature range ismore than a cutting-edge natural treatment. It is an experience ofAfrica itself –the colours of the earth, the raw textures and the rarefragrances all wrapped in life-giving goodness. The Kalahari Lifestyleexperience is an intimate journey, bringing the ancient secrets ofAfrica to the client through touch, sound, smell and visual interaction.Each treatment has been uniquely customized to satisfy the needs of theindividual and create the ultimate treatment experience. Using onlynaturally harvested botanical ingredients, Carina and her team ofdevelopers have captured the simple goodness of God’s creation in eachKalahari product. Superior plant oils and phyto-effective extracts arecompounded into quality skincare solutions that restore and nourish yourskin. “The earth and its magnificent nature are a gift from God – Ihave dedicated my life to discovering how we can use it to ouradvantage, without harming it in any way.” Kalahari Lifestyle insists onusing only reputable Phytotrade organisations and certified sustainableresources. Our stringent eco-awareness protocols ensure the safety ofthe vulnerable African ecosystems. Kalahari Lifestyle is an originalbrand that combines innovative phyto compounding with phyto cosmetologyfor an authentic African botanical experience.
For more info: https://kalaharilifestyle.com/